Sword saint is a joke compared to this guy

Sword saint is a joke compared to this guy.

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Demon is a cool boss, because the fight is more like DS.

I hate it.
Sekiro and dark souls do not mix
See this guy and guardian ape

Fire shield, ggez

Where do you find this guy anyways? I killed Isshin Sword Fag and have no idea where to go.

how? you just learn his phases and run around/block/dodge waiting for the opening.

The arena where you fought the horse guy

Grapel to the kite.
Run back to Ashina outskirts and you will get reported there

I fucking hate how they dropped the neat scaled bars from dark souls in favor of those shitty red lines like in bloodborne

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you can backtrack into outskirts from ashina castle previously broken bridge(or bell-headless nigger shortcut)

That's what makes it the worst fight in the game though

Just get to phase three.
Then spam the whistle of malcontent on him and you have just enough emblems to stunlock him to death

He's pretty consistent, and while takes a big long is fairly simple once you learn his moves

Though I haven't found a reliable way to jump+grapple the phase 2 fire wave attack/stomp he does when he charges away
I can dodge it fine by being far away enough, as there's plenty of time while the fire travels, but when I try to aim for the grapple I'm only sometimes not being hit

Killed Demon last night in ~40 tries, Isshin today 20 something.
Ape's 1st phase was way harder than 2nd phase. 1st phase attack patterns were too erratic for me.

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Nah, it's still all the same.

Yeah but you can at least cheese first ape with the charged flame vent

running jump then grapple

Not at all but we can agree to disagree

Alright, I just got the white flower, all the idol's in Ashina's castle are just fucking not responding until I get to them again. I bum rushed my way up to the main castle, saw the Owl and Kuro cutscene and tried to find the nearest idol but instead got butt fucked by two faggots in the one room with the elite guy. What's the closest Idol to the Owl that I can get to without having to fight anything?

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But when do I jump?
As he stomps his foot? As the fire starts? Before that?

You have to kill the dude and his purple ninja butt buddy and then use the window.
Basically what you did to fight genchiro.
The fight is hard but it’s a lot easier if you know you can get a backstab if you sneak up on the purple ninja

You can reactivate all the idols

Those two are some of the best fights in the game though. Guardian Ape more so

Isshin's second phase is the hardest fight in the game. Demon of Hatred is easy all the way through once you learn to hug his gooch and bait out stomps. If you stay up close, he won't use his dangerous attacks. Plus, like stunning Isshin with lightning, the fight is over once you make it to the third phase because the finger stuns him. I'm hopeful that the DLC adds some fights that are difficult from start to finish.

Just deflect bro

you run perpendicular to him and jump after stomp since fire is super fast.

If you use umbrella this nigga is free.

Hate Demon is awful. Literally just poke him in the ass until his bloated health bar runs out. No chance at breaking his posture at all.

Right but that doesn't work if he's far enough

But if he's close enough the fire hits before you reach the grapple point

you never get hit by the fire because you already avoided it with running jump

There are two windows user. The one without purple ninja has the idol. You can also sneak kill one of them and fight 2v1 if you go through the door

If you deflect you can easily break his posture. Douse powder or use umbrella and he goes down fast

they put 2 BB/DS bosses to remind that its a from soft game
but it just doesnt go well with this game's combat

>red warning icon
>he goes for the grab
>you leap to dodge it
>stay put and turn around
>watch as the boss slows to a stop and turns around himself
>he stomps his foot down
>run to the left as fire comes barreling down and jump before the grapple icon turns green
It should work every single time.

They are, because it's basically Sekiro+DS boss fights mechanics mixed together.
The only thing I dislike about them are questionable hitboxes on some attacks.

Some you can't and the best thing is to run away, but its balanced in that you have a lot of time and options to hurt his health bar, because unlike other bosses Demon doesn't deflect your attacks and instead just eats the damage. Hugging his dick and ass lets you wittle down the health to the point where deflecting his hand scoops and his foot stomps do meaningful posture damage. And even the moves you have to run away from, the game gives the ability to immediately get back in there by using the combat grapple

>Sword Saint is a joke
You wanna say that again, lad?

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Isshin not that hard but I have no idea how to beat this one. I've looked up guides but I can't replicate any of what I've seen.

Y'all saying demon is harder, I managed to beat demon but struggling with ishins third phase, mainly the lightning attacks, can't counter them for the life of me, done it once on accident, but can't get the timing right on when to jump and when to click R1.

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he's just long so it's annoying to learn. His second phase he's annoying too but it becomes easier when he gets lightning. If you reach phase 2 of Isshin without using the gourd you should be fine.

there's a half second delay you should wait before jumping, then as soon as you're struck you can hit R1. It's actually easier than the previous phase because deflect lightning takes almost a quarter of his life.

yeah but when I fuck it up, I get shocked and more than half my health gets obliterated

Jump before the lightning hits you, and mash R1 to strike back while locked-on. As long as you discharge the lightning before you hit the ground, you won't take damage. However, I noticed that if you absorb the lightning too late, like while you're descending from your jump, you won't be able to attack in time and you'll take the damage instead. 3 or 4 counters is all it takes to end the fight, so once you learn the timing the fight is over once you enter the third phase.

Summon help then

that's true, but he only does it 4-5 times. You need to die a few times again and you'll get it. Still have no idea how to beat the demon of hatred though

>not using leaping kicks skill to get an even more epic combo.

this boss becomes easy when you jump

>fire carpet = sprint and jump
>charge = jump
>that one giant sweep = jump
you get iframes for jumping specific sweeps
also don't parry left arm attacks unless you can't dodge them

Demon took me way fewer tries than Sword Saint. Suzaku helped a lot. Sword Saint I just tried to learn his patterns, dodge his really bullshit moves with Mist Raven, and pray. He felt a lot less predictable.

Still, both really cool fights.

mfw he pulls out a fucking gun

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same strategy as Gael in dark souls 3, you're safe when he's withdrawing his weapon from the ground

Phase 2 is the only hard part and it's solved by just not playing by his bullshit rules. Stab his ass after he jumps with the spear or after he does a sword follow-up slash

>try to deflect Demon
>always end up doing that animation where I get sent a few steps back with my sword on the ground

Guess I'll have to play it like a Souls boss I guess. Midir 2 here I come

>deflect Demon who is a vessel for hatred
probably not the best idea bud

it works perfectly fine
the problem is that you're running away from the boss instead of attacking it

wait, so the idea is to get hit by the lightning while airborne and then discharge it at him before hitting the ground? at least now I have a better idea on how to time my jump, thanks.

can you break him out of the attack with the kicks? I maxed out the monk tree for flare desu, so I have that chat art.

you can use the phoenix umbrella to block all fire damage, but desu it's a waste of emblems and relying on it would mean you're screwed if you run out of emblems mid fight, although it's a good idea to use when learning alternative tactics to his attacks.
For the most part just treat it as a souls fight and stick between his legs, dodging, blocking and slashing at them. If he goes airborne to slam the ground, ran back and after the first fiery explosion use your grapple to go back near him, same thing with the second phase fire carpet attack, jump to a side and use the grapple to go near him. Never let him get far away from you, since his ranged attacks were the most bullshit, atleast for me.
Lastly, his weird charge that one shots me with 7 prayer beads, it's considered a sweeping attack, so simply jump, you might even phase through his body, you won't take damage.

while practising how to deal with his different movesets, you can keep the phoenix umbrella handy, or the feather, both are cheap and useful. Also red gourd might be useful too but I didn't use it.

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This guy is fucking easy compared to Isshin. It took me like an hour to beat him. By the way is there any way to fight Owl 2 on my current playthrough if I've beaten Isshin?

>wait, so the idea is to get hit by the lightning while airborne and then discharge it at him before hitting the ground? at least now I have a better idea on how to time my jump, thanks.
I think too many people assume you need to *hit* the lightning attack before it touches you, when that isn't the case. Look at the divine dragon fight. You get struck by the lightning bolt, and as long as you attack in midair before you hit the ground, you'll be fine. Your body stores the lightning, and swinging the sword discharges the energy. If you don't discharge it before your feet touch the ground, the energy will electrocute you because you are now grounded.

that is literally the most helpful explanation on how the damn lightning counter works, thank you so much user, hopefully gonna beat ishin, finally

not him but have you tried reading the tooltip? It literally says "hit RB before landing" you moron.

Sorry user don't want to hurt your feelings but how much of a brainlet do you need to be to not understand this without explanations?

>wow glad im done with that purple ninja fag
>*whole area is filled with them*
also how the fuck to beat papabird?

Malcontent+Fire Umbrella+sprinting invalidates everything he does

Yeah headless ape was pretty easy to get the hang of. I think the scream was the only thing I really had trouble with learning to evade

Which one? The hard one or the harder one?

You need to git gud, really
>1st phase
You need to break his posture
>2nd phase
I think it's better to attack when there is a window and just deplete his health

>just backstabbing him

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yeah, but it never explains that you have to get hit by the lightning mid-air instead of attempting to hit it, like a swordclas type deal.

Demon of Hatred is the third easiest boss in the game. Nothing he does can hit you because all of the active frames are the same and his moves have shit tracking. Literally dodge to the right the second his movement shifts and you've avoided 100% of his attack. Whistle literally turns his final phase into a non fight joke.

literally just sprint into him and to the right and he becomes about as hard as asylum demon. Sword Saint actually require you to show you've somewhat learned the games mechanics/posture sytem.

>Nothing he does can hit you
He has two bullshit fireball attacks

I felt the opposite way, I had no problem reading Sword Saint's telegraphs and didn't see anything I couldn't mitigate. But all of Demon's are just different kinds of flailing that sometimes have a random extra attack at the end and I still have no idea how to dodge that move where he flings 50 fireballs at you.

yes it does

Which will never hit you. If he charges literally sprint after him. Even if you jump in the exact opposite direction he literally still can't hit you as you're given a window to get on his nuts before the attack starts.

>the one where he's dancing like an idiot
Literally run in a circle around him. You don't even have to weave the fireballs. That's how much of a joke those are.

yeah that is definitely his one strongest attack. You have to just sprint at him as soon as you can once he does a leaping/dash move that puts distance between you two. If you sprint and get close enough they can't hit you. Though sometimes he's just too far away to even do that.

If you stay up in his nutsack, he'll never do the tossed wave of fireballs, nor the homing fireball attack he gets in phase two. Those are what he does to try and get you from a range. Coincidentally, if he does the homing fireball, run towards him while strafing, and once he's done attacking you'll get some free hits for several seconds while he recovers from the animation.

>If he charges literally sprint after him
I think they can still hit you if you don't start sprinting immediately after he charges. I'll start another save to fight him and some of the other bosses again and test some stuff though.
>>the one where he's dancing like an idiot
If you are far away you just need to run but the arena can fuck you over and you get instakilled if you get stuck for a millisecond or just slightly change your direction

I had more trouble with SS than with the demon.

You have a really large window. And in the case where you THINK you might get hit by anything at range, you can sprint into the fire umbrella and take no damage. Hair fire is such a joke because you can actually run in a circle away from him as well. It's not like the ghost boys 3 big balls that have to be weave. His fireballs don't have good enough tracking. So even if he does it and his ass is to a wall you can run straight away and slightly to the left and still be fine.

Oh and confetti does extra damage against him.

Guardian Ape is the best fight in the game though.

Sekiro is only fun when it's Bloodborne.