What the fuck is going on with the huge difficulty circle jerk around this game? Its a challenging game sure...

What the fuck is going on with the huge difficulty circle jerk around this game? Its a challenging game sure, but its not some super hard gauntlet chasm.

>Oh im such a gamer haha I liek to play hard games like Sekiro!
>Uh this game is hard ;( ouchies! ~_~
>Bro... you WILL die playing this just wait until you get to this one boss, I was on him for hours brah, Get this game it makes you feel like a true gamer

Its honestly worse than people who act like the game is easy

Attached: VExWFF9.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop being an attention whore, OP

I actually feel Sekiro is the most fair action game since Ninja Gaiden Black. I never felt like dying was the games fault a single time.

it's the exact same circlejerk that's been around from's games since dark souls 1 except amplified even moreso

Because literally every game is dumbed down to the point of retardation these days so its refreshing to have a game that doesn't treat you like an idiot and is actually challenging.

Because its fun to meme it up and piss off people who cant deal with it and are insecure about it. The game is no big deal

Idk, it wasn't any different than like my first playthrough of a Souls game

most I got stuck on was like 30 mins on sword saint Isshin's 2nd phase. I've seen people claim they were stuck for like 3 hours on the chained ogre which just sounds like a complete fucking lie, no one can be that bad at games

Did you learn all the attacks and parry them or did you sprint around and whittle down boss hp

It's not about being hard, it's about being hard AND also fair, fun and rewarding, like you know, an actual good game.

what is the reward

I just beat Bloodborne on my PC, and I didn't really think that was hard either. Aside from the defiled watchdog (who took me 50 fucking minutes to kill) I got pretty much everything on my first or second try, and I'm not particularly good at games. I can't even imagine how fucking bad the average player would have to be to struggle with a fromsoft game.

A fast paced battle with a nice rhythm to it that looks and feels like a proper fight between swordsmen

It's a feeling you get from learning game mechanics and getting over stuff you tought was impossible, discovering a new zone you tought you would never see.

Not him, but his second phase is easy to learn to parry. It's the slower hit boxes of the spear mixed with the sword is when it becomes more difficult to parry.

Feeling of progression, getting good, new neato environments, an unfolding story with 4 different conclusions, and very cool and unique boss fights.

Attached: Sekiro 2019.03.27 - (640x360, 2.95M)

meant to reply to
kinda drunk right now, friday night bitches

Is that MLGS just a altered appearance for that fight or can you eventually change your Katana's appearance?

it's a mod

stop ruining

I hit "walls" in souls games, and especially Nioh, but never this game. Beat every boss in under 10 tries. Perfect difficulty IMO very fun

>mlgs autist plagues another sekiro thread with his completely uninteresting shitty webms

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 7K)

>accidentally bell demon
>get more bulging coin purses and upgrade material than i'll ever need

let's see your webms, jelly consolefag.

Attached: monkey fart.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

It's only considered hard because journos can't deal with even a little push back from a game.

That is what makes the game good! Keep trying until you get how to play it... its only a matter of habit

that's not the problem. it's the dick suckers who hail it as the greatest game of all time that's the issue.

>I never felt like dying was the games fault
I felt like that until Hatred Demon. That dash forward attack has a weirdly big hitbox.

The game is GOTY, you're just salty because you're bad, lmao at you

im not narcissistic enough to think people give a shit about my completely uneventful/boring sekiro moments

Honestly I’ve seen nothing but mostly hate for sekiro.

I'm glad you enjoy them so much to remember them.

Attached: Sekiro 2019.03.24 - (720x360, 2.93M)

narcissistic people never give up. they can never understand whats wrong with them. its pretty sad. he's prob just trying to justify his purchase of a 2 000$ pc and he's mad people on a 300$ console are having more fun than him.

>no minimap

how many paths are there in areas? i feel like i'm missing stuff by just moving forward. i try to explore as much as i can but then hit a point i where i can't go back without using one of the shrine teleport things. should i be going back to explore everything, will i come back to certain areas later anyways or what. i'm not a souls player

Don't worry about it just play at your pace.

it's mostly from dark souls fags.

Imagine getting mad when people post webms. You two are autistic as hell lol.

Attached: 1553810273175.webm (750x420, 2.96M)

there's really nothing you're missing. Sekiro lacks any intersting loot/items since there's no weapons or armor. The most you're missing out on is some useless sugars/ceramic shards.

>final boss
>struggle even with first phase
>move to part of the stage with no flowers blocking >50% of the boss body
>suddenly get to last phase with only 1 heal used

Attached: 1548106090907.jpg (530x431, 47K)

this is probably the worst webm I've ever seen.

I hate how some of the areas you fight minibosses are fucking tiny, so you're fighting the camera and the boss simultaniously


ayy don't be mad my man it's friday

You're so reddit you don't know what a narcissist is. It's a medical condition, bordering mania. Stop diluting vocabulary because you think the way you're using it is the correct way.

>fighting the camera
you're just bad

I'm really not enjoying the recycled enemies in the latter half of the game.

A lot of it is
>hey, remember this boss?
>fight it again
But then sometimes it's
>hey, remember this boss?
>try fighting it with some other asshole on the field too :^)

Like honestly, what the fuck is this
>Snake Eyes but this time there's shitty enemies in the field and poison
>Long-arm Centipede but this time with smaller versions of himself everywhere
>Juzou but this time actually it's just Juzou again
>Shichimen Warrior but this time it's blocking your idol for no reason
>Guardian Ape but this time there's another one
>Headless but now he's underwater
>Chained Ogre but fire doesn't work so good no more
>Lone Shadow Longswordsman but this time there's another one and also he has poison

There's probably more that I'm forgetting or that I haven't found.
At this rate the recycled bosses are going to outnumber the original ones and that's really becoming the most frustrating thing about this game.

There's really no reason for this.

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alright thanks

the camera can be pretty bad at times. i think simply unlocking how many degrees up/down it can be turned would make a big difference. maybe someone can mod it

>You're so reddit

You can miss out on prosthetics, special abilities, and bosses which sometimes have rewards other than beads/gourds.

Personally I wished you saw those harder enemies more often. Most of that is skippable too.

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People don't talk like that. Have you ever socialized with someone before OP? It's like you have a vague concept of how people interact by seeing it through media but you've never had to go out of your house to talk to people

The guy has been sperging about the MLGS mod I use for days now. Coming up with all kinds of insults because I humored his opinion.

I checked the Steam global achievements and like 30% have beaten Genichiro, way more than I wouldve thought honestly.

It's really not that hard and this is coming from someone who took like 80 hours to beat DS1 plus the DLC. I think a big part of it is:

>Souls boys like the secret club
>know all the tactics, armors, strats and stats
>playing a game where all that really matters is rhythem and aggression

I admittedly have limited patience so that made me bad at the souls games minus BB, and Im wrecking this one

>game comes out
>it's a FROM game
>Yea Forums hates it
Wow that literally has never happened before! Now imagine the shitstorm if Sekiro was a PS4 exclusive. Normal people would have to leave this place for a good month.

PS4 is at 2% lmao

>who took like 80 hours to beat DS1 plus the DLC
Shit man you really take your time with your games, don't you?

>and this is coming from someone who took like 80 hours to beat DS1 plus the DLC
you fucking what mate

>Divine Confetti adds extra damage in general and not just against apparitions
Fucking hackazaki.

holy shit
Yea I spend a lot of time wandering and looking at shit
Plus with DS1 I would basically get a character really far, then stop playing for months, be lost, and make a new character. Beat it on the 4th. Then I steamrolled it with Zwei in like 12 hours

wow it's like every single weapon buff in souls ever

Attached: wat.webm (1920x1080, 2.84M)

It's just marketing.
Activions involved and there is always a slew of threads for shit like CoD when a new game releases which disappear soon after.

Yea Forums is way more likely to fall for it because this place is filled with bad boys

>being this mad you can't summon your way to some of the most kino boss fights of all time
it's not like you could complete them either tho so..

peep my epic sekiro webm bros
remember to like comment and subscribe

Attached: shortcut to new londo.webm (853x480, 2.61M)

I'm going to say it. Sekiro is one of the best action games ever made

Well that's totally different if you were restarting.

just jump and it will literally never touch you ?

admittedly it took me a long ass time to adjust.

It took me 80 hours too, made sure to explore every single inch of the game. Died a fuckton but it was enjoyable to go slow

The game is built around a certain skill set that not everyone has. Its just like how some people are good at rhythm games while others aren't. In that sense, yes this game is pretty hard, just not for absolutely everyone. You talk trash about both sides, yet you are just as dumb as they are.

So is there any form of multiplayer component to this game, or would pirating it give you the same experience as buying it? How much of the shitposting regarding "NO BUILDS ONLY THE ONE SWORD NO STATS" etc was true?

>The game is built around a certain skill set that not everyone has
But you acquire it eventually. I thought I was not going to make it when I first started playing the game but I got gud

It's all coming from the Dark Souls PC userbase (who are notoriously fucking awful at video games) or younger kids on consoles.

I do that too but it shouldn't take much longer than 30 hours tops.

Attached: Sekiro Screenshot 2019.03.25 - (2560x1440, 351K)

Buy it and fund the DLC. I want more of this game

no multiplayer, one build, no reason to start a second save file ever.

Not if the free experience is the same as the paid experience.

I don't know if I believe you since this is the same shitposting before the game released.

I'd call myself a soulsborne veteran but this game is tearing me a new asshole

>Not if the free experience is the same as the paid experience.
Well you can pirate it if you don't have the money. It's the same yeah

>But you acquire it eventually
I had to go through ALL of bloodborne without the gun because I could never time it right. Timing is a skill that a lot of people never really master. Congrats on mastering it yourself, but don't expect everyone to. Just like I'd never expect someone to do calculus in their head or write programs without any kind of planning.

I have the money, I just don't want to pay for something I can get for free.

You can't mod the pirated version and it does have 4 different endings and there is build variety. It's longer than any of the Souls games too, for the first run anyway. I think speed runs are shorter than Souls though since once you git gud the game is rather easy.

Attached: O'Rin.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

There are a few trees you can go down. First I did a pure shinobi martial arts build but now I'm focusing mostly on prosthetic weapons and tools. There is a sword that is used in conjunction with the prosthetic weapons. The best ones are the axe spear and poison sabimuru sword. Think of it like bloodborne where you get a one in two weapon, but for this it's one in ten. A lot of the entertainment is derived from finding which block strings work and combining r1s skills and prosthetic weapons for insane damage

It's more intuitive to parry in Sekiro than the other games so no, you're just making excuses. Anyone can do this.

>The best ones are the axe spear and poison sabimuru sword.
Very strange opinions right here.

It is when you play on hard mode. You can activate a mode where blocking makes you take damage, so you actually have to react to attacks with parries, not just L1 spam.

Quit being a dumbass. Some people are bad at timing. End of story. This isn't even a god damn argument, it is just a plain old unchangeable fact you god damn retard...

It is a sweep attack, you can consistently jump over it 100% of the time.
>Bloodborne on my PC

They're quite literally objectively the best though. Axe does retarded posture, as does the spear. When you get the piercing dagger the chip damage becomes nigh unstoppable

Now play NG+ without Kuros Charm and with Bell Demon.

Haven't you caught on? That's how they've marketed their games since the first dark souls game. The games suck ass anyway but the marketing worked on normalfags brilliantly, makes them feel hardcore

What build variety? I have every skill and every prosthetic.
Everyone else with a platinum trophy has every skill and every prosthetic.
We all have the exact same build.

Well that is why they are minibosses, because they aren't BOSSES. They are just strong basic enemies. Would be a waste not to have several of each.
Guardian Ape is the only one of those you listed that is a real boss, and its 2nd fight was fucking kino. It's cool as fuck that an immortal creature actually was immortal for once in a game, and it tracked you down to a completely different part of the world.

there is none. he's delusional. don't argue with him.

>I no-lifed this game for 80 hours and did everything lol there's no variety

Why are you thanking a guy for lying? If you don't explore, you will miss out on vast majority of prosthetics, all of which are very useful and powerful.

You don't have to be good at timing and what the fuck kind of an ape is bad at timing? Don't pretend you're a worthless piece of shit ,you dumb fuck. You and anyone else can handle a fucking video game.

Kill yourself, you are repulsive.

Firecrackers is objectively the best and that's inarguable.

Because Bloodborne is the easiest except for the DLC. Bloodborne is literally only slightly harder than your typical action game on normal difficulty like DMC.
>on my PC
PS Now doesn't include the DLC, you'd definitely have a hard time beating it

>you still fight genichiro 3 times
>you fight owl twice
>you fight monk twice
>ape twice

there's no denying

>I have every skill and every prosthetic.
Then you know that you can only use one at a time, implying variety of playstyles.

Attached: Sekiro Screenshot 2019.03.24 - (2560x1440, 441K)

Well it certainly has the greatest bossfights of all time, so it is a very strong contender for greatest game of all time.

>Congrats on mastering it yourself, but don't expect everyone to
Well I expect everyone to become good at parrying shit in Sekiro because it takes practice. You can do it if you want to beat the game and have time

Not if you have more then 40 IQ, they're fucking worthless if you don't follow up with spear or axe into r1s or praying strikes

> it certainly has the greatest bossfights of all time
That's not Dark Souls 3


>it takes practice
Not everything can be overcome with practice alone. You need a certain level of talent to master something. Again, I'm not talented at timing. I'm 31 years old user. If I haven't played enough games to master that skill by now, just how many billions of hours do you think it will take? It is a skill I don't have and never will have. Instead, I just have to rely on the things I'm good at in order to beat Sekiro. Same as DaS and BB.

>you still fight genichiro 3 times
And two of them are short 1 phase encounters, only one of them is a full boss fight
>owl twice
Not on first playthrough unless you looked up how to get the optional memory or got really lucky, it is very obscure to get.
>Monk twice
True but again makes sense for story reasons, the one in Mibu village is just an illusion cast by the true Monk for purposes of protecting the stone
>Ape twice
Which was fucking amazing. Also the 2nd fight is optional.

None of this is anything like lazy development, that's shit like having three Asylum Demons in DS1, for no reason at all. Here there are actual story reasons if a boss does repeat, and it makes sense for why it happens - and they ALWAYS have a new phase the next fight, making the fight different.

There is nothing to deny, all of this was done very well. I couldn't stand recycled bosses in Dark Souls games, yet Sekiro made me like them because it wasn't recycled, it was different each time and it contributed well to the story.

Besides PSNow, isn't there a PS3 emulator out that is working to a degree already?

DS3's greatest bosses like Gael pale in comparison to Sword Saint and many others in Sekiro

From is good at making games that are tougher but feel winnable. When I played Nioh it felt so hard that I felt I couldn't beat it so I put it down.

I thought that until I slowed down the footage of the guardian ape's grab pulling me in from nearly a meter to the side of his arm.

The abundance of repeated mini-bosses chiefly in the second half of the game definitely stinks of lazy development or a rushed endgame where they felt it was bereft of content so they just threw in some shit they already made to fill it out.

Even if many of these encounters are optional, it's still a problem.
People complained about Dark Souls' second half being half-baked, though I thought it was fine personally.

Sekiro's second-half is objectively half-baked.

Yes but BB is on PS4.

You really must be a retard to believe this crap.

I disagree. Sekiro is not unfair like real life. You can actually git gud, trust me. That's what happened to me. And my Souls experience didn't help me AT ALL. I had to git gud again and that's what I like about this game. The only time my experience in action games really mattered was when fighting that bullshit Demon of Hatred boss
>I'm 31 years old user
Your reflexes should still be on point. You have no excuses, the game is beautiful and you should beat it!

>"Here there are actual story reasons if a boss does repeat, and it makes sense for why it happens - and they ALWAYS have a new phase the next fight, making the fight different. There is nothing to deny, all of this was done very well."

So i have been reading lately that its a waste of time to kill headless as there is no greater reward for doing so or no secret unlocked for killing them all.

Is this true?
Only thing it does it get them out of your sight ?

I'd say it's more about rythm than timing in Sekiro

Gael is absolutely on par with Sword Saint for me. It's just that you played DaS3 long ago but now are still having a honeymoon phase after playing Sekiro


The game really is a step above the Souls games. I played Demons Souls yesterday and it felt so damn clunky compared to Sekiro. If they ever make another Souls I really hope they leave rolling and stamina in the past and improve on Sekiro's combat instead.

Attached: owl ill likes fire.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

wait, how do you dive underwater?

You get some items that you'll never use.

You get the ability after beating Corrupted Monk in Mibu Village

Have fun
That fight sucks

You'll learn how eventually. Keep track of the bodies of water, there's stuff in all of them.

Attached: Sekiro Screenshot 2019.03.25 - (2560x1440, 247K)



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Must be a nigger.

Depends on how good you are at parrying, I never could get it to work in Dark Souls and Sekiro is fucking me up hard.

Still having a blast though, those dumbfucks whining about there not being an easy mode can just die.

use Mortal Draw since even if she blocks it you will deal damage

These humblebrag threads are embarassing.

Yes fine, you're so good at video games, what a big boy you are.

Pretending Sekiro isn't significantly harder than 90% of games releasesed these days is preposterous.

I feel sorry for those who beat this game so quickly.
Im in the hidden forest and the scenery in this game after managing to leave the castle is fantastic.
I have a full time job so i cant play all day and night like most of these Yea Forums chumps,but im finally enjoying the games level layouts and design.

Games level design is much more consistant than Dark souls games with there poison forest then up and elevator to a lava stage.

Demon Souls,Sekiro, and Bloodborne all all froms best souls series games and should be considered the only souls games.

Dark souls games were half assed trash and flukes as far as im concerned

Attached: desu giriniham.jpg (400x400, 69K)

>Pretending Sekiro isn't significantly harder than 90% of games releasesed these days is preposterous
>these days
It's harder than 100% of them

Nah DS3 is really up there as well.
Demon's is mostly awful though, very linear level design and super bad bosses minus a handfull.

Imagine being proud that you're shit

And you're a good goy.

Imagine a world where a game that expects you to not play like a tard and take the time to learn its mechanics is considered a massively hard game.
In a perfect world, outside of the casual market, every game should be in the vein of Demons's Souls, Sekiro and Co. You either learn how to fucking play like a normal human being, or you fuck off.

Trials says hi.
Literally anything with competitive multiplayer is leaps and bounds more difficult then a static single player action game. The AI is never going to out think you, and it never will.

I've finished the game. Pretending it's not hard is cringey as fuck.

Wow, there are people even worse at this game than me here. Who knew?

It's not hard if you beat it in a week.

Alright why would you EVER compare a singleplayer game to a multiplayer game?

Demon souls is still consistent and DS3 had nothing but shitty reused,reskinned bosses from the previous entries and you know it.

Demon souls with its flaws was a completly unique experience upon its arrival.
Thats why the souls series went as far as it did.
It road on the back of Demon souls,but even demon sousl didnt have the shitty hitboxes and hot detection as much as the souls series made a name for

Being able to brag on the internet that you’re good at video games

So you’d say Nioh is harder? I’m doing my first play through rn and facing Hino Enma.

When shitters keep stating that their single player game is more difficult numerous times then anything else on the planet bar none.
My favorite one thus far is "This game is harder then becoming a pro at Quake".

Fuck bros why couldn't we save him?

Attached: 20190328210713_1.jpg (1920x1080, 490K)

It's definitely different for everyone but overall I'd say that Nioh is as hard as Bloodborne

I beat Artorias in under 10 tries. I never co-op and I never look up boss strategies.

is the barefooted kid you gotta save a boy or a girl?

>Demon's is mostly awful though, very linear level design and super bad bosses minus a handfull.
You're a brainlet. Did you even play it?

People only compare single player games. Also I would absolutely trash you in Quake Live so fuck off

not on topic, but is there a big point where NPC quests auto-fail? I haven't done any yet.

>Demon's is mostly awful though
Fuck off

Calm down autismo

Probably, I never got good at arena shooters.
Statically could trash you in Tekken but that's not saying much so eh.

Gonna need you to delete this immediately

Attached: 0c1.gif (427x235, 1.39M)

Have you seen Yea Forums since this game came out my guy? People have been doing just that. Shitposting hell hole.

OP You are such a cock sucking faggot

Does this game get better after the ogre? I played through the Hirata Estate and so far majority of encounters are just tedious to get through. Having to abuse the aggro system to clear adds for minibosses or big groups of enemies is just really boring and annoying. It's more of a test of patience than skill.

>Games level design is much more consistant than Dark souls games with there poison forest then up and elevator to a lava stage.
Yeah because having a trapdoor that teleports you from a temple at the base of the mountains to the top of a castle is not as much bullshit as Iron Keep elevator.

Sekiro tests reflexes and basic understanding of positioning and strategy. That’s too much for most people anyway.
Come back when you beat Riven in less than a week without looking up hints. Hell, less than a month. Like the good old days.

Just because it was the first doesn't mean it's the best. He's absolutely correct on the bosses, most are complete shit.

>Statically could trash you in Tekken
Not sure about that. I'm really good at 3 and Dark Resurrection

It's your usual soulsfags circlejerking From's games into the pinnacle of high difficulty when complete casual normie streamers already finished the game in a few days.

>when complete casual normie streamers already finished the game in a few days
Such as? Lobos is not a casual if anything

You just don't understand the game. Bosses don't have to be hard to be well done you fag.

The game has changed significantly since DR is the thing.

overcoming the challenge is the reward itself

I was decent at parrying in Dark Souls and found it fun to fuck around practicing, even if I died. Would I like Sekiro?

I didn't say it was the best
But it sure as shit ain't awful

Demon's is a damn good game

Yeah Tekken 7 is different as hell and I didn't like it at all

I watched some guy named tru3talent or something like that.

Areas and bosses get better shortly after that, and you'll learn to clear group of enemies way more efficiently (there are also skills dedicated to that).

to say it's narcissism is a bit silly user.
however you're absolutely right about these particular webms being boring uneventful shit

that fucking attack, sometimes you commit to an attack the wrong moment and you're fucked


DR was the golden age for sure. Fuck was it a good game.

took me around 90 hours to beat bloodborne (base game, no dlc). It was my first time ever playing anything souls-like

Attached: 1545067951284.jpg (512x384, 19K)

Name a harder game released in the last 5 years.

I like it

My PhD

nier on very hard

I love this game. I think people have the idea of exploring the world of it totally wrong.
This game really emphasises the idea of sneaking around. One should only kill mobs if it's easier than not killing or just running past them and hookshotting to the next checkpoint.
Like with the monks you can either pick them off slowly and scoop up each item in turn, or aggro them all at once and get somewhere where they can't see you and then jump back down and grapple up to the support beam at the entrance. Said beam you can also use to hide from the monks inside. Draw them out, hide there, and when they walk back you can backstab them one by one.
You want to activate those statues whenever you can first, THEN start clearing out tricky areas with loot in, and then the bosses. Most bosses have an easy checkpoint to spawn from to get to them. The game gives you the talisman to teleport back. Use it once you can't push ahead anymore.
Many of them like Headless and that one spirit guy in the caverns you aren't ready to face right away, so if you see them just run. If you die. Keep running till it's safe to warp out of there.
Exploring the area you'll eventually learn where best to lure mooks and pick them off and how to best sneak up on some of the bosses for a healthbar. When it's only one healthbar to deal with it's usually not too bad.

>It's a challenging game sure,
stopped reading right there.
It's damn sure it's a challenging game and anyone thinking of promoting the idea of an easymode needs to get shot asap.
Brag all you want about beating it, put these shit eating ogre-filtered casuals in their place.
From is on a roll keeping the shitters mad and the actual functional humans happy

It's only hard if you don't do stealth kills and respect the bushido code, which I follow 100%

The five years real is fucking killing me here. Anything decent is before 2014


>waaah Dark Souls should have an easy mode
>Dark Souls Remastered? lol we didn't even bother fixing backstab chains
>Sekiro? nah lol here have this secret harder mode instead

La-Mulana 2

Really liked the game but it's too unforgiving and (personally) difficult for me to love. Soulsborne is one of my favourite series (Bloodborne is my number 2 game) but Sekiro just never clicked for me. Every fight past Ghost Monk was a test of tenacity and luck for me, even Owl took me like 2-3 hours to beat. Don't even talk to me about Sword Saint. I've basically given up on NG+.

I'd rather you left forever, faggot

I still never beat Jormungandr legit in that game. I just cheese him with the gun every time.

You're missing something, it's really not that hard, much less than DS and all the artificial difficulty bullshit

Let's have a look at the next sekiro thread on the catalog
That's why there's difficulty circlejerk

What do I do when I am inside the giant snake's lair? There is only a pillar I can hide behind and he's looking right at you.

What's wrong with liking games for mature gamers?
Fucking asshole, grow up


Go back and watch the transition again

use brain

I didn't know you could jump there.

Genichirou is a pretty big difficulty spike desu.

I thought that too until my friend beat him in four tries.
It took me at least 20 tries

It already took me like 40-50 tries tonight (didn't count) and I only got to halfway of phase 3. Then again I'm quite drunk.

it was the easiest boss to adapt to for me, got to his second phase 2nd try. For me he's the "make it all click" boss, after him the game stopped being a seemingly impossible feat

Well here's some praise: I fucking love it
it's really amazing, this is some of the greatest combat system I ever experienced, it honestly stand proud among NG2, DMC3/5 or Rising or God Hand, this is my favorite genre and I can't believe DMC and Sekiro got released in the same MONTH

Attached: 1534371522862.jpg (564x670, 42K)

>sounds like a complete fucking lie

so your post then?

neither nioh or bloodborne is hard, are you retarded?

Took me 4 tries.
git gud

I don't think it's so much the Demon's fault, as much as it is the shitty terrain. Those slopes in the hills will fuck you up.

saying dmc5 is good is some extreme delusion

Compared to other souls games Sekiro is shit. So bland and just plain boring with no incentive to go on

come on.

>zoomer's first action game

There are no viable PS4 emulators yet

Yeah I wasn't thinking clearly. Although I wouldn't be surprised if we got a PS4 emulator soon considering how little the PS3 slowed them down.

Incorrect. Sekiro bosses are objectively better, they have evolved far past the type that DS3 bosses were.
You actually have to play well to beat Sword Saint etc., but you can just infinite mash roll to beat Gael.

>soulsfags actually comparing CLINK CLINK CLANK: Tha Game's combat to DMC
cannot make this up

What game is 'hugely difficult' then? Anyone who says Sekiro is easy or even not 'hugely difficult' is a retard trying to look cool if they don't provide any examples of games that they do consider much harder.

Joking, right? Sekiro on its hardest difficulty is far, FAR harder than Nioh on Way of the Nioh.

It is objectively better than DMC combat, yes. It really isn't fair to compare a childrens button masher like DMC to this masterpiece.

just started the game. this is the same voice actor right?

Attached: Yasha.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

it's objectively shitter than DMC combat. it doesn't even have 5% of the depth.

It's not even harder than Soulborne

Any 2D bta is harder
All shmups are harder
God Hand is definitely harder than Sekiro
Other fromsoft games in other genres, like fucking Last Raven was harder


Ninja Gaiden is without a doubt a more difficult game.

you're being punished for being out of the way in the wrong spot is all

why the fuck is everyone John Madden all of the sudden?

hahaha did someone really mod their game to have their sword like that that is sooo fucking gay

Sekiro treats you like an idiot a little bit though. I really wish you could turn off the pop up tutorials.

>All shmups are harder
I'm definitely no shmups expert, but I've never played a single difficult one. I mean, sure maybe I've played easier ones, but it just shows how "all shmups" is too broad of a statement.

Whats the "filter boss" of this game? Ex. Papa G in Bloodborne, Gargoyles in DS1, Abyss Watchers in DS3

I hate to say it but probably chained ogre, despite being optional (I think?). Genichiro is more of the skill check boss like O&S and Pontiff

I've been meaning to ask. Is mouse and keyboard playable at all or do I have to use a controller? I played Dark Souls Remastered and 3 with a mouse and keyboard just fine, but DaS2 I had to use a controller.

Is there a single one you've cleared without using continues? Because you can't say you've beaten a shmup without doing at least that.

Yeah i'm pretty sure sekiros parry is at the very least 10 frames. super generous.
DMC is 7.
It's just the inflated damage values, punishments & some odd animations that make it seem hard.
and to some extent fromsofts infamously bad hitboxes.

>black robe

And someday you’ll say Sekiro was for babies when From’s lightsaber-based scifi game comes out (even though you’ve probably never played any of thrm and are just trying to sound cool on the internet like most co-op shitters)

>have you done an artificial goal that I just came up with
The worst part about what you just said is that I have... It was ages ago. That one where you get something like a carrot ship and become OP. Doesn't change the fact that your statement is too broad and incorrect... There is no such thing as a single genre that is filled with nothing but hard games. Every genre has a casual game mixed in.

lady butterfly for most ppl

Well if you don't have snap seeds then that boss is fairly difficult in the second phase. Any ghost type enemy without divine confetti is a pain in the ass.
The filter boss might be that shinobi hunter at the beginning because you either learn the crucial mizubu counter or give up.

Come on you niggers

If you made ds3 work on keyboard and mouse then you're obviously better than me at from soft games with keyboard and mouse. I've thought all their games had shitty controls with keyboard and mouse.

Dark Souls 3 is perfectly playable with mouse+kb. I was just wondering how Sekiro is

Sekiro doesn't have difficulty levesl and I said NIER you tard.

Game is piss easy. If you are too dumb to spam R1 with occasional deflects and jumps then go back to mobile games.

>and to some extent fromsofts infamously bad hitboxes.
seeing this shitopst is getting really lame

>not parrying the bullets to bait an easy mikiri

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>encouragingg easy mode
cmon man

it's true. no other company is this bad. sorry but if your hit box is completely different from your animation it's objectively bad.

I uh, tested that actually
For Royal Blocks, its a 2 frame window after 4 frames of start up
Regular blocks is much more lenient.
Also fairly sure its a just frame when in the air .

It's not quite what it used to be, but it's better than it was in the 7th gen at least.

NO fucking way is it 2 frames. the game is 60 fps.
it's 7 frames.

There's literally nothing bad about the hitboxes, you guys are whining about 2 grabs of giant monsters being buggy.

Bad hitboxes are like what Nioh or FFXV have when you the models feel disjointed from where they're hitting or where they are. When you can wiff a monster despite attacking where it was, or when attacks hit you when they shouldn't.

From has buggy grabs yes, but the hitboxes are fantastic. If the hitboxes weren't good a game built around clashing swords wouldn't even work, but it does.

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the game rewards you constantly with prayer beads, memories that up your power and new abilities
the fighting itself is wholly satisfying and I feel myself getting into a flow state, even when I don't win and get stuck on a boss it's enjoyable to keep going at it because you feel yourself getting better over time
the story and world is also interesting and the characters are cool which is common to forms writing

If nothing else, Sekiro:SDT is the pinnacle of gamer filtration.

>moonlight greatsword
umm excuse me wtf

Its more so the tracking that is fucked. From cannot make good AI so they have to make it so the AI appears harder to fight by forcing more precision on the player with nasty 180 spins and shit if you dodge even a moment to early.

Also Nioh hitboxes are fine overall only a few truly stand out and Nioh did a better job with the tracking/enemy AI. Sekiro did a good job with hitboxes that is about it otherwise the rest is fucked.

The tracking is there because you aren't supposed to circle strafe. It can be bullshit though, but it's rare

>fromsoft grab animation glitch

its in every game of theirs since demons souls lmao

the tracking isnt gamebreaking. avoiding thrusts and grabs require very precise dodge timing which of course would seem like a design flaw to someone playing the game like a souls game where you get invuln just by pressing a button.

like the other guy said, the tracking is to punish trying to evade the rules of the combat they established. if you just did what you were told to do it wouldn't happen but instead you try to skirt the rules and then get mad when you get caught out.

People are claiming it's too hard, and crying about it to get changed.

Casuals need to learn their place.

But the game is easy if you just fucking pay attention and apply what it teaches you, I literally just speedran NG4 in like 3 hours

From does that on purpose to make the game hard. Complaining about that is fair since that tracking has definitely killed everyone but don't say the hitboxes are fucked because they aren't. They're done well.

Grabs are similar, the hitbox is there and it's fine but the animations don't represent it so when noobs get caught in it they get frustrated thinking the game is buggy. But anyone who has played these games knows how to avoid it.

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People who want to pretend to be "real" gamers.

Kids who have no other way of measuring their self worth.

Adults who have no other way of measuring their self worth.

>Grabs are similar, the hitbox is there and it's fine but the animations don't represent it so when noobs get caught in it they get frustrated thinking the game is buggy. But anyone who has played these games knows how to avoid it.

If animations don't represent it, something is wrong. The first time I had a REALLY bad hitbox experience was with Tarkus when he had his hand way up in the air, I rolled under his legs and booked it and was five feet away by the time his hand landed where I had been. Then I teleported into his hand. And it wasn't until Dark Souls 3 that you could actually shoot next to a wall without having to stand a foot away from it so your arrow wouldn't hit an invisible object.

because people are complaining and it's funny, see recent negative reviews on steam

>If animations don't represent it, something is wrong.
You're right but that's not a hitbox issue.

some hitboxes are OK. some were obviously done by drooling retard interns.

the game has already told you that danger kanji means danger yet you blame the game when you get punished for failing to properly avoid a dangerous grab. what the fuck else do you want?

it's not simple to just make a grab animation perfectly match every single possible iteration of player movement that they want to grab. brainlet nigger fucks. shut up

I don't know it's really silly though especially considering all soulsborne games are way worse offenders as far as that shit goes.

I was talking about Dark Souls, man. I haven't played Sekiro yet. Not the same guy.

Niohs hit boxes are fucking perfect compared to fromshit.
You're a fromsoft fan and you're calling this bottom of the barrel shit fantastic while trying to lecture Devs like team ninja who know fighting game mechanics and hitboxes better than most in the industry.

Attached: Sekiro.gif (390x230, 2.87M)

>3 hours on the chained ogre
How the fuck, he's probably the easiest mini boss the game throws at you.

>posts a shockwave attack
That clearly hit him dumbass. Nioh's hitboxes are MMO tier.

>it's a shock wave bro
this isn't dragonball Z.

Yes it is. That was a smash attack that he didn't parry, he killed himself.

>60fps having anything to do with this
Ok. On your 7th frame I still had a block, so cool story. Even if I'm off and its actually 5 or 4, thats still a standard block. Royal is far tighter.

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why are dmc kiddies so autistic

fpbp god bless you attentive bastards

How do i get to Demon of Hatred? Im currently on my way to meet Kuro in secret room. There is no path i can find to proceed to his location. Screenshot from the Dilapidated Temple.

Attached: qwe.png (1920x1080, 3.31M)

I was curious about it because I felt like I was getting robbed at some points, so I figured it out exactly. Might be slightly autistic sure.

You get a few throughout the whole game. Not so bad.

There's no "shockwave" effect, just dust & he's not even near the dust.
it's just shit tier hitbox management the same as stop bullshitting.

When the headless become invisible

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demons > BB > dark souls 1 > Sekiro > DaS2 > DaS3
in terms of difficulty but demons wasn’t hard like Sekiro is hard, demons was just obtuse and brutal at times

Ashina Outskirts

>that awful tracking

literally half of people who played the game probably got killed by an ogre grab after they dodged like a meter away to his side and he still grabs you somehow, game has shit hitboxes and awful tracking. flawed but still pretty good game, it is janky and unfair as fuck at times though like all From shit.

This was the worst decision i ever made in my life. Every enemy becomes one punch man.

Just jump the ogre instead of sidestep bro

>There's no "shockwave" effect
Yes there is, that's why he died you dumbass. Fight the boss yourself you'll see most of his hits are strong as hell and smash right into the ground if you don't parry, if you're close you'll get hit. Can't dodge those attacks like you can dodge normal slashes unless you jump(which avoids the shockwave).

Ogre is the only boss where this is a problem desu

If any of you were here when darksouls got ported to the PC you would remember Yea Forums not only flat-out sucks at vidya but also straight up fucking retarded.

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why was gyoubu so fucking easy? I'm shit at the game and beat him first try

first boss

The same thing happened when dark souls 1 released on consoles too. And the stats for DS2 were shameful on consoles compared to PC users so your narrative fell apart at that game's release.

oh I thought that was lady butterfly


I might be missing something, how do i get to Ashina Outskirts then?

People probably quit before even getting into the castle.

This part was so badly done. I legitimately thought the game glitched out. I parried him over and over but couldn't attack at all. RB was just disabled. tried to restart but turns out pause was disabled too.
there was no communication from the game at all.
what did it even want me to do? parry an arbirtary amount of times until suddenly I can counter again but it didn't even tell me that they'd enabled my RB button again.

Attached: fuckiro.png (1679x941, 2.24M)

you're confusing a narcissist with someone with narcissistic personality disorder

The majority of DS threads before the PC port was mostly console "never ever" shitposting. Not sure what point your trying to make with the second half of your post.

If you're trying to say Yea Forums doesn't suck and is not retarded then you're objectively wrong. This is an objective fact proven ever minute of every day.

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>revisionist retardation

the first part of your post is 100% false and I guarantee you weren’t here when DaS released

Going into NG++ to mop up the last of the achievements and plat the game. I need to farm skill shit, where's the best place to do that? I need the entire Mushin page now, that's 35 skill points so I need a good place to grind out loads of exp after I reach end game.

It’s not even hard the progression is just retarded I can’t even find Genichiro on the roof. This grapple shit is pretty finicky

people's opinion on sekiro will change when they go for multiple playthroughs and new game+'s

>friend dies like 20 something times to Lady Butterfly
>furious to the point of screaming nigger
>he gives up and uses a trainer
>"why did you even buy this game dude"
>no reply

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>Implying the second Owl and Monk fights are anything like the first.

The dying soldier at Ashita Castle gate tells you. Take the shinobi kite.

anyone else get a bug where your character basically loses half their traction, so their animation is normal speed, but their walking speed is halved? usually fixes itself after a few seconds of walking or running. idk if its related to the fps unlock mod or what

That's what I saw. I couldn't give a fat shit if you believe me or not though, faggot. I'm not going to argue with you about who's been wasting their time the longest in this dump. Literally every one of us would better off spending our time doing any thing else than posting here.

Change how? I've never felt the need to do NG+ runs in dark souls besides to complete an armor set, and mostly that was 2 and I just bonfire aeseticed the boss's bonfire and fought him back to back. I'm on Ng4 now in Sekiro, still having fun.

get help

Asylum Demon, Stray Demon and Firesage are explained in the lore.

Your argument is flawed and biased

>Asylum Demon, Stray Demon and Firesage are explained in the lore.
The head canon nonsense? Because in game you don't learn fuck all about them.

I work 2 full time jobs and manage to clear the game in 11 hours I took my time and played 1-2 hours every day since launch. The game feels as big as the first half of DaS and didn't have anything I would consider too challenging, and I played with the Demon Seed.

I heard obeying iron code has the hardest boss, so ill be excited to try that.

>Sekiro doesn't have other difficulties
Demon Seed
Path of Hardships

Fuck off, retard.

you’re right about everything except the DaS release, but there is no sense in arguing about it, be good user

>11 hours
what the fuck? how is it even fun to just run through the whole game


I've found it, thank you user.

>Demon Seed
>Path of Hardships
no idea what this is

go back

I literally took my time and explored everything I could. By the end I was only missing 2 prayer beads. I didn't even sprint because i enjoy autstisticly picking everything up and exploring every nook and cranny

Turns out the beads i missed was from an obscure ending path but ill try after my next run


Demon Seed gives enemies 2x Health, Posture and Damage.
Path of Hardship causes chip damage on block.

Ill concede ng+, but fuck off

All the serious speedrunners love the game, though. It's the more featherweight fans, like variety streamers who hate it. To me that implies the Dark Souls fags are the ones who actually like the game.

>Path of Hardship causes chip damage on block.
I thought it was called Kuro's charm. This makes the game harder if you don't dodge and actually time your parries but the seed does fuck all, I rang the bell the moment I got there. I'm shocked it doubles all of those things, the game must be easy as hell without it. And no I'm not being a tough guy here.

The cloud of dust doesn't even extend in the direction of the player.

So objectively, no, the force of the attack was directed forward, not to the side or all around. There is no shockwave.

>le shockwave
fuck off

What a FPBP.

I'm playing NG+ with Kuro's Charm and it's crazy how much posture damage you take, it changes how you play and you have to be more aggressive in certain situations or else you're never going to get a chance to recover posture

>boss uses big smash
>player dies
>hurr durr no shockwave here

Never go full retard

Second ape fight is optional and I think it's really cool that you get a change to sever his immortality and finish him for good. He's also significantly easier in the second fight. Second Monk felt quite different from the first one, I really hated the first one but the second one was fun

The game isn't "harder" than something like Bloodborne, per se, it just feels that way because a lot of us haven't bothered to change our ingrained play style from Soulsborne worlds.

For me, I don't really like Sekiro's mechanical, timing-centric, rock-paper-scissors (block, dodge, jump) combat style. I like getting up in enemies' faces and slashing them, with a focus on recognizing and dodging their attack patterns. But for bosses like genichiro, or even some minibosses like Snake Eyes, there's a "right way" to approach the fight and it involves the prescribed deflection-heavy posture abuse. I never bothered with this, so fighting those enemies was hard.

Whereas the easiest bosses for me so far were the ape (which is very similar to any large souls boss where you stay close, circle-around their non-dominant side, and slash the legs), and the butterfly lady (where you utilize pillars to your advantage). The people who have bothered to learn Sekiro's combat system, and who abide by its rules, might find those bosses to be a couple of the hardest ones.

>player isn't within the visual range of the animation
>gets hit anyway
>uh it's a shockwave! From can do no wrong!
They fucked up
Just admit it, it's fine. Devs can make mistakes.

I agree that without seed the game is easy. But the topic was how the game does have difficulty modifiers.
Path of Hardships is activated by giving up Kuro's charm

It's a shockwave, deal with it. If he jumped he would have avoided it.

It's almost like mostly all humans are hard wired to overcome difficulty. Contra? People still talk about how difficult it is. It's been this way since video games started becoming a thing.

Attached: 1553342664677.gif (640x360, 530K)

There are souls veterans saying this game is way harder than any souls game and that anyone who isn't a masochist with a huge amount of free time shouldn't play it, when that's just not true. People are just retarded and don't know how to play. I'm almost certain all these people ignored all the tutorial stuff thinking "I've played Dark Souls, I know how to play this game". The only souls game I've played is DS3, and Sekiro is definitely easier than that game. I died way, way more in DS3 than this. Also all the people saying you need really good reflexes to play this game are retarded, the unblockable attacks are literally telegraphed with a big red character like a second in advance.

lmao tlou2 will be goty

It's not a shockwave. There is absolutely no visual indication of a shockwave.

The dust kicked up by the attack, which indicates the direction of force, does not extend towards the player AT ALL.
So if there IS a shockwave, it's moving FORWARD, not all-around.

You are wrong. From fucked up.

That's what a shockwave is you nimrod.

What are you talking about? Is this during a training sequence you activated?

There's no fucking way Bell Demon doubles those stats. I activated it and didn't notice any difference. I deactivated and reactivated it many times throughout my playthrough and barely felt anything. If it were something like 10% I'd understand maybe I just didn't notice because it's a small difference but there's literally 0 chance in my mind that those stats are doubled.
NG+ on the other hand actually does make things harder, I've noticed posture management is way harder and enemies do way more damage

>swing a sword
>target is two feet away
>somehow cut him anyway
Not how shockwaves work
There is no possible scenario where this works

A proper reaction to that slam attack at that distance would be very minor damage, or staggering the player.
NOT full damage.

at how many lifebar for bosses is considered unfair? Would you be fine with dealing with owl with 5 health bar?

rate my edit I worked really hard on it

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>retards can’t even get past the training dummy

You forget, Froms shoddy design became features at some point.

depends on the boss and if there were more patterns to memorize. phase 1 isshin 5 times in a row would be pretty easy.

i don't understand how to do this fucking headless ape fight
phase 1 is easy as ass but when the second one comes in i don't understand how to do fucking anything
every time i get an opening the new ape jumps in with his faggot ass ground pound from the side of my screen
if i try to focus the new ape down i get raped by the white one
i don't fucking understand, in any video i see they just chungo humungo the new ape and for some reason the white ape just... sits... and watches, but for me, it just dives right into my ass

>chungo humungo

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i'm aware but either the brown ape is too far away to firecracker when i've got an opening on the white one or if i use it to focus down the brown ape the white one decides it's time to jump directly down my asshole

I got past it easy. there was just no communication from the game and it seemed like a glitch that I suddenly could not attack.
I talked to the guy he was like "do me a favour face me in battle"
and suddenly my attack button is just fucking disabled with no warning or context.

That is a glitch I'm pretty sure because I have no idea what you're talking about

ok, the battle system's pretty damn good, but you're memeing hard when you say it has good progression, story, and environments.

Would have been a better game if it stole the Furi format

>Because literally every game is dumbed down to the point of retardation
Such as? Last year I only played KCD and Obra Dinn and thought both of them had a good way of treating a player

>Just beat Genichiro
>the thrill just isn't there anymore

idk about this feel

What's wrong with progression and story?

There basically is no progression. The only thing in the entire skill tree that's actually made wolf seem more powerful is mikiro and more spirit emblems. Story's kind of bland and boring, though that's not surprising coming from From. They should have stuck with lore or gone MUCH more simplistic.

I'm stuck on some general with a spear. I made it past the fucking flaming bull and I can't fucking beat this one fucking guy.

i beat that guy by doing nothing but hitting his vitality directly

I'd understand if you said "progression isn't meaningful and/or doesn't vary per player" but saying there "basically is none" seems silly considering there's prayer beads which increase your health/posture, passives from mini/bosses (both passive skills and damage upgrades), prosthetics (and their upgrades) and skills.
Story I agree is kinda bland, but for me it's the problem of presentation more than anything. The Divine Heir and Immortal Severance stuff is pretty interesting, not to mention all character motivations and what's happening within Ashina.

Does his health reset if I stealth attack and leave?

Yes. Mini-bosses will never de-aggro while you're in range. Once you leave the "field" they reset completely.

You get at most one stealth deathblow to start the fight.

Well this might just be where my story ends because the dodging and parrying mechanic is inconsistent and frustrating, and characters with spears just fuck me.

I mean I'd say that's just a different way of saying the same thing. Meaningless "points" aren't really progression. You never feel the sense that you're building a better character. You're not doing more bombastic things at hour 30 compared to hour 15.

Divine heir stuff could be OK, but again I think this is where they could have just made the whole thing a million times simpler. One motivation for your main character: get the kid out - drives a crazy boss rush.

Maybe that's copying a bit too much from Furi, but I just think Furi did this game better by trimming the fat and not wasting the player's time.

It's slightly above average in terms of difficulty, like 5.5/10, where Hollow Knight for instance is 5/10 and Nioh 6/10

When should I cure dragonrot? I just beat the flaming bull

The game is really hard until you get to the end of your first playthrough then it is really easy. Everyone is right.