Little Dovahkin is 8 years old now. Does he get picked on for his name?
Little Dovahkin is 8 years old now. Does he get picked on for his name?
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Based Sephiroth protects him from bullies with his blade of justice.
I pray that Dovahkiin grows up strong and marries a girl named Nerevarine.
pretty sure Xehanort gets bullied more.
>one of my high school buddies named his kid Aeris
It isn't as bad as Sephiroth or Dovahkiin, but it should be an offense to named your kid after video games.
No one will laugh ones he kills a dragon and learns the word of power
>not having twins named Dante and Vergil
Do you even power?
He'd probably go as "Dov"; which is a Hebrew male name meaning "Bear"
It's not hard to get around a dumb name as long as you're canny.
I think you meant to say Shahvee.
At least I am talking about videogames
Nah because if they turn out to be embarassments I'd be angry they are tainting the good names
He'll be fine, AY BIG DO
There is guaranteed a baby named either Sora, Roxas or Axel
Talking like all those NPCs in Whiterun am I right my fellow gamers??
>Sephiroth is 14
>He's 14
Sephiroth is probably playing Fortnite right now
Good taste, but nah still mean Nerevarine.
Nat as bad as some dude i know named his kid reaven like from star wars
Or he will just say kin, and everyone will call him ken
You are a annoying little faggot
his parents are white, fat soiboi bearded man and fat white ogre arent they?
rip kid
no he looks asian he is probably doing math
See, at least when you're named Sephiroth you can go by Seth.
What the fuck can Dovahkiin go by? Dave?
Stop antagonizing me I don't like that we can't be friends
Just turn those names over in your mind for a moment. There's no way Dante and Vergil would ever not be embarassments.
Outside of vidya context, it sounds like a couple guys who hawk bootleg t-shirts outside of concerts.
Or Doh!
Dante works, easy. Vergil not so much.
Dante could very much work, I've met one when I was younger. Vergil is nearly impossible though
Believe or not I had a roommate in collage named kratos. He's an Asian dude and will marry his fiance next year.
But how's Dongus doing?
>I am 21 inches long
God damn Sephiroth, that dick hang low
>spelling your child's name wrong
Could be worse, could be Pinkamena Zecora Smith.
Can you actually sue your parents for giving you a fucking retarded name?
>our other friend has a son named Optimus Prime
I think Pinkamen and Optimus Prime would make a great arranged married couple. Imagine if you were those kids it would be like instant depression
I know the parents were probably autists that named their kid after a fucking video game but isn't Sephiroth like an actual name? Like a Jewish name or something.
Dante is an actual name u sperg
Yall are just gay and elitist for no reason when yall niggas ain't having kids anyway.
I named my daughter Beatrice and my son Tiber
AL Dante is a spaghetti brand you retard
What if it turned out to be a tranny and now goes by stephany haha
The sad thing is that their parents are probably nutcases, so they're pretty much guaranteed to have a bunch of mental problems when they grow up.
I personally was named after a comic book character so naming children after media runs in my family
Is Axel a good name for a kid?
It’s from the divine comedy
Literally nothing wrong with the name
>when your first name is shit, but your second name is actually pretty good
You had one job, parents.
But that's a real name and not even rare. Yeah, it's fucking good. But you might as well be asking about fucking Mike. I'm sure there's been a Mike in some game.
sephiroth is plural for the nodes on the jewish tree of life
>When your first name is good but your second name is shit
People are calling me DJ and my mother's adoptive parent's name is Jewish so that's a no go
>not naming your child Battler
He'll be six three and rolling in bitches
Dante could work if he's black or italian
>daughter's fine
>son sounds retarded
hit and miss
>these people were able to reproduce
>you will never be able to reproduce
Can you sue your parents for mutilating your dick?
Guess they never miss huh
First Mike I thought of was that kid in Drawn to Life who died in a car accident.
Where's the guy who named his daughter reimu?
>Optimus prime
Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt.
Still shitposting on /jp/
What a legend.
Is he really? Lmfao what a fucking guy
>that fucking drool
He looks brain dead.
Shut the fuck up BITCH, someone shoot that stoner... and thanks.
You got bullied by an ff7 nerd...?
>read buddies as bullies
lol way to out yourself as the bullied virgin
>Not getting swirlies from your bros
They would probably just assume that the names are from Dantes Inferno not from a video game