Vampire the masquerade bloodlines 2

Here's what we know lads
>you can visit all the hubs straight away
>no allocating skill points (needs clarifying was sketchy answer)
>take place during Christmas
>original writers back
>Deb if night is back
>soundtrack guy is back
>some characters from bloodlines 1 will be returning
>customizable character
>mostly first person with third person modes (hopefully stealth)
>clan specific quest
>you can be refused quests if the clan doesn't like you
>start as a thinblood
>can choose clan later
>free DLC clans planned
>will mostly be melee fighting
>you can level guns skill (as noted above skill points are not allocated so who knows how)
>player will NOT be voiced!
>takes place in Seattle
>buffs that turn into permanent stats from drinking different kinds/moods of blood
>mod support
>mega milk
What's not clear
>how many hubs and how big they'll be
>how skills actually work
>what the third person modes look like
>if guns are pickups only
>how much DLC
>which clans will be in on launch
>if its gonna be very political

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Other urls found in this thread:

i'm hyped. we're going to make it anons

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I wonder what clans will be at launch.

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>takes place in Seattle

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>Chris Avellone will be writing this

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Im guessing at least the main ones with others like Baali, Sabbot, and Tzsitnmth (forgot how to spell it) as DLC.

>It won't launch until next year.
Well boys, what are ya planning on doing till then.

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Anyone who doesn't roll Malkavian first playthru is a faggot.

Cant wait to go frenzy on a bunch of gay parade fags kek

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Confirmation on returning characters?

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Not yet

Malkavians are not PC for this political climate.

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How many pronouns and genders will be available?

>the entirety of hollywood
Jesus this place is fucked. Also The Tzimisce was a pain in the ass. What the fuck even is he

looks like shit

>how much DLC

at least 20, $100 each

>Want to play a Malkavian
>realize if it's like the first, it might be better to play another clan first to understand what's going on.

From what I've heard from my sources, there will be two genders and two pronouns.

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Those tits are begging for porn mods.

Is it crazy to assume it might get as much attention as the sex mods did in skyrim?

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Just don't drink that aids blood nigga.

If the DLC is anything like Witcher stuff, it will be fine. If they pull a bunch of crap like $20 for a handful of quests, ill be fucking pissed.

>Rik Schaffer is confirmed

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There will be a slider, with no specific values assigned to the slider.

After long enough ill get an affinity for it and develop of a taste. BRING ON THE FAG BLOOD

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God i just wanna be reborn as nosferatu.

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>No gameplay
No deal

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I wonder if they will accurately represent the degree of homeless people in Seattle including trash bags overflowing into the streets and minigames where you need to avoid stepping on broken heroin needles

Will a cute anarch girl call me "Cammy" and talk down to me?

>Nosferatu vamps in the parade
>doesn't count as breaking the masquerade

That face more like. Unfortunately face mods are rarely good.

which character would you like to see return anons?

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This. People are bitching about politics when we should be bitching about there being pre-orders available with ZERO gameplay.

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You forgot:
>Cat lady as writer confirmed
>Pronoun madness confirmed
>DLC greed confirmed

Not clear:
>Soulless Unreal Engine chromatic blur filters
>Tranny prostitutes
>Bloodsucking only with consent
>Transitioning quest (with the genitalia mutilation being optional at the end)

there might be smartphones, mass surveillance and shit in 2020 but vamps have it easier in other ways.

>had a LARP reveal event
>no gameplay, just a cgi trailer they paid some gooks to whip up

>trannies and freaks are the norm
>Nosferatu can finally go out in public

Its beautiful....

No Malk = Instant boycott.

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>Nostalgia bait for a quick cash: The Game

Uh-huh. No thanks.

what we do know
>writing team considers the old game a male-pangering power fantasy
>malks will be very different from the first game to make them PC
>guns are throwaway items
>devs saying they want to take a stance on political issues rather than just portraying it from an outsider's perspective

what we don't actually know
>Deb if night is back
this was never confirmed, the VA just said she'd love to do it
>soundtrack guy is back
bullshit, Al Jourgensen was never even asked
don't know about Rick Schaffer either

>no allocating skill points
>take place during Christmas

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Has anyone noticed how whenever something is popular there is always a group that has to hate on it?

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>>free DLC clans planned
I'm not sure I believe that

You'll unlock the special pozzed power set.
I doubt it very much, it's incredibly how fucked that city is.

Don't forget the foreign drug cartels, the biker gangs, the drug trade, the drug addiction, organized criminal organization, homlessness, the crazies, the liberals, the trannies, the gays, the demonzing of the police, and the incompetent city council,

Nothing would have concerned me regarding the social justice bullshit until they said that they believe VTMBs portrayal of "mentally ill" with Malkavians is now offensive. The ruck are these faggots on about?

In this case, the only people who are angry are the actual true fans of the first game, because they hate seeing their favorite game being raped by Sjws. Same happened with Star Wars several times, by Lucas and now Disney.

>Seattle has become such a shithole even the media libs are complaining now

Well, when you put it that way, I can see your point.

Me neither also the story DLC is pure bullshit

How do I get a Gangrel gf?

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>Deb if night is back

I saw a tweet from her VA 2 days ago saying she wasn't back, where was this confirmed?

>you can level guns skill (as noted above skill points are not allocated so who knows how)
Maybe you "train" them like in Gothic
>buffs that turn into permanent stats from drinking different kinds/moods of blood
Huh, kinda like consuming people in Prototype? I like it

It wasn't. But if we yell hard enough, maybe she might come back. Email paradox, or email the bloodlines twitter.

People being retarded probably what they said is "something like" Deb of Night would return

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lasombra when

Bloodlines 2 better be as depressing and spoopy as the first one. Also my boy chunk better be in the sequel or else I'm going to send the devs a angry letter.

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Don't lie to yourself, that's how we all got here.

Dang youre right
She should come back tho it would be the same without her

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he baby. need company?

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1. It's how I learned about Yea Forums back in the day, and forums in general.

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>Deb if night is back
no source on this

I dont understand what that image is trying to convey.

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I think the no allocating skill points thing will work like mix between Skyrims and Prototype, meaning: use sneaking alot = sneaking skill increases (Skyrim), but to upgrade disciplines we will have to devour Vampire posssesing them (playing as thinblood and all) I don't know how they will handle "seduction" skill tree though, the only thing i can think of would be making attractivness passive trait that you choose at the character creation screen with buffs and debuffs like ugly gets you -5 to charisma but +10 to intimidation, medium being standard and sexy gives +5 charisma - 5 intimidation with clothing perhaps making stats change but the trait not

>mod support
>Paradox game
Oh boy. Can’t wait for all the “problematic” mods to get removed because it doesn’t align with their political views, like the Stellaris mod that got nuked because someone patched out the whole “human governments ruled by monarchies can randomly have black successors even if the leader is white” bullshit.

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>>guns are throwaway items
There are gun attributes so I seriously doubt there will be such a melee focus.

How are malks not PC?

>depressing and spoopy as the first one.
That would be too problematic and could trigger people.

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I'm an actual true fan and i have zero upsets over this game. Please speak for yourself.

hopefully gangrel

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I contacted the developers of endless space 2 to fix a bug that was annoying me, they called me entitled.

>Things that will not be in the new game

It's going to be a paid DLC.

Unless it sells really well I doubt we will get much more than advertised.
I only care about the story packs and the expansion though.

Wolf gang here.

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Probably Myca/Sasha Vykos, tzimisce shit

Triggered. Go to jail bigot

early 2000s were a simpler time. feelsbad

I do not believe you. Please go back to your discord.

Proof. Or I swear to god I'll rain hell upon your anus hole.
Source: I work at paradox.

A Tzimisce

this is fucking depressing honestly, it's like something out of a dystopian movie

Then you crossed the lined into delusion territory.

>>player will NOT be voiced!
That is one of the bigger things for me, so I'm glad Paradox is sticking with it

You just know they will include this, I saw something about the singer talking about the game since launch, I'm ready for my feelings to be hurt.

>another shill thread
>he does it for free

I'm an actual fan, and I disagree with you. So go fuck yourself you corporate apologist.

Ya was a major bonus for me as well, still don't know why or how voiced protags became the norm.

yeah that's so reassuring.

aside from indies, nobody's doing silent protag in RPG anymore.

this gives the writer's so much more room to work with. also more dialogue options have already been confirmed by mitsoda in the new interview so that's neaT

mitnick was great

He says on Yea Forums dedicated to fucking video games. Fucking neck yourself you worthless faggot, you won't amount to shit.

But then that ignores people who have legitimate grievances with games. It's not even hard to have problems with this game
>unreal engine
>hardsuit labs
>socjus shit
>new exploration powers could break balance of stealth/exploration
>that dumb bitch from kotaku being one of the main writers
>set in the current year instead of in the apex late 80s to early 00s setting right in time for 90s nihilism, goth culture, grunge music, industrial rock, no camera in every pocket, small social media, usenet sharing etc.
Realistically what you are seeing is something is popular, therefore a lot of people have eyes on it therefore more people can find faults in it.

Voiceless just feels better, ya know? It's not even a self-insert thing, or maybe it is, but it just works

What you disagree with?

show that you are tougher than her by standing out in the sun while flexing

also means there is no chance that the protag will sound like a balless faggot like Ryder from ME:A

At least it was so shit in fallout 4 that Bethesda are canning the idea.
Either that or canning the franchise, I hope they do because fallout is fucking dead.

when I played the game a long time ago I didn't even consider joining Andrei the tzimische an option. I forgot about the possibility completely. Now I'm a little bit tempted. why not seek the culmination of the condition? why drag on? the man with the best guess on what it is is Becket, and he thinks the mythology is humbug. I think he's wrong. So the blind lead the blind. I don't want to fuck myself out of too much content though. I'm just about to go meet Gary. Will killing him and going with the sabbat mean that I miss a lot?

>where was this confirmed?
it wasn't. what they said is that there's something similar.

>mostly first person with third person modes (hopefully stealth)
And here i was having such high hopes. dropped, First person is shit

>still no news on nossies
B-bros? We'll make it w-won't we?

Ryder was absolutely fucked by horrendous writing, which was a shame because the environmental artists did some amazing work, that asteroid location blew me away.

I ain't going back to that shithole to get them proofs, all I can say is that as a guy who owned basically all their games, and dlc, I'm not giving them another cent. the problem was small too, basically in the save menu the game doesn't sort your saves how you ask, and even fiddling around and changing how it's sorted the game still sorts them arbitrarily, this bug has been in there since day 1 too, and still no fix, but they make DLC.
Amplitude are owned by Sega.

You can't join the Sabbat in vanilla, you need the newest version of clan quest mod which is pretty good but it's a mod and not canon. I think they had plans for the player to join the Sabbat somehow but it never got implemented in the final game.

Will we get to romance Mrs. Hendricks?

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Expect them to be heavily toned down

UNtil oUr sHattered sElves ONce agAin coLlide.

>one of the main writers
By the sounds of things she is doing the human sidequests, which will be like a third of the game.
I think they are just parading her around for media attention since vidya journos are so corrupt.

But I want her to be tougher than me and protect me.

that explains why I didn't recognize it. I do have clan quest installed right now though. can you do the clan quests of more than one clan?

There you go, your true colors are showing, vile discord creature.

Her boobies are bigger than my fucking head. What in the hell.

we'll make it user, don't worry. there's no way they don't include the best clan when seattle underground is a prominent location in the game, r-right?

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i mean could i fuck off, do the ventrue line, thne come back and kill gary and join sabbat?

Do you know what dogs do to lesser creatures? Do you want to know what Gangrel do to lesser creatures?
They dominate them, do you really want to be dominated?

ywn has a Nosferatu girlfriend joking about biting off your dick, why live?

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Hopefully not.

She's definitely one of the main writers, and if she's leading side quests that's a significant portion of the game still, look at all the sidequests for VTMB, those were great, that's a write off now.

You need to be of the clan you want to the quest for, obviously. Some of the quests begin before you get the opportunity to join the Sabbat and others are afterwards. If you want to remain unspoilered I'd just wing it if I were you, but there are walkthroughs for the various quests on the clan quest website that will tell you how and when they begin.

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By my Gangrel mommy yes.

alright I'll take it as it comes

do you think she escaped LA and finally made a living as an artist with her shitty poems?

hope VV's back anons.

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I'll dominate the fucking gangrel and she'll like it

>Is it crazy to assume it might get as much attention as the sex mods did in skyrim
Yes, Bethesda games out tank nearly everything else for porn mods and we don't even know if 2 will have mod support yet

>tfw you realize that all it takes is for a raspy voice to tell you what a big strong man you are for you to get an erection

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Am I the only one who reinstalls 1 just to fuck Jeanette?


I dunno guys... they get pretty insane when it comes to dlc.

>still shilling this shit heap
>retards participate

this place is r/gaming 2.0

i keep seeing that.

but isn't the whole thing malk that you are bombarded with confusing gibberish most of the time?

i feel like it will be way more impactful when you encounter something ingame, and then remember what your character said a few hours ago.

rather than playing it a second time around and understanding the reference when it's said. that seems boring

>don't even know if 2 will have mod support yet
>literally "day one mod support" in the initial announcement

mod support is confirmed day 1.

all the triggered fangays can rejoice since now they can replace all the xir pronouns

Is there more based and redpilled clan than Nosferatu?

>mod support
Now we just need on how easy to slap on porn mods and we can salvage this even if it's shit

No, talking to women is problematic. But some tranny might call you names based on the fact, that you are white and, God forgive me, a cis.

its a weird discovery

So these fuckers at the beginning of Bloodlines were Sabbat or not? Jack says they were gangbangers, but they died becoming ashes.

>implying they wouldn't retool malkavians as shitposters with meme magic

>start as a thinblood
So how does this work? Wouldn't you be weak as shit?

But you aren't cammy, you probably start off with the anarchs who are fighitng for thin blood rights.

>>Deb if night is back
Hold up, is this accurate? Last I heard, she said she wasn't involved and that was a few days ago.

Keep crying faggot, it amuses me.

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It was Sabbat at first then the 3 dudes in the warehouse type deal at the end of the tutorial that jack lends you the .38 for are humans.

>>no allocating skill points
It's going to be skill trees with exp
It might turn out to be a natural evolution of the first game's system

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But I can post a wojak or a silly looking frod. See? That means we're still bastion of a board culture, not a cesspit for various advertising campaigns. Look at all those frogs and wojaks, meme power activate!

Men who understand the finer things in life. VV a cute

Does she like black vampires?

>natural evolution

Even the tabletop game stuck with the dot based system in v5. Even v5, as shitty as it is, didn't get ride of the core gameplay mechanic of XP for dots. It's not a fucking natural evolution to do away with the dots system, it's reinventing the fucking wheel for no reason whatsoever.

Anyone got the reinstall pic with recommended patches and whatnot?

VV deserves so much better than slumming in Hollywood

there in lies your problem, your thinking with reason.

thats the only reason the progressive shit gets under peoples skins, they change shit over literally nothing.

there isn't anything offensive about malks.

Yeah, you're pretty much a ghoul, but since they were talking about your clan choice being about 1/3rd into the game instead of the start, I'm pretty sure the idea is you're either gonna diaberalize someone of a higher generation, eat all the other Thinbloods to boost your power, or make use of some Relic macguffin

Mitsoda said she was handling the more human side of the game, I doubt after the first third she will have much relevance.
Mitsoda and Avellone are such huge personalities in a writing team, I just can't see them not outshining everything else.

>skill trees
NO, fuck skill tress, its a horrible way to implement progression.

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More like devolution, muh attributes.

How will I effectively change money into blood then?

First third of a game is the most important part of a game. If the game doesn't grab you and make you want to keep playing from the start, it will be dropped. This is game making 101 shit.

Do we get to keep pets(women) in our apartment in Bloodlines 2?

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I thought the world was supposed to end shortly after the game did?

To be honest, no, they actually care for their own, their ghouls, they actually have a good reason to stick together compared to the other clans.

Avellone is just a brand, that get's passed around for nostalgia bait points between the studios. Idiots, seeing him, will cry "muh torment" and spend on the buck, and there you have it.

I hope, at some point, they let us sire someone.

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A vampire from the old Eastern European clan Tzimisce. His name was Andrej. They like to shapeshift and fuck with shapes and bodies in general.

If you only knew...

post your dlc predictions
>clans obviously
>8 music packs

V5 made retcon the plot and made everything boring.

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That's problematic, times have changed, so there will be no more of that kind of thing.

I missed that, nice

We gotta make it bro or this game's a bust

>It gets good 20 hours in
Hyped to see actual gameplay at least, we will get to hear some of the soundtrack from the returning composer, see if he still has it, and they will showcase an early portion of the game to us, unless they want to spoil us.
Hoping for a quest walkthrough like they did with Cyberpunk.

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That's a liberal run city for you and I'm not saying that from a liberal bad conservatives good mindset.

>use a gun to complete her side quest
>bitches about how she could hear me across the street
>don't get the blood doll
toreador fuckin cuntbags

>still cant be a hunter

Never touched the game before. Once 2 got announced I jumped in as a Mall, with having breifly going over the basics of the world and the terms on the wiki the night before.
I'm having no issues understanding what's going on so far. [Just finished the 'haunted' hospital mission. Brought the mantis two more flies even :^)]
The insights make the dialogue more interesting than the toreador character I toyed around with. Way more interesting. Actually having to think about the metaphors sometimes and looking for connection in literature and other things in general has essentially kept me playing this inarguably dated game.
Pretty much what this beautiful user said. Going back and replaying the short amount that I already have with another, less mad character is simply nowhere as interesting now that I know what my character means right away.
I'm sold on a malk playthrough for the sequel already, if not a Nosferatu. Hopefully in 2 playing a Nos means more general shadow lurching and not sewer jogging.
>This outfit
>stealth killing Russian mobsters with a fire axe
Absolute kino

KYS my man

>Werewolf expansion

...what her blood tastes like when sucked directly from her nipples...

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muh avellone, muh torment is still a very niche marketing strategy, user

nobody outside some online communities and industry people knows about him or cares

i think your point is moot, until we know more i'll trust mitsoda since he's narrative lead. cara writing sjw shit is fine, it fits her. she still has to get it through mitsoda.

Avellone is an outsourced writer, notice that he wasn't even at the event, he's not going to be that big, that bitch is going to be doing a lot of work on the game.

Has dsp been able to survive this long because he's actually a vampire?

why the fuck was caine driving a taxi around

Just a convenience to make the progression more noticeable I imagine. You'll start off as a shitty thinblood barely better than an average human and then grow into a fully canned badass

What I love about VTM is that there is a clan and playstyle for anybody. Seeing you dislike every other clan but still finding that one clan that gets you warms my heart senpai.

I swear the narrator of the new trailer sounds a bit like her. Just close your eyes and listen to her voice. I might be delusional.

Narrative designer for Dying Light 2.

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having a laugh probably
what else is he supposed to do

The most logical choice would be to go search for a fix on the internet. asking directly the devs or looking into the code is usually a second solution. Specially since you probably don't have access to the code to begin with.

looking for that lil cunt abel prolly

Werent him and Jack conspiring to fuck over EVERYBODY? Pretty sure the taxi thing was just a cover and to keep an eye on you. Also anyone know why the PC is so fucking strong and starts taking on seasoned vampires at some point in the game? Was he sired by someone strong af or is it just gameplay reasons?

(POLL) Politics in VtMB2
Straw poll:
Cast your vote.

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>cara writing sjw shit is fine

Really? How so? Is she really that good? This game might be worthy of pirate now, wow.

No user i heard it too, I thought the same thing. Maybe a bit older, but it has to be her.

It’s a metaphor for him guiding vampires to their destiny or some shit

And after being cursed by god he wandered the earth aimlessly, sorta like how taxi drivers drive around all day without a singular destination

I'm pretty certain he was being facetious.


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Yeah, sounds like her to me. She still does VA work I'm pretty sure, as I hear her voice all the time in vidya, so I don't think it's a stretch she'd return.

As long as Mitsoda bashes her face in if she suggests romance again I'm fine.

Al? Of Ministry? Never knew he worked on it.
Seems like a lot of 90s - early '00s games used figures in the industry to make their soundtracks. Like Reznor with Quake
Idk if CDPR can get Lady Gaga maybe Al could make a return..

Only a Technocracy game should have real life politics.

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The "LARP as an imaginary SJW" posts are the most worthless.

Shit poll, needs
>keep game setting in the 90s
>president is neocon who's party is never mentioned

>sorta like how taxi drivers drive around all day without a singular destination
but he doesn't drive around, he just waits in the same spot for you the whole time

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Also the trailer ends with a female hand holding one of those fancy fags that Cruella used to smoke in 101 Dalmatians, doesn't it? Maybe VV's really back bros...

So you arent familiar at all with Vampires are you?

anyone know what the whispers are saying by the car at the very start of the tutorial? i think i made out "deceiver" but that's all i can over the music and restaurant next to it

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Lets hope, but she is setting wrong body standards, so she maybe wont be allowed in the sequel. If she is in there, we will see obese Journalists literally melting into the earth.

What clan?

Man Washington State is so pretty, its a real shame Seattle turned into so much of a shithole.

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>fish malks are getting BTFO in 2 in lieu of a more variety of Malkavians
can't wait

Based malk

They did confirm some Bloodlines 1 characters coming back. Considering how much of a fan favorite VV was, i wouldnt be surprised bois.

man keep that spooky shit to yourself I'm home alone in my dark room browsing Yea Forums on my laptop the last thing I wanna hear about is whispers in a dark alley

>arguably the most powerful clan even though they're babies compared to the others
>fucking sired themselves
>can do literally anything through thaumaturgy and they're hunting down anyone who tries to learn it
>wiped a clan out and cucked another one for 5 centuries with a simple curse

getting assblasted over optional pronouns is pretty silly and the original game glorified left politics too

Yes I'm, but compared to Syndicate and NWO they are bunch of children.

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Fish Malk are pretty gay, when you think about it. "Le random epic meme xDD" in a nutshell.

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My fucking man.

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It love first person melee, I really hope it's good.

I wish that was true.

Yea Forums used to hate "le epic random" bullshit...

my dumbass forgot the pic
I guess I'm just used to dialogue heavy RPGs being very straightforward in their dialogue. I'm sure the writers had a blast with the malks.
Nos and Tremere seem interesting. I'm gonna play the game a second time, modded as one of those

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i want answers, i've never seen it posted before, but there's childlike/feminine whispers over there and i don't know who's speaking them what they're saying or why

Considering how sloppy and janky but fun the combat in 1 was, i think anything could be an improvement.

Yea Forums also has turned into a cesspool of sheer utter crap. Remember that top 100 games? How times have changed.

best track

I've just started a malk and don't understand this fish business. Talking to virtually any female character leads to the protagonist sounding like a literal fedora tipper though, which is grating. And the laughter is hit or miss depending on the context

Everyone here was a teen when Vamp came out.

Have you tried running it through with different clans? My first thought was to try Malk and see if the voices changes, or not.

Atleast this thread has been comfy af. There are still little slices of heaven in this cesspool it seems.

Can I play this game as Liam Neeson?

>Hotline Miami 2 got banned in Australia for this

Bloodlines thread are always comfy. Well, until recently due to the outrage over bloodlines 2.

It's just a reflection of the game industry that turned into absolute crap in this decade.

>original game glorified left politics too
This meme needs to die.
Satire is not glorification. The game also never made a stance. Damsel was literally such a lefty commie nutjob stereotype, that anyone taking her seriously, must be equally mental. Have you even played the game or are you just repeating what your discord master tells you?

Yeah, but treated in a sense of "If we push this specific party/ideology it has the side benefit of giving us X"
would be neat playing as the top dogs in the setting more or less

Attached: Vampire_2019_03_29_16_04_15_991.jpg (1920x1080, 926K)

ARG, nonce


Holy shit guys!!!

Liberals are cowards and have no honor. They won't show the truth of what Seattle looks like. I mean, do you think the devs will show the statue of Lenin?

>president is neocon who's party is never mentioned
well half of this is true at this point

I voted republican once, oh goddess.

It's a whole year away dudes. I don't think I'm going to make it.

Secret best girl.

Go ahead user. Get it off your chest

Time to place yourself into stasis.

I was planning on playing Cyberpunk until then, but no, we can't have nice things
Guess I'll just replay old shit for the Nth time while waiting

there's now a male whisper here but i can't really make it out either, "he comes" maybe, and what of the child ones said "it's a (something plural ending in s)" but couldn't make it out all the way

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Can i rape you?

even the actual liberals in seattle are up in arms over this shit, the only people who aren't are the people sitting in gov. pretty interested to see if they address some of this stuff at all in the game.

Use ur imagination fuckface

The goth NPCs outside the nightclubs never go home or eat but we’re not supposed to believe they’re homeless and immune to hunger

I wonder if this has anything to do with Caine. Or maybe the voices are a warning to Jack?

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Holy shit, you're retarded.

Hopefully, I liked my stoner with dreads.

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Can I pick more than two genders?

Pretty shit tier clan. Famalama



That's also a different dude even though they use the same model and voice in game your character has never met the "caine" cabbi until the end of the game.

Skills exist, you just level them up through activity.

So I just got to Chinatown[/spoilers] how far into the game am I?

Maybe not the most fun I agree but I like them.

>no skill point allocation
That can't be true.

Are Disciplines in this game going to be gender specific?

Sorry m8, but to the devs, stuff like pronouns is what's most important in video games


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Ever play the nigger vampire?

Are you fucking kidding me? So if I want to level up thaumaturgy I have to continuously break the masquerade by casting magic fucking spells willy nilly? Absolutely retarded.

>Deb of night is back
Source ? She twitted they didn't even contacted her.
>soundtrack guy is back
The guy repeatedly said that he could never recreate something like that, as he wrote everything just after getting out of jail and rehab, while living in a semi-slum. In his own words "The soundtrack is like that because I was pretty much a character of the WoD back then".

About halfway through. This is where the game beings to fall apart. Good luck neophyte.

Which one is it, brujah ?

Reminder that she (probably) fucked Fat Larry in the ass.

Attached: Fat_Larry.png (250x250, 55K)

>Skills exist, you just level them up through activity.

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That's the last hub, point of no return isn't too far off, I legitimately can't remember were it starts though.

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I think mitsoda said they're trying to keep it like the original


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No, never liked them.

gonna be really pissed if he doesn't return

But those same liberals who are bitching put them into power in the first place.

They got wanted they voted for. Should they not lie in the grave they made themselves?

male toreador has a style about him

Attached: toreador.jpg (538x760, 46K)

Can I pick the gender right away or I will be able to pick it at the point of the game where you decide what clan you're going to join?

Is Tremere chad who opens the sarcophagus himself the cannon ending? I think so.

He's one of the characters that makes the least sense to return. He's wearing an LA Lakers shirt for fuck sake. Setting the game in Seattle instead of LA again was a retarded idea.



What do you guys think the PC from bloodlines 1 is doing now

>tfw you couldn't learn the thaum ritual that turns you intangible as a tremere and just look inside without opening it

would be a funny way to shit on jack's entire plan

Off in the middle east fighting the war of elders against the sabbat

ask away cunt

We don't know. No gameplay has been shown. There have been interviews, but nothing of significance has been said. We have to wait until more information can be made public.
Good evening.

>Fishmalks are pretty gay, when you think about it
It's literally a term invented to describe unimaginaive shitters who only roll a Malk in order to act like a cartoon character. There's absolutely nothing to think about.

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I mean the "Tremere" ending shits on their plan anyway. Strauss has the sarcophagus locked up Top Men style

>>keep game setting in the 90s
bloodlines isn't set in the 90's you tourist


giving chunk belly rubs and feeding him doughnuts

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>the neonate is fighting on the elders' side


>ywn give Nines the finger while Jack sits there waiting for an explosion as you strut into the night

Skyrim ruined RPG's.


I just checked. Yes, but they're just generic whispers that I always hear in the game. I originally remember them from the malkavian voices mod 12+ years ago.

I think Lick is fighting the good fight to promote feminist values among Kindred, equal blood packs for every gender, making people aware of the glass selling in Camarilla ranks, crashing the patriarchy of the Hidden Antediluvians, that sort of thing.

Yeah but using magic to circumvent his explosives and safely take a look-see what's inside without even opening it would have been even funnier. Now that you mention it it's weird that Strauss didn't do just that. Cast some domination invulnerability charm or some shit (I'm sure something akin to this exists because thaum is broken), then turn intangible and take a cheeky peek inside the box. Really no reason to not do that.

tremere are fucked, the bomb would probably detonate shortly after you look at it and rematerialize due to a misfire or something

The sabbat have humans and vampires among their ranks.
The masquerade means nothing to the sabbat.

How would it be tripped at all? Jack has no thaum powers and the ritual makes you completely immaterial.

fucking bitches and pulling rabbits of out of hats and shit in his own chantry

The Sabbat actually enforce something akin to the masquerade in their own cities/lands. They only break the masquerade in Camarilla cities because it forces the cam to show their hand when they cover it up. Exhaust the enemy while forcing them to show you what they're capable of. Pretty ingenious actually.

vtmb2 will be great

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jk I love him, I just want Deb

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Is that Christina fucking Hendricks?

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>no allocating skill points (needs clarifying was sketchy answer)

>no skill allocation
I want to go back.

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Yes. Videogames are finally saved.
Daily reminder to thank Based Brian for saving bidya

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I meant in a general sense
tremere tend to get fucked on by bad circumstances much more than any other clan

>endless trash
>all western games

Attached: feelsgreat.png (672x777, 312K)

the game is nearly over in chinatown. if hollywood felt short/rushed, chinatown is that 10x, but much worse than hollywood anyway.

True. Strauss should have done some magical shit to find out something about the box's contents, though.


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Would have been great to get access to the gameplay video they showed behind the scenes at GDC so we could actually know anything about how it plays

i have no idea why people keep saying this. looks nothing like her? because she has big boobs? retarded


Suck my toes fagbag *sticks up the middle finger, it’s glistening with ur moms period blood*

E3 will have gameplay

I love Brian and Cara. I'm confident in the game just because they're on the team.

The absolute state of video games industry makes me want to kill myself. I think that's the strategy of the self-loathing trannies, faggots and feminists, this is how they want to level the playfield.

>no skill points
So Skyrim. Whatever you use more gets better. Realistic but easier.


Attached: latest[1].jpg (1280x1024, 170K)

Did you missed your dilation routine or something? Hop on it, pal.

I love Brian and if he PERSONALLY asked for Cara to be on the team, then I trust him.

Now Grout returning in 2, that would be cool

dios mio... la creatura...

>a comfy time for a damned monster

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>RPG without the mechanics
No thank you.

>What I hope for
Degenerate futa option in some form
Sex, implied at least
>What I expect
None of the above
A competent and fun game
>What I want to know
What should I expect

Eh, may or may not be good, have to see some actual gameplay before anything else.

With luck I still remember that this exist in a years time, will see if any gameplay has surfaced at that point.





Fuck off.

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Romance has been "confirmed" by Cara in an interview. One time she jokingly teases Brian for "not wanting SOME characters to be romanceable". So we don't know if she meant no characters at all are romanceable, or some are, just not all


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Old clan Tzmisce don't use Vissitude.

>not the same studio
>no jeanette


dunno about this one my guy

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>female writers

Attached: hanging.png (645x1260, 440K)

I tried vampire since it was on game pass and holy fuck the combat is bad.

>same studio


8th gen is low as fuck in modern nights.

How many old clanners are there still? Like 3? Just skip Dominate bro and join the Szlachta workshop

its not the same people making it??

what are you confused on here?

In hell bullying Lacroix because he opened it

>its not the same people making it??
It literally is you retard.

And lacroix failing his dom checks against you later in the game could be chalked up to higher willpower since that’s not a stat that they used

One of the people, not all of them.

The final boss.

No. They only managed to bring back a couple of them.

Yeah man, only Brian is there, and not the full 32 people team of modelers, animators and programmers who clearly had a lot of say in the creative decisions of Bloodlines 1.

The spooky house quest? Notorious for being written by the coffee machine repairman

>brian wrote everything

Yeah sure lead means he led the team dickhead not he literally came up with and wrote everything

I'm confused about how stupid you have to be to write something like this.

>Troika doesn't exist anymore
>key figures like Mitsoda (lead writer & lead designer of vtmb) are in
>others are scattered throughout the industry (Obsidian for example)
>most original stuff that's in working on design and writing and ost which are about the only relevant part of vtmb you need to keep. Game wouldn't be any better for having original programmers.

Oh no only the creative leads are back, awwwww maaan, what a shame maaaan

will there be strippers? can I turn a girl into a thrall and make her hang out in her underwear?

>no skill allocation
this sounds like it's going to be a use the skill to level it kind of system

I'm sure sad that guys who're responsible for the clunky side of the game that needs to be patched by fans to this day are not coming back :(

troika was actually very interesting, they didn't have a hierarchy like you see in modern game dev. everyone had creative input, even the code monkeys

also chad moore was the one that got the idea for malkavian dialogue, mitsoda wrote it. chad moore also wrote strauss.

boyarsky's impact is usually understated, but he was the creative director on bloodlines1 and I know he was a huge fanboy of the setting. all that accompanying art that he made really set up the mood/atmosphere for the game.

yeah, shame boyarsky's not on the team

I bet if Cain hadn't called him up Boyarsky would be up for another go at Bloodlines.

newfag to this game
always found the game interesting but felt kinda put off that there wasn't a sequel or something
now that i know there'll be more to enjoy after finishing the game i feel better about getting into it
any tips since i just bought the game?

leave this thread immediately

open it, or don't if you're a pussy

Open it when you get the chance.


That good huh?
Should I get the patch before playing then?
I've heard that it can be pretty broken on a newer OS

I can't wait for this to go full woke dyke edition
going to be glorious. I am going to pirate it so who cares!

Are you the one who told me to open it on the reveal day when I asked about install/setup tips?

Did the guy playing the piano have fangs or is that just me?
Same with the two dudes the trailer characters beats to death with the sludge hammer. I swear you see a quick flash of fangs from the first guy that gets hit and the piano guy.

just beat the game.
with a guns toreador.
opened it.
marathoned the credits.
what did I think of the game?

second playthrough suggestions?

Attached: rip chad.jpg (1920x1080, 297K)

Malkavian. That's all that matters.

malk or nosferatu for a different experience. Stealth based. Malk will give you bang for the buck of weird plot premonitions and shit

>>if its gonna be very political
It's clear as staring straight into the sun, multiple developers have already gone on record saying that they'll go full "FUCK DRUMPF".

shouldve been able to fuck her up in the office

No Leonard, no party.

arent you able to

nah her quest line ends with her giving you money every now and then

Oh, reading comprehension, thought you meant kill her

YOU Stupid fucking faggot. This game was always SJW it just wasn't toxic sjw. I can understand hating Antifa and pronouns or the fact that the left talk like using emotions over fact while trying to ruin the reputation of nice people or changing something to suit there interest but Jesus fucking christ this isn't one of them. It was always left propaganda

valve also doesn't have a hierarchy and look how many great games they produce without having guys in charge


What kind of freaking idiot just opens it?

Attached: dont_open_it.gif (500x338, 1.89M)

You can kill her. Felt great.

Forgive me.

>tfw will never be tzimisce chad

Buy a watch.

The virgin cremation vs. the Chad grave

Attached: Vampire_2019_03_28_01_58_20_680.jpg (1920x1080, 279K)

jawline, skin tone, eyes, nose completely different

I legit felt bad about depressing him to get into the gallery. Especially when I found out I could have just broken the bars in the parking garage

>second playthrough suggestions?
forgot to mention, I only used the unofficial patch, not unofficial patch plus. should I go UP+ this round or stay with the base patch for the malk and nosferatu runs?

I mean, Amy Henning wrote one of the best vampire games to date. I fucking love Soul Reaver.

>>takes place in Seattle

time for homeless genocide

why in the world do you use that grain filter.

Go UP+.

>No allocating skill points
Than whats the fucking point of calling it Vampire the Masquerade you fucking shitters

Female writers then were far better than they are now. Actually writers in general were.

Real talk, how weak a vamp do you have to be to be threatened by a drag grenade

VV or Jeanette?

How do you do this? Do you have to flirt constantly?

They didn't say that



You have to be a Chad toreador

Attached: косплей-vampire-The-Masquerade---Bloodlines-Toreador-4122780.jpg (2012x1454, 273K)

fem gangrel

what mods are you using lads

Doing Antitribu now, it's kinda janky but fun.

Why do you lie? It was a mod that removed all non-whites from the human faction, it wasn't presented like that. Not to mention that there are paradox games that feature fucking genetics

Just unofficial patch and heather reskin

why isn't vtmb using my video card?

Ventrue are the canon chads though, they run the Camarilla and their clan boss was Kain's favourite child, plus they don't have any actual drawbacks and you get to be best friends with the Nos, it's win-win.

>takes place during christmas
Does this imply snow levels? Is there anything special about christmas time in the VTM series that we need to know? Do hunters get a boost?

They are probably just trying to throw a big jab at christianity

Because you touch yourself at day.

probably just christmas for ironies sake and bare trees being spooky

this shit is going to flop so fucking hard i love it

>the prince of the official discord is 13th gen

Bring this woman back.
I've never fallen for a voice in that way in a video game.

Since the first game has estrogen pills, will Bloodlines 2 have testosterone pills and the game tells you 'don't take if male'. You know, to relate to the modern age.

No, jokes like that are thing of a bygone era and don't belong in our progressive environment.

I should take test pills
become TRT vitor on the left here

Attached: trt vitor and after.jpg (1345x1024, 153K)

any serious answers? do I need to change anything in the config file?

Whats up with that low ass quality jpg you keep posting. Like its always the same

why does the current year have to be so backwards and stupid

Well if you're male you probably shouldn't be taking testosterone pills in the first place.

What is the error?

you should take them if you're below average test (with doctor supervision)

I'm on a laptop and the game wouldn't use the dedicated video card. I seem to have got it working though. Thanks for asking.

would be neat if we got an early-mid 90's game at some point

I'm glad you got it running, hopefully you pirated the gog version.

Downloading the first through gog rn. Its playable right? I dont need to download any patches?

what is the best playstyle for each of the clans?

Brujah, Gangrel - Unga bunga
Toreador, Ventrue - Social with Guns/Melee respectively
Malkavian, Nosferatu - Stealth


How are VtMB bros feeling now that VtMB is having a resurgence in the normiesphere?

Hopefully it means more people looking into the tabletop most will go to V5 but the numbers for V20 will go up too most like, so its okay

>dosen't mention tremere

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Oh right, they're in the "hocus pocus" category

long as theres shit in the streets im a happy guy

Did you email them to bitch about the shitty optimization just like the rest of us?

They may not do Malkavian as a base choice cuz people got mad about the "misrepresentation" of mental illness.

feels good

What did wesp mean by this?

Attached: general lee.jpg (2556x1440, 822K)

that dude that still updates the unofficial patch choosing 3 is the only reason any of us can actually play this game

It will rise again.

isnt that the car from dukes of hazard

Zoomers are going to ruin this game.

yeah, the general lee

Attached: basket head.jpg (2556x1440, 375K)

Malkavian can go Social easily. They also "hocus pocus".

idk about the dino being implemented in the UP+ this way
a bit too far

Attached: dino.jpg (2556x1440, 500K)

Scared the living fuck out of me the first time I went there.

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>Ventrue are the canon chads though
I mean the actual chads are the Lasombra, but if the Camarilla were to have chads, they would be Toreador.

yeah normally its a lot closer but the UP+ changes it to be there instead

The night belongs to the children of Caine

The guy is 99% going to be either her gay vampire sideckick or ghoul

>wants to make every character romanceable regardless of gender
I'm okay with this

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>those fingerless gloves
Which clan is he?

Your last sunlight, Yea Forums...

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its gonna be full of social justice

Never should have come here!

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How well does the original hold up? I never did get around to playing it.

Mass Effect.

>call Boris fat old mysoginistic
>he's pretty fit and young
What did she mean by this

>not using goth heather

Attached: goth heather.jpg (2556x1440, 527K)

The combat is serviceable at best and the engine is full of jank, but the game is solid when fan-patched.

Default Heather is better than slut Heather or goth Heather. But only because Heather's model isn't great to begin with, so goth Heather looks even weirder.

>player will NOT be voiced!
That's a bad thing. Silent PCs are trash.

Unironically kill yourself.

U fookin wot m8

>mostly first person with third person modes (hopefully stealth)
>will mostly be melee fighting
Oh joy, first person melee combat. Because that's always great.
>inb4 dark messiah of might and magic

You're going to be able to customize your own Haven. Judging by the fact that you get the Sarcophagus TABLE and Stop Sign.
I was kind of hoping the Stop sign would be a weapon, so someone mods in Temporis so I could go full KONO DIO GA.

>I mean the actual chads are the Lasombra, but if the Camarilla were to have chads, they would be Toreador.
You're in luck! Cause now Camarilla have the canon chads! Or at least it will in Chicago by Night. Not sure how it would work without throwing the clan into a civil war, but that's what they are planing, Lasombra in the camarilla.

It's wild coming back to the game at 25 as opposed to 17 when I first played it. I was all about the Anarchs in my first run but now I'm leaning indendent or Camarilla. The Anarchs while well meaning seem a bit short sighted BUT the Camarilla think antediluvians are fake news. Another difference of opinion I noticed I have is sympathizing with Therese over Jeannette.

Fun game and I wish I replayed it earlier.


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How come I do well in first person games with melee combat and you don't?

Playing the first one

The anarchs are just a glorified gang.

Fuck, I can't beat the ship level. I talked with the popo, he radiod the other one, sneaked to the computer, disabled shit, made it past two cops outside but I can't get anywhere past that point without being spotted.

>Start as thinblood
Wait what? So that all but confirms you will be consuming other vamps. Isnt that like ultra super nono?
>inb4 consume Andeluvian


Nosferatu with only non-combat skills.

Seattle and the WA seems to be the new spot for Devs. Im not complaining, its vastly underused and will fit the spooky Noir nighttime vibe this game needs. Im just tired of LA or NYC

Attached: TLOU 2.jpg (299x168, 11K)

The Camarilla hypocritically enforces it while Elders almost constantly try to Diaberalize their Methuzalehs and hold getting to diaberalize a higher gen as a reward for the thinbloods.

switch the camera on then switch between the feeds. The cargo manifest is literally in the same area as the computers just one floor down I think or through another door. If you see the cop with his back turned you've gone too far. Everything is before the cop with his back turned

>Trusting a gray haired faggot who wears shooting gloves to look cool for the kids and hires female writers to make a good game.

what the fuck did you do to this picture jesus christ

Yeah. I'm leaning towards Camarilla (not sparkling water guy) because while the Anarchs in LA seem alright, you need some actual order keeping everyone on an even keel otherwise you have retards exposing everything. If Nines who "isn't in charge" yet is wasn't around I'm sure their goings on would be a lot less neat and tidy.

Six of one half dozen of the other eh.

You can activate the cameras and look at them through the monitor. I did not know that on my first run so I got to the PC and snuck to the sarcophagus.

Only if she's black and says Massa instead of Master.

tranny activism is actually a nossie plot

It's ENB with reshade super grafix

No real good guys or bad guys, shades of grey and black etc.

Might be interesting in game but in irl it honestly needs to be nuked.

not that poster but having fewer dialogue options with more character is better than having tons of bland ones. "muh roleplaying" isn't even an argument when you consider that the chances of the dialogue that you think of for your character actually being an option are extremely low.

this but unironically

>want a certain aesthetic or attitude for your custom protag
>make a lowlife psycho biker junkie whore
>they open their mouth to speak for the first time
>out comes some dissonant voice that you didn't assign and don't want
>it looks jarring coming out of your character's mouth and is fucking anime dub tier awful
You best be trolling, nigger.

based retard

Once you go see Nines is the point of no return

Yah but he's arguing having them voiced and his opinion sucks

That looney tunes staring contest always gets me.

>No modern day politics
Dude, I don't give a fuck if there are politics or not, I just don't want the game to be about it. A joke here or there is fine, but if they're gonna ruin the game by using it as a platform to preach to me, then that sucks. What I mean is, there shouldn't be plotlines that try to critique current events - that would be immersion-breaking. I'm fine with jokes and shit, like they had in the original. Just keep the game about vampires and vampire politics, that's all.

Wait so I don't actually have to physically go and pick up the report and go to the sarcophagus? I've been pounding my head on this because I ran past all the cops just to explore the floor and surrounding and have been trying to sneak there for the past 2 hours.

You do need to pick up the manifest but you do nit need to physically go to the sarcophagus you just need to look at it on the computer screen

Alright, getting just the manifest should be easy enough, as it's the farther area that's more heavily guarded. Thanks for the tips.