Risk of Rain 2

MUL-T is not OP, everyone else just needs to get a buff edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Mercenary is a weeb and I love him

>everyone else just needs to get a buff edition
maybe not engineer but your right about everyone else


need additional gameboy's

Commando is total piss compared to to MUL-T it's not even funny. He's a complete buff

>MULTnigger saving up for a legend chest
>steal the drop when he opens it
Anyone playing such a subhuman class deserves absolutely no respect desu.

Why yes, I destroy enemies with my lasers and claps as a rock golem, how did you know?

Attached: 1552910226634.jpg (1080x1331, 216K)

Loader when?

>iframe roll is bad
based retard

Mercenary is the best of anime incarnate


Here's a something I might finish later
It's been a fun day, goodnight Yea Forums

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I like playing as MUL-T because it lets me use my sick FPS skills to aim well with the sniper rifle but I feel like people always judge me as a spray and pray shitter when I'm not

I'm liking huntress, especially since i'm starting to time her teleports correctly for dodging, i just wish you could sprint sideways instead of being forced to take an arc.

>unlock check, item drops
>game crash
>activate teleporter, boss spawns
>game crash

anyway to stop this? seems to be running smoothly and sudenly the game just freezes and stops responding

Guys what the fuck is way up at the top of the third map? I used the radar use item thing and it showed a ? way up top but I couldn't get to it with huntress. Sorry for no pic.

Can someone post a couple of screens of the Huntress from different angles?

>iframe roll compared to zooming halfway across the map and dealing damage while you do it
>two guns
>two equipments
>better at close range
>better at long range

>Third map

Which map nigga? They're all random, you don't always get the same maps at the same times

So mike what is your opinion on the 3D adaptation of Risk of Rain?

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still havent unlocked artificer

13 hrs so far and the snow map has always been the third map for me

Reminder: Don't be a nigger, it's not hard

Attached: risk of rain.png (854x1385, 627K)

engineer is so based

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new item

Attached: Screenshot_15.png (1919x1199, 2.49M)

>Rock golems in RoR1
>pic related happens, normal ones walk fast too
>Rock Golems in RoR2
>Lasers that out dps you, slow moving enemies, clap memes don't exist
Is this what happens when Providence dies?

Attached: 1545890610410.png (672x1116, 30K)

>These aren't my Lens-Maker's Glasses

Bought the game but copy is only available...
>Any copy sent as a gift can only be activated by the recipient if their Steam account is in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam or Brunei Darussalam.

fuck... wanted to gift one of you fucks

when is the switch release?

I don't get the point of activating the teleport early. You never have enough money afterwards to open the chests

this is the gayest shit i've ever read, clearly someone who has never played this game before.

Anyone else encounter the game not registering damage at times in multiplayer?

*blocks you're path*

Attached: Screenshot (24).png (1915x1079, 1.53M)

Fuck my credit card just expired this week and I'm waiting for the new one till tuesday.
Does anyone have a unused key around? I'll pay back with any game you want in a week if you dare to trust a stranger.
I'll also play with you if you want, I'm pretty decent at vydia.

>don't activate the teleporter until 3 or more people say they are ready
What a stupid fucking image.

>don't bumrush the tele
lol shitter

>tfw really want to play DMC-lite Merc but my toaster is x86 crap

FYI the teleporter only locks chests that are not inside of the teleporter charging sphere user

People are used to rushing tele in Yea Forums's meme but very fun method of playing with artifacts.

>activates teleporter instantly w/o asking depriving entire team of items
>grabs all of the boss drops
>dies on 3rd stage immediately
>rage quits on death

Attached: 1553214173605.jpg (865x900, 249K)

I never realized how much I took sacrifice for granted until playing ror2.
Gold and chests are fucking stupid.

post more thicc huntress

Attached: huntress.png (1920x1080, 1.71M)

I got no one to give my extra copy to

Why in some games do I randomly roll automatically?

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Why does my game feel slow randomly? Even on main menu I feel like I'm getting 15 fps for minutes at a time before it shifts back, despite it never falling below my cap of 60

There are two ways of playing the game
>rushing teleporters as fast and possible and getting all the items you can afterwards to keep level scaling low
>taking your time and letting the level scaling ramp up but having more items to compensate
neither is wrong

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Same here

That's the correct way to play Risk of Rain no matter what artifacts are enabled.
>why do people try to finish levels in a timely manner when the game gets more and more difficult the longer it lasts?
This isn't brain surgery.

>that graphics quality

Attached: 200%angry.jpg (1024x576, 94K)

>Easier to do well and get a better score

>More fun with people


>Just had awesome hour long game where I unlocked 2 characters and got the Obelisk.
>First game as Engineer
This game is already fucking great, but what am I missing about MUL-T? I played him a few times and just found him very boring, what's broken about him?


>Buy game
>Don't give away my second copy to my friends on Yea Forums

Right here, chief.

Wrong is being in the middle of these two strategies.

what is that character and how do I unlock

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post commandos

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stone titans laser is ridiculous

Always felt retarded Yea Forums rooms in RoR had such a hard on for Glass mode. I hope they leave that shit out of RoR2, or make it detrimental enough that no one wants to use it.

are you NA?

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>For me, it's the engineer.

Attached: 1548089690616.jpg (1080x1331, 319K)

All righty, thanks. That gives a fair idea of the main points from behind.

na engie boys join up

both silly

If you don't find anyone to send it to, I could use it.

[email protected]

i have a toaster user

it was actually triple flaming stone titan, so i was mega fucked
artificer, go to the bazaar and give the moonjew you hard earned shekles

sent ;)

>why do people want items in an item-collect-a-thon roguelike?
it doesn't take that long to collect items. have an ounce of patience and courtesey. no one wants to play with speedrunning niggers on their team

Wrong is also having some teammates trying to play one strategy while other teammates try to play the other. Ya gotta get on the same page

someone EU host

Honestly, I want a slight change of Engie's mechanics. Instead of having to mash M1 to get him to shoot in tight situations where he has to move but still keep up a steady stream of damage, just make it so holding M1 causes him to continuously fire, and instead make his charge mechanic happen whenever he's not holding M1. That way you're not either sitting there with your finger on the button all day, or you're not frantically mashing if shit goes south and you have to beat a hasty retreat.

reminder mul-t is for niggers and playing him is literally cheating

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I mean, playing singleplayer isn't hard faggots. You click the button that says, "Singleplayer". It's the one under profile. Sorry I feel the need to dumb this down as only people with Low IQ's play multiplayer and do this shit.

Weird, I got the game as a US customer and a friend of mine who is a Philippines customer redeemed it fine. Were you a SEA customer?

are you playing on a ps2 or something?

Is there a way to run this borderless windowed?

how do you access the bazaar?

It's too late, user. Enemies in this game die at a reasonable rate instead of just being a mob of boring bullet sponges and there is nothing you or any other anti-glassfag can do about it. We won.

i got to the top in the swamp map and all i got was textures with no colission


I need to learn how to loot fml
at least they left some boss pickups for me :)

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need 1 more

Commando was shit even in RoR1. Other classes did his job better than he did. Theres a reason why he's the starter class, because he's the babby job you're forced to play until you unlock something better.

>he thinks creating a shitty copy paste infographic with disinformation puts him on a pedestal over other veterans coming from ror1
ror indeed

Why is the vagrant so fucking bullshit this time around ? This blue explosion bullshit is literally too fast to get away from and nearly one-shots you

Playing Huntress was literally cheating in the first game. Not surprising the second game like all rogue likes, have 1 character who's fundamentally OP as fuck

it runs in borderless by default

What's so special about MUL-T? I just unlocked him and he's stupidly durable sure but he does no fucking damage. Even with a couple of crowbars I wasn't seeing much in the way of results.

I personally prefer running arc thingy, like a higher skill cap or some shit

Ah. I think I see what your game is.
That's unkind, user.

of course the furfag would hate robots

I pick up all the boss drops for myself and dont let my teammates get any

use a frog coin on one of the bulbs

What items are OP?

crashes on startup for me. updated drivers, disabled antivirus, reinstalled, disabled steam overlay and a bunch of other minor stuff. wut do

fullscreen is borderless windowed

EU, but nvm, got a friend to give me his card. I can still be your bull if you're into that.

If you're US, you can gift it to anyone all over the world. If you're in the Philippines, you can only gift it to other SEA niggers.

It's not that hard to understand user. Only some regions have a region locked copy.

Is there Ancient Scepter this time?

>running around map as usual
>see weird flicker on the ground
>run back to it
>"open cloaked chest"

>don't fucking activate it until 3 or more people say they are ready

They clap if you get close

Maybe you should have bought the game.

Topic locked.

The game is currently in endless mode right? no last level and boss?

Dont do this to me


EU join up

he's just super versatile
the only thing GENUINELY broken about him is that if you activate the crit active item then fire his nailgun, as long as you keep firing it snapshots the crit buff indefinitely
but mostly it's the versatility:
>some of the best long-range shooting in the game
>shreds bosses
>dash gives him high damage reduction and is a good source of map mobility
>aoe stun that applies on-hit effects with both the main blast and grenadelets
>high base movement speed to find teleporters faster and save precious time
>gets to use two active items and fuel cells have doubled effects on him
just very solid and versatile


big blue portal that sometimes shows up
you can force one by offering a shekel to a newl statue
ah, then that's understandable
ocular hud can give him permanant crits

activate tele right away

I gave my extra copy to a friend who played it for literally 2 minutes, and then said it was lame. He always wants to play shitty mmorpgs with me, plays gacha games on his phone... this feeling is much worse.

screenshot right now or you're a liar.

Host when?

Pubs in this game are the worst.
Everyone wants to take their time killing monsters and THEN start the teleporter and wonder why it's three difficulty levels higher in the beginning.

Now this is what i call speed.

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its a gifted steam copy

get in brehs

not that user but I have a US gift that's good anywhere then I guess

this shit reminds me of Vermintide.
moving fast is good, but leaving behind your teammates is unarguably worse

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US to any other is fine to gift but can't the other way around. That's just how regions work.

Is there a way to play multiplayer if you pirated

>ror veterans
Ah yes, the Glass, Command, Sacrifice, Spite veterans. What a fun way to play the game where you die instantly, and get to watch 2 players run around the map hopping around forever!

>he can't survive on easy/medium scaling
>calls others low iq

I figured it had to be some equipment. In 5 games of completely scouring levels I never found 2 equipments in a game.


What makes him a weeb?

Spite is fucking retarded but I can't imagine playing the game without those other 3

Once MUL-T gets nerfed soon, which he will given Hotpoo tweeted about it, Artificer will become the new OP class.

or fuck off
guess which one you are

Which map?

Also someone needs to discover what the buttons in the desert do

>Wonder why it's three difficulty levels higher in the beginning
>Almost to HAHAHAHAHA by the start of lap 2
How do you die to worms in RoR2?

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poast proof of itemless loops please

>which he will given Hotpoo tweeted about it

they open the gate, where are the buttons?

How much longer do you get the extra copy if you buy? Can't figure out when that ends.

Anybody lose their save game after running the game again?

>Not having any chance to play the game because some autists decided this is how the game should be
The delusions of Yea Forums's autism is astounding

NA bitches


how in the holy fuck do you kill magma worm as merc i just get lit on fire and die

that's unfortunate
i personally like getting the primordial cube and the fruit on him, especially since the black hole lines up stuns and nailgun shots and the fruit can be held as backup heals

I don't have a screenshot but if you run around and see a brownish flicker on the ground it's a cloaked chest

So mage is objectively the most fun, right guys?

9 minutes.


eh, kinda?

You don't really need to group in RoR2 unless everyone on your team has no defensive items or mobility. If you have high mobility the worst thing you can do is stand around with your team.

Enjoy these early days of RoR2 my friends. Savor the fun of the randomness. For these days will end eventually, mark my words, when the dev implements artifacts and everyone on Yea Forums only uses the boring ones from RoR1.

you get the extra copy till 30 of march

Who else stuck with RoR1 until they get paid?

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Yeah if you are a melee guy.
Rock golems could at least reach to the long range guys easily with enough time.

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>cries about dying 10 seconds into the round
that's infinitely more pathetic. and on top of that your gameplay is generally trash, therefore anything thing you say out of that anus you call a mouth can be disregarded. last free you from me

Correct, but snapfreeze is also objectively the most unsatisfying ability in the game

Pretty much. Everyone begging for money to buy all the drones and shit. No one wants to stay in the tele vicinity so I get eaten by a clay walker since I'm the only one trying. And now I'm waiting watching them all grind cash. This shouldn't be 10 minutes per level. Holy fuck.

use your r, get a fuck load of attack speed so that it hits a ton. Get crit

>clay map
>no clay teleporting niggers
big yikes from me

I think it spawns in random places, don't if there is more than one at a time

got paid today :^)

>Gameplay is generally trash
>doesnt even know how I play the game
Wew lad, seethe over someone calling the way you play ROR shit some more.

I unlocked engi, mul-t, huntress
how do I get the other 2

109775240998687371 come on fellahs

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My only real problem right now is the lack of end area / final boss. I know it'll be added in later but knowing there's only looping for now takes some excitement away from a run since there's no real actual end to the game yet.

leaving behind teammates was more akin to using teleporter before people are ready and able to progress. not literally grouping together.
although there are some really good synergies with items. My friend and I used the blackhole Cube item + Lunar ice pillar thing in conjuction and it was bretty nice

Yeah, snapfreeze is boring as hell. Hopefully it gets reworked at some point.

Has anyone else found an invisible chest yet?

So how do you play mage?

My guess is the katakana and instant transmission, *teleports behind u* attacks.

>attack speed affects the r
Oh holy shit

Don't be a fucking idiot. You get money while looking for the teleport and you get items from boss and telecharge money.
>already on impossible difficulty by level 3
>a-at least I got like 4 more items and a healing bot though

So a few more hours? Or is it sometime within saturday?

MUL-T sucks.. I just tried him, not sure what the hype is about.. His grenade is nice, and that is it..

WOW he can change to a slow as fuck railgun type thing that does as much dps as his normal gun WOW

For any other fellow artfags out there here's a good ref I put together.

Attached: huntressref.png (1068x543, 584K)

wtf is he really gona nerf commando

You already said how you play the game

dont forget the FAT ASS

I'm convinced you shitters simply don't know how Snapfreeze actually works. See that last part in the image? That's what you wanna pay attention to. You get enemies low on health and then you freeze them. Alternatively you freeze them and then get them low on health. There's a threshold where once the enemy gets low enough, they explode.

t. Professional Artificer player

Attached: Snapfreeze.png (604x84, 40K)

Have the money, just don't have the luxury of spending it. Screw it, the original Risky Rain had Yea Forums threads all the time, I'm sure this will be the same.

anyone got an extra key?


Fuck, autocorrect, katana is a word!

Now post the other models
Enemies too
Hell post a whole zip of it.

Attached: huntress.jpg (1358x773, 204K)

Anyone activated shrines of order? What does it do?

yeah this shit is gay as fuck, I've seen a couple

>4 items a level
>die when I get to level 4
b-b-but at least I played fast right guys?


1 boss item and maybe 1 chest isn't enough to keep going if you've actually played the game
unless you're the nig that takes all boss items and makes everyone watch you play the next level until you die

>It's like I'm wearing nothint at all

>Medkit lore is about the Enforcer
Is he going to be in the game or are they going to kill him through the lore?

Attached: enforcer.jpg (738x800, 160K)

You a pussy if you don't activate every single Mountain shrine.

>a whole zip
I just screenshotted it using the ingame model viewer (logbook).

Noice, just what I need.
>tfw realise the pose I chose is almost identical to another recent Huntress picture because there are only so many ways to contrive her into an angle that shows off her ass

It's true, you can find them with the scanner that shows all objects in the map. They don't cost any money to open I think.

They're pretty free if you have the item that scans the whole map for chests.

>Have enough money to buy RoR2
>refuses to buy more games until i'm done with the last ones i bought

i wish i wasn't this autistic and i wish that the only game left on my list wasnt Subnautica, this is gonna take a while

>use challenge stone.
>Portal spawn 3 or 4 Stone Golem bosses
>Level spawned Magma Worm decides now is the to fuck with us.
>Get melted by the continuous laser beams.

Double wandering vagrant is also aids.

Attached: 1454229019461.gif (480x270, 1.66M)

I've only managed to find one of these things they're almost completely invisible

Attached: 1544837610347.jpg (631x658, 38K)

Offer expires March 30th at 12PM PT.


when is acrid

is there a water level yet

Get in line.
Wait a minute. Does the fucking retard who made this realize chests get unlocked after the teleporter event is completed? Image text seems to imply otherwise.

>5 hours in
>only 2 lunar coins


People juat say whoever they got their first OP build with is OP. Except artificier, she is pretty meh

>Get in line.
what a slut

Stack boss damage, farm with m1, m2, and r. Finish with retard ice fence.

Nah, I like the mechanical engagement and limitations (being you) with the current design now. That would just make it less engaging and allow higher performance with less effort, and thus being less satisfying and fun.

>2h in
>4 lunars
gotta get lucky user

>tfw wasted 3

US bois

Why yes I play Bandit. How could you tell?

Attached: KoAvFZk.png (859x960, 327K)

Which in practice is gonna be all but like 2 at most, because maps are big and the teleport zone is small.

I think sideways sprinting would make her too strong

Are there any known rules for Lunar Coin spawns like one per stage or one per run?

>the only thing GENUINELY broken about him is that if you activate the crit active item then fire his nailgun, as long as you keep firing it snapshots the crit buff indefinitely
that also works with the attack speed boost you get during a frenzy from the berzerker's pauldron

>tfw no fren to give you a key to play with

I hope they don't bring command back
Straight up baby mode

do they drop from enemies or chests?

He's supposedly in the files as people have been saying, just no models.
HAN-D and Bandit Models exist already just need to be implemented.

Okay, I just bought it
Hope you paid shills are happy now
Just kidding, I loved the first game.

My wife Huntress

Attached: tumblr_pgtotbEglS1wi4hlao1_1280.png (1280x1067, 488K)

jesus fuck the timed chest item is good
i just sent a group of bighorn bison straight to the shadow realm

Strong and fun are not the same thing


>i now have to live with the possibility that I'm missing tens upon hundreds of invisible chests with every run
You son of a bitch.

Attached: 1545913750210.jpg (629x590, 18K)

Last time I was up there, it was just a newt altar or whatever you wanna call it.

>die when you get to level 4 because the game is already coming for you
>same outcome but you wasted twice as much time
>kill the boss and shittons of enemies that spawn as you fight the boss and that have already spawned as you look for the teleporter
>maybe 1 chest
what game are you playing?

This clipboard lobby system is so fucking easy to join. Why is this the only game that uses it?

No it's just random chance of dropping when killing an enemy, but they are somewhat rare so you won't see more than 2 in a level.

Friendly Tip: In ROR 1, only like 10 item givers would spawn on the map at any time. In ROR 2, you can find over 20 item givers in the map, not counting hidden chests, legendary chests, or timed chests. Going fast and being a fag is doing a disservice to yourself when theres so many item chests in a map

1 More needed

The only reason your pic related doesn't happen is because those yellow teleporting bastard variants aren't in the game yet

Fucking how? Tips on how to use that character correctly, pls?

>Probably used the Crystal glitch in RoR1
Yeah right
Now let a real Commando & THE LAW chad through.

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time to draw fat huntress ass

only 2 more lunar coins

Attached: 1541039328743.gif (240x206, 1.12M)

because the creator is a Yea Forumstard and knew we would whine if we had to add each other on steam

Enforcer was always my favourite, even though I was shit with him.


>not having emergency funds ready at any time
you deserve your pain

If I play in a lobby and one of them buys the toon using Lunar Tokens, do I get them too?

the cost of chests go up. you have to kill enemies to get money. getting those items upfront is easier when it takes < 3 sec to kill something on the first 2 levels
it's not very convenient to try and get items when you're on the 4th or 5th level and enemies take a year to kill. slow is fast

Someone with a sword and a gun

if anyone got an extra US copy I'd love it
id Ooku

primary fire is just something you sprinkle in between other shit
nanobomb wrecks everything
treat wall like engie mines
framethrower is for crowds and bosses

if you are in danger, just run like a bitch

Imagine thinking glass is bad when it just makes the game more fun

Melee man but with big sword instead of kataner

ror 1 is better youre not missing out on anything

No, I just did this with a friend and I was the only one who unlocked the character.

Make health and siphon enemies?
We already have a Mage, what else can be in the game? We even got another new robot.

Legit this is the best designed multiplayer lobby system i've seen in the last 3 years.
MHW comes close but network errors and it being behind like 5 menus makes it considerably worse.

>No IPs to fuck around with
>No IDs to fuck around with
>No friends list to fuck around with
>Instantly copy to clipboard and read from clipboard
>Not buried under a dozen menus
Hopoo if you're reading this I hope this shit catches on.

For all current charge characters, you can begin a sprint after a charge and maintain it until you fire.


just did a quick test
preon annihilator deals about 2500 damage without items

Fighting game style character who has a damage blocking parry that if you time well instantly resets the cooldown

Playable Lemurian using a bunch of scrapped armor remnants from whatever RoR1 classes they don't keep.
Playable version of the newt guy from the Bazaar.

Attached: 1551608508745m.jpg (768x1024, 142K)

do you know what else kills enemies when they're low on health? your gun.

drake... where's the teleporter

Then don't die like a fag if you run it that way.

>he hates funballs
Hopoo confirmed funballs are coming back so get fucked

>Playable Lemurian using a bunch of scrapped armor remnants from whatever RoR1 classes they don't keep.
>his main weapon is a pickaxe

Attached: 1505163108021.png (240x224, 3K)

Snapfreeze isn't that bad, it's just really boring with how few enemies it can both hit and actually work on

>He doesn't have it unlocked
L M A O ing at you fucks.

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this is how every game would be like if PC was the only platform

Based drawfriends

This is what speedrunners like you deserve.

i hope you know funballs will never be as great as it was when the game was 2d because it'll lag everyone's potato ass pcs

It's right there. See I marked it with mouse 3

Just so I'm sure: you were reporting me, right? I'd hate to have been gifted me a US copy that another user could use.

divinity original sin 2 did the same thing. this is a great way to do multiplayer. however i do still want dedicated servers and a way to directly connect via a server browser.
especially because 4 people isnt enough. id love to have alteast 8 people in a round.

Stack with boss damage and additional charges for optimal boss deletion

When is Hoppo changing the Golem laser? It's terrible and makes the Gilded Golem unbeatable.

Who wants a copy of this game?

>RoR2 is finally in early access
>tfw my GPU has been acting up for a few weeks and it usually crashes 1-20minutes into any game
>the new GPU I ordered didn't get delivered today so I have to wait until monday to play

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif (500x715, 518K)

why is it so good Yea Forums?

Attached: burn-after-reading_55006629-1280x688.jpg (1280x688, 285K)

>finally join a lobby
>game crashes
I just want to shoot stuff as the lightbulb man bros...

Attached: 1553880529042.gif (200x200, 28K)

which might explain why I get so many
all I do basically all game is kill enemies
might be the reason I never have items

NA East

That .gif is exactly why I mentioned that.


>funballs didn't lag everyone's potato ass pcs in ror1

I could take it, thank you.

[email protected]

loli android/bug waifu

i want a rocket launcher class

>enter cave level for the first time
>dick around for a couple minutes
>notice i'm being hit by rocks
>"where the fuck are they coming from"
>they're being flung at me from across the map
>terrified that cremator is a thing that possibly exists until i notice a crabbo moving
Best horror game of 2019.

is there any mega of this game anywhere from one of these threads? I cant afford to buy it for a while

even my potato pc was smooth as butter when you killed 10 slimes in a row user...

everyone here that doesn't have one

Should have posted steam id

Searching frantically for the teleporter and not finding it?

user just get behind him

>get to 3rd stage of loop solo
>"a celestial orb has appeared"
>fucking finally, gonna unlock merc
>game crashes during the boss

Anyone else having crashing issues? This is the second time but it might be GPU related since its a few years old and hovers ~80-90C while I play.

Hop in fags

Attached: 1.jpg (397x580, 32K)

yeah i almost oneshot a medium stone titan with no items
its pretty fucking good


>get to second stage
>nobody can find the teleporter
>everyone quits
now THAT'S ebin

>everyone's potato ass pcs
Speak for yourself poorfag

>Wasted a shit ton of lunar coins not knowing what the heck they were


Can you get achievements from multiplayer?

I hope when/if Hopoo brings back funballs they'll just be 2D billboarded sprites ripped straight from RoR1 for maximum hilarity.


They died at a reasonable rate in RoR1 too, if you weren't some shitter sporting nothing but goat hooves.

you cant afford $20?

Yes, that is the most wrong you can possibly be.

Have a free copy I am never gonna use as my chad friends won't play anything but CS.

Who wants?

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1 more
East coast

me please

just be yourself

oh shit, thought the chest was bugged, i'm retarded

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tight budget right now, car registration coming up


It doesn't work that way I just died behind him. That shit ruined my mood and now I'm probably not gonna play the game for days or until it's changed.

I'd like to take it, user
[email protected]

How do you play this game? Is it kb+mouse only? I played the old RoR on an arcade stick but I feel like that ain't gonna fly here.

Oh no don't you start, I dodged once behind one of these stone faglords and the laser came out of its butt to hit me. The laser can be outrun if you're near the boss however

likely American; 40% can't afford a $400 emergency.


EU get in here 109775240998712592

What's the best Q equipment currently? I usually just take the missiles

I get why it's a thing, but it's just a bit jarring until i wrap my head around it.

you guys know you can literally just edit in lunar coins in your userdata right

Rolling ball character with high utility and crowd control, considering the terrain on every level.

>about to make a comback after the whole squad was wiped out and i've almost beat the level on my own
>randomly get sent back to menu

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Guess who's feeling /generous/

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>laying it on someone's financial abilities when you're most likely talking to a 12 year old
yeah you sure showed him

I really like the Black Hole.

>butter figers

If I see you in the party van I swear im going to fucking give you your daily dose

Necromancer that allows you to raise Corpses
Knight, which has a big sword and shield, his Secondary is a shield bash which pushes anyone infront of him back, his third ability is a shield dash, which pushes anyone infront of him to the side and deals damage, his ultimate allows him to attack faster and sprint faster for a limited period of time.

east coast

[email protected]


>you guys know you can literally just cheat right

I hope I'm not the only one who's having trouble finding teleporters

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proabbly you? I'm the guy who asked for the mega email is [email protected] if you can spare a free copy

Imagine being poor lmao

The robot is fucking busted
You can't die with this thing unless you want to

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What's the worst boss and why is it Dunestrider

mods, do your work

has anyone been having problems with it crashing your computer? I had no problems playing stuff last night but I start running this and my machine shuts down completely at random

Sounds like a valve side thing to prevent people purchasing games cheaper from other regions.

Were Engi’s turrets this busted in RoR1? I remember the missiles being OP but not much else

Newfag here, 'm playing now for almost an hour. and I kind of want to stop and go to bed, should I just kill myself in game or does it end soon? I beat the lava level and am now in the snow level again.

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My pc exploded yesterday and I lost my profile. Had to make a new one and now whenever I unlock stuff I close the game to guarantee my progress is saved.

I would take it user, if you are willing that is

109775240998717263 west coast

it was found out that red particles show up around where the teleporter spawns, so you can see it from quite a distance away.

>you mean it won't eventually be like just the way it was with 1 where everyone shares 100% savefile.ini and then just play for fun?
come on you don't fight the eventuality

The clay pot boss is hard as fuck to fight, you kite one attack and he instantly changes it and does the other. Hes a prime nigger, especially when his secondary attack negates cover and just goes over it

>Why yes, I do beg for 20$ games. How could you tell?

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is that the one that SUCCs
Magma is probably the best boss, atmosphere wise even if the difficulty isn't as high as it feels like it.

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>black hole and huntress
goodness me

There's no ending right now
Just kys



when are we gonna get higher player counts?

I don't think RoR1 turrets took items. On-hits maybe but not the defensive stuff.

Is there only 1 biome for levels 3 and 4? If so, can we assume more biomes will be in a future patch?

That's pretty irrelevant. If everyone else wants to do it the easy, it' not my problem.

Is there an "how to unlock characters via save edit guide for dummies" yet

radar usable item shows you hidden stuff too.

>He thinks only 12-year-olds ask for torrent links for games that cost practically nothing
Fuck off back to lurking, newfag.

can i has gaem

Kinda depends on the character. Anything that flies kinda sucks for the engineer

Alright, thanks

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where the FUCK is my playable scavenger hopoo

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finding the teleporter is not fun

What about those first fifty enemies you're forced to kill before you have half a billion damage ups?

Unironically, thank you very much user

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He's one of those awful enemies where the tracking on his attacks is fucking disgusting so it's far too difficult to actually evade them unless you have like 3 goat hoofs. Like Wisps and Golems. Except Dunestrider does a lot more damage.

someone posted the instructions a few threads ago, it is really not hard

also all the characters are easy besides merc

>I was shit with him
No user, HE was shit, not you

I fucking hate that Jellyfish for one good reason, her exploding attack. Fuck that shit, there is no escaping it, does cover help?

Just get a job you worthless NEETs

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east coast

was glitched before should be working now


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Cover is the only way to not take damage from it.

Fuck jobs, I hate them

was a good time

>there's a secret boss in the abandoned aqueduct
Are there more?

Going fast is okay and want to open all the chests because you'll have enough anyways. There are more than in RoR1 so hang outside of the teleporter area until boss is done for spawns. The only reason you'll be salty in multiplayer for tele early is because you're ashitter who wants all the items for themselves.

This guy has a health bar but he doesn't attack me. Should I attack him?

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do it

Since you put your items on in this game, you ARE the scavenger before he goes insane

It's worth a shot. I'm interested in the game.
[email protected]

>Early Access

How do I unlock the other characters? Commando fucking sucks

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do you really think that, user? no need to be angrier than you need to be now.

Goddamn look at that booty

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command was awesome, let you "build" your character

pretty sure you can buy this game for neetbux

Well, that's disappointing to hear.

no, he will kick you out

Check the Logbook.

i got free shitcoins from coinbase and bought it with those

You can't hurt him.

is my speedy boy gonna make it in?

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hi i have quastion
so steam says "This game is not giftable in your territory." when im in checkout, does that only apply to the personal copy or does that mean the copy that goes in my inventory isn't giftable either?

I've been on this first level for 15 fucking minutes and I still can't find the teleporter

Yeah, I really do think newfags should lurk more.
Enjoy RoR2 though; the game is dope.

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>not CHEF or acrid
rip my favorite robo and alien bros
Can we expect DLC for this one?


Well now I feel dumb.

>tfw getting that amethyst item and permanantly stacking his ms buff from stealth

I fucking hope he comes back.

There's already blog footage of him so yes

your inventory copy won't be giftable. Haha aussie fag

The one you get in your inventory is giftable

please respond

I think it just means you can't take advantage of the BOGO to get 2 giftable copies for 1. I bet once the sale is over it will be giftable

im from california >:(
aaa now i dont know what to believe

guys how should I be playing this game?

Should I run off and grab items that are far away after the boss is killed or fuck it go to the next one?

>try to land on it as merc
>fall through it

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>50k concurrent on steam
Jesus, I had no idea the game was this popular

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>beetle queen has some big tits and a fat ass
Alright Yea Forums, wheres the art?

US code please
[email protected]

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Enforcer just didn't work well. Plenty of attacks would go through his shield and hit his back hitbox anyway

Oooh, if you got quads, I would have given you my copy

Look for glowing red particles, they show you where the teleporter is.

>Can only ever find one fucking switch in the desert

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16 players confirmed!

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You can gift it

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can my shitty laptop run it bros?

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imagine the lag

imagine the crashes

Post reference pics and you might get some eventually.
Although I'm going to assume this isn't some sexy anthropomorhic bug lady.

why does the miner have a welding helmet? What purpose does that serve, it looks auto darkening too so its gonna randomly get bright and dark and he wont be able to see shit

shrine of order gave me 39 energy sips
that's a 790% speed increase

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Is my boy Sniper confirmed in?

that's the leaderboards you retard

what switch?

what items are most important for mercenary, and how the fuck do i kill worms as him

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ty sir appreciate u

My GPU keeps crashing and locking up my PC but that happens in all games so probably not related. RoR2 itself ran without problems for me.

>be autistic and decide to try a one item theme build
>watch as first mountain boss drops 4 whisps
>get a 3d printer for whisps on next level
>25 whisps of fury
> watch as i lightly slap a lizard before it violently explodes into 7k damage causing chain explosions.
>Wizard actually throwing some damage

So this is how it feels to play Mul-T.

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to open the hidden chamber, you need to find two

Yeah, I did notice that, but I just figured it was my positioning letting overheads get through, or something.
Always thought there was an optimal way of using his abilities in bursts that I just wasn't getting.

Can't they ban you for that?

Every fucking game.

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feather and speed boosting

Because hes a space miner, probably uses some bright ass shit to burn through the rocks.

Attack Speed
Extra Mags
Alien Head
Hyper Thrusters
Congrats you are a human thunderbolt now

>arcade stick
>on a third person shooter
Yeah not gonna happen.

It has controller support but who the fuck plays shooters with a controller? kb+m if you're not a shitter.

What makes MUL-T so good?
I don't think I get the guy

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Engie+ sprouting fungus + turrets = unkillable

add in that afterburner for 3 bubble shields and game is ez mode

What would be the point?

wow thats actually impresive

hey dude ill draw you something but i suck


what are these items?

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user you've made my cold heart chuckle

I can't for the life of me clear the fucking hell zone or whatever it is, between the big Imps, Elder Lemurians, and Greater Wisps, I just die instantly 100-0 at some point whenever I'm in there, never even seen the teleporter. And since it takes like a fucking hour to get in there I can't really fuck around with it either. I just want Merc.

well you're fucking stupid if you need us to explain that

>see people in these threads talking about cheating to unlock characters

wtf? You can unlock all characters in under 5 hours. Are you really that fucking impatient?

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bandit, sniper, HAN-D and enforcer datamined, also possible switch edition

stack fast moving items like goat hoof and energy drink to go at absolute mach speeds


Don't worry, everyone thought that at first, it's not telegraphed well because you see an area of effect and immediately think you need to get out of it like every other AoE attacks.

t. can't explain it

Do you think I have time to be autistic and play for hours on end to just unlock one guy? Come on.

Hmm, this was a clan tag in UT99 but I doubt it's the same one.

this is true except for artifacter which comes down to RNG

I played he first game but never online. What's the proper etiquette for sharing loot equally?

somebody tell me wtf bros

reddit.com/r/riskofrain/comments/b7306r/future_character_bandit_found_in_files_and/ejozk9e/ datamined

isnt the portal for merc rng too

Is there a reliable way to find the teleporter?
Got stuck on the second level for literally 30 minutes and couldn't find it the life of me.

>double damage turrets with THREE (3) lives

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first come first serve if you have the money

if you're farming for a chest stand next to it


even the artificer only needs 11 coins, which you can get after a handful of runs

do you niggers have ADD?

>most efficient way of playing huntress is to always be sprinting
>get 5 monster energy drinks
>also have 4 goat and 5 whip
>can't keep an enemy within lock-on range for more than 1 shot
>sprinting out of combat will literally phase me through geometry

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> Parry/Reflect character who can, if you time it perfectly, block a continuous laser from a big stone golem
> Character with skill instead of ability based movement literally just port Soldier from team fortress 2
> healer/damage-to-HP-siphoner


>nailgun does absolutely retarded damage closerange and can get infinite crits thanks to a glitch
>two equipments you can have another equip on top of the one needed for infinite crits bug
>railgun also does retarded damage, has infinite range with no falloff, and penetrates all enemies
>grenade is just fucking good in general
>dash shoves fucking everything out of the way at fifty gorillion MPH, plus it's the only special which lets you stay dashig after use right noe

Will do fine on low graphix

NA east

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git gud at noticing the small red orbs. they don't just float directly over the teleporter but a bit around it too.
turning your gamma up a little bit may help too

too soon faggot

I have 6-7 hours and like 8 coins

not sure I follow, do you mean the bazaar?

Im in the same boat as you and so far it seem "fuck you got mine" is the way to

It's the Glass/Command faggots from RoR1, just ignore them.

Is there a 100% save floating around anywhere? Played for about 10 hours only to crash and lose everything. I found a guide on how to unlock every character through save editing, but I haven't seen anything on unlocking items.

Teleporters makes some red-orange sparkles, that's the only way to notice it and it still took us 30 minutes to find it in that swamp map with a friend.

Is there a way to do true fullscreen? Game is pretty pixelated but not intensive so I wanna bump resolution. But DSR doesn't work in fake fullscreen.


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your coins save?

not working

>tfw I mained Miner back in RoR1
It hurts bros

Yeah, lunar coins are permanent.

möchte irgendein Bernd meine zweite Kopie haben?

As far as I can tell it has no iframes in this game

yes, they save from run to run, also
do you have it set to friends only?

im fucking retarted

>Queen's gland spawn a beetle guard
>stacking glands increases the amount of guards in your team

Restart the game between each round to save your shit. I luckily crashed in my first game to learn that shit didn't save.

is there a reapers scythe in the game? that was one of my fav greens from 1 but i havent found one yet

Lunar items that you can only get from spending lunar tokens
The crown is the only one that's slightly good and it synergizes very well with the crowdfunder

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You're not alone, user. I had like 8 and spent them all thinking that I would lose them, not realizing that I needed 2 more for an unlock.

Played on Monsoon for the first time once I got the hang of things. Got a Harvester's Scythe as my first green.

There is.

That's me
Were you in it or do you just remember it?

Harvester's Scythe? It's in the game, but I think you unlock it by completing a challenge..

>That host that takes all the boss items and kicks you when you're the only one left killing the boss and he doesn't want to wait.