JRPG thread

What JRPG are you playing right now?

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Tales of Vesperia DE.

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Sekiro :^)

Same :^)
It's really good

Was thinking about maybe finishing up Tales of Berseria but then I remember that I lost my save and I don't feel like replaying 60 hours again.
It'll probably take less time if I just rush things but I can never let myself do that.

Ann in Pyra's costume where?

FF7 on the switcharoni

I am at the last chapter of Death End re:Quest.

Lame that the big "shit hits the fan" moment:
Removes you ability to fast travel
Prevents you from doing the bonus dungeon
Prevents you from upgrading summons
Only changes the skybox of the final area

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SMT4 I want to kill myself and chuck this broken ass piece of shit into my toilet.

>lost my save and
Fuck dude I'm sorry. That's the worst feeling and can kill anyone's motivation.
If you do go back to it, take your time and use different characters as often as you can.

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just started trails of cold steel a few days ago. it's pretty good so far, but i can totally see what everyone says about rean being a gary stu already.

NG+ing Persona 5. Super comfy man

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Due to autism caused by my playtime, I'm doing a "speedrun" while grinding to 99. Using every known weather buff early in the game, I can't infect the Reaper with despair. Feels bad man, it would be a one-way ticket to success.

I want to do a third playthrough but after the P5R announcement I feel like I'll be bored when it inevitably turns out to be the exact same game with a new party member and Satan changed to SMT4A version Satan.

I thought this was a a girl version of Knuckles when I saw the thumbnail.

>Satan changed to SMT4A version Satan.
Why would they do that? Persona 5 came out after IV:A, so if they were going to have that design in P5 they would have done it already.

Debating on buying Xenoblade Chronicles 2 since I couldn't stay interested in the first one.

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>Why would they do that?
Because Black/Red is literally P5's colour scheme and they're missing an opportunity here.
Not to mention P5's development time is about 5x longer than SMT4A's which was probably done in a week with how low budget it is.

I completed xenoblade chronicles 2 and torna. Incredible. Starting up Octopath later and then plan on doing Vesperia.

Looking forward to dragon quest, fire emblem and astral chain.

They wouldn't change a single Demon design that doesn't even have plot relevance just because they have a black and red version of the design. There isn't a single Doi design in the game and I doubt they would change this one design when there isn't one Doi design in the game just because it has a certain color palette. The only reason they'd change Satan's P5 design is if he was plot relevant, and if that were the case then Soejima would be the one doing a new design.

SMT4A's satan also looks cooler man just quit with the autistic bullshit and let me hope alright?

Based. Sadly XC2 was probably the peak.

Loki was changed from "half naked dude in a blanket" like he was in Persona 3 to this in Persona 4 and he wasn't plot relevant.

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Playing the PS3 version of Birth by Sleep Final Mix. Trying to Platinum it. Platinumed KH1, Chain of Memories, and KH3 earlier this year so far. 100% done with everything I need to do with Aqua, so I'm moving onto trying to 100% Terra and Ventus's scenarios now. Then moving onto KH2 Final Mix for it's Platinum.

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Just finished XB2. Amazing ending. Working on FF7 for switch now.

You can hope all you want, I'm just telling you the reality of the situation. That aside, P5R definitely won't be just the same game but with a new party member. Just because a new character is the focus of the promotional material doesn't mean they won't change a lot. P4G added a lot more to P4 than just Marie, and most ATLUS re-releases add new dungeons, endings and QoL stuff in addition to the new character they put on all the promotional material.

That's going from Persona 3 to Persona 4 though, they didn't change Loki back to the design they used in P3 in P4G, they didn't change Odin to his Soul Hackers design or any of that. Using different designs in going from one game to its sequel isn't that surprising, but they never change designs in the games' re-releases, and furthermore, they've never used one of Doi's Demon designs in Persona, so I don't see them starting now for no real reason whatsoever.

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Git gud, easiest game in the series

SMT1 is way easier.

No way faggot Nocturne was a hundred times easier. I even got the extra press turn in Nocturne without any trouble.

where are you at? the only hard things in SMT4 are the first two bosses

Atelier Lydie & Suelle. Just beat lightning guy.

Oh ok good to know the bosses are easier but the random encounters are really taxing on my MP and HP and a surprise attack ends me instantly.

Where'd you lose interest in the first one? I love XB2 but it's kind of a slow burn.

Think I'm going to start up Etrian Odyssey 2U. Tried it before but I don't think I was in the right mindset. Looking forward to DQXI on the next later this year.

Recently beat FFXV. Was going to try Comrades but didn't want to add 30 gb on top of the 90 something gb game. Was going to play Episode Ardyn and then realized I never liked him and one DLC isn't going to change my mind.

Playing Skyward Sword right now but thinking of my next JRPG.

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This desu.

I just got around to playing this, it seems much simpler than I thought it was from playing the demo years ago. Like you just look at an enemy's weaknesses then throw together a combo on any character midfight and mash that combo till they die?

Same. I loved X but I lost interest in 1 on my way to some prison island. I'm not sure if I'd like 2 or not.

The first couple hours. I guess it was the MMO interface. Maybe I didn't give the world a chance because I just couldn't get interested in it.

If you play as Velvet your can essentially mash with whatever you want throughout the entire game. I recommend mixing it up with the other characters, although they aren't much better.

The only thing that IV got is the difficulty curve being steep before you get to tokyo.
After Medusa shit just drops

Only if you know how to cheese them. You have to handicap yourself to struggle with 4

Thinking of replaying Secret of Evermore.

World of Final Fantasy

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Don’t forget Torna. It had a great ending as well.

Trying to finish Hacker's Memory. I think I'm at or right before the last chapter and then I should probably move onto playing something else or
go back to FFXII

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I'm playing Xenoblade 2
I already love it more than Persona 5, and I played Persona 5 in 3 full playthroughs [/spoiler
I wish I never held off on playing it

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Please name your friends

to be fair 1's easier than 4 the moment you start getting status bullets.
Nerve/sleep and charm break the game unlike 2 where statuses aren't as broken and you need to work for your gamebreaking skill on your demons

I love this game so much

You pick Velvet and boringly steamroll the game. Why? Because the game lets you, and Velvet is the quickest and fastest way.

gonna be playing this soon, from what i've heard of it it's great

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Replaying Persona 3 portable as the FeMC. Really enjoying it but after 5 I do miss the better dungeons and QOL improvements they made.

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I refuse

Xenogears for the first time after playing all the xenoblades. This game is incredibly cinematic for its time but everything feels so slow.

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hackers Memory

If it counts as a JRPG, I just finished platinuming The Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival. Now I have both platinums for that game. Feels good.

Not him, but my only experience with Digimon is these Cyber Sleuth games. But I'm a long time Pokefag who always nicknames everything in that.

I struggle to give names to Digimon as they're much more fluid in what they can actually be due to how digivolution works. When I catch a Charmander I know it's going to be a Charizard and name it accordingly.

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FF4 or 5 co-op with a friend? We played 6 like that a few years back and had a ton of fun.

Yo right I’m surprised I liked it better than P5 given I played it after

Liked the game that much?

Replaying TWEWY. Fucking love the battle system. You guys got any more ARPGs to reconmmend?

It is. Only problem is sadly being too easy. Still, great combat system, beautiful art, and a genuinely good plot make it well worth playing.

Do NOT spoil the story, there are some genuinely great and effective moments that will get you.

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Hell yes. It's rough in places, but I love the characters, story and music, as well as some of the bosses and maps. And Metallia especially.

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I have no idea what JRPG to play.
I got majin tensei 2 and Parasite Eve 1 to finish, but I got no motivation.
Same with the CRPGs I downloaded

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4 is easy as fuck post medusa

nice, i had jesmon and rosemon bm on my final team in hacker's memory too.

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Persona 4 Golden

The Heroine in SMT1 has Zio which is all you need to cheese the game and you'll immediately realize that if you ever use the move. If the game had some easily missed way to cheese it I might agree, but it's plain as day how to do it.

is Caligula Effect: Overdose worth picking up?

I know it's not an RPG but how is Dragon Marked For Death? worth it?

beat my BoC playthrough of xenoblade 2 with Torna inter-spaced between chapter 7 and 8. Next up is trails in the sky. Going NEET mode for a few months now that my job's done

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>is Caligula Effect: Overdose worth picking up?
i absolutely loved it. good battle system, kino music, great writing.
my only recommendations are to do the musician route, and stick to pc or ps4 because the switch port was totally botched.

Tales of Vesperia
Zero no Kiseki
Final Fantasy 8

Those are the three JRPGs I've played this year, with Final Fantasy 8 being the most recent one I beat. It kind of sucked, but that's all right. Vesperia and Zero no Kiseki on the other hand were fucking great.

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Did you try any of the Challenge Mode post-game stuff?

I'm not even going to bother doing shit like elma redux on BoC mode, it's just gimmick abuse at that point

thanks for the encouragement, the only thing i know about it plotwise is that the protagonist and antagonist are connected somehow? like they're the same person or something. i hope that isn't the biggest reveal of the game/there's more than that

I mean, sure, Ann is the worst character of P5 but come on, no need to insult her with XB2 irredeemable trash

Nice Knuckled R63 you got, there!

Just finished Etrian Odyssey Nexus and Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen. Both have been quite the ride and were a bunch of fun especially Bitterblack isle the second time around. Will be trying out Ys 6 before I replay Tales of Vesperia DE, so far pretty fun for a first time playing.

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Don't worry, you're fine.

great, thanks again fren

What made you run a NG+ run then, just to use and acquire some new Blades? Also on NG+ did you rewatch all the cutscenes or skip some? Asking because i’m interested in NG+ someday.

I did it on NG, I did NG+ stuff a while ago just for new blade hunting, alternative heart to hearts, and some blade quest clean up

Persona 5 emulated

Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters.

Just got Foiletta, time to hex it up.

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I was playing Vesperia on hard but then DMC5 came out and I ran DH to SoS to DMD in that and about to finish Shiteriko and probably go back well to Vesperia well practicing in the BP.

Some shit is pretty gay on hard. Specifically that bug boss in the forest. It poised so hard with its life regen and I had to go get two levels and really stay on its ass hard to stop its horse shit from getting out of control. I learned bow boy can stop this but I didn't want to learn a new party setup from what I was used to.

How’s Valkyria Chronicles 4? The Tactical JRPG combat looks right up my alley, so awesome to see that type of strategy in a jrpg. The characters and story however look kinda whatever. Will it’s story and characters suffice enough for the combat to blissfully carry me through the game? Or are those aspects simply not engaging in the slightest. Also I heard the music is nothing to gloat about.

Question for anyone who's played the Switch version of TWEWY.
I don't have a Switch but I heard Neku fucking dies in the extra ending? I played it on the DS years ago.

Eyup. Being Neku is suffering.

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He can't die he has to be in KH4

What in the absolute fuck. I liked Neku.

The suffering never ends, user.

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>insane math freak
It's been what, 10+ years and the phrase "zetta slow" is burned in my brain. I'd buy a Switch for the sequel if I had to, I just want poor Neku to be happy.

We all do, user.

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does gbf count
that's the only thing i've played for a month

>having tits that small

this doesn't even include the worst of it, TWEWY is now sucked into KH's trash

Finished Phantasy Star 2 earlier this week and beat 3 today so I started 4 today as well. After I beat 4 I'm gonna move back to the Ys games with Ys 6


I'm stuck at the moment. I have to unlock a gate in Mor Ardain to fuck up the otaku-glasses nopon's shit, but I'm cockblocked by Field Skills every way I try.
Can't go through the abandoned factory because I need 3xFire Affinity/2xForce, and the game is forcing me to use Mythra and Roc at the moment so I'm short 1x Fire. All the Lv1-3 crap blades I have are capped at 1x. Apparently you can find the key buried in a little area I discovered while doing the quest to get Vess but lol fucked by field skills again. I also tried swimming in the cloud sea and finding a way around the back, but I'm foiled by a chest-high wall I can't jump over.

I hate this Field Skill system so god damn much.

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it's easily the worst part of the game, you won't have to deal with them again until chapter 7

Until the later chapters, there are always workarounds to the Field Skills.

That's the reason you should open a lot of cores and not discard any of the normal blades, also always repeat mercenary missions with normal blades so they could have affinity chart filled

The worst part of the game is having to defeat specific named enemies to level of Blades Affinity trees.

Yeah but I literally cannot continue unless I get lucky and land a fire-based rare blade with the ~10 or so common crystals I have left.

Is there another way around?

Also it's not just the doors that frustrate me, but the tedious blade swapping, the unskippable animation with the bar filling and characters yapping, and the fact that 60% of the time when I stumble on a locked box I can't open it. That's not fun. And when I come back, the reward is inevitably garbage, never a core chip that doubles my damage or something otherwise cool.
This system just sucks all around. It's HMs from Pokemon but even worse.

I'm doing that, but all the crap blades I have are capped at +1 Fire max.

That shit is awful. I spent 15 minutes wailing on a giant crab just before.

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ff x2

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You can't be that unlucky, try to use compassion booster to get more fire blades

remainder that jrpg's are only good for one thing
providing characters for r34

Aite, I got a 2-crown fire blade with the skill available.
Guess I'll grind him up.

This is really fucking stupid and tedious, but thanks.

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The key to the giant gate in mor ardain isn't blocked by field skills at all user, it's found in a secret area under the royal capital that can only be accessed at low tide. The entrance point for it can be found easily by fucking around under the bridge that connects the royal capital to the titan itself.
Only real issue is the lower level is littered with enemies that are leveled 70-80 that are all hostile, so you're forced to sneak your way past them

>Shoehorning XC2 into more popular series to keep it alive
>Making thinly veiled XC2 threads
>Bumping at page 10 every other post

And you guy wonder why you're the most hated fanbase on Yea Forums, you're the bronies of video game fanbases.

Nice paranoia bro

t. XC2DF

The Caligula effect on steam just beat the first dungeon.

will start her game tomorrow

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The Feif of Forgetfulness?
Yeah I'm there now. The only thing here after the Vess quest is a named monster and an Excavation point where the key can only be hidden.

The key should be a red pouch item hidden somewhere there, granted it's been a while since, but I don't remember having to excavate for it

Yeah I literally just found it.

Alright let's get this show on the road.

Persona 3 FES
Pic related should be good to finish off the end game with ease, yeah?

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i like the music

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finished tms, started sekiro but got bored quickly, gonna start ff: fates tomorrow

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Same here, and I loved P5.

JRPGs are linear and dont take player choice into account, and therefore are not real RPGs

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No one cares, dude.

Dragon Quest XI, not having fun to be honest. Fuck VII and this "it needs to drag on and on" trend it started.

Chocobo Dungeon Every Buddy. Pure drug.

no, that's smashfags. cringeblade fags are second, though.

Surprisingly good combat for a basic JRPG
Surprisingly dark for that in-game chibi-ish arstyle

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Parasite Eve

>choice in video games

There are few games that do this well, and when games try to give players choice the story usually ends up being the same plot about HOW THERE'S NO CHOICE or ETERNAL RECURRENCE (like that fag netflix choose your own adventure show). Video games are an inherently shallow medium.

If you want an RPG with 'choice' just play a tabletop game

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Persona 5, and I fucking hate it. Every time it starts setting up a plot twist or a new antagonist it cuts back to Sae just to have her blurt out who they are, what they did, and how you beat them.

>Playing Persona after 3

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good choice.

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The whole 7th Dragon series is remarkably brutal.

Trust me, it only gets worse.

yeah actually that's exactly what I pretty much had and cheezed the game to the end.

it sucks, because i'd like to use this game as an example for how voiced protagonists can work with the persona formula, but rean just never says anything interesting and everyone fawns over him like he's yu narukami.
instructor sara is easily the best character so far.

Xenoblade 2 is one of the best flawed games ever made. I always tell people "Xenoblade 2 is a game that will try it's hardest to make you hate it, but if you hold on long enough you'll discover it's actually wonderful".
Lovable cast of characters too. I think what I love about them most is that everyone in the party is such a fucking dork and a loser, but they all play off each other so well that by the end of the game you look at this clown fiesta of characters thrown together and think "Yeah, they've got each other's backs. They're friends".

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There's only 2 chapters you need Field Skills for: Chapter 7 and chapter 9.

That said, the part where you're at is one of the parts most people get stuck at. If you search around in that facility area there's a way out that leads you to the lower level. IIRC you need to drop through a hole in the ceiling and grab a key.

Thank you, but it's alright, I managed to find the key to the gate, and stealth my way through the Lv80 enemies. I've just killed Lila/Kiku.

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Hi WRPG kun

Just finished Persona 5 a few days ago.
I'm going to need some time before I jump into another JRPG.

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Finishing second playthrough of Persona 5
Playing Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Also playing Persona 3 FES
I also have DragonQuest XI, but it's on my back burner

>Blitz through the entire Trails in the Sky trilogy
>Feel high as a kite, relaxed, satisfied

>Play through one game, Persona 5
>Feel fucking exhausted by the end

Legit for the next week I took a 2 hour nap after getting hom from work. It was the strangest shit. I loved the game but god damn it was like a fucking extremely hot seductive vampire. I probably lost 3 years of my life or something.

Final Fantasy 13-2

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I stopped playing 1 once I got to the Robot city, I completed 2 and was far more engaged in it too, it's combat system isn't a chore like Xenoblade, and there's far more better sidequests.

3, 4, and 5 have all made me feel extremely worn out when I finished them.
Especially 3, because the final boss is so long and I stayed up all night to finish it, ending at like 8 or 9 AM, and there's still another hour or two hours of cutscenes after.

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>Get to the ending of a JRPG
>There's a 3 hour long dungeon, an hour long boss fight, and an hour long ending scene to finish off the game

Any time I'm on the final chapter of a JRPG I set aside an entire night to clear it. The Trails series is especially bad about this. Every game has a fuckhuge sprawling maze as its final level, along with a boss with 3 phases each with 100000000 HP, and then an ending that lasts so long.

Chrono Trigger, kind of lost motivation every since I got stuck on an area, too lazy to look up the answer too.


I recently replayed Final Fantasy IX and had a pretty good time up until I reached Necron. I completely forgot how obnoxious the fight is and the PS3's PSX emulator shits itself hard during his fight because of all the flashy moves so it's borderline unplayable.

I'm also trying out the FF Origins version of FF1 as I'm told it's the best version.

>had a pretty good time up until I reached Necron.
So the whole game then


Omega Weapon is a fucking bitch to fight.

I guess it was kind of a silly way to put it. The final fight is the only genuinely negative experience I had the whole play through. The game holds up pretty well.

Your in Mor Ardain which has the best core farming spot so hop to it

Go down to the docks and intentionall fail the salvage. If you can break combo it you should get 1-2 cores every time

Anyone here like Octopath? How come Yea Forums never talks about it? Is it because of no waifus I think Ophelia is a decent waifu

Why do the Japanese always focus on tits? Every man knows that ass >>> tits

thinking about going back to Odin Sphere, if that counts

I'll kill you

Because showing off ass requires the camera to actually swerve to focus on it whereas having big fat tiddies can be shown in any conversion or event without taking away focus from what is happening.

Big boobs are repulsive desu

Every person has a behind. Whether be it male, or female , you have an ass. Only females have boobs.

Are you gay user?


Lost Odyssey on Xbox One X.
Phantasy Star on Switch.

Well, this is what I'm playing right now...

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Smt iv

Just finished FF6 for the first time and it was my first final fantasy. Game was great but fuck me the load times pissed me off.

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Lots of jrpg intellectuals had said that was the best final fantasy. Do you agree

FF IV:TAY, as a massive FFIV fan it's really fun but repeat dungeons are lame. After that I'll move back to FFXII then FFV GBA.

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>load times
Did you play the PS1 version or something?

Also protip: never play IX, unless you have an emulator with a frameskip button.

>load times

Are you unironically playing the PS1 version?

Boobs are fine unless they're huge, then they're starting to become a detriment. For example Pyra's boobs in the game are definitely too big. The version from OP looks much better

y-yes i bought the game at a thrift store

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I've never played another final fantasy so i wouldn't know user.

Playing through xiv. Fuck you it's a jrpg until you hit dungeons and end game content. It's such a struggle leveling BLM early and harder to know i might not like it later on, i dread the PotD grind that's inevitable when i get bored or want to try MCH, MNK, NIN, literally anything but DRG. This is my second go around, had the game on ps4 but playing on ps4 sucks so i just decided to reroll entirely on my new rig. spank you very much for reading this i appreciate every like and thumbs up.

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DMW3 is grindy but comfy

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I guess. I tried playing different characters but to be honest, button mashing Velvet was the most enjoyable.

Persona 5
Persona 4 The Golden
Persona 2 Innocent Sin
Digimon story: Hacker's Memory
SMT:Soul Hackers
Pokemon Black 2
SMT:Strange Journey Redux
Desu2:Record Breaker
Persona Q Shadow of the Labyrinth

Onimusha Warlords (if you count that as a JRPG)
Trails in the Sky 1 (boring as shit though)

My condolences. Kefka's Tower was fucking grueling because of the load times. Glad you enjoyed it despite that though.

KH 2.5

I had just saved all of my skill enhancers until the end of the game because it felt like a waste to use them on personas I knew I would fuse and had something like this for a physical persona at the end. Absolutely murdered the last few fights. Got crits every other hit.

>mfw finishing chapter 8
this game is plot twist after plot twist
aggle is the bad guys right?

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Face > Legs > Eyes > Ass

Finally got around to playing P3 and I have to say I really enjoy the characters and story, but I have a question. Can I fuck Aigis and if so, when can I fuck her becuase she just things to my dick

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Just finished Death End Re Quest. Surprisingly great game. Breaking the forth wall was a nice touch.

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breaking the 4th wall is literally the entire point of that game

It flew right over my head with the episode chart stuff until the finale.

I'm trying to get into Tales of Vesperia and Romancing Saga 2 but the story, graphics and combat of both games are really not gripping me and I struggle to give enough of a fuck to push forward past the opening sections.

If you couldn't get into Xenoblade 1 you probably won't get into 2 either, it has even more of a slow start than 1.

Ar Tonelico, finishing the remaining routes after Aurica

Dragon Quest II.
About half-way through now I think, I prefer the original.

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How worth it are Xenoblade 1/2?
No I'm not interested in X

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it's okay. Sort of a victim of excessive hype.

I hope the devs listen to the fans and make the upcoming sequel better.

Recently got the original TWEWY after finding it secondhand at a Gamestop. Been having fun with it.

>remaining routes after Aurica
Absolutely wonderful taste.

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Very worth it in my opinion, some of the best RPGs out there with absolute 11/10 OSTs to boot. If you ever do end up playing 1 and 2 and enjoy them, please consider giving X a chance.

Oh wow I hadn't taken a look at the rest of the thread before posting, kek

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I'm playing Odin Sphere. It's really a fun game. Gwendolyn best girl.

Not when Mercedes exists.

while I don't hate the others, the choice was clear.
Misha: insincere, lies to Lyner and flunks on her world saving duty
Shurelia: alright, but throws her life away without asking Lyner first
Aurica: just a lonely girl that grows over the course of the game. Best outfits

They're a little overrated, but overall pretty damn worth it. But don't bother with too many sidequests in 1, that shit will overlevel you and burn you out on the game very quickly.

Romancing SaGa 2 becomes a wild fucking ride after you finish off the first boss and Gerard becomes emperor. The world opens up and your selection of classes/magic grows exponentially. Give it another chance

Do you like anime tits? do you like over the top "this isn't even my final form yet" chuunishits? Do you like geat soundtracks? then you'll love this game.

what's the hardest JRPG, where you can't just faceroll the content by overleveling in every area?

take that back.

After december 31 iirc

Perhaps not the hardest, but SMT Nocturne sounds like it'd be right up your alley.

Mah nigger.
I will concede that Misha's version of the Purger is way better, but I do overall like Aurica much more.

The 7th Saga
No seriously, don't bother.

mate, Obama Obama Stairway Lucky Strawberry is one of the best songs in the game, especially the lyrics.
Linca is better than either

Is Fate/EXTELLA link any good? Does it works with a Radeon r 290x? I don't want to give SNOY money anymore.

>Obama Obama Stairway Lucky Strawberry


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misheard lyrics of EXEC_PAJA Orica

to answer your spoiler, yes

Genius of Sappheiros 2.09

Just installed LWA, time for Akko!

Ys VIII. And I honestly don't understand why people call it good. Sure, the NPCs are alright, the exploration is alright, the visuals are alright, but the core gameplay is just bad and sleep inducing and I'm skipping most of the battles. Boring guitar in every single fucking track doesn't help.

Bloodborne if you can count it as a JRPG. I want to replay P3FES as I haven't played it for some years.