>It's CTR
>But more maps and battle arenas
>And online support
Who's ready for the greatest kart racer of all time?
>It's CTR
>But more maps and battle arenas
>And online support
Who's ready for the greatest kart racer of all time?
when it comes to PC
Right here
It'll be assured when that happens since it'll be 60fps
hard pass for me.
I doubt it will be better than Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed.
But the original CTR is already better than that game
This. That game hit a new level that nothing else has ever come close to. Too bad it got ignored cos it had sonic in the name.
Kinda. Not a fan of how basic the racetracks are in this. Transformed spoiled me with it's track variety.
It will be better than TSR, that's for sure.
Not sure how they are going to transfer all the nitro kart levels, some lived and died on the anti-grav mechanic.
Wasn't the anti-grav mechanic kinda shit in CNK anyways? The levels will probably get complete remakes of those sections
How do you expect them to redo Thunderstruck's loop-de-loop or twisting track? Or even Hyper Spaceway's tube?
It was pretty cool in Deep Sea Driving at least. Top tier track for the getting the 50 boosts achievement
It won't have all the tight mechanics of the original so who cares. I'll stick to playing the original.
Probably, but I'm giving both games a fair chance since I never played the original CTR
Don't waste your time with TSR. Go play SRB2 Kart instead.
TSR looks as fun as Transformed and the OST is great. Plus I'll have plenty of friends to play it with. Why wouldn't I get it?
>I never played the original CTR
You're missing out. At least go emulate that shit
I'm not really one for emulation and I don't think I'll have time to before the remake comes out because I'm focusing on my backlog
This is now a TSR racing thread
Why has there been TSR posting in CTR threads lately? I thought Crash and Sonic bros teamed up against plumber boy.
the whole Yea Forums is screaming about this game being the best kart racer ever made, but y'all missing one, very important detail
30 fps in a fucking kart racing game is unacceptable
You're right to doubt them since they did fuck up the physics in the N. Sane Trilogy, but if they faithfully remake CTR, even if the added content is bad, CTR is already a better racing game than SASRT
TSR threads usually die quick on their own and no one in Sonic threads tend to bring the game up. If it were out already or it were a more major release that would be a different story though.
Basically, Sonicfags have nowhere to post the shit half the time so they shitpost in CTR threads, I think
why not just have both for crying out loud
Friendly competition my friend
Of course it's ignored, all other sonic games have been mediocre, people don't trust the character anymore
Some of us will.
Just adding how sonic and crash have returned to be the mario killers (again)
Items definitely need tweaking. Those 3 clocks in a row in Sewer Speedway were disgusting.
Transformed and its predecessor were crossover games though. You can easily ignore the Sonic shit in them. Though I will say my friend cringed at the game when he saw my copy of the disc
The only thing Sonic is killing is himself.
Yeah that is definitely not accurate to the original, infact if I remember correctly, CPUs never used either the clock or time warp at all in singleplayer, yeah?
I agree. I really want to pirate it but I can't at the moment. PC gamers need games too and they are mocking us but not putting it on pc
Sacrifices must be made for the greater good
>3 clocks in a single lap
Holy shit this could be so shit so easily, that needs to be fixed
CPU only used items if they were near you, and they never used any "Power" items. And since multiplayer was only 4 people, the game never really had to be balanced to account for 8 players playing together. If anything, this is fairly accurate to how often you'd get good items when placed low in the original, and they actually need to move away from the original to have it be properly balanced for a modern racer.
There has never been a good Crash game
Damn, better technologies allowing higher poly count were clearly a mistake
>That fucking vaporwave sun in the second vid
Wait, seriously?
Wasn't the original 60? Even Nitro Kart?
The original was pretty choppy
The original was only 30 but that's just because the original playstation was already being pushed hard by the game itself. I think Nitro Kart tried to be 60 at times.
>Not waiting for the inevitable PC release
I'm 23 and have played my fair share of kart racing games when I was a kid. No need for me to come back to it.
t. manchild who's "too grown up" for vidya but still goes to watch the newest capeshit movie with her wife's boyfriend.
Nah, don't like super hero movies. I'm not implying that you should be embarrassed being a working adult playing a game made for children. It's just no longer my cup of tea.
>game made for children
What games do you play?
Post yer fuckin mains.
>>It's CTR
im betting the physics are all fucked up and so the gameplay isnt fun
I'm pretty sure the original wasn't even 30, it was closer to 25
>goes on Yea Forums
if you want upvotes you know where you need to go
the gas chamber
Who gives a shit
She's in.
i hate the thought of these dog shit post naughty dog characters being in the game
I've been playing Sekiro and Elite Dangerous the past week. Elite: Dangerous isn't my usual kind of game, but it's nice to play to chill out while I watch some stuff on my second monitor. Not sure what I'll be playing afterwards.
The PS1 would fucking explode if it tried to play CTR at 60
Probably more normalfag garbage
I'll still prefer Funky Kong's Bike Simulator 2008
Hey there are good post naughty dog characters like N.Trance and... umm... Crunch's CNK appearance?
Ok sorry, enjoy your kart racer.
I will, because I'm not an insecure beta cuck.
I'm really glad this is going to fill the void that TSR can't fill. I really wish they didn't go full Sonic for it and just stuck to the Transformed formula
I really want to buy this, but I'll wait for the PC release since it'll probably be in 60fps. I want all my racing games to be at 60fps. At least from what they've shown the 30fps on consoles seems to be very stable.
it shows lol
and 30 pathetic frames per second
lmao ccuk
Go back to your discord circlejerk you dumb tranny.
>But more maps
I know Activision is the publisher, but at least they added something. Never did play the original, I might buy when it's $20.
It's not that hard to get attention apparently.
The PS1 game was also 30fps
Also you can wait for the PC release that'll definitely happen
The only permissible ones are Crunch (provided he's not a Mr. T impersonator), Nina (Titans Nina specifically since Twinsanity she had no character and in CTTR she was discount Mandy), and N. Trance (if only for being an endgame antagonist and partnering with N.Tropy.). Literally everyone else is a literal nobody, even N. Trance is pushing it. Velo is the only other serviceable post-ND antagonist and he just copied Oxide but had more screentime to get characterized rather than Oxide causing a Gruntilda-effect where the entire game is about him even if he's just waiting for someone to challenge him.
Anyone here remember having awesome 4player games of this with friends with multi-tap?
>I know Activision is the publisher, but at least they added something.
They're adding all tracks and characters from Crash Nitro Kart, the (kinda mediocre) PS2 sequel to the original CTR
Literally no one cares. Have sex.
I sure do. It was the best and I miss it.
Honestly I do wish they opted for a new All Stars game, but the gameplay is pretty much like Transformed but with cars only, and I loved the gameplay of that game. So I'm content with it adding a new spin on the genre with Sonic elements.
It's probably nice that a new generation gets to experience one of the greatest cart games ever made, but I dont need it since I've played the original to death.
>I want to pirate it
>PC gamers need games too
Look at this entitled little shit and laugh. I hope it never comes to pc just to spite you
>but I dont need it since I've played the original to death.
But you should get it to kick the asses of all these kids who don't know what they're doing
I love the internet. The fact that this is something said now is just hilarious to me. How times have changed.
Kill yourself larper redditor
what do I get out of that though?
I got it with GWG, but never really tried it out. Should play again.
You will make the world a better place you stupid retard.
Here's your missing racers bro:
>Trophy Girls
>Baby T-Rex
>N. Trance
I wouldn't have minded cars only if the cast was still varied. The cast of TSR feels super homogenized compared to the out-there picks in SASRT like AGES, Vyse and AiAi. Though I could obviously do without Yogscast, Danica Patrick and Wreck it Ralph
it already exists and it's also available for free
I only remember Crash Tag Team Racing
>It's Nitro Kart
>But with CTR maps
>And online
Boy I can't wait for more nitro kart, the greatest racing game of all time
See that's the thing though, I like being alive and don't really like people so I'd rather live in spite of that. It's better that way.
Suck my dick faggot
Got it the wrong way around. The physics are much closer to CTR than CNK.
N. Trance is probably a given considering his team's karts are in the game.
Personally I'm doubtful Nina would appear since I get the feeling they'll use the ND roster plus CNK's additions at most, but who knows
My roster
>Crash, Cortex, Dingodile, N. Gin, Polar, Pura, Tiny, Coco
>Ripper Roo, Papu Papu, Pinstripe, Komodo Joe, Oxide
>Fake Crash, Penta Penguin, N. Tropy
>Koala Kong, N. Brio, Komodo Moe, Tawna, the Baby T Rex from Crash 3
>Ami, can change skin to be other Trophy girls
That's good enough for me
Has that ever worked for you?
But what about Rilla Roo
Only with retarded faggots like you.
But it plays like CTR. My buddy who's exceedingly anal about this game having correct controls got a chance to play it at PAX and loved it
I do think the roster being so small is still my only negative. Of course it's homogenized, it's only focused on one franchise. The amount of customization and the stages they've picked are what make me think it'll be at least good.
I'm starting to wonder if you're projecting here...
I'm not the insecure retard who keeps seething after getting called out in a thread for a game he's supposedly "too grown up" to play.
It really shows just how fucking stupid you are.
If you think I'm seething then you haven't been paying attention.
Nina was meant to debut in Nitro Kart but got pushed back.
Of the post-ND characters, she's not among the offensively-bad. I'm still mad about what they did to Tiny, though.
Fuck off already you absolute brainlet retard.
Every post you make trying to damage control is just embarassing.
Have another pity (You)
You're in your own world lol. I have no need for damage control. I've said nothing wrong.
Keep seething tranny fag
what makes 30fps so unacceptable anyway?
dunno, to be honest
While I agree this might be the best mascot racer out there right now, I am still looking forward to CTR and TSR.
I still maintain that Kong should have been the one in Titans instead of Tiny
literally my mom's New Bowser City