
>divine divinity

Do people think these games are actually good

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Gothic is really good. Divine divinity is too diablo-like for my taste.

yes, just like some people think memescape torment is good.

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>ultima 7
Literally newgrounds tier shit

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Most jrpgs are chibi shit shovelware that nobodies do in rpgmaker.

Don't talk about Todd's favorite game like that, user.

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Stay Assmad WRPG Kun
> Fandango, M.Island, BG2, CIV, Mario, Max Payne, Soulsborne, AoE2, Cave Story, Deus Ex
These are the only games people care about, everything else is utterly irrelevant garbage that normies will never mention outside niche internet communities like RPGCodex

>b-but other thing

>irrelevant garbage

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>assmad idiot complains about this chart getting posted all the time
>immediately reposts it after a thread about it dies
are you okay pal

Who the fuck cares about normalfags?

Reminder that Civ 4 won a fucking grammy.

Everyone since they are the ones who run society & how everything in the world is percieved. Whatever games are popular among Normalfags are going to be the ones that people remember as all time greats in 5 years. Normies don't care about 97 % of this list because they are outdated & niche garbage

You, evidently, as you keep posting your meme chart to seek validation and attention from them

>Everyone since they are the ones who run society
this is not true now and it has never been true

Cope, SJWs & Trannies literally run the western world now

>SJWs & Trannies literally run the western world now
The West is running surprisingly smooth all things considered then.

Play better games

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Step aside contrarian cunts

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holy fuck are you 15 years old

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40% based
better than OP i guess

Video games have mostly gotten better over time.
We're in a gaming renaissance

Remove Touhou, DMC, 999, Ninja Gaiden & Psychonauts and then this is based

spotted the furfag

>kingdom hearts

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix has the best gameplay of any ARPG
Other Kingdom Hearts games are average to good games.

>that list
>"how the fuck is this the guy responsible for Fallout 4/76/Oblivion/Skyrim...
>see the date of that email

Gaming died with the Xbox 360, Wii & PS3. Nintendo, Indies & Capcom are the only thing keeping it from completely collapsing

>We're in a gaming renaissance
on PC, yeah kind of. but on console? things are the worst they have ever been. OP has more new games than your chart does, btw.

Todd has been trying to recreate Ultima 7 his entire adult life. You can see its influence in every single game he is involved with.

>on PC, yeah kind of. but on console?
lmao, PC just gets battle royale and ports

That explains why they're all shit then


lol kind of

I'll give it a try then. I played a few hours of 1, and watched a friend play an hour near the end of 3, and it looked like it was still run around and mash attack.

>half of chart is abhorrent
>walking simulators
>EoSD secondary, probably hasn't 1cc'd a single game on lunatic
>bioware fag
>undertale hidden in there
>20+ nintendo games
are you proud of yourself right now? are you proud that you made this

>playing this game makes you a secondary
christ touhoufags are insufferable

Kill yourself OP

>Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix has the best gameplay of any ARPG
I would rather have my nails pulled out one by one with rusty pliers than ever play that garbage game again.

im not OP, why do nintendo fags always think a boogie man is out to get them

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1's aged considerably. 2 makes magic more viable for usage since it reloads after you've used up a bar. It also forces you to actually use your repetoire rather than just mashing the attack button on critical mode due the way it balances the game. Magic, Drive Forms, Limits, standard attacks, blocking...Its all useful