>meanwhile the creator of the most popular game in the world is culturally siding with rapists and racists on twitter
why are there so many assholes in the gaming community, how do we make them go away?
>meanwhile the creator of the most popular game in the world is culturally siding with rapists and racists on twitter
why are there so many assholes in the gaming community, how do we make them go away?
Other urls found in this thread:
>the most popular game in the world
and markass lee brown
If you're in the community then you are an asshole so far as I can tell.
I can't tell you how depressing it is to see my favorite franchises revived only to be filled with trash like this. Just look at Wolfenstein, that was the worst, and the battlefield stuff. I just don't even bother buying games anymore.
I think computer games in general are dying out. They were a mega trend but now the normies and kids who got their asses kicked in old games like counterstrike and brood war are now in charge of this stuff. I forsee every game even "triple A" games will end up similar to mobile phone games. Filled with ads and microtransactions. And liberal media references like LGBTQ stuff. I don't care about that stuff especially, but I don't need it stuffed down my throat. This game probably like a third of chars will be trans or homosexual. Thats just not reality.
so there is definitive evidence now? don't fucking post the non-answer tweet.
you're fucking deluded, Wolfenstein and Battlefield are dragging some important issues into the daylight so they can finally be discussed
and many game companies doing great things to adress the deep problems in the gaming community, mainly the fact that gamers tend to harass and bully people from maginalized groups because they don't "fit in"
They don't "fit in" because they hate games and the people who play them.
I don't join book clubs and whine about how reading is hard and takes a long time and that the people who can finish books are ableist.
Wrong. It's anti-SJWs whining all day long about SJWs and "SJW devs" and trying to force them to pander to them exclusively, even though they don't even play games
>please come up with arguments for me for next time I see this shit senpai
fuck off man, figure out ways to defend your positions on your own instead of being a sheep. unironically
except that's not what is happening, you peole are just being salty cunts because it's the only space where you have any power
>modern gaming is good
notch wasn't an anti-sjw until he sold minecraft
I love how that image completely blows away your own retarded argument when so many of the games listed are sequels or IPs stolen from someone else. What part of “make your OWN games” do you trannies not understand?
that's a fake screenshot fyi jtiwlyk
get help
wasn't there always trans dwarves? i could have sworn there were or i must have installed a mod with them included, i remember quite strongly for some reason looking at dwarf therapist and them all having a range of sexualities and genders.
I don't really mind, makes for more interesting stories and gameplay, as long as they are all still having kids and making the fortress bigger i don't see the big deal
>we wuz IPs and shiet!
>why are there so many assholes in the gaming community, how do we make them go away?
You are the asshole though. Stop complaining and making the world a worse place. Try positivity for once.
Have sex
>as long as they are all still having kids and making the fortress bigger
I actually hope they can't make kids so I can have a fortress that doesn't run at 10 fps without editing the immigrant spawns in the files
gaming has always been a white supremacist zone
actually it might have been a range of sexualities rather than genders.
either way, if it doesn't change the basic gameplay and the dwarves will be dwarves regardless, i don't see how this is much of a big deal. If you dislike representation in the real-world because you see trans people as being a slight on traditional politics or a "mental disorder" or whatever else opinion you might have, dwarf fortress is its own world with its own defined logics and this won't at all get in the way of that
factually incorrect
>no good sjw games
I hate to fucking agree with gg but I guess they actually were right.
The slippery slope is very real.
You don't get it. Adding trannies as an option validates the narrative that the gender binary is wrong. This is an anti-social political statement by the developer.
Remember, everything is political, everything can be interpreted how you want it to, everything supports a given narrative, and you have to point it all out.
nazi punks fuck off
gender binary isn't provable, society has room for other roles than just "man" and "woman"
This gets into a tricky issue because Dwarves have been able to crossdress since... Well, since Toady added both clothing and genders. When Toady fleshed out the noble system more, Kings and Queens could have homosexual consorts... or rather, consorts of the same race because Dorfs don't fuck.
Sexuality as a whole was never touched on. Dwarves currently reproduce by getting married, and then at some undetermined point the female randomly gets pregnant. Marriage and pregnancy are completely unrelated to physical contact (as people who do the "two-fortress" thing find out), or even Dwarves KNOWING each other.
Toady stated he didn't want to deal with that for the same reason Dwarves don't piss and shit (it's gross), so this whole "Trans Dwarves" thing kind of comes off as... odd. Dwarves don't even have a fully fleshed out reproductive system, so what does it mean for a Dorf to be "trans"?
As it stands, there aren't any differences between Dorf genders other than that female Dorfs give birth (pregnancy is no inconvenience, or even noticeable, however) and carry around an infant (how this infant is fed is a mystery). There are no cultural differences between the genders (both genders wear pants and dresses freely and labor is distributed freely), and they even have unisex names. There are no biological differences, either; a female Dorf without children is completely indistinguishable from a male Dorf (they both sport beards). Indeed, ignoring the fact that females can carry around infants, the ONLY way to tell a Dorf is by their pronouns.
In which case, all this means is that you'll get "male" Dorfs going by 'she' and "female" Dorfs going by 'he' (I use quotes because, given the above, gender differences between Dorfs are so minor as to be non-existent).
Reproduction is essential for society to exist. Even with the gender binary, reproduction is slowing down too much. Undermining it as well is anti-social. It's anti-human.
idk user, it's a pretty cozy addition to me because trans people don't scare me and most of the ones i know (maybe because none of them are american lmfao) are nice people with day jobs and comfy opinions who are cool to chat with
At this point, I'm convinced that Tariq Nasheed is an AI designed to generate black supremacist tweets. The dude argued that Bill Cosby was only found guilty because he was black.
provable? this isn't the realm of fact or truth, this is the realm of politics.
dorf children feed on the scraps of food the scavenge out of the beards of their mothers
So this the great dwarf fortress PClardasses are always going on about? A faggy tranny dwarf management simulator?
and I'm on the right side of the history, and you know it
>gender roles = gender binary
Fuck off. Women and men can be whatever they want to be, they’re no longer restricted by society and laws regarding their career path, hobbies, or family life. They can be masculine, feminine, gay, straight, a gamer, an athlete, etc. It doesn’t automatically make it okay to be a man if you’re a woman or vice versa, that’s not how biology works. Being a man or woman doesn’t affect anything else within your life unless you let it, just like race no longer has an affect on your life unless you let it. You are what you are but you can be so much more without mutilating your body and letting mental illness fester.
That's always been what fans have thought, yes, but it's never been confirmed. If it's the case and is true, then there's even less of a difference between the genders.
I love how people love to throw the word Nazi around, I bet you half the people using it don't even know what it means!
It is provable, you have a dong or you don't.
Hell the guy who even said gender was social construct was a crackpot
>That's always been what fans have thought, yes
Honestly I just pulled it out of my ass
That's fine user, you do you. I just hope you leave your kids alone with them, so they're able to darwin award themselves before making more people predisposed to such broken ideas. Or, if you don't have any, then please carry on with that.
that's bullshit, women are shamed and kept out of high position just because they are women, men never need to deal with discrimination on the same level
He was always like this, but he had to hide his powerlevel until he got enough money to stop caring about what other people think.
>pandering to a fraction of a percent of people
>pandering to people who are brainwashing children and ruining their lives
at least minecraft is good pixelshit
dwarf fortress is bellow even pixelshit, it is a text simulator no wonder trannies play that garbage
>pic related contains narrative of mentally disabled spic and americans doing goofy sociopath shit
I don't live in America, the trans people i know are comfy to be around
I know this is bait but if you're gonna talk about SJW games, try actually mentioning SJW games. LISA comes to mind, maybe FEZ and Undertale too but that's a stretch
HAHAHAH I will pirate this game!! get fucked. one piece pirates forever
As a moral relativist, I accept that you believe that and have no grounds to tell you you're wrong any any objective or metaphysical sense.
But I can say that you will be forgotten by history. It's not a coincidence that every stable long-term government has been extremely conservative by our standards. Reality just has a right-wing bias.
Me? I'm very risk-averse, so I've decided to side with the historical winners. And if that requires converting to islam eventually then so be it. Gotta do what you gotta do.
>added trannies
That’s wrong and has been wrong since the mid-80’s. There are laws against that which are very strict, oftentimes leading to the boss/supervisor being removed from their position. Don’t make up your own narrative simply because you want special treatment, that’s criminal. The only barricades holding you down are yourself, especially in a world when women are treated as queens the majority of the time.
>meanwhile the creator of the most popular game in the world is culturally siding with rapists and racists on twitter
I don't recall Notch saying anything pro-Islam recently
le epic centrist european
i've already seen all this, it doesn't interest me beyond the shock-factor because this isn't representative of the trans community at large and it would be foolish and unfair to consider it so
doesn't prevent men from abusing their power to stay at the top, just look at the lack of women CEOs
reminder that it's posts like these that /pol/ uses as evidence that both sides are shitposting just as badly.
>anyone who disagrees with me is a natzee
Oh boy I bet you think 95% of the people out there are Nahhatzis. No, it is not that you are a retard at all, it is naazhis bullying you. God damned ufo riding, hollow earth russian hacker nazis man, they are everywhere D:
So is your pitbull, wouldn't leave anybody vulnerable around with them.
Personally, I wouldn't trust anyone to be left alone with a psychotic who's off their meds because they refuse to even recognize their psychosis as detrimental to them... due to their psychosis.
anyone else finding this new fad of "you can be anything you want and we will support you!" a very dangerous path to tread on for society?
some teenager in his puberty has hormone issues and thinks he's a girl for a year and suddenly the whole internet is like "do it!"
and not because its actually true, but rather because they think support is more important than reality.
i dunno about this shit
"Man" and "woman" aren't genders. "Man" is the term for an adult male, and "woman" is the term for an adult female.
There's a gender "binary" because human beings are sexually dimorphic, with an extremely small margin of individuals born with congenital defects qualifying them as intersex, though this is in no way medically standard or normative.
It's not a historical issue. It's not even an issue. This is a very straightforward and obvious biological fact, and biology isn't concerned with the niceties of civil society, or history for that matter.
>news is full of muslim men raping women
oh yeah wait... it isn't
You're retarded to the core lad. Try telling a transnigger their original biological sex and you can get in jail in numerous western countries.
a family friend has a pitbull and it's the soppiest, silliest dog on the face of the planet
>So is your pitbull, wouldn't leave anybody vulnerable around with them.
>I can't train my dog because I'm retarded and thus no one else can
Resistance Ethnic Cleansing might not be a good game but it has a lot of HEART and SOUL and I can respect that
>people are still falling for the "OK sign is a white power symbol" troll /pol/ made up to fuck with them in 2016
Their lack of self-awareness is both hysterical and disturbing, given that people this easy to bait have real political influence.
Relevant regarding everything
>Try telling a transnigger their original biological sex and you can get in jail in numerous western countries
imagine thinking like this, i feel sorry for you, USAnon...
Reminder that the fact that your parents didn't abort you was a mistake.
>what are the multiple serial grooming cases in Britain that were covered up for years
Muslim men appear incapable of not raping, and therefore should be apprehended as rapists on sight.
>every stable long-term government has been extremely conservative by our standards
>by our standards
But that's the key phrase right there, isn't it? Nowadays you get called "racist alt-right Nazi" just for advocating extremely basic fundamentals of any democratic society, such as freedom of speech or equal treatment under the law.
The ACTUAL far-right countries throughout history have been just as unstable and dystopian as the far-left ones. Only centrist/moderate countries are worth living in.
Why waste time insulting a pile of lard?
don't even know who i'm defending but there's no proof in that image outside of a greentext story and some sexual fantasy that sounds like the gay equivalent of the 300 confirmed kills copypasta
What the fuck went wrong with Toady? Did he have brain cancer or something? This is the same guy that made Liberal Crime Squad and people can discuss all kind of political shit on that games forum. Why doesn't he want to discuss an objectively shitty and another useless feature now?
You sure about that or are you just blowing steam? About a quarter of Fortune 500 companies are lead by women, an even larger portion of the Government is occupied by women, in Hollywood it’s pretty even, and in literature over half of authors are women. That’s just on the bigger screen, at lower levels women and men are about equal but that depends on industry, education for example is overwhelmingly female.
I suspect it's very representative of the trans community. Every single one of them that I've spoken to over the last ten years or so has been a hateful, sadistic, disingenuous, spiteful bastard, the kind of person who exploits their transgender status to cover for their abusive behaviour. But they still get TREATED as kindhearted people anyway, because of some kind of mass psychosis going through the culture right now, akin to the satanic panic or something, where it's socially taboo to say otherwise.
I remember reading about, what the fuck are they called... primatologists? People who study primates. Anyway, about those guys - and they were all guys - making observations about how the genders acted differently in the troupe. They'd notice how kind and loving the females were, how aggressive and abusive the males were, etc.
Then they started getting some female primatologists showing up to study the same troupes, and those women started noticing - the females weren't so kind after all. They weren't OPENLY abusive, but what they'd do instead would be stuff like, when they had the opportunity to, they'd just run up and bite some other female's kid, or try to poke their eye out, or rip them open a little, or cause some other wound. It'd be done and over with in seconds so nobody except the human observer noticed so they got away with it.
Struck me as a perfect analogy for the kind of shit trannies do. They stand around all day looking nice and kind and vulnerable, and then when nobody's looking they stab your kid in the eyeball because fuck you.
But nobody can prove they've done it, so they get away with it. Weak, pathetic cowards who prey on the naive and vulnerable. On, apparently, you. And your kids. So be aware.
Can everyone ITT stop responding to the discord tranny raiders and just report the thread?
aren't you a bit too old to belive in conspiracy theories?
Man you really are ignorant and retarded at the same time. I'm not even America, its just fact that numerous western countries such as Canada, Britain and Sweden have transgender law that literally make it a crime to refer trannies as their original sex.
what are you insinuating?
>I want multi-billion dollar companies to be the ones to lecture society on social issues
Neck yourself, bootlicker.
>education for example is overwhelmingly female.
Don't remind me user.
>he doesn't know
kill gaming or get normalfags to leave
normalfags ruin everything, I am not kidding, look at anything remotely fringe or niche that has gone full on mainstream, it's the same story
videogames games, card games, music scenes, tabletop games, Yea Forums
you cannot have nice things around normalfags
I don't get why people are mad about this. The game already simulates some forms of mental illness, it's only natural they would start expanding on it.
What low life loser would self identify as a gamer? It’s a hobby, not a lifestyle. You don’t call me a philanthropist because I throw quarters at the homeless.
t. 6 yo.
Sorry to break it to you user but both santa and the patriarchy are not real.
>Billy D
Might as well be posting articles from Kotaku or Polygon.
are you hateful, sadistic, disingenuous, or/and spiteful?
I'm not a discord tranny, just somebody who knows the trans community to be quite lovely and nice outside of the US
anti-trans rhetoric doesn't interest me because most of the time the message is just "they are mentally ill sociopaths" and that's not rigorous enough for me
not denying in the slightest that there isn't a very troubling current within online trans communities that is incredibly damaging and full of self-hate and sociopathy, i just don't see it in my daily life and relationships with trans people so I know for a fact it's not representative.
Playing with our identities and sexualities is something humans have been doing for a very long time all around the world, and I just don't see anything inherently wrong with it
I'm not as interested in bringing up identity politics (i.e. asserting your identity as a heterosexual 'cisgender' (i dislike the term as much as you so it goes in quotes) as natural and 'correct') like some of you are
>mainstream news stories for months about both Rotherham and Rochdale
Yes, the openly acknowledged muslim grooming gangs are more of a conspiracy theory than your Russians under the bed paranoia, which your own lord and savior Mueller dismissed, by the way.
>Notch tried to give Toady money
>He refused
>Tried to donate big to his Patreon
>Toady cancelled it
Seems like such a weird interaction
He is just not retarded. Oh sorry, mentally handicapped. Didn't intend to offend you there buddy :)
I can disprove that claim with one tweet
>trusting "I'll let Trump edit the report Mueller"
>People are using Dorf Fortress to shitpost now
I fucking hate all of you
>muh stolen from someone else
Yes because Deus Ex Apex Legends Dwarf Fortress and Subnautica were all stolen from someone else, while /pol/ regurgitates the same shitty frog and wojak images over and over again that they clearly stole from someone else
Not even "God Emperor Trump" was original, that shit was just pasting Trump's head on Warhammer
>taking money from a bigot
some people have standards
>just somebody who knows the trans community to be quite lovely and nice outside of the US
>the mentally ill are a community now
Go fuck yourself. You enable them and play a part in their abysmal suicide rates, and their blood is on your hands and the hands of the doctors that support them.
you are a gamer as long as you play games
you don't have to say 'I'm a gamer' just say you play games and people will label you a gamer
asserting that something is "natural" means you're also asserting the opposite, that there exists something "unnatural", when most non-retards understand that when woo-science nerds designate mobile phones and technology as "artificial" or "unnatural" they are being disingenuous.
everything is "natural", you can't assert an opposite while making no claims as to how something can potentially be "unnatural" beyond "lmfao mental disorders"
Toady doesn't like Notch and Toady is an enormous legitimate autist. This shouldn't surprise you in the least
don't you think it's odd to be vindictive towards a class of people based on attributes that you yourself possess in your reasoning to hate them?
>both notch and toady are utterly retarded
One of these days I should make a patreon for my shitty game. Imagine how much money you could make out of gaming just by not being braindead.
I think maybe Toady is suffering from some sort of mental illness or something now. Between the trans dwarf and what you described, it seems Toady kind of lost it. Isn't the big reason why he sold DF on Steam was because of healthcare?
as if gamers are any better, at least trans people are trying to be a part of society
How many Wojak and Pepe edits are we on, now? What shitty meme stolen from Twitter is hot now?
>no u
lmao cry more retard
When i played last i heard he had made these changes after he got a GF but i have no idea if that's true or not.
Why would Toady be so passive-aggressive about this? He ordinarily strikes me as a really level-headed and dispassionate guy. In some interview years ago he slighted Minecraft for being vastly simplified over DF, but come on.
>tfw when endless wojak and pepe edits are far more creative than anything the left has come by in the last 10 years
The lack of self awareness is truly baffling.
>Yes because Deus Ex Apex Legends Dwarf Fortress and Subnautica were all stolen from someone else
That is correct. Strife existed before DE. AL is just another braindead BR. DF is just another simulation game and Subnautica is a another braindead open world crafting survival meme that barely lasted a week due to how shit the gameplay is.
The developers of all those games have been accused of being "SJWs" at one point, that's the point, its a meaningless buzzword
i feel so sorry for you, user, all that unnecessary hate and retardation can't be good for somebody
Suicide rates in the trans community aren't due to just "because they are trans", and you're a moron who is just parroting /pol/ if you think that's the case
It's "mark ass brown lee"
Gaming as a whole is dying and quite frankly I think it's time for a crash or an entire reboot of the industry. Half of the shit I purchased last year and the year before is just an unfinished, buggy mess that isn't fun. I don't even know why I play video games anymore, whether it's singleplayer or multiplayer I just find myself getting irritated and/or frustrated and hardly having a good time. Games just aren't as fun as they used to be to me anymore.
because maybe, just maybe, notch is an actual asshole that supports people that are legitimately evil
>Toady adding a new set of "Nobles" into DF
See, this thread is evident that many people don't actually play the game or even read the forums of the game.
imagine the possibilities for camps
Yeah not knowing americans trans people is probably the biggest difference. Most Americans see being trans as a political statement and also a threat. I don’t care if someone gets their dick cut off or shoves a dildo up their vagina but at the same time I don’t want to see some gross old man wearing a wig and make up with the 70 year old deep ass smoker voice.
I for one can't wait to throw my mentally ill Dwarves in danger rooms and seal off the exit.
Society is broken and shitty and trying to blame someone for checking out is pathetic. You deserve the fruits of your actions.
>Wow, you don't want these people mutilating themselves because of their mental illness? You're a bigot! Let them transition and then fucking murder themselves at an atrocious rate because that's #WOKE
>just another simulation game
>i feel so sorry for you, user, all that unnecessary hate and retardation can't be good for somebody
oh the retarded irony from people like you. Until the trans community fight against the bullshit retarded transgender law in western countries that ban people for expressing their opinion then they will forever be retarded and ignorant just like you
>Games just aren't as fun as they used to be to me anymore.
Insanely massive industry with all genres being explored at different funding levels, the problem is you
>Gaming as a whole is dying
Quit being such a melodramatic faggot. 2017 was a fucking amazing year for vidya and 2019 is already really goddamn good
Shh, adults are trying to talk.
We have faggots, niggers and trannies, when do we get pedo representation?
They're not creative, they're the same unfunny shit over and over again
>thing I don't like bad
>thing I like good
That's been the trend for the past 5 years. All you do is bitch and demand other people to change their projects to pander to you exclusively while doing nothing
Go back to your discord.
The secret to living a happy normal life is saying you don’t play games. I became general manager of a furniture store by saying I don’t play games. It’s also the easiest job in the world but that’s beside the point.
Nah you're retarded, if the people I hate want to donate to me because they passionately love the game I made I wouldn't want to be a condescending retarded jackass like Toady did with Notch. Just accept it and thank your fan for wanting it to grow
nah there are still good games usually by japanese devs
sekiro is great and has 0 sjw agenda in it. street fighter 5 also isn't a bad fighting game and has 0 sjw agenda in it unlike muslim kuckbat
Why do you think that transgender is a mental illness? Even when the DSM (full of mistakes, grubby corporate hands, a tome of human creation REGARDLESS of how much credence you give it- you ever been to those APA meetings? you know how many people stake their life on keeping their research relevant to being published in that thing?) included GD, GD =/= transgender, that was never the case. So there is nothing in the literature that justifies this belief.
Suicide in LGBT =/= "Just because they are gay or trans lol"
Even if you don't like trans people, that's a fucking retarded opinion user
I don't care as long as it's just a game mechanic and they don't shove it in your face like "look everyone, this new protag is trans and if you don't it or misgender zir your a bigot!"
>They're not creative, they're the same unfunny shit over and over again
oh the irony
>centrist faggot
he went from 100% based to insufferable yikes and cringepilled faggot. he shouldn't even bother replying to political stuff. hes set for life so he has nothing to worry about.
>do something
>get deplataformed by censorship advocate "progressive" multi billion mega corp
Yeah, I wonder why that happens. Just look at Kingdom Come and the massive journo shitflinging because they didn't include 500 niggers. Still a success though.
Strife is nothing like Deus Ex outside of being a first person shooter, and some very basic features like nonlinear levels and being able to talk to NPCs. By your logic literally nothing is original then, which completely defeats the point of your retarded argument. The point is anti-SJWs don't make anything and then demand developers to cater to them
Here's what I don't get. Trans people want to be the opposite gender right? So why don't they choose the...opposite gender in games? Why did a specific trans option have to be made?
why don't you answer the fucking question instead of dodging it with hand-wavy hypotheticals?
>he doesn't understand what a meme even is
oh the irony
lol this is great
you can't deny it, very intelligent people are calling him out for his bullshit, what's so hard to understand about the situation?
some people have standards, and aren't bottom feeding vermin like you
>Deus Ex
I think I just had a stroke.
>Why do you think that transgender is a mental illness
Because it literally is as as acknowledged by the same retarded research that you rely on.
you do know that theres many sexual predators and violent abusers among the feminists too right?
People are not nice, you shouldnt really go looking for bones in closets. Because one day you will find what you are looking for
>haha I suport hiler tat makes me smart
>Playing with our identities and sexualities is something humans have been doing for a very long time all around the world, and I just don't see anything inherently wrong with it
Nothing is inherently wrong with it. Demanding that other people play along and entertain your imaginary identities is wrong. What's to stop a white person from identifying as black? Or people identifying as other species, or objects, or plants? If you met someone who identified as a rose bush, would you honor their identity?
If they were intelligent they wouldn't be on the left, and they wouldn't get so asshurt about some billionaire faggot shitposting on Twitter.
did you read my post, user?
there's nothing in the research that equates transgender with "mental illness". Gender dysphoria is NOT transgender, it has never been equated in this way
because toady isn't a massive faggot, that's why
Now that I destroyed your argument, find me a company founded by trannies making AAA tranny games.
>/pol/ makes up ironic white supremacist sign
>actual white supremacists start using it
>/pol/ is still stuck in their mindset that only people they don't like get the joke instead of people who are exactly like them
You referenced "supporting people who are evil" and "his bullshit" but you haven't identified anything in particular. You're also moving farther and farther from the initial question, which concerned why Toady One, a generally rational person, would make an irrational and brash decision like returning a donation from Notch. Why did he do this? That's all I care about. I'm not interested in your editorializing notch's twitter behavior. Either answer the question, or shut the fuck up.
All negotiations with commonly sense truisms can appear/are clumsy. There's no reason to consider every attempt at changing people's opinions as perfect or infallible. That doesn't change the fact that hearts are in the right place
I bet they both also drink milk
notch is influencing young minds with bad politics, the least people can do is to debunk his worst bullshit and bigotry
>very intelligent people
>imagine writing that unironically
Shhh, let the grown ups talk, 85IQ-kun.
because it wasn't irrational to return the money, he clearly wants people to see him as a good person that doesn't let anyone compromise his values, especially not some shady as shit billionare
>his worst bullshit and bigotry
What bullshit and bigotry? Provide literally one primary source. You're just making things up.
Seriously, where do you kindergarteners even come from? Are you getting extra credits for your gender studies degree by shilling online or something?
I'm the user arguing that trans representation isn't a big deal, and I hope we end this conversation somewhere productive
I appreciate the conversation/argument even if I don't agree with the general wisdom of the board, so thank you for provoking me
You're still not answering the question. If you don't know why, just say so.
whatcha gonna do, refute my clame with your stable genius god emperor?
>no biological differences
wait a min I remember ages ago some mod that added "breast" to dwarfs did it never gain traction & become an official part of the game?
seems like something toady would have implemented a long time ago
I don't care what he's telling kids and I don't give a shit what retards come in and try to "debunk" it. The only thing I said was that you should shut the fuck up, and I stand by that.
well go ask him faggot, you're clearly retarded
The reason why is because anti-SJWs/pol/actual white supremacists are losers. And I don’t mean “lol look at this nerd playing games” loser I mean literally have no talent, passion, or identity-level loser. If you look at interviews with former white supremacists they’ll admit the reason why they joined was because they had no direction in life and felt a sense of community with a bunch of racists who praised them for only being white. Groups like /pol/ or white supremacists will praise you and give you a sense of belonging for virtually no effort, you don’t need “talent” to be white, you don’t need discipline or hard work to be white, that’s something you’re just born with. Yea Forums itself is just low-effort social interaction with no risk involved. “Memes” are just regurgitating what everyone else says, and even “original” memes are always low-effort, low quality MSpaint edits. They need to invent problems to fight against to give their own movement a sense of legitimacy so they whine about minorities fictional brown people in video games, while black people whine about police brutality, unequal sentencing in prison and poverty. They think being edgy makes them special and unique. Making games requires work and the development of skills, it’s not something you are just born with that you gain with no effort
That’s why there are no anti-SJW/pol games, because they are literally the ideas guys special snowflakes of real life
Nothing that he says his wrong, he's against trannies and globalism, it's all good. You're just mad because you can't close his patreon and fire him because he's got no patreon and he's retired.
Didnt know notch was a leftie
well disprove me then you stupid cunt
I'm fine with discussing whatever but you have to admit that you fucking faggots only want to start a conversation to affirm your own conclusions. If you want something to be discussed genuinely dont be surprised when people give you their honest answers, such as how much of a disgusting abominable fuck up they think you are and how they think you belong in the ground.
I already debunked this but feel free to live in your wrong non-argument.
Can you possibly be more of an underage strawmanning retard unable to use proper grammar? I mean, I am literally a very drunk ESL and I can express myself in your own language better than you.
Yea your 90% right user
He is mad notch got rich becaus of his inferior 3D DF.
>Strife is nothing like Deus Ex
>look at all of this feature that Deus Ex took
You leftist really are retarded aren't you? Strife was immersive sim before System Shock even coined the term.
>The point is anti-SJWs don't make anything
Who is anti-SJW then in your view. Vavra? Harada? Will Wright? Mark Kern? Those all spit in the face of SJW and they have created games you cherished till today.
Say hi to the friends at resetera
He's not really, all his shitposting is entirely contained within his twitter which the vast majority of people and esp children don't care about. A certain population has an invested in believing twitter is a big influential thing because that means their tweets are by proxy influential but in reality i doubt most kids even know who Notch is, let alone follow his twitter.
w. regards rosebush person - that would be the funniest encounter i'd have with a person on the day so I'd play into it
w. regards white person claiming to be black, the black community will probably nip that in the bud for me
"imaginary identities", answer me user, what makes your identity not imaginary?
basically this, it's jealousy and spite
>some people have standards
Ah yes, adding tranny dwarves is now standards and not wanting to accept donation by a passionate fan is now procedure. Based retard.
And this wasn't a faggot with a che guevara shirt, he literally worked with the soviets against the USA.
i don't use resetera and dislike the people who use it as much as you but I get your rhetoric
>because toady isn't a massive faggot,
>adds gay dwarf
>now adds tranny dwarf
What now massive fag?
>trying to correct the worst aspects of society is a bad thing
can I at least toggle this shit off or is he making trans dwarfs mandatory?
L fucking oh el. All of japan's games are anti-SJW and are experiencing now a second renaissance and raping the western market since progressive gatekeepers can't completely deny them a platform as they already do with any western native games that dare go againt the Party doctrine. Go ahear and bullshit your way around why so many AAA wester stuidos are tanking and why jap games are getting so popular, I'll wait so I can laugh at your excuses, cuck.
>>/pol/ makes up ironic white supremacist sign
The retardation of people like you are astounding. You do realize people were making that sign centuries before your prostitute of a mother bang your homosexual of a father right?
I cannot relate to this vid at all. The music I listen to nowadays is vastly different to what I listened to before (electronic music vs. symphonic metal when I was a teenager)
Also I still find video games I enjoy every now and then, but it needs to be something new and fresh. Like cultist simulator most recently.
Sekiro is fine too I guess
>pretending mental defects are normal to the point of arresting people disputing the shit
don't play the game you whiny piece of shit
It’s wrong, lmao. A decent amount of the devs there have been working for a while or were working before muh anti-SJW whining, like Sawyer, Warren Spector, Tim Schafer, Toady, etc. You just want to rationalize that somehow they’re all being held at gunpoint or that the SJW mob somehow executed them all when the real reason why is because the game industry was always left leaning and you were too dumb and underage to see it
I like how alt-right terrorists are legit memes now. They're so ridiculous and over the top, like they came straight out of a comic book.
>that would be the funniest encounter i'd have with a person on the day so I'd play into it
Would a man identifying as a woman be "the funniest encounter you'd have with a person"? Would it be appropriate to laugh it off?
>the black community will probably nip that in the bud for me
Why is it the black community's authority to determine an individual's identity? Playing with our identities and sexualities is something humans have been doing for a very long time all around the world, and I just don't see anything inherently wrong with it.
>what makes your identity not imaginary?
I don't have an "identity", I have phenotypes and personality traits, and it's up to others to determine whether they like me or not, or whether their impression of me aligns with my impression of myself.
You cannot relate but it's irrelevant, pop music has always sucked.
it's normal to arrest people that harm others, what kind of barbarian are you?
The reason why is because SJWs/Feminists are losers. And I don’t mean “lol look at this nerd playing games” loser I mean literally have no talent, passion, or identity-level loser. If you look at interviews with former feminists they’ll admit the reason why they joined was because they had no direction in life and felt a sense of community with a bunch of whiners who praised them for only being women. Groups like resetera will praise you and give you a sense of belonging for virtually no effort, you don’t need “talent”, you don’t need discipline or hard work to be successful, everything is just a consequence of privilege. Resetera itself is just low-effort social interaction with no risk involved. “Memes” are just regurgitating what everyone else says, and even “original” memes are always low-effort, low quality MSpaint edits. They need to invent problems to fight against to give their own life a sense of legitimacy so they whine about female sexuality in video games, while islam women are hung from cranes for adultery and gays are thrown of builds. They think regurgitating meaningless platitudes about diversity makes them special and unique. Making games requires work and the development of skills, it’s not something you are just born with that you gain with no effort
This faggot who writes all of these tripe articles for OneAngryIncel has some serious issues. What a massive manchild.
most rapists and sexual abusers are left wing
>disputing someones beliefs is harming them
Then I'm sorry but we must slay the gays according to our metaphysics.
U made it 2 ez 2 tell u dun game lmao
Dis game is active development
At least for my gender identity there's objective criteria for it, such as the chromosomes in my cells
your entire existence is harmful to others, go eat a bullet
>/pol/ actually managed to meme the "Okay" symbol as white power
Houellebecq asserts that muslims are more right-wing despite being defended by the left-wing in the western countries that they travel to. If they are indeed all "rapists" or inherently inclined to sexual abuse and pedophilia like people on /pol/ would have you believe, then it follows that...
They are held at gunpoint and the mob exists, there's is no debate. They wouldn't go around in schools to indoctrinate weak minded losers about it otherwise.
At this point you can't make a sexist game with stereotypes, something perfectly legit years ago, because they wouldn't give you the funds, if you tried to get the funds they'd close the site, if you still managed to create the game you wouldn't find a platform and even if you used PC the journalism would destroy it no matter how good.
Imagine doing a game like Leisure Suit Larry now, the person would be arrested.
wow, you sound really insecure
imagine being this poisoned by memes.
Why yes that is the argument as to why we should kill all gays and trannies. Thank you for legitimizing my justifications for my methodology.
As opposed to being secure of not being a man?
fuck off Reiko
>Several of the games on the left push right-wing politics and go into literal redpilled conspiracy theories
Not how it works.
Nigger there was a Leisure Suit Larry game last year
I'm referring to the content of the vid, not the title
>i have a flimsy root for my identity at least
And all of them took a hit when they let SJWtards get the better of them instead of telling those mentally insane morons to fuck off and remain moderate left. Just look at the state of obsidian for reference, still alive only because microshaft bought them.
Let me rephrase it: most people do not have a real issue with moderate liberals. It is the SJW insanity the thing that really irks and drives away people.
The discussion doesn't concern what's natural. A complete non-sequitur.
and there are still people that wonder why alt right beliefs need to be outlawed
It feels like those Dredd comics you see posted parodying fat rights and stuff
2020 is a fucking weird ass future to live in
His brother has cancer or something
I didn't know Satoshi was that kind of person.
Toady literally made LCS as a satire of contemporary liberal politic(and conservative to some extent), the fact that he had to add tranny dwarf and don't allow anyone to discuss another useless feature is just downright retarded on his part. Its highly likely he was held at gunpoint though since this shit is the first time happening.
Yeah the alt rght is pretty cucked shit. They dont even call for genocide. We agree on so much!
Senior HS user here. While I don't have much to compare to the current social stigma, you are mostly correct. In my experience during high school, girls were encouraged to come out as LGBT - and were praised as such for doing so. It was such a maddeningly common occurrence. Most do it just for the social benefits, one girl I know told me they couldn't mark her tardy because she was transgender. I've also heard people unironically say "Don't diss me, I'm lesbian", or my personal favorite, "I can't wait to tell those straighties off". What this really amounts to is a LOT of shallow, entitled young adults that can't take criticism. Ironically enough, these people claim to be shilling for "gender equality" when they are just furthering the distance by being sexist. This could be a real problem down the line for society.
pic unrelated
>You just want to rationalize that somehow they’re all being held at gunpoint or that the SJW mob somehow executed them all
They're just playing along with it because they don't want to lose their clout. It's not a conspiracy.
Didn't he add homosexuality already ?
replace "natural" with "objective" and that is exactly what you are asserting, you are naturalising your own identity by suggesting that it is based on your own unchangeable attributes- i.e., your genes, your 'biological' signifiers and identifiers and then placing yourself as opposed with people who do not define themselves in such a way
>communism gives a food bonus in civ 4
always makes me laugh
I was gonna post this as well, thank you for doing it for me
Nobody's talking about objective vs. subjective either. You're so far off base. Either keep up or read the thread again from the beginning.
quick edit: some may not believe what I posted because it sounds rather juvenile, and for the record I left out an exorbitant amount of swearing. regardless, the entire situation is juvenile, so it fits.
yep and people can freely discuss that fine but I don't know why he suddenly sperg out with tranny all of a sudden.
>You leftist really are retarded aren't you? Strife was immersive sim before System Shock even coined the term.
So? Minecraft was influenced by Dwarf Fortress and Infiniminer. By your logic then nothing is original. Damn, so THIS is the reason why pepe shitpost #200000 done in 2 seconds of MSpaint is more original than Deus Ex or Dwarf Fortress, huh?
Outright said his game isn’t political and did not identify himself as “anti-SJW” or /pol/
Had one comment where he said he was tired of worrying about making stereotypical characters
The only one of those that fits is MAYBE Mark Kern but even he gets accused of being a liberal virtue signaler
minister you
When moon? I'm getting tired of waiting.
You can pretend to be a woman all you want, that is your right.
Your right is to not get killed if you go out at night dressed like a fucking clown.
Your right is to dress like a clown on your job and not being mocked constantly by people.
No right to get close to a man and act around him like you're a woman and call for homophobia if he knocks your ass out
No right to be called "her" or any other fucking retarded pronoun because it's your right to pretend you're a woman, it's not anybody else's duty to pretend along with you.
No right to change with women because you're still a man larping as a woman. Get your own "miscellaneous" locker room. Even reddit figured out some trannies were just actual liberal incels looking to get some (in fact they were all "lesbians" but no "woman" was willing to take it up the ass).
tl;dr if you didn't force the whole world to pretend you're more than a man in drag, there would be no problems. But you wanted more, and that was too much.
You're too nice for this board user.
Shit, feel bad for the kids who don't want to deal with this shit.
Back in the day, we have Emos and Goths and they usual kept to themselves.
This trans shtick is quite dangerous, and if more damaging then having kids silting there their wrists, wearing all black and listening to linkin park all day.
i'm not talking about objective vs subjective, i'm saying your conception of self is based on what you consider "natural" about yourself and having that be at odds with an "unnatural" other. My argument is that your conception of self is as disingenuous as calling a phone "unnatural" because it is made of plastic and metal and not from twigs and mud.
Also you're right, you're not in control of your identity- much in the same way that, in mental health discourse, it is the public or layman that influences what is considered a disorder and what isn't. What is considered troubling and an illness is contingent on/mediated by culture.
I really really don't get this either. Lady feels she is a man so why doesn't she play as a man? Gamers are escapism so why doesn't she escape into being what she truly believes she is rather than what she is which is wrong to her?
>asserting that something is "objective" means you're also asserting the opposite, that there exists something "subjective", when most non-retards understand that when woo-science nerds designate mobile phones and technology as "artificial" or "subjective" they are being disingenuous.
>everything is "objetive", you can't assert an opposite while making no claims as to how something can potentially be "subjective" beyond "lmfao mental disorders"
This doesn't make a lick of sense
LCS wasn’t a satire of liberal politics, it was a “both sides are bad” GTA tier game
>What do you mean memes and symbols can change over time.
You've been on this website too long. Go outside.
You fail to understand that anyone not identifying themselves with SJWs is anti-SJW by default. Anti-SJW means nothing else than wishing for SJW refuse to no exist and poison games. Give us back 2007 and we'll be happy enough.
>girls were encouraged to come out as LGBT - and were praised as such for doing so.
Goths and Emo's were all merely steps down the path that led us here. I think it began in ernest with the Hippies but could have been earlier.
>By your logic then nothing is original.
Then why bring up the topic in the first place? This is why people are bringing up irony you blind fuck.
>Damn, so THIS is the reason why pepe shitpost #200000 done in 2 seconds of MSpaint is more original than Deus Ex or Dwarf Fortress, huh?
Correct, after all, nothing is original so everything is innovative and better :)
>Outright said his game isn’t political and did not identify himself as “anti-SJW” or /pol/
Dohohoho now we're playing the no true scotsman card. You do realize that jew fuck literally supported gamergate and literally told the SJW to fuck off when he wanted to present a 100% historically authentic game right?
>Had one comment where he said he was tired of worrying about making stereotypical characters
And had billions more denouncing those SJW retard fuck which is why the Tekken series will always be lewd as fuck.
Give up laddie, your argument is pointless
Bullshit. Vavra's stance is considered far right by the democrats, because he advocates for a racist sexist past without mutts. Historical accuracy has officially been considered nazist apologia. Harada also fits with the far right, because he's a mere man, and like any real man he has no problem objectifying women, and he's tired of "representation" which is dumb ass argument.
Basically, any non-emasculated man not buying into any of them retarded colonialism whiteknight liberal kowtowing shit is now a far-right activist.
Henry Cavill has simply said "I'm afraid of dating because women nowadays make #metoo out of thin air" and resetera nearly had him fired for rape.
"natural" should be read as if it is crossed out, under erasure, a spook of language that doesn't come close to appropriately dealing with a question
I'm making my argument in a very clumsy way but I hope i'm getting somewhere with it anyway
>>What do you mean memes and symbols can change over time.
And you have to be the most retarded fuck to ever exist if you ever think that the vast majority of people think that the OK sign is a white supremacist sign because of some political autist.
That really sucks. I was super ready to buy it. I really like watching people play the original, but it's too complex for my millennial brain. Oh well I guess.
If white nationalists can dictate meaning then you do need to get the fuck out as they dictated that you dont belong here.
Does this mean I can operate a trans-gulag?
>don't tax my billion
Fuck you fatass.
Just do the wiki tutorial lmao
>gamers tend to harass and bully people
It was primarily a satire on liberal politic initially hence the LCS term but Toady added conservative to be playable so it kinda became what you described.
Tbh if you like any of these games you should probably jump off a bridge
>t-t-they're just playing along! I know because..uh...muh feels!
>even though Sawyer actually voted for Hillary Clinton!
>even though Spector made comments he didn't have to make, like on Lollipop Chainsaw!
>y-yeah they're just playing along!
>i'm saying your conception of self is based on what you consider "natural" about yourself
My conception of myself is actually based on my ability to introspect and look at myself from a third-person perspective. I can, to the best of my ability, corroborate my own suspicions with the behaviors of other people toward me. I don't use "natural" as a baseline, because anything produced by nature is natural, as you pointed out.
The reason we're on this tangent about identity is because the case for transgender acceptance is predicated on accepting others' identities at face value. However, it's clear this isn't a stance consistently held, particularly once you query the left's views on transracialism or transspeciesism. That's why I asked about identifying as other races or species. Clearly this isn't about respecting others' identities, it's about conforming to a politically fashionable dictum to avoid social rejection.
As some day it may happen that a victim must be found
I've got a little list — I've got a little list
Of society offenders who might well be underground
And who never would be missed — who never would be missed!
There's the vidya journos who, when asked, cannot find their brain
That user who goes on Yea Forums because he just wants to complain
All anons who post nothing but crappy twitter caps
And that faggot with a discord full of ugly traps
And that one fag who insists on smelling stinky braps
They'd none of 'em be missed — they'd none of 'em be missed!
He's got 'em on the list — he's got 'em on the list;
And they'll none of 'em be missed — they'll none of 'em be missed.
There's the publisher with crates and keys, and the others of his race
And the whiny twitterist— I've got xim on the list!
And the anons who like weebshit and stuff it in your face
They never would be missed — they never would be missed!
Then the idiot who praises, with enthusiastic tone,
All centuries but this, and every console but his own;
And the game dev from the internet, who dresses like a girl
And who "doesn't think she passes, but would give it a grand ol' whirl";
And that desperate brainlet-the pepe posterist —
I don't think he'd be missed — I'm sure he'd not he missed!
He's got him on the list — he's got him on the list;
And I don't think he'll be missed — I'm sure he'll not be missed!
And that once great developer who now only makes pure tripe
The anime rapist — I've got him on the list!
All PC faggots, console kids, and idorts with all their hype —
They'd none of 'em be missed — they'd none of 'em be missed
And apologetic shillfags of a garbage online game
Such as — Shit Vidya Thingy— Garbage Game, and likewise — Never-mind,
And Sh-sh-sh and What's-it's-name, and also You-know-who
The task of filling up the blanks I'd rather leave to you
But it really doesn't matter whom you put upon the list
For they'd none of 'em be missed — they'd none of 'em be missed!
Honestly, I never really cared about the LGBT shit. Cool if you're gay, cool if you aren't. I only started caring when it started getting shoved down my throat with pride marches and just general unfairness.
Maybe praise was the wrong word. For instance, if the literature teacher was aware that you were leftist or LGBT, you were more likely to get higher grades / get called on / etc. While this may be common for literature classes, try applying it to all school classes.
I hope I can mod it out, or that it's a based joke where trans dwarves will just be a crude parody of sjws.
As a person who's a diehard Serious Sam. Croteam bullied the fuck outta my little virgin anus.
>muh Obsidian
Obsidian was always in financial trouble, lmao. Why are you pretending that this is somehow a new thing?
If muh leftism is so bad for muh sales then why was Apex Legends so successful? If SJWs have hijacked all of gaming then why is gaming more profitable than ever now? Really makes you think, huh?
The real reason is that actual people who play games don't give a shit about muh diversity or muh politics because they care about playing games more.
This shouldn't be that surprising to anyone that is old as fuck. When i was in highschool, all the girls called themselves lesbians because T.A.T.U was popular and being sexually awakened is enticing to a bunch of teens who are desperate to seem mature. Guys did the same thing where they'd proclaim how many threesomes they totally had. They never had threesomes of course and the girls turned out straight in the end.
>caring about whether an urist has a p or v
As long as they can strike the earth.
Any true DF fan would see trans dwarves as a good thing, it's just another wrinkle that adds more possibilities to the simulation and thus adds more possibilities for emergent stories.
Wrong, there is simply more people.
GTA SA sold 25, GTA5 sold 100. GTA5 isn't 4 times better than GTA SA, it's like 3 times worse.
I imagine it isn't surprising to anyone that has kept a remote eye on current events. It just sucks, I want to be normal in a normal society. It's a shame that game devs are picking up on the trend, I'll have to stick to my massive backlog for proper escapism now.
Because it is f2p you absolute fucking retard lmao
>gaming is more profitable than ever
Tell that to all those woke devs fired at telltale, lizzard, EA and soon-to-get-axed Bioware lol
Why are you fags even pretending you care? Where was all the DF threads up to this point? Hell as the site has gotten older DF threads have become less and less frequent, I wonder why that could possibly be? Normalfags flooding in thanks to /pol/ breaking the first 2 rules of the damn site, don't fucking talk about the site. They went above and beyond and not only told people about the site, but encouraged people to come and post. And with their autism came the opposing side's autism to combat them, and now we have present Yea Forums.
>Apex Legends so successful?
It isn't. Lost a fuckload of momentum after 2 week just like everyone predicted and now left to rot.
>If SJWs have hijacked all of gaming then why is gaming more profitable than ever now?
correlation=/=causation, this is simply because people have more access to gaming now not in any way related to retarded SJW shit.
>The real reason is that actual people who play games don't give a shit about muh diversity or muh politics
Literally almost all of the game that espouses this shit failed hard
I don't actually have anything for your second paragraph and would like to think about it a bit more, it's a side of this I haven't really jumped into and dealt with but it's getting more complicated the more I think about it
If i'm going to defend my position it follows that I should probably defend "transracialism" and "transpeciesism" too, or at least discuss them in a way that makes it clear that they are different to transgender. But I don't think I can in a good way since I'm not used to having to.
Touche, user
>Normalfags flooding in thanks to /pol/ breaking the first 2 rules of the damn site,
Congrats on being not only retarded but a newfag and a retarded newfag at the same time.
kys trannie
90% of trannies are exhibitionists degenerates who consider women trash
I can't wait to end with all of you
but gender IS a social construct, there have been many civilizations over history that believed there were more than two, or you could change through them, or whatever
western civilization has a binary belief of gender heavily rooted on a positivist outlook of life, IE: two sexes means two genders
Hats off for admitting defeat on Yea Forums
A sight rarely seen anymore these days. Much less from someone as young as you are.
>there have been many civilizations over history that believed there were more than two
>Then why bring up the topic in the first place? This is why people are bringing up irony you blind fuck.
Because you don't actually make shit, all you do is whine for other people to make shit for you. Whether true originality exists or not is completely irrelevant to the discussion, it was a non-sequitur from the beginning. You do the exact same shit you whine that SJWs do
>muh gamergate
Vavra never said that he was pro-Gamergate, he just said he is going to focus on a historically accurate game and even admitted that there is no anti-diversity agenda in his own game.
It's also funny that you bring up gamergate, since gamergate also had a #NotYourShield shit that was all about celebrating diversity and LGBT politics and virtue-signalling about how not-racist everyone is. Damn, so I guess that means Gamergate is SJW too, huh?
Hasn't said shit about muh /pol/, or gamergate, or your autistic online movement. He hasn't even used the term "SJW' before
Some east Asian civilizations have afaik
Oh please user I'd LOVE for you to tell me exactly how I'm wrong.
Too high class for Yea Forums
I'll admit defeat by not knowing as much as I should if I'm going to defend a position, no reason to continue if i'm just going to clumsily back myself into a corner that I can't get out of
As long as the conversation was decent, that's all that matters user
>there have been many civilizations over history that believed there were more than two
[citation needed]
Okay sure, but what about those societies that don't even have the vocabulary to differentiate between gender and sex?
If gender is a social construct how can they be in the wrong?
Not that user and in fact I have tried to provoke some people in this thread with your position but you would probably have a stronger argument if you can follow down a line of reasoning of how people even form their identities. People often heavily misconceive things about themselves such that it can produce significant character flaws or misconceptions in the first place, when you bring any concept of mental illness it logistically becomes even more complex. You should do some research into how and why psychologists approve people for surgery as that will give you a stronger argument(which personally id still disagree with but at least common dialogue would go farther and people cam find the basis that they disagree on in more detail)
99% of these are just
>Man who believes he is a woman
>Woman who believes she is a man
None have a legit reasoning for a third gender aside from that.
>Muh democrats
Are not even leftists, around the world they are considered right wing or center-right while Republicans are far right
>Muh historical accuracy is nazi apologia now
Nobody cares about your autistic headcanon, /pol/
>Henry Cavill
Who gives a shit? We're talking about game development, not about movies.
Back Street Girls - Gokudolls, a great comedy anime that triggered SJWs for portraying trannies as they actually are.
This is how American politics corrupted people's minds, they think only left and right are the only sides present at the political stage, disagreeing with both of them means you're a centrist, even though in actuallity it just means you don't adhere to the left-right system/ train of thought.
Hes forgetting white. Lukewarm neoreactionaries love to ignore the racial aspects.
Why does a tranny discord spend so much time on Yea Forums anyway? It’s like a recovering alcoholic going to a wine social. Eventually one who isn’t as strong as they think they are will get just enough shit and kill themselves. Is this like retarded 300 except they labeled the shortcut?
I didn't know Notch sided with Islam.
>Using Google as your source
To be fair, if we're talking about America then you probably shouldn't leave your kids alone at all or else they'll probably be shot by someone who shouldn't be owning a gun.
>You fail to understand that anyone not identifying themselves with SJWs is anti-SJW by default
That's objectively wrong
That's like saying I'm a feminist simply for not identifying as an anti-feminist. Or I'm an anti-feminist/hate all feminists simply because I haven't said I'm a feminist. Or I'm a Democrat simply for not identifying as a Republican. This argument is retarded, kill yourself faggot
>muh tranny discord boogeyman
I dunno, why does /pol/ keep pretending that they play games?
Because /pol/ encouraged reddit and other outsiders to flood the place, so now they come here to participate in the most worthless and pointless arguments ever on a website that is only being made worse because of it. Yea Forums was already going to shit but GG and the US Presidental election hastened the process. Not only do we have one mentally ill identity politics obsessed faggots, but we have 2 and they're duking it out on here of all the fucking places.
No safe spaces for you cishets
>This argument is retarded
Congrats for realizing, 99% of SJW use this idiocy and pretend it's an argument
>Because you don't actually make shit
And you?
>all you do is whine for other people to make shit for you.
Man the double standard from retarded leftist like you is astounding
>You do the exact same shit you whine that SJWs do
Oh the irony
>Vavra never said that he was pro-Gamergate
Here comes some more retarded no true scotsman fallacy. There's a reason why you didn't even answer what is an anti-SJW to you.
Oh and the man did advertise his game on GG site and express pro-GG sentiment before.
>there is no anti-diversity agenda in his own game.
Correct. Europe is full of diverse white people so I don't know why in your retarded mind have to bring that up.
>since gamergate also had a #NotYourShield
And this is why you will always remain retarded to the core. You do realize that the purpose of notyourshield is to repulse all of those retarded feminist SJW that everybody hated back then right?
>Hasn't said shit about muh /pol/, or gamergate, or your autistic online movement. He hasn't even used the term "SJW' before
So again I ask, what is anti-SJW to you? Nice job ignoring the other dev I mention though.
Only a tranny would defend sticking a dildo up an open wound to prevent it from closing.
Its going to be a pain in the ass if you actually manage your military. I only let men into the military specifically to avoid battlefield births and baby bludgeons but now any of them could be female. Do you know how many tantrum spirals were created from an elite axedwarf losing her child during a siege.
The first 2 rule have mean jackshit since forever you retarded newfag nigger fuck and normalfags have always come to this site even before /pol/ ever existed.
>get a trans dwarf
>atom smash them
I don't see the problem.
There are more than two genders, except those genders are wholly contextualised by two genders
apolitical devs are inherently right wing
Tariq Nasheed in his famous debate with Jared Taylor compared muh dick to a weapon of mass destruction. He's a legit troll.
That is why he posted a "just goolag it bro" answer in the first place. Because that insanity has never took root in the history of the world except in the current year+4 clownworld.
>It isn't. Lost a fuckload of momentum after 2 week just like everyone predicted and now left to rot.
Apex Legends has had over 50 million players worldwide and it increased EA's stock value the most since 2014. And even if that was true, nobody gave a shit about the fact that it was pro-LGBT or that there were brown people in it, if that were the case it never would have been popular to begin with
>correlation=/=causation, this is simply because people have more access to gaming now not in any way related to retarded SJW shit.
Another retarded argument. You argued that SJWs made games less profitable than before. I argue in return that games have been more profitable than ever. My argument isn't "SJWs automatically make games more profitable" it's "SJWs don't hurt the profitability of games as a whole because games are more profitable now than ever"
They used to mean something, and I know normalfags have always been coming in but you can't deny /pol/ hastened the process while also bringing on loads of politically obsessed autists who have nothing better to do than argue about brownos and women in video games. Their ilk attracted the righteous left autists who are now shitting the place up along with the /pol/ refugees.
All of those are a combination of the two genders. Not a single result has a legitimate third gender because it does not exist.
There are only two genders. Everything else is either sexual orientation or mental illness.
>Republicans are far right
Jesus Christ the utter state of Europoor.
>Nobody cares about your autistic headcanon, /pol/
Its literally true though.
>Who gives a shit? We're talking about game development, not about movies.
Vavra was relentlessly attacked by journo because he wanted to make a 100% white and diverse game.
>picking arbitrary sides when your opinions on one key issue are not at all related to your opinions on other key issues
Guess it’s impossible to be anti immigration but pro abortion or vice versa. Guess it’s impossible to be anti gun but pro free speech. Guess it’s impossible to support euthanasia but not support redistribution of income.
>Apex Legends has had over 50 million players worldwide and it increased EA's stock value the most since 2014. And even if that was true, nobody gave a shit about the fact that it was pro-LGBT or that there were brown people in it, if that were the case it never would have been popular to begin with
Not him user, but it’s true. Easiest metric is Twitch. First few weeks it was crushing fortnite, now it struggles to ever get ahead of it. It’s actually because EA rushed it so they didn’t have their season ready. Killed engagement.
It's all narcissism user. We exist in the most narcissitic evolution of our culture where everything is motivated by how it reflects on ourselves. People uptake politicking because it reflects well on them as if to declare themselves smart and engaged and fighting the good fight massages your ego by believing you're enacting radical change on the world by posting some shit take on Yea Forums or twitter. This is why everything is a huge political issue, Ghostbusters isn't just some shit movie it's a critical juncture of womens rights, because the larger you make the issue the bigger you are metaphorically for influencing the discourse. If nazis are everywhere taking over the world the more heroic you are for challenging them, even if they don't exist in any meaningful capacity. Contemporary western society is just people tilting at self constructed windmills in service of their own ego.
How often do you see anyone from the left post bait shit on Yea Forums? Like can you share literally any examples?
Every bait thread I see on Yea Forums is something like 'WE WUZ' or 'MUH NAZIS' or 'FUCK SJWS'. It's always /pol/fags starting shit for bait on boards unrelated to politics, like this thread.
This still holds true over 6 fucking years later.
Exactly. We need to stop enabling these people.
No it is not. You are too far gone to understand that anyone not actively supporting your idiocy despises you. All "non-politics in games" devs are okay in anyone but SJW's book since you fucking retards adscribe to the muh all games are political marxist agenda.
>And you?
I don't bitch about muh devs not having muh same political leanings, or muh devs are SJW, nor do I bitch about games that I haven't even played
>Here comes some more retarded no true scotsman fallacy. There's a reason why you didn't even answer what is an anti-SJW to you.
Oh and the man did advertise his game on GG site and express pro-GG sentiment before
That's not what the no true scotsman fallacy is, lmao. It would be No True Scotsman if he DID say he was Gamergate, then I said he wasn't because I felt like it. You don't even understand your own retarded argument
>Oh and the man did advertise his game on GG site and express pro-GG sentiment before.
And what do you mean by "pro-GG sentiment", Harada includes female fighters that can beat up male fighters, is that "pro-feminist sentiment"? Everyone here whines whenever a woman can beat up a man, after all
>And this is why you will always remain retarded to the core. You do realize that the purpose of notyourshield is to repulse all of those retarded feminist SJW that everybody hated back then right?
Wrong. You have no idea what you're talking about. #NotYourShield was literally a virtue-signalling tactic by GG to show how gamers aren't actually racist or misogynistic. Eventually after that there was a fight over whether the public perception matters or not. You don't even understand 2014 Yea Forums, you newfag, lmao
Have someone in the world stop despising you for a second to pretend to want to have sex with you, tranny
Have someone in the world, period, you loser /pol/yp, lmao
Why do i keep coming back here
>muhhhhh pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool lmao
To be fair a few years ago Yea Forums was pretty lefty to any discussion of people not liking something without ever mentioning a single/pol/ argument. You couldnt say something lefty was obnoxiously executed without being called a /pol/tard endlessly.
>Apex Legends has had over 50 million players worldwide
Of which literally all lost now since EA never did released any information about that.
>and it increased EA's stock value the most since 2014.
top kek you literally don't have any proof of this since it bombed hard 3 weeks later. You and I both know that this literally because of their sports division.
>And even if that was true, nobody gave a shit about the fact that it was pro-LGBT or that there were brown people in it,
The fact that literally nearly all of those games failed and bombed speak itself.
>Another retarded argument.
>You argued that SJWs made games less profitable than before.
Where the fuck have I made that argument retard? If anything I would argue that those SJW game don't sell well what with all the lackluster performance in everything.
>"SJWs don't hurt the profitability of games as a whole because games are more profitable now than ever"
And? Its the reason why this SJW manage to rise in the first place but fortunately it always result in lackluster performance.
Imagine being that butthurt over a gaming site that exposes Cultural Marxists' bullshit on video games
>muh Fortnite
Fortnite is one of the most popular fucking games on Twitch, and has been one of the most popular games for years. That doesn't mean Apex Legends is a flop.
It's ok to kill all commies
This is irrefutable. How can /pol/tards ever recover?
encouraging confused and mentally vulnerable people to undergo irreversible treatments which will permanently damage their body is not okay no matter how much you sugarcoat it
Nothing remains untouched or pure, user. Everything will be dug up and disturbed.
Actually it’s incredibly important as fortnite and apex have the exact same audience. Only one can rule them all. These games rely on a time investment so you can only really pick one
lmao I can smell just how utterly buttblasterdly triggered you are, tranny
Must suck that 99.9% of the world thinks you are a fucking joke, huh?
Didn't David Jaffe call this guy out on his bullshit?
It's more that you have male and female and everything else is a personality in my opinion. Most rhetoric about gender is entirely contextualised around an extremely traditional conception of male female. In the past you could have a woman who was into male shit and they'd be called a tomboy and you'd call this a personality but personalities are arbitrary so there is a vested interest in redefining them as identities because then they're intrinsic to who you are and not just some fad. Now instead of a tomboy or an effeminate man you're gender fluid because it's transgressive and co opts current popular trends like queer identities.
Tell that to toady. Why he had to go full retard is a mystery on itself.
the idea of gender is a social construct. An example of a social construct is the idea of a library. The word "library" is a useful term to describe a publicly funded building where one can borrow books. You can say that libraries don't exist, but the idea that a publicly funded building where one can borrow books still exists regardless if you believe the term "library" is valid or not.
same with non-binary genders. sure you can say a gender doesn't exist, but people still live their lives with the preference that people don't identify them as either man or woman.
non-binary genders have existed throughout history in different cultures around the globe. See Native American two-spirits, Pacific Islander Fa'afafine, and Indian hijras. These terms are very real to the cultures these genders are found in, and no matter how many times you can bitch and whine that there are only two genders, the concept of having more than two genders are useful for the people of those cultures.
>muh bomb
Not being more popular than one of the most popular games on a fucking streaming website =/= HUGE BOMB
You're acting as if Apex Legends became Battleborn, when all that happened was that some of the hype that a new game was released died down. Why do argue so dishonestly?
>And? Its the reason why this SJW manage to rise in the first place but fortunately it always result in lackluster performance.
Literally your only argument was that Obisidian took a financial hit, so surely they must have suffered because muh SJWs, right? Except Obsidian has always had a history of financial difficulty. It was the entire reason why they had to go to fucking Kickstarter. And on top of that Fallout NV sold exceptionally well and was directed by Sawyer, who has regularly been accused of being a SJW here.
>that post is 6 fucking years old
To think it could get even worse from then on.
babbys first freshman sociology course on critical theory :^) aw how cute
dude there are like 100 million colors how can you even assert purple is real
>grasping at straws: the post
If you have 0 arguments you should refrain yourself from posting. lt is actually counterproductive for you.
One is the oven the other has baby juice
>I don't bitch about muh devs not having muh same political leanings, or muh devs are SJW,
Worse, you're bitching about people criticizing shitty element and offer 0 argument in return.
>bitch about games that I haven't even played
We're in Yea Forums retard, nobody plays game here.
>That's not what the no true scotsman fallacy is, lmao. It would be No True Scotsman if he DID say he was Gamergate, then I said he wasn't because I felt like it. You don't even understand your own retarded argument
The utter state of retard who can't understand anything anymore. There's a reason why I ask you to tell me what an anti-SJW is to you and you retarded fuck haven't been able to answer it yet.
>And what do you mean by "pro-GG sentiment",
I was referring to Harada you ESL fuck, learn to read.
>Harada includes female fighters that can beat up male fighters, is that "pro-feminist sentiment"? Everyone here whines whenever a woman can beat up a man, after all
Why do you always cherrypick your argument that makes you even more retarded than you really are? Tekken also have lewd and sexy female fighters of which are always condemned by these SJW types. The fact that I can play as a tit monster and get to beat her senselessly is a big no-no for the SJW crowd.
>You have no idea what you're talking about. #NotYourShield was literally a virtue-signalling tactic by GG to show how gamers aren't actually racist or misogynistic.
Thanks for literally my point you utter retard. They virtue signal to show that they aren't the same type of mentally ill SJW retard crowd that were prevalent back in the day.
>You don't even understand 2014 Yea Forums, you newfag, lmao
>brown people are retarded
Who would've guessed?
Toady didn't say it was coming to the steam version, he just said that the game in general it will have trans dwarves eventually
If there existed a person who's gender is completely ambiguous, from presentation, expression, mannerisms, voice, etc, and you didn't know what genitals or chromosomes they had, and they don't tell you what gender they identify as, then would it be useful for you, or society in that matter, to identify this person's gender as either male or female?
sure, someone born a man can be effeminite but what if he wants to live in his society in a way where all of his actions, thoughts, beliefs, desires are not contextualized by the fact that he was born a man?
Are you actually going to refute anything he said? If not I'll gonna hand you one of these.
I personally think the term “gender” as differentiated from biological sex is pretty fucking useless anyway. It just seems to be a very vague collection of ideas assosciated with what is typical of someone born with certain chromosomes. Why would anybody give a shit if their biological sex didn’t match their “gender expression”?
I have enjoyed some romance films like 500 Days is Summer, Eternal Sunshine, My Sassy Girl and I’m a Cyborg but that’s OK. That may be contradictory to what is viewed as the average likes for a “male gendered” person, but why would I give a shit?
People are way too concerned with categorising themselves. How about they just do their own thing withoit obsessing over whether they’re a xir or a xim.
Yep. All this autism from /pol/ about a game they don't even play because the dev said on social media that he wanted to add trans dwarves EVENTUALLY. What a fucking joke, these fags are the biggest cry babies that have ever been.
I never played it but the insane amount of tears around Hatred was amazing
Honestly it's such a pointless thing to complain about, it's such a minor thing that would hardly affect the game, unless you're dwarves stop doing what they're doing to dilate every day I don't see the issue
>autistic game has autistic audience
Wow it's almost like the intended audience is voicing their discontent
>Not being more popular than one of the most popular games on a fucking streaming website =/= HUGE BOMB
It is relatively a huge bomb. These type of game relied on long term investment and stability. The fact that it can't manage that in just about 3 week speak about how much of a failure the game is. Go woke go broke sweety :)
>Literally your only argument was that Obisidian took a financial hit
Correct and it took them even further below with Deadfire and Tranny since those 2 are a massive flop.
>Fallout NV sold exceptionally well
Now guess when did they fail and flop after that.
I was in the thread when the idea came up. I thought there was no way that it was gonna work but here we are.
>you can build ovens to burn trannies
eunuchs like you mention have existed in every ancient culture and have nothing to do with modern gender theory
>they’re a xir or a xim.
Because 1 literally have laws dedicated entirely to them where if you speak out their retardation or mental illness you can literally go to jail you retard.
>See Native American two-spirits, Pacific Islander Fa'afafine, and Indian hijras.
What would have happened if Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, or Indians spontaneously decided they belonged to different gender categories than those assigned to them? Did their cultures accept those identity changes?
>See Native American two-spirits, Pacific Islander Fa'afafine, and Indian hijras.
And how does this disprove the fact that there's only 2 gender you retarded nigger?
why should society then accept this person who is not willing to live in accordance with its rules
gender might appear useless to yoy, but almost every facet of of western society today is related to gender. Marketing, clothes, cosmetics, cars, porn, video games. Society is "obsessed" with the categorizing people and their preferences into genders. People who are non-binary or who do not conform to these genders that society has constructed for them might feel empowerment through visibility and accommodation in a world that caters and grooms people into society's idea of what a man or woman ought to be.
id like to think that many people kinda just want other people to be happy. it would potentially be in a person's best interests to treat everyone in their community with respect and accomodation because the community would be the one giving back to them.
if youre misanthrope or sociopathic or lack empathy, then you dont have to accept everyone if you dont want to. thats up to you
I don't think there is a need to refute anything beyond the fact that once they went full SJW they lost 2/3 of their sales and had to sell out to remain afloat. Previous games might have not been a commercial success due to reasons (there is always reasons with their kind but I won't give you a hard time with that because they used to have at least some talent to compensate), but they really jumped the shark with Pillars of Gayfishity 2.
I wish Resetera would go back to however the fuck it was before so faggots like you would fuck off.
i think vanilla and chocolate should be the only flavors for ice cream. mint, ube, coconut flavors literally dont exist. in fact we should put every flavor thats not vanilla or chocolate to the gas chamber
time outs are unethical and only create more behavioral problems in the long term by making a child feel isolated. the correct way to reprimand children is to explain what they've done wrong
well it does spell wp so that's kinda convincing
The guy who directed NV was a SJW too, so ?????
Obsidian has always been in trouble financially and struggled making money. In their documentary for Pillars of Eternity they mentioned that before the kickstarter they were almost on the verge of going under. Your argument is a bunch of bullshit because you're a newfag who only started following them recently since PoE2
>food analogy
as if the tranny can't get more mentally ill
The right way is to slap a kid when he or she deserves it, but teachers this day and age are so fucking pozzed that I don't think it is a viable solution anymore.
Dios mio...
"nonbinary" people did not exist until the idea was presented to them by intellectuals and eventually endorsed by mainstream society. This is a fad and a dangerous one to say the least because it turns people who would otherwise have lived normal lives decades ago into disturbed and stunted individuals.
There have been crossdressers for thousands of years.
There have been feminine men and masculine women.
There has NEVER been a societal phenomenon wherein people outright denied their biological sex & identity
This is and will remain nothing more than a conceptualized experiment of the modern age
Will 40% of those dwarves commit suicide?
>be /pol/
>get btfo
>get exposed for not actually playing the games you bitch about
every time, i love it LOL
i disagree with the idea of timeouts, but although i dont know much about the psychology behind raising children, i would imagine having some sort of fear of consequence besides a stern talking to would help correct behavior.
2009 chan culture is pol guise
>why are there so many assholes in the gaming community, how do we make them go away?
Learn to code.
>The guy who directed NV was a SJW too, so ?????
His company peak SJW retardation was in Tranny and PoE2 and both are massive flop that brought the company down to a financial crisis, proving once and for all that Go woke go broke.
>this dichotomy is bad!
>let's elaborate out the dochotomy!
I agree with the idea that there are too many oughts for people developmentally nowadays but I dont think conforming to the methodology is what's going to help the issue you're seeing. Instead of encouraging people I'd just say you should tell people to be more hands off on asserting what should bel onto people. If someone's naturally a tarnny that's fine I dont care but I think this line of encouragement is motivating otherwise confused people into misconceiving heavily about themselves during crucial developmental stages of life.
I'm fine with strong women and random colorful faggots in my videogames. What I'm not fine with is the egoistic manner they assert the characters own existence. Instead of being a part of the world they instead just assert themselves as the smallest component of what a human is fucking capable of. I agree people are very impressionable which is even more reason why I detest a lot of framing for LGBTQ characters that arent produced by the creators own vision, but rather a part of a publishers checklist they made just to be fucking trendy and in the news.
Also tbc this to me is more an issue with comic books from a few years ago, but I dont want this creeping into my hobby.
They were already in financial crisis before all of that and before PoE. So you just undid your own argument
>what is basic reading comprehension
What you’re basically saying is that people feel like special snowflakes for being non-conformist.
Society may have constructed gender stereotypes that are reinforced constantly through advertising and pop culture but who fucking cares? Are you really going to let your life be ruled by advertising? Just do what you like and don’t worry about making up some new category to peg yourself into.
I'd really like more discussion on this too.
Seems some people identify with the trans label and identity, rather than the gender they claim to feel they are.
It's nothing but a coping mechanism to feel like they belong or have a place in a society that doesn't want them. If that were the case, they're not actually for progression on anything, they're inventing a social problem to address to gain influence and feel they have control over the world around them, when that will never be the case for anyone
i dont think rational people are denying their biological sex, but id argue that many people in the history of mankind rejected the expectations, roles, limitations, rules for how to engage in society, and treatment placed upon themselves by the society they live in. Id also argue that all these things contribute to most of what a gender is as defined by the idea that gender is a social construct.
First of all grow up kiddo and get a second chance at life so you get born 2 decades earlier and play KOTOR 2 on releare. Second: look dude, read what I said. "The guy who directerd VN" was always left leaning which is a bit sad but not 100% reprehensible since they didn't let their ideology leak too much in their games and also politics is a relational thing that depends on how insane are things generally speaking. Once they submitted themselves to the whims of militant deranged SJWtry they natuarrly purged themselves of any talent they had and birthed the ugly abortions that are their current gen games, responsible for their more-dire-than-usual finantial situation.
Of course there will be cases of individuals who 'reject binary gender' but you have brought no argument to the table other than emotional appeal to explain why those individuals should be catered to specifically.
For the objective health of the society at large they should be treated as outcasts in polite society.
Just like many societies had 'coming of age' rituals where boys would be considered men by taking a rite of passage. Those who continually failed were not taken seriously as men or leaders and were cast to servile roles.
I will never forgive Obsidian for snubbing backers for the trannies.
>2009 chan culture
Was just edgy for the sake of edgy. Lol I just said NIGGER, lol muh fried chicken and watermelon. That's why Yea Forums invaded Hal Turner, Ghost, Bill O'Reilly, Stormfront etc. It wasn't this autismo "muh diversity muh SJWs muh white genocide muh culture wars" shit, and what we saw of that was mocked before
How is it misanthropic or sociopathic to not accept everyone do expect people to allow in antisocial personalities or subversives into their communities just on good vibes. what right does a person who does not belong nor do they want to belong come in and demand that others accommodate them. Do you fly over to china or japan and demand they only speak English and start using forks thats a sociopath
>tfw you are so creatively bankrupt that you have to steal the memes of the people you alledgedly hate and not look up and at all, no sirre!
LOL /leftypol/ faggotry making you vindicate the memes and suck the cock of the people you "hate" once again.
Someone who does not conform to these norms you describe but still understands their biological sex is an Autogynephiliac.
It is essentially a sexual fetish parading itself as an identity separate from sexuality
And this is wrong because Obsidian was already in financial trouble before PoE 1. They said were literally about to go under before starting the kickstarter. In fact they were lucky they even got a deal with Microsoft to begin with
Once again
>what is reading comprehension
>Deus Ex
and granted I'm only talking about that specific reasoning. It makes more sense when they stay true to the binary.
But in this other case it seems it's more about just inventing a new gender entirely to cope on something rather than transitioning to harmonize that identity.
>They were already in financial crisis
You're the most retarded nigger to have ever existed. After Fallout: NV they were basically set for life but thanks to retarded pandering to SJWs and trannies like making Tyranny and PoE they got hit by their biggest financial crisis. How is this surprising to you?
>bro just like do what you like
sure that wouldnt be an issue but society reacts to people who do not want to conform to society in a variety of ways such as belittling them, placing them in out-groups, shunning, beating, and killing. 95% of this fucking thread are people calling non binary people faggot retards. Outside of this thread are irl people, twitter warriors, parents, conservative and traditionalst people calling them brain dead faggot retards all the time. Wouldnt it be nice to not be called a faggot retard ideal to be shipped to the gas chamber for once.
>be /pol/
>accuse other people of being creatively bankrupt
God Emperor = stolen from Warhammer
Frogposting = stolen from Yea Forums and /r9k/
Wojak = stolen from krautchan and /r9k/
Awoo = stolen from Touhou and [s4s]
Everything else (based, yikes, etc) gets stolen from twitter
Even the e-celebs you shill and worship can't come up with their own material. Pewdiepie literally steals shit from reddit and here, metokur regurgitates ED articles and steals shit from here and Kiwifarms
Your retardation is a social construct.
>why are there so many assholes in the gaming community
Dunning Kruger effect. They think they're being good people based on their very finite and limited knowledge of what constitutes a good person.
They also attract other such ill-informed dumbasses to themselves and congregate in big clumps. See ResetERA for a prime example.
>how do we make them go away?
Stop pandering to them. Every time someone says "Your rights end where my feelings begin", point out that your feelings aren't just a right, but a responsibility.
A responsibility to at least bloody -try- to be good at videogames, to be informed about the goings-on of the world, to choose friends who build towards something positive rather than just tearing others down, and to become a happier and more productive person.
>but I, personally, don't have an obligation to git gud for reasons
The only obligation to be a good person is the obligations you place upon yourself. But each human (or at least the majority of them) must place this obligation upon themselves to not stay shit. Without this obligation, there is hate born of ignorance, and Fallout 4.
People who say "Your rights end where my feelings begin" overwhelmingly tend to forefeit this obligation, and insist it's always someone else's problem when they aren't good at videogames.
Having people take responsibility for their own skill and happiness would be the 2nd step in reducing the gaming community of assholes.
The 1st step is, of course, pointing out assholes when you see them. Such as people who think that their feelings serve as an excuse for blocking and ignoring advice on how to get good.
They literally said in the documentary for PoE that they were about to go under before starting the kickstarter for PoE 1. And they ended up getting screwed for NV anyways because of the metacritic score.
You have zero idea what you're talking about, stop pretending you play or care about games, it's embarrassing
Oh but the best way to make them go away is to supercede them by being more talented at your passion and making better games. (I'm not saying Notch's Minecraft was good)
So far given the industry's current state, I'm not hopeful.
I don't know what you faggots are thinking. Zach and Tarn have always been more left leaning/moderate. They make fun of both sides of the extreme. I can almost guarantee that this is a joke to them.
Because back then there wasn't a clamping grasp trying to thought-police and control various online communities.
Look at what happened to comic culture in less than a decade. It went from sort of edgy and neckbeardish to sterilized PC 'haha im so geek' normie bullshit.
You do realize that many people have been falseflagging as obvious /pol/ bait (which you still fall for) in order to stoke other boards to develop anti-pol sentiment (see co) when in reality pol doesn't give a shit about other boards
literally stolen from trannies who made the Matrix
stolen from a black rapper
was also stolen from a comic drawn by a leftist
Just fucking go somewhere fucking else you God damn moron. You wanted safe spaces so fucking much why dont you fucking use them and get the FUCK off my board.
My guess is, the tiny, tiny minority of transsexuals who don't see themselves as either man or woman want to be represented. Since this is usually a minor change or addition to player creation, companies go for these easy purity points.
People would call nonbinary people retarded faggots much less if they weren’t so fucking vocal about how they’re actually not the gender they were assigned at birth and how they’re their own new made up category etc. For the most part, people will just leave you alone if you just do your own thing. You can’t force people to accept you by being loud and annoying. You can make up as many new categories as you want but you can’t force people to take you seriously.
The real way to normalise gender non-conformity would be to just do it silently and covertly instead of writing a thousand think pieces about it, making up pronouns and going on marches.
If 1 in 10 people walking around on the street was cross dressing, everyone who was ever going to accept it would come to accept it pretty quickly. Hell, there is a large community even on Yea Forums that circle jerks about traps and “boipuci” all the time.
>They literally said in the documentary for PoE that they were about to go under before starting the kickstarter for PoE 1.
Because of SJW retardation and they repeat that same mistake again with POE and Tyranny, hence the financial failing after PoE2. For fuck sake you retard don't really know what you're talking about.
>And they ended up getting screwed for NV anyways because of the metacritic score.
Oh so now they're getting screwed, I thought it was selling well?
>You have zero idea what you're talking about, stop pretending you play or care about games, it's embarrassing
Why is new vegas there
because of veronica and ganon?
go away
I contrast: literally 0.0000 recognizable lefypol memes
I mean, it is literally copypasting right? You guys should be able to come across at least one (1) popular meme that gets reposted. Right?
>id argue that many people in the history of mankind rejected the expectations, roles, limitations, rules for how to engage in society, and treatment placed upon themselves by the society they live in.
And these people were ostracized or killed, literally the death penalty for adopting opposite gender roles, because they presented a threat to the self-sustaining coherence of those societies.
Though killing them of course is not necessary and wasn't even the usual treatment, singling them out as literally memetic cancer is necessary though, as failing to do so makes the society decay. Not instantly. Not even within a generation. But it doesn't take long, as we can see by no societies that tolerate this existing for long.
So if you're really worried about things like the economy, war, global climate change; all these other - truly serious - problems that even progressives ostensibly care about, then you would be opposed to the normalization of trannies. Or as they will even put it themselves, the normalization of mental illness.
But instead, they choose denial: Societal coherence isn't necessary for society to work in unison. It's inherently self-contradictory.
Poor non-meme, but the best part about these people is that they don't represent who you're speaking with.
These people are actual hooligans that would first beat up people like you to death, and then would beat up the people larping as nazi on the web. These people are called "extreme right" or "radical right" and the antifa doesn't dare to get close to them or they'd get killed. You have to be glad you are at home shitposting to other neckbeards instead of dealing with them.
No, it was never progressive. If you think it's worse it's because the liberal cancer got worse.
Well, you are a man in drag, you can go to Canada or Chicago if you want people pretending you're a woman.
>notch is an actual asshole that supports people that are legitimately evil
Do you have a single image to back this up?
>legitimately evil
Do you have a screenshot of your PhD in philosophy too?
>cropped one angry /pol/tard OP
Yup its a normal day on Yea Forums
Literally this. There is never a peep about other boards there. They're too busy shitposting each other.
spear head = stolen from rock
club = stolen from stick
pottery = stolen from clay
That's because leftists actually make projects
While /pol/'s crowning achievement is regurgitating the same images over and over again, literally being NPCs and proud of it
>literally stolen from trannies who made the Matrix
I didn't know Matrix invented red pills
>stolen from a black rapper
I didn't know based was actually a word
>was also stolen from a comic drawn by a leftist
I didn't know frog was invented by a leftist
man leftist really are retarded niggers
You're completely right that gamers are entitled manchildren who cry if a game has a black female character but screeching in the other direction is annoying too
hm i dont want to argue why society ought to cater to non binary people but rather argue against the usefulness of the idea that two genders exist.
idk why is it good for the health of society to treat them like outcasts?
>you guys are just /pol/ infiltrators!
>thread is filled with people apparently well read and learned in the psychological sociological and biological su ject of transgenderism
Gee I wonder who's infiltrating?
>what is reading comprehension
Something you lack
Please reread my posts 7 more times so we can have a human converstion.
Don't you have a new Contrannypoints video to watch?
wait they hated on gokudolls. any good rage screenshot?
How do we make faggot OPs go away?
what was operation payback?
Yet another fucking retarded argument. Are you trying to tell me no one complained about Yea Forums or told you to fuck off back there before? What about Yea Forums and how everyone called Yea Forums a bunch of Yea Forumsermin? What about ponyfags and how all pony-related images instantly got deleted and banned from every place outside of /mlp/? What about boxxy-fags/Cracky-chan and how all threads about them also got deleted and banned? You have no idea what you're talking about, L O L
>That's because leftists actually make projects
Those are all derivative and stolen shit though see
I guess leftist really are uncreative, unfunny , retarded nigger
>a math PhD is left-leaning
No... you don't say? When will /pol/ realize the majority of intellectuals are liberal because that's literally the side that has all the facts.
>anti /pol/ faggots just hate Yea Forums
it all makes sense now
>When will /pol/ realize the majority of intellectuals are liberal because that's literally the side that has all the facts.
Gauss and Euler you retarded zoomer nigger
That's because of the sjws man!
Ignoring the contradictions on that list
Doesn't this solidify the narrative that AAA corporate controlled projects only enforce PC leftist narratives?
Kinda btfoing yourself here bud
>ask them why we need to surround ourselves with worthless somalians
>ask them why we need to cater to the mentally ill in drag
Cold fact there, dude.
"Projects" that go woke get broke and retardera wanking? Woah, what an achievement. Don't forget to dilate faggot.
>/pol/ is right wing so anyone who has traditionalist sentiments must be a /pol/tard equivalent to the esoteric qualities of /mlp/ and Yea Forums
Wow so fair and honest. Maybe you should fuck off to leftypol because you're somewhat liberal. You couldnt be a normal user of this board.
im not saying that the chinese in china ought to speak english, but id imagine it would be reasonable for a english speaker in china to expect a chinese person to acknowledge that people can speak english if they wanted without any punishment, and that the chinese language isnt necessarily superior to the english language.
retarded nigger please see
Female dwarves are smaller than males on average, and they're less likely to have beards.
>says man to hinself for the 20th time with /pol/ nowere to be seen
>Yea Forums was always pro-/pol/!
Nope. Everyone hated stormniggers + invaded stormfront, Hal Turner, etc.. There's a reason why /new/ got deleted twice.The only reason why moot kept /pol/ up was because he was hoping it wouldn't become stormnigger general again, which it did
>Yea Forums used to call people feminazis
>no one got upset
>call someone a nazi
>Yea Forums flips its shit
What changed?
>Maybe you should fuck off to leftypol because you're somewhat liberal.
Why are you saying this like it isn't the most widespread sentiment ever when Yea Forums encounters people who aren't diehard conservatives? Its always HURRRR GO BACK TO DISCORDTRANNYERA
lol wow are you getting triggered? sounds like you want this board as a safespace against sjws
or maybe this post was in self-aware jest?
I'm ESL and I would make it illegal to get a passport to travel unless you had a full blown near native English speaking level, regardless of you going to Germany or China.
sure keep telling yourself that
Nobody witchhunted for ponyfaggots besides barneyfag
In fact, the "MUH POL" crowd are essentially barneyfag at this point.
Hypersensitive men who desperately want to play the victim card.
>thousands of japs and eastern yurop phds intellectuals are right wing
>lol they doesn't exist because all my establishment multi million mega corps (fight capitalims bro tho xD) nepotistically push into relevance leftist cucks
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL suck some more cocks you faggot retard you are on the way out
Yes it does you nigger. Transitioning so becoming a tranny is a "solution" to people with gender dysphoria.
Um, shut up libcuck, Yea Forums was ALWAYS pro-Nazi
Nobody was globalist progressive liberal here, nobody would stand against sexism in videogames, fuck off.
where is the /pol/?
the post your fucking showed is not even QUOTING anybody
ask me how I know you're new here
You could be pretty well off too if you stopped focusing so much on fringe extremist politics and worked on bettering yourself
The average person has very low standards.
The reason why the average normalfag tolerates your obese genderqueer tumblrkin is the same reason they tolerate a 20tickrate hero shooter with janky netcode.
They don't see "Shit human taking up resources a decent human could occupy" or "Shit game distracting players from games that are actually good"
They just see "Human" and "Game".
Why do you think Nintendo games consistently score about 15 points higher than they should on Metacritic? It's not bribes. Bribes are universal. It's because long-standing fans of Nintendo are just -used- to that level of game.
Now, why do you think stuff like trans rights and respecting women are getting such traction these days?
>da joos
Okay. And why would the average person listen to "da joos" if said aforementioned joos are so distinct from the average person?
Because the average person believes whatever they're told owing to having fuckall standards for what they believe in.
The average person sees an ad for a toaster that "Speaks to what's important", "Helps me get through the day", and "Understands what makes life good" and they'll buy it, because they honestly think that Toasters produce emotions in addition to cooked bread.
There's a tyranny of powerful people conspiring against the public. I don't deny that.
But there's a much larger tyranny of the public - by the public's own low expectations and poor sense of taste.
>idk why is it good for the health of society to treat them like outcasts?
Well, what we do know is that all successful societies that have ever existed have done so, which means that in every situation up to this point, this has been to the benefit of society. As for the reasons WHY, all we can really do is speculate. Perhaps the most plausible reason: Fertility; not only does outbreeding surrounding groups allows you to displace them, but high fertility also allows you to quickly bounce back from disasters.
This concern might actually not be a concern anymore... hypothetically, in the future. Maybe if western culture dominated humanity to the point where *everyone* adopted this behaviour at the same time, then it wouldn't be a problem. Might even be good, considering exponential population growth isn't, well, it isn't infinitely sustainable.
But that isn't the case. There are still other societies. And what will happen if western societies do not reproduce at AT LEAST replacement rates (and even then, they also have to have low enough immigration that the immigrants are seamlessly integrated into western culture), is western culture and societies will be replaced by non-western ones.
And we will degrade back to less-enlightened days.
Inexplicably, nobody ever talks about this, even though it is at least as pressing a concern as e.g. global climate change; western culture being the only one that actually cares about such concerns and so destroying it will also destroy the earth, at least insomuch as global climate change will do that.
>yet another newfag image
You do know the original reason for the Habbo raids was because there were rumors that the mods there were racist, right?
I mean I am a newfag, I've only been here for over a decade
>edgy hunor is pro-/pol/
You got the history right but you misread that post. The post is a response to how people are straw manning edgy humor as /pol/ because they want to sanitize the boards of edgy humor that hurts their feelings. People cant tell you or others to fuck off with your politics with edgy humor anymore because now they're your opposition to you rather than the SAME FUCKING FAGGOTS WHO HAVE USED THIS SITE FOR THE PAST DECADE.
this desu
The irony of course being all the supposed intellectuals they want to wholesale import from foreign countries are a majority religious fundamentalists
literally throwing themselves off the roof on their own
>out on steam
>tranny shit
DF is dead.
these 3 dudes are massively retarded and triggered and they will prove this fact by replying to me with the most retarded non-argument ever.
Holy shit we really do need to gas all trannies
the rumors of the mods being racist started after they began to ban black characters with suits and afros that went to the raid
Yeah habbo hotel was because we hated niggers. You're the same retard who thought James Gunn was an actual pedo, aren't you?
if you didn't exaggerate that far maybe it would've still been believable
please stop embarrassing yourself
victim blaming? okay sure i concede that tumblr warriors are really fucking annoying but that isnt an excuse to hate non binary people
if you find black people who rap annoying that isnt a good case to think all black people annoying.
marches is normalizing. if people can march without getting in trouble by the law or gunned down, its a sign that society is more tolerant with the cause of the marcer. Are you going to say that the black people who boycotted buses and went on marches in the 60s in the US were retarded for doing so?
See pic related. It is the original thing, by the way.
following the chart you are still a newfag or early cancer
No I just typed something in caps while referencing an old argument about you getting off the board to demonstrate that this sentiment is actually much older than youd like to have it represented as because that dismantles your argument about this being a /pol/ invasion. Theres been an issue with people trying to terraform 4chans culture for a good while which is exactly what you're arguing for.
>that far back
I'm from 2007, hilariously enough. Which is still newfag territory.
How long have you been here, fag?
Demanding the government to pay for gender reassignment surgery is the new civil rights movement
you heard it here first folks
Do you have an actual argument? Literally all you wrote is meaningless garbage. C'mon user, if you try hard you might be able to come up with a reply better that "anything I don't like is religious fundamentalism!". I mean, SJWism is neo-puritanism but I didn't expect you to rely so much on
>muh religion good
>anything else bad
It's like you're a boomer who wants to use cool lingo you learned on r/Yea Forums
please stop tryharding my dude
let it go
>Are you going to say that the black people who boycotted buses and went on marches in the 60s in the US were retarded for doing so?
Well, I am going to say that these blacks would never have gotten away with it if the people currently fighting for "non binary people" were opposed to them, because they would simply be prohibited from marching in the first place, or expressing themselves anywhere in public because their speech would've been "hate speech" or some other euphemism for politically inconvenient.
>all successful societies that have ever existed have done so
that does not necessarily mean that a society that does not treat non binary people as outcasts will be unsucessful
all sucessful societies that have existed up into the invention of agriculture were hunter gatherer. Doesnt mean being a hunter gatherer is necessary for a sucessful society.
also non binary people can reproduce. you dont have to medically transition to identify as a non binary person
I don’t think all trans people are annoying though. I think that people who feel the need to categorise themselves are annoying.
Only one particular: they don't have bad art, they usually have generic calarts style that is polished, sterile and looks like it's done by a machine, because it's not genuine and heartfelt like 100% of their attempts at memeing. The best leftist memes are the shitposting ones like Hilldawg, which wasn't done by actual liberals to begin with.