Wii >>> DS > 7 = 8 >>> DD > 64 > Super > SC
DD > DS > 64 > Wii > 8 > Super > SC > 7
DD > Wii > the rest
Wii >>> DS > 7 = 8 >>> DD > 64 > Super > SC
DD > DS > 64 > Wii > 8 > Super > SC > 7
DD > Wii > the rest
all bad
sonic transformed>>>>> crash > poopy but > mario kart
We get it, you don't like Nintendo
>best mechanics
>second best items or best items at all
>8's tracks not the best
There's a place in my heart for DS because it was the first one with online multiplayer. Plus it's mission mode and being able to make your own emblem was cool as fuck.
>CTR > Wii >>> DS > 7 = 8 >>> DD > 64 > Super > SC
Fixed that for you
That webm is amusing but Daisy is being a dumb slut there. Why would she wheelie after getting hit? Not only does that slow down acceleration, it leaves her susceptible to being bumped. She should have done a stand-still mini-turbo by holding A+B. She still would have been Mario Karted, but not as severely.
>Mario kart thread
>posting non mario kart games
Mario Kart 8 has by far the best item balance. Not only is there a hard counter to the blue shell, but first place actually can get a mushroom sometimes.
I will not take anyone who thinks wii had the best item seriously ever. Fuck Pows, All those blues, lightnings, megas, and pic related most of all.