Mario Kart

Wii >>> DS > 7 = 8 >>> DD > 64 > Super > SC

DD > DS > 64 > Wii > 8 > Super > SC > 7

DD > Wii > the rest


Attached: k095g8vgg6h21.jpg (213x177, 5K)

all bad
sonic transformed>>>>> crash > poopy but > mario kart

We get it, you don't like Nintendo

>best mechanics
>second best items or best items at all
>8's tracks not the best

Attached: daisy webm.webm (850x480, 2.92M)

There's a place in my heart for DS because it was the first one with online multiplayer. Plus it's mission mode and being able to make your own emblem was cool as fuck.

>CTR > Wii >>> DS > 7 = 8 >>> DD > 64 > Super > SC
Fixed that for you

That webm is amusing but Daisy is being a dumb slut there. Why would she wheelie after getting hit? Not only does that slow down acceleration, it leaves her susceptible to being bumped. She should have done a stand-still mini-turbo by holding A+B. She still would have been Mario Karted, but not as severely.

>Mario kart thread
>posting non mario kart games

Attached: wooo.png (800x450, 783K)

Mario Kart 8 has by far the best item balance. Not only is there a hard counter to the blue shell, but first place actually can get a mushroom sometimes.

I will not take anyone who thinks wii had the best item seriously ever. Fuck Pows, All those blues, lightnings, megas, and pic related most of all.

Attached: 621px-Thunder_Cloud_Artwork_-_Mario_Kart_Wii.png (621x599, 205K)

The hard counter to the blue was the mushroom. Literally just acquire better timing.

>pow blocks are OP
get a load of this loser. he probably thinks mayonnaise is spicy af

I know you press up on the dpad to avoid it. It's still stupid as heck and littered the ground with too many items

>any Mario Kart where the blue shell doesn't damage anyone on the way to 1st at the top
>games that introduced or featured the Bullet Bill not dead last

press up you loser
that's the point
it's also part of the reason items are good in wii

His point is that you're much more likely to get a super horn. Plus it can also be used offensively if needed.

>fall off a track in mario kart wii
>takes literal days to recover

Bless mario kart 7 for getting rid of that and 8 making it even faser

8 removing falling was a mistake. Makes the game so much easier and less punishing and also removes any possibility for unintentional shortcuts.


>bikes completely invalidated karts
>wheelies were broken
>hidden stats even existing
>acceleration stat is damn near useless with stand still mini turbos existing
>The weight stats being busted
>The physics are extremely bouncy which is very noticeable on RR

Attached: pedro facepalm.gif (500x281, 1022K)

>less punishing
You can't do the recovery mini turbo in 8 so it can't be used to fakl and avoid a blue shell and regain your speed with almost no punishment. Also fuck ultra shortcuts. The one in bowser castle wii was neat though

>>bikes completely invalidated karts
Use a bike then
Bikes being overpowered as fuck is the reason Wii is so fun
>>wheelies were broken
Wheelies are fun
>>hidden stats even existing
I'll give you this, but even 8 has them
>>acceleration stat is damn near useless with stand still mini turbos existing
Stand-still mini-turbo is fun, accelerating slowly is not fun
>>The weight stats being busted
Bumping retards off the course is fun
>>The physics are extremely bouncy which is very noticeable on RR
Crazy fucking air-time is fun

Wtf you faggot OP
Double dash had best items, somewhat balanced character specific items was cool and they were almost balanced. I maintain that koopas and Kongs had the best and bobomb is probably the worst but it was almost balanced. Wii had the worst. Bullet bill is for babies and the lighting and blue she'll spawn was too high for how many racers there were. Truly a flawed shitty game.
DS had best mechanics because driving in that game kicks ass. Next is 8 deluxe because triple drift and tricks and shit.
Wii's tricks were cool for their time but the wheelies on the already busted hikes was overkill. Poor design.

Double dash has really solid courses imo. DS and 7's are good. 8 and Wii are good too. They're all winners here I'd say, I guess that's where Mario kart shines.

All in all
>God tier
crash team racing
Mk8 deluxe
Doubledash with friends
>Great tier
Sonic transformed
>Average tier
Every other kart racer
>Baby garbage
Mk wii

actually spot on

>Wtf you faggot OP
>Double dash had best items
yeah thats literally what i said
learn to read >< signs


Attached: MK8vsSART.webm (700x785, 2.84M)

>Have to put MK8 on 50cc to prove your point



Attached: mk8 link.webm (480x480, 2.7M)