So, which do you play?

So, which do you play?

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I switch between Tank and DPS.

I like games that let me do a little of all three.

Heals or DPS.

I'm too much of a dumb bitch to tank.

Tank. Dps fags are a diamond dozen and heal sluts are just the group's bitch boys. If a dps dies, no problem, if a healer dies, no issue unless you're garbage but if the tank dies its over. You are literally the most important person in the group and dps babies and heal sluts know this.

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I'm the naked alt jewing up the market

why do you think healsluts focus on healing the 2 damage you take

Tanks because they never fucking die lmao

DPS because it's the only role that gives you even a chance at maybe carrying a match, probly not though

I'm not a tranny, NPC, or hobby-less loser so I don't actually play these

Dota was smart enough to not have the bullshit trinity to begin with

Nearly always tank, but in certain games where supports actually have impactful crowd control or more overseeing abilities than just being a wimpy HP refill machine I'll play those too

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Not enough games have pure enchanter type supports.

The annoying heal tank build which takes years to take down

>if a healer dies, no issue unless you're garbage
Please show me the MMO that is so braindead easy just by encounter *strength* that a Tank can sustain his own healthbar while tanking enemies

Tank because I get pissed when people keep pulling stuff that doesn't need to get pulled
>It's fine bro who cares if it adds 20 minutes extra to our dungeon it's free xp :D
>Who cares if I keep dying it's fine bro it's extra xp :DDDD

Female Healer

>plays LoL, Overwatch, and Dota
>not an NPC

DPS , never trust your team as some may say so better be the carry then hope for ur team to carry you

I played Support until MMOs threw it out and stopped being fun.

Buffing and Debuffing are where it's at.

Except tanks and heals carry a group not the dps unless its some shitty game where the dps do 99% of the damage.

>tanks in lol never die
>game is full of champs who deal true damage and % health damage
>adc/apc literally only needs 1 item to make your full tank build shit

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Healer. The least popular and least mainstream. But I don’t heal randoms only friends. I’m based

Dps, then realize I can't compete with the masses and gravitate toward healer.

I almost always play dumb pet classes in most games, so those tend to be DPS. The only healing class I really enjoyed playing was Chloromancer in Rift. Since you healed others by dealing life damage to enemies. So it was like playing a DPS class with heal buttons.

Wait, so WoW doesn't have any classes dedicated to buffing/debuffing?

Support DPS and aggressive healers. Bonus points if the DPS characters are melee oriented/close combat built.

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Nearly all classes can to varying degrees buffing was mostly handled by potions tho back when I played

Dedicated? Not even remotely close to it.
Most debuffs are spread out over classes and many overlap.

Don't fall for obvious bait

>Short Queue times
>The party literally couldn't exist without you
>Can easily blame wipes on everyone but yourself

Healer masterrace

>meme """"""classes"""""
>anime fag

checks out

t. tanklet

Chloromancer was really quite cool as a concept. Shame rift died the way it did.

I really quite enjoyed the soul system and constantly specing to try new shit.

Too lazy to minmax dps and measure my Dick over dps
Healing is boring

If something go wrong I can blame dps or heal

support but nobody appreciates me

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DPS. Minmaxing is fun.
I also off-spec as a tank.

It's because you try too hard.

You gotta let everyone get close to death at least once. Gotta make them live a little. Work for it. Everyone expects you to top their health off, so if you can keep them alive, but only just, it gives the illusion that you're working super hard, and they'll appreciate it.

Don't let anyone actually die, though. Then you're bad.


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Anything but healing. Imagine being someone who actually enjoys sitting back and watching everyone in his party have fun.

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Dps because I'm not a big gay.

I'm a homosexual bottom male that likes to crossdress. I'll give you one guess.

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Tank. I'm helping.


I'm always pingping into Tank-Support (WC3 Paladin) and Tank-DPS (WC3 Mountain King)

Yeah actually. Other people can't be trusted to kill things in a reasonable amount of time or pull good damage.

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>Likes to be DPS
There is something odd with you that I cannot exacly pin point...

I prefer utility classes

no that sounds about right for a dpsfag


I swapped to healer once when an expansion ruined my favorite DPS class until I found another I preferred. Just for one raid tier though.
You got something to say? I bet I parse higher than you.

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>Serious gameplay

>diamond dozen

Main Tank
DPS sometimes

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Tank. Dps are beta males and healers are my cock sleeve.

I’m a mediocre tank, a terrible healer and a godlike dps; but tanking is my favorite and support classes usually have the most interesting flavor to me. It sucks.

Green is my favorite color so i play plus sign whenever i can.

My fine African American brother. I miss that shit so goddamn much. Is it too outlandish for a person to find enjoyment in making everyone else around them exponentially better? And/or the enemies that much weaker?
FFXI BRD for life.

Tank or DPS
Healing is just too boring for me.

All 3

Anyone who doesn't is literally missing out

Healer, but no gay stuff.

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