Defend censorship right now

Defend censorship right now.

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Just have sex.

2 hours

It doesn't affect me because most of the censored games are nothing but weeb pedobait

Not defending censorship but this.

I am going to empty my balls in my girlfriend later today.

offering yourself?

why her leg and arm gon

It makes people like you mad.

its used against white people so im fine white it

>Defend censorship right now.
people should have the right to sell whatever products they want
yes that goes for the big meanie publishers too

It's not my problem.

I mean, Hitler did the same by burning the books but it's okay when americans do it, lol.

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Without censorship you'd have to look at SFW furry pictures on Yea Forums, and nobody wants to do that.
So thank censorship.

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Good luck and use proteccion

To pander to the same audience as BFV

I just don't care anymore.
Ultimately we have no say because our voice isn't loud enough, and we don't control the flow of money, and nothing we do will change that. You can complain all you want, rally against, boycott games, but ultimately unless they kick the normalfag hive, nothing will change, and even THEN, changes are usually not going to happen, as people just adjust and deal with it anyway.

see:battlefront 2, battlefield 5.

I don't want to look at every degenerate idea that comes into your head, sometimes keeping it to yourself and your in-club is good for the rest of us

I'm not me. So they can't come for me and raise their voice against me.

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What the fuck is this shit? Amputees are shit waifus.

I might care if they censored more than shitty weeb games that everyone only plays for little girls in subjective situations.

Just look at fucking porn.

makes trans peepee very hard but they cant have that because they aare full woo man who dont take no shit from any1

what a retarded analogy, you can simply chose not to buy a game that offend you
how is that the same as post off topics?

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I won't, censors must be beheaded.