Don't tell me you're pro skub user.....
Don't tell me you're pro skub user
we've been over this
Yea Forums is, and has always been, pro skub
Yea Forums isn't one person.
get filtered, skub faggot.
Get a load of this casual
I used to be pro skub, but as i've grown older, i can't stand the stuff.
Yea Forums is a skub board you fucking faggot, kys
Fuck off, skubfags. Skub is fucking disgusting and you fags need to return henceforth.
Imagine being anti-skub
What's it like to live such a hate-filled existence
inb4 "better than being pro-skub faggot"
based and skubpilled
Skub's an acquired taste, I don't blame people for having too shit a taste to appreciate it.
>muh acquired taste
how many times am i going to hear skublets say this
Not gonna lie, former Skub supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Skub crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this stuff get the nuclear codes.
I prefer Skub Lite
What a coincidence, the banner I got when I opened this thread was the Skub comic
skub is my favorite video game
Okay, What, objectively, does skub do, though?
I 100% prefer skub posting over political and wojak posting
anti-skub education, everyone
Fuck off anti-skub loser.
Same here.
> Doesn't actually say what it does.
You're part of the problem, fegit.
>anti-skub propaganda efforts have suppressed this much information
Pro-skub is pro-freedom.
>when you put your dick in skub for the first time
FUCK skub and FUCK skubfags, you are a cancer and a disgrace to your family tree
would your great granfathers aprove of your skub faggotry? NO
you know i've seen that picture tons and always thought it was skateboarding wax
Not in your fucking life. Yea Forums is anti skub and will always be.