JRPGs NEVER give you meaningful choices

It's always railroading bullshit like pic related. Prove me wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:


ponytails are the friggin best

she wants the dick user

Same with WRPGs.

Alliance Alive, any SaGa game actually
SMT, most options just change your alignment but some have direct consequences
Etrian Odyssey 3

no because you can quit the game rather than break the time sphere

The fact that you're playing video games means you don't want a meaningful choice

No shit. When a JRPG has a silent protagonist and dialogue choices it's because they're too lazy to write a personality for the MC or get voice lines recorded from them.

Attached: 720px-Digimon-Cyber-Bug-Choice.jpg (720x405, 52K)

>Same with WRPGs.

>wrpgs: ability to kill every npc in the game and non-linear world design that allows you to go to any location in the game at any time

>jrpg: after being completely on rails for 80 hours, you get to choose what ending cutscene you get

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Why does she wear the bunny ears?

>Meaningful choices

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imagine martina getting aggressive on the mc and forcing him to pleasure her feminine penis

so? nothing wrong with that you retarded nigger

The SMT series has some of the worst dialogue choices I've seen in all of gaming. It's literally Fallout4-tier dialogue.

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>wrpgs: ability to kill every npc in the game
Name 5 in the last 8 years.

goalposts successfully moved, good work as usual wrpg-kun

very true
video game stories with "meaningful choices" are basically pic related

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Pretty sure I would literally cum if she did this to me

>you get to choose what ending cutscene you get
This is far more a western standard than Japanese. In most Japanese RPGs, your ending is determined by your actions throughout the game, whereas in Western RPGs, it's more about random lines of dialogue, sometimes at the very site of the end scene. Also, most JRPGs have more endings, and have had so for much longer than their western counterparts.

tl;dr Nice bait.


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DQ11 looks bland as hell

Fallout New Vegas

But they sometimes do?
It certainly isn't standard however.

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To be fair, Cyber Sleuth dialogue choices are genuinely intended as a joke. All of them are dumb on purpose.

>shitting on wrpg protagonists and praising jrpg protagonists

>using nier gestalt as a positive example of jrpg protagonist, despite him being specifically created to appeal to western dudebro games. The original canon nier has an effeminate teenage boy protagonist.

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This isn’t the game giving you a choice, it’s reminding you who you are.

rpg`s in general only provide the illusion of choice

it's really good

>le EBIN bideo gaem strawman le BTFO ehehehehehehe XD

god the switch port looks awful

No one told me DQ11 had such high caliber waifus

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>changing the subject again
blow me, kid

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Why does WRPG kun constantly ruin every RPG thread with these contrarian bait images? He's literally worse then Barry & AC-Fag

>jrpg: after being completely on rails for 80 hours, you get to choose what ending cutscene you get
You mean just like in mass effect?

I only recognize the first one of the JRPGs. What are the others? They sound much cooler than they probably are

>Name 5 in the last 8 years.
I'll do you one better: I'll name 5 from just the last year or so

Atom RPG
Pathfinder KIngmaker
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Pillars of Eternity 2

Growlanser 4

Man I love games with such shitty plot that you get more enjoyment out of the sandbox than out of the story. WRPGs are great for that, having such wacky options like "walking out of the big bad's throne room during the climax" because of course some dipshit would complain if they didn't have that option available to them.

>shitting on motherfucking Ramirez
I bet you couldn't kill a BTR with a knife

This is a reference to Dragon Quest 1, you uncultured swine.

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Choices in rpgs are memes. I'd chose a well written no choice story 1000x before one where "YOuR ChOiCEs AFfEcT tHe OUtcOMe" gimmicky shit where all that changes is you get either A or B dialog for the rest of the game

It does, and she's pretty low-tier for what's in the game.

>You mean just like in mass effect?
Did I say all wrpgs were flawless masterpieces? Mass Effect is garbage, but there are plenty of wrpgs that have plenty of player agency. I struggle to think of a single jrpg that even approaches that level of player agency I described in my earliest post.

xenoblade x

> Literal who vs Noble Nine Member
> Literal who vs Protagonist of a popular well known game
> Literal who vs Meme character that everyone on the internet recognizes because of Smash
> Literal Who vs Literal Who
Overall horrible bait, kill yourself. Nobody cares about any character on the left

dumb Tora
it's always been that way

It's probably that form of fanboyism where you're super autistic and thinking you're blowing people away with ebin images but you're actually just making people associate your favorite games with retards

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ftr you don't need to look further than chrono trigger for a meaningful choice in a jrpg

no it isn't turd

> Most popular Western RPG bad
> Niche Western RPG good
Somehow RPG-Kun you became even more autistic, and this is only going to make people like JRPGs & Mass Effect more on this board. Simply to spite faggots like yourself

FF7 has meaningful choices since the way you treat Tifa, Aerith, or others has an impact on the tone of the narrative and character drama. The problem is it’s disguised and subtle so brainlets don’t pick up on it.

See also: Chrono Cross

>Man I love games with such shitty plot that you get more enjoyment out of the sandbox than out of the story.

What's there to enjoy in JRPGs when it comes to story? Xenogears and Chrono Cross are the only well written JRPGs

Fallout 1 and 2 are nonlinear and are better written than the supposed best of the JRPG genre (FF6, FF7, Breath of Fire 3, Breath of Fire 4, etc)

Attached: trigger chrono cross truth.jpg (1192x1284, 158K)

Sum up that image in 10 words or less

chrono cross is terribly written, you don't know what you're talking about. FF is a mediocre series for normies/newcomers and nobody care about BoF. Stop embarrassing yourself

Also to any Witcher/Geralt shills ITT: The Witcher games are nothing but Telltale shit with combat, they're not real RPGs


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>Most popular Western RPG bad
>Niche Western RPG good

Imagine being this retarded. Fallout New Vegas outsold Mass Effect. Why do you think Bioware was forced to make loot shooters? It's because their RPGs (although ME barely qualifies as one), despite high review scores, don't even sell particularly well.

And at any rate, what niche are you talking about? Mass Effect and its linearity is a relative anomaly. The vast majority of wrpgs are far more open-ended.

Not him but it's better than Trigger

cute cherrypicking and all, but that was the result of a bug with the translation. they weren't actually intending to railroad the player into only one dialog choice. cyber sleuth's translation was rushed because it was only localized ar the last minute in response to a fan petition.

witcher 1 is great. 2/3 less so

He's also known as kiddinity-kun and he ruins every crpg thread too by insufferably shitposting about divinity, which is ironic because when he shit posts against jrpgs he suddenly uses divinity as a good game as seen here literally one of the most annoying people with the worst taste on this entire board

modern wrpg aint nothing like that

>chrono cross is terribly written

t. brainlet

>FF is a mediocre series for normies/newcomers and nobody care about BoF

Then what do JRPG fags care about? Basic bitch shit like Dragon Quest XIV? Bravely Default? Please. You're the newfag if you consider those to even have a modicum of good writing

Yes it is. It's a notorious moment from the first game. Of course it is.

>Man I love games with such shitty plot
So you love jrpgs?

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>another WRPG vs JRPG shit flinging thread

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DQ giving you "but thou must" choices is a running gag you tard

> MUH Sales
Yep you are retarded, Mass Effect is undeniably the most popular WRPG on the entire internet next to Skyrim & Witcher 3

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You see, it's images like this that make me avoid the Chrono Cross fanbase. They seem incredibly bitter over the world not liking their game, going out of their way to attack innocent Trigger fans. I've never played Cross, but judging by how their fans behave, I don't feel like giving it a chance. I'd rather not turn into one of "them".

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>purple prose good

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Jannies unironically need to ban all of the Copy Paste WRPG vs JRPG images. That and banning console war shit would save this board

>Then what do JRPG fags care about?
Figure it out lmao
You do like video games, don't you?

he's not barry-level bad yet, but he's definitely acfag tier at this point. you can't even have a comfy jrpg thread anymore without this autist shitting it up with his disingenuous cherry-picked charts.

in term of writing? Nier, xeno, vagrant story, terranigma are some examples. Hell FFXIV has better writing than the rest of the FF mainline

So like I said, basic bitch Dragon Quest shit and Bravely Default

child npcs
yes man

>well written cartoon villian
>literal twilight tier purple prose

>purple prose

>anything that isn't badly translated English is purple prose
Heck, the bottom speech is even SHORTER than the top one.

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I'm going to baitpost by mentioning Super Mario RPG, unironically.

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>Nier, xeno, vagrant story, terranigma are some examples.

Those are as old as some of the WRPG examples, thanks for proving my point.

I guess so
WRPGs and JRPGs are the same generic, overrated, self-inserting tripe at the end of the day that gets endlessly fellated by their retarded fanbases 24/7

all this chart proves is that wrpgs and jrpgs are equally capable of reddit-tier cringe.

>Then what do JRPG fags care about?
good gameplay, something non-existent in almost all wRPGs. At their worst, popular jRPGs have servicable combat systems (except FFXV that shit sucks), popular wRPGs have shit combat. Then you can go niche where stuff like radiant historia or xenoblade x/2 surpass wRPGs

>more long so it purble prose
At least google what it means nigger

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>good gameplay, something non-existent in almost all wRPGs

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Cross is bad though. Even when you ignore that it's a Chrono game.

>innocent Trigger fans
Probably the dumbest shit I read and this thread has wrpg-kun

why is she swallowing dick cheese?

>old western game good
>old japan game bad

>player insert gary stus
yeah i hate persona too

>combat in both eclipsed by several other genres

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>wrpg from 2017

this is interesting.

how can we bring choice to video games?

>The MC is a self-admitted NPC, and that's okay.

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It's pretty fun playing Persona 5 picking the most asshole and dumbass choices all the time since it has zero impact and just end up being funny.

If WRPGs are so good then how come not a single one of them has grossed a billion dollars except WoW?

It says 1993 right there

where can I find more of these images

I just grabbed a google screenshot and couldn't find any others (I don't typically screenshot dialogue choices).
>they weren't actually intending to railroad the player into only one dialog choice.
Doesn't matter. Even in Hacker's Memory they suck and they're all just two of the exact same option except worded differently. I'm not a big fan of "choices" like that to begin with so forgive me for getting irritable when they're clearly half baked.
Just make a normal fucking main character. I don't care how basic they are, give them some semblance of a personality and reason for me to care.
I still don't know why he spoke in the intro cutscene and then never again.
Keisuke seemed like he'd be a cool guy if they didn't fuck him out of a chance to be an actual character.

Attached: Digimon Story_ Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory_20180119185027.jpg (1920x1080, 248K)

poor keisuke mcnugget. plus the game goes out of its way to shit on him at the end by setting him up as the next oikawa.

> In most Japanese RPGs, your ending is determined by your actions throughout the game
Name any besides Soulsborne games.

if youre gonna use shit jrpg like persona to compare, you should use the same with wrpg too like Skyrim

WRPG-kun is a gigantic bait spamming faggot and nothing would be lost of he an hero'd but salesfagging really isn't the best argument

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The fuck are you talking about? Being forced to choose yes is a reference? Well damn there's about a hundred references in DQXI alone

wow he actually looks not generic with that creepy eye of his.

But DQXI does have a choice. You can either tell the mermaid that the sailor guy died or not.

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why did you ignore the examples I presented? is it because they would destroy your argument

lets compared xenoblade 2 with D:OS. XC2 does the same thing as the first paragraph except it's not turn based, enviornmental hazards are in play, blade combos (which create seals to block off tributes/moves) and driver combos (incapacitate/burst damage) combine to create fusion combos which increase the effects of both combo paths and apply bonuses, such as extra party gauge, increased special build up, etc. Then you have other things to consider; positioning, pouch items, type of enemy, elemental weakness/resistance are some of those. On top of this, the game has a canceling mechanic that requires proper timing to boost specials and arts. Behind the scenes, characters are completely customizable with different blades that change stats, classes, abilities, passives, and certain ones have special prioritizes which change up how the game work (e.g. corsette brings a new dynamic to potion collection which increases fusion combo damage, an extra incentive to give up positioning to collect potions rather than just health).

I know you always ignore me when I bring up xenoblade, because it destroys your baby wRPGs, but please in the future try not to deflect.

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Best boy deserves best girl.

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Chrono trigger


>a different 5 minute cutscene at the end is more meaningful than complete freedom to experience the game in numerous different ways
How are people this dumb? Multiple endings don't add replayability to a game. How does a different 5 minute cutscene at the end of a game, which can take anything from 20 to 100+ hours to play through, have any significant effect on how you experience that game?

A game has true replayability when instead of just getting a different ending, you can play the game in a different way.The original Fallout is an example of a highly replyable game: every location in the game is accessible from the start and you can tackle everything in the game (including the final boss) with combat, stealth or diplomacy, or a combination of these. Deus Ex is another example: while it has a linear mission structure, it lets you tackle those missions in an enormous variety of ways.

Chrono Trigger has nothing of the sort. The game is completely on rails, with your only choice being when you want to finish the game (by traveling to Lavos), and that's only realistically a choice on a New Game+ playthrough.

And Chrono Trigger's endings aren't even good. They're all either superficial variations on the same happy ending or fourth-wall breaking joke endings.

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new runescape quests looking good

smt's alignment system.
persona 1's branching paths: sebec route vs. snow queen quest.
caligula effect's musician route and the choice of whether or not to ultimately side with the villain or the go-home club.

jrpgs actually do it right, imo. "choices" aren't good gameplay.

The patrician wRPG has now entered the thread

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If you're not picking Bianca you're wrong

Why do people think that RPG means that the role is the player’s choice?

Whether it is player choice or predefined, it is still a role that is being fufilled

>everyone dying is a joke ending

>xb2's mindless mmo-tier combat is better than divinity: original sin
You've lost it.

Attached: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 UI.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

We already did, play Zero Escape.

>most JRPGs
You're using that word correctly. There ARE JRPGs where you decide shit with your actions. Most have the character choose for you, and MANY have you select from 2-3 choices that are all the same thing but worded slightly different.

>Being forced to choose yes is a reference?

>It's always railroading bullshit like pic related. Prove me wrong.
I know this is bait user, but let me explain to you why it isn't.

The fact that the designer even gave you a Yes/No choice in the first place already shows it isn't "railroading bullshit". By selecting No, you were able express yourself and roleplay a sequence of events that would not have happened if you had selected Yes, and that makes all the difference in defining your character even if you ended up going on that quest. You have shown that you are going on this quest under protest, and that if you could, you wouldn't be doing it at all.

Imagine if you and a group of people were taken hostage by terrorists and they handed you a gun and told you to shoot 5 people at random or else they'll kill you all. Saying No before they force you to do it, makes a huge difference in defining your character compared to if you wholeheartedly agreed and immediately shot 5 of your fellow hostages.

you can kill magus or not, save crono or not, and there are a bunch of small things like how many cats you have and whether you save the real chancellor from the chest

>Loved XC1 combat.
>Absolutely fucking abhorred XCX combat.
>Didn't play XC2 because I'm not getting a switch and fuck nintendo.
Glad I didn't miss out on anything good.

where? it's definitely not the indie shit in your picture.

holy shit you are literally incapable of posting without moving goalposts are you? Nobody said a thing about replay value

Let me compare Nocture "the best JRPG" to what most people say is the best RPG ever made: Deus Ex.

Nocturne requires you to fight very single damn thing including the shitty bosses. Deus Ex doesn't require any violence, allowing you to play the game at your own pace.

Deus Ex gives you freedom of choice, ranging from story choices to how you navigate levels. Nocturne gives you the former, but not the latter since you have to follow a predetermined path.

Expanding on this, Deus Ex also has multiple solutions to every problem, meaning that no two playthroughs are the same. Nocturne may allow for more freedom than most JRPGs (i.e talking to demons), but it still has the potential to be as linear as it's contemporaries.

Let's look at obtaining the pass from the collector in the sewers just before the Matador fight for example. In order to obtain the pass you need so the guard at the gate will let you through, you need to get it from the collector. He'll give you it if you help him find a 1 Yen bill. Obtaining this bill requires you to break into the back room of a bar and steal it.

The problem with this is that this is the only method to get past the gate. I'm the fucking Demi-Fiend, so why can't I just beat the shit out of the gate guard or collector so I can get what I want? Why can't I buy the one yen bill from the bar owner for a reasonable price? Why can't I find a fake bill to give the collector?

And don't forget that Nocturne starts with an hour of cutscenes and story interactions while Deus Ex immediately hands the player control from the start of the game and never takes it away. (Despite the fact that Nocturne stops focusing on the story when you hit the vortex world, making the first hour of the game redundant.)

Deus Ex, and most other RPGs, would let you do these things because an RPG is about player expression. Nocturne's single approach however, is just this: linear, contrived bullshit

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Radical Dreamers is better anyway

The fact that you have to add shit on top of the webm in a futile attempt to discredit me instead of countering any of the points I brought up already proves I'm right. I will continue to destroy you with the xeno series (either the story/worldbuilding of gears/saga or the combat of X/2) anytime you bring up wRPG garbage. See you next thread kid

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>The fact that the designer even gave you a Yes/No choice in the first place already shows it isn't "railroading bullshit".
Kill yourself faggot. Adding a "Yes/No" box doesn't make it any better. If the character had a quirky personality the scene would be far more entertaining than a blank emotionless stare and having to pretend they're saying some shit.

I'm tired of playing a fucking cardboard cut-out that all the other characters are pretending to give a fuck about. It's never convincing. Nobody would risk their lives for a dude who stands there staring at you awkwardly while you lead around the conversation on your own for hours.

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>holy shit you are literally incapable of posting without moving goalposts are you? Nobody said a thing about replay value
The post I replied to specifically parroted multiple endings as something more meaningful than actual player agency.

Maybe learn how to read?

I wonder who you're trying to convince

How many jrpgs have you actually played?
Just FF and Persona?

>wRPGtard annihilated
>can't argue so he posts irrelevant shit instead
the UI is involved in XC2 because the game has more mechanics and is far more involved than any shitty wRPG

how did you dislike XCX when it's XC's combat except more mechanically dense? Skell combat is trash though

>where can I find more of these images
We have thousands of such caches...

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WRPG-kun is just racist and discriminating against the efforts of hardworking PoC from a different culture than him while masking behind white male concepts like "freedom of choice", a spook made up by old white men to shame their supposed inferior despite free will not even existing. Honestly, big yikes sweetie.

>Every line of dialogue is memorable and engaging
>Video game character
These are the people that want to be mature for playing video games

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>Nocturne requires you to fight very single damn thing
Run, estoma, trafuri, yes you can beat the game while doing this but brainlets like you need grinding to win

>waaaaaahhhhhh, it's not a reddit sandbox game, so it's bad!
no matter how many charts you make, no matter how hard you seethe, nocturne will always be a masterpiece and deus ex will always be a pseudo-intellectual movie game for redditors. cope.

reminder that wRPGfag cannot argue against the xeno series, just bring it up and watch him crumble

And I don't give a fuck about that.

>These are the people that want to be mature for playing video games
Kotor 2 made me laugh about a billion times more than FF6. The parts where Kreia accuses you of wanting to bang your female party members alone are funnier than anything in ff6.

FF6 with its typical god-killing shenanigans is far edgier.

you sound like those idiots that believe people have 100% freedom
freedom is not truly free, dumbass. there are always limits

>How many jrpgs have you actually played?
.hack//, Tales, FF, Persona/SMT, Nier, dragon's dogma, star ocean, Megaman battle network, resonance of fate, disgaea, and I'm forgetting some because I can't see them in my collection directly to my right.

>The parts where Kreia accuses you of wanting to bang your female party members
>hurr you like sex lol
Western "humor"

>no matter how many charts you make, no matter how hard you seethe, nocturne will always be a masterpiece and deus ex will always be a pseudo-intellectual movie game for redditors. cope.

>deus ex, starts with a 2 minute cutscene before player has full control (and never takes away control again in the entire game)
>movie game

>nocturne, a game that starts with an hour of unskippable story scebes before you even get in your first battle
>not a movie game

to be fair, not even xenoblade fans like to talk to xenoblade fans

holy shit, you know wrpg-kun is getting btfo when he starts false-flagging to paint his opponents as resetera trannies. i guess you finally ran out of charts and this is your plan b?

>ability to kill every npc in the game
How does this make the game better?

i want her to kick me in the balls

Almost all of them outside of Final Fantasy, really. Shit if you want to verify it, just pick 5 random non FF JRPGs, and the words "true ending". It's basically standard, you dipshit.

If you're going to half-ass something, don't bother doing it at all.
Why make a boring, lifeless main character you're supposed to PRETEND is talking through short, shitty dialogue choices when you can make an action character with their own personal likes and dislikes and makes their own decisions?

If you can't make engaging and diverse choices, don't include them at all.
>you sound like those idiots that believe people have 100% freedom
And you most definitely make baseless assumptions so you can insult a person rather than discuss anything with them because you're a hyper-defensive little boy.

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she got trained by monster cock user, she won't go back to human dick

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Golden Sun lets you refuse to go on the main quest and you get a game over, always thought that was neat.

>reminder that wRPGfag cannot argue against the xeno series
Why would he? The Xeno series is such an easy target for mockery that he doesn't even have to

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Taking out the series that contradict your statements that leaves us with FF and Persona.

Right? My whole life I thought there was no way anyone besides me could have a fetish for a hairstyle. Thanks, Internet.

>Nocturne starts with an hour of cutscenes
>nocturne, a game that starts with an hour of unskippable story scebes before you even get in your first battle
lmao you have to literally make shit up to pretend to have an argument
Newsflash, anyone can go on youtube and write 'nocturne speedrun' and see how retarded you are

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This is embarrassing OP

You are judging a boat by its ability to traverse the land.

I want to see WPRG-kun talk to an average person and convince them to give WRPGs a shot without alienating them

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>Taking out the series that contradict your statements
Oh for FUCKS sake nigger if you actually read my post all of those games fall in line with my opinion. Don't be a retard.

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second one is lightning, you're right on the money

this, I challenge any wRPG fag to find a wRPG with a more involved and satisfying combat system

>wRPGfags will never know the feeling of stacking combos and timing a level 3's invulnerability frames to negate a party devastating AoE into a chain attack with 4 orbs build up into a full burst
maybe if wRPGs had good gameplay they wouldn't all be dead aside from shit eating normies who buy TES

yet he cannot find a single (one) wRPG with a better combat system than xenoblade x or 2, even by his own metrics of more mechanics = better. Funny for a series that's so easy to "mock" huh? I guess wRPGs are below mockery

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Most of them would rather tell you a story than immerse you in a story.

he'd start pulling out his charts and pointing at them like he's ross perot, while the poor sap who has to listen to his drivel slowly backs away.

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>my opinion
Good thing you didn't post any opinions.

>Crusader Kings 2 outta nowhere

>you're supposed to PRETEND
Because pretending is the whole essence of roleplaying, you whiny idiot.
>If you can't make engaging and diverse choices, don't include them at all.
You should have just said you wanted to play a walking simulator right from the start, bitch kid

Ummmmm no honey. JRPGs are just the best genre ever. no dumb wh*te bois have ever written cool black characters like Barret, it always comes across as a cringy LARP when they try and write one.

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And that's why WRPGs suck.

Not him but X is too broken to be fun and takes the "only gear matters" to the extreme. X overall is fucking terrible and a disgrace to Xeno.

No, that was my post, and that's really not what I said at all. Mayhap you should follow your own advice and learn how to read.

>X is too broken
as opposed to topple locking in 1?

This game looks fucking awful.

Well you aren't wrong about that

>Kill yourself faggot. Adding a "Yes/No" box doesn't make it any better. If the character had a quirky personality the scene would be far more entertaining than a blank emotionless stare and having to pretend they're saying some shit.
Not the guy you're talking to but that's not what role playing is about. Role playing is about creating the story of YOUR character not watching the story of the character of someone else. If you want to watch a pre-written story, like in a movie, then role playing games are not for you.

You said:

>you get to choose what ending cutscene you get
>This is far more a western standard than Japanese.

Except that's blatantly false. Western games don't even have multiple endings that often, instead their focus is on providing as much player agency during the game proper.

>Role playing is about creating the story of YOUR character not watching the story of the character of someone else.
no, that's your definition of it. not everyone is a manchild who self-inserts.

did wrpg-kun run away because he ran out of images?

You live under a rock?

What is the 4th one? Not Princess Maker, right?

He got BTFO by xenochads once again

>no, a car having 4 wheels is your definition of it, mine is completely different!

it bothers me more when an rpg tries to take itself super seriously and advertises choices but they don't actually matter(well over half of them), than when a jrpg just does this shit for flavor and humor

wrpgkuns game of choice Deus Ex, is a game where you literally pick one out of 3 endings at the end of the game just like mass effect.

one of the atelier games probably

I didn't come up with it, this is literally what the pen & paper role playing games, on which computer RPGs are based, are about. They are games of cooperative storytelling where the players pretend to be protagonists of the story. If you have no interest in creating your own story within a storytelling framework, then you clearly are not interested in the genre itself.
Now, this certainly does not necessarily apply to JRPGs which deviate from the roots quite a bit but it also explains the divide between fans of JRPGs and fans of western RPGs: JRPG fans don't care about role playing. They'd rather have a story told to them than create their own, like in a movie.

>wrpgkuns game of choice Deus Ex, is a game where you literally pick one out of 3 endings at the end of the game just like mass effect.
What part of "instead their focus is on providing as much player agency during the game proper" don't you understand? The multiple endings in DX was an afterthought. Yes, that was my point, dummy.

If you are the kind of person who thinks a game is great solely because of how many different endings there are, despite them having no effect on the game itself, then you are genuinely retarded.

>I want to feel like a big boy

Attached: 1553889346709.gif (500x500, 255K)

the problem with striving for realistic choices and consequences is that in real life, a lot of shit happens for really stupid reasons that don't relate to a moral or lead to anyone's personal development

>it's ok when deus ex does it!
you should stop posting these threads, you should at least have good taste in wRPGs before attacking another genre

I like you use irrelevant choice as an argument for and against JRPGs.

my dick

>you can kill magus or not, save crono or not, and there are a bunch of small things like how many cats you have and whether you save the real chancellor from the chest
Am I supposed to be impressed by this? You can kill every npc in almost every wrpg ever made. Depending on your actions, party members can abandon you. You just highlighted how shallow of a game Chrono Trigger is.

Yea Forums isn't a competition of who sucks your dick the hardest
You said dumb shit, he proved you wrong, so you say some other dumb shit in response

>I like you use irrelevant choice as an argument for and against JRPGs.
Getting a different 5 minute cutscene at the end is precisely the sort of irrelevant choice omnipresent in jrpgs. Deus Ex does not give a shit about wowing dumb weebs such as yourself with "ZOMG THERE ARE A BILLION DIFFERENT ENDINGS AND YOU CAN ONLY SEE ENDING #14343 IF YOU SCRATCHED YOUR ASS ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE INN OF TH FIRST TOWN". Instead, the developers on Deus Exfocused on what mattered: making a game that allows you to tackle its challenges in more different ways than any jrpg ever made.

Attached: r_551868_DJpW4.jpg (659x609, 33K)

Whether or not most western games even have multiple endings is irrelevant, the fact remains, that in terms of "choose your own ending" is far more common in western games than it is in Japanese. Japanese game endings (where multiple are present, which is most) are predicated on the actions you take during the game, whereas in western games where multiple endings are present, there's a high likelihood that the point of choice is, in fact, right at the end, making all the other choices and actions in the game basically irrelevant in terms of how the game ends. This also means that all the sandbox horseshit you can do in most western games has zero overall impact on the game itself.

And this is why Undertale has kino endings

i thought you hated irrelevant choices? every reddit sandbox choice you make in deus ex is completely irrelevant when you're still ultimately going to be railroaded into one of the three endings they've picked out for you. at least jrpgs don't pretend to give you total freedom of choice.

>making a game that allows you to tackle its challenges in more different ways than any jrpg ever made.
So like any other game to date including JRPGs.

Not the guy you're talking to but Deus Ex is much more about how you get to the ending than what ending you pick.

e.g. do you play the game violently or peacefully (which NPCs react to at certain points), do you kill or spare certain characters, which route do you take and what kind of tools to reach your goals, etc. - you have a lot of freedom when it comes to reaching your goals and this freedom also helps you flesh out your character - which is the purpose of all these mechanics.
In JRPGs, you have a different design philosophy. The aspect of multiple routes and multiple endings is less rooted in the tradition of western tabletop RPGs but more in VNs/Eroge type of storytelling. The purpose of multiple routes here is not to help the player define his protagonist differently but to let him see different variants of the plot. Often the player has little input regarding what kind of person the protagonist is, with the choices being only loosely connected to the actual outcome (e.g. compare Type-Moon VN choices).
In WRPGs, multiple endings serve the purpose of making the choices to reach that ending more plausible within the greater framework. It is the choice & consequence principle applied to the main quest. The ending itself is subordinate to the choice.
In JRPGs it is the ending that is the purpose in-itself. The choice is the mere mechanic to switch the rails.

>>it's ok when deus ex does it!
What is okay? Are you seriously arguing a game is bad if it does not have multiple endings, or if its endings are unlocked right before the end? By that logic most games ever made are bad.

Why are jrpg fans so obsessed with multiple endings anyway? Is it because their favorite games are so devoid of interactivity that a different cutscene at the end is the only thing that can distinguish one playthrough from another?

Attached: 13994393232.jpg (2000x2412, 741K)

>You can kill every npc in almost every wrpg ever made.
and 99.99999% of the time, it's a pointless gimmick that adds nothing of value to the game.

why would they?
jrpgs are their own genre and if you really go into them for "roleplay" or "choices" then you're either an idiot or are incapable of learning.

Man it took you awhile
I would've thought you had an entire folder of images on standby

If Deus Ex is the best RPG ever made and it is a JRPG, then how is it not also the best JPRG ever made?

>This also means that all the sandbox horseshit you can do in most western games has zero overall impact on the game itself.
Are you retarded? How do jrpg player actions that solely affect the ending (i.e. something that occurs AFTER the game is over) have more of an impact than the player actions in wrpgs that shape the actual experience during the game itself?

Having actions solely affect the ending is the easy way out, as it's relatively simple to implemen, which is precisely why so many jrpgs have billions of multiple endings. In wrpgs the developers have to keep track of all sorts of vartiables due to the player's ability to go anywhere, kill npcs, etc.

How come WRPG-kun doesn't like it?

Attached: Dark_Souls_Cover_Art.jpg (256x330, 55K)

i don't actually bother playing RPGs because almost all of them are fucking terrible, but how the fuck do you think a game with the easiest combat system ever made is special?

The item descriptions aren't zany enough

>and 99.99999% of the time, it's a pointless gimmick that adds nothing of value to the game.

>he never handed a valuable quest item in for an xp reward from an npc, and then stabbed that npc in the back as he was walking away, and looted the valuable quest item from his corpse, as well as any other belongings

Attached: 1552254448683.png (512x288, 98K)

>one option is the correct option
>the other is a joke

better than nothing, I like what happens when you choose no when she asks this question too.

> Admitting to having thousands of bait images
You should be banned

>one of the biggest complaints about the combat is it's too complicated and wRPG idiots who try to play it need to look up guides online

no way to grind shit like talking and jumping

>>pointless gimmick that adds nothing of value to the game

Not him but what purpose would that serve.

real talk, get dq11 for cheap atm or wait for switch version? how bad will the graphics be downgraded

>A genetically engineered nano-augmented UNATCO agent whose uncovering of a political conspiracy convinces them to join the very terrorists they initially fought against

Bullshit, JC never joins the NSF. He never even comes to agree with them. If not for Paul's begging he would have been content with them getting rooted out by UNATCO.

>Japanese game endings (where multiple are present, which is most) are predicated on the actions you take during the game
See what I wrote in .

I see western devs to be more hesitant when it comes to branching because they generally incorporate more choice throughout the game, resulting in a combinatorial explosion. JRPGs are more eager to branch but very often you have little impact on what happens in-between the junctions as the branches themselves are mostly linear, which again results in the typical problems of the player feeling a disconnect between the character whose role he assumes and himself. On the other hand, it also allows JRPG developers to make more drastic and far reaching changes within the narrative from branch to branch as there are less variables he needs to consider and less effort that goes into each route (from a mechanical design perspective, e.g. how it affects quests, how previous choices are affected, etc. etc.).
Heavily branching WRPGs exist but they usually need to limit their scope in some regards. For example Age of Decadence and to a certain extent also Alpha Protocol. Age of Decadence being comparatively short, with some routes being over in few hours, while Alpha Protocol limited itself by having a bit of an intimate play style narrative, where the plot is told by few protagonists whose allegiances shift depending on player decisions.

>How come WRPG-kun doesn't like it?
Oh hey, it's that popular action jrpg that manages to have shallower combat than wrpgs that are almost 20 years old.

Attached: Severance.webm (317x226, 419K)

You can kill yes man tho but just his body, he always comes back as another securitron

textbook example of a pointless gimmick that adds nothing to the game other than letting redditors feel edgy.

But according to WRPG-kun it's actually a WRPG made in Japan, not a JRPG


I think switch version won't have full orchestra (just battle and field themes), so get it on pc imo. Depends on how much you care about the new content and whether you think you'll put time in to replay a 100hr game though.

>gore effects = depth

you just described souls games

what's this supposed to show? parrying? that's in dark souls

At least it has better hitboxes than Dark Souls

Attached: Dark Souls hitboxes.webm (960x540, 2.9M)


I like it but I don't like it as an "RPG". I think it's a fun action game with some RPG elements. Although I would also argue that it's overrated in some regards. I don't think the invincibility frame roll is a good mechanic but seems more like a cop-out solution. There are also plenty of technical problems with the game. From blatant foot-slide of the models when walking to netcode issues in multiplayer.

The gore is not cosmetic, you can even use severed body parts as wepaons.

Gay, not picking the one where you get to cuck a literally who NPC

there is no wRPG with a better story than xenogears or a better combat system than xenoblade 2/better exploration than xenoblade x

Attached: tenor[1].png (458x320, 264K)

>I think switch version won't have full orchestra
You're already wrong.

Why can JRPG fans never get along with each other? Is it the my game is better than your game mentality?

Who are you quoting?

Why doen't wRPG-kun just use a tripcode?

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Because they require an actual triple-digit IQ to enjoy, whereas any moron can pick a JRPG off the self

>nobody care about BoF
I'll cut you, man

source, the original press release was worded very carefully iirc

REAL TALK. Was this game any good? Debating on getting it (for the Switch).

crabs in a bucket

So not an argument? Got it
No, DQ8 is the only good game in the series

>whereas any moron can pick a JRPG off the self
Video games in a nutshell

>WRPG-kun is already here
I remember when this guy tried to shit in TWEWY threads the other day only to get blown off by everyone else. Fun times.

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While I haven't played the game you're referring to I generally have a lot of problems with a lot of combat systems in JRPGs. Not necessarily the systems themselves in that they're not fun as a game of their own but rather how they are embedded within the greater framework of the game. It's often like the people who design the combat and the people who write the plot and design the world rarely talk to each other, leading to a disconnect, with combat being reduced to a mini-game within the game rather than a representation of what is meant to happen within the actual narrative. Western RPGs often do a better job of connecting the two and "simulating" actual combat within the fictional world. Arguably, this sometimes ends up a bit clunky, but as usual finding a middle ground would probably be a good idea.

>No, DQ5 is the only good game in the series
Fix'd that for you

>twewy cuck
You are in no position to take the moral high ground here.

>JRPG protagonists
Are almost always
>teenager under/around the age of 18 who kills god
And a lot of the time
>are also secretly part of some godly/all-powerful lineage

because then it would be easy for everyone to filter his autistic charts.

>Because they require an actual triple-digit IQ to enjoy
yeah, an iq of 000.


You can't mod the witcher 3 that's why skyrim beats it.

WRPG protagonists are either the chosen one or literal who that nobody knows even after they save the world.


Please be honest, are you shitposting? I will let you be the determining factor as to whether or not I play this game. How does it compare to say YS VIII?

low iq posts
no wonder why wrpg kun is right

Choices only matter when skills or items you have earned can influence choices.
Like, you are robbing a bank, but because you have high lockpicking skill you don't need to hire a lockpicking export.
Or the game wants you to scale a wall, but you have a rocket launcher and can blow through the wall.

'Kill the thing or save the thing' and then the thing shows up later in a cutscene and says hi? Less of that in games the better.

This game has plenty of impactful choices to make on all possible levels, not just narrative.

Attached: romancingsaga.jpg (350x500, 50K)

>over 18
>killed a genetic experiment supersoldier
We did it lads

Attached: Cloud-FFVIIArt.png (456x544, 181K)

I like both JRPGs and WRPGs for different reasons.
Everyone hates me

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Oh i love that game they should kept going with the series.

Or plant a LAM at the top of a stairwell and shoot at a guard so all the guards come running out and get blown up then you flamethrower the stragglers.

I didn't touch X or 2 because of the first one's ending.

>just battle and field themes
AKA the entire game

i liked it more than dq8 but it's pretty close, he's full of shit one way or another though because they're quite similar, both are great

could you just make a tripcode so I could filter you?

*wipes floor with your antagonist design*

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towns, cutscenes, and it's unclear whether things like boss music are going to get the orchestrated versions iirc

Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome

Which falls under fields and cutscenes use either battle or field music.

Any JRPG with multiple endings says hi.

They did

Attached: saga_scarlet_grace.jpg (600x338, 49K)

>"Are you retarded?"
>"Don't go telling lies on the internet, user. Now, answer my question."
>"Are you retarded?"

Attached: 1429824956866.jpg (1058x705, 117K)

n-n-no, i crave the attention

>and it's unclear whether things like boss music are going to get the orchestrated versions iirc
You do realise you have to battle bosses, right?

sad but true

i'm not sure that it does, source? and i forgot dungeons too

wrong girl

Is it just me, or are jrpgs extremely homogenous?

A good way to demonstrate what I mean is to look at how jrpgs utilize their settings. For instance, if you look at wrpgs that aren't high fantasy, like say Fallout, Deus Ex, Jagged Alliance, Vampire The Masquerade, etc. they tend to incorporate aspects of their setting in their gameplay. And I don't mean things like characters using guns. I mean stuff like Fallout having a barter economy, which is logical in a post-apocalyptic society where monetization has broken down. Or how cybernetic augmentations in Deus Ex take the place of a more traditional RPG system. Or the whole mercenary company aspect of Jagged Alliance.

It's obvious that a game's setting should inform its gameplay. But jrpgs really don't do this. Even jrpgs that take place in modern or futuristic settings, such as Persona or Xenoblade, still revolve around typical high fantasy cliches like dungeon crawling and god-killing shenanigans. The characters even still use medieval weaponry. Heck, Symphony of the Night is a Japanese vampire RPG where you play as a vampire, yet you can't even bite anyone to drink blood, meaning you can't even fulfil the basic function of a vampire. How lame is that? Or heck, Lost Odyssey, a game where you play as immortals, yet you can somehow still die from combat.

Another baffling trope is when jrpgs take place in a world such as Final Fantasy 7 or 15, where the technology and level of civilization is far more advanced than our own. Yet despite said technology and level of civilization, the world functions like a standard medieval fantasy world, with small settlements separated by vast, uncharted expanses of wilderness filled with wild beasts and roving bandits, and characters still using medieval weaponry. What is the point of going with a futuristic setting if it's functionally and thematically identical to a medieval fantasy world?

I don't really understand why jrpgs are designed like this.

Attached: 1553798548335.gif (652x562, 392K)

this doesn't apply to xenoblade 2 or the other xenoblade games. Blade/driver relationships are a big part of the story, and this is reflected in gameplay with the affinity and blade art system. Xenoblade 1 had the future sight mechanic. X had the human in doll (skell) gameplay mimicking mimeosomes although that's a reach and XCX isn't story focused like the rest of the series

>and i forgot dungeons too
user those are fields as well.
Fields refer to anything in the overworld or a dungeon.

le boomzoom

2 fixes 1's shitty ending


Fields are anything you travel through do towns, dungeons, mountains etc.
Battles are battles which includes boss battles. I don't know why you're splitting hairs like this.

weebs btfo

I think wrpg-kun is right for the most part, but that doesn't mean jrpgs are worthless

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>this doesn't apply to xenoblade 2 or the other xenoblade games.

>get to the bit where Rex hallucinates
>die because I wasn't maining Rex before this so he's weak as fuck
>have to run from the real world back to your fucking hallucination

Attached: 1551463810724.jpg (528x792, 66K)

How about stuff like TWEWY? You have psychic powers and shit and none of the conventional JRPG weapons. Plus the entire system revolves around fashion and trends.

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blade and drivers are a big part of both the story and gameplay. The DLC even takes driver/blade relationships regarding partnership and ownership between 500 years into consideration with gameplay.

>man driven mad by the philosophical senseless of a war-torn world realizes that no good comes from the existence of the two worlds and three gods, and their endless conflicts with each other, and seeks to tear everything down as a final monument to entropy

>person believes demons from hell are bad

The latter is only a twist to the absolute edgiest of fourteen year old goths.

I don't know what this has to do with what I said

>still revolve around typical high fantasy cliches like dungeon crawling and god-killing shenanigans. The characters even still use medieval weaponry.
xenoblade doesn't do these, outside god killing in 1 and even that's debatable

What a dumb "complaint"

wrpgs are simply shittier games than jrpgs, that's all.

This unironically makes me want to play Skyrim again just so I can say "fuck it" and do what the fuck I want.
God fucking damnit, Todd, get the fuck out of here.

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*blocks your path*

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 41K)

>hates clunky UIs with too many buttons and variables that ultimately mean nothing compared to the three actually important numbers that you quickly learn to watch in favor of everything else
>likes CRPGs

It's funny how ameritards talk about "godkilling" in jrpgs when you can count in one hand the ones where you actually kill a god. They literally never saw good character design before, so shinny lights and floating signs from the final boss = god to them.

wasn't this some allegory for abortion? the combat system does look insane for a turn based title

Why would you play such limited games as wrpg's if you are so obsessed with "player choice". You may a well just do the real thing.

>All these weeb butt tears
It's beautiful

wRPG idiots only idea of jRPGs are pokemon and final fantasy. Nevermind the fact that a shitton of wRPGs have god killing

I couldn't tell inbetween the robots mercilessly bashing on eachother.

is that wojak supposed to be a self-portrait?


>hates clunky UIs with too many buttons and variables that ultimately mean nothing compared to the three actually important numbers that you quickly learn to watch in favor of everything else
>likes CRPGs

>jrpg inventory: have to scroll through a long list, one item at a time, while reading each line of text, to identify the item you need

>wrpg inventory: simply click the item you need. items are not represented through text, but actual images of the items, which is good, because your brain processes images much faster than text, so you can identify what item you need from just a glance

How is a jrpg interface better in functionality?

There is a reason why competitive strategy games that are all about making thousands of micro-decisions every minute use visual interfaces like those wrpgs.

Attached: 1490230032.jpg (3000x1701, 924K)

Choices aren't gameplay. Stop playing bad games.

>WRPG interface design
>It's shit
>JRPG interface design
>It's even shittier

still cherrypicking, i see.

Attached: wrpgjrpgmenus.png (1240x930, 1.31M)

because jRPG are only RPGs in the sense that you have stats that progress with time
you don't have freedom to play particular roles in jRPGs, ironically, you're assigned one role and play some anime story through and that's it

Look at this buttblasted weebcuck. Try not to get nuked again

so in your one example the speadsheet lists have actual icons? nice
weight management? space management? nothing? ok

>How about stuff like TWEWY?
TWEWY is a great example of how NOT to tackle an urban fantasy setting. It doesn't even let you explore the intrigue of an urban fantasy. All the combat and supernatural happenings are conveniently confined to an alternate version of the world, The Underground. There's no effort whatsoever made to create a believable urban fantasy setting that reconciles the fantastical with the mundane. It's like the developers wanted to create an urban fantasy setting, but were too lazy to flesh out such a setting and just went with generic anime tropes.

Compare that to something like Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines, which utilizes its modern-day setting in every aspect of its gameplay and narrative. For example, since you're a vampire healing is done by feeding on enemies or NPC's or by consuming blood bags, which you can get by having an employee at the local hospital smuggle them out for you. The weapons you use aren't medieval, but modern ones like firearms and improvised tools like tire irons and baseball bats, and the people who sell them to you are criminal fencers. Instead of generic elemental spells, you hack computers and use vampiric disciplines such as mental domination or a mist form which renders you invisible. The game takes place in urban locales, not some abstract dimension, and NPC's will panic and alert the cops if you reveal your vampiric nature in public, and being careless may attract the attention of vampire hunters That's how you translate urban fantasy to a video game.

Attached: 1550666706829.jpg (807x605, 103K)

That one worked more in my favor back here

>you don't have freedom to play particular roles in jRPGs, ironically, you're assigned one role and play some anime story through and that's it
Have you ever played a pen and paper campaign before in your life? You either choose or are assigned your class and race and then you go through some anime storyline and fight random encounters with skeletons in a cave and that's it.

> Left = Clunky pieces of shit
> Right = Neat & easy to read casulized inventory systems
> Wonders why the CRPG genre died
LOL, kill yourself Divinity Kun

But what does that have to do with Blade 2?

>See another WJRPG vs JRPG thread
>300+ posts
>Maybe it's one where they got bored and started posting off-topic
>Nope, they actually managed to keep arguing with the same points for 300+ posts
You will never change the minds of the kind of people willing to argue with you over this pointless, endless dispute. In fact, I'm not sure why I'm bothering to even post this, because I probably won't either.

Attached: Sorry but we've run over, please, get out of my swamp.jpg (1600x1066, 721K)

>praising sjw vampire: the redditlines
i want resetera to leave.

This guy is really like a broken record, holy shit. Repeating the same few postsover and over, but expecting different replies.

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>You either choose
yes, something you don't do in most jRPGs
thanks for proving my point

Sengoku Japan, Medieval Europe, High fantasy, Post apoc, high school, low fantasy, space, mecha, literal biblical locations

Medieval Europe, High fantasy, Post apoc, space, and uhh...

Attached: 1498435509533.jpg (1110x1553, 491K)

Did you even read the writing in TWEWY, or did you skim a plot summary and assume that because you're dead you can't interact with anyone who is alive. I know for a fact you didn't play it.

the reason to split hairs is that every news site takes care to say "field and battle music" rather than just saying it's fully orchestrated, so something's excluded

We need to try & get him banned like we did with Barry

It's the one time this meme is appropriate

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When will they learn?

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>you can't choose your class, race, or name in jrpgs

Fuck, who knew every third Final Fantasy is actually a WRPG? Well, at least the JRPG lineup has Planescape: Torment now, to make up for the loss.

>I haven’t even played the game
So, you’re flat out ignoring how the TWEWY actually incorporates shit like fashion, trends, themes of individuality, companionship, and the urban theming of the Shibuya into its narrative because it doesn’t fit your standards of what an urban fantasy should be?
>There's no effort whatsoever made to create a believable urban fantasy setting that reconciles the fantastical with the mundane.
Oh wow, so you really haven’t played it. Because quite a lot of supernatural happenings in TWEWY actually coincidence quite nicely with the modern elements, like pins and fashion.

Attached: BDEC5BFD-8ADB-4C06-9661-84C72123D4B4.jpg (512x506, 65K)

>But CPRG are not dead, a lot more of them have been released this decade than the last one with more yet to come. Still a lot less than JRPG

Attached: JRPGs.jpg (1176x661, 83K)

All of this looks like science fantasy to me

>why can't I click anywhere on a console game

smt nocturne
>fictional real-world
resonance of fate
soul hackers
>superhero fiction
dbz: attack of the saiyans
>science fiction
infinite space
>alternate history
valkyria chronicles
>urban fantasy
the world ends with you
>high fantasy
dragon quest
>science fantasy

>Dragon Quest
>Science fa-
oh... oh wait

>So, you’re flat out ignoring how the TWEWY actually incorporates shit like fashion, trends, themes of individuality, companionship, and the urban theming of the Shibuya into its narrative because it doesn’t fit your standards of what an urban fantasy should be?

>rpg where both the central themes and central game mechanics revolve around fashion
>made by the biggest rpg developer in the world
>changing clothes doesn't affect your appearance in any way
>meanwhile, tons of rpgs made with a fraction of the budget and resources square had access to have armor that change your appearance
What did Nomura mean by this?

Attached: 9127237121.jpg (465x612, 98K)

>there was one studio the previous decade, but even though they make EA games now, we have two whole studios making games this decade!
>that brings us from 3 titles last decade to 5 this one! we're on an upward trajectory!

>he didn't pick the Impeach Donald Trump hidden ending

Attached: 1552760596053.gif (231x320, 367K)

Everything on the left is literal who & buggy garbage that nobody cares about. What point are you trying to make here by spamming the same images 100x?

Left side looks like shit t b h.

exceptions to the rule?
in how many of the 13 singleplayers FFs, not counting spinoffs, can you actually pick a class and build a character and play it accordingly from beginning to end?
that hasn't been a thing since the SNES era
only one that even tries that is XII (zodiac edition) but even then it's barebones as fuck

user, its a joke image where each descriptor for the WRPG and JRPG is flipped in their respective levels.

>Muh copy and pasta
You’re literally a fucking robot, holy shit. Oh, and Nomura didn’t even direct TWEWY. You don’t even play the games you shitpost about.

Attached: D30DD383-2A25-4188-A076-BE82D4F27310.jpg (471x479, 62K)

>left side is crap nobody cared about upon release and even fewer care now.

You aren't wrong, Modded KOTOR 2 is the only good game on the left. Everything else is a outdated & irredeemable piece of shit

3,5,7,8,12. 10 and 13 starting midway

Please, play through the FF series. Start with the first one. I highly recommend you skip the second because it's trash but you can play it anyway.

wrpg-kun fucking rekt. Dude is a mere bot.

What did he mean by this?

Attached: alexjonesstunned.gif (288x377, 1.83M)

good RPGS: all DRPG and SRPGs
bad RPGS: everything else

12 only on zodiac edition

>smt nocturne
Wrong. Takes place DURING the apocalypse, not after it, and doesn't explore the ethics of a post-apocalyptic civilization in any way.

>fictional real-world
Again, wrong. Is fantasy. 'Fictional real world' refers to games that take place in a fictional version of the real world, without fantasy or sci-fi elements.

>resonance of fate
The game where characters use modern firearms, completely at odds with the level of technology in a steampunk setting? No.

>soul hackers
It has minor cyberpunk elements, but it's primarily a fantasy game and doesn't truly explore cyberpunk themes in any meaningful way.

>superhero fiction
>dbz: attack of the saiyans
>science fiction
>infinite space
Haven't played these so I'll take your word for it.

>alternate history
>valkyria chronicles
Wrong. 'Alternate history' has as premise that our history happened. Then at some point, things diverged, that's where the 'alternate' comes in. Or, in the case of Darklands, things were always different, but the world at large is not aware of this, and history occured as we know it (except for secret happenings that we are unaware of). Valkyria Chronicles does not have that premise at all. It's a setting that superficially resembles WW2, except in that world, WW1 didn't happen, or any of our history. Instead, Valkyria Chronicles has its own history, that involves races like Darcsens and Valkyria. It's an different fantasy world, not alternate history.

>urban fantasy
>the world ends with you
>high fantasy
>dragon quest
These are correct, albeit riddled with bad writing and uninspired world building.

>science fantasy
Wrong. The technology is too futuristic. IT literally has X-Wings and shit.

Attached: Strahl.jpg (350x198, 15K)

Right one looks soulless as fuck.

>only one person can post a pasta
nice try shilling yourself Eric

This ain’t the first time he’s done this either
Literal copy and paste

>literal copy paste responses

Nobody cares about your piece of shit literal who Western games. All of them are utterly irrelevant garbage that nobody ever talks about. Any Final Fantasy is infinitely more relevant then your WRPGs will ever be

Woops. I read your classification of FFXII as something else. Ignore that lost remark, since I agree that it is science fantasy.

>Takes place DURING the apocalypse, not after it, and doesn't explore the ethics of a post-apocalyptic civilization in any way
All of humanity is dead.

If you played the game sweetie you might know that (:

Who the fuck is Eric?

why does she hold her leg like that for a while

now try actually playing the games instead of just shitposting about them.

>All of humanity is dead.
So? How is that post-apocalyptic. SMT Nocturne takes place in some abstract purgatory, not a post-apocalyptic society.

Woudl you really group Nocturne's setting in the same catrgory as stuff like Mad Max?

We’ve already established that you don’t play the games you shitpost about. You can stop at anytime now.

Hi Todd.


The less important a choice is in the game, the more likely you are to make the choice based purely on what the player wants to choose.

If a choice locks you out of game content, then your probably going to choose it purely to access that content, and not because you're playing into the character role.

Demanding substantial impact with every miniscule action just shows a person is a fundamental misunderstanding of what your playing.

Every thing I said is correct. You must tacitly agree, since you can't come up with a single counter-argument and have to resort to insults like these.

I already know for a fact that you haven’t played TWEWY based on your arguments about it so I’m not particularly expecting you to have played any other game.

He's paraphrasing OP. That's exactly what the OP was saying.

Original Fallout: boring
Final Fantasy VII: fun

Alucard's only half vampire. He doesn't need to drink blood at all.

And while I don't particularly like FF7, it's clearly shown that it's very difficult for people to travel or live outside major cities because of all the monsters. This is why in Advent Children, which I admit I also don't really like, Cloud manages to run a successful delivery service; he's one of the few people actually capable of traversing that wilderness to get shit to people. Also, it's not really that advanced. FF7 was very steampunk, with only a few large mako cannons and the rest being no better than the guns we have in modern day.

>still not using a tripcode

right off the bat, you're wrong about nocturne. so again, you don't play the games you shitpost about.

I have no dog in this race for either wrpg or jrpg, but having never seen this game before, this combat looks like fucking garbage for add autists. Divinity blows this combat out of the water

I hope you guys realize you are doing this to yourselves at this point.

>JC Denton
>literally who
That guys a faggot but I hope you die in a fire.

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Fuck off Divinity Kun, seriously get a trip. We all fucking hate you so much.

>Stygian Software
>Tower Studios
>Logic Studios
>Warhorse Studio
>Owlcat games
> Just 2 studios

>"jrpgs have bad writ..."
What were you saying, wrpgfags?

That's what I thought.

Attached: 58d7acfe-a73c-4bae-a18a-57a9a38ee662.png (1059x225, 55K)

Let's turn those arguments on their heads then.

Most WRPGs tend to have relatively similar tones and atmospheres. Relatively dark, mostly serious, striving to make "mature" stories. These games are all mostly designed for the same kinds of people, so someone who enjoyed Deus Ex will probably enjoy The Witcher and Fallout. JRPGs, on the other hand, tend to deal with a wide variety of tones and atmospheres, some dark and gritty, others fun and colorful.

Why is that?

user...you may be retarded.

Fallout changed *all* RPG design.

Arcanum is a touchstone for modern ARPGs like, I don't know, Diablo or Path of Exile.

Deus Ex is literally one of the top 20 RPGs of all time.

System Shock 2 is the direct predecessor of games like Mass Effect.

VtM Bloodlines is a timeless classic somehow.

Torment has aged poorly, I'll give you that. But it's still got one of the best stories.

KOTOR II is...really pretty equivalent to most of the games on the right side. Also rans.

The only one on the right that's really special is Chrono Trigger. If he'd used FFVI instead of FFXII you'd have a better argument.

Attached: bitchbrb.gif (480x242, 1.34M)

Xenogears is fucking garbage, and the cult-like praise it gets is completely misplaced.

It would take an entire college thesis to completely detail the awfulness of the writing, but here's perhaps the most damning example of Xenogears' atrocious writing:

The link lists the exploits of a certain character, who the writers obviously intended to be seen as sympathetic and one of the good guys. But because Xenogears' story structure is so ridiculously convoluted, with crazy revelations and shocking twists happening at every turn, examining the actions of that character for even a minute leaves one no choice but to conclude that said character is utterly despicable, because the writers had no qualms about twisting characters to faciliate their convoluted rollercoaster of a story. This is how the entirety of Xenogears' story is constructed: it's all style with no substance. All surface depth, appearing to be deep by name-dropping just about every philosophical and religious concept in existence, but exhibiting about as much understanding of those concepts as a 4-year old.

Another strike against the game is that half of it is missing. The second disc of the game is basically like having a friend tell you all about how amazing the game is while occasionally handing you the controller to fight some boss battles. I have no idea why people gave it a free pass while completely losing their shit over something like the Mass Effect 3 ending.

Lastly, the translation is atrocious, even by the standards of its time. It's just a step up from a machine translation and is si primitive that it's impossible to take the dialogue seriously.

Attached: TkJyL6V.jpg (640x386, 27K)

>Most WRPGs tend to have relatively similar tones and atmospheres. Relatively dark, mostly serious, striving to make "mature" stories

>What is Divinity
>What is Jagged Alliance
>What is Deus Ex (a game that is half cyberpunk thriller and half conspiracy theory spoof and even pokes fun at the Matrix)

All Literal who shit, KOTOR is the only WRPG that appears on any of these. Kill yourself WRPG Kun you fucking faggot

Attached: Consensus GOAT Games.jpg (1644x1668, 3.56M)

>Most WRPGs tend to have relatively similar tones and atmospheres. Relatively dark, mostly serious, striving to make "mature" stories. These games are all mostly designed for the same kinds of people, so someone who enjoyed Deus Ex will probably enjoy The Witcher and Fallout. JRPGs, on the other hand, tend to deal with a wide variety of tones and atmospheres, some dark and gritty, others fun and colorful.

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yeah, if only they were well-written like wrpgs.

Attached: Mass-Effect-Cringe-Shepard-VI.jpg (1107x554, 85K)

thanks Yea Forums, i learned that jrpgs and wrpgs are shit
you guys are my best friends

Wow what sexist and misogynistic game. Japanese games are racist and sexist.

They still fall closer to that end of the spectrum. I mean, let me ask you this then: Do you believe that a major western video game company would ever make an RPG similar in tone to, say, Pokemon?

This whole "All JRPGs just star teenagers" thing also gets me thinking: Have you ever noticed how few WRPGs star protagonists under the age of 20? If anything, western media seems to generally have disdain for youthful protagonists.

Your taste is shit too faggot.

>wrpg premises
>sjw shit
>reddit shit
>reddit shit
>reddit shit
>reddit shit


>JRPG "humor"

Attached: nipponese humor.webm (960x540, 1.75M)

You've seen the truth user, now it's time to join the SRPG master race

>the first WRPG on the list is about trying to make sure a god stays dead in order to prevent the apocalypse
>the second is about reviving a dead god
nice list


the west thing actually makes sense because very rarely do kids actually accomplish shit in the real world. JRPGs are always jarring in the way that you have the hyper-competent children who are better/wiser than adults with 10x their experience and knowledge

I can't help but your image referencing lack of choice in JRPGs uses Strange Journey, one of the few games I've played where you actual actions have story impact rather than just your dialogue choices. Good job (You) fisherman

bullshit how? junction and materia system facilitate what you said. In fact you're essentially forced to create an ad hoc white mage once aeris is gone

>very rarely do kids actually accomplish shit in the real world
shit guys, no one tell him about the historic lists of people titled "the Great"

>american "humor"

Attached: pickle-rick-pic.jpg (767x431, 17K)

I find JRPGs to be also quite similar. They definitely follow anime storytelling patterns, incorporate character archetypes one can find in anime, the combat, visual design, what kind of music is used and how it is applied etc. all follows an anime aesthetic.
Personally, I actually prefer the artistic approach of the Japanese (not in all regards, but it generally appeals to me more than most WRPGs), but in terms of gameplay I actually prefer most WRPGs.

how's he wrong? nobody outside of wRPG die hards know who JC is

>wrpg "humor"

Attached: wrpghumor.gif (400x225, 1.02M)

Chrono Cross bad. Me no like game.
Xenogears story crap.

On the other hand, though, most of those games are designed to be played by kids anyway. Most JRPGs are aimed at teenagers, hence why their main characters are mostly teenagers as well. Most WRPGs, however, seem to be aimed almost exclusively at adults.

poor localization isn't poor writing, fool

>>the first WRPG on the list is about trying to make sure a god stays dead in order to prevent the apocalypse
What apocalypse? You mean the vampire apocalypse Gehenna? If you had actually played Bloodlines, you would know the sarcophagus is fake and there was never any threat of any apocalypse.

>>the second is about reviving a dead god
What dead god do you revive in Planescape: Torment? You are literally making fake shit up now.

No, no, WRPGkun wants you to be able to choose your class in the tutorial, otherwise it doesn't count.

Attached: RPG.png (800x3176, 1.25M)

I just like to play video games, guys

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He's not complaining about them not having impact, he's complaining that your MC can't go rambling on to others about mundane shit

How could anyone fall so low to do that for money? Like, I get fucking people for money, but how do you sink low enough for that?

I don't want a fix. I want a rewrite.

Could be worse. Could be cleaning sewage.

that's essentially what happens, retcons

What a load. WRPGs are notorious for having critical rolls instakill the player and his party, especially Fallout where half your allies are close range chargers who will end up gibbed by a random roll from a lucky enemy.
Besides, players just reload their last quicksave on party member death and lose 1 minute of progress compared to JRPGs, where a lost party member costs turns and time to revive cause save points are far and few between.

You literally get to decide whrther or not to go back in time in this game

A lot of money.
Like probably at least $200.

Attached: 1456748732024.png (623x346, 276K)

>How do you fall so low to do that for money?
What you mean porn?
Or a porn parody?
It's like the next step in porn besides fucked up fetishes.

I'll pain my dick blue before I have shit on my chest.

As far as gameplay goes, I think Japan tends to be more adventurous and experimental. The west rarely makes significant strides in terms of gameplay. If you consider that Japan made Dragon Quest, Dark Souls, Parasite Eve, Xenoblade, Kingdom Hearts, Monster Hunter, etc., you get the feeling that they're way more inclined to take their games in different directions.

if you want true story pathing play adventure games (think telltale) and stop complaining

>true story pathing play adventure games (think telltale)
Telltale 90% of the times always had 2 choices

Reminder that it took over 15 years for cRPGs to finally stop chaining themselves to ""modified"" 3.5 rulesets.

why do you even engage with a known autist who deliberately compares completely different game genres for his shitposting simply because they use a similar umbrella term
do you not know what happens when he gets blown out?
he just leaves the thread and starts his shit in another tomorrow

Are you 5?

>Nobody recognizes who you are
>Get to have a few laughs as well probably
I dont see the issue.

>As far as gameplay goes, I think Japan tends to be more adventurous and experimental. The west rarely makes significant strides in terms of gameplay. If you consider that Japan made Dragon Quest, Dark Souls, Parasite Eve, Xenoblade, Kingdom Hearts, Monster Hunter, etc., you get the feeling that they're way more inclined to take their games in different directions.

>adventurous and experimental
>different directions
>half the games you listed are copycats of wrpgs
Are you retarded?

Also, how the fuck is Monster Hunter an RPG? Are you so desperate to find jrpgs to hold up as good that you have to resort to using non-jrpgs?

Attached: 1544567776881.png (282x347, 60K)


Honestly I just can't get into most wrpgs, which isn't a problem when I play jrpgs

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>Also, how the fuck is Monster Hunter an RPG?
Yes it its autism

>still not using a tripcode

Xenoblade Chronicles X gives you meaningful choices. I still regret saving those pigs all these years later. At least I wasn't dumb enough to let her shower.

I don't know how anyone could play this game. I borrowed this game from a friend, the game play is shit. The black screens transitions take too long. I tried to escape from the dungeon but every single time there was a puzzle they showed a cutscene on how to pass the guard. they did that like 5 times as if you're an imbecilic who can't pass guards without being caught without the guide of the cutscene character.

Fuck this game.

>As far as gameplay goes, I think Japan tends to be more adventurous and experimental. The west rarely makes significant strides in terms of gameplay.
I would argue the complete opposite. I can't think of a single jrpg that attempts the same multi-genre blend like Deus Ex or Heroes of Might and Magic.

Even when jrpgs and wrpgs shave a similar gameplay concept, wrpgs tend to deliver a vastly better execution of it.

Attached: 1939494923.jpg (2000x1167, 360K)

They fell in line with his facts then, dope.

No human alive plays WRPGs (short of sims like M&B) just for the gameplay. I can, however, bring up tons of JRPGs where people buy them 95% for the gameplay and like 5% for pretty anime waifus.


Yeah, I'm certain people to this day appreciate Skyrim's immeasurable combat depth and worship it for anything other than it being their first open world game with zero other competition. Using bottom-of-the-barrel arguments is pathetic when debating these things. Even Divinity OS2, which I personally adore, has a prominent majority of the community who only care about the romance options and story, and play it on Story Mode instead of any actual TacHonor fun.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.69M)

>2010 was less than 8 years ago

I don't think Japan is more willing to experiment.

e.g. the west incorporated adventure gaming elements into its rpgs, adding multiple choice dialogue, choices/consequences, etc. but also the ability to use non-combat skills for the purpose of doing things within the game, e.g. a thief was able to "steal" an item which the player would have otherwise had to gain by defeating an enemy. Also, if we're just talking combat, you have first-person shooter combat like in Deus Ex, blobber-turn-based combat like in Wizardry, turn-based combat with a single character like in Fallout, turn-based combat featuring entire parties, tactical real time combat with pause, like in the Infinity Engine games, action-based 3rd person melee combat like in Gothic, ...
The Japanese tend to experiment in terms of combat but when it comes to incorporating the narrative into the gameplay and adding non-combat elements, they tend to be more hesitant. When it comes to combat Japan has its own models, e.g. blobber-turn-based variants and (visually) modern takes on it, where the characters are seen from the outside rather than first person, but mechanically otherwise the same with some slight deviations, SRPG tile-based type combat, action-based combat like in Dark Souls (which arguably resembles their third-person beat'em up style games like DMC to some extent, while being a bit more clunky due to the RPG elements in the same sense as Deus Ex is more clunky than your typical FPS), ...

There might be some variations I didn't mention on either side, but I'm fairly certain they're somewhat balanced. I see the west being more willing to break through the general pattern, e.g. Japanese RPGs still tend to be stuck to that original computer RPG pattern where you have towns where you can buy things, a dungeon where you can fight things, and a world map where you travel in-between towns, whereas Japanese experiment more in detail (combat system variations, etc.).

>complaining about strawmans

Attached: Chad Warren.gif (320x214, 3.32M)

>I can't think of a single jrpg that attempts the same multi-genre blend like Deus Ex or Heroes of Might and Magic.
Please, for fuck's sake, use examples like Chaos instead of casualized mid-90s shit.

>Even when jrpgs and wrpgs shave a similar gameplay concept, wrpgs tend to deliver a vastly better execution of it.
No they don't. I'd cleanly argue that outside of a few random cherry-picked examples, you'll find the overwhelming majority of cases that the WRPG equivalent is vastly inferior to its JRPG counterpart. JA2 and Suikdeon 2 don't play anything even remotely alike, and the only point of comparison you have is that they are games with extremely large casts of individual characters, while ignoring Suikoden's uniques and fellating every JA2 generic merc like they have a full novel written in their name.

Meawhile compare two games in actually similar genres, and you see where the lines get drawn.


>Reading comprehension

I was literally saying that a retort with a strawman is invariably going to get the exact same two games as a response, and that they are pointless to bring up.

The gameplay in Divinity is the only good thing, the story and romance sucks. I also played Underrail, E:Conquistadors and Vikings for the gameplay.

You seem to believe that games like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest are the only Japanese RPGs. You do know that Dark Souls, which Yea Forums continues to masturbate obnoxiously over to this day, is an RPG, right? God knows the west would never make a game like that.

>I would argue the complete opposite
yea because when people talk about innovative and great games they never talk about japan.
its almost like the west just tried to make realistic shit in game form(pnp adaptions, etc) while japan actually tried to create creative games
when people talk about iconic games they talk about DMC and how it spearheaded a whole genre, Disgaea how its still one of the most complex srpgs, W101, etc etc etc

western devs only know how to make 2 games: movies and the typical CYOA borefests.

Also your bait images are always shit but that one is the worst.
Some of S2s characters literally had whole questchains behind them, and you'd see even the most useless taking up activities at the castle and are memorable, meanwhile JA2s party members would only throw shitty one liners or comment on a dude thats hardcoded to not be liked by them, and only 3-4 are memorable.

You gotta love how every wRPG-kun thread just results in him alienating more people
You'd think he actually hates wRPGs by the way he acts

Attached: 1552791813580.jpg (818x1024, 52K)

>You do know that Dark Souls, which Yea Forums continues to masturbate obnoxiously over to this day, is an RPG, right?
Did you somehow miss that I literally mentioned Dark Souls in that post?

Also, to which extent Dark Souls is an RPG is debatable. It is as much an action game as it is an RPG and I would argue it is more action game than it is RPG.

>Also, to which extent Dark Souls is an RPG is debatable. It is as much an action game as it is an RPG and I would argue it is more action game than it is RPG.
I will introduce you to a new genre, ActionRPG

>if a game has action it can't be an RPG

It's funny too, because I can easily say that the majority of RPGs I play are JRPGs, but my absolute favorites are WRPGs, but he'll still find fault in the fact that I am not actively shitting on any and every JRPG possible at every point in time, proving every person who hates him 100% correct.

Attached: 34566.jpg (271x224, 7K)

>It is as much an action game as it is an RPG
So you're telling me
that the game
is an Action-RPG?


Attached: 1484279300271.png (392x392, 162K)

Fun fact, BO2 has more meaningful choices in its campaign than pretty much every JRPG

I don't want meaningful choices, just tell me your own fucking story.
'Meaningful' means extra plot lines they bet people will take or its 100% wasted dev resources. So they never do that.

Risk of Rain
>The west just know how to make movies and CYOA
Not even that faggot, but mice strawman.

>Deus Ex
Deus Ex came out in the year 2000. Two. Fucking. Thousand. Summer of the same year as the late winter game Vagrant Story. Two years after Parasite Eve, and a few months after its sequel. Four full titles in the Front Mission series were released before Deus Ex graced the earth with its 'original premise'.

Stop fellating this fucking game as anything other than a good game. It did nothing that previous games hadn't done.

What is an action RPG? A game with RPG elements and action-based combat?

If so, then Gothic is an RPG as well as Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is an RPG. But also Diablo - or you could even say that GTA: San Andreas is an action RPG as it features stats, or what about the newer Call of Duty games with their stats and skills?

All these games are vastly different from another and grouping the under the same umbrella term is pretty meaningless as they tend to focus on different aspects. Some are more on the "RPG" side, others are more on the "Action Game" side. I would argue that Dark Souls is more on the action game side than Gothic or Bloodlines but I would also argue that it's more on the RPG side than Diablo.

Like real life Japan. You have no choice in your future, everything is predetermined.

The Fact that Chrono Trigger is everything on the left side in one game makes me happy. Thanks user for pointing that out.

I want to play DQXI so bad. XI S can't release soon enough

Kefka's dialogue there is translated by a western man though

See .

And factually, action elements are in conflict with the essence of RPGs, which is player agency and character skill being the deterministic element, not player 'ability'. In a pen & paper RPG a blind player can role play an elven archer with keen sight and a geriatric grandmother can role play a hulking barbarian.
Certainly, for computer games there are different constraints, but it's at least something one should keep in mind, as the element of player skill diverges the game from the root of the genre.

And yes GTA San Andreas can be considered a Action RPG in some parts but not COD

>It did nothing that previous games hadn't done.
This is blatantly untrue. I could write a huge essay on what Deus Ex did what previous games hadn't done but the thread is probably not going to last much longer. In any case, the legacy of the game speaks for itself.

Most jrpgs aren't actually role-playing games but there isn't a better term for "linear often turn based story focused game where a set protagonist gathers a group and goes on an adventure involving lots of slimes and cutscenes"

The vast majority of JRPGs have as much player agency as first person shooter campaigns, yet nobody is saying Halo is a role playing game because you're playing the role of Master Chief


i could spare the words but ill let wikipedia do it instead

There is no leveling up, stats, changing armor or shit in Halo

They are more like adventure games than rpgs.

>games that aren't turn based are no longer JRPGs

>multiple choice dialogue
Has literally nothing to do with primary gameplay mechanics unless it's intrinsically linked to one. "Muh story" isn't meaningful to a video game genre, only actual gameplay.
>but also the ability to use non-combat skills for the purpose of doing things within the game, e.g. a thief was able to "steal" an item which the player would have otherwise had to gain by defeating an enemy.
This is a singular franchise spectrum that has done that with gusto.
>The Japanese tend to experiment in terms of combat but when it comes to incorporating the narrative into the gameplay and adding non-combat elements, they tend to be more hesitant.
Again, narrative-tied gameplay literally equates to nothing but "I get one more item/skill for talking to one character", which is no different than picking up an item/skillbook off the ground. Beyond that, you're only talking about story elements, not gameplay.
>but mechanically otherwise the same with some slight deviations


Why do you "people" always act like you have encyclopedic knowledge of every JRPG ever produced when it's clear you only know a few examples based on threads posted here?

Attached: 1533044651223.jpg (647x750, 59K)

Newsflash: WRPGs and JRPGs generally have different goals in mind.
WRPGs generally want to be as open as possible with lots of stat checks and tiny min maxing things.
JRPGs generally want to go on a linear adventure with set party members and maybe some bonus areas if they feel like it.
Both have some seriously shit games but JRPGs on the whole tend to be more accessible than WRPGs.

>RPGs have player agency
please, visit /tg/ for a day, and tell me about player agency in role playing games.

how was this meme even born?

But would you recommend San Andreas to someone asking you for an action RPG? Is it a game that is equally viable as Dark Souls? If someone asked you to recommend you a game like Dark Souls, would it be San Andreas - a game where you clearly spend most of the time driving cars - that would first come to mind?
My point is that this classification becomes meaningless if it is too general. The fact that both games share two elements of gameplay does not mean that they're all that similar because there clearly is more to gameplay than just the question whether the combat is action based and whether the stats of the characters are visible to the player and subject to change over time.

Yes i would, not equally viable but can be recommended

Using the term hack and slash is a more meaningful distinction than "action RPG", as it characterises gameplay much better.

>WRPGs generally want to be as open as possible with lots of stat checks and tiny min maxing things.
Ah, yes. My personal favorite subgenre of WRPGs is Princess Maker, developed by Gainax, which also happens to be a famous western cartoon development studio. They made that one cartoon about the giant robots, you know.

>>reading comprehension in 2k19
Look up what the word "often" means in a dictionary

Having action gameplay doesn't mean a game is not a role-playing game but shit like Xenoblade is no different from say a Metroidvania in how much player agency you have yet nobody argues Fusion is a great JRPG

actually in Metroid fusion you have the choice of saving the animals or not whereas in Xenoblade 2 there's only one ending, so Metroid is more of a role playing game than XBC2 is.

What if you have a shooter rpg ? you can't call it hack and slash

Yeah, it's Atelier Meruru.

Odd thing is there are games that are literally both like An Game Created by Vanillaware. But i agree the terms have become too broad. Half of the time when we are recommending something we have to throw out a few explains to even get close to what people want.

>And factually, action elements are in conflict with the essence of RPGs, which is player agency and character skill being the deterministic element, not player 'ability'.
You do not know the idea of why a Roleplaying Game and why Roleplaying are different, and it shows. Dungeons and Dragons is defined by actual gameplay mechanics as compared to raw, free-form roleplay as elves and orcs and dwarves. Player agency has never been relevant beyond a personal attribute. There are may DnD games, settings, and entire guidebooks based around precooked games of multiple players where the game does not lose agency or identity as a result, considering the focus is the actual strategic stat-bashing that gives rules and limits on how a player is able to accomplish victory within a task. Being able to write down "I am an orc" does not matter until "I am an orc" has varying mechanical attribute changes. Action RPGs simply substitute the purity of bashing Strength against Toughness by adding a real-time combat system with which to also bash Strength against Toughness. Any game that demands mastery of both statistical and strategic numeric advantage and action combat mechanics is as much an RPG as any game that is raw Stat VS Stat like Wizardry.

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Now we're getting desperate

Not gonna lie, IM@S on the side would be feature I would have 24/7.

I've now been convinced
Everyone should play tabletop games over RPGs

Explain to me how a game with zero player agency is a role playing game and then also explain why Call of Duty's single player campaign is not an RPG series where you play the role of Soap Mactavish

You can't because"it's an RPG because you're playing the role of the main character" applies to virtually every single videogame with a story

I don't what this is but it looks fun

Retards who have no argument when trying to feign pseudo-superiority about their preferred game genre/region. Also keep in mind that many people base their entire argument of superiority around whatever their opponnent lacks, rather than virtues of their own. JRPGs lack player agency, and Skyrim lets me kill a chicken in town, therefore Skyrim is a game with vastly greater player agency than a JRPG. No, it doesn't matter that a video game cannot ever have true player agency, no it doesn't matter that my pre-set options (I cannot kill a kid in SKyrim without modifying the game) invariably result in a functional ceiling wherein I lose player agency to a game that has more available options, I must win this argument, and this is my only out!

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Haha, by his definition create a character in Madden would be considered a WRPG because you have to train and level up your stats in order to get through a season. This is rich.

hack and slash and dungeon crawl are two different terms for two different 'styles' of games that both come from the same general type of pen and paper campaign that is essentially "fuck that role play shit, give me more encounters you faggot". hack and slash is more action based and usually involves a digital arena with free movement and timed button presses, while dungeon crawl tends to be turn based on a 2d grid.

It can be recommended because it's a good game but not because it does things one expects of an RPG very well.
You could even argue that GTA: San Andreas is a flight simulator because it simulates flight to some extent and you get to fly a plane at certain points, but do you think someone who asks you for a flight simulator would be happy about your recommendation?

My point is: a good game may incorporate aspects of other genres, which may even help make that game even better by making it more varied in terms of gameplay, but it may not necessarily make the game a good representative of that other genre it borrows from as one could not expect it to go as in-depth as a game from that genre which focusses on that aspect.

I might add here: I often have a problem with people calling System Shock 2 an RPG (which is actually quite similar to Dark Souls, if one thinks about it), because even though it features RPG elements, I believe as an RPG it is "incomplete" - despite being an excellent game.

I play Persona for the time management. Rune Factory and Harvest Moon are also game I enjoy heavily. To pretend Persona is a waifusim is being extremely disingenuous as it is only 10% of the game at best.

That's sort of the point I'm making, most JRPGs are not actually role playing games because there isn't any role-playing

WRPG autist at it again. How much of your life have you wasted on such weak bait, dude?

there are about 12 cRPGs that actually qualify as RPGs in anything but the loosest terms, and they are all made by some British guy

>Explain to me how a game with zero player agency is a role playing game

I guess DnD isn't a role playing game bros. What do we do????

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>but not because it does things one expects of an RPG very well.
But it does, it its fine as an action rpg

If you showed a regular person this thread they'd probably be convinced that RPGs are a joke genre

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Define "role playing"?

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Uh, a spin off boardgame isn't inherently a role playing game any more than D&D Tetris or Monopoly would be

Come on you gotta do better than that