These are objectively the black sheep of their respective franchises

These are objectively the black sheep of their respective franchises

Attached: BlackSheep.jpg (1200x1200, 1.83M)

no one cares lol

Replace Twilight Princess with Skyward Sword

>Twin Snakes
>not Peace Walker

There's a difference from being a Black sheep & outright being considered the worst. Black sheep are shit games that most people like to forget even exist, whereas the actual worst in the series are ones that get constantly shit on 24/7 like Zelda II, Pokemon X/Y, DMC2, Smash 4 & FF13-15

You know you made this to be controversial you literally choose the most divisive games of each franchise.
Especially with FF VIII(cmon there is FF XIII),Re5(Hello?Re6),Super Mario sunshine(there are too many worse Mario games not gonna bother),DmC the reboot(DMC2 faggot)


RE6 isn't a black sheep since everyone constantly mentions & shits on it. People literally forget RE5 even exists

Black Sheep is the worst(most hated) not the most forgotten

>pokemon whack



DmC isn't a DMC game

fuck off, it's way better than 7

never really understood if black sheep meant something was bad or just disliked / odd
anyways when it comes to dark souls

I think you’re confusing re5 with code veronica and zero

Code Veronica for the DC has a review score of 96

So what? Pokemon BW is the second highest rated pokemon games. DmC has a higher metacritic than DMC 3 and 4

>DmC isn't a DMC game

Attached: 12821812413.jpg (639x652, 92K)

Twilight Princess is the only Zelda game I like.

That only further cements the black sheep status

Why FF8 when FF13 and FF15 exist?

Attached: Worst.jpg (1264x1153, 757K)

Black sheep =/= worst game