FFXIV Shadowbringers

You have your Fantasia ready, right?

Also can we agree that HW>SB>ARR?

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Other urls found in this thread:



balmung LGBTs ww@? thumbs up if you agree

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I got my sub just waiting to never be renewed

Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!

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I need to play around with character creator before I decide whether or not I want to fanta to viera. If I can make smol bunnies, then yes. If I have to be an amazoness, then fuck no.

I'm torn. I really didn't like the Story for SB at first but it got better with every patch. I don't think I'll put it above ARR but it's close. I'll say:

HW > Patched SB > ARR > Launch SB

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Fuck off

>If I can make smol bunnies, then yes
Fran has minimum Viera height

>If I can make smol bunnies, then yes. If I have to be an amazoness, then fuck no

The queers run Yea Forums now

How the fuck are you supposed to know that? They've made it clear that viera are going to have extra character customization options so I expect to be able to make smol bunny girls.

>implying male viera aren't going to be fucking shredded

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Confirmed at last weekend event

>people starting polls to get male viera added

SB is probably below ARR in terms of sotry, maybe not overall but by the end of ARR it felt like shit was happening and you didn't know what the fuck was going on
with SB while something of the same sort was happening i struggle to find anybody who didn't think it was anything but something to bait you along for the sake of a story, not saying all of Sb is bad but the ending it what people remember most for each expac

They are a bit shorter than female roe, in short no. Time for your lead medication smolfag

>implying we are getting males ones at all

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Can't wait to see viera ears clipping through doors and shit

The ARR ending and Coil are both miles ahead of SB and Omega but SB had better inbetween patches.


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Why are so many people wearing the Scion Traveler's set when it looks so bad?

>le widdle smol catte x3
>le mlem lizert
>le widdle babba booboo
>babba catte mlem
>le tol lizert! >///iddle bibble smol bun x3

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I can't wait to see the armor and robes that take up both body and head slot.

fucking based

It's sad. Makes the whole community look like even more ungrateful shits. Which they are anyways.


I just want Viera males. The concept art about them looks good

cause they think a no textured face is le edgy

all talk coward

still have my free fantasia. What do you suggest I change into? I made this one without thinking about it too much.

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They confirmed that both Viera and Ronso are the tallest races. You can watch it if you want.

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I will not begin playing until the bunnies are playable.

Oh lord, what will they do with the cowls and shit?

Of course they'll be shredded. They live solitary existences in the middle of the jungle, hunt for their food on a daily basis while also protecting their tribe of origin from the shadows more or less. They'd basically be highlander sized in terms of muscle mass, at the very least.


duhhh me wana an smol whyfoo duhhh who wannn erp wid me ? :3

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Why does the thought of Y'shtola letting beast tribes have their way with her make me diamonds?

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The good thing about the lack of male Viera is that it's purging the community of trannies and faggots since they're threatening to unsub.

Based Squeenix

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Because you're a disgusting cuck with an even worse choice in waifu

because you're autistic and into cuck furry shit

Would trannies really care about the lack of male Viera? I would imagine it's mostly faggots and women complaining.

Faggots will be faggots, user.

LGBT stands together, if Destiny the tranny's best friend Charlie is starving and threatening suicide over no virtual bunny boys she(male) is going to be just as upset


But I don't have this fetish and she's not my waifu. For some reason I self insert as an Amalja in this fantasy

its just catboy faggots crying about it

If they don't add giant metal ears to these tin cans I'm going to be dissapointed.

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Can't wear helmets apparently

>I self insert as an Amalja
So not only are you a cuck, you're a race traitor too

They're just gonna remove the helmets

That isn't a helmet.

Prepare to be disappointed. I expect if they even let them wear it, it'll be the midlander model.

I don't care what anyone says, if I try DNC and it's fun I'm going to main it on my male Au Ra and look /fa/ as fuck!

Go play Bard RIGHT NOW and you'll have the Dancer experience.

I've been playing since 2.0. I'm used to it by now.

how is this NOT a general?

They should change it back so you have to be level 50 again to use glamour

>it still works and is still actively updated
I should have checked earlier.

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They should make it so you can only apply glamour if you have the appropriate crafter maxed.

It got forked sometime a few months ago after the original dev just abandoned it.
There's another fork that acts as an ACT plugin.

What addons do you all use?

Addons are illegal, user
Just ACT for the damage meter

How do we fix the tr*nny problem?

ACT with Kagerou that's all

>literally crying right now

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cut off their source of food aka the orbiters so p much its impossible because there are too many desperate virgins on the internet that allow themselves to be tricked and manipulated by HRT sewer monsters

Based and red-pilled

cringe and redditzoomer-pilled

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This is your tank

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Do you have a link or a name I could Google for that ACT plugin? Or is it by the same dev?

time to afk

By stopping giving them special attention like you idiots keep doing

Brown lala

>get something more unique that's at least different from the other races
>the entire community wanted the same human face but with different ears again.
>No one wanted a beast tribe type race.

It's stupid to have gender locked races and I get that.
But at the same time everyone just wants the same human race slightly changed.

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literally anything but a potato

I can smell the estrogen radiating off this post, holy shit dude


like this

Well, Viera are only gender locked because there are only female Viera right? I guess you could make male rabbit people but they wouldn't be Viera.

>tfw if we got Lupin we never would have had these Viera vs hrothgar sperging


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There are male Viera in the lore, but they're rare and don't show themselves to anyone except when they go home to breed once a year.

damn that swamp monster got slain

What the hell is a Duty finder notifier?

Well then if they do ever introduce them, I want it to be locked so only 50 people can be male viera at a time.

absolutely baste

Because everyone's a closet-tranny closet-gay erp retard, don't bother with this fanbase

it's a little tool that lets you know when a certain FATE popped (useful for e.g. when you're doing ARR relic books, or special fates) outside of the game, so that you can masturbate or watch anime or both and still catch that FATE. It works for DF queues too. I only use it for the nifty feature that tells you in advance what duty you got in Duty Roulettes so that you can cancel it.

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>human with bunny ears
Truly peak design......

Oh okay, I was like doesn't the game already notify you of your DF pop, how does this help? That's some cool shit I'll check it out thanks.

As said
Male Viera were always suppose to be rare within the game lore.

Viera is more or less there to tie together the story with other FF games.

top fucking kek

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I needn't remind you that as a third party tool it is haram and you shouldn't talk about it ingame.
When it was first released and the original dev posted a thread to plebbit, they got massively butthurt at it and I think it was part of the reason why the original dev stopped developing it. It's fine to me and the gooks, though, because you can only withdraw three times a day before eating the 30 minute penalty, so there's some kind of limitation.

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Yeah I won't mention it like an idiot. I always used ACT and I'm assuming this one is also client-side. FATE's are garbage and roulette is full of retards, Yoshi practically owes us this.

jesus christ that's beautiful

i wish i knew about this / it existed back in ARR, it would have saved me so much goddamn suffering

todo basado y rojopilladado

But you're already healing user.

only fujoshis and gays care about Male viera, trannies have nothing to do with it. People are saying they'll stand with them, but they won't. Trannies are selfish, toxic people who couldn't give a rat's ass about the cares of anyone else in the LGBT community unless it makes them look good.
Being associated with masculine male viera goes against anything they stand for.
Trannies would only want shotas, and if they're open about it, they're pedos.

Fuck trannies.

oh if i'm healing its time to spam uguu headpat daddy's princess shit

Heavensward was great for so many reasons. The story felt more fleshed out since we focused on one land and one goal compared to Stormblood where everything was split between 2 lands. The adventure aspect was comfy; it was great actually traveling around with a party. The NPCs had more personality. Ishgard ended up having the strongest loyalties to us.

ARR suffers from being the intro to the story. It wasn't bad but it had to explain what happened in 1.0 and re-establish the setting/characters for legacy players while being welcoming enough to new players. I'll say patch 2.3 onward was pretty alright and ended on a high note as a set up for Heavensward.

Stormblood had a lot of potential that I feel was ultimately wasted. It was nice finally having a villian like Zenos that could go toe to toe with us. But overall, the impact of us freeing both nations felt rushed. We could have had an intriguing political story but there's so many loss threads that are just hanging there now that Stormblood is done.

Wasn't Nanamo gonna establish a new democracy in Ul'dah? Wasn't there something about being afraid of the people turning on her?

What about all the Ala Mhigians? There's no "rebuilding" their land aspect like there was for the Doman Enclave. They're just kinda out there while Lyse does fuck all.

And what happened to that red haired chick? I don't think we've seen her in 2 patches.

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just like male cats

That just makes c@bois stronger, remember to get your pet spade and neutered.

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>Wasn't Nanamo gonna establish a new democracy in Ul'dah?
That was all cleaned up when she got a hard dose of reality at the bloody banquet. She wasn't going to establish a democracy so much as she was just going to dissolve the government and let the people sort it out. Now she's working with Lolorito to learn how to be an effective leader. She grew up.
>What about all the Ala Mhigians? There's no "rebuilding" their land aspect like there was for the Doman Enclave.
They still have most of their infrastructure, and there was the whole MSQ plotline with the Saltery. Also if you do the GSM quests, you find out that Nanamo is financing trade schools for the displaced citizens so they can form their own functioning economy. You're asked to lead the goldsmithing school.
>And what happened to that red haired chick?
Fordola is working with the Scions to fight primals. Last we heard she was fighting Ifrit with Arenvald and the Immortal Flames summoner squad.

>Reddit discord makes change.org petition
>"Guys LITERALLY everybody is against this! Sign the petition yoshi will listen to us!"
>3.7k signatures in 5 days
oh no no no no guys they will absolutely add male viera now
Fun fact: this is the person that created the petition

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Good for Nanamo! I knew Lolorito was involved but I couldn't remember how.

Also >Fordola is working with the Scions to fight primals. Last we heard she was fighting Ifrit with Arenvald and the Immortal Flames summoner squad.

What? When was that?

Also they strapped a bomb collar on her so she's probably performing sexual favors.

if the game had decent body sliders like every other proper mmo people wouldn't be asking for humans with animal ears

>What? When was that?
In her anniversary story. If you haven't read these, all of them are worth reading.

There are stories for ARR and HW too.

Fuck off furfag.

based furries turning this into /xivg2/

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>STILL being this asshurt about furries
You have to be 18 or older to post here

Nanamo came into power at a very young age and felt helpless because the various monied interests held the real power and political clout. Her attempt at dissolving the monarchy was misguided because it was really just her trying to lash out - the BEST outcome would have been those same people just openly assuming the power and cutting herself off from any venue for the changes she desires.

Lolorito, despite being a Monetarist, really just wants to keep Ul'dah strong and united without having to waste time re-establishing a status quo - Nanamo abdicating would force him to devote more resources towards security and power struggles and trying to keep Ul'dah from fragmenting in civil war. He doesn't really mind Nanamo becoming a more savvy political player because as Sultana, she's a buffer against public attention and rival power plays, and he figures he can turn more measured proposals from her to his advantage.

>calling anyone else underaged when he doesn't remember the furfag purge

>these threads went from TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY to FURRY FURRY FURRY
>I'm still laughing
Nothing changed

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>this literal retard logic
I know you read about /fur/ on ED last year but you're still a fucking manchild

Fuck off, furfag.

its just a constant back and forth between the two then some false flaggers shitposting

>implying hating furries is ever out of style
kys discord dev

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give me your stupid screenshots
no avatarfagging, just dumb/funny shit

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Yiff in hell furfag

Will male Vierafags ever stop seething? lmao

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>destroy your body with hormones for your fetish
>kill yourself by injecting saline into your balls
>ruin any community you come into contact with
>call other people trannies

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they're both subhumans that deserve to be shot and the groups have a lot of overlap, it's not surprising. Saw a few weeks ago some trap tran faggot advertising his twitter of himself with ass/legs pics and wearing a furtail, also had a vid with some gay shit in it, all while saying "I don't have sex on first date I want a real relationship." They're delusional scum of the world, and probably the people that spout incel and pedo for every single thing, because they can't cope with the fact they're below every type of person in the world, even niggers.

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get rid of positionals. They were always a retarded idea.

>injecting saline into your balls
wait what

seething tranny

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There really needs to be a "/pol/ outside /pol/" report option like there is for /mlp/ outside /mlp/

I like the Anemos and Pyros books for SMN and SCH. It's a shame they didn't get rainbow wings for the Hydatos one


barafags inject saline into their balls so they can have cartoon bulges like the furry porn they jack off to 12 hours a day

based tranny logic, everyone who hates trannies is a bodybuilder juicer

based barafag logic, everyone who hates barafags is a tranny

Why call it BLU when you shoot fish out of your hand for the first hour. Just call it fishmage.

lmao retard

I hate the Allagan tomestone look for SMN. I'm so sick of Allagan shit at this point. Give me something more mystical. Yes, I know SMNs are Allagan, but there was an era before they were totally supertech, and the rest of the SMN outfits look very Greco-Roman.

alternatively you could just git gud

>destroy your body with hormones for your fetish
>kill yourself by overdosing on depression medication
>ruin any community you come into contact with
>call other people anything

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>When the verflare crits for 51k

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So who's ready for the inevitable "combos on one button like in pvp" reveal this May

I don't even browse /pol/, die transfur shit

Excuse me moderators ? I saw an opinion that was further right than Karl
Marx outside of pol. Please ban this user , thank you

whatever you say, retard

>nowhere did I mention I was a furry
they could add playable aliens slim monster into FFXIV and it still would be better than just an another basic human

The problem with FFXIV still remains that it lacks unique races and most face features are slightly change to add horns or ears.

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Tranny or not you act like a mentally ill faggot either way

fuckin me, too much clutter and i'm a-ok with the space since macros are almost completely useless

>lgbt stands together
lol no

based retard
get outside for a few hours a day bro

>triggered /pol/ snowflake babby
Like clockwork

This is literally never going to happen. Yoshi is a hack, but not completely retarded just yet

>nowhere did I mention I was a furry
Who are you quoting?

>n-no u
You fags could at least be creative with your shitposting. You're like all the worst Yea Forums stereotypes rolled into one just spouting off all the latest buzzwords. It looks like saline poisoning can give you brain damage too.

Except furries are the only ones who claim that MMO races aren't interesting unless they're furshit

>Stands together
I could give less of a shit about trannies

>source: my ass

Are you trying to say that any of the races we have in game are even remotely interesting? Not saying it has to be furry shit but how about something that doesn't look like a human with random animal ears

lol yeah i'm sure this whole thread is just two people too, hahahahahaha stay delusional

Jesus Christ, this is not the same. This guy basically got manipulated to do all of this. Trannies have a choice.

ARR >/= HW >>> SB

Only bad part of ARR is some jobs were a bit too simple and if you're trying to go through all the quests now to get to the new content, but if you were playing regularly at the time it was the best the game ever was. Heavensward was quite good too, especially how some jobs played but it's hard to compete with ARR.

I find races interesting because of lore, not because of appearance.

I'd like to change into a female miquote or a female au ra, but I feel like only trannies do this. So I am at an impasse.

Not really sure what to do with my fantasia.

>lol yeah i'm sure this whole thread is just two people too
No, it's a whole bunch of /pol/ snowflakes

Yeah actually all of the races are pretty interesting by any definition other than "hurr they're not furshit so they're uninteresting"

well now you're going to have two new races, so twice the lore

female highlander
too tall for trannies

>Any of the FFXIV playable races
Damn nigger you're stupid.

Fem miqote and aura are not safe to play anymore, races have been completely ruined by trannies.

Why the fuck would they put effort into the lore of the furfag pandering race they tacked on at the last second?

But we're talking about appearance here

which is literally what we're talking about

>This guy basically got manipulated to do all of this
>implying trannies don't
There's literally a tranny cabal on this very website that seeks out vulnerable young men to try and get them to transition. The discord tranny thing is not a meme, there is physical proof. A guy on /r9k/ even killed himself on livestream because they were blackmailing him.

Is that supposed to be a good or bad thing? There's plenty of shit they could compress into fewer buttons because you only use them as combos. Even branching combos could be compressed.

Sorry furfag but I care about more than their appearance, and in your case specifically whether that appearance is furshit.

Unironically I just want to see final fantasy use any cool monsters they have had over the years as a playable race.
Shame that furries ruin anything that could be remotely cool
We have so many unique races that could be use within the game with lore built up over years and years within the final fantasy universe.

Not everything is furry related.

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It wasn't tacked on. Viera were just developed first. But they were always planned.

>which is literally what we're talking about
No we're not, we're talking about how interesting the races are. You didn't say how visually appealing they are, and if your definition of "visually appealing" is "they're furshit" then sorry, you're a furfag and your opinion is invalidated.

ACT but I forget to turn it on 95% of the time.

Just do it. Trannies give themselves away with their disgusting cringy style. Just don't be a brainlet.

No, you're stupid. Nothing about the XIV races, especially their lore, is interesting. They're all fucking bland and bare.

>We have so many unique races that could be use within the game with lore built up over years and years within the final fantasy universe.
And none of them would make sense because of that lore, but I don't expect a furfag wowfugee to pay attention to that.

They were always planned since the beginning.

You sound like every furry I've met in this game who wishes there was a playable Behemoth race

I've been a lala since day one and I still have my free fantasia
If I can make a ronso twinky and cute I'll probably use it but otherwise I won't be changing

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>game has always been a magnet for degeneracy (trannies and furfags)
>trannies vocalized themselves into the spotlight since 2.0
>new races now brings the furfaggots into it too

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Yeah agreed. THey would be much more interesting if they had a fat feline cock to knot inside you, right?

this honestly, idk how i could make any more binds unless i start using alt
is 40 keybinds not enough? do i really need more

>game has always been a magnet for degeneracy (trannies and furfags)
How? The game has had zero furbait in it until Shadowbringers. Are you retarded?

Not him but I've witnessed a femroe linkshell and 90% of them are furfags that have been drooling for an actual anthro race since ARR.

>There needs to be a furry race for there to be furfags
What did she(male) mean by this?

>I only care about the lore, never the appearance!
>Except when it's "furshit", then it's all about the appearance
This is you right now. Every single mention of Viera and Hrothgar in every single thread since they were announced has been about their appearance, now fuck off with that mental gymnastics

So when are you dying fag? You post this every fucking thread. Off yourself already!

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I'm hoping they delete most of the role abilities, because that's just a whole lot of real estate that barely gets used. It might be hard to compress healer bars without a significant revamp though.

Oh cool a FFXIV thre-
>Shitposting about trannies and furries
I’ll never understand this board.

Keep deflecting back to the furry argument, nothing about the XIV races are interesting. Potato jews, sea and mountain niggers, nondescript humans with no actual culture related to them, forest scavengers, they're all fucking bland by the writing and no amount of you being a stupid nigger is going to change that.

Because Viera are a copypaste of Keeper of the Moon lore, and Hrothgar have literally zero lore. They haven't even been so much as hinted at in the game yet. They're a nonentity and there's nothing else to talk about but their appearance, because that was the reason they were added.

>being around furries so much that you think any other race but human is consider furry trash.
Are you sure you aren't furries? You both seem to know a lot about what is suppose to be a furry.

As I mention they could add an Alien race with different features from a normal human and that would be better than any normal generic human copy.

Real talk, what do you ACTUALLY want from a new race? Name or list some examples.

I'll get my bunny boys in 6.0, you have to deal with me for two more years!

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they've convinced their audience that adjusting the roe gear to fit slightly smaller waists costs millions they're not going to add any new body types

and Yea Forums applauded him for it

>and Hrothgar have literally zero lore.
Then wait until the game comes out so you can read their lore, retard.

BASED furfags BTFOing trannies forever and ever

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Viera and Au Ra had lore before they showed up. Hrothgar have come from literally nowhere.

Yet according to you, the cheetamen are interesting. Seems to me like you only care about furfaggotry, furfag.

Then stop blindly shitting on them if they have zero lore, if that's all you care about? You're really not helping your cause my guy

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>Artificial potato midgets who are God's (((people)))
Hrothgar and Hellsguard definitely need background though.

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why is null ghost so perfect

>that image

between this and noticing the worst on the OF over the viera outrage are au ra

just delete that race it clearly has some mental illness linked

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Oh yeah an alien race. That is totally justified and wouldn't completely be retarded in the lore. But keep pretending you're not a furfag with your retarded grasping at straws for ideas for what constitutes "interesting" races that aren't just furfaggot shit. You can completely fuck off, all of the races are interesting already, visuals are literally the least important thing about a race. You're literally just as shallow as every catgirl ERPer that idles in limsa and only plays cats because they're "lol cute X3"

>tfw tp being removed but faggots will still find a reason to refuse to aoe at all

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>Hrothgar have come from literally nowhere.
Ok. Wait until we find out more about the lore to see if they explain why they came out of nowhere or something.

Why do you people always think that feral male races would be round and cute. Just jerk it to girls you dumb faggot.

>conveniently ignores all the furfags
gee I wonder who posted this

They're confirmed not artificial anymore. They were born out of the worlds being fragmented like every other race. The Compound #123 is just a result of Lalafell DNA being in those pools or something.

So you admit you just want furshit.

What did he mean by this?

Or it was flavor text added by Koji "Master Memer" Fox

I don't think!

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They came out of Yoshi's greedy jew ass because he wanted the WoW audience.

Post yfw you will never be this fucking stupid

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>WoW audience

A lot of lore comes out of flavor text in shit like levequests and the fishing log. All the fish log ever said was that the thing sprouted Lalafellin skin and appendages. It was the playerbase that took that to mean Lalafells were artificial. I always took it as the possibility that there was just Lalafell DNA in the aetherochemical waste.

I don't care about Hrothgar being added though, because unlike you I don't give a shit about what the race looks like as long as it's interesting. Then you're here shitting on races because they don't pander to your shitty fetishes.

>caring about lore when all the Final Fantasy's universes are connect within Final Fantasy XIV out of nowhere because Yoshi'P cannot write a good story.
>Hydaelyn is consider an another universe while sharing similar stories of the Ivalice from the other games
>Nier is confirmed to be tie in within the game story suddenly

Lore means nothing in this game, I'm not even a furry and I can see this is stupid.
The story has been awful since 2.0 and anything remotely interesting from 1.0 was thrown away completely.

Until they add cute fat panda boys to XIV I'm never switching

WoW audience only wants busted ass trolls and elves

>implying the WoW crowd doesn't sperg out when you mention Pandas or Worgen

Is Eureka Pagos the worst map?

All FF universes already connected with each other prior to FFXIV.

>implying Yoshi would want a bunch of shitty westerners who do nothing but bitch and moan while spending little on mog station cosmetics

Who cares when you don't even play the game?

It's actually the best map, but you wouldn't know that since all you want to do is afk and hit NMs whenever they pop.

The Japanese flavor text for the same "fish" doesn't specify a race, it just says the skin/digits are "human" in quality. (And "human" in XIV means all the PC races)

All FF universes were already connected via the Interdimensional Rift. Remember Gilgamesh showing up in FF8? And FF9? And FF12?
>Hydaelyn is consider an another universe while sharing similar stories of the Ivalice from the other games
FF9 is literally an amalgam of the previous games' stories, but I bet you're fine with that.

Attached: Adobe_20190323_144254.jpg (1920x1080, 229K)

>Who cares when you don't even play the game?
Aren't you the furry who wanted an alien race? You don't even play the game you just wanted an another furry husband race.

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Is it ok to single target damage for 3 and below and AOE for 4 and above

Attached: 1490882796415.jpg (177x234, 14K)

Not only that, but it's also objectively the worst piece of content in the game and it made over half of the people who did Anemos completely drop Eureka from how terrible it is.
>design content around hunt/fate shit, which is "rush it as fast as possible or you will miss it"
>design the map so that you can't rush it so basically if you get unlucky, you're forced to miss a fate
It's shit game design, objectively.

Yes they did you stupid secondary nigger.

the hrothgar wowfugee defense force sure does work fast

>shitty westerners
>spending little on mog station cosmetics
My nigger Shiva and Balmung are almost always on top of the list

>>zero furbait
>>Are you retarded?

Attached: 1552936617722.png (181x256, 67K)

BLU fags tilted their favorite job will remain crippled and nobody gives a fuck.

Depends on the ability. For example Monk's arm of the destroyer isn't worth using unless you have a huge group.

Attached: the chart.jpg (311x393, 43K)

>humans with cat ear headbands and clip on tails
>muscular humans
>humans with dragon ear headbands and clip on tails



The finished weapons look like shit anyway.

That depends on the length of the pull. If your TP won't floor from using it, Arm is a DPS gain at 5 targets, but it's not worth the TP usage if you'll floor TP before the pull ends. Then again, if you're playing monk and the pack lives past the end of riddle of fire, either you're doing something horribly wrong, or the rest of the party is shit.

3+ is AoE
2- is single target
This is mathematically proven shit


It entirely depends on the skill, but you're right for 90% of them.

>Depends on the skill
Remove arm of the destroyer and freeze from your hotbars. There, now it doesn't depend on the skill anymore

based, who is making these memes though, riddit?

>2 targets
Rockbreaker is a DPS gain over Snap Punch
Painflare is a DPS gain
Hissatsu: Kyuten is DPS neutral
>3 targets
Every other AOE skill except out-of-Trance Tribind and Arm of the Destroyer are DPS gains here
>5 targets
Arm of the Destroyer is a DPS gain if you're not going to floor TP from using it
>7 targets
Tri-Bind is a DPS gain
>never use this
Fire II if you have Flare at your level

Yeah it does cause Rockbreaker is a DPS gain with two targets one Demolish is applied to both

Fukken saved.

>7 targets
>Tri-Bind is a DPS gain
Is this for DWT Tri-Bind or unbuffed Tri-Bind?



Unbuffed, buffed Tribind is a DPS gain at 3 targets like everything else

Do you see all of this?
Scratch all of it. Use your main AoE shit and done, mobs will melt in seconds. Are you gonna count if it's exactly 7 mobs so you can start using some other skill so you can get 50 more DPS? Get the fuck outta here

>min maxing dungeons

don't imperial decree me you shitfaggot

yoshi please

Attached: yeet.png (363x533, 381K)

t. Seething tranny

It's more than dungeons nigger, literally every fight that has a single add placed in such a way that you can rockbreaker the add and the boss, you should be hitting that fucking rockbreaker when they both have demolish up (or immediately if the add is going to die before demolish ticks 4 times). It also gives you more chances to proc Deep Meditation (or Brotherhood if it's up). You're right about bothering to count though, you basically just want to just use your main AOE skills and only worry about negligible bullshit like Arm and unbuffed Tribind when you can tell there's a shitload of targets (like the first pull in Doma Castle as a random example)

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because you're sane and recognize Y'shota as a stupid beastman-defending catslut

Is this fanart? Too lazy to google. If it is I hope there's more people doing stuff like this.

They must be pretty short handed if they're letting Koji model crystals.

>It's more than just dungeons
Yeah it's good for the two 8mans in the entire game that have adds near the boss so you can have an extra chance at getting a single stack of chakra if a 90s CD happens to be up at the time. Come on bro I seriously hope you guys don't do this

Off the top of my head it was/is useful in
>O12S if you want to pad your parse at the end
Not to mention you can also use it if for whatever reason you're forced out of melee range but still close enough to use it, and need to refresh GL

Can't wait to become a based bara lion dabbing on the lesser races

Attached: ronsoish.jpg (3068x2706, 3.27M)

It is fanart. Filenames of this format (6-8 digit number + _ + pXX) mean the image comes from pixiv.

Attached: 73466017_p0c.jpg (1890x2649, 3.34M)

I parse orange in all fights

When did you start HRT?

The day after you did

>admitting to being a tranny
I started in April 2014 lmao

Jesus Christ

Attached: yiazmat.jpg (1280x720, 185K)

Literally none of thse are furry


Attached: gross8.jpg (259x194, 5K)


>Classes that furries are more likely to take aren't furbait

It's furbait, it's enough for furfags to work off of. That's why they were in the shadows until now.

>saying people who disagree with you are triggered
is it 2014 again

does your baratranny discord actually think this is funny?



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Behemoths are cuter.

Not playing a Hyur since day 1

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you have to post cropped furry porn or it doesn't work

Are any of you niggers actually going to play Hrothgar or is it just shitposting?

oh I don't have any saved

You don't play hrothgar you afk in a subligar with your discord buddies.

I do want to play hrothgar but they're not looking all that great, I'll try to make a decent looking one once the benchmark comes out

Let's be real. After the first week or two they'll be rarer than femroes. The overwhelming majority of MMO players don't like their avatar to be anything other than hot, either for self-insert fantasizing or for waifuing.

Nobody likes you faggot, your only job is to btfo tranny rabbit posters. Keep spamming memes at them until they fuck off forever jesus.

That's good. It's easy to identify who you shouldn't associate with, like fem taurens in wow.

Wtf I'm gay now

like this?

Attached: panda.jpg (1987x1216, 661K)

Yes. They are actually exactly what I wanted. I was looking for something more beastly while still being big. I'm glad that they have a more 'heroic' build then roes do.

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Take it easy on the brew kungfu panda.

Hrothgar being larger than male roegadyn is puzzling to me, the same goes for viera supposedly being taller than femroes on max-height. Hrothgar seem like they'll be kind of obnoxious at that size and with those features.

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I need to see the character creator, but most likely not. I was rooting for Hrothgar and Viera male as long as one looked pretty manly and tall/big. I didnt sign up for literal furshit though. I expected a few fur patches and a mullet 'mane' at worst.

The right Hrothgar looks better


pure shitposting, everyone here likes to create strawmen


The character model looks so shit not even barafags are interested in it. Every roe/highlander I've seen talking about says they'll just make an alt to mess around with(read erp) instead of buying a fantasia. Only a handful of hardcore furries are going to be playing one a month after launch.

They'd be taller than male roe if they stand up straight, which they don't do outside of /cpose

It's just shitposting, which is redundant because all the male vierafags left a long time ago or were converted to hrothgar shitposters to deal with the shame.

the only non shitposting about the hrothgar vs male viera debate are the gays and trannies getting extremely blasted, otherwise the rest is just bait and memes

>they need HRT to parse orange
just use mudfish

Is it the same with Viera where they're only taller by virtue of the bunny ears or are they taller than femroes/about as tall as male roe when head-to-head? Fran's a womanlet compared to male roes, but supposedly she's minimum height.

>hunched furry big men
Worgen all over again, oh boy

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>The character model looks so shit not even barafags are interested in it.

are viera going to be what au ra should have been????

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no fuck off

nah trannies are forever gonna stay buttblasted

Why haven't they made RP servers yet? It seems like a no brainer to me, just dedicate a server to RPers and basically contain them, they'd still get matched with non-RPers from the datacenter but at least they wouldn't shit up the overworld

Worgen are better. Hrothgar are fucked because they're in some awkward middle zone where they're too normal for people who wanted a beastly race, but too weird for someone who wanted another generic humanoid.

>looking to fill a guy with mu young and make him a brood father

Attached: Fair_Knight.jpg (750x1071, 416K)

Mpreg, "my young"

I don't know. Them being taller by virtue of their ears seems more likely, but we'll see in may when the benchmark gets released

does your baratranny discord actually think this is funny?

>worgen are better
t. is a worgen or never played wow
they are not better than anything, they are as bad as it gets

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based fetish

how many incoherent memes can a man put into a sentence? let's find out

>Watchout He can bote

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mega cringe

Unironically, I think male Viera will be shorter than female.
But not anything retarded like shota. Like two inches shorter than the females at tbe very most.

do you even read the words you write you cretin

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There's that too. I don't really mind a few more overtly ugly character types mixed in, but these do look really low-effort, not ugly because they were designed to look ugly.

That's basically Balmung and Mateus.

These threads really have gone to shit ever since last week, I hope the next new content will make some of your shut the fuck up for a bit.

I was honestly joking when I used to post RONSO in threads. Never thought not-Ronso would make it in, figured it was a decoy for bunny bois. Will actually play Hrothgar.

>since last week
Good job for outing yourself newfag

Balmung feels dead as fuck and the /vg/ shitters have moved over there last time it opened. Think 5.0 will be a good time to finally bail?

Balmung and Mateus are the unofficial RP servers and they added the RP online-tag so you can signal to other players you're good to go whereever you are. Open worlds will make it a lot simpler to hop around and RP if you're on RP-heavy Crystal.

Seeing people rp in the wild is fun it makes the world feel more alive. It's when they're out of character that's the problem.

That's Balmung, it appeals to every fascet of your snowflake erper monkey's tiny brain
You can't even make a character there so they think its some kind of elite club because they paid 20 usd to transfer there and sit in queues every day

Best way to level up to 60? I'm 56

Should I just keep doing dungeons?

I moved to Coeurl for free chocobo feathers, it's /comfy/ here and I'll still have access to Balmung's economy when the data-center changes are around.

Squadron Command missions gives the most exp/hour, close second is Palace of the Dead. Do your roulettes and shit first though

>so they think its some kind of elite club because they paid 20 usd to transfer there and sit in queues every day
"i have never been on balmung": the post

Did anything good happen since 4.1?

Attached: 1511252244281.png (1279x1280, 2.01M)

Here we go again

>getting defensive over some user on Yea Forums talking shit about your server

>balmung isn't a erp hellhole, you dunno what you're talking about
>source: bro just trust me
my favorite episode

it's "spayed"

How brainlet are you? That's EXACTLY what they think.

stop parroting r/ffxiv memes if you don't want your shit slapped

Attached: 1544810552703.jpg (1200x1199, 157K)

literally never been on /rffxiv but obviously you spend a lot of time there seething over them talking shit about your sewer
Balmung has the rep it has for a reason, and no amount of anonymous lying on Yea Forums is gonna change that

>Bard - piercing
>Dancer - slashing
>Machinist - blunt
There. I fixed the meta

Is Coeurl finally a good place? Been on it every since open beta and it's been dead since 2.2+. Still have a character on there and Gilgamesh and never paid attention to servers/data centers, but I hear some people got a free transfer or will get one.

I love Japan for the fanart they made of her.

>literally never been on /rffxiv but obviously you spend a lot of time there seething over them talking shit about your sewer
how else would i identify somebody repeating the same things they do? dumb-dumb

Didn't change shit. Its just going to be ???/WAR/SCH/AST/DNC/BRD/DRG/NIN.

>Machinist - blunt
Not this meme again

HW > The very end of SB > ARR > Everything else in SB

I was so emotionally detatched from the entire doman and mhigan plots which really bummed me out because I rp as a mhigger who was brought across the boarders at a young age to eacape war. I was excited for it but it felt so shallow and boring. I am however super hype that they replaced the lead writer with the writer that did the good parts of the dark knight quests. She writes good shit

Almost like Balmung being the erp snowflake server is common knowledge and even randoms ingame will tell you the same thing?

They should give us a free fantasia like they did with HW and Au Ra.

Ehhhh Coeurl's kinda' dead honestly, but this is in comparison to Balmung which is bumpin' at almost all hours. It's around average population, more people talking and running around in large towns than the EU world I was on before.

>wanting mch to be even more useless

she wrote sid

>brainlet doesn't understand how well monk and mch would work together

The only reason I would be against this is it would fuck with my muscle memory but it would only be a boon once I got past that. They cannot add any mpre fucking buttons Im running out of fingers and MMO mouse hotkeys.

nobody but war care about your 90s buff sweaty

>Almost like Balmung being the erp snowflake server is common knowledge
Yea Forums and r/ffxiv are really the only places i see that obsess over balmung being le epic tranny haven and similar
>and even randoms ingame will tell you the same thing?
the most i've ever seen about balmung from randoms has been an exchange along the lines of
>massive faggot (Sargatanas) : lel balmung-degenerate
>other'massive faggot (Balmung) : haha yeah man

>anemos and pyros books have wings on them
>hadatos gets a generic glow, both books also look ugly visually (smn just looks bad, sch is too big)

Kek guess the server moves changed nothing, thanks Yoshi. Average is better than actually dead at least.

>set macros for all of my BLM spells so I can name them "Blizzard", "Blizzara", "Blizzaga", "Blizzaja", etc.
>forced to switch them off because macros introduce so much input-delay that it fucks up my Fire IV/Firaja timings and I'm casting at about half efficiency

Attached: 1544346847889.jpg (210x212, 8K)

this is what we call autism

Buddy if your rotation was just not working at various times because you dared to want a custom-named macro that actually worked you'd be complaining too.

>Create unnecessary situation due to autism
>"this game doesn't cater to me wtf yoshida"

>expect macros to actually work, but they don't
>"lmao autist" from another neckbeard on an ishgardian shepherding forum

One day we will get graphics like FFXV in FFXIV. FF14 runs on a modified version of Luminous

I had the great idea of making a macro that toggled helmet on when I turned tank stance and it was so unresponsive
fuck macros

This is more of a general question than a response to this post in particular, but what enjoyment do people get from making the exact same posts over and over?

People with genuine autism enjoy repetition.

i so sry gaijin, dx9 rimitation no possibru, enjoy moa mgp itemu and rook at cash shoppu to comprete the setto!

Attached: naokiddyfidler yoshidolt.jpg (297x409, 76K)

fixed the scale of the bunny

Attached: 1553908495442.jpg (1890x2649, 2.52M)

Trannies/sissies tend to have autism/adhd. Mental illnesses come in packs.

Someone should really just make a mod for this.

I'm honestly surprised that they didn't stick with that for the localization anyhow since -ra/-ga/-ja isn't consistent across all the jobs for what they'll actually do, but they are self-consistent within the jobs. Fire II, Thunder II and Blizzard II are all AoEs for BLM for example, then Fire III/Thunder III/Blizzard III are all strong single-targets.

It has been pretty full lately. Lots of new players still from twitch prime.

They did use them for the localization in 1.0. Koji switched it in 2.0 under orders from his superiors because they were afraid of scaring off the NA audience that was new to Final Fantasy.

>tfw no bunny gf to crush my head with her thighs

Attached: 1551304887591.png (628x581, 446K)

I remember that, another case of "sirry gaijin won't get it". There's that Great Gubal Library quip in one of the books about how they used to be called -ra/-ga/-ja but Sharlayan decided Spell + Number was a clearer system, I think in the JP version it tells you why they're called Spell/Spellra/Spellga instead or something like that.

Attached: 1532885999652.gif (384x206, 2.17M)



Why would numbers be a clearer system when they have different effects? Its not like Fire II>Fire I.



For that matter, why would a prefix order be clearer? Neither of them make any sense when there isn't a universal progression of spell rank effects anyway.

Funnily enough, when they explained it they were afraid that -ra-ga-ja would imply direct upgrades, but thought that the numbered system would tell newcomers that they were different spells. I don't know what their thought process was.

you don't have to be gay or a tranny to appreciate the human body as a piece of art

Suffix, rather, though the issue remains.

nigga take your meds


mogstation sales when
I need to buy like 3 outfits

Attached: 1553343074755.jpg (248x244, 27K)

Any new slutglam since Stormblood

>most likes in the entire history of OF
>600k+ active players
Boy I can't wait for yoshi to bend over for literally less than 1% of the community

They're not going to delete Hrothgar. I doubt they'll even make any changes to it. They'll probably announce alternate genders for the races to appear sometime mid expansion IF complaints continue.

What what post is this?

You know what survey sampling is right? You don't need to ask literally the entire population of a country to get a popularity poll on a subject with some validity.

1501 what?

>other genders get announced
>BLU is still cucked
I can't even describe how fucking furious I am that ERP faggots ruined this game's potential

thumbs up

Should have bitched more instead of giving up after a week. Plus I think more people showed up to complain once they realized this 'limited' trend was becoming a real thing.

>Imagine if Garlemald got it's hands on Ul'dah's zombie powder

Attached: 1536332151953.png (211x317, 117K)

>Should have bitched more instead of giving up after a week
Nobody gave up, but more people were interested in defending Yoshi-P's """awesome""" minigame than actually wanted to play BLU. Fuck with their cosmetics though, and shit hits the fan.

You'll see more people complaining about something than people saying that that they're ok with it despite it being the bigger group. It's called a loud minority.

Well I guess unlike BLU, not many people are in favor of less choice. For BLU some people think limited job is the right way to go. But for only half a race not so much.

Sure but if the majority doesn't speak up the people in charge tend to start listening to the minority. Everyone wants to call their opposition a 'loud minority' without any proof or certainly to try and discredit their movement.

>For BLU some people think limited job is the right way to go
But anyone who's touched the current incarnation should know what nonsense that is. Limited BLU is literally a lack of choice. The only choice you get is what color 120 potency AoE to spam while you're not doing content.

why is everyone such a passive aggressive bitch in this game? is it a result of playing this game for too long? its like everyone aims to make an enemy first whenever they meet someone new

Attached: 1531062603631.jpg (415x454, 18K)

>without any proof
1500 thumbs up on the no-genderlock thread, when there's 600.000 active players isn't enough proof? And nobody said that we dont want the other genders, it's just silly to see how they will most likely add them even though less than 1% of the community explicitly requested it

I think I will. Might be the perfect chance to try out paladin.

PAGOS wasn't designed for FATE SHIT. Fates were shit in Pagos. You got better exp from just grinding mobs. So, yea, Pagos was designed damn well.

>he thinks complaints are disproportionate in favor of dislike
>when the entertainment industry has known for many decades it's the other way around by a huge ratio

most of the playerbase is lowtest loser sissy/newsoys with a fragile ego and most likely a couple of mental illnesses like adhd/autism/narcissism, or they're women which is all of the same stuff as above and more

A bunch of people not participating doesn't mean they don't have an opinion or have the opposite opinion. Half the U.S. doesn't vote. The amount of representation needed to make a decision doesn't need to be anywhere close to an actual majority.

If it was designed for solely grinding mobs then no, it was not designed well.

And look at the current state of the entertainment industry

Attached: 1546075299412.jpg (768x1024, 80K)

gender locks are stupid but getting hrothgar was worth losing male viera, they can always go back and add the other sex eventuallys but knowing that viera would be the last race we'd ever see would be boring as fuck. given hrothgar need work but still

when the fuck is the benchmark so I can see if I'll actually like viera

I'm not sure what point you think you're making here.

>manlets are disliked
>everyone wants male viera to be manlets
hmm what now germano niggers

Damn, he legit meant to off that queer

Hollywood is pozzed and video games haven't been good in almost 2 decades, the entertainment industry sucks utter ass. Not sure how much polls with tiny fractions of participants contributed towards that

That's the vocal fag minority they like manlets

If you don't provide feedback to a change in a game you have no right to bitch about the change when it does happen and it doesn't turn out how you like. Thats why votes, polls, etc. do matter even if they aren't literally representative of the entire population. Developers are going to see a post with thousands of replies and think "Oh man we have an issue." not "Oh im sure the actual 99% of people who dont use the forums dont care."

That just looks like you're mad that businesses don't view your politics as acceptable to the general market.
Indeed. They know most people don't give feedback to businesses no matter what their opinion is. Telling them what you think is always going to have more impact because they just assume the group of people who feel similarly but don't comment.

>game LITERALLY tells you the NPC shop price of items nowadays in their description
>people still pay 3-10x their price from people buying it from NPC and reselling on marketboard

I'll pay 3x the price of a really cheap item just to save time if its an out of the way NPC.

It's convenience, about not having to go look up where exactly to buy it.

i just paid an extra 20k on an item because i didn't feel like teleporitng to Kugane.

my FC's house is in Shirogane

noob black mage here I'm only getting 6500 DPS out of my rotation on a training dummy at ilvl397 wat do?

>Implying I don't play CASTS and Mechari
Damn nigger you stupid.

Attached: 29270488_p0.jpg (629x814, 58K)

more fire iv

tfw burned my onahole and my dick with a chink usb warmer

Attached: 1542566296444.png (720x720, 802K)

Why do you play CASTs and mechari, user?

Attached: 1493252764634.png (501x451, 192K)

i'm thinking of making a femroe alt for shits and giggles. what job should I play?

War ofc
or if hellsguard, blm

Attached: xiv war art.jpg (300x366, 17K)


Any, hellsguard are canonically good enough mages that they're regularly conscripted by Garleans for both magic and muscle. If you don't want a poopnose the same really applies to sea wolves since one heads the arcanist's guild and Moenbryda had good knowledge of aetheric sciences

I don't think too hard before I do things, I just chronically post!

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This is your character for tonight, say something nice about them

Attached: 1401285173_giberlingi.jpg (800x600, 93K)

Misinfo is misinfo no matter how you dress it up.

>Unironically I just want to see final fantasy use any cool monsters
Yukes would have been pretty cool.


I'll get my bunny boys soon and hopefully everyone else gets what they want too.

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>the asshurt that inevitably follows when "you've clearly never been on balmung" pops up
Gets me every time

Attached: 1552190059580.jpg (567x489, 30K)

i'm at balmung right now. wuw

If by soon you mean two years.

I want east coast servers and they will never happen

>admitting that you're an epic shitposter openly
Good that at least you've got that out of the way.

based, I kekd

Because rambling about trannies and ERPers isn't shitposting, right?

So, they apparently work together and act in threes? That's kind of neat - sort of a Lost Vikings deal.

What I want is to FUCK and IMPREGNATE that 11-year-old

I'm patient, I'm okay with waiting two years as long as I get some cute make characters to play.
I used to live on the east coast and I recall the servers being east for a while back during ARR, were they not? Or were they eastern Canada then?
I don't follow.

Attached: 1548225332223.gif (480x270, 639K)

Have these threads gotten so low that people are falseflagging about completely made up situations?

Attached: im afraid.jpg (1024x657, 47K)

>it's okay to shitpost because others do it

Sorry, meant .

>this shitposting is okay
>yours is not
Your turn

they used to be in montreal but now they are in cali which is the worst place they could be

Well, that's better than screeching like a retard. I got what I wanted in the Hrothgar.

Ah yeah, that was it. Montreal was fairly close to where I lived on the east coast and I now live on the west coast by where the servers are located now. I'm just fairly lucky!
I'm happy to see other people getting what they want, but some cuter smaller boys would be something I'd like to see. Make Miqo'te don't really do it for me and they're about as close as it comes. I'd be more than happy if they were shotas or bunny Alphinauds. I play a female characters at present just because there are no smaller cuter male characters for me to play as.

Attached: 1551199602145.gif (512x512, 799K)

He had a family...didn't had to kill him like that....

Attached: 1492781473682.png (297x413, 118K)

They should have made the new race robots/androids.
The issue people have with Au Ra and Miqote and now Viera are that they're humans with animal parts glued on. The dev team does this because their workflow is limited by Square Enix being jews and not hiring enough staff, so they design meshes for male/female hyurs and then stretch/skew them to fit the other models; you can't really do that for more beastly races because it takes way more effort to map a set of human gear to a Bangaa than to a Viera.
People have in their mind that anything exotic has to be non-human, but making a robot race would be the best of both worlds; they'd have the potential to look incredibly unique visually, while remaining very humanoid to mitigate SE's issue with creating gear.
That, and I want to fuck a robutt.

Attached: 1468659653298.png (1050x1400, 813K)

What about lalafells, user?

I will boil and mash all potatoes.

Attached: c956d2dfb4d9d6abd38f2f5d3f135766.gif (500x473, 1.04M)

what the fuck is mlem

Attached: 1505537059150.jpg (517x768, 195K)

it's similar to a blep

Supposed to be the sound of licking

the boots are goat

Attached: scion glam.png (489x603, 533K)

I don't even care for FF, Just went here to give this man a (you) for his based post


you are a goat

That's a bit rude user. Goats aren't that ugly.

Oh, my sweet summer child.

Attached: mental illness.jpg (2155x2075, 963K)



>trannies appropriating 11yo girls with giant tits
fuck off bitch faggot

NOT fucking fair barafags CAN'T keep getting away with it! First Incineroar gets in Smash and now this... I'm gonna have to get into fucking anime so all this testosterone doesn't hurt my eyes

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That jiggly-ass mod that uses the breast jigglebones looks good on femroes I bet.

I'll mash all the potatoes if you know what I mean

That's a fetish not exclusive to barafags numnuts.

Attached: Mistress-Nikita-FemDom-Videos-Boot-Puppy.mp4.0035.jpg (1077x621, 252K)

me on the left

>Forum post as 1500 likes
>Change.org has 4500 signs

Post yfw yoshida literally ignores this shit.

Are they going to increase the armory bonus again in SHB? How fuckingfast are you going to be able to breeze through levels 1-50 now?

The only reason I posted it was because it's from a faggot who has a harem of saline injecting "pups"

I'm not a tranny, I just deeply resonate with all these anime girl images.

Attached: 232044734053202.gif (359x270, 475K)

Fuck off, we just had this discussion.

White color stockings you wear?

I want to deeply resonate with Hotaru Ichijou's womb.

whatever sissy faggot stop appropriating cute anime girls with your attention whoring mental illness

Attached: ffxiv_03292019_155223_746.png (1600x900, 2.02M)

>4500 is a lot.
If you actually want them to listen you need to stop giving them money.

SEETHING viera tranny.

Yes, we know. There are straight people who also have women with heels step on their dicks; do they represent you?

delete this image right now

didnt he say in a interview they'll make a OF post about the feedback?

No, and fuck off.

Attached: ffxiv_03292019_180310_884.png (1600x900, 2.62M)

This just seems like BDSM cult shit. Meh.

I don't want them to listen you dumb nigger, I know for a fact yoshida the based god he is is going to ignore these idiots.

oh no how will he ever recover from being called the hottest meme of 2019

Apparently you don't, can't you read the post I replied to in the first place?

>Bearer of the Torch

Attached: 1535757457484.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

Attached: buy my game.png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

this is super weird, i remember back when noodlesandbeef was literally a twunk and then started getting bigger.

Oddly enough I remember he always drew himself as super skinny compared to the men he fetishized


Attached: ffxiv_03292019_235830_664.png (336x531, 134K)

awful thread, please do not make another one
thank you in advance

lol'd heartily

Xaela women should have been scaled Highlanders.

No, retard, I replied to the post after that that dismissed the guy you linked. Glad to know the saline's getting to your eyes.

Just admit that you've been blown the fuck out.

>I'm not a tranny
you have hormone tits, i've seen them

>get blown the fuck out
>n-no, YOU got blown the fuck out
So this is a true hrothgar player...

Attached: laughing anime man.png (356x500, 282K)


who /female highlander/ here

Attached: sitdownicookforu.png (1419x997, 835K)

no thanks I like my cute face

Attached: laugh.jpg (750x876, 70K)

i dont even know whos triggering who anymore but yeah hrothgar might be cool, glad it came at the expensive of butt mad bunnies even though we know they'll get them next expansion anyway

Attached: coffee4.png (245x280, 269K)

I was, once.
Then I fantasia'd to chocolate Raen.

Attached: ffxiv_20151029_015452.jpg (1920x1080, 456K)

you can tell male vierafags are still seething

As always, the only people actually being triggered here are retards who think screaming about things on Yea Forums is going to outrage people who aren't aware they exist.

There can't really be trannies who are seething over the lack of male viera, right? They can just play as the sex they're trying so hard to be in real life.

Attached: tpNYPF3.jpg (540x540, 60K)

wtf dude? i really wanted a cute bunny boy

Stop bringing reality into this extended tantrum.

eh it's just gays and fujos seething

Yeah, you're right. It makes the falseflaggers look absolutely retarded.

Trannies are seething over stereotypical gender roles with the Viera and Hrothgar. And since gay guys and fujos are upset over lack of male Viera, it causes trannies to get upset too. It's like a chain reaction.

My body is all mine, user.

Attached: 1494802196405.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Even Japanese people on the official forum have criticised the decision based on gender locking, user. Stop being so obsessed with trannies. It's stupid.

fuck off faggot

T. ranny

Who is ranny?

Making yourself look stupid like that isn't going to make anybody mad. Give it a rest.

Get a job meowie. You're almost 30.

T. Ranny

me in the window


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