Risk of rain 2 thread

Also, where the fuck is the teleporter? This isn't even fun anymore

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Other urls found in this thread:


Even with the gift of flight, I still died to that AoE attack because I blinked one meter too far.

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The #1 complaint right now is "make the teleporters easier to see".

>No Enforcer
>Huntress is thicc af though
REEEE I want my shotgun husbando

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Bunch of blind people interested in this game.

>mercenary with bandoliers
as long as you play it smart, is it even possible to die? as long as you have trash mobs to keep you supplied you can just continuously dash/eviscerate

Honestly this because it's impossible in levels like the Tar Pits if it spawns in the water.
The only other thing is they need to put in more visual feedback or something if youre being affected by fire/acid/etc. Ive had a couple runs where it's just "Oh oops youre dead lol"

I thought the same thing until somebody pointed out that teleporters have a huge AOE of red sparkles around them. It makes them easier to spot than you'd think with how small they are, even in the 4th stage.

>impossible in levels like the Tar Pits
oh so that's what happened, thought i had lost my mind when everyone was giving up and leaving
hope the devs are responsive to this

Apparently it can spawn half inside things

You need to adjust the gamma settings and look for the orange fireflies that drift around it

This game is hard
I love it

post clipboards

There are still red particles around it, I never noticed but looking for those made finding the teleporter a lot easier and more consistent.
I agree with the status effects being hard to discern, especially when there is so much shit going on in front of you.

what the fuck do I do with these rusted keys? What does a rusted lockbox look like?

Anyone else feel like the spawn rate is a little fucked? 1-2 minutes in and already I am surrounded by at least 10 enemies with little to no items, and it only gets worse since more spawn faster than you can kill them with no items, to not even mention the boss HP.
What am I doing wrong? I remember it being different in 1, or maybe the fact that it was 2D made it manageable?

this I have 3 in my current run, feel like wasted item slots

So is there no way to purchase this a second time and gift those 2 copies?

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Post links

yeah this^ as soon as I knew to look for sparkles I could find them so much easier, unless they're against a white background in which case it's still pretty hard to see

ah found what they look like. pic related is what it looks like opened. lid is same color as the sides. just a small box. I didn't lose a key upon opening it either.

Attached: rustylockbox.jpg (1844x1060, 284K)


the imps look so cool

i thought the same so i went back and tried 1 again, and yeah it does feel like they spawn a lot faster in the first couple minutes, but it feels like a flatter rate curve overall so you don't get the massive ramp up you do in 1 at quite the same pace.
i like the change, feels more fast-paced from the start and more consistent overall

US EAST 1 more

Fresh host


Is the best character in Risk of Rain 2? Chef

Maybe I am just taking the wrong approach, but I am having a great deal of trouble with this game. It feels like I have no choice but to run in circles around the map taking potshots for some cash scraps, because the alternative is an overwhelming assault every time.

I can't even seem to rush the boss since his HP is always ridiculous. I am just unsure how to go about this, to be honest. The 3D environments and enemies are really giving me a tough time, to say nothing of my lack of experience in FPS/TPS games and the mouse slowdown that I am experiencing.

the more keys you have the higher the color rarity of what you find

any takers?

Cover blocks the AoE; it's much safer than trying to outrun it.

if all you have atm is commando, your best strategy is taking heavy advantage of his piercing shot: run to line up enemies as you weaken them with your main ability, then hit them all with the piercing shot and target whatever's at highest health with your ult. your strafe is vital for dealing with wisps and golems, since they telegraph their laser in a way that's visible even if they're behind you; don't be afraid to use it at the slightest sense of danger, and be aware it can be combined with the directional keys to go sideways too. you'll get used to the timing for when to dodge the lasers pretty quickly. for the bosses, use the landscape to your advantage and ignore the regular mobs as best you can. just running around shooting the boss with everything you've got and taking advantage of rocks and other obstacles to slow down the things following you will usually take care of the boss relatively easily and let you then focus on the dudes.

oh, i'm also bad at reading.
>rush the boss
don't do this, unlike in ror1 (because glass/sacrifice) you really do want to grab all the chests possible before hitting the teleporter.
also, if you're playing alone atm try joining one of the lobbies people are posting, this game is so much better co-op it's unbelievable.

I'm giving a free copy to anyone who have played the first one for more than 50 hours and is willing to play with me.

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I don’t remember the first game being talked about much outside of a few places. Why are all the normans creaming about the second one? Not that it’s necessarily a bad thing mind you.

ew I wouldn’t even touch a free key from a dirty thirdy

holy fucking shit

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They did the launch trailer at PAX

Gearbox paying twitch streamers

Playing mercenary has to be the most fun I've had in a video game in a while.

I was having such a wonderful time shredding everything apart as him only to end up getting my shit kicked in by an Elder Lemurian being near me for more than a second.

It's a good game.
And just because you didn't hear people talking about it doesn't mean they weren't, you mong.

Red particle effects are a giveaway for teleporters.

Just to clarify a few things. Ult is what? The commander's stun skill (I don't know what it is called, but it stops them for a bit), yeah? And wisps are the fireballs?
What do you do when a boss is in a small open area with a single entrance for the smaller enemies to funnel through?

In any case, I appreciate the tips. I really want to like the game since the first one was very fun, but as I already said it just isn't clicking like before.

So no more rushing to teleporter? Just find it and then gather items until you're confident like what you do before facing Providence, yeah?

>also, if you're playing alone atm try joining one of the lobbies people are posting, this game is so much better co-op it's unbelievable.
I would join a lobby since it seems rather fun, but I am Australian who is still on ADSL, so I essentially can't. Not without ruining it for others and being personally disconnected constantly, at least.

Any ideas why gearbox decided to fund the game? I sort of hate the idea of lining Randy’s pockets.

US East, need 2 more

What does praying at shrines or whatever do

yeah but the descriptions sounds like it only applies to the rusty lockboxes

>invalid id

US Central, got that G I G A B I T internet, so no lag

how do you type in lobby

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>game crashes on startup

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You cant, until you are picking character.

No idea how good of a host this'll be.
US Central

I need Miner pics

ult is the R ability on default keybinds - suppressive fire. wisps are the flying fireballs, i shouldn't have called em wisps it's just what they look like from ror1.
scenarios like the one you mentioned are why you prioritize items heavily, you need evasion, dps, and healing items a lot more vs in ror1 where you can pretty much just cheese most of the stuff by standing on a platform out of its range or jumping over it repeatedly. the requirement to stay within the teleporter's range makes things much more interesting, but it definitely means you won't always get ideal circumstances; take advantage of altitude where you can, but in for bosses in open areas as commando just try to corral stuff into blobs that you can shoot and then jump over/strafe through.
also don't be afraid to use your use items, there seem to be a much higher proportion of actual good ones this time around and the effects are in general much more useful since you're more in the thick of things with the 3d fps format.

Even getting just one game to give away for free to a friend is beyond generous from hopoo mate

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those constructs hit like trucks

look for the glowy red sparkle bits

Thank you very much, friend. I will keep trying to improve.

>about to reach stage 15 in looping on monsoon
>suddenly last of the 7 bosses despawns once the teleporter hits 99%.
>progress stops
>cant kill myself
>cant kill any enemies
well fuck

Attached: EkUipKI.jpg (1920x1080, 183K)

find a place to run out of bounds

report the bug then

easy mode* not monsoon
fuck me
trying to unlock the 20 stages challange and hoping for a gold orb




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do we have a decent consensus on character builds yet?

Engineer + Fungus

cant i get teleported back and whenever i do take damage it gets healed too fast to abuse the damage.

Still have 2 spots available, come play a game without shitty randos who quit on the first level.

Is MUL-T more fun than HAN-D?

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go for mobility on merc

>where the fuck is the teleporter?
I am still having great fun with the game, but honestly I feel like they should alter this just a little bit.
I mean in RoR 1 you absolutely knew when you found the teleporter, but here the teleporter can be like in between some odd rock formation in some forsaken corner of nothing shielded from almost all camera angles. Not to mention that even if it is within your sight, it doesn't really stand out from the environments all that much to begin with.

He's cool but no one can replace the janitor

Played with friends. Had a round as MUL-T where I first exchanged most of what I had into 9 goat hooves, then all of those and more into 13 medkits. I became literally unkillable but had no damage output so I fought double magma worm alone when the others died, and 15-20 minutes in they were still over 50%, so we just quit.
Fun game overall.

>friend ends up with four Leeching Seeds at once
>constantly survives all the hordes of enemies and kicks all sorts of ass on his own
>all of us except him die in the middle of a fuckhuge boss fight
>he slowly whittles it down while constantly regenerating
>boss drops EIGHT more Leeching Seeds
>he has no choice but to hoard them all onto himself and stack the crazy regen to insane levels

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More broken for sure, but less fun.

Also: dashing as Merc does NOT reset momentum if you aim it at the ground.

I don't know about making it more visible but I think if someone finds it and pings it then the icon should not disappear even if whoever pinged it pings something else



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MUL-T + any and all items that increase mobility

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>tfw mul-t with 10 sodas
>getting cheering on by my mates while im doing ramming passes on the boss while they're dead
this is already more fun than any build I've done in ROR1

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so what do I need on the engineer to spawn multiple turrets? I'm seeing a lot of engies online spawning 5~ or so all over the place, but I never played engineer in ror1 so I don't have the slightest clue what he's supposed to be played like or what item you need for having more than 2

You can get more on humble bundle.

mul-t jousting is the best

gonna be hard nerfed, enjoy it while you can cheeseniggers

how do you use these codes to join multiplayer games? All the options under Multiplayer are some variation of quick join, none of them prompts with a code.

copy to your clipboard.
then go into the multiplayer menu and the second to last option checks your clipboard for the code.

Join Clipboard Lobby, after copying the numbers.

artifact of command in this game would be absurdly fun

I think it auto detects the code in your clipboard. If you just copy the code and open the game it should do the trick

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post codes bros

Dataminers have found files for SNIPER, HAN-D, and ENFORCER, as well as two new classes ASSASSIN and BOMBER
there's also an actual model for BANDIT

Attached: bandit datamined.png (798x532, 268K)

is this game good? I didnt play the first one. Why is this one suddenly in 3D?

So for the machine gun laser attack from the stone golem boss is it even possible to dodge it or is cover mandatory? Even with a blink it's able to stay on me and in the gold world there's next to no cover.

I circled the map like 20 times, it was in one of the shipping containers
Also first time seeing a Magma Worm, completely destroyed my strat of double jumping over almost all damage

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What do you guys think about merc getting a passive that acts as a melee damage multiplier based off your current speed? ie, the faster you're moving, the more damage your first swing will be when it comes into contact with an enemy, so that you can do ridiculous shit like stacking a bunch of +speed items + bounce, get a running start, do a terrain bounce off a ramp to go airborne at 300 mph smack dab into a floating boss to cleave straight through them with massive multiplied damage. I think it'd add a ton of fun to an already great character

>Engineer doesn't have his 4 missiles from ror1
>replaced with a shield that's never useful

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Its possible to outrun it when you are close to them but other than that you are fucked.
Its horrible when theres more than one of them.

>tfw your turrets start instantly dying the moment you make them

engi is strong as fuck but kinda has a low potential since your turrets won't live through all the bullshit at higher stages, especially worms and the bomb throwing things

you can outrun it if you have enough speed

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Can someone tell me if theres some faster way to find the blue orb spawner thing for the bizarre?

Does it even matter? There's no sacrifice artifact yet.

This guy was pretty fun.

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Play the first. It's GOAT-tier when you play with Yea Forumsbros. This game is a different kind of goodness but you gotta play with people because it's not that great to solo yet.

reminder that begging for a key/copy is against the global rules and leechniggers should be reported on site

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Not to mention that it actually blocks friendly shots that hit the outside too, so you can't shoot through it

>having a 90 minute game as MUL-T
>my first item was paul's goat hoof

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Easy mode is alright to solo because I'm a scrub.

BTW noob lobby: 109775240998882675

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>Soldier's Syringe x17
>Sticky Bomb x3
>Missle Mk 1 x5
3d printers are a gift from god
then I got owned by a fire elite claypot boss lol

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Say something nice about Huntress

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I want to live out my life in her ass!

thanks the lord she's thicc asf

She literally can't shoot if there are no enemies/targets nearby.

press enter

she got a fat ass damn nigga

>implying engi shield isn't useful
it blocks all projectiles user
it's disgustingly good against golems/titans, especially in the secret gold orb map

with high stacks of survivability items like fungus, you can set up a nest inside a warbanner and just regen through anything when you're early/midgame. lategame it's absolutely vital for being able to get sentries set up. The only downside is that the barriers block your own projectiles and your ally projectiles


alright who wants a copy
draw your favorite character
can do 4 , US only.

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US East

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blood - trade health for money
chance - pay for a chance at an item
combat - spawn stuff to kill
mountain - double the bosses, double the rewards. god help you if you activate multiple of these in a single stage.

>never useful
just stack up on Bustling Fungus and other shit and slam your turrets down in the shield.
fucking IMMORTAL.

I hope all the old RoR characters come back eventually

>that amazing feel when you get so much movement speed you start ramping off slopes and gliding around the map like it's tribes

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>Host a game
>Get 3 other dudes
>One is completely new
>Go fast enough to unlock the chest and get [REDACTED]
>New guy struggling a bit, but keeping pace
>Decide to go for broke
>Everyone goes fast as fuck
>Loop to the Merc zone in less than an hour
>Decide to let the new guy End these loops of pain
>GGs all around
Godspeed Yea Forums, sometimes we ain't so bad

h-how do i join

artificer + armor piercing rounds
heretical opinion, please delete your post and format your harddrive
she's killed millions already

it gets even better once you get a Wax Quail
Once you get multiple Wax Quails it basically is tribes

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 858K)

If I pirate this game, can I still host/join rooms?

order - "sequences" your items, converts them all into two items with the same sum
>ie take 21 of your random decent shit and get 11 syringes and 10 feathers

NA east

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Name my squad Yea Forums

Attached: heh.png (886x886, 449K)

risk of rain devs deserve your money, please don't pirate this game :^)

Alright boys and girls, this host is Merc only.
We're goin full on dante must die in here

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sure but when I did it hardly anything would spawn so getting the cash for the beacons was a pain in the ass

Can someone give me a hint for those boxes in the snow level? They have a timer on them. Are they something you have to rush to open in time, or am I just over-thinking some doodad?

I hope not.

samurai hopooooooooooooooooo

>jumping while sprinting at high speed already conserves momentum
>use a lunar coin to change my item stacks
>mfw 9 goat hooves, 7 energy drinks, 4 feathers, 5 red whips, and 7 fucking quails

Attached: dong too fast.jpg (480x640, 34K)

Wisps' Buttslut Harem

My 2nd run I spent 15 minutes on the first level lost and unable to find the teleporter, I had 9 warbanners scattered all over the place. Quit and restarted and found the teleporter in

Different appeals. HAN-D is fun because you're a tank who goes around punching the fuck out of aliens and bringing down the ban hammer, MUL-T is fun because you can become a fucking speed demon.

yes rush

how is the merc in this game?
does he play like dmc5 at all?
Razor Raiderz

Rush in less than 10 minutes to open.

you need to the box before 10 minutes to open it

>tfw icicles as merc
>tfw sac dagger as engineer
>tfw sac dagger in general cause it counts as an attack and triggers all your on hit effects like missiles, slows the guitar etc
feels good.

West Coast NA

Is there a strat to getting lunar coins or is it just RNG?

one slot left

That was a run alright.

> Start as Commando
> Grab a bunch of trash green items
> Find a 3D printer that converts them into the missile launcher item
> 3D print like 10 missile launchers at once
> Then find another 3D printer that does Syringes
> Melt the bosses the second I get near them

Fire and Rain

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he is mashing buttons because these cooldowns are so low

It's always the third level. You have to get to the box in less than ten minutes after starting a run, and it will have a usable item in it that's basically a BFG. Once you get it once, it will also unlock that item as a random drop for future runs.

I swear, Commando + Missiles is the fucking best. It's like I'm really an episode of Macross

edit your profile like everyone else
lucky fuck, the missile launcher is my favorite green

Blast this while you play for the complete experience.

There's a pretty good strat you can run

>like everyone else
I unlocked everything legit faggot fuck you

I'm not going to spam every thread, but just one more try, I have some games I'm offering for trade if anyone has a spare copy. Willing to give like 3-4 of whatever away for it.

Just toss a reply and I'll give an email.

Attached: Game list.jpg (1026x778, 96K)

>tfw Merc
>had 3 rolls with rapid cooldown, double jump, and some other speedy shit
>literally too slippery to live

Easily the most fun character, imo.

I wanted to give to first world bros...
Guess its not happening.

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Wait it's Viet Nam? Not Vietnam?

why yes, I am

Never really liked bandit in 1 because it felt bad being stationary while attacking on him. I can imagine him feeling a lot better to play this time.

So wait who was the new guy? I was MUL-T by the way.

Blackscreen on launch what do?

Spotted the Cuntress.

>get a syringe 3d printer on first level
>get a Behemoth as well
>i'm playing MUL-T
This is going to be fun.

delete system32

do lunar coins drop on drizzle?

Actually, my most played were acrid and miner.

got any steam inventory items or mmo shit?

does the current build have an ending or does it just loop forever


Jump + shoot.

Yes, they do

I didn't, but in loving the game and want one key for a mate.
Dale hermano ayuda a un amigo de Paraguay

I found a lunar coin altar thing for 1 coin and donated to it, and it said something like, "A blue orb appeared," but I haven't noticed anything and I'm afraid to start the teleporter in case I die or can't find it.

1. Wait for bugfix
2. try not to cry
3. cry

Can Acrid work in 3D?

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"A blue orb appeared" sometimes appears in chat when i start a new run. Idk what it means tho

Just unlocked Merc. I fucking love this game and seeing that there are 54,000 people in game right now I hope they keep rolling out new stuff. GOTY material right now.

Should I be using wings with merc or is that a waste of my equipment slot?

Feels great flying around slicing shit out of the air.

>Living in the dangerous future
>Most travellers in full-body space suits to have a chance of survival
>Have enough raw swagger to rock jeans, boots, and a cowboy hat

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US Central

One slot available.

Has anyone managed to beat this fucker yet?

Attached: aurelionite.png (1920x1080, 2.84M)

Once you activate the altar and beat the boss, there will be a special portal that appears. Don't be a pussy.


Attached: get in.gif (500x375, 373K)

pretty sure they did merc this early just to see if they could do melee chars in 3d, so I think they'll find a way


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Opens a portal to the newt shop when you finish the teleporter. You'll need 10 extra coins to unlock Artificer in there.

>yfw Soldier Syringe 3d printer

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I think those re more like a light EVA suit than plain jeans, but the duster/had combination is definitely kino

Nothing worthwhile If I'm honest.

fuck ;_;

too floaty, use ocular hud or something else utility-based

Canada West
get up in here

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why not, just give the melee some extra range, make the trail have a rather wide area and decent speed boost, make the infection shit have a long range and the laser can stay the same, maybe a faster base move speed too.

I prefer the homing missiles or [REDACTED]. You can get enough mobility in this game quickly enough that flight really isn't useful.

is there a quick way to unlock everyone like in the first game?


She has the best looking model so far in 2

Do you have to open a portal every time if you want to use the shop, and does it always cost a coin?

Yup. Fun fight.


yeah it's called sitting down and playing through it with your friends like the devs intended

seriously i only have 6 hours of playtime and have all the characters, what's the rush?

Attached: cube.jpg (1000x1000, 281K)

sure. less dangerous and more annoying at low money drop

Thank you based cube.

>MUL-T with 9x syringe and succ cube

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I played for actually 10 hours today and found the shrine for it once.

Thank you based cube
best equip

Thank you based cube!

Looks like every time.

literally my first run

too much pressure man I just fucked up so bad

Artificer is good and fun and cute

No, they can appear randomly.
Donating to the statues just guarantees that a portal with spawn.

reposting from other bread
I went through a portal, went to some secret area, turned on a bunch of pillars and fought some golden golem who was an asshole.
I beat him, but it didn't seem to unlock anything. Was there a point to it?

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oh, it was this guy that i beat


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Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

make the venom trail a poision cloud, and probably a bit more health

>Get Sequenced as Merc
>16 crowbars
>16 red whips
>Syringe 3d Printer on map
>tfw sub 80 IQ and didn't 3d print all my shitty crowbars into syringes
fuck lads, I'm too retarded

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So I've seen a couple threads today. I take it you guys like this.

I just want my bro Chef

Attached: chef.jpg (480x360, 14K)

laughing maniacally as you speedblitz beetle queens with mercenary

RoR1 was pretty popular on Yea Forums to begin with, so there's a lot of hype for RoR2

fuck off

topping steam charts as well, i'm just happy RoR2 wasn't a total disaster like I thought it would be

Hopoo is literally /ourguy/. Gotta show my love for /agdg/.

>close the game
>end up booting it back up a few minutes later when I see a code posted

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every boss except worm is easy with merc
the hard part is not being gimped by the mobs

How technically demanding is this game? I only have a toaster.

Wow so they are real

Attached: WhAt.png (1920x1080, 1.49M)

Wait really? Hopoo hangs out in /agdg/?
Based if true

i'm playing it on a rolex watch

Lobby still open FYI

>People only talking about how Huntress has a big ass
>Even though Artificer seem fairly thick too

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valve literally hasn't updated that page since 1970

GGs bros, we'll kill that golden dude next time

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Fuck man, the jellyfish are hands down the hardest boss so far. I was scared as fuck when the giant imps showed up, but they turned out to be relatively easy. Jellyfish? They'll fuck your asshole raw.

Are you fucking kidding me

my friend plays on the most toaster PC I've ever heard of. Apparently he had some crashing trouble on the 4th stage, but it didn't happen when I played with him. Otherwise seems to run fine

ror was an agdg game


Jellyfish can be tricky sometimes.


2/4, let's go boys.


Is it just me or is Merc's R way too OP?

A good 2 seconds of invincibility is all you really need for even the most insane fights.

>have a sick build with 15 laser glaive shots, 10 blinks, tons of bleed, 4 infusions, and 7 will o wisps plus tons of other nice shit
>on 3rd level in loop see a shrine i haven't seen before and press it
>results in pic half a second after pressing the shrine on the other side of the map
such a good run too, but at least it was a fun death

Attached: gotta go fast.jpg (1920x1080, 307K)


How toaster are you? I'm running the game at 720/60 on a ten year old GPU.

I pull a stable 60 fps on a gtx760, you'll probably be fine


He even had an agdg logo on the main menu of the first game.

Thank you based cube

You have to be RIGHT on top of it


>find a ukelele 3D printer
>it only takes the ukeleles i already have
i don't understand

>"hey look guys, its getting ready to explode when we kill it, its gonna look great!"
>whole squad wiped
>the motherfucker didnt even die in the first place
I like it

copy all those numbers, then hit join lobby id, it will auto join you to that lobby

>Playing as Mul-T surrounded by enemies and three beetle queens
>Shoot single cube and 20 enemies get sucked into the vortex
>Shoot a couple grenades and massive nuclear explosion

only takes greens

3d printers take an item of equal rarity first, and i guess your only green rarity item is a ukulele

If that's the only greens you have, it's the only items it'll take.

Attached: source.gif (2048x2048, 1.46M)

any good builds for her? i get pumped and dumped since ive been maining merc and tend to rely on movement shit

How do you get to that stage?

>artificer's icewall doesnt block titan's beam

why is she so underpowered?
i can bear with not having a dash but this is just ridiculous

Attached: crying cat.png (423x350, 227K)

whats in the chest

How does that explosion even work? Does anyone know? It feels wildly inconsistent. Sometimes my friend gets one-shot while I'm almost completely unscathed, sometimes my friend is completely fine.


Porn for any of this game fucking WHEN

Attached: 1553907364955.png (666x666, 28K)

Post webms

Yellow portal. It's rare, apparently.

dont think of it like a wall
they're more like spikes

what's the lore of this game

her dmg is really high but i think the ammo based m1 really hurts her

I got there by doing those pay and maybe you'll get an item shrines only one time it said I got a gold orb. after killing boss a gold portal opened up

No clue. I main merc, so I just press R to invuln through it now.

Line of sight cover for your chars hitbox, make sure there are rocks/trees around when you fight.

>be Lemurian chilling near a teleporter
>hear sword noises and someone screaming SWORDTRICKGUNSWORDTRICKSWORDGUN right outside the cave as my friends and family scream in pain
What do?

one more slot nerds


So how do I do i get merc?
Only character I havent unlocked yet

You crashed on an alien planet with a few other reprobates and workers. Atmospheric readings tell you there's a chance of showers.

>everyone else

The commando's the only one with a real story, and that's that he was on a ship delivering cargo when it crashed onto this planet, and so he murders all the denizens and their local hero to escape from it.

Well we tried

I was across the entire map from it once and still got popped so I don't think that's true

Gotta kill yourself at an obelisk.

>first play through
>activate god shrine under the impression it will give me big loots based on regular shrines
>"a gold orb has appeared"
>aight time to get loot
>"a gold portal has opened"
>aight time to get loot
>oops it's actually a raid boss

Attached: 1553152990221.jpg (500x500, 156K)

If a celestial portal opens up you go through it, you do a platforming segment and then you die at an obelisk, ending your run and unlocking mercenary.

I got greedy at that gold chest in the middle
Stuck around to get the last ~200 dosh
Didn't end well

get to ice map after looping

a celestial portal will spawn after you finish the teleporter

go in and sacrifice yourself

I am glad most of you that I played with are not trash at this game

A lobby for my fellow late night EUbros

Crack when?

Can I speedrun this shit on drizzle, or will that not work

Raiden fanclub

I did it on Drizzle with Huntress.

>top 5 on steam
>the games above it are the shooters/moba that third worlders play to farm items to feed their families so might as well be top 1

what's the best way to get blue coins. I want to unlock the last boyo

hope they bring back boar beach :)

>fucking around with merc
>mfw Quail affects his built in double jump
holy fuck the leaps you can get with this shit

Attached: ddd look at this shit.png (441x405, 307K)

It'll work

yeah you can unlock it on ez

Post comfy landscape scenery screenshots

Yeah you can unlock everything on drizzle.

any lobbies up?

Quail is surprisingly decent

>pirating an early access game

game is fun but it turns into a neon mess at later levels, it seriously burns my eyes to the point where I have to stop playing.

Attached: 1519131884903.jpg (225x250, 6K)

>early access
>not able to purchase a game which is under $20 and you get a copy for free

>last boyo
>tfw I got artificer before merc
>merc is all I want because he was my favorite in RoR1
It hurts

thank you based cube


Do you think hosting a lobby on a potato laptop would be a bad idea?

instead of a trail, give him a gun that shoots acid over shit like you're playing fucking splatoon

>it's a 5 imp overlord map without enough damage to dispatch them quickly
artifacts when
i know the glass shard exists but too hard to get it consistently

adjust your gamma

yeah they are a bitch to find

How the hell do I avoid the stone giant laser attack? I thought teleporting behind it would work that fucker would just track me right there.

>he doesnt know

>get nothing but defensive items
>enemies take forever to kill as a result
>die a pitiful death

Attached: 1542561978929.jpg (679x679, 132K)

they are just too shit to unlock it
they dont know of the thiccness yet

Hide behind something

>game just disconnects all of a sudden
what the heck

get behind cover during the windup animation, there's almost always enough time because it's like 10 seconds long

get behind something.


>host ragequits

Thank you based cube.

Is there a way to stop being an autist and start not caring if I'm the only one playing my class?

You can either get behind a rock or something that blocks it, or you can stay behind the golem boss at all times which will prevent it from using the laser. If you ever see it start charging it's laser, get to cover.

Later. They're work in progress currently.


Put an object between you and it

Metrid want to play some online once thread time hits?

Attached: 1544750298229.jpg (962x1372, 203K)


Attached: 1552049731857.jpg (327x301, 14K)

Trying to host again, hopefully the connection problems are gone.

I want my boy

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u2.jpg (500x550, 21K)

dont think of it as a wall, think of it as mines or something offensive

buy it
support /agdg/

I'd feel the need to quit too if a dirty spic tripfag joined my game

fuck off

Jesus, why the hell didn't I think of that? Also seeing the maga worm boss was pretty cool.

Attached: 20190329213821_1.jpg (1440x900, 248K)

dumb mexican

might be able to give someone else money through steam

>doing well in a run
>get to snow level, still doing pretty well, clear all items
>time to find the teleporter
>look around for fucking 20 goddamn minutes, the difficulty goes up like 3 notches
>finally find it inside a fucking container I've never been into and the entrance was covered by a fucking ramp
>get instantly fucked by several magma worms, other bosses, and a fuckload of enemies in the first minute of the next level

Attached: ss+(2014-11-01+at+08.15.56).png (371x495, 35K)

>retarded tripfag shits up my game
>quit so I can purge him from my connection

Sure, sounds good

Attached: 7eddb4e156cda7f9f6567d05a653c1b9.png (700x826, 625K)

>MAGA worm
Hell yeah, brother.


Attached: risk_of_rain___sniper_by_tink29-d84799l.jpg (891x800, 157K)

if they want me to use is offensively they should just make me cast in in a line or a cone

Attached: spikes.png (924x326, 797K)

can you kick someone as a host?

betcha got that one from reddit

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Attached: IMGONNADOIT.jpg (82x156, 10K)

it is a line
a sideways line

hotpoo is going to have to change it because of retards like you

the red sparkles are so easy to see on the snow map, and it is dead obvious when it's in an open area like that


Apparently not

Claiming huntress fu rn

what the fuck does this ominous message mean? is the game threatening me?

Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_2019-03-30_03-46-58.png (514x86, 42K)

didn't want those frames anyways

Attached: 8W0TuwG.png (1920x1080, 2.43M)

user NO

Attached: stop.jpg (600x626, 37K)

user pls

you know it would be way better if it was like the line on my pick


Artificer would be cool if it was a dash that spawned the ice behind her

>Be me playing the game with quickplay
>"A blue orb has appeared"
>Overloading greater wisp
>End up the last survivor I really wamt this mage
>Die because Elder Lizards fuck you fireball range
Guess I had enough Rain today.IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR

Attached: despair.jpg (971x600, 46K)

someone post a fucking lobby reeeee

>playing Merc literally the first time
>Fucking Ceremonial Knife on stage 1
>Lens-Maker Glasses 3D printer on stage 3

was a good run until a Fire golem decided to hit me with a laser despite not having a reticle on me

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Attached: STRIKEDRONE.jpg (286x297, 76K)

Damn that was a great run also dio's best friend comes back between turret spawns holy shit.

Attached: youmaynotlikeitbutthisiswhatpeakperformancelookslike.jpg (1920x1080, 397K)

tfw 15-20 fps

how the fuck do you host a lobby

Just finished buying, gonna download tomorrow.
What am I in for lads

Attached: WalkingintoaPVPzone.webm (720x404, 1.02M)

Need 2 east coast

Attached: cnn.jpg (350x268, 29K)


- Huntress thicc ass
- Game extremely well optimized (0 lag with 100 mobs)
- Basic gameplay is smooth and holds Risk of Rain element


- Game SLOW AS SHIT in the beginning, until 4th world game feels like a fucking slog
- Even at monsoon early 15 minutes feel fucking terrible
- No skill based character, every character is slow dreadful ezmode
- Engineer and Artificer is horribly designed, turret AI is garbage, Artificer feels like you are on a wheelchair

it means you are going to have a single enemy type for that level
yeah, it probably would be

come play

How to play big butt arrow shooter? Just unlocked her but she seems slower than commando

>mul-t run
>first item from an equipment chest is ocular hud

Attached: 1550517911660.jpg (960x960, 82K)

Actually playing video games with the video game themed basket weaving guild

I guess my connection just isn't good enough to host RoR2. Sorry guys.

[email protected]

Thank you.

Attached: Acrid.png (1000x500, 19K)

I feel like sprint speed after one energy drink should be the default sprint speed, honestly

how complete is the game right now?

they are the same speed actually, all survivors but mul-t are 7 m/s
mul-t is 9 m/s

Only problem I have with the game right now is my teammates dying and complaining about how long it takes for me to finish the rest of the round solo. I wish they could take over one of the bots or a minion or something, I feel that'd work without being too OP.


Attached: Untitled.png (158x141, 34K)

i got merc on my second run
suck it nerd

merc is fucking based and fun to play

>tfw too much of a tired gamer to get on this hype train

Attached: 1537420705394.jpg (1280x720, 473K)

theres no end lol

it just starts over at the beginning

get good

Rate my first run. I started on easy, full disclosure.

Attached: 20190329215139_1.jpg (2560x1440, 324K)

I'm gonna cry user, don't bully me I'm sensitive

Not extraordinarily so- it literally does not have an ending, and there's a bunch of items/characters/flavor text that are yet to be added
that said it's still fun

Attached: 1458597479483.jpg (198x328, 19K)

noob server here, get in here

Attached: 7C2C3E31-4E08-43C2-B530-27D8A3B26FAC.png (211x220, 66K)

Once I figured out to look for the red sparkly lights that float all around the teleporter area it became so much easier to find

Why does my multiplayer menu have friends only at the top left, this is the pirate version, people said it worked online iirc

except it wasn't in an open area, it was inside one of the fucking containers almost entirely buried underground and the entrance was covered by a fucking ramp

we need to remake this for ror2
who should replace han-d? mul-t maybe?

Attached: fuck the worm.png (750x937, 43K)

top right*

thank you based cube

Here's how to fix it: buy the game

>1 hour in
>get hit by something out of no where
>down to 14 hp

Attached: splendid nightmare.jpg (500x383, 47K)

>rock monster charges laser and blasts the shit out of me
>attack ends just short of killing me at 37 health

Attached: 1308028510381.png (496x360, 131K)


Attached: file.png (1442x932, 1.49M)

merc replacing han-d

I want to buy this but I'm not sure if my pc will run it, if someone can link me a torrent I will give them the free copy I get when I buy it

don't worry about it, i bought it and it also has this

>do quickplay
>they move to the next level as soon as the boss fight ends
>every single time, even if someone explains why they're retarded
Why are normies so fucking retarded?

some user redid that last night, i don't have the pic though

Where did you pirate from friend? If you tell me I'll give you free copy if I buy it

>Get motion sick
>Request refund
>$40 will be refunded
uh I paid $20, would be interesting to see if I actually get $40. shame about the motion sickness tho

how did they actually fucking do it, lads?

Attached: numbers.png (703x292, 80K)

>stack 3 Hardlight Afterburner as Huntress
>zip around everywhere

how again are people having trouble finding the teleporter?

Attached: 1553885351122.png (750x937, 93K)

idk for you guys but the overabundance of defensive items really slows down the gameplay and makes it boring for me

RoR had defensive items too but most of them could be used offensively/utility

How do I unlock the other characters?

one more pls

By making a good game and not ruining it for the fanbase

I'd imagine the devs would be bro-tier enough to look into that if you shot them a message. About the motion sickness, at least.

Attached: 1395358148650.gif (273x302, 23K)

a good game that focuses on gameplay lore takes a back seat with no agendas shoehorned in

Are the unlocked items per player, or host?

whats in here n how do i get it

Attached: 2019-03-29_19-59-25.png (859x646, 690K)

future update?

god damn magma worms are awful on merc

Attached: 1429152571531.jpg (900x608, 84K)

PAX launch trailer, a great deal that encourages playing with friends and Twitch shilling
It's no longer a secret that good Twitch shilling can move mountains.

Because the first game was fucking god-tier and it's clear they can smoothly transition the gameplay to a 3D environment.

it's just a level variant
sometimes you have the bridge to the high-up cliff island thing, sometimes that door is open and you can go through to a ledge

nothing, some variants of a stage may have doors open to rooms

Buy it and sell the extra copy for 20$.

Press R when they're coming back down to the ground.

>interstellar desk plant in the multiplayer screen
was it kino?

>paying $20 for one copy when you could pay $20 for two copies
granted, you'll probably find a retard who will do it

I don't think a lot can be done. I got motion sick in Far Cry 3 as well. Just seems like newer games get me motion sick easily. Gotta stick to tf2 I guess...

Attached: DRONED.jpg (204x194, 22K)

r8 my build
>crit scythe
>find 3d printer for lenses
>get 7 lenses
>70% crit chance
>damage AND heals
>never die
>get that attack speed on crit mask
>stack attack modifiers and damage
>proceed to kill things really, really, really fast

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.03.29 - (1920x1080, 2.32M)

they're per player (ex: someone getting 15 multikill with the succ cube only unlocks for them) unless it's conditions that everyone kind of unlocks at the same time (ex: If you have a party of 4 and you get to that timed chest on stage 3, it unlocks the Preon Accumulator for everyone). However the Artificier only unlocks for the person that spent the 10 lunar coins to get her.

>not battling the fire worms in the sky like a fucking animu god
you don't deserve merc's beauty user

>Been looking for the blue portal for the past 18 hours.
>Have 40 Lunar
>Join pub matchmaking
>3 others calling me a degenerate who needs to kill himself.
>Get my fucking unlocked character
>Can't leave game because I wouldn't get awarded progress, so I'm just alt-tabbed while the elitist scum yells at me.
Fuck. That's my one problem with this - every match is a hostage situation in multiplayer. With no 'end' and no 'leave with your achievements confirmed" option, you're fucking locked in. Enjoy spending 2 hours a run on a good note.

not to mention that the deal is gone tomorrow

I got Merc on my first run.

I was playing with three very friendly randos and I thought the game was full of friendly people.

Now I hate playing with randoms, they're all greedy and bad.


Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.03.29 - (1920x1080, 2.08M)

it's shit user


Gimme some multiplayer tips. I only played RoR1 single player. I wanna make sure I don't be retarded or something.

Chicken Salad?

>a degenerate who needs to kill himself.

>be team of 3 people
>5000 people buy your game
>make kickstarter for $7k
>gets funded in a week and hits $30k by the end
>second game isn't even fully done yet and it's sold at least 5x as much as the last game (assuming half the players are using free copies)
How do you think they feel right now?

Attached: 1553665749040.gif (270x270, 2.3M)

>Easy mode's back
>All these basic bitches
>Still no Acrid

What? I unlocked Engineer and Mul-T in a game I quit out of. When I opened the game back up, they were available.


Not unlocking the items, but finding the items themselves. Like if the host doesn't have something unlocked but I do, can I still find it in chests?

do it fag

Attached: 1537508348249.png (664x658, 421K)

good? probably?

Is this game better with controller or mouse and keyboard?

dev posts showed Bandit doing things including using the Preon accumulator like a year ago

Attached: Bandit RoR2.gif (216x266, 1.96M)

Attached: help.png (300x139, 6K)

>That person that wanted Merc
>tfw I reached the end but he quit before it
;_; no merc for you bro

we don't want weebs, fuck off

I think it goes by the host's unlocks for drops. I didn't have Transfusion unlocked but we found it in games with my friend who was hosting

it's based off everyone's

sometimes a gold statue spawns, pay it before starting the teleporter and it takes you there
then brace your anus because it gets crazy

Normal loot

Wax Quail? That's a fucking Peep!

there are two hidden buttons, you either need 2 people, or to push a pot to hold one down

>playing single player
>tfw too shy to play with others


How you unlock the mage character?

>149 lunarbux

Attached: 1550044170957.gif (607x609, 754K)

Where are the 56 leaf clovers?
I need more items so bad my teeth hurt.

This is honestly pretty fucking boring after a while without the chest artifacts

>playing single player
>net too shit to do multiplayer

any lobbies?

I just unlocked huntress.

Can you hold my hand and host one please

10 lunar coins next to the avatar of hopoo in his dimension

also the mage is shit


Is there a more disappointing green to get?

Attached: 20190329221403_1.jpg (1920x1080, 203K)

Already unlocked all the characters. Am I supposed to be doing something with them?

This ror1 has a big community n with steam online this is bigger

the real hero is the music guy, not enough credit to him, his shit fits the game and "rain"


>playing Merc with all the SAO theme songs on loop

Attached: teleports-behind-you-nothing-personnel-kid-9235634.png (500x543, 125K)

>use an order item because i had no idea what it did
>27 dranks
>hit sprint

Attached: 1553222843385.jpg (438x344, 37K)

What's armor even do? I'm guessing it reduces damage a flat amount?

Shut the fuck, Chris. RoR2's OST is lackluster

>when you get five will o wisp because you steal them all in multiplayer
>people bitch
>you then nuke everything

>mfw finding out engineer mines stick to players
>mfw attaching them to mul-t, creating a sentient missile

Attached: 1535775425061.gif (278x288, 228K)

>happy mask works with bosses
fuck yes.

>Be Engie
>Team pops tele and goes down first stag to vagrant while I'm on other side of map
>Bunker up and solo boss because engie 2 stronk
>6 Will o Wisps drop
>Everything after was explosions

Gtx460 here. Runs fine.

So how do 3D printers work exactly? Does it just convert a random item, or does it take a certain rarity of items? I'm always too scared of losing my good stuff to use them.
Also is there any point of getting above 10 crit chance glasses?

>shrine of order
>20 red whips
>39 fucking goat hoofs

this robot can fucking fly lads

Attached: 20190329201124_1.jpg (1920x1080, 252K)

>no Miner
you faggots lied to me, I thought he was confirmed

Attached: sad-yeehaw.png (128x128, 7K)

same rarity

>did this with MUL-T when i had a shitton of uncommons and rares
>ended up with 36 lens' makers and 9 stealthkits
absolutely fucked my run

Been only playing solo so far, does anyone have a webm of what the mercenary looks like from an observers perspective?

takes the same rarity, I think it's more likely to take from stacks of items

anyone got lobby or do i need to create?

Attached: 1544672488965.png (1104x1542, 673K)

Thank you, based cube.

If the item it prints is a white item, it will take 1 (one) random white item and print out the advertised item.

>Playing Engineer with friends
>Find 3D printer for syringes
>Everyone lets me have the healing fungus
>Put both turrets in a warbanner
>All of that death

Attached: 1433033571182.jpg (911x910, 189K)

I've only played a few games and the first time I encountered an Elder Lumerian he fucking murdered me 20 seconds into the level, then he promptly killed 2 more of us in seconds.


Attached: file.png (500x605, 317K)


Attached: 1459999838004.png (300x300, 34K)

This. Fighting worms as Merc is the hypest shit, it's a clash between sky gods.

Attached: 1553836577010.jpg (2208x657, 311K)

I hate that the fucking teleporter can spawn under objects halfway inside a wall
me and a fren spent 20 minutes looking for the fucking portal in a level just to find two thirds of it hidden inside an alcove

the only thing i don't like about engie is that the 8 seconds of crits item doesnt apply to the fucking turrets

What? How is the "timer" even accounted for anyway? I thought it'd be big numbers, aka longest run possible.

>Start teleporter
>Boss: Elder Lemurian
>pft, whatev-
>immediately die because they spawned on top of me and barfed out their fire

>Damn that was a great run also dio's best friend comes back between turret spawns holy shit.

Wow that hopoo guy is really good at risky rain

He's flexing on us hard, that bastard.

didnt work

Whats in the box?

just play huntress and stack the Hardlight Afterburner so you can zip around the map easily

so anyone wanna explain how "join clipboard lobby" works?

>where the fuck are my turrets?
>almost all of them are stuck on walls

2 spots open here

turrets can res too

>Merc against most anything
>Feels like playing DMC with enemy step
>Merc against Elder Lemurians

Evil fuckers.

deleting the save file in userdata didn't fix the greyed out continue button, has anyone else got any ideas?

>Huntress wears Lens Maker's Glasses sideways

Attached: 1439857281566.jpg (493x276, 33K)

Did you try verifying file integrity, or reinstalling?

>Got all characters
What now?

Attached: tumblr_p8s7lwCUBE1xoyw8po1_500.gif (480x250, 2.82M)

my friend joins our lobby and can't do anything and gets kicked every time. anyone have a fix for this? really sucks they can't play with us

is there a way to pick up the pots or am i stuck pushing one around like an autist for 20 minutes

random item, white green or red. same as a normal chest except cloaked ones are free. thats it

Why the fuck would I ever not sprint?
All of the moves should continue your sprint, I don't get why pressing the sprint button is turning into a skill I have to learn

>Artificer's basic attack is a 4 stock shot that recharges slowly

this is stupid

LMB and drag over the digits someone posts
Click Join Clipboard Lobby in-game

Or Start Private Game and click the papers icon in the top right to get your Clipboard numbers and post it in the thread to host!

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.03.29 - (1920x1080, 1.31M)

they did, yes

unlock every item
play the game for fun

autist mode

How do I sprint with DS4 and how do I get my multiplayer ID so people can join?

>no acrid

Attached: 1548514074805.png (359x468, 111K)

So the game checks what you have in your ctrl+c currently?
if so, gotcha, thx

speed of completing the prismatic trials or w/e they are

He's shit tier of course.
Because then everyone would just use sprint all the time if they could attack as well, then sprint speed would be the default speed, brainlet.

new thread?

yeah she is fucking garbo, she needs an auto attack, ruins the syringe

Start a private game
In the top right there is an icon with two papers
Click that to automatically copy your lobby id to your clipboard
Paste in Yea Forums thread for maximum autism buddies

engineer is shit if you face a magma worm LOL

actually, it just turns her normal yellow lens red, nice detail though

artificer is broken for her rightclick.
you stack the magazines that let you have more rightclick and with only a few items yo ucan oneshot bosses. cause there is a bug with overlapping areas that applies the damage from the orb multiple times.


I'd be fine with her basic attack not needing to recharge like it does, just fire at like, half the rate it currently can fire, maybe slower.

Any sea monkeys here?

cmon all fellow nubs

Attached: 3py5g7juueyz.jpg (639x636, 71K)



I don't understand what they were complaining over.
The 30 or so seconds it takes to walk over and pay for the guy?

It's a shooter, so mouse, obviously.

What do you mean? Are you memeing? Which is better? What am I even doing?


Key board, the mouse control is pretty smooth, and you need decent aim depend on the class

I see

Its already in, in the shape of 3d printers

That's literally what 1 was like

Get in here