Does Japan have westaboos who prefer subs over dubs like we have with weebs here?
Does Japan have westaboos who prefer subs over dubs like we have with weebs here?
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this isn't video games but yeah there should be some nips that are infatuated with western stuff
JoJo's creator and Kojima.
There are westaboos, but they just learn english, seeing as it's a useful language to have, unlike learning japanese.
starto puffingu boy
There’s a debate among Japanese wether king of the hill is better subbed or dubbed
That's kind of cute
JAP KotH has good VAs?
All Souls games and Bloodborne only had English voice acting with subtitles in Japanese in the Jap version, for example. So Miyazaki is a westaboo.
Japanese Kingdom Hearts fans consider the english dub the true dub and as such most final mix versions are in english
is it because they prefer Disney movies in english too? Or do they watch those dubbed?
I think they like kh oc VAs in ENG
I mean let's be honest, Sora sounds far better in English than he does in Japanese
Every RE japanese fan I've seen said ENG voices are the right way to play.
Not sure if the fans feel the same way but Hideki Kamiya said that the English voices in The Wonderful 101 are the preferred way to play. Having played a little bit with the Japanese voices, I agree.
I'd try to find some fans that think this, but finding a Japanese person that played W101 is "needle-in-haystack" tier hard.
Nips are way more likely to prefer the "original" language option than westerners. I remember someone posted a famitsu poll or something and it was something like "what language voices do you use in foreign games and why" and they compiled responses and came up with the vast majority preferring original over dubs (nip dubs) with reasons ranging mostly between "it's the original/intended experience" and "to practice my English".
I think is simply comes down to difference between how the west (mostly speaking of Americans here) view the world and how the Japanese do. Americans have this almost superiority complex about them that they keep deep inside, while nips are pretty blatent with how they view themselves as superior. I think it's this that affects the difference between the way the two markets prefer their "foreign" media.
DMC and RE are better with english voices
I think the target audience for weeb games usually prefer the original audio as well.
Is this cowboy bebop ?
That's because RE game in Japan was English with Japanese subtitles for every title up until I think RE6.
i suspect that it's more just that english is a useful language to learn, like you reported
*every RE game in japan
Being a Texan and hearing Hank in Japanese is heretical
Makes sense when you think about it. If nips already know their culture and people are superior they'd have no reason to alter foreign media to "reaffirm" those beliefs, while Americans can't stand foreign media that doesn't "cater" to them and remind them they're the best.
Japan has better voice actors in general. If you are a top tier US voice actor, you probably work for Disney exclusively.
Pretty good. South Park has a good Jap dub too
American movies make tons at the box office in japan. There are plenty of westaboos who want to be strong cowboys with a colt 1892, just like how weebs want to be samurai with katanas folded over 10 gorrilian times.
Bart sounds CUTE!
Dunno how accurate is but i've heard several Japanese Code Geass fans prefers the english dub.
Yes, a lot of Japanese people watch western media. I've also never met anyone over the age of 10 that prefers Japanese dub over subs. Unlike Americans, they can accept, and prefer, the original language.
Someone post the Warhammer 2ch thread.
Of course Japan has better voice actors they don't give a crap about live action shit compared to animated shows and movies
his VA isn't bad but i dont think hanks voice fits him at all, sub definitely better
top kek
Dammit Bobby-kun
More to the point are there any decent anomoos that are better with grorious western VA than the original pig disgusting jap voices.
Generally there's a debate among japanese people if something is better when presented in its original language.
The Panty and Stocking dub is pretty good
The voice actors are doing pretty okay but that voice doesn't fit Hank at all
Space Dandy stands as one of the great examples of dub >>>>>> sub.
>a dragon quest mod would be really cool
that's sweet, i hope user gets his dragon quest mod
I used to feel this way about KanColle
No way.
Space dandy
It all depends on how good the localization and the voice actors are
Sometimes the localization is better than the original
MGS was dub in Japanese
Halo's got a decent following in Japan.
Do they have threads about begging for a Mortal combat localization?
>Does Japan have westaboos who prefer subs over dubs like we have with weebs here?
Most countries have the stigma with Dubs, everywhere in the world seeing American movies dubbed over is seen as something only babies do, only America pretends it's okay.
>Combat Animations DLC, $5
>that guy going off on the nips who can't speak english
I wonder what Halo they like the best
>Trash can't even speak English but want to play western games
What a total westaboo
Also for our japanese friendos here I am joking, your voices are like music to my ears and I would fuck your men and women senseless.
Feels no different then the arguments here
Japs have shit taste when it comes to western media so it's probably Halo 4
Not really actually in Japan almost everything is dubbed here, there are many actors famous only for their roles dubbing over western actors. It's because different age groups here have trouble reading the many writing dictionaries of letters.
>Most countries have the stigma with Dubs,
That's wrong unless you're only talking about live action shows and movies
Yes, again, younger kids and casuals use dubs. I lived in Italy and then moved to Latin America as it was the same in both countries for both anime and Hollywood
Fullmetal Alchemist, 2003 and Brotherhood.
Actually surprisingly from what I've seen it's majority saying Halo 2, but mostly for the sections with Arbiter.
That’s pretty gross why would you ever like arbiter missions
They aren't THAT bad
I can't remember subs vs. dubs ever truly being important for me outside of anime. What else besides Sekiro and some fighting games does this apply to in vidya?
Do they play western games with japanese voices?
That actually makes a lot of sense, since the heavy Texas accents are pretty important to the show
You need to order special to have original speaking cast though, movies are dubbed in cinema and DVD, please don't believe Tokyo=Japan, many eldery have issue with subtitles too so we have maybe 95% dub, I prefer original language, actually I recently watched Life is Beautiful in subtitle.
That actually shows a lot of insight.
>Japanese is useless
Not if you plan to be involved in their culture it isn't.
Yes, and they have people who bitch at others for not learning English to play english games.
>japs watch koth
I thought you guys said they have shit taste?
Stop spreading bullshit user. I dont live in Tokyo and there are plenty of Western movies that dont get dubbed. Only big movies, like Enter the Spiderverse, other capeshit, and bullshit like that get dubbed. 95% is a gross overstatement.
I respect your right to be completely fucking wrong about everything you've ever known.
Only elitists casuals and retards prefer subs or dubs
Intellectuals watch which ever version has the best voice acting and dialogue or watches both the sub and dub
Redline's dub is Kino.
Can we get a 'bring something back' from japchan thread sometime soon? I feel it would be culturally enriching.
t. fucking dumbass
>trash can't even speak english and wants to play western games
>blocking it in japan is better. that way you can feel superior just for having it in your library
holy kek
Fuck off, fag. It's always English > Japanese
People that enjoy media/art as close to their original language as posible are not weebs/weastabos. Youd know better if you were not a EOP mutt.
We're not so different.
Depends on what you'd use it for to be useful.
Globally, Chinese is a much more "useful" and influential language. I'm in my late 20's and I'm 100% positive I'll never have a job that requires Chinese now.
I'm learning JP because I like it, have an interest, and am 100% positive that if I ever take a job that requires a second language, it'd be JP as my current company actually does some business with all languages, and what little JP I do know has already helped with a client of ours. Not that I'm fluent by any means or even close, but still.
But we all know this post while ''correct'' is also just trying to bait people anyway.
Its about original intent. The original director is never present for dubbing, so its up to the localization director to do the job. Most of the time they dont give a shit.
I thought arbiter was pretty rad.
you and I.
Sometimes the original intent is shit and who cares about original intent when the voice acting is shit
I agree subs are usually better than dubs but saying one is better than the other for shit you haven't even watched yet is completely retarded
They have a lot of jamaicaboos
>Most of the time they dont give a shit.
Anymore its actually that they think they can "do better"
I wish I had links/screens to that fuckin translator for a bunch of games talking about how he actively changes shit because he thinks its better that way. Was being passed around during the Catherine shit.
Most foreigners are used to reading subtitles. Native english speakers are all tasteless cunts.
fuck I just want to rewatch king of the hill in japanese now.
I just want to rewatch king of the hill in general
do it.
Are Texans as stupid and ignorant as KotH makes them out to be? It made me dislike Texas and texans even though I liked the show.
fuck that sounds awesome too. Time to leave to do that. Have a nice night or day anons.
no, but it does capture their general attitudes pretty damn well.
>stupid and ignorant
>Not right about literally everything
It's the worst state in the union for a reason
white texas>beaner texas
t. Californian
japanese or eng dub?
why the fuck would you watch KotH in nipponese if you can speak english?
Bobby is spot on just in japanese, Hank sounds like he swallowed helium
>largest economy
>wealthiest state
>most diverse
>biggest population
What's wrong with Cali?
The Emperor's New Groove has a pretty groovy Japanese dub too.
Cyber City Oedo 808's UK dub is pretty unanimously accepted to be the version to watch.
>wrong with Cali
you like having to sidestep shit on the sidewalk?
yes actually
>american culture
You wouldn't recognize a goddamn good dub if one jumped up and bit you on the end of your fucking dick.
It's expensive to live here, I should be okay in a few years though, trying to get that state job
We're not so bad, the Chinese are worse
Say spic one more fucking time, see if I don't beat your ass
Fuck off Texas, no state likes you
>He lists most diverse as a positive
Fucking kill yourself
>most diverse
reminder to cali niggers to buy high cap mags while you can
imagine being a californian and having to come to terms with the fact that nobody actually likes you and your state is mocked by literally everyone
they literally decriminalized knowingly exposing other people to HIV, you're an actual joke
Shut the fuck up cholo.
>>largest economy
>>wealthiest state
Concentrated entirely in the hands of a few corporations in Silicon Valley, everybody else is getting strangled into poverty by high rent and high taxes
>>most diverse
Wow! I love living in a Mexican neighborhood and hearing gunshots all night, so diverse! :)
>>biggest population
That's why it takes me two hours to go five miles and also why my dollar has less buying power than it did in 1920
Fucking amazing.
Post more shocking things
I forgot to mention
>t. California resident
Tell me where you want to meet. I'm dead fucking serious, let's go.
>they think they can "do better"
Not true at all. Changing some things is necessary for a good localisation. The reason the vast majority of dubs are crap is because people like you keep telling them that you want literal translations.
Nice try texascucks you fucks should kill yourselves along with califags
Most pathetic post of the day
we can meet on your turf; home depot
Stick it up your ass and swivel on it, you slovenly git.
come fucking at me m80
we'll settle this on cronulla beach just like my ancestors
I fucking hate Texas but I'd rather live their than step foot in fucking cali again.
In and Out fucking sucks btw.
yet Kojima bothers to pick shit like Jack Bauer or the new cast in Death Sranding
You think I won't? Lmao. I got fucking money for days, can go anywhere in the world I want. I swear to God I will buy the ticket as long as you give me a time and date.
Lol without Cali the US drops off by 2/3rds. Than imagine if Texas leaves because they want their own country what other state is reliable cuckservatives Florida the Hurricane State?
I lived in Texas for a bit when I was younger, it's hot as fuck but it beats California. Also yes it is very overrated, love me some waffle House and whataburger
>muh GDP
>be involved in their culture
as the fucking jester, japs hate foreigners
Literally anywhere is better than Texas
how is that exclusive to japan in any way? we have the exact same debate here. you've never heard sub vs dub and yet you're on Yea Forums?
it's almost like people are animals that just want to eat, fuck, sleep and feel safe and not super cold or hot and everything else is just a faggots window dressing.
imagine all the red states that take rich state's welfare money suddenly being vut off
no more Wal-Mart trips on the gubbmint dime would mean a bloodbath in their streets
explain why.
Yes money controls the world kid
>percent white population goes up 20 points
oh no... don't leave!
>i won't give a reason why but texas is bad!
how to spot a californian 101
How about I fuck that tight pussy?
You little cat slut.
>Chicago exists
>San Francisco exists
>NYC exists
Come at me bro:
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500
Theres a large number of Japanese that are really into Lowriders and Mexican American Chicano culture
n-no... It can't be, g-g-g-GRUMPF
do the women have the same horrible 0->100 attitude in an instant?
t. white kid
Texas has a shit ton of fat people, ruined public education for the union, they're also traitorous cunts. I went through the state once and every city I went to they had the state flag raised to the same level as the US flag. You don't fucking do that.
A Peruvian president of Japanese descent managed to crush a Maoist Communist insurgency in the 1990s that almost scattered the state to the winds. Although that came with being the only head of state to be extradited back to their country and tried for crimes against humanity because of the heavy handed tactics he and his administration used.
>government decides to blackout power gird
JRPGs, which get A-list actors in Japan and D-list actors in the west. Tons of retards obsess over the english VAs and refuse to play games without dubs.
but who controls the money?
*yawn* i'm getting kind of sleepy anyone else getting off the internet for tonight?
>Japanese man uses ultra-violence
envision my bewilderment
>every city I went to they had the state flag raised to the same level as the US flag. You don't fucking do that.
lmao Americans are funny
>Chicano culture
so dumb. too a class that focused on this why getting my associates because I needed one writing elective credit and it looked like free GPA boost. it was an incredibly boring class, and every piece we read was about was praised for having a unique subject for the author's work which was ironic because everything was about feeling isolated and split between two cultures because their parents spoke spanish at home. I was right about the free GPA boost though.
Don't act like you crackers don't hate white liberals
>46th in education
It's 25th kid
>Worst poverty rate
Yeah when Alabama,West Virginia and the Mid West exists
Don't care about the rest when I don't even live in Cali in the first place.
>I went to they had the state flag raised to the same level as the US flag. You don't fucking do that.
rich coming from someone complaining about texas ruining education.
>Don't care about the rest when I don't even live in Cali in the first place.
that explains why you think it's not a shithole
I live in Cali and I want out. California is a fucking shithole and only retards defend it. I would have to move out of state or work my whole life to own a house in the middle of no where that isn't a cuck shed. No fucking thank you.
>cute Japanese girl
>with the feisty fiery attitude of a Latina
sign me up.
>what is california
Jesus, glad to see we aren't that different after all
And my city has the flag of the Confederacy, the flag of the Spanish Empire and the flag of Imperial France flying at the same level as the Union: because it was settled before the United States took the territory.
I guarantee this city has had more men die under arms for the Union than whatever shit hole you call home. You can do whatever you fucking want, so long as it doesn't violate the law you wine sipping Californian dick suck.
-t born in the Republic of Texas, currently lives somewhere in the outlands.
Everywhere in America has fatpeople. California alongside NYC rather waste money hosting illegal immigrants and preventing the ICE from doing their job and endangering US security as a whole.
>Getting angry about state flag positions
For someone who defends CA and claim their the greatest, you don’t seem very prideful about your state
Okay tough guy
very interesting. not surprising though, japanese people love getting a taste of foreign aesthetics, and lowrider is one of the most distinctive ones in the US along with hiphop and scene/metal which also got big in japan. which brings up a question: which came first, scene or ganguro? because they're weirdly similar.
I never stated what state I'm from you retarded Texans just think everyone who hates your state is from california. Though Cali is more important to the union than Texas has been or will be.
Whatever you say esè spic
Hey, I remember that.
>Skeletons are cool
>Yeah! Skeletons are cool!
>Coasties actually believe this.
The east and west coasts could fall into the ocean, and every other state would have enough economic, military, and logistical might to maintain the current force projection of the USA as an international power. We would be hamstrung due the lack of our Naval might, that I will give you, but ultimately you rely on the central part of this country to survive( read as: eat, power your cars, have coal for your power plants, natural gas, etc etc).
Space Dandy, Cromartie Highschool and Middle Manager Tonegawa
Literally the second post in this thread.
>that ayy lmao bart voice
>japanese people watch south park and their reaction is "it's very sexual..."
Here's a music video that pretty much encapsulates that era, and shoddy English lyrics that I made on the fly.
One terrorist, two terrorists
were swinging on top of a fallen tower,
seeing as it lasted,
they went on to call a comrade.
One terrorist, two terrorists,
a MRTA guerrillero,
a drug dealer in Huallaga
were swinging on top of a fallen tower,
seeing as it lasted,
they went on to call Alan García…
One terrorist, two terrorists,
an MRTA guerrilla,
a drug dealer in Huallaga,
an APRA bufallo, Agustín Mantilla,
Alan García and his company
and Villanueva
were swinging on top of a fallen tower,
seeing as it lasted,
they went on to call Abimael
an MRTA guerrilla,
a drug dealer in Huallaga,
an APRA bufallo, Agustín Mantilla
Alan García and his company-
Villanueva of the countryside
they gross me out so much
like Chirinos Soto
with his buttface,
Like five policemen at Larco's corner
Selling raffles to the drunkards,
and such corruption everywhere,
With five bucks
I can buy a representative, a judge, a district attorney,
a couple of lawyers, an architect or in his place
a novelist, a couple of journalists,
an archbishop, a cardinal,
a weeping virgin, a real virgin,
and maybe even Fujimori.
If there’s no solution, the strike continues
If there’s no solution, the strike continues
If there’s no solution, the strike continues
If there’s no solution...
on a collapsed tower,
seeing as it endured before its fall,
no one went to call an electrician.
Based and carbombpilled.
While we all know California is the worst state, what state is the most irrelevant?
not vidya but some netflix original shows are famous there like stranger things, and nips prefer subs over dubs.
Fuck I meant to reply to this post.
either Dakota
>learning Chinese ever
DO NOT LEARN CHINESE. Learning Chinese means you have to deal with Chinese people and there's literally no fucking worse fate than having to do business with the Chinese.
Learn literally ANYTHING ELSE.
all that proves is he didn't use enough violence, bangin beat though
Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, N/S Dakota or maybe something like CRhode Island
Can I get the pasta please?
>Space dandy
Oh yeah, 100%
I'm kinda pissed off that Hulu only has sub Dandy, and not best version.
What does Yea Forums think of Arizona?
any state that borders a body of water is more important by that virtue alone
oklahoma and connecticut are tied for least relevant
It's alright if you're a lizard.
Baccano considering it's about (mostly) americans and european immigrants and takes place in new york. the VA work is also great. a lot of the OLD dubs done from the UK and from studios like sunrise and manga are great, and that sucks because a lot of those works had dubs re-done when licensing changed hands or just disappeared, and most of those dubs are worse, AKIRA, GiTS, and Patlabor being prime examples. you can still find the original dubs with HD versions in fan-releases thankfully, or you can do your own re-mux. it's not that hard to get the timing to be good enough. and finally... EVA. it might be nostalgia goggles but for a series that has so much to do with character's internal psychology and emotions the english VA is more expressive.
Delaware or Vermont. Never even heard of anyone from there.
More importantly what does Yea Forums think about new jersey? at least we have a cultural presence unlike you.
Never ever learn Chinese.
I kinda now want to watch the entire series in Jap.
I only know about it from The Sopranos so my opinion is dated and through a filtered lens. I'm pretty sure they never even filmed in NJ either.
Man that shit was funny, thanks for the laugh friend.
Bobby is fine but that Hank doesn't fit at all.
Based California flexing on the statelets
San Francisco
Everyone in this entire country forgets we exist
how come all thats left of jersey italians is stupid Jersey Shore guidos? wtf happened
Easy to say when you might have actually been kidnapped by the Maoists and forced to kill for them. A bud of my dad had that happen to him actually. When they were teenagers, he and his group of friends were walking around Lima and spotted a buddy that they didn't see for about four years and when they went up to him to say hi and ask how he's been he just started weeping, and they convinced him to go to the bar and find out what's wrong. He said that four years ago he was kidnapped by Shining Path and they brought him to a room that held one of their hostages. One of his kidnappers brandished his pistol and put it to his temple, while another guy gave my dad's friend a gun. They told him that if he doesn't kill the hostage by the count of three, then he'll die. He kept on pleading with them but the kidnapper explained that if he didn't shoot him he'll just die and then they'll shoot the hostage themselves. He started counting down, and right before he went to three he managed to steel himself and shoot the hostage dead. He then went on to do all kinds of terrible shit before he managed to escape. Kind of hard to use enough violence when even though 3 out of every ten villagers from the mountains you killed were Communists, they could just kidnap shock soldiers from your very own city.
Wait that's a real place? I thought it was just from that one song
Fuck off montana and north dakota are based.
>ywl never go camping and hunting in montana and freeze to death in north dakota
I dated a chick from there once. It was awful.
it's surprising how entertaining i find this.
I bet she was fat
Delaware is a weird mixture of hillbillies, people from new jersey and jew york and just general trailer trash mixed with industrial wasteland and decent forests. 3/10 don't come here.
how was the sex
No but she ate like a fat chick
I decided not to fuck her
>It was awful.
Dating the chick or Mississippi? Either way, how do you think I feel about having to live here? This state is a hellhole, I hate absolutely everyone from here and I hate that I'm living out my early 20s in this state. Genuinely considering killing myself.
I really like this guy and hope his life is nothing but prosperous
You at least have nawlins
At least you don't live in Oakland or Detroit. It could always be worse kid.
I never lived there but I did visit there once. You ever been to a town called Lena? Complete shithole.
He doesn't exist. I'm sorry user.
New Jersey boiz WW@?????
Why is our state such a meme bros?
>you rely on the central part of this country to survive( read as: eat, power your cars, have coal for your power plants, natural gas, etc etc).
sorry but this is fucking retarded. the population required to create production in most of middle america is minuscule compared to the landmass, if everyone in the flyovers were magically never there it would just be full of employees sent there by business/government or more likely robots. farming as an individual profession is nonsensical in current times and has been for quite a while, which is why it requires such large subsidies. flyover republicans love to bitch about food stamps in cities while getting massive government support that dwarfs it.
Legit I wish I could move back down South. I'm in Seattle and it's fucking horrible. Would give anything to go back to Missouri/Missisips.
Fuck Mexico and FUCK Mexicans. We all get lumped in with them now.
>Tfw working down the beaches during summer and getting to see all of the best east coast girls
>You ever been to a town called Lena
No, but if it's anything like every other small MS town, I can imagine just how much of a shithole it is.
Jackson is damn near as ghetto as Detroit. Have to drive through fucking warzones to get to anthing slightly interesting to do
>Peru is Mexico
Thanks for thinking we have that much clay, you made me blush.
You live near NY, and as a result inherent both good and shit things from it
t. NY resident who heard things from family members that used to live there before moving south
Actually, I was talking about that Chicano video. I am Peruvian.
>It's expensive to live here
people always say this but it's concentrated in certain areas like housing. for actual day to day expenses in my experience it's actually considerably cheaper than a lot of places. non-prepared food is cheap, booze is cheap, sales tax is relatively low. prepared food is expensive but not as expensive as you would expect considering the other factors. in the heart of SF trendy fast food is always closer to $20 than $10 like other cities, but really it should be $20+ consistently, but it isn't, usually only a few dollars more than other big cities, and that can be explained by the lack or corporate chains. people hate on SF rightfully for many reasons but the food is amazing and it's nice being somehwere without mcdonalds and subway and walmart every other block.
Ah I get ya, yeah I hate that too, but still can you imagine how much clay we'd get, and that coastline... we'd be the envy of Chile and Bolivia. I'd give some to Bolivia because I still feel sad as hell for them.
>t. flyover city hater anally pained his backwater is irrelevant and everyone wants to leave
anybody here from wyoming? planning on being a commie refugee in about a year
I can smell your farm from here, flyover scum
We remember you in Canada, you help us keep time
Anyone with taste knows that original dub is 99 times out of 100 better, but let's see how many patricians there are here who can name works that are superior in another language apart from the original. I'll start:
>FF12 in english
A lot of people say this but most haven't even heard the original jp dub which is stellar. I only heard the eng dub recently though but I don't like how Faye sounds like a chainsmoker and how some characters (esp Feng Shui girl) have GOD AWFUL dubbing.
I live in NYC you utter dipshits
>tfw Flordia chad
there is not a single state comfier
all the weird people just give the place more personality
nice try cleetus
Fuck you
My air conditioner just broke this place is hell
I can't imagine anyone else but steve blum as spike. Also space dandy had an excellent dub. Pretty much ll o wantanabes stuff has great western VAs
>good thread
>retards fuck it up
People who say this shit saw it on fucking cartoon network first.
it's massively important as a tourist destination and military base. without hawaii the US would have almost no military presence in asia and you would be speaking chinese by now.
>same thread we have at least once a week
StateCHADs repping is much better than whatever gay shit OP wanted to discuss this week
Street fighter so i don't have to hear endless boner and headache inducing jap girl death curdles.
>being a little bitch
hell isn't for pussies
get used to it or get out
Yeah don't get me wrong it's a standout dub; it's of the time when dubs were both good and usually well-fitted to the sort of settings anime used to have, but having experienced both of the dubs I personally prefer the original because it's more consistently quality for me.
>impyling nips and chinks haven't taken over hawaii
Your time is coming whih piggy-chan
pol is wrong
we are just one race an stupid and gay one
lot of famous writers come from the northeast including vermont, and they have a very unique agriculture/food environment. the nature is great too.
in oakland and detroit you can easily get somewhere better if only for a respite though.
I wonder if the elevens have threads asking if we have weaboos who like subs more and post images proving we do in said thread
I've been here for 23 years nig nog
Florida is shaped like a dick for a reason
I thought the rule of thumb was to watch everything with the original audio with subs if needed.
skip to 10:53
Only if you're a tool that actually listens to Yea Forums neckbeards trying to appease other Yea Forums neckbeards.
the flames of hell make the most beautiful flowers bloom, does it not?
When I was there every film I saw was in English with Japanese subs so yeah they aren't as pleb as Americans if that's what you are wondering. There seems to be a correlation between the amount of latinos a western country has and how much they love dubs.
>(esp Feng Shui girl)
Ed? cause she is one of the best VAs, it the character falls apart in mood without it imo.
black lagoon
death note
bubblegum crisis
hellsing ultimate
ergo proxy
haibane renmei
no the girl from Boogie Woogie Feng Shui, girl with the dead dad.
>black lagoon
>death note
>bubblegum crisis
>hellsing ultimate
>ergo proxy
Shit anime
cute dub but nah
>haibane renmei
spic nigger
>Tfw liam o brien in ergo proxy
He was so good, it makes me want to rewatch it. Underrated stuff.
ehhh she must be a side character I don't remember her but it has been many years. I try not to watch my favorites too much so I don't get burned out on them.
>ergo proxy
absolutely this. worth it alone for Liam O'Brien. everyone knows him from WOW and Darksiders but he always does that voice. in ergo proxy you get to hear him do something completely different and it's shocking how well it fits the character.
Same hate different language
>ergo proxy
It seems like that was one of the last few anime that tried to genuinely tried something different, it's niche as fuck and the ending sucks but the journey is fantastic. I'd much rather have another ergo proxy than a kill la kill or psychopass or whatever shit moe you watch.
>Haibane Renmei
The translation for that is terrible wtf.
Space Dandy
Samurai Champloo
Cowboy bebop
Ghost Stories
I can't stand gringo dubs in any work of animation 95% of the time.
It's just pretentious and vapid as fuck for me, set up a lot of shit with no payoff and all the while postured as if it was something deeper. It's like a worse Texhnolyze.
monster at least tried to have ethnically sounding voice actors with German accents and such
>Ghost Stories
My man.
imo i liked and thought they nailed the depressing atmosphere and that's what i watched it for. Very interesting show on that basis alone.
English OP/EDs anyone?
Is the dub of Champloo really that good? I’ve only watched it in Japanese.
Only thing I liked from it was the music. but its fine im not taking your experience away from ya
Mugen is 10/10 spot on the rest are trash honestly.
It's semi-passable, sort of like the Bebop situation. If you've seen the show in Japanese you'd probably prefer it that way still though.
Which only matters to weaboos, and they're not treated with respect there.
Once you start travelling around the world, you see there is stupidity everywhere. Some nations are just more successful at concealing it.
Real nigga shit coming through make way people we got some hot rhymes coming through.
The english opening singing actually sounds like garbage, the latin spanish version was so much better.
The worst state is objectively West Virginia. Sad, it has among the prettiest landscapes arguably.
how is this thread still up
I had no clue King of the Hill got a Japanese dub until a friend showed it to me. To think it somehow trancended Texas proper as a show people watch is astounding in itself, seeing that it made it out of the US is even weirder.
I haven't watched it since like 2003 though, did it remain good or did it fall apart like Simpsons at some point?
How are you still alive when you forgot to manually breath.
It's technically a thread about videogame voice acting.
calm down hombre. There is no need for violence. We are all amigos here
Wisconsin, I'm not convinced it actually exists.
Nah, worst state in the union is probably somewhere in the New England area.
California's scenery works to somewhat balance out their shitty culture.
>not new york
Clearly you've never met a Japanese girl. Japanese web are some of the scariest around. You think Latinas go from 0-100, Japanese go from 0-110.
I'd be careful about the economy thing, more and more of what companies contribute to it are hopping your borders and opening shop elsewhere. The Austin area alone is poised to overtake Cali in the tech industry, if something ever happens to the media side of things, California will crash and burn.
Also, living anywhere else than San Fran/LA and having your voice heard in the state apparatus is basically impossible. A small area controls the fate of somewhere hundreds of times its size, shackled to those cities and forced to go along with whatever they decide. And then California has the nerve to complain when the same thing happens to them via the federal government.
>tfw my state wasn't mention s worst state because people know we're crazy and people fear the poop shank
>konichiwa Dale-kun.
me all the way on the right
That tattoo makes me want to puke
What are you smoking? Its over acting fiesta in japan voice acting. This shit is laughable
shin chan
Fly over states don't matter enough to be listed
What dub do actors just fuck around with in vidya? I know there's a few cases like that nu-yugioh dub was pretty entertaining and some other stuff. It's pretty rare but it's glorious when VA are given liberty over shite products.
Better than american lifeless shit at least, would rather have anime be cringy than put me to sleep
>fear the poop shank
please explain.
todos son mejores en español :^)
todos son mejores en español :^)
it gradually got worse, like most shows. but it never was bad.
todos son mejores en español :^)
>Globally, Chinese is a much more "useful" and influential language
You're a special sort of retard. Virtually every country in the world speaks English for the sake of international commerce. Nobody speaks Chinese except specialists.
Yes, actually. But it's more akin to them liking Hollywood
Bebop, Space Dandy, Yu Yu Hakusho, Tenchi Muyo
Kuso, Bobbu-Chan!!