Holy fucking shit

Holy fucking shit.

Risk of Rain 2 thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

privatebin.net/?6ee2cc389c21597a#e8Uddo6WeNWpje3Ed0iaMFomIenfaOWUi H8pocFOP4=

What went right?

Attached: 1544662375396.png (506x295, 64K)

link the mega


Attached: FUCK_ARTIFICER.png (811x757, 44K)

Content when?


NA east

Attached: 1553641532314.png (482x364, 191K)

anyone got a spare copy?
[email protected]

post em boys

Attached: Screenshot (24).png (1915x1079, 1.53M)

>Number 5 in steam most played right now
Will Yea Forums shitter started hating this game now?

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privatebin.net/?6ee2cc389c21597a#e8Uddo6WeNWpje3Ed0iaMFomIenfaOWUi H8pocFOP4=
from last night, idk if theres a new one but i think this still works

>early access

This generation of gamers is an embarrassment.


Am I the only retard who can't find shit? I keep missing chests and finding the teleporter can be a pain in the ass sometimes

Speak of the devil

Link reported to the authorities for illegal activities.

>unlock artificer
>slow as fuck
>but nukes like a motherfucker

Attached: 1545246818937.gif (480x270, 3.2M)

Bye bye.

It's already started happening in the last couple of threads.

There were people already whining for us to go to /vg/ just a few hours after the game launched. Nowadays the average Yea Forums user is absolutely incapable of using filters.

Please refer to You are cancer.

I have zero idea how to find the teleporter I feel retarded.


It takes 10 reports to summon a mod/ jannie, doofus.

I find it hilarious that anything good on this board gets pushed away to /vg/. It's the reason the board is in the state it's in now.

> Start weak as shit
> grab all items
> by the time I have everything I'm still not doing well against enemies because I'm nearly out of Easy

> Start weak as shit
> ignore all items not directly in my path
> get to level 2 and instantly get BTFO because I have no items

Which do I fucking do?

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central us 109775240998747187 lets go

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look for the red sparkle thingies


what if the game is forced upon you?

Get good.
Or get lucky/ more choosy with your items, that's how it worked in RoR1.


Play merc.

I'm sick of this lunar coin grind

How do I unlock engi? Got THICC, katana-man, funky forklift so far.

what a confused young woman

>play merc without getting past level 2
cheating faggot

stay mad

>have no trouble with the first three levels on Monsoon
>get to fourth level
>Elder Lemurians, Boss Imps, and Greater Wisps
>can't come close to doing enough damage to deal with them
>inevitably die when I stand still for any reason and get hit with a billion projectiles at once
How do I deal with this shit? I just want Merc, but I'm not willing to switch to Drizzle to get him.

I've never played RoR, what's the appeal?
also >gearbox publishing

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just don't stand still

is the multiplayer better than RoR 1?

If you've ever played Complex Doom Invasion, it's a little like that but without a specific wave-based system.
Also, publishers don't matter for smaller teams like this.

Engineer is gated behind completing 30 levels. And here I was just buying all drones and turrets like a lunatic.

> The same shit happens, except now I don't even have a good mobility move like if I were playing MUL-T or Huntress
very funny

Attached: 1546540795002.png (465x508, 459K)

Nobody's figured out how to hack it above 4 like they did with RoR1 yet, but it's way more fucking stable than it used to be.

gearbox is infinitely better than his last publisher, chucklefuck

There's no anti-cheat right? I don't wanna cheat but I wanna inject some AA and sometimes that triggers bans.

Do you lose all your infusion stacks if you die?

Backup magazine is fucking broken how is this a common item

So what are the odds of Big-dick Acrid getting into this game?

>toaster of a computer
>runs okay with everything at the lowest settings
>starts to stutter a little during tele events on loops
>2 magma worms spawn on level 7
>frame rate drops dramatically
>3 magma worms on level 8
>game is now a 1fps slideshow

Attached: 1534178852431.png (1280x720, 531K)

>decent learning curve
>something for every playstyle
>all classes play completely different and are well balanced
>fantastic music
>neat lore
>pleasant pixel art in the first one, stylization in this one
>item synergies allow you to become a god running around at a billion mph and clear entire levels instantly
>multiplayer support for even nuttier bullshit
>made by one of our own

>get popped at start of round
>get to watch teammate with 5 Tougher Times be literally unkillable for 20 minutes

Attached: 1550876456258.png (585x663, 765K)

it would be extremely painful

>but it's way more fucking stable than it used to be.
that's what i meant. thanks.

I mean, it depends on the character. Engie, for example, doesn't get much use from it since it's just a single extra mine, and he already has 10 of the fucking things.
Merc and Arti, on the other hand...

oh fuck its real

Attached: Screenshot (25).png (1915x1077, 2.26M)

get a better computer


I fucking love merc
Absolutly anime to jump around wandering vagrants dodging and killing shit

>RoR is actually good now that's in a 3D space
Dunno how you lot played the first game.

It still crashes occasionally, but it's "this is early access so sometimes shit bugs out pretty infrequently" crashes and not "you touched a ladder or picked up frost crystal, game over" crashes. Netcode is also way better.

>the save file is a xml so you can just edit it plaintext and give yourself whatever you need.

Someone help me open the thing in the desert, you have to press 2 buttons at the same time

for an infusion shitter

Where my toaster boys

Attached: r.jpg (1280x800, 103K)

>Breeze through Thicc Beatle mama, Big-Golem, and all other bosses
>Magma Worm spawns
>Thank fuqq something easy
>Realize only after he bodies me for half of my hp that this game isn't 2d
>So hitting him like before is so much harder

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the first game was like that as well

clean steam file, use SSE. if you don't know what that is then buy the game you tech illiterate retard

looks like the TRUE SEQUEL

This thread is for RoR2 not 1

is it just me or does engineer suck end game? Turrets and robots don't stay alive long enough to do anything, and you're straight up fucked once magma worms start appearing


Attached: 217.png (151x107, 2K)

This is a RoR2 thread man, nobody here is playing 1 at the moment.

Even if the OST doesn't have as many bangers as the first game I still like it. The fire level music is my favorite so far

why are you angry user?

>>made by one of our own
Does Hopoo ever pop his head back in /agdg/?

I bet its going to get more bangers eventually.

invalid :(

I hope we get the command artifact soon, i just want to rain down rockets on the entire screen.

Dev is from Yea Forums.
That's the main reason

Ignore him, he's just an anti-skub fag

>Sniper, Han-D, Enforcer, and Bandit found in files.

Hell yeah, Sniper will finally be able to play his game in 3D as designated boss gibber. also maybe enforcer will not suck too

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Damn that actually looks pretty cool, if the text/icons were properly high res it would be neat.

fuck off

Stacking ATG doesn't increase the chance to fire missiles, just the missile damage

Sequel to a game with a very loyal fanbase.
Made the game 3D which feels better for the gameplay style.
Easy to connect to servers.


how,im retarded??

How is this a roguelike?

Do syringes increase the reload of artificers M1 ability
pls respond


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Is there a way to unlock items through save editing? Ended up losing all my progress and at this point I don't really wanna start over. Seems there's a way to get characters that way, but I haven't heard anything about items


I just hope they don't make him hunker down like the last game again. Being mobile in this game is fun as fuck and having a character who just stands still would fucking ruin him

come back in a year and check again, faggot.

When the project is left unfinished your money is permanently gone.

holy shit man. I hope gearbox doesn't jew them out of the money, Hopoo deserves it

Everyone uses roguelike to mean roguelite because nobody plays actual roguelikes.

Haven't played risk of rain before. is this fun?


>50k players
Jesus. I want to send Hopoo an email in a week just asking if they're willing to say how well they did for first-week sales

How is the game's performance?

also #1 global top seller

How do I open the aqueduct gate?

>when you discover a treasure trove of old csgo skins you havent touched in 4 years that pay for your two copies of risk of rain 2
my friend and I are gonna have a good weekend

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Give it to me straight; buy or pass?

Played the first enough to beat it with a couple characters, but never had the chance to do much of any co-op, nor the dexterity to beat high difficulty stuff.

Is this fun?

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EU lobby


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Skip the first one. The sequel is so much better.

If you like horde shooters like KF2, L4D, Payday, Warframe, etc then you'll like this.
If you like roguelikes where you get to become OP as fuck and murder everything in sight, but the game will still find a way to shit on you eventually then you'll like this.

Playing at 720p to get steady 60. Glad the art style is simple enough that it still looks fine with low settings.

pretty good run

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host pls

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read literally any of the past 20 posts and make the decision yourself you inbread mallard fuck

Buy and play with a friend
If you liked the first, you will definitely like this one

Post your Commandos

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impressive, user

Literally all of mercs abilities are based around mobility are you retarded?

endgame soon...

what happens when you have 8 teddy bears? do you block every instance of damage? is it complete block?

lmao this retard can't even write inbred right

Do the timed chests give anything special?

2 spots open


I looped once and there was a shrine that started a trial and spawned a bunch of extra bosses when I hit the teleporter
I'm here a second time but I can't find the shrine. Does it not spawn every time?

east coast

Nothing. Game is hottest garbage. Even hotter than Sekiro.

I hate those fucking glasses
>cool faceless spaceman
>dork who needs to get pushed down
And they're so good you can't just not pick them up

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do i need friends to enjoy this?
i have literally nobody in my life to play with

so i was digging through the code a bit, and found something called PreviousRun.xml
it includes things like your run's seed, the order you got items, and a thing called rulebook
rulebook shows all the artifacts off, suggesting they are in the code already, but it also shows all of the items ON, which make me think we will be able to ban items for a run or something

so user how'd you know about the VRN| clan?

the challenge of the mountain shrine can spawn even in the second level, I think? it's a random feature

get out of my thread

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Singleplayer is great if you don't want to play with randos.

Have the same damn problem where my camera keeps pointing up and nothing is changing in settings or reverifying.

when did this come out?

Gotcha. Thought it was something to do with looping


30 hours ago

Do you have a controller plugged in?

are shockworms in the game yet?

Read the image you goober

Check all the devices plugged into your computer, consider unplugging everything except the mouse and keyboard.

Remember if you aren't editing in lunar coins you aren't unlocking Artificer the way Hopoo intended

>beat 20 stages in one run unlock
>get stuck around 18 on easy every time
God damn and it's such a timesink to do it

So far I like everybody except for the Commando
I know he's supposed to be the most basic character and he transitioned 1-1 from the first game but having all 3 attacks be "do damage in a line" kinda sucks.

Yeah, I understand /vg/ being there for the express purpose of making sure non-general threads don't get pushed off the board, but RoR threads have been around forever, and are one of the few things that this board actually has fun with.


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Is artificer a guy or a girl?

I hope the game is going good so far guys, I can't fucking wait to get it sometime. These threads being pumped out so fast can only mean good things, so that's good. I was afraid the transition to 3D would fuck with the formula but it looks like it's being received well. Fuck yes.

this game hurts my eyes


a guy with obvious tits and girl ass

just did my first run. Got to level 3, then I couldn't find the teleporter after searching the entire map several times. Quit to desktop.

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Have they said how often they'll push out updates?

My only gripe with the first one was backtracking through the level to kill like 1 fucking enemy to progress to the next level.
Does 2 still make you track down the last hiding enemy?

Any lobbies still active?

it also seems vehicles are either planned, or were something that was cut

>That main menu theme

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get good


Attached: ror2.gif (700x643, 910K)

Th-Thanks! Jesus Christ, sounds like a long session

Nope, as soon as the portal is tuned to 100% you can leave.

No. You activate the teleporter and you have to stay within a certain radius of it while it charges and you have to kill the boss that spawns from it. Once you kill the boss and once it reaches 100% you can leave whenever you want.

Also you can't open chests that are outside of this radius while the teleporter is charging, so either get that done first or do it after it's ready

Don't look for the teleporter pad, look for the red sparkles that surround the area it's in. It's a much clearer indicator of where the teleporter is.

The game is retarded right now, portals can spawn half inside objects and in some cases I've combed a map I know inside out now and found noting.

>when you buy the game but have no friends and dont want to give it to a complete stranger online so its just going to sit in your steam inventory forever.

atleast its fun.

Attached: superthumb.jpg (300x250, 35K)

the fuck is the newt altar ? i don't want to spend my moon coins i want to unlock the artificier or whatever is called but where is the crystal bazar

Even in the first.

>4 hours
>5 lunar coins

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Want to play with me, user? I can trade you $10 worth of stuff if there's anything you want.
I don't really have anyone to play with either so I didn't want to buy the bundle myself.

where do you even get lunar coins?

They have like two-three set locations each map

just leave enough feedback about the portals im sure they will get fixt.

bruh look at this dude lmao

Someone help a brother out. I didn't play the first game

newt altar forces a bazzar portal to spawn for that map

It would sell more on switch

>was raking in a fuckton of lunar coins within the first few hours
>let my friend collect the majority while I spent most of mine, thinking we'd both unlock the character after he purchased her
>doesn't work that way
>grinding for lunar coins is total ass in solo

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109775240998788695 US East Drizzle
Trying to do 20 Stage run, 2 mountain achieve, and any other.

how do I get a clipboard code to give you guys?

is there a file I can edit to have more than 4 players in a lobby?

They just drop from enemies at some horrible

how the fuck am i supposed to get more lunar coins FUCK I'VE BEEN PLAYING FOR 13 HOURS AND I ONLY HAVE 6



NA east

Attached: 1549030622423.gif (1215x1452, 212K)

I like the real mystery that the teleporter spawns can have, I want nothing changed

>Edit in the 11 to buy character.
> play the game normally after that?

I've been playing for 5 hours and I have 13

You can't gift it to me

Any ideas on how to turn off bloom and run the game at 75hz? Seems like it forces bloom and 59hz.

Attached: my11l.jpg (510x546, 48K)

Click on the friends only icon

Is this game fun single player?

I can't join my friend's lobby
They can join mine but I can't see them and if I try to start a private match in that state they get a black screen and eventually get booted to main menu
quick play gives invalid lobby id
I just wanna play video games

What's wrong with bloom, huh?

Do you keep Lunar Coins after dying? How are people grinding for them if not?

Yesterday I burnt 9 hours into the game by accident. Is good.

Yep they carry on from game to game.

Buy, also give me a copy, maybe?


>feel meh about commando
>spare mag unlocked
Oh sweet jesus it's the wicked ring all over again, I've missed you.

>tfw already wasted 4

it is until you run into this blue boy

Attached: engineering stops.png (1920x1080, 1.94M)

1st run I did and it was great
I got destroyed by blazing sun stone titan that killed me in 2 seconds after his laser touched me

Attached: 20190330012019_1.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

You could be a good person, buy, and make a random like myself happy giving me a copy right?

hello Tweed
but I agree

Is Huntress or Beatle Queen more stacked?

hi barry

drown in acid third world/underage beggar fag. no one will EVER give you a free copy.

if we are going by sheer mass, beetle queen wins
but proportionally, huntress wins
of course, niether are any match for artificer

beetle queen has bigger tits, huntress has fuckable thighs and ass

>2019 gaming

Attached: happy days ahead.png (1001x823, 806K)

I don't think there's a way to get to 100%. It either has scaling or a cap to it, though i've had like 14 teddy bears in one run and was nearly unkillable even with only 400-500hp 75 minutes in. Only died because i got stuck and was gangbanged by 50 projectiles within a second

Well dropping discord if anyone is interested I guess.

How many levels are in the game? I only saw 4.

you guys think it's a legit time?

Attached: wbThaRW[1].png (545x109, 55K)

>2017 gaming and 2019 gaming

Attached: 1497250095848.jpg (711x795, 38K)

How did they do it, lads? How did they make game breaking item stacks even more fun just by going 3D?

please don't make fun of the shit quality i can't into webms

Attached: I'VE BEEN IN THIS PLACE BEFORE (2).webm (1280x720, 1.48M)

of course

>he doesn't know how to get the final boss to turn back time and get the prequel
hah, fag

*blocks your path*

this isn't a ror1 thread user


>not editing your stats to cheat the leaderboards

Anyone else found the skeletal?

Attached: her.png (1366x768, 1.09M)

>super speed
>start running
>touch a small bump
>character is sent in space
Shit is great

is anyone else having a problem with their computer just having a sudden shutdown while playing?

>When you get 5x Feathers, 8xSoldier Surem, and 5x bleed as a Merc

Attached: fb0.jpg (640x432, 31K)

buy and give your friend a copy

Is commando still the best?

Why the fuck is my camera suck facing down and why can't I move it?

>unlock mul-t and try him for the first time
how are levels of death this big allowed

Attached: robobitch.jpg (1920x1080, 250K)

>74 fireworks

This is why leaderboards are stupid and a waste of time addition. It always ends up with cheaters being at the top.

Might be overheating? Mine sets all fans to maximum while the game is running although I haven't looked at temps.

git gud

gib lobby code

based mercenarychad

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Is your framerate uncapped? If so you should limit it.

>Everyone obsessing over huntress' ass so much they don't notice she has massive milkers too

Attached: 1536167134476.jpg (433x540, 53K)

I dunno, I think camper sniper would be more fun in 3D because of the more open environments. You basically get to watch the action from a distance while ripping through shit.

Attached: st.jpg (1000x1000, 1.19M)

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>see lunar
>it was just a jellyfish
this happens too much

It's a real shame the Artificer feels so lackluster. Having her bread and butter limited to bullets she has to recharge is pretty meh.




These rankings are correct and cannot be disputed.

>kill literally thousands of enemies in a run
>1% chance is bad

Attached: 1546130276940.jpg (1200x900, 351K)

>top tier
>my favorite thing

>total shit
>your favorite thing

2019 has been fucking fantastic so far

>playing multiplayer with friends
>friend finds it
>next game friend shows me where it is
>no skeltal
>can't even get acievement
What de fug

why do people hate artificer?

Attached: 1552014884722.gif (300x280, 114K)

Go look at the tits on the bug queen, friendo.

I hope more than 4 characters are on their way


Texas Lobby.

Attached: 023.png (1488x2144, 1.53M)

Really liked the first one, too broke to buy the second, anyone have an extra copy to make the poor me happy?

but i'm an engineer main

Because they haven't unlocked the class, probably

I feel like huntress is shittier than commando in every way unless you're playing at 5 fps and need the help aiming.

>being a cheating faggot

I don't think they will cause engie already is a hunker down character and i doubt they'd want two of them

Where the heck do I find an obelisk? I wanna be a fucking space samurai.

>Nothing but golems spawning for a whole level
That was fun

Attached: 20190329162744_1.jpg (2560x1440, 510K)

because they are bad and cant unlock her

Is there no way to purchase this a second time and gift those 2 copies?

Attached: ris.jpg (731x520, 40K)

Anybody have screenshots of all of the bosses.

MUL-T is cool shut the fuck up

Is this game still fun if I don't have any friends to play it with?

After the forth level you start looping. Reach the snow zone again and at the end a Celestial Portal will open.
Go trough that and reach the end

because they can't play her properly

doesn't seem to be. CPU's running at 31C, GPU at 36C

yeah Framerate was uncapped, I capped it now, we'll see what happens I guess.

I do way better with her than commando purely because of her superior mobility

engineer is best, this guy gets it

What manga?

Starts showing up randomly after level 4 when you clear teleporter events.

RoRAnon, unblock me before I whip out the vore laser on you.

You have Yea Forums, user.
Host when?

No engie just has no mobility skills; he can still run and gun once he gets some enhancements. Enforcer would put up his shield and slow himself to an absolute crawl

Where the fuck is my 56 leaf clover?

Who is this semen demon?

This shit is fun!

Attached: risk of rain 1.jpg (1920x1080, 295K)

>CPU's running at 31C, GPU at 36C
that's idle temps you dummy

Cheers anons.

Attached: 1454891737580.jpg (301x267, 25K)

So you guys are my friends?

Yes it is, but people post lobbies here so you can also play with them

Is this game good?
I have 300 hours in risk of rain 1 but 2 looks a bit weird.

6 levels and 4 fuel cells into a run and i can find no equipment.

>Gearbox Publishing
should I be worried? not for the quality of the game, i'm sure it's great, but more for hopoo/legal details

Jesus Christ. that BOGO deal really fucking worked didn't it?

That was a good run 2 other mercs and engi
It just got to be too much

Quick question, is this game DRM free? I remember the first ROR didn't require the steam API to run.

She outdamages him lategame. Her main DPS is not her arrow, it's her glaive. Plus she's meant to be priority target person like sniper

It's a surprisingly great transition to 3D. The art's different due to that, sure, but the gameplay translated extremely well.

except its worse y ou stupid fagot

I assume this partnership for the coming Switch port based on the switch files on the game. You don't need a publisher for Steam, correct? Hopefully Hopoo gets to keep a majority of the proceeds from the pc release


>items now show up on your character

don't know how I feel about this

Too bad the lack of new content will soon appear for most of those players. And who knows when the next patch is coming?

Post >tfw getting more than 3 guitars

Attached: Danger Approaching.gif (500x281, 1.13M)

no, I'm playing again right now and that's what I'm getting.

The amount of chests you get should be double
Hotpoop did this in RoR1 too, which turned the game into a slow crawling pace. No wonder RoR was only fun with the modifiers.

>7 back upmags
>3 alien heads

Says the game is published by hopoo games themselves on the steam page

most itens that are good on everyone else are less good on her

Attached: Create This Lightning Sword Digital Art Photo Manipulation Tutorial.jpg (1014x1600, 167K)

Where the FUCK is the second pressure plate?

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We really need clovers

you have to have 2 people anyway
post a lobby I'll help you out

We really need artifacts

Is this what you lads typically deal with around here...?

Attached: weirdo.jpg (613x1625, 111K)


Gearbox is probably publishing them on Switch. This hopefully means Hopoo kept all their steam proceeds

In a full game of 4 people and we can't find this damn thing.

anyone have a link to the discord?

Is this a KB+M kinda game or a gamepad kinda game? The first one was definitely gamepad but this being in 3D makes a big difference.


I want to schedule a field day on Huntress's ass

Welp I guess I'm buying this game twice

its literally /riskofrain2
KBM, but playing with controller and a keyboard isnt a bad idea either

it just blocked 93% hp loss from the donation machine so I can confidently tell you that it blocks just about anything
the question is whether the chance is multiplicative or just bugged if you still take damage at 14 bears

yes, and i'm going to find you and add you and talk to you like this


Ye fucked it.


its full

controller and a mouse* sorry

>Loyal fanbase
>Excellent offer to hook newcomers like myself
>Extremely reasonable price

We really need more players in lobby

Do bosses not drop items anymore or whats the deal (Not the teleport boss)


Yo can anyone else not turn bloom off?

Do items stack?

>tfw finally enjoying a videogame again
i haven't experienced this in years bros

Attached: 1462486152359.jpg (600x600, 39K)

nope, one and done

Attached: IMG_20190208_144923.jpg (499x337, 28K)

teenagers who think playing with someone from Yea Forums means you have to be an obnoxious retard.

yes, that's the entire point of the game

They drop items near teleporter on death

Give me a rundown on all classes and how to unlock them.

Some artifacts code is in the game, i'll try to mod the game and add glass

Attached: Untitled.png (1311x504, 76K)

No, it's a bug


Bosses that spawn not from the teleporter don't drop items. They also arent effected by AP rounds

How do I get mercenary? I loved the melee characters in RoR and want to get back into the Rules of Nature as soon as possible.


Attached: af3.png (280x330, 260K)

>that angry camera shake when bumpin into a rock and flying away

Attached: flowey.png (138x89, 16K)

Hostan US East


Attached: 1388485685754.gif (242x259, 2.72M)


>majority of games are hosts with shitter internet or fags stealing your loot
Fun game, though. Even though it's EA there's not much variation.


wait until the BOGO deal is over. Devs emailed me and said just as much.

>Played a game if all merc chads earlier
>Loot was split evenly
>Quick, efficient, effective
That was a blast, we all got wrecked by a blazing boss though

Damn this is fucking dope

I enjoyed the original well enough but somehow the transition into a TPS made it even better

paid shill

that picture has so much soul that it's almost tangible

Funballs arent fun if they dont instantly kill you. We need glass aswell

It's going to be hard implementing funballs, knowing that all the code about the artifacts is just strings. I'll try anyway

>Get two of these garbage bandoliers like five minutes into the game
>Find a ukulele 3D printer
Looks like this run's gonna be salvageable

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Your wife.

join fagmos

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are 3d printers the best part of this game?
>tfw hoof printer

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fungus on engy is crazy good

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Mercenary need buffs bros

>have a good build
>spend a luna token on some artefact
>items reset and nuke what I had going in favour of one item x16


I wonder where coobie and the rest of the OG RoR gang are

>Loved Risk Of Rain because it was a comfy time waster
>Feeling super stressed in 2
Fuck man I'm enjoying it but it's just not the same

Bandolier is pretty nice on huntress, chucking glaives and raining arrows all day erry day.

runspeed buff desu
maybe attack speed too

I'm new to this game and I have a couple questions I haven't yet seen answered ingame, so I apologize if these are obvious.

1. What do the outline colors on items mean?
2. Is there a limit to what I can carry? I know I can only hold one thing that goes in my Q slot, but it seems like I'm able to just endlessly pick everything else up.

Just git gud

Works for online? I doubt but I'm asking anyway I already own the game.

>wanted to buy Forza Horizon 4
>it's still expensive as a high class prostitute
>bought RoR2 and Yakuza Kiwami instead
I think I made a good decision

You're just not used to it yet user


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how do I gitgud and kill magma worm or any fire enemies as mercenary

what is this glitch I keep seeing?

>no glass

not a glitch, just a lot of drones
so many drones



orange is activate items that go on cooldown with use

rarity, except the orange ones, those are press Q to use itens

i drew artificer!
i love her! because she reminds me of haydee

Attached: adfasdf.png (682x603, 28K)

Some generous man may help a RoR1 in need of a copy of the second one? My third world salary can't buy me the game

No limit, Mul-T can have two items though as his perk.

Use your dash to get up high then climb wurms with spin and eviscerate

turns out you can get 2 portals a once

Attached: Screenshot (29).png (765x785, 717K)

What about the blue and yellow ones?

That Mask is blushing


Bandoliers on Huntress are maximum fun because you can just teleport into them whenever they drop and dance around with endless Blinks and Arrow Rains.


Looks like capping the framerate seems to have fixed it, I haven't crashed since

btw, which one goes to mercenary, cause thats the one i need

Yellow are boss drops, blue are lunar which have really strong upsides and downsides

i swear fighting a big fire lizard as mercenary doesn't work you just die

id buy it but i dont have friends anymore to play with

Colors determine rarity. They go up in order from white, to green, to red, to blue. Orange is equipment for your Q slot.

There is no limit to what you can carry

Oh I forgot about yellow. Yellows are items exclusively obtained from certain bosses. Blues are lunar items, which come with huge power but also huge drawbacks.

based Hopoo making Arty thicc af

Hmm. Has anyone else found a Beetle Guard?

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>pick up blue item
>run ruined

blue is lunar items, bought from pods for a lunar coin. they are very strong but come with a drawback. Yellow is a boss reward, found by the tele sometimes after a tele boss kill

is the coin purse in 2?

More than 4 player lobbies fucking when

yes, its an boss drop

GET IN HERE 109775240998856190

Are any of the Lunar items actually good? Brittle Crown is fucking useless on anything but Drizzle and the Effigy just makes a tiny little area.

memorise them, some are useful. its quite easy to remember how they look.

I'm giving a free copy to anyone who have played the first one for more than 50 hours and is willing to play with me.

Attached: Steam_2019-03-29_09-12-32.png (333x178, 18K)

I found transcendence to be pretty nice, convert all your HP into shields

the one that burns you alive is good with leech seed

>Every time I see a portal, it sends me to some guy with a person encased in crystal for 10 lunar coins.
>Finally get 10 lunar coins.
>Every portal I find sends me off to obliterate myself from existence.
Also why is Engineer the best?

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What the fuck

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If you do buy. make a random fag happy, give me a copy maybe?

The one that drops the huge slowdown aoe is great for crowd control

I never played the first one despite apparently owning it since it came out.
Someone gifted me this yesterday and I've played it for a few hours, it's pretty fun

End your fucking life, retarded leech

the ghetto glass modifier is good

I would accept but youre probably gay

holy shit double glass turrets are amazing

>getting Tincture on Merc

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Is there any way to avoid the stone titan's eye laser besides running away until it loses sight of you?

I did a steam gift card to a friend with the explicit instructions that he has to buy the game and give a copy to his brother. Good times ahead friends.

I just had a Mult game with
>5 Ukuleles
>6 Syringes
>that mask crit 30% attack speed
>2 stun grenades
>3 sticky grenades
chain lightning explosions everywhere

also protip Mercfags, you can stand on these guys

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.03.29 - (1920x1080, 2.67M)

>hide behind terrain to avoid attack
>sometimes there is no terrain
Really fucking epic, Hoopoo.


east coast

Attached: Zu9oYRb.jpg (1920x1080, 202K)


>3 guitars
>10 syringes

Attached: 1550128453527.jpg (471x393, 19K)

take cover

hopoo is a based god
but seriously, his success is incredibly enviable and he knows how to make a fun game, it's like being at an arcade holding down SHOOT button and watching the air fill with coins, damage, enemies and effects

>tfw so many different itens you start to look like the Scavenger from RoR1

I hope this success means a lot of updates

>Gold Stone Titan arena

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That fucking stone titan eye laser that has 100% track accuracy out in the open field is literally my bane also fuck Blazing Wisp

Isn't it possible to stand on Greater Wisps too? I remember landing on a standard one also, but that might of just been my imagination.

sell me on this game Yea Forums I know it's a rougelike but what makes it better than something like binding of issac? other than the 3-D. Can you level up? Are there different weapons? How good is the multiplayer?

engi's shield

user whats your favourite hero and why
mines engineer

Attached: mult milky chrysalis.jpg (1280x720, 32K)

You have 2 hours until a refund.

>tp into level
>friend messages me, hit shift tab
>pressing shift sends MUL-T flying off the side of the level
>when I go back to the game I'm standing in a cave

I'll take it

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no real offense to isaac but i personally find it to be the weakest of the rogue-lites, pretty much everything that came after it is either better at one thing than it does or just better than everything
i've only played this for like an hour after someone gave it to me but it was pretty fun
yes, yes, ok

Your only option is to stack those hooves, energy drinks, and whips, and part the seas of space and time with blistering speed.

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Humble Bundle also gives you two Steam codes

wish I could run this

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Can people buy it, gift the copy then refund?

does quickplay suck for anyone else? i can't get a lobby with it at all

i cannot into huntress

as someone with 150 hours in both rebirth and ror, you'll probably like this
there's different characters who each have their own ability sets
multiplayer is fine, but in 1 you have to port forward

Do you get anything for killing the golden golem?

did i miss out on a meme
i wanted to have multiple of the rocket salvo

US East

>playing merc on monsoon
>get to high difficulty, swarmed by mobs
>use r, as soon as i get out of invincibility I get nuked by a greater wisp
Why are they so smart what the heck

wings plus utility = flying lawnmower

Holy shit, I didn't even think of this. I wonder if it's possible.

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>tfw you TWO get afterburners on MULT

ah you were referencing just the image itself
i thought you meant it was just really powerful, cool

Not sure if anyone has found this yet but if you put the Ocular Hud on the robots second weapon, activate it, then quickly switch to the nailgun and start firing, you will have 100% crits until you stop firing, instead of just for 8 seconds

hot webm tip: use a lower resolution; 480p is fine

>2600 reviews
Based on that one dudes guessing formula it would be about 200k copies sold but since they were giving out free copies for everyone who bought it it's hard to say if that guesstimate is any where near correct.

I know nothing about these, can someone tell me what it's about, just started slay the spire as my first rogue like and it's great, also why did they change from 2d to 3d with this game?

RIP Hard Drives.

yeah it's a bug faggots have been abusing

not possible.. valve is stupid but not that stupid

Oh shit there is a hidden console

I love dying from rocks falling from the sky

looks like the one on the left, the celestial portal

need 1 more

It's Risk of Rain, but 3D

US East one more 109775240998788695

This game is terrible. No wonder Yea Forums loves it

Risk of Rain has the greatest mobility of anything else in the roguelike genre, especially with 2. Finding synergy between the movement in your class abilities and stackable items is where a lot of the fun comes from.

3D is way better in my opinion for this. I didn't like the really zoomed out screen of the first game but it was necessary for the big ass bosses. Now the camera is at a normal distance for a third person shooter and it doesn't matter how big the bosses are because you can just look up.

>I know it's a rougelike
lmao this a fun game but it's not remotely a roguelike

Each level has some random variation each time you enter it so sometimes they're open sometimes they're not. There's also some features of the map that are not always there or might lead to areas that you couldn't access otherwise.

its really like Im playing on Magma Barracks

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how is it terrible? enlighten us, user

Don't worry, its going away soon

LITERALLY a worse version of anthem in every regard and anthem is shit

All the characters from the first game are going to be in this one eventually, right?

Where does steam save the savefile for this game? I get to the userdata folder with a bunch of numbered ones but I can't find the one for RoR 2, the number doesn't look like anything I find online

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Honestly I think it's better than abusing ropes for 90% of the game.

Hopoo has said not everyone might return

*blocks you are path*

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>tfw got TWO ceremonial dagger on merc

Having this much SNKT should be illegal.

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If i buy it from the steam page, does it automatically give me a 2nd copy for free or do i need to do fuckery

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So you have no idea what you're talking about, got it

*laughs in magma worm*

It's automatic

Have I missed any new Huntress art?

>doesn't have a single reason why it's good
So you have confirmed that it's indeed a shit game, got it

lobbies where

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Yeah, it's a bad game. You won. Now leave.

> comparing a looter shooter to a roguelite
oh shit nigger what the fuck are you doing

holy shit

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Game looks nice, i wish i had the cash to buy it lol

or friends to play with

what the fuck have you done

why do you guys reply to obvious baitposting like this?

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>deflection and literal agreement that the game is shit
The literal state of neo Yea Forums's taste


This is gonna be good, I hope there is some kind of anticheat system (most likely not) otherwise queuing with strangers is going to be shit

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Here. Hope I did this right.

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> it's deflecting to point out that I made a shitty comparison!
You're the one who needs to prove the game is bad, because 50,000 concurrent players on Steam says otherwise.

new thread when


east coast

Attached: risky.jpg (1024x576, 229K)

>22 soldier's syringes
It was great

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>a million flies can't be wrong
My, how Yea Forums has fallen from grace. This is literally a subreddit at this point.

NA east

Attached: 1553219353787.webm (1280x720, 919K)

>run is going great
>mercenary portal appears
>promised that one guy in the group we would get it for him

RIP my god-tier engineer

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>tfw no chef

>we didnt get this stone titan
still upset desu

>No discount for ROR 1 owners
Fucking fag

How do you activate it?

It won't run outside of steam without crack and most likely it'll never be playable online with a cracked version.

> still doesn't prove the game is bad in any capacity
Give an argument for why it's bad. Without just saying "it's worse than Anthem", which is blatantly false.

So the magma stage always has a guaranteed legendary chest or am I just lucky?

>literally getting a copy of the game for free
>still complains

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I dont have the game