Was this a realistic depiction of the female body?

Was this a realistic depiction of the female body?

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funny how every nerd becomes a stormtrooper for Women's LIberation, when there are tits involved.

yes, with the right genes a woman could look like that.

Attached: cortana11.png (790x336, 99K)

That depends. Is it NSFW? No? Then the answer is no.

Are they ever going to give a release date for the collection?

not every nerd
just the englightened minds of Yea Forums
>tfw no anime tiddy
fuck censorship

Attached: s78.webm (533x750, 1.91M)

no but this is

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Only CGI tits. Real women belong in burkas.

no, but this was

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Seems like Sonyfags are on a shitposting spree today, since they've been making a lot of shitposting Halo threads today because Sony keeps fucking up.

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Your opinion certainly is

No as far I know real women aren't blue and transparent.

Who cares? it's a hologram anyways, she could turn herself into a thicc mommyfag dream of a raita abbonimation anytime she wishes.


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>uglyfied hyper-realism
Too much """""realism""""" I'd say

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it's normal for a person's arm to reach their mid thigh

>H2A Cortana will never tell you that you look nice

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It actually is and it's not even uncommon.
Even some meme thicc pictures are realistic seeing how far things can go IRL. See pic related.

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>H2A Cortana will never tell your black friend that he looks nice

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heh, gamers

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i don't think there's any way she could wipe properly

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>he later repays her compliment with 66 tons of straight up HE-spewing dee-vine intervention
She sure knew how to pick 'em

No, women arent generally blue in real life.
Next question.

It's a wonder she exist.

Attached: peace hyde2.jpg (1500x1500, 171K)

what's the fastest way to acquire a chocolate mommy
asking for a friend

go on a cruise departing from NY or Baltimore
TONS of black women on those

it's never an "unrealistic" depiction unless she has 4 tits or something

there are lots of young women who aren't fat walking this Earth, I'm pretty sure that's the definition of realistic

>that time when gravemind mind raped her snd physically raped her in one of the books

She's older now but still rocks those massive tits and ass. She's also super tall it looks like.
Something fun is that she was a chemistry/physics teacher before doing TV and shit. Imagine having this as a teacher.

Attached: peace hyde4.jpg (1024x680, 74K)

>She's also super tall it looks like.
Not tall enough

>barely counts as clothing

what an enormous mouth

isn't that a porn star?

She could give me a few lessons in biology if you know what I mean.


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No, she did TV and is now an actress.

Realistic enough for me to jack off to

I only have this on my phone sry

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Holy shit! Is that Claire Redfield!?

that last picture is not the same person. look up Karina Negra

Nah, it's a hologram

only americans wipe
civilized countries have bidets
of course americans think those are fountains to drink from

Oh shit you're right.

Yes, some women are built like that.

>fat is sexy
when can this meme end?

Fat in the right places and only in the right places is sexy.

what did user mean by this?

i would definitely drink her bidet water

I'm ashamed that i was able to point out such a little known porn star so easily

You shouldn't. Thanks for telling.

I personally wish her hips were a little bit wider


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Yes my God, many faps were had.

your welcome. enjoy your fap

Literally made for BBC

You wouldn't love an AI, would you Yea Forums?

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haha NO WAY BRO!!! I mean, what kind of lonely NERD would fall in love with a computer l-LMAO

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wow dude carefull remember core value, many Americans will have a heart attack seen this.

Good lord
She’s a goddess

model Steph Rayner

literally the blandest board I've seen on Yea Forums all day

do you think cortana ever have any lewd thoughts?

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When you grow a dick

have you even been paying attention?

She was comparatively more "real" compared to the Halo 3 version. Not to sound all "muh unrealistic body standards" but Halo 3 Cortana was very much an idealized woman, almost Barbie-like. Not that that's bad or that women can't or shouldn't look like that. But it's also just a product of the way Bungie used to model their characters entirely in the vacuum of cyberspace I think.

With 4's Cortana they obviously went the extra length to make her look more tangible I guess. Her breasts have more of a realistic sag, her bust-hip-waist ratio seems more lifelike, she has a defined navel and toes, and because they used a face model she even has minor "imperfections" like the gap in her teeth. Obviously still supposed to be an attractive woman, but a more generally "average" depiction of one I'd say. Does that make sense?

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The way they portray cortana each time has more to do with the role they want her to play as a character, too

shame about her face. she was better better she went professional too

where's the updated one with the anniversary versions?

when will you stop thinking with your dick?

Don't you see her a bit in Reach too ?

the day I die

Bruh, H2A Cortana is hot as hell, even though H3 Cortana gets me harder than anything

This is just disgusting.

yeah, but I don't think we ever get the full frontal

I wouldn't know, 4 was the last one I played. But the Halo 1 anniversary mode just reused 3's model from what I remember.

What a major downgrade from H3 Cortana.

what do you think?

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how does one achieve /ThanosMode/ natty?

H3 Cortana is shit and has a nigger nose. H4 Cortana looms like a qt

Dude her first meeting with Chief has her ogling him

she's basically a younger halsey, what do you think?

Maybe with model rip when the game hits PC.

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cortana seems flat in hl3, and lets get the newfags started on four.

I remember her Halo 4 artist shitting on a japanese artist for making a lewd design for no reason yet made that.


you fuck

Imagine being so plebian that you believe giving your character a mommy body makes her less attractive

I know someone who looks exactly like her except less blue


I really like Cortana's voice, also Wii fit trainer's voice. Really goo stuff L ove it

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Like literally all the previous artists were forced to make crappy Microsoft games, like no wonder their sales were so low.

That’s a nigger. They are never attractive

It's pretty crazy how well they managed to replicate her voice in the Windows 10 voice control app. Probably the best feature of that thing.

You know what's weird? When there's a forum thread about sharing pics of hot black women, a majority of the pictures always seem to have been poorly upscaled instead of having been left the way they are. What kind of creature in the current year is still incapable of understanding how pixels work?

what are some other entertainment media featuring a female AI sidekick?

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>Welcome to the H.E.V Mark 4 protective system

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armlet spotted

Cortana is the perfect AI GF. One day we will all have our own.

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sort of

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Literally yes.
She's not even unrealistically curvey or anything, A body like that is pretty easily achievable.
That's actually how a good portion of woman actually look outside America.
t. someone who lived right by the beach in Spain.

>get tinder
>be white
>put "no black girls" in your profile
>immediately be swamped by black girls


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Has she always had this weird gap in her teeth?

Just picked that from google quickly.

that's the LONDON look for you

I know a good one but knowing it's an AI is a spoiler. Only open the pic if you don't mind.

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she's still idealistic with a great hourglass figure in 4, her only real "short comings" are her tits aren't exceptionally perky and her legs aren't long, and I'd say her only flaw is her linebacker shoulders but shes got childbearing hips so who cares

>liking land whales and scale crushers = not gay
- nu-/v

Absolutely, I know a girl that has a body type exactly like that, and, aside from some minor and insignificant celulite on her ass, she's drop dead gorgeous.

Why dont you guys just ask your girlfriend to take off her shirt?

imagine being this obsessed

If Cortana was about a head shorter, she'd have my girlfriend's figure. She already haa the haircut.


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They didn’t give her some autistic Jap thigh gap so I’ll take it

why would I need a second dick

4:3 women when


No, they have narrower shoulders and longer hair IRL

What if we compromise? We don't have to liberate ALL the women. Just their breasts, hips, thighs, and tummy.

>ywn have a sexy AI sidekick who banters with you and occasionally lets a compliment slip even though she tries her hardest to stay professional

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brap-posters and thicctards seething. this is what an attractive woman actually looks like

Oh she definitely does. John sure as fuck doesn't though.

She's kind of your mom though.
Like exactly the same looks, voice, and I think personality.

Beauty is subjective my dude. Some of us like thick thighs and big tits.

>thick thighs
you mean lardwhales

he's pure

Attached: chief28.jpg (512x512, 48K)

It's the same VA.

H4 is the only one that's genuinely sexy.

iam an muslim i cant eat pig


HEV suit doesn't really have an AI but it has a really iconic voice.


>Warning user death imminent. Seek medical attention.

he doesn't need to, his suit jacks him off

Is this the official hamplanet thread?

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>modeled after the gods and muses
why do you people exist

i hate how they seemingly reduced the frequency of it talking in HL2. they raised it a bit in the episodes, it seems like.

Yes, of course, there are women out there with this type of body, there would be way more if so many of them didn't let themselves get into porker status.
As a result people have a skewed perception of what is a reasonable body type, thinking that attractive=unrealistic.

Literally the thicc ideal


This Cortana story sounds familiar.

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i love minhee

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its actually only going to get worse. Americans honestly see below 25 BMI as 'unhealthy looking' or 'skellymode' these days.

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Is this thread real? A bunch of nerds on a Friday night going UGH SHE'S GOT A GAP IN HER TEETH, WOULD NOT TOUCH?

Oh wait this is Yea Forums, nevermid


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I don't remember how Reach's Cortana looked since you don't see her much

Blame black men and fat women, so unless they change their ways, which is never going to happen, get used to fat ugly cows being inserted everywhere.

Ham galaxies are objectively repulsive to everybody.

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"Having a big ass because you're fat is like having a fast car because it's driving off a cliff

- Patrice O'Neal or something

its saturday and no, dumb incel

It's hard to define a relationship between people that literally share the same body most of the time. It doesn't really fall under any standard human classifications. But you could definitely say their bond is more intimate than any human-human bond in history.

Thick thighs save lives but think thighs in thigh highs are a dicks demise

Not me, I'm gay. Bring back the patriarchy and repeal the 19th.

Its 9:55 PM you fucking weirdo

now say that ten times fast

Have sex

That sounds like an excellent deal.

>mfw I'm considered overweight in BMI but everyone calls me a string bean
I never noticed until I started paying attention to it but thin/average people are actually pretty rare.


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Good luck with that, check the archives this guy has literally posted this same image like 30 times and has yet to ever respond back to anyone

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That fucking smile.

Would you have preferred this?

Attached: H4_Mark_V_Armor.png (480x1080, 451K)

This was a good one

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med semen demons>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(((caucasians)))

>many Americans will have a heart attack seen this.
Muslims, maybe. Your country probably has more of them.

when you kill yourself
literally the original fetish for a reason

>amerinigger delusions

i can catch a nose job from miles away!!!

Nah, I just defend my sexuality.

goddamn, cortana's tits in 4 just do things to me man

how did they fuck up so bad in 5.

All they did was throw clothes on her.

starts wth s and ends with w
you should go see who is in charge of Halo...Bonnie Ross, if you shit talk she will ban you lel

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based on the drawing style only, i can reach the conclussion that this is gay shit like futa or dickgirl.

Yeah I think it's that one where it's the tranny brother of some kid and he fucks it. Gets a handy among other things.

What a major downgrade from CE Cortana

Why is there so much distance between her belly button and crotch?

>be Halsey
>create smart AI from your cloned brain
>avatar she chooses is you in your 20's naked, fantastic to see
>years later, discover that after hanging out with John she has increased the size of her tits and ass and also started modeling her toes and belly button
>goes insane and enters your edgy "freedom isn't free, the tree of liberty gotta be littered with the blood of innocents" phase that you grew out of after witnessing the impact a single individual could have on the war (include your dead husband and daughter)
>also 343i is dog-shit at writing so somehow there's an SII trying to kill you

Attached: 300px-Halsey_Halo_4.png (300x396, 128K)

>be Halsey
>install sex toys in armor to stimulate SPARTANS

S..sauce? Or at least an artist name?

her story in Halo 4 was so retarded, did she still lose her arm in halo 5
343 are a bunch of retards, watch the crowbcat video on halo with 343 compared to old bungie



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I'm still pissed about halo 5
Only 4 missions as chief and the rest as some random fucking black guy?
They could have at least made it the arbiter and had him track down chief, would make a great callback to halo 2

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Will Cortana and Master Chief ever kiss?

Still baffled by the decision to make her "naked" in 4. She was wearing a body suit before, but now she's full tits-out fuck me mode.

Would sticking your dick into a hard light construct burn?

it is 1:30 AM of saturday you stupid fucking piece of incel shit

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If I remember right in 4 she's going crazy and about to die so the excuse was probably that it suggests vulnerability or some bs

>forgetting armpits

>>also 343i is dog-shit at writing so somehow there's an SII trying to kill you

Artist is Mogiki Hayami. she draws milf futa on shota

She wasted her chance by becoming evil

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>futa on shota
And dropped

All im getting is a sad panda image

>make hot body
>make appalling fugly face
Why do americans do this?

>not being able to get past the panda in current year

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>halo 2 cortana had fucking elbow gloves and thighhighs
>i never realized where my love for these came from until now

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Oh he didn't know.....

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