Thoughts on this game?
Thoughts on this game?
The Bulk Detonators added in the new patch are humongous cunts. Especially on Point Extraction missions when you're dealing with all the other shits piling around the Mine Head during swarms.
That aside the game is great. I like the gameplay loop of
>go in
>get shit done
>fall back to drop pod and get the fuck out
I've put about 45 hours into it so far.
Yeah those fucking things are a pain in the ass.
I put in almost 300 hours.
I always had a boner for games that have decent random maps
I don't even know how they were killing us.
There was nothing indicating an attack other than suddenly losing all HP:
its great
Needs more enemy variety.
That's pretty much all it needs for it to be "done" and out of early access.
My crowning achievement is still bringing together TWO of those fuckers and making them detonate on top of a Dreadnought after all three spawned in the same wave
>mfw witnessing the giant empty crater after
This. I want less stupid bugs and more enemies that shoot back, like robots or space elves.