How do you feel about "fun"?

How do you feel about "fun"?

Attached: fun.png (934x683, 446K)

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>boy i can't wait to come home and feel like shit some more after working all day
i guess they don't want normalfag money?

I like having fun, that naughty dog shit isn't fun tho, that shit is just hipster shit

Seethe. The game will sell 10M

Holy shit, this thread again for the hundredth time? Incoming guaranteed 100+ (You)'s.

fun is just a buzzword, video games are political now, they're supposed to make you think about society

Like I'm over ND games.

Muscling out Henning and removing Donut Drake for being far too silly really made me resent Druckman and by extension the studio.

I remember when Yea Forums hated the word "fun".

If it's not fun, why bother?

pretty fitting seeing as the first game doesn't know the word 'fun' either.