What is it about Rex and Pyra-san that makes them so cute together?
What is it about Rex and Pyra-san that makes them so cute together?
Caring for each other, no need for tsun tsun.
rex should be fucking his harem of blades. Staying loyal to one girl is dumb.
The /ss/.
You mean the scaring of an innocent child with help of her sister!
They're relatively open about liking eachother.
Most japanese "romance" stories are about them getting to the point that they'll start dating, then the series ends. These two are pretty much dating all throughout.
Imagine people just liking each other.
Rex is for the Welsh cat
Rex is for harem.
holy fucking shit her name is homura you ironic weeb
kill yourself
They are not cute together in the actual game
Big tiddies and small kiddies go together.
I can't feel anywhere near as bad for Nia as I did for Melia, because with Melia her crush developing over time was obvious.
With Nia, it was set up as a twist, in a scene where she decides to not hide secrets anymore. It was too sudden and had too little foreshadowing. She spent the entire game up until that point treating him like a child, then she suddenly loves him.
Pleb taste.
>She spent the entire game up until that point treating him like a child
Were you asleep during the night watch scene?
its amazing how retarded americans are
they changed her name to pyra because americans were too retarded so they had to make it obvious she is associated with fire
They actually like each other unlike some other bitch.
or how about the post-battle conversation where nia asks pandy how she can deal with shellhead's bullshit all the time, and pandy says "you're the only one that gets it"
>names are homages to fire and light in japanese
>localization does the same naming convention for english audiences
Shock of all shocks, really.
Everyday, new art.
I always felt she went from standoffish to friendly too quickly.
>"You're such a naive kid."
"I want to go to Elysium!"
>"Huh, I guess people aren't so bad."
There needed to be more bonding moments before then, it just came too suddenly.
I always knew Mythra would be into boomer music
The Japanese names are literally just "Flame" and "Light".
Say what?
30 year old variety
Incoming preview dump.
that's not a thigh gap, that's a fucking thigh canyon
it's a wholesome relationship
There are more pages...but I can't post those here.
Best girl.
Please don't tell me this shit turns to yuri.
It doesn't.
cute pout
That Rex tattoo on her thigh.
try posting in a language that isn't made up squiggles idiot retard
I wonder if the artist made a metal rex
It doesn't, but the artist should do yuri too.
Rex needs to be aged up or Pyra/Mythra need to be younger. Otherwise it's a shit pair. If he was older than them I also wouldn't mind.
Nope, he did a very lame pyra.
Well Pya/Mythra/Pneuma are like BILLIONS of years old.
Pyra is that rare girl that wants to be your wife. Usually it's the other way around with the guy trying to win the girl.
I'll read it anyways.
How do I get a Nia gf?
shit taste famalan
Mommies are the Xeno-approved girlfriend archtype
Old man rex blackmailing Pyra into being his blade. Imagine. Or some generic nobody.
Despite everyone mentioning how novel Pyra liking Rex is she still feels so fucking boring that it doesn't even matter. Nia and Mythra are run of the mill tsun but even they're more interesting
Pyra/Mythra/Pneuma are the same person user
I would say Rex is way more thirsty for Pyra than Pyra is for Rex.
I saw it coming since the first time he came in. A tsun girl of the same age, very well designed. Obvious love interest.
Pyra is shit, and her original design was a good parallel to Mythra's.
Nia isn't even really tsun. She's just snarky.
One is a manlet so you know it's unrealistic.
Fuck man, I ended up loving XBC2. At first I was "eh" about the game - I even got to a point of quitting around chapter 4 Mor Ardain. I took a 3 month break and came back to it, forced myself to continue on and I'm happy I did. It fulfilled the meme prophecy of being good 30+ hours in. I beat the game and felt a strange sadness because I didn't want it to end and actually cared about the characters. All know is that I'm thirsty for more from monolith soft. I really need to play the rest of the series.
That’s a plus for a pedo like Pyra
Nia is perfect.
I want to pump her full of kittens.
not really, more like hikari was like a year old, and homura was made for a short while, then they went into cold freeze where they technically did not age or mentally mature in anyway
Their cores have existed for billions of years. Their bodies havent. So in a technical sense, its both
>T. I don't know how blades work and I try to apply human aging to them.
are you a cat
heres we get to the question on what we consider living
either way, neither of them are particularly wise despite their age
so Im gonna put doubt on their mental age according to their existence as a core crystal (which they arent technically alive but more like sleeping)
>Tfw no Pyra wife
Why does that matter?
Dead meme.
Is not a meme, is a fact.
How is it a meme when it’s in the game
Nigga did you ever played the game. She ain't that aggressive but still is
Rex literally is constantly like but pyra! I must protect you and I want to be with you and save you and fulfill your goals. Rex outwardly expresses this all the time.
Pyra does not express the same for Rex. She always has that yeahsurewhatever attitude.
>Change body midsex
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 reminds me very much of how I feel about Super Paper Mario -- It was a rough ride and had some faults, but it sticks around in my head more than some objectively better games do. The world, the characters, and the story (especially the final 3 chapters) got me good.
This thread won't reach 300 posts.
delet this
How drained is Rex everytime Pyra and Mythra bang him?
I'm loading my gun
Imagine bumping a thread on page 10 just to make a post like this.
Taunt the cat.
be nice to animals
Oh, I'll be very nice.
Irrelevant, Nia can patch him up for more action.
>Permanent hymen
>Shoehorning XC2 into a more popular series to keep it alive
Target acquired.
Imagine having so little to talk about in threads for a game you actually hype up new porn.
Why even make these threads anymore?
That is way too lewd.
Post best blades
The obvious answer.
Almost dead, Everytime.
Don't you dare.
But it's so much fun.
Nia's bullying is not allowed.
Don't the fact than Pyra was over Rex from the beginning killed all my interest in their relationship.
Rex had to work to make Nia AND Mythra be interested in him.
He is a shota, Mythra is automatically interested in him, she is just tsun about it.
The fact than Rex had to work to get Mythra trust was better than being all over him from the beginning.
I like Pyra but good dammit they were not subtle about her being a waifu pandering.
Milton was a little shit.
Pyra and Mythra same person
I know, also good detail Than Pyra tell to Rex than she think they were destinated to meeting each other from the beginning, all this time she AND Mythra knew they would meet Rex.
By the Architect how terrifying.
Pyra is a predator even in official art.
>Niafags still upset all this time later about her not being a canon recipient of Rex's romantic feelings
Impressive if nothing else.
tfw when your ship is canon
>Holding the cup that far in front of her face
God this game looks ass
What it was?
That pic of Haze and Lora hugging naked.
good riddance, that artist is shit
These ears are for touching.
That one get posted all the fucking time, why they are deleting it now? There aren't nipples.
It's been deleted before, newfag. It just depends on who sees it.
So then that "target acquired" shit is just an autistic way of announcing reports.
Or if there is an asshole that reports it like this faggot
And that is against the rules.
Take a shit, and then collect it and say its your gf
i'll try it thanks
I guess you now think the mods are schizophrenic.
I deleted it myself.
So you admit your shit is "announcing reports", good info.
god, nia's hips are scandalous.
Oh man, I've been waiting for this moment.
How is that admitting it?
Back in the day, nobody was expecting them. I wish I was in the very first thread when her blade form was revealed.
Monolith soft is making their own Zelda, will they connect it to xenoblade somehow?
No, why would they ever do that?
work hard research hard
Why not? Plus it may be just a small cameo or reference.
I don't want anime shit in Zelda.
They're probably just helping with it like they did with BOTW, and hiring more people so that they won't have to siphon staff from Xenoblade again.
And there's no way they'll connect it officially, but I can see there being a few references like the Rex outfit in BOTW.
I may have been. But I still will comment on them to this day.
Zelda is already very anime itself, dumbass.
You're fucking retarded, Monolith has been working on every Zelda games since SS, including ALBW, them hiring folks to work on Zelda means nothing.
did you miss the 100 year old loli in BOTW
it's already full of anime shit
Not Xenoblade level of anime cringe.
There's a difference between shit like Saria in OoT and characters that were written to be loli fapbait.
Nice move of goalpost.
Blame journalists who only know monolith from Smash bros and XC2 stepping into the fanbase and thinking Monolith working on Zelda is new.
>Not loli fapbait
Call me back when you have a non buzzword argument.
Because an eternal loli like saria is not loli fapbait.
She's so low on the lolifag radar that Koei Tecmo had to dig for Agitha from TP to be the token loli on the roster of Hyrule Warriors.
user, I know you are still butthurt over saria not being in HW but this is ridiculous.
You said that zelda is not anime, anons told you off, now you said "not as anime as xenoblade".
You went from "not anime at all" to "not anime as...", That is the basic definition of moving a goalpost.
I'm more upset over the fact they gave a moveset seemingly designed around Saria to the anime idolfag OC than her being in the game.
If they didn't do that, I wouldn't have cared so much.
Because that statement makes no sense due to it's vagueness of what you consider anime.
You can call Harry Potter a shonen anime story because of it's tropes, same with the Lord of the Rings.
There's no blatantly anime shit on the level of XC2 in Zelda, Zelda is classic fantasy.
Lana is cute and a great Character!
Shut up Pyrafag
I am the only one that thinks she looks a look like kirby adeliene?
Maybe I should sleep, is 1 AM over here.
Lana is what you get when you fuse Pyra with Melia.
thats gae bro
>Pyra "nice girl" trait
>Melia "cuck" trait
Makes a lot of sense.
And Fi is what you get by fusing Pyra with Clippy.
Please stop bumping the thread with stupid comments.
I'm sure he's definitely going to stop if you keep replying to him.
kys dub fag
I hope he does, because then he'll be forced to stop.
manami kiyota's a bit of a hack, isn't she
going back through her work before xenoblade, made me realize that it's all really really samey. it's still good, but it makes her reduced role in xb2's soundtrack a lot more understandable
>Anything like Pyra
user, you are insane. FI is KOS-MOS if she was boring.
What is with Crosette's obsession with Pyra?
The idea of Rex quite literally growing into his waifu(s) is what makes it a good pairing