I'm offended, and I want easy games, gaming Journalism in a nutshell

I'm offended, and I want easy games, gaming Journalism in a nutshell

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The worst part is, much of Sekiros difficulty comes from awful game design, bugs, broken camera and shitty mechanics, but idiots like this guy make criticizing it so hard

Git gud mate

I beat the game but wouldn't mind an easy mode just because it would allow you to play around with the combat more instead of spending so much time on defense. I used a trainer for a slow mo cheat and it was fun as hell

>awful game design
if there is any major bug i didn't notice, in fact i didn't notice any bugs
>broken camera
this one can happen


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>if there is any major bug i didn't notice, in fact i didn't notice any bugs
I spotted a bug.
When you talk to Owl in the burning Hinata estate, part of the doorway catches on fire and collapses.
If you hop off the roof and go back the way you came in, you can never get back in there again.

>white people in charge of not being bitches

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That's intended, though, and there's no reason to go back there anyways.

theres a grapple spot behind him, and he tells you to take a shortcut through the graveyard (which i never found) so i assumed that i missed a special item

>Unironically listening to Owl
You didn't miss anything.

The only thing i dislike is how you need to find pro-tool you won't use to upgrade the one you want to use. But now i have them all

God damn do I hate journalists. Even outside of gaming, the media is a cancer.

good way to get fucked by third phase as fast as possible

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(((Gaming journalism))) is not real journalism. That's the ghetto for people with journalism degrees who can't make it to "regular" journalism and in a field that doesn't have standards to begin with that's pretty damn pathetic like being a Yea Forums janitor.

>(((Gaming journalism))) is not real journalism.

Git gud you fucking scrub

>Playing a game that you know it's hard.
>complain, it's indeed hard.

That's why fromsoft doesn't care, these guys are pure retards.

I have to wonder why you retards haven't cottoned on to the fact that most digital "journalism" is just clickbait

Chances are pretty good this dipshit doesn't really hold this opinion, he just knows stupid faggots like you will talk about it

Those faggots are free publicity.
Removing easy mode was good thing yes DS had easy mode, co-op

I've read the article and basically, his point is:

>Fromsoft are very skilled at building an immersive and interesting world
>but most people won't get to experience their work by themselves because of the difficulty

that's it. his complain is that people will be denied Fromsoft's (allegedly) talent because they can't progress through the game. it's still bullshit though because if they really find this game difficult, then succeeding in beating a boss should be a reward in and for itself because then you'll go further into the game

And magic.
And over levelling.
And certain weapons and armors.

The faster people stop pretending that any of the Souls games are hard in any way, the better.

The world and lore are far below any of the Souls games, but the gameplay is much better.

"Regular" journalists are just as much of a cancer as gaming journalists. All of them can eat a dick.

Magic is still there it's called your-left-arm.
Also nothing is hard it just takes time.

You shouldn't even pay attention to games journalists. There are maybe a couple of decent reviewers on YouTube for recent releases, and MatthewMatosis is literally the only good long form reviewer of games.

Also print journalism talking about video games when sites like YouTube exists and can actually show you gameplay is retarded.

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honestly, the world felt pretty much bland to me with nothing really standing out, besides 4 specific things:

>the battlefield where you fight gyoubu
>the field covered in white flowers where you encounter Genichiro for the first time and where you fight the last boss as well
>Fountainhead Palace and its music
>the Divine Dragon boss (even though the difficulty is nonexistent in this encounter, it's pretty amazing by itself)

The Souls games are not fundamentally challenging in any way, on top of having a ton of ways to make them even easier. How they got a reputation for being hard is beyond me. You have to actively go out of your way with arbitrary limitations to make them challenging and that can be said about literally any game.
Also, the prosthetic arm is nowhere as abusable as magic in the Souls games. Even Fireworks and Raven Feathers don't get the same results as magic.


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Those exact same articles popped up when dark souls became popular (probably back in DeS days too) and journos had difficulties reviewing it.
Its the same shit again, they never learn.
Every game now needs to be completable by any random handicapped mouthbreather or its offensive to the journo clique.

Journalism we used to know is dead now it's copy-paste without checking the source, showing strongly subjective view or straight up opinion.
Granted every media was and is used to push agenda but now it's easier than ever.

I agree. Dark Souls and Bloodborne are some of the only Japanese games with top notch world building and I was expecting a similar level of quart with Sekiro, but I found the combat and exploration to be much better than any of the Souls games, so I'm not too disappointed. I'm just pointing out that this isn't a game that you'd want to experience for the world per se because it's pretty uninteresting.



Souls are challenging in a way of not pushing player through the game instead you need to pull your weight or cheese your way.
When i played DS1 for the first time i was lost and last time i was lost in a game before was TES:3, so it was refreshing as fuck.
I agree they did balance prostetics better than magic in some of their earlier games.

>games are for everyone
>developers are free to pursue their vision

Pick one.

Those aren't mutually exclusive concepts.

They are, because is a developer's vision is a hard game, journalists don't want them to pursue that vision.

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>really hard dark souls harder longer more difficult more punishing larger healthbars edition

I didn't even bother pirating it.

It's not a Souls game.

>make driving game

>respect its players
>ease in new players
>make games for everyone

holy shit fuck snowflake culture. I'm as dick sucking liberal as they come and this kind of criticism is dumb af

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yeah it is. it's a hack-n-slash that's above average difficulty with a limited open world and checkpoints, as well as having a tweak on respawn mechanics, as all souls games have had.


I don't think developers should be making games easier to appease scrublords, but I disgree entirely with the idea that souls games are not challenging. they are absolutely more difficult than your average adventure game because the enemies do as much damage as you do, often more. sure once you've beaten it 80 times and know all the attack patterns, gear and strategies to use it's not hard for YOU anymore, but when you're starting out in a souls game it kicks your ass. thats WHY everyone loved dark souls so much.

>journo's are so challenge and risk averse that even a meaningless video game causes them to act like pathetic pussies
how did these people get jobs in the industry

>it's a hack-n-slash
>that's above average difficulty
>as all souls games have had.
Wrong, the only Souls game with comparable world design to Sekiro is the first Dark Souls. Dark Souls 3 is a fucking straight line.

>How they got a reputation for being hard is beyond me
Both the fact that their marketing tried to make it about difficulty, specially with 2, and because these people are so used to games doing all the work for them that they forgot what it means to actually be challenged in the slightest capacity.

if it isnt hack-n-slash, what is it? you use a sword and do combos on shit.

what is, in your opinion, average difficulty, and what is an example of a game that is above average. do not say i-wanna-be-the-guy

if 2 out of 3 dark souls games follow a trend, its fair to label that franchise as having that trend, and games that have similar trends as being similar to the franchise. LoL, HoN, Dota2 and Hots are all very different games but they have enough in common to all be called "dota clones" or mobas

it's true though, a game that doesn't have a dynamic difficulty is a flawed game


It has dynamic difficulty. It's called git gud.

same with any run of the mill arcade game from the 80s

aside from FROM, everybody seems to recognized that we've moved forward

thats fine most people dont finish their games but a reviewer should finish the game. Imagine how dumb a book critic would look if he decided to not finish a Pychon novel because it was too hard.

The only good argument for an easy mode is for people with disabilities and even then I'd say that it's unfortunate but shouldn't be added.

For the worse.

And this is where we disagree, i used to play all those arcade games, they were only this hard so you would not beat them at all or spend mountain of coin.
From software games require player to adapt to the game and not the other way around, there are still some bullshit moments but there is almost always some sort of clue.
But once you grasp the concept and git gud, those games offer what most of vidya had forgotten.

Who gives a shit? Nobody's forcing you to read the article. Kill yourself.

the thing about this is that if video game difficulty is rigid, fewer people will play them

if video games have dynamic difficulty, you can still enjoy it just as much if you play it on the right setting

>He's not forced to read shitty journo articles
God I wish that were true.

you fucking nutter.

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this is what happens when you gulp down the kool aid like its your last estus flask charge during a boss fight
you lose all sense of reason

>game removes any player creativity in tackling bosses beyond "get fucked" or "cheese"
>no customization
>exploration is rarely rewarded
>cancerous boss design
>pointless stealth
Other than MUH DIFFICULTY please explain to me how this isn't just worse dark souls.

But that is not dynamic, it's fixed.
Dynamic would mean the game would make it harder if you are doing too good, etc. But that should be done by other means that increase enemy hp by x%.
Only left for dead 2 had something like that except form your paper and pen RPGs when DM wasn't a dick.

Sekiro gets pretty damn easy once you figure it out, though.

Parry timings are quite generous and you can mash that parry like no tomorow.

Faggots need to stop cry and stop playng if they think game is to hard

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yeah its different than souls game, a bit harder, but not doable for casuals like me. just finish shura ending and the first owl fight, took me a long time, but i still did it.

This guy needs to respect the average human reflex capability and stop bitching. Seriously, the game holds your hand hard for a good chunk of early game up till the drunkard, what more does he fucking want? Any easier and this might as well be a VN. I can’t even say git gud because this is just a matter of being lazy when the game is already making it easy for the new player.

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>video games are art
>fuck the artist and his vision


I take bitching at soulzy game over another waifu/smash thread. Why mook-moot didn't make /waifu/ is beyond me at this point.


I'm fine with From game difficulty for the most part, they're usually not that bad once you know what you're doing and improve your character a bit (although I'm not sure of Sekiro as I've yet to play it), but I'd kinda like an easy mode in one of these games someday just to see the absolute, unfettered rage from the fans whose life worth is based on the difficulty of video games they play. Though it'd probably spell the end for them since their image relies on "super hard games".

Even if you suck at these type of games you just keep going at it and you will get better. The point of these games is to learn enemy movements and attacks and you have to go in knowing that you're going to die a bunch of times. I recently beat Dark Souls and I was absolute trash at the beginning but once learning how to dodge, parry, and other game mechanics it really wasn't THAT hard. Seriously fuck these braindead journalists wanting walking simulator games for fucking baby brains.

Feels good that no matter how mad I get at this game I'll never get as mad as this fuck writing an entire article about how he can't cope with the games difficulty

>Any easier and this might as well be a VN
Your bait aside, this game starts off hard because it wants you to play the opposite way that you play souls games. The game became so much easier for me once I realized that holding the block button was a GOOD thing.

Every game should have these options
>Christopher Robin
>Very Hard
>Very Easy
>I'm Actually Retarded
>Game Journalist

> I realized that holding the block button was a GOOD thing.
So wrong, just tap that button nigger and only hold it to "heal" your posse.

cool post :)

Is it better to hold it or spam it?

dynamic only means that it adapts to differences

I kind of pity people who don't reap the same enjoyment out of punishment in games.

Nothing engages me in a game's world than having to suffer and work for a win. This is actually a huge part of why souls' games narratives work for me, because sometimes bosses are a genuine challenge and you have to get really into the fight to have a chance of winning compared to "i am the player so if I put the slightest effort into winning i am guaranteed the victory because that's how things are"

I think some of the spirit of the game would genuinely be lost if you included a mode that made the game extremely simple to complete.The punishing mechanics compliment the storytelling and world, they don't take away from it.

Now something like what Celeste does, where they have an "assist mode" that staunchly clarifies "this is not the game as we intended you to play it, but if you need the option, it's here" that might not be the end of the world- but on the other hand, what would Getting Over It have been if it included a quicksave/quickload option? I don't think it'd have been anything at all.

Why the fuck you spam this same blog post all the time huh? Probably for attention. Holy shit OP can't play a game okay whatever play other game then. It's not world ending thing for you.

How was any of that bait? I’m saying that because I wasn’t even good at the Souls games or Bloodborne. With Sekiro I’m just glad they tell me what to do instead of just throwing me in blind.

I ain’t saying the whole game is a breeze. As I’ve said, the game up till the Drunkard holds your hand enough to the point where an average player should know what to do next.

I actually work in journalism and this is pretty much the truth. I aggregated stuff Drudge Report-style for a year before moving onto an actual beat, and after seeing stuff at the local level get twisted by the national media who took it out of context I've been redpilled as to how things actually work and how facts don't matter in the face of a juicy story.

My plan is to eventually work my way into Public Relations. At the very least, I'll be able to work my way to the executive level and not have to be Facebook/Google's bitch anymore.

Well, different people get engaged in different things. It may be challenging bosses that gets you into a game, it might be the music or the story or the characters or the general gameplay that gets someone else into it. There's really nothing to pity. It's the same as one sexual you and another guy getting out of your fucking mind turned on by two different fetishes.

Both actually. You hold it when you have a buildup in your posture bar since that makes the recovery faster. Tap if you are bad at timing and even then the enemy attacks fast enough that you are bound to get a parry 2-3 times out of 5 hits.

Just like don’t tap spam when your posture bar is full because that won’t make your bar recover faster and you will get staggered.

>So wrong
>explains why I'm right in the same sentence
Huh? You do realize that you just explained why blocking is good right?

Well I'm still not incredibly far in, but holding it until you start picking up the enemy's pattern then tapping to reflect them seems to be the way that the game is intended to be played. Obviously if you are trying to recover your stamina you want to hold it.

It doesn't come out and tell you that blocking is good unless I missed something. This is the opposite of DaS, so if you played DaS then this game shouldn't be as easy as it is until you realize that you should play the opposite way you play DaS.

Good luck doing that without selling out, user.

How do i become a gaming journalist? seems like the easiest job in the world

>easy mode
>not just better hitboxes or less enemy tracking or a dodge that works

>Dark Souls but you can hookshot the fuck out of engagements with ease and stealth, or just fuck niggas up by being decent at action games with the best combat system From has made yet

Am I just retarded or something? I don't understand, am I playing the game wrong?

>its the games fault i suck
Yeh, nah


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Pity is the wrong word maybe, but I think it's regrettable because the dude in the article is saying that he enjoys the other parts of these games and the challenge gets in the way of it more than anything else, but I think that it's a rather inherent part of what makes these games so enjoyable.

making a really hard game is far more respectable to a playerbase than thinking theyre a bunch of fucking pussies. fuck this click baiting cunt.

>both reviews are from the same site

This is why I love Forbes. No bullshit agendas, just diverse opinions.

yes and I'd like War and Peace rewritten and abridged because I can't get through that either but I'm entitled to read it.

is it impossible for a game to have an easy setting AND a hard setting???

Sekiro isn't even that hard! Bloodborne was WAAAY harder. That, or I'm just better at Tenchu.

>spend two hours on NG+ Charmless Bell Demon Owl 2.0
>acquire proficiency and kick his ass

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>Huh? You do realize that you just explained why blocking is good right?
There is blocking and parry aka timing your blocks, former is shit latter is the way you should do it.

I honestly think Peter's article is better written, Erik's basically just says "getting good feels good so get good, my dudes"

I'd sooner say that having to climb the mountain is an inherent part of what makes these games so special by design. Focus on that, not something that's going to be subjective from player to player.


Bloodborne is the easiest Souls game.

>parry is useful
Well no shit... Doesn't make blocking any less useful. Comes in handy when learning timing for enemies and also when your stamina gauge is almost full, tapping ain't gonna help it recover quicker... Best thing to do in that situation is to get away from the enemy and HOLD BLOCK.

But that's Dark Souls 2 and 3.

This. I ain’t saying that makes Sekiro bad but it was way more forgiving compared to Bloodborne. You have way more defensive options. Blocking is viable in desperate situations, and the parry isn’t just “you fuck this up you die”.

What was that attack you did at the end?

Neither of those games let you get health back by attacking.

>BB is the easiest
>when DaS has the MOST viable ways to beat it

gamer entitlement in a nutshell

I can understand that at least. A lot of things in these games are more important to me, but a challenge is nice. I like easy games, hard games, and everything in between, but it's nice that games like these exist. For a while there in the 7th generation, everything was casualized to hell and though I can have fun with easy games, I don't like it when everything is easy.

deflected his shuriken and somehow it broke his posture and teleported me to him

>"getting good feels good so get good, my dudes"

But...that's true. Of everything, not just games. It's called progress.

Huh? Dark Souls 1 felt a lot easier. It was kinda hard at first, it was my first Souls game, but halfway through it wasn't that bad anymore. Bloodborne was the hardest for me.

bloodborne is harder imo just by the merit of being
>dodge centric when from's hitboxes are so historically jank and you have such a thin margin for failure

It is true, but not for everyone, surprisingly. Some people just don't have taste for challenge. They don't see the big deal.

Only the amount that you lost very recently, and even then so what? It still had very aggressive enemies with subtle, diverse moves and it doesn't have a goddamn hookshot or stealth mechanics. Or a ninja assassin player character that only gets WAY stronger the more you play. Seriously, imagine Wolf in DaS 2. He would RAPE EVERYTHING.

only if the devs dont respect their players

Stop with this thread already.

>It is true, but not for everyone, surprisingly
And this is the thing. If a game isn't designed for you, then you shouldn't play it. You shouldn't demand every game to be catered to your needs. Niche gaming needs to return to full glory. Every game should be designed with a specific type of person in mind, not trying to sell to as many people as it can.

>white journalists

The fact that you can get your health back and that enemies drop copious amounts of blood vials means that you don't need to worry about careful play because you should never be below max health outside of any boss arena. The game openly rewards sloppy play, it has the same problem as DeS/DaS2 but even worse.

what did he mean by this?

Game journos are NPCs confirmed.

Now we are getting to the core of the problem. If X is not to your taste why do you keep on interacting with it and demand that it be Y? Especially when there are a lot of things that can cater to what suits your taste.

Only bug I found is offering box having an item but not letting you pick it up

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>but not for everyone

Yes, those people are called casuals and their opinions of games whose atmosphere and tone depend on a healthy amount of challenge and consequences for bad play. Dark Souls would FUCKING SUCK if it didn't punish you for being an idiot. A dark, brooding atmosphere needs to be difficult or else you just wont take it seriously. And idiots like the OP just don't understand this.

>The fact that these games don't have any difficulty settings means that only a certain sort of player with time, inclination, reaction speed and lack of physical issues will ever see the final boss fight anywhere but on Twitch. This is a problem.

I mean, just read this shit. Are you fucking kidding me, dude? That isn't a problem, faggot, it's just a consequence of not being good enough to beat the game. And at least you CAN see the finale of the game, there used to be a day and age where if you were a shitty casual and wanted to see what the end of Super Ghouls and Ghosts looked like you were just shit out of luck. What an ingrate.

Read the rest of his article. His philosophy is entirely divorced from that of a player that can appreciate the difficulty of the journey. He likes to blame "lack of time" or "frustration", but these are just excuses. Gaming is a fucking hobby, if you don't have the time for it then you just don't have the time for it. And even then, you have so many choices to pick from, just play something easier! Making Sekiro easy AT ALL will RUIN the experience, and guys like him will NEVER understand this.

>dynamic difficulty
Its a cancer where if you are good you get punished and rewarded for being bad let be pick hard if I want it to be hard and easy if I am a bitch

Did you try the succ? I don’t know what’s up with that either.

>I'm a videogame journalist
>I don't have enough time for this videogame I'm complaining about

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>The game openly rewards sloppy play
Nah, this isn't true at all. It has a mechanic to alleviate fucking up badly, but even that can get you crushed pretty easily. You aren't REWARDED for getting your ass kicked, you just have a way to salvage a terrible situation. Most of the weapons have mediocre or poor rally capability (the hunter axe being a solid newbie exception).

BB rewards daring play. Risk getting struck to parry (hence why parrying has full rally recovery), move forward and strike aggressively so you don't get overwhelmed, etc. For instance, try sloppy play vs the red spider gangraping squads in chalice dungeons. That'll get you killed in a goddamn hurry, you create an opening and rush down the summoner in another room. Sloppy play vs a single bloodlicker can get you two shot. Going faceroll vs the judo kidnappers gets you punch/kicked/slammed for 70-90% of your health.

>be shit at a game
>stuck on this one part
>want to improve so keep trying until I get it
>dynamic diffuculty automatically changes to baby mode
>the hard part is now a piece of cake
>your dumb idea just robbed me of the satisfaction of finally beating something difficult
Thanks asshole

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His counterpoint to that would be that it wouldn't change the normal difficulty to have an easy mode, as Celeste does this and warns the player that it's not the intended way, but if you need it, it's there.

I do feel like it wouldn't be precisely the same though. One nice thing about having one standard difficulty that everyone who plays the game you're playing is that you're all struggling together. Whether you're using that feeling to just achieve some brief feelings of superiority of being able to beat that part you guy didn't is another thing, but it's nice to know that when you're all talking about the game, you're all talking about the same game. The same experience. When people talk about a boss in souls game, the strats shared are nearly universal because they all suffered through the same thing. It's nice.

Compare to when I, say, fight a boss on hard mode in kingdom hearts 3 but my brother fought it on normal. Here's how the conversation goes:
>Brother brings up a boss
>Oh, I fought that guy on hard, so I wouldn't really know how the fight goes on normal.
>Conversation ends

I actually wish more games just had one standard intended difficulty for the first playthrough.

Yea no dice, it’s the last prayer bead from the guy who I read shows up a the serpent shrine during ninja attack but is dead during the end of the game. O well I’ll get it in ng+

Why do people buy Souls games if they are incapable of gitting gud?

Because you can trivialize all of them.

the best version of it is actually this


They are harder than your average game. I'd like to see retards who claim it's really easy to beat these games actually play them live and die 50 times cause they're actually shit at them.

kys shill

>play uncharted 4 on crushing
>die uncountable times because the enemies are basically just terminators that laser you the second you leave cover and any attempt to do a fun strategy other than "play peekaboo with pot shots from cover and finish off anyone who staggers" ends in tears
>play sekiro
>beat owl, apparently the hardest boss in the game for some people in a single try, blind

difficulty is weird

If you know the game is fucking hard and you dont like it, dont buy it.
Dont buy something because everybody else is buying it.

UC4 isn't balanced around Crushing at all. It's a total afterthought.

learn to code

Seething Soulscuck.

>How they got a reputation for being hard is beyond me.
You must've been living under a rock in the previous gens to not understand this. Before DeS and explosion of popularity with DaS, there had pretty much been an uninterrupted period of years where no mainstream game really featured difficulty. Your average normie's idea of a normal game featured incredible amounts of guiding, handholding and forgiveness from loss. DeS/DaS were such stark departures from this that they gained the reputation for being crushingly hard, even though they're just unforgiving to people who don't learn from mistakes or don't observe properly. Coupled with Gamespot giving DeS GOTY and gaining it a fair amount of mainstream popularity + word of mouth, the legend began.