How do you feel about "fun"?

How do you feel about "fun"?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>boy i can't wait to come home and feel like shit some more after working all day
i guess they don't want normalfag money?

I like having fun, that naughty dog shit isn't fun tho, that shit is just hipster shit

Seethe. The game will sell 10M

Holy shit, this thread again for the hundredth time? Incoming guaranteed 100+ (You)'s.

fun is just a buzzword, video games are political now, they're supposed to make you think about society

Like I'm over ND games.

Muscling out Henning and removing Donut Drake for being far too silly really made me resent Druckman and by extension the studio.

I remember when Yea Forums hated the word "fun".

If it's not fun, why bother?

pretty fitting seeing as the first game doesn't know the word 'fun' either.

>we dont make games for fun or profit, we just like fags


Unironically hope this game flops or makes people see (((Druckmann))) for what he is.

t. sonyfag that enjoyed Uncharted 1/2 + TLoU

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I hate games like these. Games are meant to be played, not watched. I judge a game 99% based on gameplay.

Video games don't need to be fun.

But they DO need to be fucking VIDEO GAMES.

If you're going to use the medium of interactive entertainment to tell a story, you need to fucking involve the player. We don't go to the movies to listen to radio plays, so why do we play video games to watch a story we as players have no agency in?

Do you think they use the word 'fun' when directing a movie? Probably not for the serious ones and thats fine. Is it different for movies you watch with a controller in your hand?

Look, I don't care if anyone else buys it. If they like it, they should by all means play it. I personally just think these games suck though.

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Why would I waste my limited time on this earth playing something purposefully boring

He's referring to establishing a tone. Not too many people would immediately think of "fun" when talking about Silent Hill, Bloodborne, etc. A game can be oppressive.

lmfao the meme became reality

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Silent Hill is fun as fuck

Video games should be fun
These people are not making video games

Fun is such a smooth brain response. If you can't explain why you enjoy something, you effectively can't form your own opinions.

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No it isn't. Silent Hill at its absolute peak is stressful and scary.

this is you autist

>These people are not making video games
Oh they are making video games, but only because no film studio would buy it.

Losing is fun!

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This thread is gay and everyone who fucked up my combo is a nigger faggot

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>F is for friends who do stuff together,
>U is for you and me!
>N is for _______ ...

anywhere at anytime at all!

f is for fuck niggers
u is for u will hang with the niggers u fucked u coalburner
n is for niggers make up all crime despite not being the population

>Silent Hill at its absolute peak is stressful and scary
Yes, and that's part of the fun.



I dont like feeling fun because then I feel guilt that I dont deserve it

Yeah that's what made it fun user, same reason people watch horror films.

It's 2019. Games are not about having fun, silly. Times have changed.

>fun is now literally a buzzword

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This thread has been made 100 times and the OP has been debunked at least 99 times. And yet people still fall for it. They said engaging, because it is more catch all. They want to make the game fun. but Aerith dying in and of itself is not "fun" but makes the game more engaging, and thus an overall more enjoyable experience.

Jordy P said that "fun" and "happy" are all made up notions, so I play in Clean My Room simulator. And I stopped playing video games altogether, so this is all actually very good for me. Thanks, SJWs and turboleftists for turning me away from this shit!

Is it wrong to hate this game because it's going to be yet another bloated cinematic movie game where gameplay is this unpleasant thing that the developers don't like working with, and actively downplay it so they can ferry you to the next cutscene?

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nah you can dislike certain types of games without being ACfag tier about it. I don't like Hack and Slash games and can get by just fine posting here without getting a literal tittle attached to me.

>you feel uncomfortable when you kill somebody so we say engaging instead of fun
Yawn, stop huffing your farts Cuckmann. Manhunt and Condemned are way more grisly but I'd still call them fun.

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This. Fun isn't limited to one kind of genre or action. It's all about a well made game that makes you happy that you picked up the controller to partake in it. Even an emotionally deep game can be fun, because it's like a mental roller coaster taking you through plot twists and turns. There's no need to demonize fun as if it's a kiddy thing.

if you retards read what he actually said. He never said his games weren't fun or he wasn't trying to make them fun you fucking spastics.

If it isnt fun, why bother?

I read what he said. It was pretentious hogwash about how games are "art" and "need to tackle serious issues". When I'm eating ghosts in pac-man, I totally want to hear about white privilege and the wage gap.

I feel I'd rather play snore of the wild to 100% then touch a shitty snoy "game" like last of us.
CoD games would sell a ton, doesn't make them good.

>le cinematic experience XD"
I hope the fucktards that push this shitty meme die a horrible and gruesome death. You can have a god story and still be fun to play, you don't have to sacrifice one for the other. Stop being such a bunch of pretentious retards trying to con people into thinking your walking simulator are high art; they're not.

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The Last of Us is fun to play.

He never said games are art, or that they need to takckle serious issues.
He said exactly
"For us, with The Last of Us specifically (Uncharted is a little different in our creative approaches), we don’t use the word 'fun,'" Druckmann told Buzzfeed when asked if the team ever tries to make the combat less serious. "We say 'engaging,' and it might seem like a minor distinction, but it’s an important one for us."

"We believe that if we're invested in the character and the relationships they’re in and their goal, then we're gonna go along on their journey with them and maybe even commit acts that make us uncomfortable across our moral lines and maybe get us to ask questions about where we stand on righteousness and pursuing justice at ever-escalating costs."
He is not talking about Pacman eating ghosts. He is not even talking about Uncharted. Nor is he saying TLOU will not be fun.

I don't play games that I'm not having fun in, even if it's Dwarf Fortress style Fun like when the Circus comes to town.

This but former snoyfag and remove uncharted, never got into those. TLOU was a decent game though overrated to hell and back, got most of my enjoyment from the surprising fun multiplayer.

it has no place in games.

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I was in that thread, and no one ever posts the follow up that user did explaining himself.

Yahtzee describes this situation the best.

>Nor is he saying TLOU will not be fun.
Not really selling as being fun though. Just spouting crap about a distinction that doesn't need to exist because he's high on his own bullshit.

Based, I found odyssey way more enjoyable then botw which felt like every other empty open world like red dead redemption 2, and I'd still rather that to TLoU2.

Yeah I don't give a fuck about muh distinction, a game can be gruesome, violent, AND fun. He really expects me to give a shit just because my character said WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOORRRRR before he slaughtered 20 goons?

>but I'd still call them fun.
Yeah retard, it's almost like the definiton of fun is so simple it can mean different shit for different people. For your bitch-ass it means whatever the fuck you want to, and for pretentious-ass Druckenheimer it means whatever the fuck he wants.

Fucking newsflash, The Last of Us 2 will be an engaging and fun game. It will have exciting and intense moments where the parts of your brain that produce dopamine will be stimulated, producing the feeling of "Fun".
Neil Cuckenberg is just being a faggy hypeman to his audience of retards who think they're pre-ordering the next big masterpiece that's oh-so mature and different from all these other videogames for children. He's just stroking their ego, selling his game and building his image as an artist.

This thread is always the same fucking shit: Semantics. The most useless and zig-zaggy type of discussion that never goes anywhere.

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it makes perfect sense and some of the best games have been praised for the same shit. You fags are being obtuse just to be mad. You even said you read what he said when you cleary did not. its literally nothing. It reminds me of Boyarsky talking about OuterWorlds and saying there were a bunch of immature jokes he cut because they existed just to get a laugh, but ruined the overall feel and felt cheap. Gonna tell me VTMB or fallout 1 are shit now because his approach isnt "fun" like borderlands?

I understand what he's trying to say, but he makes himself sound like such a stuck up fucking faggot the way he says it. It's not conventionally fun like something such as Mario or DMC is, and more like how you get enjoyment out of horror shit from being scared or tense. That said, game looks like it'll suck anyway so who cares lmao. I'd care more about that other snoy shit Days Gone then this shit since in comparison to Naughty Dog the devs seem more concerned with making it a actual game.

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>sound like
the phrase you were looking for is "is a"

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hot take: everything in media I hear described as "fun" is usually shit. things I enjoy never called called "fun as a review"
its always
>what do you think of The latest Marvel or Fast and the Furious movie
>Oh its fun user!
>what do you think of 2001: A Space Odyssey
literally never heard it called "fun"
fun is usually used to describe "just shut your brain off and pretend it is not shit"

I'm ok with "fun" being absent in horror. If you're going to make something bleak as piss, go all out, sure.

here's the hat trick
investors are stupid and don't understand this simple reasoning
so when a developer goes announcing that "fun was not our first priority" they don't hear "my vision for this game is x" what they hear is "games shouldn't be fun"
this is a huge blow to the industry in general if a game who's designer makes such claims becomes a smash hit because now the investors want nothing but "no fun games"
and then you get developers without their own vision trying to make "no fun games" because thats what seemingly is what will be a success

I understand what they mean. You can enjoy media that isn't fun.

True enough, everything I've seen of Cuckmann certainly gives the impression of him being a stuck up faggot.

>literal storygame shit non-game doesn't use the word fun

Not buying it because she’s a dike. It’s not enough that a woman is the lead role but they had to make her a lesbo too

Right but overall, society enjoys it, and your autistic ass doesn't.

Which one will cause the most asshurt on Yea Forums?
> Dead or Alive & Kingdom Hearts getting Smash Reps
> TLOU 2 getting a 96 MetaScore & winning every GOTY Award
> New 3D Zelda is announced & stars Toon Link

well their games are not fun

they suceded

>implying anyone doesn't expect game journos to give TLOU2 every GOTY they can and get a high metacritic

>videogame publishers such as Sony Entertainment exclusivey employ people who know literally nothing about videogames and do no research
why do so many people here believe this?


Naughty gods

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Must we have this thread every hour

He's your husband.

Lol, you play an interactive medium to experience a linear movie, only one mentally handicapped is you.

honestly I couldn't stop thinking about this shitposting thread when I was trying out that new RPG outward.

like it just kept popping into my head
>did they think this was fun?
>did they even consider fun?

Fun things are fun.

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The way you downplay it reeks of delusion and seethe. sit down kid

>sales = quality