Is it worth it? Does it have shitty combat like Batman? Is it a movie game?
Spider-Man (PS4)
I tried 5 minutes of it and the overworld is totally gay, literally just hold R2 to go wherever you point the camera
>literally just hold R2 to go wherever you point the camera
Literally holding R2 will make you go nowhere.
>I tried 5 minutes of it
It clearly shows.
its a solid 7/10, def worth it for 30 bucks
How was the combat? And is it a movie game? Those are my main 2 concerns before buying.
Wait for a definitive edition that'll bundle in the DLC (which is said to be short and mediocre, which is why it's perfect to have bundled in). I'm sure they'll announce this any month now.
Definitely not a movie game. The combat is fine. It's similar to the Bamham games but feels slightly more mobile. Nothing groundbreaking. Game is definitely a game and not a movie though. It's worth it, I just wouldn't shell out a full 60 for it.
No. Yes. Yes.
What would make this a "movie," game but not any of the previous Spider-Man games?
Thanks, if it's not a movie game that'd make me much more likely to get it. With how the PS4 games have been it's easy to be skeptical. Wasn't big on the Bamham series' combat though.
I actually never played any of the previous Spider-Man games so I was curious.
get ready for all the SJW content just for the sake of it
The only SJW related thing I heard about this game was that they hated it for letting you help the police. Why, do you consider it an SJW game?
wait for goty edition and then wait for it to be $20. Its an overhyped exclusive. I got it for free when i bought a ps4 this christmas and thats the only reason i liked it. If you're a little kid or a teenager than this game is a blast. if you're older than that, then this game is just okay. I give it a 6/10.
Based, waiting for the GOTY Edition and then waiting for that to be super cheap is the patrician way to play new games. Feels good getting a game and all its dlc for dirt cheap. But anyway, any estimate as to when this will get a GOTY Edition? Maybe they'll have an E3 Sony Direct thing and they'll announce it there
because the an real life fag building is also a fag building in the game
Yeah, I usually wait for any game to be out for a while before buying it. Bdcause it's cheap but also so that you can see what it's like more before buying it. Who gave this game GOTY by the way? I would've thought most of the major awards would've gone to RDR2 and nu GoW.
If you only do main story then it's a movie game; however, side quests aren't really great either. Fighting is a bit less forgiving than batman but still easy. Wait for it to be dirt cheap.
Bump so i can write my answer.
It's good, although not as good as the Rocksteady Batman games. Combat is definitely worse.
How so? I hated the Bamham combat so that's a big thing for me.
>The web swinging has cool mechanics, but Spider-Man 2 is still more fun on this aspect.
>Combat is better here than in Spider-Man 2. Comparing it to Batman, the combat of this game is harder, as the enemies attack you with more aggressiveness, and there isn't a dedicated counter button, this time is just dodge, where you need timing to do a "counter" (where all you do is stun the enemy), on the attacking side, i feel like the moveset is kinda limited.
>It has stealth sections as Spider-Man, they are inferior to the Batman ones, if you ask me. The stealth sections as MJ and Miles just plain suck.
>It has a few fun bosses. My personal favorite was Scorpion vs. Rhino.
>If you ask me, it's indeed a movie game, as in, it needed more parts where you play as Spider-Man and less where you play as a normal human (be it MJ, Miles or Peter Parker).
>Those Bioshock esque puzzles sucks, if you ask me.
The next game better have entire focus on playing on Spider-Man: adding stuff to the web swinging and the combat, so they don't have excuse to fill the game with story shit and lame puzzles.
I give it a 7.5/10. Buy it on a sale.
>Wasn't big on the Bamham series' combat though.
Because its crap, its a game of Simon Says, its all about being reactive rather than proactive.
The second game will be dumbed-down and have more of a focus on story so it sells more copies, why would you think otherwise?
What put me off even more than the easiness was the constant slow motion. I found it boring.