Skyrim grandma going to be in Elder Scrolls 6. Also confirms they are using photogrammetry tech in Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6.
Skyrim grandma going to be in Elder Scrolls 6...
Other urls found in this thread:
They need a new engine. Why won't they switch to a different engine?
>Also confirms they are using photogrammetry tech
I bet it will look absolutely awful with their usual stiff animations
Yeah all source models looks like that, then afte retopo and polygon reductions you have "Average Skyrim woman # 56"
>photogrammetry in Gamebryo
Jesus christ how horrifying, I can't even begin to imagine what kind of eldritch horrors will be manifested when the engine craps itself.
Jesusfuckingchrist this. I cant play another minute on that jankie rattletrap
Not as bad as children, who have only one potato face for both.
If everything they want to do is possible on the current engine through upgrades why would they need to switch to a new one?
They wouldn't have time to develop 200 copy paste dungeons and INFINITE QUESTS if they did that
Photogrammetry is just a method to create a textured model from the real world. The end result would be identical in-engine.
>photogrammetry tech
Cool, so now the create a character will look like absolute shit compared to every other npc.
Imagine the crocodile tears of streamers while interacting with her character after she passes away.
Still scary.
Because a new engine can't fix lack of competent programming no matter how good it is, seriously they are the only ones that can be called an AAA studio and be THIS incompetent, they need more than Fallout 76 getting called out for feeling like indie shovelware for them to realize they need to hire better staff.
>create a human character that literally looks just like a real life human being
sometimes I think devs are right and you fuckers actually really don't know what you want and are entitled etc.
You either want graphic improvements or stick with something old because it's familiar and you hate change although graphic improvements have nothing to do with mechanical improvements.
Skyrim had one(1) guy making ALL THE FUCKING DUNGEONS.
Surely Bethesda can hire one more dude to make the dungeons?
>Face scans
No, for fuck sake this means even trying to make a decent looking character is going to be a shambles. Changing anything turns the damn face into hideous putty where features become all jagged and strange when moved even a little.
>photogrammetry tech
LMAO!! That is for the videos
Bethesda is going to use same engine as the last fallout game
There was a petition for her to be in the game. Todd confirmed she will be in the game.
And photogrammetry is just a way of making assets. There is nothing inherently complicated about them the engine can't handle.
They'll only use it for specific characters, not for the character generator.
Of course, she appears on the game. First on a intro video (Op's pic) then as an npc (ugly gamebryo character)
Modern photogrammetry are much more precise and you will end up in the uncanny territory with the skyrim engine.
Cool but its kinda going to be weird to see a nord granny NPC in Hammerfell.
Fingers crossed she lives long enough to play the game too
Stay strong grandma
But then wouldn't some characters look amazingly realistic and others like generated crap?
Is it at all possible to somehow take a bunch of scans and be able to generate random characters from that?
I would imagine they would want to the player character to look as good as the scanned in people. Maybe that was the tech Todd was talking about when he says it wasn't there yet. The crazy character generation they are known for but with textures from photogrammetry.
The programmers literally can't learn a new engine. Thats the reason they have given. They try to bullshit around by saying "we can do everything we want on our current engine" despite the fact its a buddy piece of shit so entrenched in piles of code that not even Bethesda understand it anymore
Technically, you can do that now. It's just going to look like shit because it's realistic textures with possibly unrealistic models.
For example, there's nothing stopping the guy in OP working with Zbrush from just stretching her face, the texture will adapt.
Doubtful to be honest.
The one thing Bethesda actually do do is update the rendering part of their engine.
Fallout 4 was pretty big jump in certain areas.
Only really let down by some of the lackluster and bad artistry work on models and textures.
Photogrammetry makes up for the bad artistry side.
TES6 will probably look really good if they're going full/majority photogrammetry route.
Since it's so far away too it's going to be an exclusively next gen title I'm guessing.
Not to defend Todd or Bethesda on this, but I could also see Zenimax stopping the use of the engines, since they know a new engine could potentially mean having to employ a shitload more people. Bethesda is a relatively small studio in comparison to other AAA. Zenimax likely wants to keep it that way.
Its still gonna be buggy shit even if they were using the best engine out on the market
This I will literally never play another Bethesda game until they make a new engine, every game is going to be flawed in the exact same ways, you cant just keep duct taping new features to a 20 year old engine. Bethesda peaked years ago. Fallout 4 is the best they can do now days,
Because their current one is ridden with bugs they have not fixed for seventeen fucking years, and instead of overhauling it completely and bringing it to modern standards, they just keep stapling new shit on top. It's a buggy glitchy unstable mess filled with compromises and outdated foundation.
Ninty should put Mega T Garret in the next Zelda.
what bugs?
>programminglet thinks he knows what engines do
Is this a joke?
Just about all the shit that unofficial fan patches always fix that Bethesda never bothers to.
>The one thing Bethesda actually do do is update the rendering part of their engine.
No shit sherlock.
But you can keep updating if you want, it won't change the foundations which are made of shit.
Hence why their games look so bad.
People think game bugs = engine bugs and don't understand engines.
are you fucking kidding me?
What current engine could handle TES6?
those are bugs from the games and arise from any normal game development. they should fix them but there is nothing inherent about them tied to the engine. and most of the stuff in the unofficial patches are shit like "moved rock to cover up ground seam".
non. it doesn't exist yet. TES6 will be the game to end all games.
Bunch of cry baby faggots on this board. I regret even coming here.
>Fallout 3
>Fallout New Vegas
>Fallout 4
>Running into a skeleton will cause the physics to freak out, ejecting the skeleton at Mach 2 and will very likely insta-kill you
>I-it's just normal development problems!
Fuck off.
Thank you for leaving your upvote / downvote.
Nothing, except all games made with that engine share the same bugs. Maybe they should replace their programmers, maybe they should invest into complete overhaul of the engine or wrte an entirely new engine, or just use third party one (their Creation Engine started as a third party engine to begin with already)
>engine that can even let vehicles, LADDERS or spears work
>okay in 2011+8
are you okay retard?
Yeah, go back to Resetera.
>he didn't played TES on PS3
Lucky guy
>sometimes I think devs are right and you fuckers actually really don't know what you want and are entitled etc.
games bloggers aren't devs, user
The fuck you on about?
The rendering is one of the only things that's exposed to your view.
The reason their games look bad is, like I said, because of bad artistry. Whether it's badly made models, textures or animations.
Photogrammetry solves the majority of the model and texture problem.
They've already set up a proper physical based shading framework in Fallout 4. They just need to use it properly.
Don't talk about stuff you have no clue about please.
>being this retarded and thinks that's the engine's fault when there's games that have all of them with no issue
Brainlet please take a programming class
You won’t be playing a Bethesda game until 10 years by how it’s looking now. Still, I’m curious to see how starfield will look and feel, even though I’m 100% sure that it’s gonna be just as shit F4/76.
I don't get why they don't use their Skyrim bucks for that, people will eat any shit they put out now so it's not like it's a risky investment either.
Two questions.
>Will it be as good as The Witcher 3 - Cyberpunk 2077 and Red Read Redemption 2 in all playable aspects?
>Will it be a KINO experience or something made for casuals?
I think that's what really should matter to us.
Someone wanna kill here?
no please tell us what bugs have there been for 17 years
>playing a TES on console
nigger what are you doing
That would require hiring more/better writers and programmers (which would actually fix like over half the problems with their games) so no to both, specially to RDR2, no matter how much Bethesda wishes to be the R* of RPG.
There is not a single engine-related bug fixed in either of those patches. They're pure data. Just esp and bsa files with some meshes and textures thrown in. Are you retarded? Do you think making mods in Bethesda's construction set is the same thing as working with Gamebryo itself?
all those games are made for casuals
Too bad the engine will perform like ass.
Never happens in Fallout 4.
Which bugs? List them.
I know that bug exists in some way but I have played Oblivion, Skyrim, F3 and NV on both pc and ps3 and that has NEVER happened to me. It's probably something that only happens when you fuck with the .ini.
>There is not a single engine-related bug fixed in either of those patches
Because that's not what those patches are intended for, since the patching of the engine requires external script extenders. They do however frequently tackle the exact same fuckups that are a result of the shitty engine hampering development.
Talk a lot of shit for someone who spat dribble everywhere.
It's kino user.
Yes but they can be enjoyable to less casual players on a technical level at least.
>single cell open world never ever
>quality physics never ever
>more than 4 light sources never ever
>3D objects interacting never ever
>vehicles never ever
>ladders never ever
>obstacle traversal never ever (e.g. lifting yourself onto a ledge)
>quality animations never ever
>more than 60FPS never ever
>populated cities never ever
>big battles never ever
>quality AI never ever
>non-sliding walking never ever
>shooting that doesn't feel like yelling coordinates to your artillery crew never ever
>well done melee combat never ever
pretty much anything from Ubisoft or Rockstar's RAGE, also RED engine from CDPR
if you actually think there is something inherent to the engine that makes those things impossible to function you are a fucking retard.
Nope, I frequently play the games vanilla because I can't be fucked with mods. It's nothing to do with editing the game, it's a retarded problem with the physics.
The irony of this post.
You realize that the rendering depends on the engine or your IQ is that low that you don't even comprehen simple things like that?
>Because that's not what those patches are intended for
Exactly my point. They fix bugs made by designers, not by programmers. The retard gave those links in response to asking what bugs the engine had.
You know the people who made both those patches and SKSE don't think there's anything wrong with the engine. Neither do the people who made the multiplayer morrowind mod. In fact the only people who think the engine needs to be changed are retards who don't do any sort of actual game programming. Retards like you.
none of that stuff allows persistence.
isnt TES6 gonna be gamebyro? same shit as oblivion, skyrim, fallout 4, etc?
yes. That's why OP's pic will never look like that ingame.
She's going to be a super boss.
These are video games, not movies you goddamn moron.
>Neither do the people who made the multiplayer morrowind mod.
But didn't they make the mod for the new open source engine? I thought it doesn't work with normal gamebryo morrowind.
yes thye do
>tfw sexlab is released for es6
I swear, this bug must give Alternate Start half its downloads.
How'd they not fix this in Special Edition?
>don't think there's anything wrong with the engine.
lmao no, I can tell you right now Arthmoor thinks CE is a joke.
>Neither do the people who made the multiplayer morrowind mod
False equivalence, Morrowind isn't running on a version of NetImmerse with so many legacy features buried under spaghetti code that confuses even the staff at Bethesda.
Yes, because there's only so much that modders can do without access to the source code (which Bethesda has). Guess what, even those open source engine devs admitted the engine is fine, but they don't have access to the tools they need to mod it how they want.
It can't be patched, user. It's a physics freakout when you're going over 60fps. The physics are completely tied to the framerate. They've only just fixed it with Fallout 76.
nothing like what bethesda games need
Arthmoor is on record saying its fine, he brings up issues with it, but those issues aren't things you'd understand, and would probably still exist in a newer engine. But you don't know anything about engines, why are you trying to argue that you do?
why wouldn't it? it is just a texture.
>NetImmerse with so many legacy features buried under spaghetti code that confuses even the staff at Bethesda
implying you have a fucking clue about what you are talking about
Is he going to get a cameo too?
NetImmerse wasn't built with the purpose of open world games in mind, if you think that a new custom purpose-built engine developed by competent programmers wouldn't be an improvement you're fucking delusional. Of course what it wouldn't be is cheap or within the possibilities of Beth's devs, they're the Game Freak of the West.
Are you seriously implying the CE isn't NetImmerse with a bunch of shit tacked on?
Because it's a high res texture. And there's also lighting and shaders on that pic.
And the game engine is too shit to render an open world with NPCs having such details in real time.
>new custom purpose-built engine
CE has so few things leftover from Gamebryo that it's basically a custom built engine. What's left? Not the renderer since it uses PBR and such, physics was their own system, cells, AI, scripting system, all things made internally by Bethesda.
I literally have 8k textures in Skyrim right now.
It can only happen if you open your ini files and disable the framerate cap, it's not really a bug.
>What's left?
Optimization, i.e. the purpose of purpose-built engines. Bethesda's solution for everything up until now has been to throw modern hardware at their shit optimization and hoping everything works out. The 2015 Fallout 4 looks like a 2010 game yet runs like a 2020 game, it's ridiculous.
>CE has so few things leftover from Gamebryo that it's basically a custom built engine
The team lumped with Fallout 76 went on record stating they were ripping out coding assets from Morrowind, my dude.
On every NPC and their clothes? And the rest of the game is ugly anyway, hence why your PC can run it.
Assets programming by Bethesda, like I just said.
And what could they do to optimize it? Because they've already got umbra built in, and things like script lag are an intentional design to prevent framerate drops. You course, you wouldn't know that and probably install shitloads of mods then complain that things aren't optimized.
>probably install shitloads of mods then complain that things aren't optimized
No, I install the completely vanilla Fallout 4 on my modern high-end PC and it runs like shit while also looking like shit
Mine runs fine on my mid-tier PC. Anecdotal evidence is useless.
casual games can be kino because that signifier has nothing to do with gameplay you fucking imbecile
It won't have titties.
Fallout 76 is literally by far and away more optimised than Fallout 4.
Fallout 4 runs like fucking ass. The godrays alone literally have a mod to stop it shitting up your framerates.
If the engine wasn't broken, Onetweak, Crash Fixes (the skse dll mod) and Bug fixes (also a dll mod) wouldn't need to exist. Neither would SKSE.
Because people at Bethesda simpy lack talent. They are mediocre at best at what they do and so is everything they create
we will see about that
>Fallout 76 is literally by far and away more optimised than Fallout 4.
So then why do they need a new engine when they can just optimize the current one?
She'll have a black family and denounce Skyrim and say she left willingly
>inb4 she dies before it releases
Because people are confused. With enough blood, sweat and tears - Bethesda could fix every issue with the Creation Engine.
The problem is that they don't want to bother, and the only reason many of these lingering problems were fixed in 76 is because it's not the OG Bethesda team, but one they bought out and lumped with the title.
>Fallout 76 is literally by far and away more optimised than Fallout 4
Total lie, I reached level 50 in that garbage heap of a game and crashed probably once every 80 minutes, my friend did too.
Well for starters random crashes are not the same as performance optimisations. Fallout 76 has a significantly more stable framerate even when surrounded by far more scenery than Fallout 4 could hope to conjure, so it is in fact more optimised.
Good thing it's in first person
I dip under 30 frames just looking in one direction in that game, on a 1080 + 7700K rig with 16gb of DDR4. Even in downtown Boston that never happened on Fallout 4.
His question still stands. Why switch to a new one? Bethesda knows that modders will fix the game for them and anybody that buys the game will do so no matter how many bugs are out day one.
Have you played the game at all beyond the initial launch? I'm on a 1070 and it does not perform that badly in the slightest.
that old lady's pretty tall
>they are not changing the engine
This is probably it. I seemed to remember all sorts of posts proving a culture of rampant nepotism prevailed at Bethesda around the time FO4 dropped.
I feel like devs are becoming worst and worst at their job.
Maybe it's because of the maths lvl in the US.
Ubisoft is fine.
based screencap user
>I'm an idiot who parrots what reddit tells me
not at this rate, bud
the next tortanic, i'd stake my life on it
Competent environment artists can draw this from imagination, Bethesda just skipped the "git gud" part and went straight into "copy from others" territory
>go do the research for me because I'm a fucking retard
I hate to break it to but all your favorite environment artists do this.
go away todd
give us one instance of gamebryo working well
Which could do ladders, the thing your idiot ass thinks it couldn't do.
Link to the video?
Because they can't just keep getting away with this shit. Their games are less and less appealing with each release. What do they even have outside mod support? Story and writing sucks absolute ass, they write the worst RPGs in the industry right now. Mechanically they dumb down their games further and further, cutting more features each time. Performance and stability of their games is a fucking joke. This house of card is gonna crumble, if they keep doing their bullshit any longer.
Every environment artist ever goes out into nature and meticulously copies every detail of the real world with advanced technology? They don't build up a visual library of basic elements that they can adapt, mix, and match in creative ways as necessary in order to create original environments from imagination that fit the required scenario like every other type of artist does? Damn I have to ask some of these guys where they go to get these scans.
>Because they can't just keep getting away with this shit.
A bunch of idiots who don't know what engines aren't really going to sway the opinions of professionals.
This is literally standard AAA development process
Maybe the abysmal F76 numbers will
>advanced technology
It's pretty easy to get photogrammetry scanners. But yes, most environment artists do it. Your favorite game, Red Dead Redemption 2, used it extensively and the team dedicated to that is credited in its credits.
she already looks like a Skyrim character irl so I fail to see the issue
maybe they did it because its fun
JE sawyer didn't have to ride around the mojave on a motorcycle to get a feel of it but he did anyway
>Let's switch engines to one we don't know how to use because a bunch of retards hated our game for reasons that had nothing to do with the engine but blamed it on the engine anyway
Please go take some game engine courses at your community college.
What makes you think their concept art doesn't look like that already?
>what bugs?
Nowadays, yes, even faces and animations are scanned in from real life, but there was a long stretch of time where everything was done by hand and people made amazing looking games, yet Bethesda's look like shit right up until the most recent one, and we don't even know if TES VI looks like shit yet. They went straight from the "wonky early 3D" to scanning whereas everyone else worked their way up.
You don't need concept art for shit you scan in
>Posts art by concept artist for Riot Games
They use those techniques too.
bro I can't even look around when I start a new game or my horse buggy goes buck-fuckin wild.
>the company the guy works for uses photogrammetry so this negates his ability to create unique and original environments from imagination for non-game related pieces somehow
Legendary brainlet
>that logic can't be applied to Bethesda as well
Sorry, who's the brainlet here?
so it works on a game that hardly uses any physics. good to know!
>make claim without evidence
>get asked for evidence to support the claim
>moves the goalposts
You know that Bethesda put havok into Gamebryo themselves right?
But of course, you don't know that. You don't know anything about game development.
Lack of concept art is the least of Bethesda problems
What good are they if they're not using them, I was criticizing Bethesda's results
The future is photogammetry for textures and even 3D models. There's software out right now that can take 4-8 photos of cliff walls/dirt/etc and turn them into tileable HD textures with normal maps and everything. You might need to make a few tweeks but that's it. Just a DSLR camera and taking a day trip to a national park can texture almost an entire game with the push of a few buttons. And they're trying to do the same for 3D models now. They can take multiple angle photos (not 3D scanning) and make passable environment models. So stuff like rocks don't need to be sculpted anymore. Any rigid object that can't be broken off or picked up by the player will be made this way. The texture tech is currently used in AAA games. The 3D tech is 5 years at most from being widely adopted.
The name of the game is speed. It's romantic to have some highly skilled artist spend 8 hours making beautiful hand-sculpted rocks and cliffs but it takes too much time. Environments are too big now. It's all about modular pieces and procedurally generated textures. They don't care if a machine does it or some guy with little more than a graphic design degree from a community college. If it looks good, and can be done in the least amount of time, that's what they want.
That's why concept artist photobash now. They have a library of photos, cut pieces out, copy/paste into photoshop or painter. Then paint over them to make them fit into a single mood or image. Nobody creates paintings by hand anymore.
It's not poor craftsmanship, there are lots of artists who are very skilled with these techniques and you probably like several games that used them. It's just all about deadlines now.
Riot's results also suck. Concept art rarely ends up indicating the final game product. Remember Epic Mickey?
What does Riot and their results have to do with the argument
He's right though. Next time you are going to use a game in 2d to prove that your garbage engine is good?
>You know that Bethesda put havok into Gamebryo themselves right?
well it shows
>want to escape reality and immerse myself into Cyrodiil
>could've just went out to a national park
>garbage engine
You don't even know the first thing about engines, why do you think you have authority to judge whether or not an engine is bad or not?
>still using gamebyro engine, so TES6 will just look like fallout 4 with swords
>probably going to gimp their scripts/animations so lewd mods are a pain to develop
i keep screaming but god doesnt answer
Are you retarded? The concept artists draw an artistic representation of the world.
Then the environment artists make textures and models that represent the concept art. Photogrammetry, which will become standard in making games, just is a way of creating those models and textures from photographs.
The concept artists still can create crazy worlds. All photogrammetry does is if the world requires a rock, here is a way to get a realistic looking one without spending time modeling it from hand.
>Yea Forums is happy to shit on Bethesda but wants to blame the engine instead of them
I'll never understand you retards. You have a golden opportunity to do the thing you love but refuse to do it.
I'm in CS and you stop assuming you need some special knowledge to know how basic things work.
>I'm in CS
Your local game design class at a community college isn't CS.
Because you seem to think that game engines are a magic box that nobody understands.
>why do you think you have authority to judge whether or not an engine is bad or not?
because we play the games and we don't know of a single game with extensive physics use where gamebryo isn't complete trash
but why trust our own experience with the engine when we can trust a certified shill, i mean, developer
Or, you know, lets close down BGS, fire all the incompetent lazy fucks over there and let other competent studios make TES games from now on.
Looks to me like they're just putting in a literal real world location 1:1 into TES6
And a bunch of people who are "in CS" have the exact opposite opinion of whether or not the engine's garbage, people who have worked on engines or made games.
This, the people that made Gamebryo should sue for defamation at this point
FINALLY he met someone slightly shorter than him. Good for Todd, he can finally feel like a big guy. :)
>and we don't even know if TES VI looks like shit yet
Is there any doubt? their track record speaks for itself.
>I'm in CS and
*laughs in EE*
(Not really though please help, midterms are next week)
>I play games so I know how games are made
>I went into the hospital once so I know all about how surgery works, let me determine what medical procedures should be applied to which patients
You're an idiot.
>I'm in CS and
Until you've done enginedeving you're useless.
>hey the engine is good
>except we can't make a single game that isnt shit on it
Yea Forums forgets that years back (before skyrim release, or perhaps just after?) bethesda put out a survey asking fans what they should do from the following options
>keep same engine
>license cryengine
>license unreal engine 3 (this was before ue4)
>take time out to heavily upgrade current engine
and probably a few more.
"Get a new engine" was the most popular by miles, so they swept it under the rug.
finally someone brings up something thats engine based and not just their shitty gamemaking
it is just to speed up tedious processes. if they need a brown rock and a brown rock exists in real life they can use it.
if they need to have a giant bug monster then they do it by hand.
Y’all assumed ES6 would be good based on ___________
Unreal is older than that.
you don't see many 6'2" grannies these days. wow.
Heyyy that's just as old my mom was when she gave birth to me and I turned out fine, so it should be okay still.
Almost all open world games use a cell system. Actually every single one to some extent.
Fallout 4's lightsource limit is super high, like 128.
Vehicles and ladders have been in other games (with physics).
Been climbing mods for the games for years, and SSE can spawn hundreds of NPCs and have them battle without issue, it's just a clusterfuck in gameplay.
isn't this game still like 2 or 3 years out?
>they can't just keep getting away with this
Who the fuck are you kidding? Bethesdabois will buy any game they sell no matter what.
All of those things are the result of shitty gamemaking. Every system in a Bethesda game is made by them now.
unreal has been updated many times
>reading comprehension.
good luck
nope, you don't need to DO something to understand the basics. Btw i did a video game in 3d, it's was literally a project during my second year (you need a bit to know about Linear algebra though, it's not something that your average amerimutt can do).
What happens if they do switch to whatever meme engine people want and the game still has all those problems?
How white are you
So has Gamebryo. Last I checked Morrowind didn't have navmeshes, occlusion culling, or PBR.
>whore mom
A new engine comes with the default expectation of reeducating the devs on how to use it, which is preferable in this case because the devs didn't have an education in the first place
>I made a cube fall on a cube in Unity, so I understand how to enginedev
>face scans
How would they know what to scan in without concept art retard? What do you think concept art is?
>Why won't they switch to a different engine?
Laziness. The answer to this question, no matter how many times it is asked, is laziness.
Nigger ofc we did our own game engine.
It's not your shitty US univ where you pay for a degree.
>skyrim grandma will die in you're lifetime
>"i-it's not the engine's fault! t-they can fix it! 76 is better!"
Then why don't you get a job there? If everyone there is a brain dead retard who knows no programming why not apply?
UHmmm, that's normal though,
It's just the effect of radiation on the environment. ;)))
>Nigger ofc we did our own game engine.
Yeah fucking right, post it.
FUCK es6
Making a game with SFML doesn't make you a enginedev fucko.
>tfw CS fags talking about game dev and i'm sitting here with a laplace transform table and RLC circuits
its not fair
Love how they are not lazy to do the most over the top shortcuts like the vehicle/NPC thing.
I've never had problems like this happen when playing FO76
Is it dependant on the rig people are playing with or what? Because with my setup, I've yet to experience any graphical glitches and bugs after roughly 100 hours of gameplay, I've had server disconnects maybe 5 times total and missions glitch out where I'd have to reconnect to the world in order to progress in the mission, but other than that, it's been smooth sailing.
Looking forward to the mods to make her sexy or SFM porn.
This is not Dark Souls.
It's on the serv of my univ you dumb fuck, and i'm not going to steal it just for (you).
Also you really are a retard irl to think that it's something rare as a school project.
Truthfully, it's takes time to switch and learn a new engine. Bethesda makes way too much money pumping out Scrolls and Fallout games to feel the need to go through the effort of switching to something like unreal or cryengine.
I absolutely understand not wanting to make an new engine(It's absurdly expensive and takes years), but it really is just laziness + easy $$$ that keeps them on gamebryo.
Anecdotal evidence is useless.
So, I guess you don't play games made with: Unreal, Source, idTech, or the numerous other iterative game engines that exist?
Switching to a new engine isn't going to solve any issues people have with the game. The assets and gameplay will be the same, if not worse.
>playing 100 hours of 76
You're clearly braindead so any opinion you might have is utterly worthless
>I've yet to experience any graphical glitches and bugs after roughly 100 hours of gameplay
>graphics actually looks good this time
God, why not put more money on the gameplay and world? Why waste it on this dumb shit?
you cant even see the taskbar icons on that pic let alone texture quality of those models
I didn't say they were brain dead retards, by saying they don't have an education I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt of assuming they're making amateur-tier mistakes instead of being insultingly lazy and incompetent, since those are the only two explanations for all the exact same bugs that keep recurring in every single game they make.
The way I see Bethesda is that they're a small team of semi-decent indie developers by late 90s standards, who lucked into the big time with their series and never felt the need to change their ways as a result, it's not unheard of.
It will be Oblivion all over again and you are gonna like it.
90% of an AAA game's budget is marketing
If only you knew how bad things truly are
Hey, it works on my machine, so I am not the one complaining.
Why do you think so? The game is fun despite all its flaws and the experience is further enhanced when playing with a group of friends, especially as of late when they added survival servers where it's all out PvP where you can attack players freely. It makes the game more difficult but it gives incentive to actually fight players now, you get 20% more EXP while playing in the server and killing players awards you with caps and their meds / drugs / scrap.
I bet you haven't even played the game past lvl 5, faggot. You're one of those people that hates games by principle and wants to roll with the cool kids by being an annoying contrarian fag?
Vehicles *do* work in the Creation engine (As seen by the Vertibirds in F4). The issue is that due to the way the loading works for the cells, if the players move to fast, they'll move into areas that the engine hasn't loaded in yet, which makes it look worse, which is why they don't tend to do it.
For spears, it's because they look funky in 3rd person.
Ladders is the only thing that this engine can't really do well, but it's still possible with time
That's really not true. The Gamebryo engine is a total mess. If you've ever tried to use the creationkit, you'll find swaths of old scripts, code, variables, etc that either don't function or are straight up broken.
There's an argument to be made that some of the staff choices(One poor sob on dungeons) and general programming errors cause bugs too, but the aged hackneyed engine definitely plays a big factor.
Imagine a modern game made to look similar to Daggerfall Unity. High detail 2D models in a 3D world with way more mechanics like being able to get a job, hurt your reputation in cities if you get fired, real time world travel that you can skip
and I mean that unironically
And I wouldn't trust CDPR. They've only really made one good game, after all.
god i hate this retarded neo Yea Forums meme of putting fun in spoiler tags
Yea Forums was never opposed to fun, it's literally dumb retarded normies and zoomers who saw old Yea Forums comics and couldn't parse them
Yea Forums hates casual games, is the entire point of the meme. not fun. because casual games arent fun. which is the point.
dumb retarded faggots
I agree with everything but
>well done melee combat never ever
The damage sponge larp battles in Skyrim are 100% the fault of Bethesda's designers and not the engine. Mods like Wildcat fix the combat dramatically with some simple damage rebalances and really all you need after that is better animations and to vary the options to more than hit/block/bash.
The Creation Kit has nothing to do with the Gamebryo Engine, it was built by Bethesda. Those variables are things that Bethesda put in. Papyrus is their own system. There's no "gamebryo code" you're seeing in the Creation Kit, just systems they made up themselves.
And there's 10 people on dungeon design, not one. You don't know anything about what you're talking about.
more apt analogy would be
>10 people had a particular surgery done on their knees and none of them can walk now
despite no medical knowledge i think it's safe to say the patients can tell if a procedure works or not
Yeah if anything else it seems like they will be pushing for a photo realistic looking game.
>doctor fucks up a surgery
>it's the surgery's fault
Or maybe that the doctors are incompetent.
>he says as he uses reddit spacing
What does put money on the gameplay and world even mean?
And this stuff actually saves time. Since you just need to take pictures and touch them up. Instead of modeling and texturing extremely looking stuff by hand.
>several doctors try a method
>none of them makes it work
i wonder where the fault lies
Clearly the SpawnDragon function and the NumberOfDicksInUlfricsAss global variable are native to gamebryo.
>asking about bugs
>in fucking bethesda made stuff
>several doctors
The exact same doctor*
They have over 400 people working there now hired in the last 3 years.
And Morrowind was mind blowing at release. It wasn't an indie title by late 90s standards.
And what bugs reoccur in every game they make?
It extends the api exposed by the engine for use by mods.
>Crash fixes
It seems to mostly fix crashes caused by mods.
Skyrim might not have been coded with modding in mind but those things aren't engine limitations.
Yeah if it was a problem with the engine you wouldn't be able to fix it, would you
Ehat are you even arguing for?
Are you just trying to say that Bethesda games have no problems?
The engine is shit man. The fact that every game on the engine is buggy, every tool that uses the engine(creationkit) is buggy, and the same problems persist across generations all mean that it's clearly something to do with the engine.
>he cares about others caring about making their shit easier to read
Peak R-3d-dit
>engine is shit
I'm saying the engine isn't shit. All the blame lies with Bethesda.
>every tool that uses the engine(creationkit) is buggy
>and the same problems persist across generations all mean that it's clearly something to do with the engine.
You have no idea what you're talking about. If a tool is buggy it's the tool that is the problem, not the engine. Do you think that somehow NetImmerse coded the CK? Because Todd, literally Todd, did that.
This. And if you're a nodev you don't get any opinions on game engines, ever.
I feel like the weightless floaty character model interaction/combat is hard-coded into the way they do things, I think it's too late to try to make a system where sword blows/punches/etc actually feel like they connect and have satisfying realistic consequences on bodies and limbs instead of being almost MMO tier trash they've had until now. Feels like such a core part of their games that they might as well rewrite the entire thing from scratch.
because the other doctors know the method is crap and only use it to treat simpler cases
the engine is flat out garbage and every other game that uses it runs like ass
see; maplestory 2
It's not. Trainwiz shed some light on how they program combat, and it is a system they made themselves. They refused to add spears because it would require a bunch of work they didn't want to do there.
>he thinks optimization is the responsibility of the engine and not the dev
You're an idiot who probably thinks Unity is shit because it "runs bad". Nodevs please leave.
I thought old ladies were supposed to be short.
how come other devs refuse to use the engine for games with complex physics?
Why are retards ITT trying to make it out like there are absolutely no benefits to a new engine at all, ever? If that was the case then everything would still be made on engines from the 80s, or are you trying to imply GTA V could've also been made on San Andreas's engine?
Even that blurry image looks better than any scenery in Skyrim.
Because Gamebryo has shit royalty agreements and Unity and Unreal are far more documented.
Nobody uses CryEngine either.
then you'd think there'd be a single gamebryo game that isn't shit
At this point they could just use OpenMW
You're an idiot who thinks engines don't get updated, and that all engines are made from scratch, when every engine tends to have legacy code from older versions dating all the way back to the beginning.
>Bully was shit
>Zoo Tycoon was shit
You're an idiot.
except cryengine works well and looks great as seen with Hunt Showdown
>except cryengine works well
it's so bad that they went bankrupt and Star Citizen had to completely redo everything, and tons of developers hate it. Ask in /agdg/ what they think of CryEngine.
>making another fallout without guns instead of adapting corruptions of champions
that seems like a fuckup with the culling
>when starfield comes out
>all the TiTs mods.
Literally the only reason CryEngine was used by people was because they offered deals and because it has relative parity across platforms (Arkane admitted as much).
or maybe you have shit taste
I didn't say they were literally hard-coded, just that it feels that way. I just can't imagine a Bethesda game where people move and act like people and interact with objects in real time with quality animations.
any recent examples that arent top down games with hardly any use of physics?
there are already instances of that in fallout 4. picking up the first gun the pip boy and opening the vault.
It's not that a new engine wouldn't have benefits, it's just that Bethesda would have no use for it. Rockstar changed the engine after the PS2 games so GTA IV could use realistic physics that were much more complicated than anything they did before, GTA V engine was optimized for multiplayer. Bethesda has no use for a new engine because bugs and floaty combat are a result of laziness.
>picking up the first gun
>the pip boy and opening the vault.
Look like shit and are completely closed off scripted sequences where you can't do anything
That was Oblivion.
Nothing is wrong with the engine. Bethesda just has shitty optimization practices.
This. What would a new engine bring them? It wouldn't shut up uninformed retards on the internet.
Why though? As bad as most of the stuff in Skyrim was, it was funny as fuck playing through it.
>nothing is wrong with the engine
this is what people in this thread actually believe, despite every gamebryo game having the same shitty lighting problems and more
>this is what people in this thread actually believe
And professionals that know more than you ever will.
>I think most people that aren't making games use the word 'engine', you know, they think of 'engine' as one thing, and it's, we view it as technology, right? so there are lots of pieces, and every game, parts of that change. Whether it's the renderer, the animation system, the scripting language, the AI, the controls... so, some people talk about Gamebryo but that's, like, we haven't used that in a decade.
>And a lot of it is, some of it is middleware, whether that's Havok animation here, and, so 76, we changed a lot of it. You know, it's an all new renderer, new lighting model, new landscape system, and then, when you go to Starfield, even more of it changes. And then Elder Scrolls 6 which is really out in the horizon, even more of that will change there.
>There's things that we like, you know, we like our editor, we're used to it. It lets us build really really fast. Our modders know it really well also. So there's some base ways that we build games that we will continue to do that way, because it lets us be efficient and we think it works best.
at least skyrim has a lot more knockback effects. Nothing more satisfying than sending someone ragdolling through the air from shockwaves on a power attack
yeah i totally believe that professionals post in this thread and have that opinion when 99.5% of professionals in the industry are fucking clowns that couldn't develop their way out of a paper bag
All I know is that Morrowind through F76 handle exactly the same. I don't know what's causing the issue but I want it gone.
fallout 4 feels a lot smoother than new vegas and earlier at least
you mean the one guy samefagging this thread in absolute damage control because he's either getting paid or because he's developing a shitty game in gamebryo himself and is scared of the backlash
yeah let's just trust those "professionals"
Then why don't you do it
You clearly know what you're talking about.
>then why don't you make your own movie
>then why don't you compose your own music
>then why don't you paint your own art
>then why don't you program your own engine
>then why don't you make your own game
lol fuck off retard
Not an argument.
What about the guys making TES3MP and OpenMW? Or Obsidian, or trainwiz and every other modder of note, or a huge amount of other developers who say the exact same thing: you're an idiot who doesn't know what an engine does.
but there are engine bugs most notably the physics frame rate issues, mouse acceleration, v sync etc
Not really, they all have that awkward unresponsive feel to them, the janky inertia mouse control, the half-second delay to every input, the gliding floaty movement etc
Engines are easy to understand though. You just type in "make game" and it makes a game.
I don't really notice the delay on 4 tbqh. maybe i have a mod that fixes it or something but it's not there
oh fug this is going to be a bugfest
More people need to read this.
so the engine is good because of horse cock mods?
why can't devs make good complex games with it?
>believing Todd's lies once again
the absolute state of gamebryo employees
i wouldnt have a problem with a buggy game if it had good content like morrowind or new vegas. but fallout 4 and skyrim and even oblivion are so fucking barren and empty.
ok so why don't you make your own game? if all the developers are lazy fucking retards who don't know how to make games after years of schooling and industry experience it should be pretty fucking easy then.
where is your game?
lmao what the fuck are you talking about
competency has nothing to do with whether or not it's easy you gibbering fucking retard
>Todd's lies
What's a lie in there?
it's the same shit he's said every single time before every single elder scrolls game has come out and it's always been bullshit
>you're not allowed to criticize a football team unless you play professionally
Bethesda aren't being judged unfairly, we're comparing them to other AAA devs, not us. Even the public opinion of Beth games has recently shifted from positive and forgiving to skeptical and critical, when the mainstream audiences saw what exactly was possible in AAA open world games and started demanding more of Bethesda, whose games last felt innovative in 2008.
where is your game?
because you'll eat that shit up anyway like a good little wagie cuck
even other open world AAA devs are fucking clowns that can't design good combat to save their lives
i wouldn't call 99.5% of football players incompetent morons for a missed passed.
where is your game?
What's actually a lie there? If you think the scripting system between Oblivion and Skyrim is the same you're dumb.
>repeating yourself without reading or comprehending
glad you started scraping the bottom of the barrel immediately and skipped past wasting everyone's time, shill, here's your (you)
>where is your game?
where's yours?
let's see what kind of marvel you're creating with gamebryo
but it is because every single game contains legacy code from previous games (see: fallout 4 having skyrim code in the executable)
the most blatant lie is
>so, some people talk about Gamebryo but that's, like, we haven't used that in a decade.
because they basically took gamebryo, labeled it 'creation engine,' and keep slapping more advanced rendering on it without fixing anything
where is your game?
where is your game?
If they do this, say goodbye to mods
we're not developers?
where's yours?
So that we can climb ladders and npcs can turn without looking like tanks
Everytime people say this they really reveal how uneducated they are on the topic.
There's a difference between a new engine that utilizes old code and an old engine with new modules bolted on. UE4 is not UE3, and idTech 6 is not idTech 4.
ok so what part of gamebryo is in what they call the creation engine then?
They called Creation a new engine. It was still Gamebryo, but I think the reality distortion field at Bethesda HQ is so strong that they all genuinely believed it was a new engine.
>but it is because every single game contains legacy code from previous games
You do realize that every single game out there has code from previous games? Engines all are iterative in nature. Half Life 2 has tons of Half Life 1 code, Half Life 1 has tons of Quake code.
If Creation is Gamebryo, then CryEngine is the doom engine.
This, Morrowind was made small and slowish so every area felt like it mattered (a direct response to how Daggerfall was?), their newer games just aren't that engaging so people play it for "the atmosphere" or something like that.
the same garbage lighting system that causes white light reflections to be actually blinding is a prime example
where is your game?
where is your game?
Either that or the developers are ruse cruising each other on what the engine actually is
There literally isn't. UE4 is UE3 with systems redone and new modules added, just like Creation Engine to Gamebryo.
>every area felt like it mattered
Did you truly and honestly feel like every one of the nearly identical crypts, mines, caves, and shrines felt like they mattered? The vast majority of locations in Morrowind were completely fucking worthless, and just as in literally every other TES game, only the main quest dungeons had any reasonable amount of effort put into them.
you're wrong. UE4 wasn't built from scratch taking some of the code from UE3, it was an iterative process on top of UE3
>systems redone
unlike any elder scrolls game past daggerfall
The main difference being that UE3 wasn't an atrocious piece of nonfunctioning shit which desperately needed to be replaced for the good of humanity, while Gamebryo is an atrocious piece of nonfunctioning shit which desperately needs to be replaced for the good of humanity.
how do you know that was part of gamebryo and not something bethesda added?
and their lighting has changed dramatically.
Iterative engines aren't the same as slapping a new polish layer on the exact same engine you used last time, retard. I suggest you read Carmack's interviews about the work they did and how they went from the Quake 2 engine to id tech 3 (Quake 3) and from id tech 3 to id tech 4 (Doom 3). The way the rendering is performed between id tech 3 and 4 is fundamentally different. So suck it with your retarded comment "hurr durr id tech 3 to id tech 4 is the same as the going from the gamebryo to the creation engine or even going feom Skyrim creation engine to fallout 4 creation engine".
yeah they added physically based rendering which is like, cool and all, but white surfaces still have the same exact problem
you can still see the problem in maplestory 2
even though it is called unreal 4 the actual version name is 4.0 signifying an iterative upgrade.
because if they switch to a different engine, modders can't fix their game on launch.
glad your comprehension of how things actually work is on par with bethesda softwork's ability to make videogames
>The way the rendering is performed between id tech 3 and 4 is fundamentally different.
And that was also the case between Bethesda games. They've talked about the systems they've redone, but you'll just dismiss that because it proves you wrong. You gonna tell me papyrus is the same system as Oblivion's scripting system? Or will you not because don't know shit about either of them.
>papyrus is the same system as Oblivion's scripting system?
might as well be
where are your creation engine mods
They felt less predictable than Skyrim ones to me at least, I didn't quite knew what kind of enemies I would find somewhere.
if your metric for saying a game engine changed is how much the rendering changed, then the latest version of the creation engine is a new engine according to you. since the rendering is what bethesda changes the most.
>might as well be
And thank you for confirming that you don't know shit.
not an argument
most changes in proper game engines are focused on the rendering and end-user workflow in the IDE because they're flexible as shit already
It's as much an argument as you deserve.
>enter kwama mine
>kwama everywhere
still not an argument
Too complacent and comfortable with gamebryo, or whatever other name they try to call it. They don't need to make a good game anyway, they can put in the absolute bare minimum which they know since every game is more and more dumbed down then the last because someone else will come along and fix all the problems after launch and normalfags will eat it up regardless. Even the clusterfuck that was 76 won't stop them.
>Red Dead Redemption 2
no, it didn't. unless your talking about mexico the rest of red dead redemption 1 and 2 take place in fake states that don't and never have existed.
Bet you think the papyrus stack was a thing in Oblivion, you dumb bitch.
>no, it didn't.
doesn't mean it didn't have the same inherent problems and exact same functions and behaviors that keep showing up in later games, but sure, the scripting for modders wasn't EXACTLY the same, you sure got me there retard
>he thinks New Austin and West Elizabeth are actual real life states
fictional locations have jack shit to do with whether or not photogrammetry was used in the game
It doesn't. The nature of its problems are actually far different, which results from its completely redone nature. Script lag and save bloat from loose scripts weren't a thing in Oblivion, and while some basic features (things like additem, equipitem) have the same syntax, they perform in different ways. Even from Skyrim to 4 things changed.
But you knew all that, didn't you? You're not some retard who just spouts off shit without knowing what they're talking about right?
>Still using Gamebyro in 2019
Dropped. Why does anyone buy games from this shitty company anymore
Good thing Bethesda isn't using photogrammetry then right, because Hammerfell isn't a real place!
How the fuck do they still get away with it? How does Bethesda get off the hook for so much shit that any other studio would be absolutely crucified for, requiring modders to fix shit from making the game actually look nice to giving the children more then one fucking face? They pulled the paid mods shit twice and 76 was a absolute disaster of a game yet Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 will still rake in the money.
>because the locations are made up they didn't go out and scan some random desert rocks for 3d models
Wait who is she?
the issue with specularity is something i have seen in a lot of games and is anyway just 1 example. that would be like saying since it is still written in c++ it is the same engine.
and while pbr was introduced in fallout 4, skyrim already had a entire new lighting system.
so that is it? one example of a specular issue?
if you believe they are still using gamebryo why haven't the makers sued them for not licensing their engine?
She is a popular skyrim streamer
how much dick do you think she's taken throughout her life?
>save bloat wasn't a thing in oblivion
>save bloat from loose scripts
>from loose scripts
I can tell Oblivion was your favorite, given how you don't like to read.
because it's not gamebryo it's gamebryo with bethesda code tacked on
but my favorite was morrowind
Same thing with Morrowind.
They're always going to have save bloat because the game records and saves everything you do. But Skyrim is the only one where scripts without parents cause the save to inflate like a Dobson comic.
So how casualised is Starfield going to be in comparison to fallout 4/76?
I hope you can play as some TES races in it
76 was more complicated than 4.
There was "one guy" making them? I thought they were randomly generated
They were hand made but put together out of premade modules called warehouses.
>Talks about Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion in 2 minutes
>Talks about ESO for like 10
Good to see new TES 6 stuff though.
Hope they know people are going to do horrible stuff to that grandma's NPC .
Why the fuck don’t they use IDTech or is it worse?
Sorry user, she'll be essential just so you can do that :)
i fully believe having to plan out which perks you want in skyrim on level up requires more thought and foresight than just picking the top 3 numbers in like in morrowind and oblivion. because you have to plan multiple levels ahead if a perk you want is far down the tree.
idTech probably isn't very good for open world games afaik, it's fantastic for games like DOOM
also unsure on mod support
user, you need to be over 13 to use Yea Forums.
yeah and what parts are gamebryo?
really gets the noggin joggin that your guesses are continually wrong
idtech is good for making the games id makes. corridor shooters. not open worlds.
>I hope you can play as some TES races in it
Yes of course more races, so that all are equal, and that they differ a little bit from each other, but they can all do exactly the same and it does not matter which one you choose, they can all be good in everything, in the end only the Skin matters.
So basic so simply, like this game.
Pretty sure Arkane tried to use idtech and they ran into problems.
do you expect me to have like the exact source code you fucking mong, it's apparently in how the AI behaves the exact same, the combat feels the exact same aside from animation improvements, and so on and so forth
Oh good point.
>Vehicles *do* work in the Creation engine (As seen by the Vertibirds in F4)
vertibirds were just reskinned dragons following animations in the sky though
>it's not a train hat but also it's still a train hat
what was the point of your post
It's a precombine/previs issue
that whole system can be finicky if you don't generate them properly and with how iterative 76 is it's easy to fuck it up or or have conflicts.
>do you expect me to have like the exact source code
i expect people to back up what they say with evidence.
>AI behaves
lol bethesda literally created the radiant ai system. that was a huge thing for oblivion.
>the combat feels the exact same
combat has improved. fallout 4 plays nothing like fallout 3.
That you don't have any idea what you're talking about and cite a trick used for a cutscene as somehow an indication that it can't do vehicles, when there's mods for the same game that have working trains.
Everyones talking about the games, but I just think Skyrim grandma is cute. I love old youtubers.
Skyrim Granny deserves to be part of such a big IP in my honest opinion.
>i fully believe having to plan out which perks you want in skyrim on level up requires more thought and foresight than just picking the top 3 numbers in like in morrowind and oblivion. because you have to plan multiple levels ahead if a perk you want is far down the tree.
I can play in the maximum difficulty and I do not have to plan anything, this is because you have coaches, and it is not difficult to balance the increase in level either.
trains aren't the kind of vehicles people are talking about though, you'd have more luck comparing it to riding horses
Memes aside this is the cutest shit I've ever seen.
I've seen a few videos of the skyrim grandma and it's adorable that she's finally getting the recognition she deserves.
i'm not talking about difficulty. i'm pointing out how choosing perks is a more involved system than morrowind's i choose the big numbers system.
Bethesda made a ton of customized improvements to it though. Even the Souls games which also use this middleware make quite a lot of changes to how the middleware works. Bloodborne especially overhauled it.
>lol bethesda literally created the radiant ai system. that was a huge thing for oblivion.
y-yes but like, aside from shitty random quests and stealing from other NPCs it was the exact same behavior as Morrowind as Skyrim as Fallout 4
the main improvements in Fallout 4 are more animation and moveset related than engine related, it still feels like Skyrim with guns despite enemies having unique moves and so forth
There's vehicle mods for 3, NV, and 4. They suck because the world isn't actually that big and it isn't made for vehicles.
Kodlak Whitemane was Squire for a Redguard noble in his childhood, until he left and joined the companions.
I wonder how beth's gonna do the AI/enemies in tes6
considering how much better they were from skyrim->4 it must be good
Morrowind don´t has Perk system. It is not a good example, that is to want to compare the hairs of the ass with the eyelashes
FUCK YOU, UE3 was a piece of garbage that programmers HATED to work on it due to its bad way to handle ports.
And so are the examples you posted from Firewatch
>it was the exact same behavior as Morrowind as Skyrim as Fallout 4
But that's not true at all. Morrowind's combat behavior was "cast the highest cost spell until you're out of magic, then start using your highest-damage weapon until they die or you die.
If you were out of range they wouldn't switch to range weapons. Skyrim's AI will try and use wards and shields, and if a ranger is too close to you they'll try and switch to melee.
Fallout 4's AI will try and take cover and higher intelligent raiders will chide the others if they take cover behind something explosive.
the reason morrowind's is more engaging is it's got way more ways to build a character what with the athletics and acrobatics and other attributes
>they had moves added so clearly the pathfinding, way they turn, flank, and generally approach the player isn't the exact same
haha what the fuck are you on about
Skyrim NPCs will move out of the way of projectiles, wolves will flank you (something they never did in Morrowind or Oblivion). The pathfinding is completely different too. Morrowind never had navmeshes, while Oblivon onwards did. Do you have any idea what you're talking about?
and yet they all feel the exact same in practice
Uh oh
Devs, this NPC is broken and stuck in a dialogue loop, can you please reset his AI package? Thanks!
I hope skyrim 2 adds in things like apex' sliding and climbing
T h e o n l y r e a s o n B e t h e s d a i s r e l e v a n t i s m o d d i n g
>all these things are demonstrably different and perform differently
>well so what they're the exact same!
Right, are we moving on then? How about you say that the rendering hasn't changed from Morrowind to Skyrim, get easily proven wrong, and then claim they all look the same to you?
This is Why Oblivion's combat felt better than Skyrim, since you had techniques on it
Even ESO uses the same stuff
There's been many devs from Bethesda that have said they couldn't do what they wanted to so they had to back down from it because the engines limitations.
Their games win oodles of awards and print money for them with minimal effort. They could release games as bad or worse than Fallout 76 for a decade and still have faggot casual sycophants defending them every step of the way.
No developer at Bethesda has ever said anything about "engine limitations" ever. They've only ever said they're too stupid to figure out how to make things work.
all you did was point out barely-changes and slightly more advanced AI (although i never once noticed a single character taking cover in fallout 4) but it's still as shit as it's always been
Gtfo zoom
I'm concerned. If they're using face scan technology then how the fuck are they going to make a character creator? Everything you could possibly make using none scanned faces will inevitably look fucking weird compared to the realistic textures and facial structures of everybody else.
>barely changes
>going from little nodes to navmeshes and being able to react to the player is a small change
Are you just being stupid on purpose or is like, how you normally are?
no mod has ever fixed skyrim's combat
why is this bad
Is there anything more beautiful than running Fallout 3 inside Morrowind?
Because no modder has access to that level of code. What's your point?
You are dumb, most tes gamers are on consoles after Morrowind. Most Morrowind mods around the time of release were fixes and graphics improvements, bigger mods didn't come until later, daggerfall and arena is self explanatory.
in effect the AI is still in its state where they barely move and sort of strafe around when using ranged attacks and just generally stand around you when they're melee
Not even Skyrim VR fixed Skyrims combat
It's probably just for a cut-scene
the AI is so sluggish and slow to respond they might as well be blocking and using ward spells at random
>will make an attempt to block your attacks or use wards if you use spells
I forgot all about them doing that in Morrowind
>a skeleton bugging out and maybe damaging your HP a little when you step on it is a bug that warrants changing your entire engine
Bethesdas games from what i've seen personally, are just Garrys mod with a plot
yeah it is almost as if they added more ways to build a character with perks that make it more involved and meaningful
the only way to fix it is by using scripts like what Oblivion did, Even the dreaded DIagonal animation was fixed
ward spells didn't even exist in morrowind, you got buff spells instead of channeled spells
>CryEngine for an open world title
So this just confirms that Bethesda is filled with literal retards, right?
Their current engine is shit because they have garbage programmers. If they switched to another engine, like Unreal 4, everything they write for it will be just as buggy.
People can at least modify aspects of its combat by changing the behavior graph files directly. The problem is Skyrim's combat from the start was made to be really shitty.
Is skyrim the only game she plays? she better not play a mer shitter.
well yeah they have to stand around you during melee. it isn't as if they throw their swords at you
So you admit that between games things have actually changed.
she occasionally plays a game that isn't skyrim but 95% of her youtube channel is skyrim
Top Kek
why are their programmers garbage? what criteria are you judging that by?
i never said they didn't, the general behavior of the AI is the same
the problem with that is it's just sort of
and swinging
and sluggishly responding to you
>that one video where the Oblivion NPC just launches the bow at the player
no one is going to bother with this shit. once es 6 drops everyone will move to modding that.
Now you know why there's no height slider in Bethesda games (without mods).
Because this lady's face is likely going to be used for a specific NPC.
Also FO4's base head meshes are scanned from actors as well, they have a system in place for allowing these scanned faces to be shaped as the player or NPC designer sees fit
they are never going to add the retarded moon jumping back or the super speed. they may add some climbing skill after the success of botw though.
and perks are more engaging than anything in morrowind other than maybe spellcrafting. though that was also a spreadsheet simulator.
>Because this lady's face is likely going to be used for a specific NPC.
She had better be part of the main quest.
Their developers have been working at Bethesda for 15+ years, they're not acclimated with modern development techniques and the way their engine is programmed clearly shows that.
There are other developers that have taken engines that were limited and pushed them well past what they should be capable due to having talented engine developers, Bethesda is not one of them and you can still see a lot of Gamebryo's quirks in their newest games.
There's only two explanations, they're incredibly fucking lazy or incompetent. Neither are good obviously.
Those games are absolutely made for casuals though.
using the console works too
in what mod can I find this jizzard lizard?
Blades has a height slider though.
Its been in early access for like a day.
Also, Breton masterrace.
>height slider for a game where you never see your character outside of menus
What is the purpose?
Who let that kid inside the company?
old grandma who streams skyrim everyday epic reddit meme
>tmw she'll likely be dead before TES6 even comes out
It's still going to look awkward and jank like all their games
But in the video Todd literally said
>Elder Scrolls VI. All climbing and spears. That's all it is.
holy shit that lady must be like 7 feet tall.
Valenwood then?
they hire programmers all the time and knowledge of new graphical and physics features are required. go look at their job postings.
and the old employees put in plenty of new and modern engine features. here is a list for some of the stuff added in fallout 4.
Tiled Deferred Lighting
Temporal Anti-Aliasing
Screen Space Reflections
Bokeh Depth of Field
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
Height Fog
Motion Blur
Filmic Tonemapping
Custom Skin and Hair Shading
Dynamic Dismemberment using Hardware Tessellation
Volumetric Lighting
Gamma Correct Physically Based Shading
>There are other developers that have taken engines that were limited and pushed them well past what they should be capable due to having talented engine developers,
they literally added multiplayer to a game engine that was fundamentally not built for it.
>you can still see a lot of Gamebryo's quirks
so unnamed "quirks" are evidence of poor programming.
thanks for confirming you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
Nah, Todd just invested in stilts.
Half the map is going to be untraversable terrain again?
Oh boy, I can't wait to waste countless hours just going around mountains and cliff sides again!
I always hoped it would be Valenwood when Todd mentioned something about "not having the tech yet" because I figured they'd need some creative next gen shit to pull off the migratory tree cities.
I really doubt it's going to be Valenwood tho.
Just levitate or super jump over them nigga
>he didn't like the Skyrim mountain
They have to justify fast travel somehow
High Rock?
I wanna see Breton town.
Alternatively, Elsweyr for Khajiit shenanigans.
Just license Lumberyard/StarEngine with the improvements CIG have implemented into it.
It can do large worlds, vehicles at ludicrous speeds, complex animations, physical persistent objects, seamless streaming of assets without loading screens, multiplayer, advanced character creation, procedural cave systems, individual pieces for gear and so on.
Really, the only thing they would need to implement are NPCs being real "things" and not background characters unless I'm missing something. Every other major engine has a lot of limitations, such as Unreal Engine being complete shit at massive open world games.
if this map is accurate not a lot of it will be untraversable terrain
DLC should be the other half of the iliac bay, orsinium, and azura's realm
>Skyrim grandma
>they literally added multiplayer to a game engine that was fundamentally not built for it.
There have been over 5 full MMOs built using Gamebryo, Gamebryo's ofifical site advertises its capabilities ranging from casual games to MMORPGs, how is the engine "not built for it?"
I would enjoy this.
That's from Tamriel Rebuilt though
Why can't we get some Malacath or even Vermeena action? I'd like to see the Orcs getting whipped into a frenzy by the idea of Malacath wanting some conquest.
Azura feels way too active.
I just thought of one to throw out there. If they do an orsinium they'd probably throw malacath stuff in there too.
Actually come to think of it I'd like to see some Ebonarm stuff
>dat hoverhand
>Also FO4's base head meshes are scanned from actors as well
thats why every male looked the fucking same?
Learning more about Redguards and their interaction with the Yokudan lore would be a beautiful thing.
Gotta wonder what the crisis that Hammerfell faces could be though. Round 2 with the Aldmeri?
wow it's like they don't use gamebryo or something. the previous version of their engine was built completely around the player. everything rendered only around the player. they talk about it in the fallout 76 doc.
probably them trying to blow up the tower there yeah
Based sandbois, putting it hard to the twat elves.
You know Boethea would be greatly involved in something like that, feels like too good an opportunity for her to pass up.
There's no tower in Hammerfell, and Ada-mantia is indestructible
Their engine is an older fork of Gamebryo, it would be much easier for them to port features from a newer build of Gamebryo than it would be to develop multiplayer systems on their own, as evidenced from CIG implementing Lumberyward features into their own engine and vice versa, despite having changed over 50% CryEngine 3's original code which I can guarantee is more than Bethesda have changed of Gamebryo.