So which one is gearbox gonna make canon, the Kill Jack or spare Jack option?

So which one is gearbox gonna make canon, the Kill Jack or spare Jack option?

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Other urls found in this thread:

spare so gearbox troll us of being technically right that we did kill him but not his AI. Also Rhys's eye is blue in the B3 trailer...

From what I can tell, Gearbox will be focusing on the newer villains. I don’t think A.I. Jack will be in the game, maybe an offhand mention at best

Rhys was a good guy at the end. He had a long heart to heart with Jack. I'm pretty sure the kill jack is the canon option.

The leak from a few days ago that was right about everything else mentioned A.I Jack.

Kill. He's fucking dead.

>Gearbox will be focusing on the newer villain
Bull shit. It's gonna be a misdirection.
>Edgy siren punks get killed halfway through
>Lilith takes their place

>He had a long heart to heart with Jack
Not for that player, apparently. He didn't say much.

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The new character, Zane, looks like someone sucked all the life juice out of Handsome Jack

Canon wise.

Thematically it's more interesting for Rhys to kill off Jack and become a good guy version of Jack and run Atlas.

It's very boring if he just, becomes new Jack and runs Atlas the way Jack ran Hyperion. It's narratively boring.

take it to twitter. looter shooters are twreddit

looter shooters are as much video games as visual novels. that is to say not at all. you play them to shut your brain off and be "social" with your "friends"

What games do you play, you fucking idiot?

Borderlands writing is shit tier so they'll go with the less interesting option 100%.

I genuinely think Borderlands has built up an interesting setting and has interesting lore.

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Borderlands writing is fine. Aside from worthless memes, I don't see anything wrong with it from a video game perspective.

You're all retarded for posting in this thread, randy fucking pitchfork himself said jack isn't coming back and the mask was only added to fuck with people at PAX yesterday

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He plays le epic grimdark sekiro and jerks off to parrying.

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The fact he put social and friends in quotes shows me he's a pretty sad and pathetic human being

I thought Randy wasn’t working on Borderlands 3, didn’t he get fired?

Reminder that Stillborn would have probably been somewhat successful if they had just made a Borderlands Team Shooter instead of the failure they put out.

You're thinking of the other guy

>Jack isn't coming back
>AI Jack ends up being in it
>Hey we didn't say AI Jack wasn't coming back!

Spare him so they have a reason to bring him back.

randy during the presentation said jack is dead

And you believe him?

Yes user the guy that literally announced borderlands 3 was fired

yup. more than random anons who have nothing to do with the development of bl3

Man why is Gortys so fucking cute

Jack is dead

The AI version of him isn't though.

More than common sense too apparently.
You don't have to be on the development team to know these people can lie in order to create plot twists to surprise the player.


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Yeah, because Game devs have never lied before right.

Fuck off, you blue-pilled faggot.

Enough is enough. Jack needed to be put out of his misery. He’s dead as far as I’m concerned

Whether he's dead or not.
One thing is for sure:
He was fucking based

Imagine being this much of a jack cock sucking zoomer you can't go 10 minutes without seeing him in a borderlands game

>yfw the twist of BL3 was that Rhys has been Jack all along

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That's too shitty even for randy

The fact that I like him more than Lilith, idk if I should commend gearTwats for making a neat villain (I thought he was way better in TFTB) or forever condemn them for making me put up with the biggest screw up in video games.

Jack would never grow a moustache.


Was there a percentage for the number of people who chose "Crush it" or "Keep it".
If so They'll probably use that to decide

>for making a neat villain
Friendly reminder that a lot of Jack's lines were improvised and apparently Burch hated that.
Can't confirm the last bit though.

>white, rich, big ego, kidnapped her daughter (a strong women that needs no man) against her will
he's dead no doubt

>everything from tales is canon
>rhys torn his cybernetic eye out which has jack in it
Based seething faggot

Attached: Catch-a-ride.webm (1067x600, 2.76M)

>Implying they won't contrive a reason as to why Jack is back
Based retard


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No way they'll get rid of Jack. His AI will in some way or another stick around.
Also that ending scene with him in Tales is the best writing from this entire series.

What makes you think jack is back, user? the last AI jack is inside of rhys's pocket, or jack is destroyed by rhys in the tales ending
>naw they will ask why he's back
Jack was a hologram only rhys could interact with because he was stuck in rhys's cybernetics, still
Based seething faggot

You need to shut it. Right fucking now. Do NOT make me take you down.

I like to believe that Burch was so incompetent that he accidentally made Jack sympathetic instead of Lilith. The VA ad lib some stuff, better than Burch's writing, which also helped.
The post he made about that was more tongue-in-cheek, he said he hated him but clearly just to say that Damien did a good job.

I'm gonna shout Catch-a-RIIIIDE every time i get a car in 3 in his honor. Hoping they have archive footage of his lines or something.

Because this isn't Shakespeare, it's a dumb video game about collecting a bajillion guns. There'll be another flash drive with a copy of Jack on it or some shit. Jack is too recognizable of a character for Randy to just drop over some kind of principle.

Isn't Doppleganger Jack from The Presequel still alive?

If true, that kinda explains some shit. I kinda hate ablibs already in movies since they belong in Apatow films, not fucking ones that should be benefitomg from actual restraint, structure, writing and directing. If the actor has nothing to work with and has too much leeway, 9/10 times it’s gonna be a train wreck. I guess this is the 1/10 where they get away with it

>AI jack is the BL3 version of Loader 1340
>you can install him in different weapons and shields for shits and giggles

>Get rid of the most popular character in the entire series, one of the most popular vidya villains of the past decade
From a purely business perspective, I highly doubt they'd get rid of him. Even the teaser had a shot of Jack's mask front and center. From a story telling perspective, nothing stops Rhys from putting Jack into some other computer.
>Rhys doubts himself because he doesn't know how to run a company
>Gives in to temptation and puts the eye back
Done. That wasn't so difficult.

is handsome collection worth 15 aud for all the missing borderlands 2 DLC I don't have or no?

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How much are you missing?

>meet Rhys, ask him about Atlas and what they were doing with eridium before they fell
>he doesn't know but know someone who might, he gives you a map marker to a location
>go there
>wander around killing digistruct baddies
>get an oddly familiar voice taunting you the whole time
>after you kill all the minions digijack appears
>he gives you info on secret Atlas projects acquired after he bought them out. In exchange he wants you to plug him into some tech somewhere so he can spread into the echnonet
>you have an option to plug him in or drop him off a cliff or something, doing either will give you different rewards. a rare hyperion weapon for helping jack or a rare atlas one for destroying him

>Hey, buddy, friend, do me a favor and turn the rounded end to your ear, I want to tell you a secret.

he wasn't in the trailer tho

bunch of random shit worth $105 aud
I only own Pirates Booty, Torgues Campaign, Hammerlocks big game hunt, tiny tinas assault on dragonkeep.

The rest I don;t have.

if you have at least 1 friend to play through it, yeah, it's all super worth.

>>Rhys doubts himself because he doesn't know how to run a company
>borderlands 3 is 5 years after 2
>implying rhys didn't train or take advice from anybody
>has Zer0 working for him
>implying rhys didn't ask Zer0 to tell MOXXI to help rhys
>implying rhys isn't just a mascot for it while people work for him

>bunch of random shit worth $105 aud
How? I spent like $10 during a sale and got everything on Steam.

How the fuck is the rest 105$? You can ignore the skin packs unless you see one you really like. Either way THC comes with TPS and all its DLC too so it's probably worth it.

nah knowing them they would do something "whacky" like an island full of jack clones . the final boss is mecha jack similar to mecha hitler in wolfenstein

Rhys completely idolized Jack. The fact that they even give you a choice in Tales shows that that fanboy part isn't gone. But hell, it can be like this
Maybe the new villain twins steal the eye because they want to use Jack, maybe only Jack knows some important secret about a vault, meaning he'll serve as a quest giver. He doesn't need to be the main villain, that would be boring, but there's no way Gearbox will ever get rid of their poster child for the game, other than the actual poster child with the bandit. It'd be like Nintendo getting rid of Bowser or Ganandorf. There's just no way.

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Borderlands and the wolf amongst us were the only good telltale games. Will the Telltale characters be in Borderlands 3?

Yes, the trailer already confirmed at least Rhys.

Also Vaughn was in the teaser.

How did Tales make Borderlands compelling and fun?

Can we just keep Jack out of 3? I've had enough Jack.

Actual good writing with a perfect balance between drama and comedy.

Also is the fact that he was most likely the body double killed in opportunity

He might not be a big part of the story but all the characters involved have been heavily influenced due to Jack. Hopefully the new writers know how to balance it out but I think Jack's AI will still be around, if not some contrived resurrection for the sake of having him be a bit more independent.

Those doubles were using hologram technology. Jimmy actually got plastic sugery.

I'm 100% sure they'll put a statue of Scooter somewhere into the game.

Legit saddest telltale death. On par with Lee's.

The Tales' writers did the impossible and made me care for the guy who I saw as a one joke retard from 2. Fucking how.

I hope you all kissed him

The AI Jack survives both outcomes, I'm sure Rhys will have him still.

i hope they go full on diablo/PoE with borderlands 3. It would be cool to just run through dungeons with a bunch of friends to get loot

He'll be back exclusively because Jack's iconic and will make all the people who stream the game go "WAHHHHH JACK'S BACKKKKK!" which will in turn get shit tons of normie's sharing the vid's among their friend's. Even people who haven't played 2 will get in on the hype and pretend they know what's going on in the same way that tons of DMC5 streamers pretended to know anything about Vergil. We live in an age where LE SHOCKING TWIST that generates views > good story telling.

Trading hats was objectively the best choice.

>kissing a permavirgin just because he's about to die


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Fuck outta here. She got them blessings already

Season two remains an idealized image in the garden of our minds.

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so what do I need to own already to get all the free shit in the new XB1/PS4 upgrade?

I guess because they let you actually interact and work with him as a character as opposed to being a violent mute that just listens to him spout one-liners.

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I remember being told the Arkham Knight wasn't Jason Todd before that game came out. Devs will lie to cover up their plot twists.

That just pissed me off, I don't fucking care if it's Jason, they hadn't covered that storyline in the games and it's not like anyone who didn't know the Batman mythos wasn't going to be surprised. Lying to our faces like that was just a shitty thing to do, and wasting my favorite villain just so they had a reason to bring in the Joker hallucination was an extra kick in the nuts.

Funny how the writers behind 2 strove to add so much more dialogue and yet it just made me hate all the characters they tried pushing as likable. Gearbox would be insane not to reuse all the writing staff behind Tales.

The leaks said that Jack AI will be a NPC/quest giver, but not the villain.

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>you get to kill lilith and all the old characters jump in to help cause she's gone fucking nuts and was always a cunt anyway
I'd be down for this. Half the events that happened in 2 was cause of her anyway and I'm sure 3 is going to be mostly her fault too.

I don't think we needed one, I'd rather not let TT fuck up a good thing by running it into the ground, same with Wolf.

RhysxSasha ftw

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Except that Randy Pitchford has consistently shown himself to be a lying liar who lies constantly

Sasha was great.

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Yeah, I would have been really hyped if a sequel was announced, but I still think that it already ended on about as satisfying of a note as they could have given it.

Well, outside of not knowing what Rhys and Fiona found.

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my nigga

I'm sure they'll explain in 3.

Great taste

>ywn be Loaderbot and have a Gortys gf

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What's the thing on the top right?

The cutest robot with the best thighs

I wanted to see the duos Fiona/Rhys and Vaughn/Sasha working together, Rhys dealing with the actual consequences of bringing Helius down and have Rhys bring back holojack in the future. I bet none of this will be explored in BL3 and we'll never get a season 2.

About to play BL2 again, who should I play as this time?

It's Dumpy!

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Whoever you haven't played yet.

>implying the beastmaster Robot isnt Loaderbot

I liked her a lot as well. It surprised me that I did actually.

Drop dead

It won't be, but I wish it was

I dropped presequel and only beat BL2, who the fuck are all the people being posted in this thread?

I have played them all.

They are from the tell tale game.

Not prequel. Tales from the borderlands. The tightest shit Telltale games ever produced. Better story than the actual main games.

Based and kidsisterpilled

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Lilith is the worst character, I don't know why they push her so hard.

They're from a very good TV show that has QTEs.

>I have played them all.
Whoever you're the worst with.

Shit was wack. Imagine if they turn Maya into a walking fuck up machine like her. And yet Lilith is ranked on other sights like she’s one of the best female characters in gaming

Vaughn and Sasha were fun but I guess them having the least amount of interaction was inevitable with how they were always split up between the two POV characters.

I'm surprised that there was as much group chemistry as there was honestly with the disjointed story perspectives. I expected Vaughn at least to be a throwaway sidekick that wouldn't stick around for more than half of an episode before bailing.

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Shipping is so alien to me. Who are these people? What makes a person act like this?

>I like to believe that Burch was so incompetent that he accidentally made Jack sympathetic
To his credit I'm pretty sure that Burch was the one who wrote the final exchange with Jack in TFTB, which I thought was pretty solid.

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A man can dream...

It still hurts bros.

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I really liked how all the others interacted indirectly with Jack too. Such a good group of characters, amazing chemistry. That's why I replay tftb, not because of choices, but just to get different lines/more content from them.

I would never betray you, bro!

I can appreciate well-written romance and character subtext and all that good shit, but there's always going to be some people that get into a really bizarre head-space when it comes to arguing over any aspect of fiction.

It's not exclusive to romance of course, but in the case of shipping, some people seem to take such extreme voyeuristic pleasure in what they think the story should be like, that literally anything that falls outside of that idea is taken as a personal insult.

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>when more people played tales than pre sequel

The first season of Walking Dead was really genuinely good, but Tales just makes me happy, and hits basically every note that I want out of an adventure story.

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I never played Tales from the Memelands, is Rhys a Jack clone or something?

Why don't you just play it and find out?

No he's just an officer worker that tries to steal money from hyperion. But he ends up getting AI Jack inside of him who basically becomes his life coach to become more auccessful

>tfw Vaughn opens up about his fear of being sidelined during episode 3 if you sided with jack
Such a good moment

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>The non-shooter adventure game not made by Gearbox is the best in the entire series

This will never stop being funny to me.

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I played TFTB so many times it's not even funny. It seems like the story was tailor made for me. It's got a lot of flaws but it's so much fun, even during replays, and the characters have so much potential.

Why would they bring back Jack in any shape when Tales already gave his story a satisfying conclusion? He wasn't that great of a villain and it's time for the series to move on.

Because I want to see more of rhys and holojack

I chose Keep, and I think most people did. The way I played Rhys was he still admired and looked up to Jack, even at the end.

I unironically believe that Jack was the hero of the story, all of it, and deserves to stick around. Nobody else, even the Vault Hunters, ever got as big and powerful as he did, and to have Jack on your side would be an invaluable advantage. I like to think he learned from Rhys, sparing him then bringing him back for corporate help, like "hey maybe this guy isn't a pyscho bandit and I can work with him."

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One thing I really gave TFTB props over, was how the branching character scenarios were good enough to actually warrant a replay.

Telltale never mastered big branching stories, so it became easy to poke fun at them when later games desperately tried to push every choice as a world-changing Life Or Death consequence, when you could still see where most of your choices did and didn't matter. But Tales knew to put more of the emphasis on the character relationships and finding new jokes, so even if choices weren't always as big and dramatic they were still enjoyable.

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Because we live in a day and age where people stand up and clap and throw their money at references
>insert RLM meme here

>He wasn't that great of a villain
He's literally the best Borderlands character

I think they should leave his story alone at this point, but Jack's probably the biggest fan favorite of the series, so I can see why they'd be tempted to keep bringing him back.

Rhys can keep the eye and Jack in it

did you even play the fucking game

it was cute

He makes a wink wink nudge nudge comment about Jack being dead "because we killed him". It's pretty obvious what pissboy means. Plus, why would they include Jack in the trailer?

He's to important to kill off. As a character, he has a fuck load of potential to be a teacher character, and can be used to retcon things because jack.

He's also very likable.

The body double was a joke fight and Jack jokes about it. If it were the body double Jack, who was a powerful vault hunter, it would've been an actual boss fight.

Imagine if they let you transfer your saves over from Tales and get different dialogue based on it.

Kono jack da, bitches

>ack was a hologram only rhys could interact with because he was stuck in rhys's cybernetics
But when plugged into literally anything else he can possess it like a machine god, including the entirety of Helios.

This would almost make Gearbox redeemed in my mind, and give me a reason to play Tales again.

That's why TFTB is my favorite Telltale game. It's all about character interaction, and messing with the choices gives you interesting new contexts that aren't touched upon directly throughout the game, but that are certainly present. One of my favorites is telling Vaughn to stop being a wuss on episode one, and he says he sometimes forgets Rhys is just pretending to be a guy who'd act like that. You don't have this kind of thing in any other Telltale story.

>write your villain to be as hateable and despised as possible
>he's the most popular character of your game and the most recognizable
>more sympathetic and sided with by fans than the actual hero characters
>his best lines are ones you didn't even write

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I wish. I bet we'll barely get new shit for the tftb characters and holojack

Every day I thank the lord I'm not Anthony Burch.

These are the same writers who couldnt write themselves out of an easy respawning characters plothole without just saying fuck it and making an entire chunk of the series not canon. Odds are they will just not even bring it up since its easier to sweep what they dont like under the rug.

If the leaks are true the latter is most likely.
>rhys helps jack realize where he fucked up
>jack is shocked that he spared him even after the betrayal
>has a legit change of heart and decides to work as vice president of atlas (he holds a portion of atlas' shares legally anyway)
>rhys helped jack regain his humanity so jack helps rhys learn how to be a corporate badass
>build a machine body for jack to use

>These are the same writers who couldnt write themselves out of an easy respawning characters plothole without just saying fuck it and making an entire chunk of the series not canon
That was just Burch because he's fucking trash, probably had half the writing team in his ear handing him fixes and he just ignored them because he's an "auteur". I've no doubt they'll fix all his garbage in 3, especially if they've absorbed some of the writers of Tales.

Holy shit, I can only get so erect, user. What's your source?

>Except slag, laser and ice
>In the trailer there are literally ice lasers in several of the short cutaways they do
A lot of this seems like he is guessing at worst and just spewing what was already known information at best.

I honestly doubt that. It actually had a tremendous amount of subtlety. That's not exactly his strong suit.

Reminder that the vault key deal failed because Sasha only informed Felix of the echo eye and ignored the arm

I think the only way Jack should be in, is of its Jimothy.

That'll be difficult to pull off since I think Jack always has to be conniving in some way. Having him have a change of hearts might come across as too much of a character change, even taking into account that final speech from Jack where he seems to be genuine in all the things he says.
>Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story.

wasnt it cuz he made Butt Stallion out of a real horse IIRC? Im pretty sure he brags about having the horse covered in diamonds and s hit

not a fan of jack but hell that's not a bad idea
it'd probably be the least annoying way to include him, you can just not use it

None of this info was known until the teaser, which was released the very next day.

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>In the trailer there are literally ice lasers in several of the short cutaways they do
Can you get screencaps? All I see are acid and fire.

Those intros were on fucking point. Their choices for music were also pretty good.

>The best borderland games isnt made by gearbox
I have 0 hope for this game.

You know Jack is going to make an appearance one way or another, at this point he is probably the second most recognisable character to come out of the series, second only to the psychos. He had clones, and the A.I. Jack doesn't have a cannon fate yet, so I think it's fairly likely he will show up some how. I just hope these new villains aren't just bad recreations of him.

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Vaughn got written off to early in the series, I really liked him.

Also, what happened to Fionna and Rhys after getting to the vault?

This. I'm actually pretty confident that they'll do a good job with the twins, which is saying a lot considering I've spent the past 7 years making fun and hating Gearbox. Jack has a very specific type of megalomaniac ego that really only his VA can bring to the table. That video he did playing the Handsome Jack Collection is a perfect example.

How is this leak?

He did not.

And they probably won't hire the TFTB voice actors. I can't see Rhys without Troy Baker. I'm scared, bros.

Rest in piece scoot.

>rhys helps jack realize where he fucked up
Everyone and their mother has said this to Jack. He was a fucking dick.

>A game in 2019 without Troy Baker
Pretty sure that's illegal at this point. It's like not hiring Nolan North, even if just for a single grunt.

>The B team of Telltale made Wolf among us and Tales of Borderlands
>The A team made all the bad games, Game of thrones, walking dead
Really knogs my jogs

Troy baker doesnt voice non cinematic games anymore.

You would be too if a raging bitch kept fucking up your morally good plans and the cherry on top of scarring your face out of pettiness. It would drive anyone insane.

No, everyone and their mother made sneaky fucking plans behind his back and disfigured his face.

Jack was right about pretty much everything, and was far more of a hero than anyone else on Pandora. His mistake was gazing too long into the abyss and deciding to fight fire with fire, as well as being arrogant enough to assume he can do it solo and inevitably being ganged up on by a dozen vault hunters at once.

AI Jack seems to realize this too.

TFTBL was way more kino than it should have been. The opening scenes were absolutely on point

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The only redeemable adversary of his was Roland, but Roland was an enabler of Bitchlith.

It's satisfying to know that after losing her megasiren powers Jack beats the living shit out of her in Helios, but her healing factor still keeps her there. It's meant to make Jack seem awful but TPS makes it seem completely justified. Wanna play dumbass with your sneak-attacky magic bullshit? Double dumbass on you, fucker.

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Any other combination is objectively wrong.

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And yet...

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So that pretty much confirms he isnt in.

Those first 40 seconds are better comedy than anything Gearbox has written. It has an Edgar Wright vibe that works really well.

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Will stay unrevealed so that either choice is canon.

Why did Jack try to kill Rhys when they got back to Helios again?

It's entirely possible that they still haven't recorded any VA. It's not like the game even has a release date.

Are you fucking kidding me?

IIRC Troy was part of a big voice actors' strike aimed at Gearbox, among others, and was barred from employment with them again.

Not bad though, since Troy is great but Rhys looks like a very much changed man. A new voice may fit.

Same reason he tries to kill him after crashing Helios.

>the moustache is a voice changer that makes it deeper

Depends on the choice you make. If Rhys joins Jack, he offers Rhys to be put into a cybernetic body so he can live forever and test out Jack's project of robotic body doubles. Rhys objects and Jack takes it as treachery.

If Rhys turns against Jack he suddenly acts like a massive dick to Jack and tells him he's bringing down Hyperion. It's a weird choice and even if you don't like Jack doesn't make much sense. So Jack retaliates.

If Rhys doesn't make a decision Jack tries to force him into the cybernetic body anyway.

Jack's a super fun character and he's an obvious embodiment of how the road to hell is paved with good intentions and all that, but he was still a villainous lunatic in the end.

It'll be hilarious if they get Nolan North considering he was against that strike. Also North has a lot more range than people give him credit for. He could probably do a mean Rhys.
With a good writer, I'll accept this if they set it up just right.

Even at his worst Jack isn't as bad as the average bandit on Pandora, and at his best he's the only one with any common sense besides Roland.

I had Cassius and Janey instead of Zero and Claptrap.

Would have taken Felix but he was in space Vegas.

By the end of the Pre-Sequel, he pretty much earned the right to be eternally mad.

Nah, he just no longer had a reason to hide what an absolute monster he alreadu was.

I don't like this one bit. I hope Rhys has changed somewhat, but they can't change his core characteristics without removing what makes him fun and compelling. Troy Baker molded this character. It's disappointing that they'd bring someone new to play him. Also I bet Rhys can't even grow a mustache and that one is a fake.

damn gortys is dumb thicc

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>expecting them to pay for an expensive voice actor

>wants to turn hyperion from shit company to golden
>shat on by greedy incompetent ceo
>makes plan to take over and make pandora a paradise
>gets betrayed by his mercenaries and half a dozen other criminals
>"he was a monster"

Everyone can afford Troy Baker.

He wanted glory and power from the very start but he very clearly had good intentions and wanted to it through honorable means. But he kept getting betrayed by everyone. He lets Meriff live and the guy still tries to shoot him in the back within 2 seconds.
All these betrayals, seeing that no one has your back and you can only trust yourself, PLUS being permanently scarred and seeing all that knowledge from the Vault made him a monster.

>daughter is suicidal
>vault hunters show up and help her kill herself

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Yes, I'm sure a multi-million project that's also backed up by one of the publisher that also handles GTA, can't afford North or Baker.

How did they retcon jack from borderlands 2? The dude laughed about blowing a chick's brains out. Never played the expansions or the telltale game.

Vault hunters arent exactly good people.

Pre-sequel showed his backstory; it was supposed to cement his rise to power and how he came to be who he was, but what it actually did show was that Jack was right the entire time and the Crimson Raiders are literally no better than bandits.

In Tales he exists as a hologram backup of himself programmed into the protagonists cybernetic body parts.

It's not that they can't, it's that they won't. If they're showing trailers and they haven't even contacted Troy Baker yet, why would you think he's involved with BL3?

>If Rhys turns against Jack he suddenly acts like a massive dick to Jack and tells him he's bringing down Hyperion.
I loved how the finale turned out anyhow, but that was the one choice where I wish that there was a bit more of middle-of-the-road option.

I thought it fit my take on Rhys's character to turn down Jack after realizing that the cutthroat corporate ladder isn't really what he wanted out of life anymore, but I wish that he had the option to at least try to leave things with him on good terms before Jack takes it as personal betrayal anyway and tries to have him wasted.

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Jesus whoever managed the subtitles in that game did a shit job.

>Turns his 6-year-old Siren daughter into a supercomputer and exploits her constantly, driving her to suicide
>Strangles, shoots, and spaces co-workers for so much as daring to suggest he's wrong in his methods

>Even at his worst Jack isn't as bad as the average bandit on Pandora
Insane cannibal isn't a super high moral bar to beat.

I really like the idea of AI Jack being brought back on these terms. He's not the real Jack, so maybe there's something different about him and he's actually capable of moving past everything that happened.

Pandora is a shithole, thats not much of an accomplishment.

How is Tales kino when it sold like shit to the point where even Shrilltale didn't want to do a season 2?


I’m not surprised. It was a pretty bad presentation.

God watching Rhys tear himself apart was difficult to watch, but actually ending the insane over use of Jack made it so worth it.

Doesn't matter how you play Rhys either. It feels rushed and stranged. I spent the whole game favoring Jack, so I tried all three endings just to see. Joining Jack is cool but ends immediately and Sasha hates you. Declining Jack makes Rhys become a huge asshole, like insulting Jack out of nowhere. The "no choice" is unironically the best, because Rhys doesn't act like a dick but Sasha still wants to bang you.

I know you're joking, but it's a shame more people didn't give TFTB a chance. I gave the game as a gift to a few friends and they all loved it.

>Tries to keep murderous daughter's Siren powers in check
>Strangles, shoots, and spaces co-workers because he knows there's a judas amongst them
By that point, Jack was losing it. Even the tiniest hint of betrayal was enough to set him off.

Pretending that Walking Dead Season 1 wasn't good is just doing yourself a disservice user.

I also quite liked Batman (both of them).

IIRC, only Walking Dead S1 sold amazingly well, with Wolf Among Us at second, with less than half, and slightly less Tales. TellTale was just retarded because they kept thinking that they were going to get another WDS1 hit.

I only ever played one episode of Strong Bad (the Dangeresque one) and the first of Tales of Monkey Island. The Borderlands one came out after I already burned out on 2 and so I didn't care enough to try.

BL3 will likely only apply the broadest strokes of TOBL's plot and never speak of the players' personal choices.

I didn't like how Sasha didn't even give Rhys the benefit of the doubt, immediately jumps to the worst conclusion and is willing to just leave him there, regardless of your choices up in Jack's office.

Why was Rhys such a god tier character, bros?

>Angel: He'll talk and talk to make everything seem like your fault. Don't listen!

More likely Jack killed his wife and guilt-tripped Angel into taking the blame.

>so I didn't care enough to try.
Likely the reason why it likely didn't sell too well when it came out. Who the fuck would've thought that anything Borderlands related was actually going to be some great writing, with actual humor and actual dramatic moments that aren't incredibly forced? Even I took a couple of years before deciding to try it out.

Jack will be in it again, somehow. When you think about it, the Pre-Sequel exists because of Jack, it was made to further develop his character, and they wanted another game where he could star in. He is a major part of the franchise now, the only game he didn't appear in was the original, would be like if Bowser didn't show up in a Mario game.

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All of his interactions with AI Jack were gold

desu I think it's the Borderlands name that scared most people away. I had to tell some people that you don't need to be super familiar with the series to enjoy TFTBL. There is that twist at the end of episode 1 that won't have any meaning to you if you didn't beat BL2 but that's pretty much it from what I remembered. Tales is just its own story.

Or Angel was trying to convince herself it was all Jack's fault. It could be both if this story had any moral relativity, but with Anthony Burch at the helm we all know it doesn't. Really hope BL3 brings back the concept that every character is an asshole that 2 tried and failed to avoid.

Nah. Angel is Jack's daughter, who's to say she isn't as manipulative as Jack.
I fully believe the idea that a child would accidentally kill her mother due to not being able to control her powers.

That mustache is enough proof Jack isn't living inside of Rhys during BL3. What the hell is he thinking with that thing on his face?

That was seriously a mistake on Burch's part. We didn't know Angel enough to really care about what happened to her, the only other source of information about her is Jack who might also lie. The only moment he seems truthful about anything is during Tales. Fucking Burch.

DigiJack acknowledging the "he will remember this" was a great 4th wall joke as well.

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How do you feel knowing he won't appear in this game?

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He looks very interesting because of his cybernetic parts, and has loads of room for character development, either to become the good leader of atlas or tragically go down the same path as Jack.

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>play Rhys as somone who genuinely idolizes Jack but not be a braindead fanboy and recognizes that he has his faults
>Wary of Jack at first but see that over the time he has proven himself to be a valuable ally and a cool guy with a few odd qualities
>He genuinely likes Rhys and feels a connection to him, getting to a point where he tells him about Angel
>Think that Jack may finally be that hero he always wanted to be
>Episode 5 just shits all over that

Jack became too retarded to understand why Rhys doesn't want to be his robotic bitch and takes it like a betrayal. Though I have to give his last scene with Rhys a 10/10. That was just pure kino.

The mustache is perfect for a man that's president of a company. The cyber eye color is the bad part.

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Which is why BL3 will only keep him morally-ambiguous.

We can only hope he brings JAIck back.

Jack was sympathetic even in bl2, the pre sequel and TFTBL shows that he really was the good guy. Guy's kid kills his wife coming out and he's got nothing else, then the guys helping him try to kill him because they don't trust him enough, essentially Lillith is turbo mega bitch and Roland was her accomplice.

So where was Lucina-I mean Fiona at in the trailer? Does anybody here know that she is the main character in Tales too?

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Moxxi was to blame for everything in TPS. Roland and Lilith were just her tools, and not the sex kind.

I kind of wanted to see holojack being brought back to life by someone else and have him and Rhys meet for the first time after their last confrontation. Nothing would be more kino for me. I hope they can work together while remaining true to their characters.

fuck off nobody cares about Fiona her sister is where it's at

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Does anyone else find themselves in a dissonance situation when it comes to Borderlands? It's the kind of series I'd see myself making as a "near" dream-game, I love some of these characters, I love how it's one of the only franchises that can afford to say more outrages things, but then I remember how the art style was sort of stolen from that one video, how Randy is a fucking retard, how Burch is a fucking retard, how the fanbase itself is divided with younger retards preferring 2's writing over Tales, etc.
It's a series I want to love and be proud for it but god damn, it makes it difficult to love.

>tfw none of your choices will matter in BL3

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>Forced to play Tales now
Fucking goddammit.

Chill. They’re both cool.

I like Fiona while she's in the group with Rhys, Sasha, Vaughn, Gortys and LB, but she was the weaker protagonist in her game.

In the grand scheme of things, Fiona isn't that important.
also this man speaks the truth
The game pushed Rhys and Sasha getting together really hard, even Jack tries to convince Rhys to joining him by saying that it would make him lots of money for him and Sasha to start a happy family. At the minimum, I expect to see a picture of Rhys' family on his deck.

Dios mio...

Where can I buy it on PC for a reasonable price? Never goes on sale on Steam who wants $15 for it and Humble Bundle wants you to pay $25 for it.

Fiona is a better support, Rhys is a better leading man.

Fuck you, I liked her.

Tales from the Borderlands.

Legitimately the most fun game Taletell ever made and easily 1 of the top 2 Borderlands games.

i was only kidding i loved Fiona too

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>introduce a character who looks almost identical to another character in the series
>it's not the same character

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Maybe get Sam Witwer as it was originally intended

from what we see in tps he wasn't like that at all, him hating and imprisoning his daughter is congruent with her killing his wife. I don't think he actually told her what happened to her mother, but the logs also see to align with this. Everything that happened on helios was lilith and Roland's fault and had they told brick and mordecai what they did they wouldn't have been involved, it's revealed at the end they had no clue lilith fucked Jack that hard. They were marked by association at that point.

I spent almost half of the first episode certain she was flirting with Rhys. I was very disappointed when it became clear they were going to pair him up with Sasha and there was nothing you could do to really avoid this.

what the fuck?

come to think of it, there was ZERO dialogue in the trailer, i really hope they just haven't recorded yet, troy was great.

>implying she wasn't
>implying her and sasha don't doubleteam rhys in the credits


she's gonna be the first DLC vault hunter, it makes sense with her character arc at the end of tales

based sashachad

Have we gotten any info that the guy on the right isn't him? Or at least related?

Rhys wanted that dark meat

the appearance is so over the top similar they have to at least be related

He wasn't though, he was protecting everyone on the moon the whole time, and by the end of bl2 he'd lost his daughter and all his friends.

He loses it once you do that and kills Lilith the bitch's fuck toy. Jack did nothing wrong to him everyone on Pandora was a piece of shit, and he was mostly right.

I think the worst example of what you were just talking about is the Game of Thrones game TT did.

In its 5 episodes it introduced a ridiculous amount of characters and just as fast killed many of em off with every other choice you made.
By the time you'd reached the end of episode 5, 75% of the original characters introduced in the game were dead and of the 25% still living could vary wildly from player to player.

The game took the worst aspects of the developer and the GoT series and made an unmanageable mess, still would have liked to see em do a sequel just to see how much worse it could have gotten.

>hehe i'm gonna kill you faget. kill you when you least expect it... hehe
>wait no no no no don't do that
I thought Tales was supposed to have good writing?

It's been five years, his gear is yellow like Atlas. Maybe Rhys hired him.

>Everything that happened on helios was lilith and Roland's fault
Blowing up the Eye of Helios was all Moxxi's idea from the get-go, and then Lilith was sent to kill Jack and finish the job, except she failed that part and pissed him off.

Because she's Gortys

Jack definitely got it the worst out of all the characters in the series

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Has been been confirmed for being 5 years after the event of the last game?

I think we can all drink to that

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what was his problem?

>Blowing up the Eye of Helios was all Moxxi's idea from the get-go

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Lilith Moxxi and Roland all deserved each other, and the fact that Lil trie dto execute Athena for telling the truth to which Brick and Mordecai were shocked says loads.

They were big enough shitheads they got their "friends" in Jack's crossfire and did so purposefully to get them on their side. Fuck those guys, Jack is the best.

Jack underestimated how much Rhys was willing to get rid of him.
I think Randy said it during the conference.

I sympathize with him even though I don't agree with everything he did, so that's how I played my Rhys. I played the game quite a few times but I can never vent myself to destroy the echo eye in the end.

Gimme run down on this cause I don't play TellTale shit.
What happened?

5 years and Rhys looks that old? What went wrong for him?

It's good, you should play it

Consider making an exception, this coming from someone who also hated TellTale stuff. If not, just watch a playthrough without commentary but this is the only TellTale game I'd say you should actually be the one making the choices.

Just like Jack

God taste

Why does he look like he aged 30 years then?

>just watch a playthrough without commentary
I've got better things to do with my time.

He grew a mustache.

Moxxi clearly says before the Eye goes critical that she tricked the Hunters into blowing it up because she knew Jack was going to be bad news if he was allowed to live. At the very least, give credit to the real mastermind and not the willing pawns.

You know what it is, bitch. Why does anyone get on their knees?

I destroyed it because the guy became a complete cunt towards Rhys in the end. It's clear that he can not be trusted. I wouldn't risk letting him live another day.

What sucks is that Jack's probably the most (forgive me) badass character in the franchise. Dude is a regular human by all accounts and has killed dozens of vault hunters, a lot of them personally, is feared by every Pandoran bandit and in the end requires half a dozen more vault hunters, an entire bandit army, and his own daughter's treachery to bring him down. Nobody else can attest to being that much of a pure force to be reckoned with.

It's why it makes sense for Rhys to keep AI Jack, even if you're someone who doesn't like him. Jack is possibly the single most powerful and influential man in the recent history of Pandora.

Then why ask faggot if you don't give a shit

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>you will never have a fake shootout with accounting again

She wasn't involved in anything on Helios until Roland gave her a call after Jack killed the scientists.

>this guy may possibly be dangerous possibly in the distant unspecified future so we need to join together and stab him in the back now
>we're the good guys lul

burch can go castrate himself with a rusty spoon

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You can say what you want about TPS, but this scene was kino

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The arrogance is a bluff, it's always a bluff as evidenced by
His uses it a shield and a bluffing tool, behind that he's got nothing left. He has nothing but this idea of himself he's crafted left.

>tfw Moxxi doesn't appear in Tales

She was a cunt but I loved her. I wanted see her make Rhys flustered and make AI Jack go into full autismo rage.

See you, space cowboy

I think keeping the eye makes Rhys more interesting as a character. From a logical point of view destroying it is a much better idea, but I don't think he has brien enough to stand on his own yet

Worse than that. It's literally
>your evil you need to die

Nakayama's plan to make Jack immortal partially worked in that an AI backup worked. It winds up downloaded into the cybernetic enhancements of a low level Hyperion employee named Rhys, one of the main characters of TFTB. One of the last choices you make in the final installment is "killing" or sparing the Jack AI.

Rhys's artificial eye turns blue when Jack is using it. It was blue in the trailer and Randy never mentioned the AI's status, only that Jack was dead and not coming back. Nakayama never figured out how to get the AI backup to go into a cloned Jack body.

I wish they had him kill his body double for his new face. Think about it. Jack wants to be this big hero to everyone and save Elpis/Pandora from bandit scum. But he's stuck on Helios the whole time just fucking with computers while his double is down on Elpis kicking ass. His double even defeats The Guardian thing at the end. It would have fit Jack's character to become wildly jealous and murder his body double because his double was the hero. And I know people try to say its' the same double you kill in BL2, but the one in 2 has Jack's mask on. So it could just be a different double. I just like the idea of jack murdering his double out of jealousy. Then stapling his own double-face onto himself.

i thought that one bl2 dlc was pretty much that

It sounds like you just have bad taste.

She was pretty cringy. Felt like Burch's self-insertion of cuckold fetishing before he was even outed as one.

She sort of appeared in that poster inside the caravan in the first episode,but it's a shame we didn't get this interaction

We never did get her reaction to her Scooterkins kicking the bucket. Wonder how thats gonna come up in 3.

I'd imagine Rhys reinstalled a reformed Jack.

As in, after Tales Jack is taken aback by Rhys sparing his life and decides to help him for reals, as he both respects Rhys and it's his only means of doing anything with the world anymore, until he gets a clone body.

Jack himself does get involved a few times and kicks ass pretty hard too.

I don't think his friends would approve and stay by his side if that's the case. Especially Sasha.

Or he gutted the AI to get at Jack's knowledge, with the eye being stuck blue being a side effect.

Or they reach some sort of impasse and sacrifice each other to fuse into an entirely new consciousness.

Sasha doesn't have to know.

I just want to know what the FUCK this is

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Looks like kino to me

Looks like Maliwan's version of Opportunity, possibly on a different Planet

A planet that isn't Pandora.

They beat us over the head with the WORLDS stuff in the trailer enough times that you should have picked that up.

Cyberspace, like that seen in Claptastic Voyage.

What I'd like to know is why he got an exact replica of his undisfigured face but so much paler than his natural skin tone, it looks weird.

You go to different planets. Promethea is the big planet where all the normal people live. So that's probably a city on Promethea. Pandora is the 1800s Australia of that solar system, it's where all the convicts and trash people are sent. Promethea shouldn't be as derelict and would be heavily populated.

Timothy, the doppelganger, is alive. There is your alive Jack.

>those hands

what the fuck
that planet look like it's far as fuck, yet the missile exploded in literal seconds
also, can't he just respawn?

Watch them retcon Timmy into being the Jack-double who was killed in BL2.

Friendly reminder that Jack and Rhys are canonically manlets.

New-Us aren't canon and never were, even before Burch. They just realized too late that they shouldn't have had characters act like they existed.

This was a very comfy thread. Thanks, Yea Forums.

he always was, there was zero instance of it being said otherwise

Wow, so it's [UNNAMED PLANET] huh? Real descriptive.

Jack had many doubles, Timothy is alive.

The Jack doubles in Opportunity used holograms. Jimmy got plastic surgery.

Again, he will be ret-conned to Timmy regardless.

Fuck off Burch, your writing fucking sucks.

It wouldn't be too difficult to explain it in just a few lines.

What, you just want me to toss out the name of a Borderlands planet that isn't Pandora? Fine, it's Dionysus.

We don't know anything about the other planets that have been named, just that Pandora is particularly inhospitable due to radically fluctuating conditions and aggressive, adaptable lifeforms, so it doesn't have any settlements that have been able to grow that large before getting smashed into shanty towns.

An Xbox one x or Ps4 pro and
The Handsome Collection

Definitely the coolest looking place in the trailer.

Because Burch said New-U stations aren't canon anymore since he couldn't work them into the narrative he wanted.

In a game where none of the player characters ever spoke he basically carried the entirety of 2. He's hands down the most recognizable and influential character in the series.

I was making fun of you because it's obviously a rhetorical question. How the fuck would anybody know.

For the last time

Timothy got plastic surgery to look like Jack to get money for his university fees. His body itself got modified to be 100% exact copy of Jack.
The guy in BL2 uses a watch to project an image of himself as Jack, but he's it's own person when the watch stops working

It's not the same.

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that still doesn't change shit
In Borderlands 2 Willhelm was literally just two Generic enemies mix-n-matched together
Guess that means he is still alive as well since it could not possibly actually be him

They've gotta at least have his recorded voice still on the Catch-A-Ride stations with Ellie commenting that she keeps them like that in his honor.


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Why are you people writing this shit off like it's nothing? Not even Gearbox would be this disrespectful to their canon.

We need to watch Tannis. Battleborn Easter egg warned us

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>Respecting their canon
TPS pretty much proved that Gearbox gives no shits about respecting their canon.


I forgot about this. Now we know it's multiple worlds so Prometa is likely the new world alongside Pandora, Children of the Vault was hinting at the cult, and I guess Tannis went full autistic rage and did something bad.

Does anyone have a webm of AI Jack doing his victory dance in the background screen when he takes over?

Hiring Anthony Burch and giving him full freedom to write TPS is the big one.

Tannis is a babbling autist who fucks furniture. I wouldn't trust her with anything.

People think she is a siren. She keeps asking for eridium and what not.

Maybe. She is mostly covered in clothes so we can't see any symbols. Do the comics even hint at anything like this? Or are they even canon?
It's possible she really is just so autistic over the vaults that's she's willing to potentially fuck everything up. Or maybe she's some sort of Guardian-esque entity.

Her being a siren would be a pretty stupid twist. Possessed or actually a spy all along would be better.

So is 'human' Jack dead? I can barely remember Borderlands 2 except for fighting that big fuck-off vault lava monster.
And quite frankly I cannot be fucked playing when none of my mates play it anymore. Or even play for that matter.

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Tannis killed the brother of the monk who Maya killed because she felt the Sirens were going to be important in the coming future. Of course she's going to fuck everything up over the vaults.

Jack did say theres only 6 Sirens existing atm but he only knows of 3 (Lilith, Maya and Angel) So not counting the Siren, and the new villain. who knows.

>we get to kill Lilith

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>there are people actually defending a shit game
Nu-Yea Forums everyone

My guess is that Tannis was a member of the Lost Legion and sat through the entire slideshow with the Eridian mind interface device without getting interrupted by Lilith's fist, but what she saw drove her insane and compartmentalized itself in her mind.

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No you won't. The plot will protect her, just like it did in TPS.

I think the current popular idea is, real Jack is dead, killed at the end of 2. AI Jack on the other hand will be kept alive by Rhys.

This is Tannis in her natural form. Shes part of the aliens that made the vaults. Hence why she knows so much about them and why she wants the key. The key is more than a key, it holds knowledge.

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>Tannis is a babbling autist who fucks furniture. I wouldn't trust her with anything.
Still upset Burch did this to her. BL1 Tannis was a woman who gambled her career and her life on a crack theory because she knew she was right and it paid off but not before years of crippling isolation and the psychosis that all eridian tech caused in humans. She was unhinged and a bit of a scatterbrain by the end of it but not this turbosperg LE SPORK XD bullshit they turned her into.

I don't know. Everyone's reaction to the end of TPS was how much Lilith deserves do die.

When did this thing show up?

As I've been saying, Burch has tainted this series so bad that even when he's not around, it continues to poison everything.

>there are dumb faggots that actually and willingly enjoy Boringasslands games


Must be embarrassing to be you.

>Tannis is a space owl

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Only because of Burch's sloppy ret-cons fucking everything up.

Right at the end of TPS.
Yep. Whoever the new writers are better just rip off the bandaid and get rid of just about anything Burch wrote.

Pre-Sequel. Pops in at the beginning to kick off the plot and then returns at the end to stop Lilith from murdering Athena for exposing the truth.

Tiny Tina still exists, so it's never happening.

Well, yeah but how the fuck do you go back after establishing that Lilith is a mad cunt who pretty much caused Jack's madness and was willing to kill Athena just for telling the truth? At this point they might as well embrace it and run with it.
She's grown up so I hope she's not whatever the fuck she was before.

>The prequel to the game where she's alive keeps her alive

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>Vault Hunter... a path is formed by throwing one Tediore at a time.

Look at these doods

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>She's grown up so I hope she's not whatever the fuck she was before.
Only in body. Expect her to still act like the obnoxious twit she was in BL2.

Near the beginning of TPS when Zarpedon attacks Helios, then again in the post-2 ending scene where Lilith orders the Crimson Raiders to execute Athena. It can stop bullets with its mind, which it does in both appearances, the first time to stop Jack's bullets when he shoots at it and in the epilogue scene to save Athena while telling Lilith "War is coming and you're going to need all the Vault Hunters you can get."

The actual name of the entity is The Watcher. It's not the same type of creature as the other Guardians, but it's not necessarily an actual Eridian.

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>Hiring Anthony Burch and giving him full freedom to write TPS is the big one.
That's not really an example, that's just you hating Burch.

God I hope not. They don't deserve to get brought down by the dogshit writing in the main series.

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The Eridians themselves will be the endgame threat.

I kinda doubt it. Really, the whole Tiny Tina thing was weird, like some weird fetish by Burch to have his sister act like that. She might still be mad and all about explosives but only Burch can write shit that obnoxious.

I had super high hopes for Game of Thrones simply because I thought that the Telltale format would be the best type of adaption for it, and that they'd have the chance to explore a bit more of the books' setting with new characters, but you could tell that development was really spread thin by that point, and that they had to build everything around HBO fanservice either way.

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>Tina is back as an adult

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They already showed her. It's not good.

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I want to believe there is gonna be something that's going to fill the time gap between tftb and bl3. Maybe the rumored dlc or another pre-sequel to Bl3. I don't think they will spend time in bl3 saying what happened, they will be focusing on the new story.

Did anyone actually get Claptrap on the first playthough?
Why would you spare Felix before you really knew him?

I'm expecting the franchise twist to be that Eridians are humans who all have Siren powers that left this dimension millennia ago, leaving behind only the greediest and most-narrow minded. Society reevolves in a worse form and the descendants of the worst humans begin uncovering Eridian technology, but the Eridian humans find out, view them as a threat and move to start wiping them out.

The Battleborn Morse code warning about opening the vaults is because the vaults were designed to give the Eridians an increasing awareness of the existence of something poking around their ruins in this dimension as more and more are opened.

They'll just scatter ECHOs around filling in gaps like they did in 2 and TPS.

It was a pipe dream, but I just wish that they had kept the show out of it and made their take on Game of Thrones its own standalone story like Tales or Walking Dead. Putting so much of the emotional investment on Ramsay or Cersei as villains was frustrating because we know that we can't do anything that really affects or hurts them.

I did feel like Game of Thrones had potential in how it actually had legit differences in who lived and who died in the end, even if the factors determining it were weird. But I guess it's sadly all for naught with how everything ended on a blatant cliffhanger for every single surviving character....

Well this was a fun thread. Goodnight. I don’t want Jack to come back but I ain’t gonna argue agaisnt it depending on how things go. Besides I don’t hold it against anyone who just wants to see him again.

>Why would you spare Felix before you really knew him?
Last-second empathy I guess?

In retrospect I actually think that having Fiona be the one to shoot him makes more narrative sense than having the story turn around and say that he stole from the group to protect her, but I was trying to take the moral high road on my first playthrough.

>New-Us aren't canon and never were, even before Burch.
They were, the canon reason why you can even use them is because angel lets you, she locks everybody else out.

I hope they don't let the additional Guardian designs from TPS go to waste. The Opha did things to my dick.

I think the worst example with Game of Thrones is how absolutely clear it is that your choices are barely relevant but with how heavily the game pushes the GoT "choices matter" element because "anyone can die".
Too many times I ran into situations where I would go "there's no reason for me to be here, can I leave?" only to find an invisible wall forcing me in and the game locking me out of making any kind of retreat was irritating at best.
Not to mention that it was too scared to kill off any "book" characters. That guy who flays people literally hands you a knife and puts his throat on it and you get the option to "cut" and he somehow pulls away without a scratch.

You're forced into meaningless conversations with characters that don't matter, and cheated out of character interactions that could matter in order to preserve the illusion of "choices mattering" because apparently the only to do that is to forget that apologies and explanations exist.

But they all respawn anyway. That's why you can farm bosses. Doesn't work.

Boss respawns aren't canon.

So is Hyperion canonically dead now? The Helios base was the coolest thing about BL2 and the Pre-Sequel.

based patrician taste

Attached: bearlove.jpg (2060x1490, 1.75M)

0's helmet got squished

You wouldn't stick your dick in crazy, would you anons?

Attached: crazy.jpg (714x753, 309K)

kill gearbox for making this game.

I would.
I'd cut off the arms and legs first tho' to prevent getting killed afterwards.

Yes, and she can wear my face afterwards

Sasha was a cunt.

If I was Randy I would have hired people who worked on TftB story in a heartbeat.

So user, what new gun types/functions do you hope they'll add? I hope they'll add something like a Railgun to the game that hits with elemental damage hard.

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I thought I would hate her by what everyone was saying so I acted like a jerk in the beginning but she grew on me. I was disappointed (but understood) that I didn't get Rhys/Sasha ending.

Why is she so qt?

>It's not good
Kill yourself tranny lol

Asshole with a heart of gold always works

Attached: what u starin at.webm (747x420, 2.93M)



Attached: hes a phantom.png (714x317, 349K)

This and that scene of Rhys failing to strangle that one guard for like two minutes always gets me.

Sasha/Rhys must be protected at all costs

some kind of heavy slug or bolt driver. Preferably it would cause stagger or push back to make it feel like something other than torgue guns from BL2 without the explosion.

Attached: athena runs a kebab shop.webm (569x320, 2.17M)

>kebab snaps to her hand
>clips through the table a moment later and vanishes

Hey guys, it's Randy. Thanks a bunch for your support!
Here's a picture of me, working hard to ensure I make BL3 just as well as I made Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever!

Thank you for saving my company so we can continue to fight bigotry and be BADASS for many years to come!

Attached: randy BADASS.jpg (600x800, 98K)


Attached: (hoo boy).gif (500x522, 1.78M)

Please don't let them all get demolished by shit writing

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