>It's a me, Malario!
It's a me, Malario!
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks, OP, I chuckled.
Mosquitoes deserve fire.
That's dengue
I fucking hate these things, they're so fucking aggressive in trying to suck your blood, literally flying around you looking for any fucking opening in your defenses. If one is near you and you don't kill it you can bet your ass it's gonna suck your blood like the piece of shit it is. Worst part is that the fuckers will literally just sometimes enter my line of sight for only a moment and then promptly vanish. Fuck these things.
They are literally the niggers of insects
>Reddit: The Post.
t. discord tranny
No the nigger of insects is this thing. A jewel wasp.
Male mosquitoes drink nectar, females are the ones that bite.
they're literally the women of insects
Why do you hate humor, user?
>only the females suck blood
clingy little bastards just won't go away
Why hasn't all of humanity joined forces in exterminating the entire mosquito population once and for all? If there's one animal that actually deserves to go extinct it's these fucks.
I'm kinda surprised there isn't a mosquito monster girl when we have fucking roach and wasp ones
Because we'd lose. Over a third of all humans who have ever lived were killed by a mosquito.
This. Name one negative if we killed every single mosquito?
>tags: :>=
lots of things eat mosquitoes, for one
Mosquito slayer when?
There was in One Punch Man, I'm sure there are a lot more insect girls than you think but they are just harder to come by.
You fuckin' know it
thats ants and wasps
It is this thing that needs to fuck off out of the world. Just from how annoying they fucking are.
>Have a window open at night
>Fall asleep with TV on
>Get woken up with a start as one pointlessly masshes with your face as it tries to find a wall to land on to look at the light coming from the tv.
They keep the nigger population down in humid shitholes.
That's the tag for supersuck faces tho.
What's her name, for malaria research purposes of course.
Because they help with population control. Several countries are suffering from overpopulation right now thanks to excessive food aid programs and people keep pumping out babies in those countries, thus making it harder to sustain everyone which in turn brings about poverty and prevents or slows down progress in civilizing them. People have to die so others can live
I'm sure they can learn to eat something else.
Islamic! mario!
Redpilled as fuck most snakes can't even kill you, and if they could how the fuck is it going to eat you?
Why don't we just use the infinity stones to get rid of 50% of them?
Mosquito Girl
Please get off my neck
... and redpilled.
based and malariapilled
a sensible chuckle was had
Because they have the means to via introducing mass amounts of sterile males into the population. The problem is that it could cause a collapse in food chain. A lot of animals depend on mosquito as a source of food.
Besides, it's mostly third worlders and American Southerners that get fucked up by mosquitoes. Nobody should give a shit.
Mosquitos come out at night when its wet and hot out and they suck your blood and spit into your blood and you can't even feel them, then they fly into your ear and make a horrible shrieking sound bzzzzz then they fly away and fourty mosquitos get the same person and then the spot where they bit you turns into a bump because the body pumps a lot of shit to go destroy the spit that it put in your blood but then there are a ton of diseases because the mosquito spits in your blood with the blood of other animals it sucked and they carry diseases that humans aren't capable of fighting.
To make mosquitos go extinct is a stretch because of how hard it would be to do that. Imagine killing every single mosquito, that's ridiculous.
That bully lad is SMASHED
Real creative name, but thanks mate.
Slow down there Mr. Rabbit
>lot of animals depend on mosquito as a source of food.
So? There are more insects than any other creature on earth. Those animals can learn to eat some other shit. Mosquitos can go to hell, and they can take the wasps/hornets with them.
That is not how you pronounce Mario.
Why hasn't some parasite kept these faggots in check?
Tell me about these guys
Making me itch
>Horrible disease which is highly dangerous
>People draw it as a cute girl
I love the internet.
>Elephants kill 10 times more people than wolves despite there being almost 10 times fewer of them
Why do people want to save them again?
They fuck up insects with a high population.
We almost completely killed off bedbugs (Fuck them coming back) and nothing bad came of THAT.
I don't think killing off a large portion of mosquitos would be as terrible as people say, since other insects could rush in to fill the void.
Ask yourself what kind of humans get killed by elephants.
no need to curse
it's a matter of proximity to humans, not numbers
wolves were historically one of the first species to get pushed out by human settlement because they attack livestock, people, whatever, and they've only been reintroduced relatively recently
Parasitic fungus that mind controls ants into blowing spores upwind of the hive.
Isn't that the thing Naughty Dog got the idea for the infection disease in The Last of Us?
They live in Zoos.
So people who go into the pens?
>looks like the top of a skull
Metal as fuck
came to post this
>elephants live in zoos
Parasites are fucking hard core
you poor naive child
The last of mosquitoes
Most of the viruses and diseases they carry aren't compatible with humans but the ones that are, are treatable if they are incurable. To make mosquitoes go extinct is easy, we've literally done it before with gene editing that introduces genetics into the population that fucks up mosquito populations. Pic related. We've crashed populations of mosquitoes in lab experiments.
Want to show me on the doll where the big bad bug touched you?
There are some dumb fucking responses in this thread but you just set the bar, buddy.
I just realized there's actually a guy in that crowd
Cordyceps are fucking terrifying.
I miss Ebola-chan
>gene editing
>freshwater snail
>Freshwater snails carry a parasitic disease called schistosomiasis, which infects nearly 250 million people, mostly in Asia, Africa and South America.
>“You do contract it from just wading, swimming, entering the water in any way, and the parasites basically exit the snails into the water and seek you. And they penetrate right through your skin, migrate through your body, end up in your blood vessels where they can live for many years even decades. It's not the worms that actually cause disease to people, it's the eggs. And those eggs have sharp barbs because they eventually need to make it back out of the human body and back into the water and find that there are snails that they need to complete their reproduction cycle. And so those eggs can lodge in different tissues and cause severe symptoms ranging from anemia and fatigue, all the way to various severe symptoms, even death in about 10 percent of chronic cases.”
Thank fuck the faggot scientists who keep autistically screeching about REEEEEEE MUH ECOSYSTEM stopping the use of a sterilization mutation gene making these fuckers go extinct is soon to be greenlit, hopefully it can move on to other parasitic vermin like ticks, bedbugs, fleas and lice. Seriously whqt fucking use does a Tick have? You alwqys hear the same halfassed excuse of (((decomposers))) when wasps, hornets and beetle grubs do the same amount of work with the benefit of not being parasites.
The gene editing is just making mosquitoes only give birth to males, iirc. It's been extremely effective in the lab, but researchers are reluctant to try it in the field.
It's amazing, isn't it? One of my favorite organisms.
Sounds pretty dope. When does the apocalypse begin?
>enemy makes a noise when it's nearby
come on in the water is warm
Good one op
You are intelligent.
>With many options on the menu, it seems that most insect-eaters would not go hungry in a mosquito-free world. There is not enough evidence of ecosystem disruption here to give the eradicators pause for thought.
Mosquito fags btfo. Will they ever recover?
For being such a widespread and persistent threat how the fuck did no animals develop a defense against them
Bedbugs are more likely to be taken down by Fungal infestations than gene editing. We've had really promising results in the tests of scientists spreading parasitic spores around where humans live as the bedbugs then take the spores back to where they hide and kill the others that are nearby.
Not sure why it hasn't been greenlit yet.
It's okay, they mostly kills niggers in africa
Parasites are quite disgusting, aren't they.
pic related is Leucochloridium Paradoxum
So all the retarded ecologists can finally shut the fuck up and stop halting progress to remove parasitic vermin?
I haven't encountered a mosquito in years (Fuck them still). Ticks, those stealthy vermin can fuck right off.
>introducing parasites to combat parasites
I wonder what could go wrong
>that one parasite that emasculated crabs
One of us is coming out of this room alive. Try me, fucker.
Why would God create all these horrifying insects and creatures?
Its a parasite that can't infect humans, its no different than how we take antibiotics, literally a type of poison that won't poison US but what we're trying to kill.
jesus christ this is why I'm deathly afraid of water
thank god chlorine exists and all living organisms eat shit when they try invading a pool
While that seems promising the sterilization gene seems like an effective, 100% method to make the parasite go extinct.
Can we remove wasps while we're at it? They're just useless, ugly bees
Because Satan gave him forty bucks as a bet.
>Its a parasite that can't infect humans, its no different than how we take antibiotics, literally a type of poison that won't poison US but what we're trying to kill.
Until it evolves and learns to infiltrate a human body without our immune system killing it on the spot.
Because God is a insane sociopath who hates "sinners" and places very little value on our existence due to being "less" than him.
Alternatively, he doesn't exist and nature has nothing directing it, so horrific actions are the order of the day.
except the bugs that can live in chlorinated pools and even nest there
>the way the legs fucking snap around at the end
No they eat dead things, way better than flies so hopefully we get rid of those fuckers too. No more shit covered feet landing on food.
> The parasite causes a male crab to develop certain feminine characteristics including the broadening of its abdomen, while in females, the abdomen becomes narrower and the pleopods degenerate. The eggs of the parasite develop in the externa and both male and female crabs carry these eggs around, secured under their abdomen, in the way that female crabs normally care for their own brood (but males never do). If the parasite is experimentally removed from the host, female crabs will usually regenerate their ovaries, but in males, sex change takes place and they develop ovarian tissue.
>literally makes trannie crabs
what the fuck
Humans need to be taught a lesson
This is a fungus that has existed for millions, if not hundreds of millions, of years.
We're not tampering with it and its not man made, so there's literally nothing changed about it, we're just literally drying it out and spreading it around our beds.
If it was going to mutate to kill us it would have done so long ago.
I'm more concerned with bees dying off, we need to figure out a way to fix the degeneration they're experiencing.
That's a bigger threat to our eco-system than anything else.
Shy not do the sterilization mutant gene edit instead? That seems like a very effective way to get rid of a nasty bug species completely because their lifecycles are only a few weeks.
I kek'd
>Adventures of Mark Twain
Great taste user
Fungi in general is amazing. I took a Mycology course when I was in college just because it's so intriguing.
I mentioned that before in . Believe me, I hate mosquitoes too but you can't just wipe them out without looking at the bigger picture.
Because it's a literal biological weapon and those aren't to be taken lightly. If someone has any sort of underlying immune deficiency, the spores could make them severely ill or kill them. Even worse, the environment you release them into alters them enough to expand their hosts and you just released an invasive fungi bloom into the local ecosystem.
Well somethings gotta be done about that virus, it aint pesticides and it aint carbon levels killing bee's but a virus so something has to be done right?
I kek'd a little
the gene editing has been working good on mosquitos but I don't think they've tested it out much on bedbugs.
China is doing it though
God cares about us very much. Despite all of the horrors He made to inhabit this world, He also made us dominant over all of them. It's our job to subjugate these lesser species.
That's the one. Pretty name, isn't it? There's also the parasites that make their hosts commit suicide, the ones that replace organs, the one that makes people like cats more, and so much more. Parasites are fascinating.