live in around 4 hours. dear god please let JSRF get a rerelease.
Sega fes predictions
Other urls found in this thread:
can they please give us some info on smtv? it's getting ridiculous.
shenmue 4 5 and 6 leaked
Sonic Mania 2? Please?
> please let JSRF get a rerelease.
This too
Opens 9am
Schedule and live stream links here
Youtube Live and Periscope are both western streaming services. Use the Nico Nico only if you hate yourself and want to pay $5 for access.
9PM eastern
10am Japan time.
Megadrive Mini is early in the broadcast. Persona you may as well go to bed and wake up early (3:30am eastern)
SMTV/Bayo 3 news and that new Sakura Wars they've been teasing coming west.
New Phantasy Star, JSRF on PC and a new REZ
>me in 4 hours after the announcements are over
That being said, at least we're getting a new Sakura Wars, so that's kinda cool
Yeah, Im hyped for Sakura Wars 6.
>was listed in the recent sega survey
Yeah I'm thinking we're getting a new altered beast
*Blocks your path*
I see
Stop tuning in to these Sega streams, nothing significant ever gets announced.
Please something good about Sonic, I'm enjoying all the other things they put out, but if they release another fucking rehash I'm losing it.
God i wish.
>New JSR
>VR only
A bunch of boring business stuff and some shitty merchandise like those dumb bathroom scales
They're gonna announce at least the New 'No More ATgames'' Mega Drive mini.
You aren't going to like it. After Persona 5 R's trailer was released, we won't see any new details until next month. As far as Yakuza, they are announcing the next game. While avoiding questions about the cocaine using actor in Judgement.
biggest wishes
>Persona 5 for PC
>Persona 3 and 4 remake
>some good Yakuza stuff
>literally nothing about Atlus
>just "reminding" us that Sega has some games for PC
>a few low budged title
>nothing important
I have zero hopes in Sega. If this would be Capcom, I would be hyped af, but Sega is literally the worst big Japanese dev.
>no real PC support, they are more or less just trying to compete with Capcom
>even though they own Atlus, they behave like they don't know Atlus at all
>Even though Sega has some great titles, they seem like they hate gaming and don't care about creating good games
Just look at Capcom
Also now that Borderlands 3 is right around the corner and games like Sekiro are already there, I'm really surprised how they want to compete. They can't compete against Capcom and now even fucking Gearbox seems to be bigger than the giant Sega.
At this point Sega should just sell Atlus to Capcom and leave the gaming market. They don't deliver at all and even a Persona 5 port to PC wasn't published so far. There is literally no reason to console lock Persona 5. Just look at the sold copies of Persona 5. After this look at MHW. It's just a disgrace that Sega can't realize that the console exclusives aren't worth it anymore. Even if Sony paid a fortune for Persona 5 exclusivity, they could still have published Persona 3 and 4 remakes on PC, but again, they are not Capcom.
info on the new Sakura Wars, it won the revival poll fair and square yet nothing's been shown yet
Maybe announcing that they'll let Camelot use some of their properties again, namely Shining.
Not expecting any Atlus stuff outside of Persona but it would be welcome, Etrian news especially would be nice
Some signal that they remember even 1/100th of their dead IPs, particularly from the Genesis
some sort of Dreamcast related thing maybe
Maybe a tiny snippet on the alliance alive HD
>don't care
More Sonic shit like Forces 2, it's guaranteed dogshit unless it's made out of house
JSRF port (never played it, too expensive)
Persona, only care about Q and Q2 out of the series because I love EO
Business related stuff
everything not mentioned
>being a PC cuck
Sega ages is slow as shit, we're probably getting Dreamcast by 2030. I just want my chao garden on a portable, man
anything virtua fighter related please, if no vf6 then at least a vf collection. so sick of final showdown, worst vf.
Aoi Yuuki will voice the main heroine of the new Sakura Taisen.
Screencap this.
>JSRF rerelease
seems unlikely but i'd be all over it
>JSRF remaster
The Shenmue HD ports got announced last time.
haha just play Sonic Advance bro
>PC anything
>on a JAPANESE conference
You could emulate Sa1 and 2 on your phone using retroarch.
a Phantasy Star game that isn't gatch or mmoshit
cmon Sega, the Yakuza well will dry up soon enough
let's get sci fi again
Fine by me. Aoi Yuuki is one of my favorites.
anyone itt thinking about buying that mega sg?
i'm tempted now that i see it's a fraction of the price of the nt mini
>anyone itt thinking about buying that mega sg?
If I still had my genesis cart I would have bought it day 1. Looks great
>tails in smash?
I've already set up my Genesis for RGB SCART and have an OSSC for upscaling, so I already ostensibly have a Mega SG
Let us keep this thread alive, I only look forward to SMTV news, though I'm not going to keep my hopes up though
they've already said there's gonna be a software patch that allows you to put ROMs on the SD card
so I'm just waiting until then basically
Reminder it's a two day event.
Sega's wild ride will disappoint you not once, but twice.
>Please something good about Sonic
>but if they release another fucking rehash I'm losing it.
Pick one. The only good thing that could possibly come out of that terrible franchise is a rehash of the first games
Sega has been weird as fuck about letting Atlus be ass backwards as fuck.
You’d think literally every game they have would get an HD touch up then shot gun blasted to everything from phones to PC
Why isn’t SMT Strange Journey Redux on PC yet?
I want a remaster/collection of Super Monkey Ball. Where the hell's that franchise been? Do Super Monkey Ball Deluxe HD, I'll buy that shit day one.
Virtua Fighter 5 HD
I don't think they announce Sonic games at SEGA FES. If anything was coming the Sonic social medias would be hyping it up.
already exists on multiple platforms
now Virtua Fighter 3 HD Online would be an instafuckingbuy
>sonic fan thinks that anything he doesn't like is bait
>already exists on multiple platforms
with online?
>get tons of great PR from all that "playing super monkey ball helps surgeons" or whatever it was
>in the height of the healthgame craze
>drops off the face of the planet shortly after
It is weird. What was the last mention of it, a costume in forces?
Panzer Dragoon Remake trailer please
Just giving you what you want friend. Have a good day
Is that right?
>Sega Saturn anniversary event
Come on, Burning Rangers
Come on, Burning Rangers
Come on, Burning Rangers
>getting anything new ever again
No idea, I would literally kill for ports of the PS2 library of Atlus
Reminder that Sega doesn't give a FUCK about any nation in the west
>Sakura Wars 1-5 HD Collection coming to all modern platforms
>Japan only
Have they even teased any announcements? Should we expect anything besides SW6, Japan's Mega Drive Mini, and maybe something Persona related?
user this is Sega we're talking about
If Burning Rangers even gets mentioned I will literally shit my own self
We might get a port that should've already happened a long time ago, if last year's show is anything to go by.
Honestly, it's a miracle we're getting SMTV over here, at least if it doesn't get cancelled
how do you not own any consoles if you're such a big fan of japanese games? pc is always going to be an afterthought for japanese devs.
>Just look at the sold copies of Persona 5.
yeah, just look at how it became the best selling game in the series and brought atlus to the mainstream. and they didn't need to port it to pc, where mustards would just pirate it or wait for it to go on sale for $2 a decade from now anyway.
New Sakura Wars info and visuals are already confirmed by the way
>that static when he says kike
I'm hoping Sega Ages releases dates for things that have been announced but haven't been given dates yet, and also announce Sonic 3K and CD for Sega Ages. Mania 2 announcement would be cool.
really boggles the noggin, huh?
Never gonna happen. They can't release 3 as anything but a straight ROM without changing the music, and they only ever did that once over 20 years ago.
>Use the Nico Nico only if you hate yourself and want to pay $5 for access
last i used it for a sega stream it was also lower quality than on youtube, even with premium
shenmue HD is PS4 exclusive in japan
Okay what does that have to do anything? The PC ports of Shenmue were announced there.
Yakuza babies BTFO
We won Shebmuebros
No its not. Anyone with an Xbox can buy it from any of the other stores. Or simply import it.
I mean, one or two people with an Xbox over there probably did it.
Good. It's really nice that it won the poll, I thought for sure that it was a dead franchise after So Long my Love.
Any new words on actual good games people want?
they don't sell the xbox version in japan, even digitally. importing is not relevant, it was not released in japan.
Is So Long My Love no good? I was thinking about grabbing it since it's the only one of the series I can actually play.
Madworld 2 plz
How much time left?
Wii virtual console I believe had S&K and 3, and the lock-on feature was included. Not sure if music was changed in that version though.
Isn't the problem with JSFR all the licensing that goes around with the music?
It's alright. Been over a decade since I played it so I can't remember the nuances of it but it's not a bad game from what I remember.
stream link?
its all gonna be in japanese isnt it?
You can switch stores on the Xbox. I did that to buy Dark Souls 3 a week earlier from the JP store on release.
yes, not news. show me where in the sentence "importing is not relevant, it was not released in japan" you got lost.
>sucking Capcom's dick this much
>when it's obvious that they'll do their famous complete reversal in quality again
I hate you but you know you're right.
As a classic Sonicfag, I'm fucking tired of fucking Green Hill and Chemical Plant Zone spam. Just give me Mania 2 with new levels and at most, a brand new updated Sonic and co sprites. Knuckles, Mighty and Ray are good since they are new anyways, but just make Sonic and Tails look more like the OVA styled design.
New Ristar pls.
My prediction - the event will be all in Japanese and targeting a Japanese audience yet the youtube stream chat will be 99% English spam because westerners are annoying as fuck.
I bet it'll be like that livestream everyone was hyped for but it was just two british fucks playing old sonic games.
Ok to be honest I wasn't following your conversation I'm just saying anyone in Japan with an Xbox, for whatever reason, can buy this game, legally, and without many hoops on the Xbox.
But I get what you mean, ok. Please don't hurt me.
understandable have a good day
Good fuck nips
>Burning Rangers
Does the Saturn has good emulation? I only know Burning Rangers from SART, but from what i saw the game looks fun
>Does the Saturn has good emulation?
You too
Can't be a prediction if it's a fact.
Just call it a vision
Hoping for a JSRF pc and a localization of Puyo Esport.
Come on Panzer Dragoon Saga (and Zwei)
Fucking why have they never ported Panzer Dragoon Zwei. I can understand Saga, it's a cursed game but come on Sega
>not one but two (2) segata sansihros in the background
Far too ahead of it's time.
Those games are getting outsourced remakes.
hey good taste
Fuck Pachinko
Fuck Hajime Satomi
Too good for this world
nothing too unrealistic
so a new JSR, Skies of Arcadia 2 and Panzer Dragoon Saga remastered
If they announce a new game it's probably gonna be some mobage shit. Really hoping for some SMTV news.
Reply to this post with the one game or announcement that would make you lose your shit if they announced it tonight or tomorrow.
so was phantasy star
I just want info on the Sega Ages Pico arcade system stuff for switch that apparently is coming (arcade equivalent to Dreamcast), but info on Shin Yakuza would be great. Looks like year they announced Sega Genesis Collection, Sega Ages, Yakuza Kiwami 2, and more so I’m not too far out of reality.
Sakura Taisen for 2019 please
My old answer would've been Streets of Rage so, uh, Billy Hatcher.
>new NiGHTS
>new JSR
>new Virtua Fighter
>HotD home port
>Daytona 3 console port
>new Comix Zone
Oh fuck thanks
Post the stream
Just came to say Kid Chameleon is the best platformer ever.
Holy shit, Sega vs. Capcom just got announced! How can anyone possibly compete?
I played JSRF just last week and it still looks fucking great
Now who the actual fuck is going to buy a Megadrive mini
Based and chameleonpilled
I just want Bayonetta 1 & Vanquish remaster for PS4, is this asking too much bros?
>Ask what fans want
>JSR tops the list
>"We want to meet fan desires but thats too much"
What the actual fuck is wrong with SEGA
If they didn't remaster it for the PC release they ain't gonna do it now
>sega channel is back
>it's a game streaming service
>Have to get all emeralds to unlock
>Have to get all medals to unlock all emeralds
Fuck that
They teased maybe remaking Sonic Adventure and the internet went wild, ofcourse itll be another rehash
It's a double edged sword. They recognized Atlus had a strong fanbase and didnt want to interfere with what they were doing.
Hands off approach is fantastic for not messing shit up, but you dont get the benefits of remasters and ports.
Sonic Advance 2 is shit either way.
Just play the first game.
If Sakura Wars, Space Channel 5, Panzer Dragoon, Shenmue, and now even Burning Rangers get revived before Jet Set Radio Im gonna scream
Im happy for Sakura Wars fans but Jet Set Radio came a close second and Im fuming cause of it
Sonic Adventure Remake.
>Sega channel has JSRF, Burning Rangers, Panzer Dragoon Saga
>Stadia exclusive
Sonic Adventure 3
Space Channel 5 is getting a VR game, Panzer Dragoon 1 & 2 are getting remakes, and shenmue has a sequel that's going to release soon.
Thats what I mean, literally every SEGA ip are getting revived except the two I want, JSR and NiGHTS. Big oof.
Billy Hatcher 2 or I'm shooting the nearest bird.
You got a NiGHTS game, though
I think the days of quirky AA games are over user. I miss them too.
You know who wants to make a 3rd NiGHTS game?
Takashi Iizuka.
From Sonic Team.
I hope JSRF gets ported though.
user... The NiGHTs wii game was 12 years ago
I know Iizuka is the official boogeyman, but you sound like a fucking idiot saying that someone from Sonic Team wanting to make a sequel to a Sonic Team game is a bad thing.
T-that can't be right
stream link?
Oh yikes, he cant even get Sonic right and that's way more straight forward
>Expecting anything
I wouldn't get your hopes up
we're just here to have fun
Nights Journey into Dreams was seen as significantly inferior to the original, iirc. Also, Sonic Team is in a much worse state than even during the Wii era. If they cant get Sonic's physics and momentum properly, what makes you think they could NiGHTS justice?
Why do I do it? Why is it every time there's a SEGA announcement I start dreaming about all the cool shit it could be? I usually never go into Nintendo Direct prediction/hype threads because you fags are just listing off impossibly stupid shit.
But when it comes to SEGA I pray for JSR3, a good NiGHTs sequel, a new Toy Commander, a chao garden game, SEGA Smash Bros, Sonic Rush 3 and Chu 2 Rocket.
kino graphics even today
holy FUCK
>we still want new, defective, not even close to the playability of the old games instead of just playing the old games
Why, kids--
Oh, right. That braindead excuse.
Better music, better gameplay, better aesthetics.
>better aesthetics
Preservation my dude. Right now the only way to play JSRF is on the original Xbox, or on the 360 with horrible lag.
They did
I know, but I just want to make sure people don't get too disappointed, this is Sega in 2019 we're talking about
Cause SEGA has unprecedented levels of unused IPs, most of their most recognisable series are sitting at 1 or 2 entries while Sonic is on his 60th
Panzer Dragoon Saga is being rebuilt from the ground up using the same assets and stuff from the upcoming 1 and Zwei remakes.
They could even fix post game and the half implemented quest.
Who do you main? I used to always go with Corn and Garam as a kid but now I use Ryth and Clutch
kys persona cuck. you're fucking cancer
The Sega Game Gear 2
God, imagine all the kino sequels and creative new IP's we would have gotten if SEGA made it past the 6th console generation.
Sakura Wars Remembrance is a PlayStation exclusive, it’s also got Atlus staff working on it an will be using Persona 5 engine
>wasting time with anything on the xsucks
How did that literally off the shelf PC with shit games succeed-oh right dumb nugamer kids.
Sega has some nice IPs sitting around, ones people clearly want but never get. Nintendo gives most people what they want, sega keeps giving us sonic and some random merch to taunt us like 'hey, remember Jetset? What about Billy hatcher? hehe have a keyring, we remember :)'. It's the want for a simple sequel to games we haven't seen alive in years beyond re-releases and mentions
We entered the 21st century 19 years go
People like console games faggot, big surprise, where have you been all these years?
>Persona 3 and 4 remake
FES and Golden already exist, but I do wish Golden would get a port to the main PS4. No one owned a Vita.
This is why everyone thinks PC gamers are retards
Sega of Uzbekistan employee here. Have insider info for you guys.
Segata Sanshiro will drive to the stage in the HORNET and kill everyone for the blood sacrifice needed to bring back his wife, Sakura.
There wont be any Persona news since the commercial from the other day already announced that more news on it will be on the 24th of April.
Single player phantasy Star will be called Phantasy Star the Fifth
Made by Shining force team and valkyria chronicles team.
I'm cautiously optimistic.
But if they can capture the same Moebius Rhapsody feel, and not fuck up the OST. That would be great.
Golden is objectively worse than OG
>Lame new events eating up calender time like forming a band
>Nerfed difficultly
>Retconning the bitch Marie into being a super important plot element
>Ruining the bittersweet goodbye ending with an epilogue where he comes back
>Sakura Taisen 1 remake
>Saturn ports for Switch
>Jet Set Radio Future port
>New Yakuza trailer
>Crazy Taxi returning to japanese arcades
Anyone got stream links?
I'm hoping for a new console.
You lie. Segata Sanshiro died a long time ago. Cause of death was rampant faggotry.
>Ruining the bittersweet goodbye ending with an epilogue where he comes back
And Arena didnt ruin that already way before Golden released?
looks too good to be true
>sega keeps giving us sonic and some random merch to taunt us like 'hey, remember Jetset? What about Billy hatcher? hehe have a keyring, we remember :)'.
I always saw my relationship with SEGA as me being a battered housewife. Now I realize I'm actually a cuck
we already know sakura taisen is in a new setting dumbass
Bullshit, but go ahead and tell me the Saturn games anyway.
Yeah, Persona fans have to wait for the Persona Live Event in April.
Already got the Panzer Dragoon remakes out of this. I'm golden
I don't want Sega to take on too many projects I don't even think theyre capable of working more than two or three.
You couldn't pay me to watch another Atlus announcement stream.
>Lame new events eating up calender time like forming a band
The game gives you several weeks more time to compensate and the new events are the friendship building stuff the original lacked that made the cast's relationships feel so flat
>Nerfed difficultly
Three poorly designed early bossfights got fixed and skill inheritance was made less retarded, whoopdie-doo
>Retconning the bitch Marie into being a super important plot element
Okay I'll give you this one, but the Izanami plot was already retarded and the worst part of the game so besides her appearance at the start I don't think she makes the main plot any worse overall
>Ruining the bittersweet goodbye ending with an epilogue where he comes back
The original ending was always fucking dumb because it tried to ape 3's finale in terms of how the gang breaks up but it was always temporary and they all have phones anyway. I think showing the reunion is a better ending, there's no forced drama and it fits the overall tone better.
>more events
How is that a bad thing? You aren't able to farm as many stat boosts by the end, so what?
The rest you have an okay point on, except the ending. Yu made a dozen friends, you really think they'd never meets again? Japan is the size of a postage stamp, you can go anywhere with relative ease.
Arena is a spin off fighting game, much eaiser to ignore when its not literally in the main game
it's getting closer
>Heres all this new Persona merch
>Heres some music soundtracks
>Heres a movie based on the story you already know
>It'll be split into 3 different movies because lol
>Here's abuncha super funny jokes and references for the fans
>Oh right, heres a still image for the next major title, please wait 4 months for the next live stream thank you!
>japanese only
It'll be just weebshit, won't it?
Protag leaving is sad. Even with phones and holidays visits its not the same, the original ending conveyed that perfectly. New ending acts like that whole element is a none issue, and dont even get me started on the shit redesigns during that section
Yeah, especially since they usually end the same.
Might just have to settle for being both at this point in our lives
Stage 1f started streaming.
Cause the new events suck. The whole making a band story felt start out of the shitty anime adaptation, especially the part where they spontaneously play the song perfectly.
>implying people who care about Persona wouldnt jump at any kind of Persona game
Theres a reason the Dancing games exists, and why P4D is canon.
Let me double check, it should start in about an hour, right? Also, has any got a link to a Youtube stream?
I expect nothing, like that ATLUS/SEGA stream there was some months ago
it just started you dumb nig
I never implied that? You said arena spoils the ending, which it kinda does but at least you can ignore it. Literally changing the ending in the main game is a much being deal
Uh, so is it starting or what?
Fuck, what?
The presentation stage started with a live countdown
There's two streams. The less prominent one is the one streaming now
why isn't started
They said something Persona, my Japanese skills are on point bros
cheers, bud
why this works and this doesn't?
>Wild Woody Redrawn
Wild Woody remaster, really?
>Open stream
>First thing I see of that starfish fuck from SMT
>that decarabia
I need it
Use the stream link right above you, that one actually started
Two stages
Wild Woody Redrawn just got announced boys
What was that PS4 game between Sonic Racing and Catherine Full Body?
any screenshots?
It's a Shining Force fighting game, been announced for a while.
Blade Arcus Rebellion
>Sonic Eraser 2
>the two announcer's voices
>It's a Shining Force fighting game
Me on the right
Is it only streaming on youtube?
Because we play games on a non-dumbed down, open system with tons of fucking options instead of locked down piles of ancient shit?
Yeah, sure, that's retarded.
Fucking consolebabies.
Thank you for the Japanese ladies Yea Forums, but are they going to announce anything soon?
They talk like retards
oh shit yes please
Yes, sonic for smash got leaked
They're announcing a bunch of stuff now! Just look at all that merchandise! Better buy it all unless you want your favorite IP to die...
>SEGA Saturn pins
>All this merch that we will never, ever fucking get
I'm mad
The real event starts in 15 minutes on this stream.
I hope they make this one multiplat
>sega saturn pins
sega sure knows how to make some nice merch
I'm surprised I don't own a Segata Sanshiro shirt already tbqh.
What's up with all the console nigs shitting on user just wanting nips to port there games to a different platform?
Latley we've been getting alot of ports from the land of the rising sun and that's for the better anyways. The more people who can get there hands on the game, the more copies can be sold and people enjoying the actual product.
This sentiment in general is extremely anti consumer and I expected more from you niggers.
I could see it being on Switch and mobile. Dunno if they'll bother with 3DS this time around.
Welp there goes yet another "The best Sonic Team members that did Unleashed/Gens is still cucked to work for Mario" epsiode
Pack it up boys, Forces 2 confirmed by Kishitmoto again...
Well Sega did partner up with retrobit to make new saturn and genesis controllers this year, probably decided to keep the train rolling with more saturn memorabilia.
port-begging is annoying, pathetic, and thinly-veiled console war shitposting.
Sequel when?
i thought it was supposed to start by now
Not happening.
Damn the motion capture has really improved.
Sugoi desu ne!
No idea this was happening hmm.
All I can hope for is a vectorman 3 or a new shinobi.
Or ristar 2
Yeah, at your local Dave n Busters arcade and on Switch,
omoshiroi desu ne!
People that get triggered by people asking for ports are console war shitters afraid of losing exclusives
Is this guy still alive? I wonder what he's up to
It's not fair lads.
Can I fuck Sonic yet?
>it's pathetic to want to play games on the platform of your choice.
You do know your not gaining anything from whatever console you prefer having exclusives right?
The niggers who own those consoles are the ones who gain anything from that. Even the devs lose in that situation.
user's sharing his hopes for this announcement not fucking starting a console war thread.
House of the dead; Scarlett Dawn on PlayStation move and VR
Persona Super Live? That's not today?
I can't imagine we'd get anything new. I personally expect SMTV for PS4, it makes no sense to not have it on PS4, P5 sold what like 3 million units, that's more than 6x SMTIV, games are regularly underselling their PS4 versions on Switch. 2.5 million extra sales isn't anything small either, that's the development cost of SMT titles for years to come.
>Model 2 Mega Drive is a loli
Wtf sega
That looks fun
>At SegaFES they strap kids down to a table and make them grab up as much Sonic crap as their little kiddy hands can handle
Why can't PAX be this fun?
Me on the left
Persona is always Sony, SMT is always Nintendo, bar a few spin-offs. This isn't changing now.
Why do I want to do this more than anything else in the word right now?
living the fucking dream
Wait, THAT'S what we've been hearing in the background?!
Extreme Skill Crane
At least it's not rigged like in the states.
Because someone would get hurt and sue
there are 2 streams.
which one are you guys watching ?
because the CRANE can't lift your fatass
That's it for today folks, pack it up!
>tfw nowhere outside of Japan will ever get shit this cool
>more people in the west get to play it
>they infest the fanbase and make it worse with their ignorant opinions that are based on their experience with the latest game in a long running series
>the developers become more and more influenced by the west
>we get worse and worse games
Yakuza is already suffering from being ported to PC, the remaster of 3 had side stories removed for being "transphobic" because of western audiences
Keep portbegging, snoy.
The one with the two jap girls ended I think
Because anyone at PAX would be overweight and break the table, they dont want lawsuits
So it's this one? The other stream already died
>kemono friends
2, because 1 is delayed
This stream will be playing "Sega fan meet up" for the next hour
This stream will have Megadrive Mini in half an hour. Commercials until then.
quite the contrary. people who beg for ports don't actually care about the games, they just want platforms they hate (in this case, consoles in general) to lose exclusives so they can brag on a message board while not playing them.
what's pathetic is not being an idort. then you never have to worry about missing out on games.
>Border Break will never come out in the west
Thanks for the reminder SEGA.
>the remaster of 3 had side stories removed for being "transphobic" because of western audiences
You're kidding, right? Is this real, and can someone mod the side stories back in?
Its the same P5R teaser, sorry guys
at least it's on console now instead of being arcade forever
yeah fuck you bamco bring EXVS 2 over already
>smt is always nintendo
SMT Nocturne isn't even available on any Nintendo platforms, SMT isn't always Nintendo, but now Atlus is owned by Sega, and on top of this it's easy to port games from the Switch forwards to the PS4, it makes sense from a business standpoint to port that to PS4, like I said before it's common to see games that are on both platforms to sell overwhelmingly on PS4, the margin is generally significant, not putting these games on PS4, isn't leaving some money on the table, that's leaving more money than you will make on a Switch version, and it's DLC/re-release/spinoff on the table for only a tiny increase in development costs. SMTV even runs on Unreal engine so porting is easier than it has ever been.
I'm not port begging, I'm just looking at the data and say that this will be the case.
This time on: We STILL don't know shit about P5R, so tune in next time!
Can anyone top the pipe dream of hoping for a season 2 of sega girls? besides a new console
Doing commercials
>Sega Ages series
Oh my fucking god this better have all of the PS2 ones
Tune in next month for another vague commercial, but only after we force you to watch the same P5 OVA again!
>I'm just looking at the data and say that I'm port begging!
Logic doesn't apply to Atlus.
So when does it actually start?
So apparently Hot Topic is the lone distributer in the west for all the random Sega crap like pins. So all this shit is coming but just to Hot Topic.
sonic for the switch, cool, I can't wait to buy it again
P4G sold over a million on Vita. Vita didn't get a single other megaten, 3DS got 8
In fact IV:A and SJR released after P5, and both were still 3DS games and not vita nor ps4
You're not looking at data
A half hour ago.
Then who cares, if it's not Arcade ports of lightgun games, Dreamcast games or SATURN games, I could give less of a fuck
Is it just me or is the audio bad?
is sega involved with gacha stuff?
Are there going to be any direct type of stuff?
WTF is with Sega and shitting out nothing but idol shit?
Couldn't they just add the drop dash to the Taxman version?
Can you blame western/pc fags for this? The people who complain about that shit don't fucking play vidya.
VK4 and other nip games don't suffer because there's pc/western ports because they just fucking ignore those whining fucking faggots. This is probably the only example you can give me where that shit actually happened.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE 2?
you sound exactly like the people port-begging for p5 on switch. so much so, that i'm inclined to believe you're a nintendo fan false-flagging so you can later justify your p5 port-begging by saying that "snoy is doing it too."
It's really quiet.
>I'm not port begging
Nigger I agree; Scarlet Dawn on Move is the only thing nu-Sega could do to appease me. Fuck going all the way to D&B to play.
>Can you blame western/pc fags for this?
yes, because pc gaming is sjw central.
This second idol game looks a bit better than the first.
So the quality is fine? Maybe something wrong with my headphones
>Directly into some fujo shit
I'm closing the fucking stream lmao
readyyy looks gay as fuck, I'm sure it'll sell a fuckload
> Sonic 06 music
Holy shit
I STILL don't think Yea Forums, and all of the west realize how big SEGA is, in nipland. They're literally, Disney lite over there. they have games we've never even heard of. They have gacha games, that make x1000 sonic makes, literally every single day < they quite literally, OWN the gacha market. They have a sega gambling corner, on every corner of nipland. People do not realize that osnic falls, because he is just western pocket change. this is the true reason sonic isn't treat with respect. the nips, do not care for him. if gacha makes all that money, there is no need to put any into sonic
oh shit countdown
wtf I'm gay now
the fuck is wrong with this audio
>yo dude just buy all the consoles that way you won't miss out.
And waste money on a console for 1 or 2 games I was interested in. That's again a anti consumer sentiment that i'm getting tired of seeing on here.
They don't benefit you and you don't gain anything from owning every console that comes out. You always lose in the long run.
These two are a gay couple, right? Better be, I'd buy that.
>His World
I literally haven't listened to this in years.
Please, something, anything about P5R
Goddamn. Even Sonic '06 managed to have amazing music
all you had to say is that you're a poorfag
Lupin? What are you doing here? You're an anime, not a vidya!
where is Creative Assembly logo?
are we actually getting something here though?
They already repeated the teaser from the other day, thats it. Come back on the 24th
The last time they did this, they were just announcing older games, right? Nothing actually new?
Stream Link?
t. poorfag from brazil
They already did, "Tune in to the Persona Super Live in April!"
I don't know what's happening but I like it
Of course it doesn't, but Sega now own them, sure they will maintain some autonomy, but Sega will force them to do some things, the amount of money they would be leaving on the table for SMTV for PS4 is too significant.
Vita got a load of spinoffs that Switch didn't get from Persona series, and realistically there were already Persona games available on Vita, the Vita was a failure, and P5 wouldn't have ran on the Vita no matter how hard they tried, you are looking at the wrong data.
Nah, Persona is shit, give me SMT or fuck off.
nice audio
You seriously need to broaden your horizons if there's only 1 or 2 games that interest you on any given system.
Are they still triggered gaijins handled Sonic better in the 90s? What ultimately killed off SEGA consoles since?
Then I don't know why I am even bothering with this
What the fuck is this audio
How far along even is SMTV? Isn't it still in pre production?
I thought my left ear was finally dead
What games were announced
Bold statement on their part.
Do any of us? We know you aren't leaving.
>terrible audio
Yep, it's a SEGA stream alright.
No it isn't. You have any idea how much backlash companies have been getting for adding something as stupid as tranny in neverwinter nights 2?
Western industry has been taken over by retards who don't make up the populace period.
It only just started, lad
>Sonic Mania Plus
Didnt this...come out months ago?
knowing Atlus it'll come out in 2025
>this audio
Just spent like 3 minutes fucking with my sound setting thanks
Where's the translator?
Just buy a Switch, poorfag.
so this is just a fan meet-up? why would they show anything of importance here?
uhhhh where is creative assembly
>an all new adventure
>it isn't all new
He isn't?
Any recs? I feel like I'm missing something.
Also they got unlimited wings and games for $20 this Sunday
lmao good joke
>Vita got a load of spinoffs that Switch didn't get from Persona series
Ports of P3/5 dancing, that's it
Sorry I forgot those but lmao
>the Vita was a failure, and P5 wouldn't have ran on the Vita no matter how hard they tried,
You missed my point. P4G still sold over a million which is more than any SMT, and they didn't put any of the 3DS games which could run perfectly fine on vita, not even the persona Q games when persona is meant to be the sony series
I think bloodbornes the only game i'm interested in on ps4 desu user. I can't think of any other title on that console. Enlighten me on games I should look out for and i'll respond truthfully.
Bug Three!, Wild Woody Redrawn, and Blue Stinger: Revengeance
CEO Satomi making his greetings and talking about SEGA company values
Three big annoucements to make
I expect nothing. Does that mean there won't be any games?
They still need to milk it for money. Japs are stubborn.
Yeah, this is a recap segment.
Celebrating anniversaries of game releases before the announcements
I wish it were illegal for nippons to speak english
>2 completely different streams showing completely different things
This is where they're going to show stuff that is actually vidya
What is this?
>Poor's Crosed
A black person, in Japan? What's going on? At least still have the racist afro.
Segata Sanshiro will be at the Sega Saturn event later today
Is this legit? I don't wanna click it.
Are you guys watching a different stream or something? the one on youtube is still the suit just talking
Just a retread of their IP's that they don't use so people will remember why they went for SEGA in the first place.
Nigga you can look at the thumbnail and see its the other Sega stream
So no joke currently in Japan but I am a lazy fuck is this thing really worth going to.
>segata sanshiro will never come back to save the vidya
why even live?
2020 will be Sega's 60th anniversary
It's legit, mobilefag.
I heard "Olympics".
The second link started 45 minutes ago, there is two, your's is delayed.
Sega turns 60 in the year 2020
Half Life?
its fucking nothing
im not wasting my time on this shit anymore
grain of salt someone said its something to do with saturn/dreamcast. Perhaps minis?
Talking about how 2020 is a big year for Japan because of the olympics in Tokyo
Speaking of the olympics, first announcement coming in
probably sonic at the olympics
I ain't wasting my money that that shitheap.
3ds to Vita isn't an easy port like Unreal on Switch to Unreal on PS4, what you are missing here is work load required, Atlus want to make new games as well as proper ports, they have limited work power, porting a 3ds game that uses 2 screens and runs on significantly different hardware with a proprietary engine, and a level of visual quality well below the Vita requires significant effort, more effort than Atlus could push towards such projects, SMTV to PS4 is literally recompile the game for PS4, fix bugs, visual quality won't even have to be improved since the game can just be made to run at 30fps instead of the stutterfest the Switch version will be.
The links are the same thing, one is just delayed.
someone give me a rundown about what's happened so far with sega, I just got here
what the fuck
Retarded piggu
but the other user said they complitely different
"Special guest" is here to help with the announcement
Tokyo 2020 Olympics mascot Mirai
me on the right
Is this the olympic mascot and is sega making a game off of it
which is the right one then
They're doing another Mario vs Sonic Olympic Games thing, and this is the mascot for the games.
What is this thing
It's cute
lmao my nigga got denied
When are we getting to the new stuff?
caption it
60th year of sega
Literally Demille
Crazy Taxi Trilogy Remastered PLEASE SEGA
New M&S Olympics
the official 2020 olympics game and a Mario and Sonic one
Ad about the olympics, kid asking grandpa about the Tokyo summer olympics (64 i believe)
Sonic and Mario at the Olympics as well as some other olympic game? with real humans? announced?
Sonic And Mario at the Tokyo Olympics confimermed
There it is
Sega making a bunch of Olympic games on all platforms, with Mario and Sonic being on Switch
Switch will be pretty damn cheap by the time SMT5 comes out. The only reason not to buy one would be if you're just a consolewar shitposter who doesn't really care about the game.
Which link is doing new, non-mobile, garbage?
I like this music in the background
I'm not even talking about porting
They could've put those games on vita in the first place and never have 3ds versions
They could've made completely different megaten games/remakes on vita instead of 3ds
By your logic, the good sales of P4G should've motivated them to do this. But they didn't
What the fuck is this audio?
2 Sonic OLympic games?
The olympics are such a meme, all they do is fuck over the cities that host them
>Sega stream
>Mario wins
Cuckega, ladies and gentlemens
Tokyo 2020 The Official Video Game
Releasing Summer 2019
this suit sounds like a horrible rat person
wait are they alternating between livestreams?
>Pokemon Go clone
That genre died when Go came out, why copy that mess?
what is it about watching japanese streams that make them so comfy?
one for consoles one for mobile looks like
console war faggots get a room
new thread when
Anyone wanna give a recap?
Mario and Sonic at the Tokyo Olympics
Releasing Winter 2019
(Uses Joycons for events and stuff)
Arcade version of above game is releasing sometime in 2020
Using physical sensors or something
Sonic at the Olympic Games
ios/android (mobile shit)
2020 release
The Sonic only one is mobile only
Can someone link the non-casual stream?
sonic goes to the real world
>3 versions for mario & sonic
seems a bit overkill
Mario and Sonic at the Olympics plus other Olympics-related shovelware
>bump limit
next thread where
>just Sonic for mobile version
Nintendo not playing ball it seems.
>staying up late to watch Sega shovelware announcements
Why would Nintendo would ever willingly hand over Mario into an actual Sonic game
That'd be a huge blemish on Mario's record
Here comes the cringe
Literally Daemon X Machina.
Sonic and Mario are taking the stage
Someone make another thread so I can keep recapping this shit and translating for you fucks
gay lovers
the nips sure love their mascot costumes don't they
It sells 10+ million, so of course they got to milk it
Also, Mario and Sonic on stage.
I wish sega would hire more homosexual employees so Sonic team could get AIDS and die
that mario has some really small hands
Based suicidal sega suit
Here's your new Smash roster
How are you guys hearing anything, real question.
>up late
>9:30 is late
I see we got a 3rd worlder here
Where the hell do you live where this is considered "late"
Got anything better to do?
>Sonics arms aren't blue
And all is right in the world
is it canon?
I'll probably get the regular olympic game for switch. it looks like it could be fun.
mario is fat
take your headphones out
Kill me...
MarioxSonic OTP
with our ears?
Switch is a piece of shit with no games, I'm not retarded enough to waste money on that shit.
Atlus gambled and they gambled wrong, they already had most of the work done for the 3ds games, so they kept going hoping things would turn around, but at the same time Persona is bigger than SMT, SMT hitting Vita doesn't mean that it will sell as well as P4G, so there's not really the same incentive here, especially with the significant amount of effort required to achieve this.
Compare this to dump and pump SMTV on PS4, a port could be made by a team of homeless guys with no training, it's that easy, compared to making a new SMT engine, and assets for Vita, you aren't comparing like to like here.
>first world
>Japan only
When people work this shit out, IT'S A JAPANESE EVENT. They aren't going to announce a western release to their Japanese viewers who paid money to go and watch this stuff live. Also don't expect PC anything, this isn't a western event.
>I'm putting together a team..
Nippon Village People
It's 6 fucking pm here
I was baited into the wrong steam, what'd I miss here, besides Olympic garbage?
The audio isn't fucked up for you guys?
My headphone is deep down my ass and I can sense the sound vibrations inside me
Remember, Mario himself headlined the Tokyo 2020 reveal back then. They own this shit.
You fucked up! You're late!
>Switch is a piece of shit with no games
>no games
But it's getting SMT5 exclusively?
Mario and Sonic looks like a lazy rehash, moreso than ever, and Sega are pulling away from Nintendo with their own olympics official game, to be fair that's expected, Sega have been pushing to have fewer and fewer games release on Nintendo platforms as of late.
>up late
>Atlus gambled and they gambled wrong
yep that's why they made 8 fucking games for the 3DS, what a failure amirite
>but at the same time Persona is bigger than SMT, SMT hitting Vita doesn't mean that it will sell as well as P4G
So why would SMT hitting PS4 mean that it will sell as well as P5?
>Remix Kino incoming
Now let's hope for Olympic Winter Games-tier Dream Events
Mods, sticky this already!
Mario's hat
Thanks boys. I'm guessing for the switch?
SMT V when?
And PC (Yuzu)
Would you be OK with P5 being on switch if it meant PS4 getting SMT V?
The Mario and Sonic are yes, the Sonic only one is mobile, and then a "realistic" Olympics game on Switch and PS4
Its not the port begging its that they literally set themselves up for disappointment if they haven't worked out by now that a Jap event won't announce PC releases or ports since the event is for Japan first and foremost. They literally will get nothing out of this until it's confirmed to be coming west by Sega US/EU.
>But why shit on them
Because they shit up discussion going "Where's PC? Where's PC?" Appreciate the games being announced, you get your PC confirmation during E3 or something.
>1 game
Holy fuck man.
Of those games almost all were ports.
>So why would SMT hitting PS4 mean that it will sell as well as P5?
It won't but it will outsell the Switch version, and it will cost next t nothing to port.
>but it will outsell the Switch version
Where's the proofs?
No, P5 for Switch would be a waste of effort for Atlus, SMTV for PS4 is so low effor that a small team could have it done quickly.
Nocturne sold better on PS2 than other SMT titles.
Seeing as this was 4 hours ago, what happened?
>Nocturne sold better on PS2 than other SMT titles
But that's PS2, not PS4, and also SMTIV outsold it
Every video game should be on every platform desu
Nocturne had shit sales my dude
Tokyo Olympics 2020
Sonic and Mario at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games
Mega Drive mini.