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Another piratebay exclusive

It better fucking not be

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It's already been confirmed.

darkest dungeon 2

Sorry bro. Hope you like downloading your mods from github.


this is how you get pirates

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I don't mind buying games, but I'll pirate before giving epic any of my credit card data or access to my computer.

Ah, fuck it I don't even care anymore.
Screen cap this.
Saturday afternoon at either 1 or 2pm Randy Bitchford and Gearbox will put out a twitlonger talking about how much they value their fans and want to be transparent because they respect them blah blah, and end with announcing Borderlands 3 as an Epic exclusive. A video will be put on Gearbox's YouTube with the votes and comments disabled because they know. Expect video around 3ish.
They will also hold an AMA on Reddit which will most likely answer fucking nothing.

fpbp as always


Source you fucking liar nigger

i mean this is going to happen but it'll happen on april 3rd
its literally the only reason why they didnt announce platforms yesterday
randy thinks hes slick and knows the bad press would be overwhelming if he announced it right away

The game is coming to Early Access so it will be on steam you liar

>Dude trust me

Early Access will be implemented on Epic as well

I'll be really mad if this actually happens

it already is implemented, three EA games are there

This is probably the first game I would exclusively pirate if it went to Epic's store. Losing steam's native mod support would just fucking piss me off. I don't care if some meme multiplayer battle royale is on Epic's store, but if a game actually has mod support then fuck Epic, because Epic is never gonna add it.

what is even the problem with games being exclusive to epic games? If you have a PC why not just have both Epic and Steam? Does it cost money?

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The site has Steam at the bottom.

Valve_drones are so stupid and easy to trick.
The game is going to steams early access, how is it going to be an epic exclusive if they run the entirely of the beta (which is most of the game) on steam.
What's more OP provided no source but you eat it up.
I wish epic would buy them off just to drink your tears

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>have to install a second store to play a single game
>the story you're required to download has mined the user's data and uploaded it god knows where

epic store lacks features steam has, including some basics but otherwise I agree - I don't understand this feud, it feels forced as fuck just for the sake of shitposting.


I only care about this game specifically because Steam's native mod support makes finding, installing, and rating mods incredibly easy and Darkest Dungeon has mod support. I would be very upset if they moved it to Epic's store because Epic doesn't have that, and it would make mods much more difficult to find, install, rate, and sort.

steam harvests user data as well
even fucking 4channel harvests data to target ads to you

because i'm not giving money to china and I won't install chinese spyware on my pc

the epic store is missing features that steam has
one feature, for example, is the steam workshop

nah, suck a dick weng pong you fucking dogeater subhuman

Oh fucking hell please be wrong

Epic is spyware (supposedly) and in general they're also acting cunt to consumers, like their automated response to a refund ask you for like 10 things specifically to discourage you from refunding. Also their store have no features like customers reviews because gamers are toxic.

I guess that they're offering a good deal to dev so I can't blame the devs for jumping ship, but since I've heard Epic guarantees that devs will make a profit during the exclusivity period on their store and will in fact pay the difference if this isn't the case, I am even less inclined to support devs I like since they seem to be doing just fine on their own.



So did Metro.
So did Phoenix Point.
So did the fucking Outer Worlds.

shut the fuck up ding pong or I'll curbstomp your faggot ass

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Not 'supposedly'. Tencent has a controlling interest, almost every service that connects to the internet on your computer is collecting data on you right now, and the Chinese government has made it official policy that all its citizens must act as spies in service of China when travelling or doing business abroad. It's 100% spyware.

This should be the meme. I refuse to give my money to Tencent.




Having the steam logo no longer holds any value whatsoever

>have to download yet another store
>have to create another account
>have to have another store running to play games
easier to pirate at this point, especially a SP game

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sometimes I end up using origin for games and it's so shitty compared to steam
>sometimes the whole client breaks and I need to restart the client
>download speeds vary wildly
>sometimes shit just doesn't auto-update
>the overlay breaks controls in some games
>the party system is buggy as fuck in every game

People say 'it's just another launcher' but it's much more than that, I'm hesitant to use other clients because they fuck up basic shit like this

>another account
>another company with your email address
>another password to be leaked in the inevitable data breach