top is superior
We need more Rice Loli pictures god fucking dangit
Emma is the blandest Shrine Maiden From has made so far.
But Emma is cute and drinking with her is fun.
>dark souls 1 simply didn't exist
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Don't fucking talk shit about Spider waifu you double nigger
I'm talking about Anastacia, you brick.
What the FUCK did you just call me you donut
Listen, spoon, if you don't get your tastes set straight I'm going to have to start getting serious!
imagine kuro in a little red riding hood costume and sekiro is the big bad wolf haha
Unironically based
how is he so cute
>Draw cute boy
>I'm actually a 1000-year old dragon(blooded immortal)
Emma is superior if she wasn't in love with Chad
I'm expecting a minor twist in the next game that Kuro is female and The Divine Child of the Rejuvenating Waters is male.
>true ending is literally rice girl becoming pregnant with kuro
How the fuck did From get away with this?
Like.... after they're allowed to grow old?
He did it with Bloodbourne. This is nothing new.
You're throwing that word around, but that's not 'literally' what happens.
I dunno, I kinda dig her homely appearance. She got that calm mommy vibe going on.
Was that really necessary?
Cute and funny?
They're underaged
That's exactly what happens
Does the game, ever, say that she becomes 'pregnant'?
She 'absorbs' him into her, and holds her hand over her heart, but that's it. That's a mighty leap to say she's 'literally' pregnant.
This makes my pp the big pp
holy shit she's so cute
>Fromsoft makes a male child more attractive than the females in Capcom games
This is fucked up.
That looks nothing like Kuro, though.
Someone mentioned yesterday that Emma was like the cute girl next door while the other maidens are supermodels
Based shotafag.
This is the type of woman I love the most.
Loli is for fags, Kuro is best boy
She is also the one that feels like her own character the most, with the exception of maybe the Maiden in Black.
she looks like me
I'll tell you how. 'He' is a girl
post feet
>Yea Forums loving shota
faith in this board restored
Kuro doesn't count because he looks like a girl though
You mean most perfect
We really don't. She has a fucking giant insect inside herself like the rest of the immortals at the temple.
She was saved by the Sculptor who was nicknamed the Bounding Monkey. You can put it together by that conversation with her, the conversations with the Sculptor where he talks about his past training and how Isshin cut his arm, and the description of the Shinobi Axe you put in your prosthetic (which was the Sculptor's main weapon).
god I want to snugglefuck him so badly
This was pleasantly informative.
Based paste user
Ruined by the feet. Someone needs to edit it because it's a good drawing outside of that mistake.
Footfags are such cancer.
He drew the wrong foot you brainlet. Look at his legs.
Wait, is that from an actual doujin? I had another version of that image. How come?
>open game
>invasive Activision privacy agreement right in may face.
fucking dropped. I only wanted to find out if that fucking thing is a boy or a girl anyway.
Left or Right?
Right but would choose left if it didn't have a penis
Left all day everyday.
>he doesn't know
Right. Feeding my persimmons to her makes me happy. She's so happy when she eats them too.
>Closeted homos still can't accept that they're in love with a male
>S*kirofags are gay
I knew it
Biggest faggot ITT
It's just a guy that draws single panels with no continuity. Most of them aren't even explicit.
pure based and kino-pilled
But user, the dick only makes it better.
Did you do the manchild's questline? He gives you a special persimmon that she really likes
so is wolf just a pedophile who really wants to fuck kuro?
Everyone knows an elite mountain sharpshooter woman is where it's at. It's the sort of union that births mythic heroes.
Yeah, I did. It was great. I didn't know you can find him in the monkey realm until my second playthrough.
He is asexual but it's impossible not to have affection for a cute boy if you guard him for years
Best girl.
>That's exactly what happens
It's more accurate to say they become a single being in the same way Motoko and the Puppetmaster merged at the end of Ghost in the Shell.
more like biggest based if u ask me
I would adopt both of them and marry Emma and have a happy family together
Right for marriage and creating a strong lineage. Left as an apprentice and concubine when the right is unable to perform.
Is there anymore info on the Sculptor's friend he trained with in the monkey valley besides the finger and what he tells you himself?
first post bad post
Kuro is a boy. Stop projecting your hetero fantasies on him.
>Kuro is a boy
Not after I'm done with "him"
There's so little porn of Sekiro himself & that is, in no miced words, a crime
>She got a fun side and likes to tell jokes
>She is master swordsman
>She notice and comments on Wolf´s growth throughout his journey
Emma is top cute
I don't think Sekiro even has a rule 34 tag. I tried but there's nothing.
I don't know sadly, those were the only mentions I found as well. I wonder if there's more.
I would totally do Emma though.
Previous Shura saved her from death as a kid, he was Shinobi with the name Monkey.
Left is cuter. I want to pinch his cheeks.
Right, she is nice and gives you OP healing items for free.
Top heals my body, bottom heals my heart.
>implying Emma isn't cute
Fag. Also Divine Child > Kuro
Nyuk nyuk nyuk
For me, it's O'Rin.
This isn't that kind of thread my good shitposter
She probably doesn't but I wish she did.
Is her fight mandatory?
>ching chong eyes
>design a female
>call it a boy
Why is this allowed?
Emma is probably the 'female helper' with the most of her own identity. And yeah she also has the most personality, without the entirety of it being designed around being endearing to waifufags like MiB.
You ever seen a japanese boy around that age? They look like that
No. You can grapple up to the bridge from the water and bypass her fight.
you can run past her
Neck yourself
Boys make better girls than girls themselves.
You're a pillar of the community, user
How old is he?
Pre-pubescent, that's all that matters
>not being a gay pedo in 2019
yikes and crige
What kind of shitty phones do that? Mine doesn’t
I searched for "japanese little boy" in yandex (this is to avoid google's curated results) to compare him with real life boys and this was the first result.
This makes the pp hard
>When she calls you out for ignoring her.
Request something and I might give you Sekiro r34
i aint clicking that shit
this guy gets it
it's twitter
also it's just pictures of crossdressing shotas, what are you afraid of?
SFM WHEN ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
yeah nah
Never seen a post like this not get lambasted before. I feel like I have seen a unicorn.
so she's clearly a westerner that washed up on a crashed ship as a baby and was adopted right?
Wait, its a boy ??
Nevermind then...
Kuro dies and she absorbs the dragons heritage. She doesn't "get pregnant" with him you retard.
this is the luckiest guy ever
Isnt he same dude that got a GTX2080ti from fucking her?
Right because i'm not a fag.
But boys can't have a cute and funny
actual faggot
right all the way
Boys have weenies.
The real question is why do Nips stay in the closet? If the main character is a BIG GAY, then don’t dress it up behind a “kawaii” babyface
please post sekiro OCs
Because being gay is seen as a joke or a phase in Japan, its only recently been gaining more acceptance.
Canon tee b aych
You're too based for this board. I don't even think most anons can handle redpills this big.
back to sleep, maria
Nice image quality, retard.
okay then
Probably because it's actually informative shit that not everyone knows rather than mocking you for being a worthless tripfag.
Its not about the cute shota though, its about my favorite boss
kiss me
I have one
...and another
I would try to draw some that I thought could be funny, but i'm a terrible artist.
i want to fuck you in the ass
I want to e your fried and buy you ice cream, unironically
We need an Emma and Lady butterfly/Rice loli version of laughing girls
We need a sekiro and emma version of this.
With rice.
Because he literally has the face of a five year old. Children are naturally cute.
>janitors deleted the mobile images pasta
Why? It is actually useful and everyone should follow its advice to avoid downloading shitty resized images. I'm going to repost the most useful parts:
This is because opening large images on a phone redirects to a resized image that is capped at x1024 and converted to .jpg! If the user downloads these images without checking the url, they will be getting the converted image, not the original! Once these inferior images are reposted by the phoneposter, and saved by another, they lose their m.jpg tag, which is a primary indicator of their origin and the malicious act perpetrated by the phoneposter!
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thanks user
In real life samurai committed pederasty with their charge. It was an exclusive, and very gay relationship. Samurai are fucking gay.
Emma is pretty ugly
No. They really don't.
You think Sekiro was in a nanshoku relationship with Owl.
i know samurai would bum their students, but raping the person your supposed to project seems illadvised
Look up Nanshoku. There were even gay erotic novels for old men where the boy fiercely loves the old man and as a story trope dies for him. Samurai were fucking gay.
wHy wOulD yOu hiDe hIm fRom mE
Luckily for Kuro's boy hole, Sekiro is not a samurai.
rice girl had my heart when i caught her snoring
Left is pure breed. Right is just a fake.
Any community made up entirely of men will end up becoming sexual.
Mein niger
Gonna go with rice girl.
Get pozzed you degenerate fag
I made this oc
So gay people were writing fan fiction about samurai, and that makes them gay? Guess medieval emperors are all gay too because in CK2 my immortal emperor of the HRE was homosexual.
god bless
Real talk the loli is a centipede immortal and you help her consume good guy kuro and leave to spread the infestation all over the world with her. It is the worst end.
Emma has my favorite Japanese voice actress so she's got that going for her.
>there are people who couldn't tell that this was obviously a girl
Don't spread your filthy lies here.
It's in the context clues, prove me wrong
Looks like Anakin Skywalker, but w/e
If it's just the feet, you do know he's running around in piss and shit everywhere right? Or is that the appeal of feet?
So does absorbing kuro makes her becoming a futa girl or she is still a normal girl
Lolipede fags not apply
No, the novels came later. Samurai were just like the Greeks. A master would take on an apprentice, they'd enter a romantic "brotherhood", then the samurai would butt fuck the kid. It became trendy so nobles copied the military and started fucking boys and theater nerds too. Eventually boys were kept in brothels like slaves as well (just like the women). I spent a solid chunk of my lunch break researching this, just because I couldn't believe that samurai were so fucking gay.
Looks like Anakin Skywalker, but w/e
If it's just the feet, you do know he's running around in piss and shit everywhere right? Or is that the appeal
>three fucking Headless
>all of them require 2 confetti
What the absolute FUCK was FROM thinking here?
After a certain point in the game you can buy infinite confetti.
theres like 5 of them dude, its not like they drop anything worthwhile either
bruh that's really good
The one at the misty place has the best reward.
only in this shitty modern politically correct era we're not bumming cute boys all the time anymore
>not fun
>not cool
>not interesting
>spammed enemy
>give nothing good
>require items to kill
Utterly indefensible
purple umbrella makes them free, its just tedious
it's called realism. males are cute, females are uggo dogshit.
They're amazing enemies, not sure what you're on about. Literally no flaws at all. There's one for every sugar type and they drop reusable sugars on death, the invisibiltiy one is broken.
Left is cute and pure and should be protected. Right is ugly and impure and worthless.
I seriously hope you guys didn't walk away with the riceball Kuro makes from the loli's rice instead of eating it infront of him and making him happy.
ss when?
never, that's a disgusting fetish for subhumans who deserve to die. shota is for gay and gay only.
Miyazaki is a footfag. 4 games, no denying it.
It has to be sake with sekiro and emma though
>drawing the ugly hag and not one of the good characters
>make a boy the barefooted character of the game
Miyazaki you fucking traitor, you scum, you fuck.
I'm glad someone else here has good taste
Based and redpilled.
Most men are barefooted in the game. You like?
HAPAS are the future of the white race
>disgusting fetish
You're not wrong but
>for gay and gay only.
thats even worse bruh
Is this a joke? The Headless in the cave is completely trivialised by the Lilac Shield+Imbued Force.
The one in the moat is a complete joke in the first place, beatable without any confetti.
And I completely forgot about the one in the depths, should go and fuck that one up too.
Man of a taste.
yeah those politically correct germanic tribes executing anyone who bad touched anyone under 20
To be fair the Maiden in Black and the Fire Keeper had their cute toes exposed
hey no wants to be a snownigger here
Is it better to get the PC version?
Kuro's a girl.
He's not
>tfw absorption fetish
>tfw got turned on by the disgusting fish things stealing your energy
>tfw got turned on by one of the endings
You and I both
hey guys im a retard and i totally attacked owl during the second flashback before hearing what he had to say. does he explain why he decided to stab you in the back that night?
If I recall he doesn't say much so don't sweat it. You can probably find a youtube clip of what he says.
I don't know why zoomers are all legit roman catholic little boy loving pedos
shota only belongs with onee-san types
for example having the old hag teach the shota about sex
yes, defintely. runs at a solid 60 for me and my computer isnt even that great
He's a boy.
Objectively wrong, shota only belong with other shota or an older mentor type. Women are disgusting and no one should ever bother learning about straight sex because it's immoral and boring. Only gay sex is worth learning about desu.
so they never explain why he did it?
I didn't pay too much attention so I don't know. There might be some lorefags who can give you a good answer. This may not be the right thread to find those people though.
Now thats just some zoomer fag talk
being gay is not an optimal way to live
being gay is literally THE optimal way to live. women are pure cancer and so are straightcucks who fawn over them.
/ss/ is for plens
cringe and cuckpilled. take your subhuman fetish elsewhere please.
Awful taste, kill yourself immediately please. Boys are for boys and older men. Laying with a woman basically means you have no soul and your life is over, and being attracted to axewounds is a sign of mental illness.
Ah yes, the defeatism. There was a man who fucked so many women that 0.5% of the current world male population has his Y chromosome. Every man can look at that with respect regardless of the man. Thinking ignoring woman is the best way to live is naive, women have children which are our only lasting impact on this world
I bet she can beat up all the other shrine maidens
at least she isnt just another maiden in black clone
I blame the localization for the confusion. Why in the hell did they translate Miko as Divine Heir? At least put heiress if you're going to stick with that. Since they were going by Kuro at the start I thought she was the lord's son with magic but then they finally referred to her as a Miko and that set things straight.
You speak truth.
There's nothing respectable about being a straight cuck. Guys who waste time on women are dogshit people who don't deserve to lick the dirt off of a gay dude's boots. Guys who follow their passions and prefer the company of their fellow men are alright, heterocucks are losers through and through.
fags lol
fag lol
>astolfo doesn't count as gay because he looks like a girl
The divine heir is a boy. There is no confusion, Kuro is male.
How many shotacons did he create?
behold the intellect of ss degenerates
>Hasn't finished the game
He doesn't though, girls are ugly. Kuro is cute.
I'm convinced all of these woman-hating gays are some sort of tranny discord raid
He's 100% male. The voice actor is a male as well. It's not up for debate.
actually people who act like you do are the trannies. gays are based because they hate women and trannies. you're the kind of cuckold loser who would bend over backwards and cut his own balls off just to sniff some ugly cunt's used up roastie. you're literally the kind of weak loser who becomes a tranny.
keep dreaming, the only thing worse than a woman is a tranny
>Context clues
More like head canon
You already have a filthy loli, Kuro is ours.
cringe but redpilled
cringe and bluepilled.
Imagine fucking someone whose body is still developing. But atleast /ss/fags aren't gay lmao. The natural order is a grown man and woman fucking, 2 fags is retarded, and with one of them being underage makes it worse, it's the most subhuman of all.
qt shotas are so rare though, there's not enough to go around.
Beat the game you raging autist, Kuro is female.
Finally beat fucking Isshin after like 3 hours of trying.
Wouldn't have taken so long if I didn't have so much trouble with that attack chain he does with the spear and wonky timing.
Best game I've played in a long time.
Sekiro 2: Bug Loli Adventures in China when?
See, this is what I'm talking about. They use the exact same phrasing, they get buttblasted about women in exactly the same way, they use the same images, EVERY TIME
actual best girl here you puppies
Ok, I'll bite, this one is new to me. Is it just a spiritual vore thing?
>He didn't get the Return ending
The Japanese VA or the English VA?
is there a model swap mod? i want to play with emma
Only if it is with other shota.
>girls in Sekiro are so shit that desperate heterofags try to convince themselves that sweet pure Kuro is a loli
Can't make this shit up
A gay dork slinging tired memes. Not surprising, fag.
He is referred to as male and if he was female he has no reason to pretend to be a boy. There is no lore significance that Kuro would have a easier time as a boy.
If you're going to say he's a girl you need to also say why he pretended to be a boy.
Beat it twice. Kuro is male, and you're both wrong and delusional.
It's okay when Japan does it: the thread.
speak for yourself man, I currently have 3 shotas fawning over me and I'm the happiest I've ever been. and no, I'm not gonna fuck em. I'm completely content in life, for the first time.
I was about to and then I realized that I would get more lines of dialogue if I just ate it.
Ill never understand if these japs have legitimate sexual attraction to these prepubescent lolis or if its just an extension of the "kawai" culture.
Wasn't /ss/ the flavor of the month between redditards and ironic weebs a while ago? It seems to be a way more mainstream fetish than gay shota.
straights are truly subhuman trash, no doubt about it.
I want prequel DLC where you play as the Monkey
And make it feature young Lady Butterfly
You seem to be the expert on reddit so why not tell us?
What girls are there? Aside from Emma, Divine Child and O'Rin all the women are old. And I don't get the hate for Emma anyway. She's not a 20/10 knockout or anything but she's still cute, and is also likely hiding her powerlevel behind that hair style and those robes.
Why do you fags always start shit for no reason but your own insecurity?
Gee Bill! How come the FBI lets You have three shotas?
maybe because while I appreciate their cuteness I'm not trying to charge up their poop chute. You can try it too user, its pretty fulfilling
>that sun logo behind him
He's not Gwyndolin
Quick social-linquistic protip: Generally when you have to qualify something beyond its broadest definition it's not more common or popular or mainstream than the unqualified variant.
The "Best New Comedy Family Movie in the United States" is pulling maybe fourth at the boxoffice.
Swedish Folk Pop: less mainstream than Pop Music.
And Shota is more mainstream and understood than "Shota that's exclusively not gay, just to make sure there's no confusion."
So does it matter which type of Sake i give the characters or do they only drink certain ones?
I have about 4 different Sake and i haven't decided who to give them to
So we're all in agreements purification is the most kino ending?
Watch return be canon because lol sequelbait
You can's give the same sake to one character twice and there's exactly enough in the game to get all the lore
The shota growing up to be a protagonist is cool though.
Nah too feminine to fill Sekiro's shoes.
She just looks tired, it's kinda cute actually.
I aim to make Emma happy.
People still use source\fap maker?