who here /comfy/ tropico 6 ?
Who here /comfy/ tropico 6 ?
What do you do in tropico games? Is it like Civ?
>anything beyond tropico 4
anyone got the link to the codex magnet?
Is tropico a more uh, engaging city builder? I like city building, but I lose interest pretty quick if there's not a goal to work toward. For instance, I have cities skylines and I built a big ass city with a space elevaror, but now I feel aimless and I haven't touched the game since. Does tropico have a more focused experience?
Not at all
get a private tracker fag lmao
What do you do
can I repress the populations in these games with military intervention?
Refunded it already. It's literally just tropico 5 with bridges, which is usually just obnoxious. Also gutting the swiss bank account and dynasty nonsense into this broker garbage was retarded.
Yes, but doing so initiates infinite riots and starts a downward spiral of doom.
>he bought it
How is 6 compared to 4?
Worth it?
Who keeps buying this rehashed bullshit?
Yes, its more focused. You have goals, you can even run around as your little El Presidente and squash rebellions personally with a desert eagle handgun while dressed as Abraham Lincoln.
Caveat. I haven't played 6.
Sort of. You need to balance the economy, the needs of the people, and also the USSR and USA fucking up your shit.
Fuck yes. Only shooting executions, and arbitrary imprisonments, no helicopter rides. Pinochet was a playable premade in the last one I had.
Should I get 4 if I only have 3? What happened with 5?
Not a nigger so yea, I did.
no its a city builder where you’re supoosed to be a leader of a south american country during the cold war.
A good el presidente can get away with it, with food for the people and lots of fucking statues of el presidente.
Yea, typical nigger response. Shameful.
Isn't it possible to keep the World Wars going for ever?
Just hook up with the Axis and keep the war train rolling ad infinitem
Like one of the many alternative reality World Wars where it goes on for 80 years and it turns the world into an inhuman post apocalyptic wasteland; yet the sides keep soldering on.
Just an idea
4 is a better version of 3
5 was way too unfocused by adding in a whole ton of things that just made things complicated for no reason.
How’s 6?
How adorable, the dumb nigger lacks all self-awareness too.
I've never played a Tropico game, should I pirate 6?
it's a communist sim
six sucks compared to 3 and 4
Haven't played it yet.
>playing a solved game
if it's anything like 5 the axis will automatically lose and then you are quite fucked
3 is equal to 4 really, 4 was already adding questionable stuff
>not brutally suppressing riots and rebels with a strong military
>not using festival of love every year to create an endless cycle of riots and rebels
you dont know shit about being presidente