So whats the verdict on Nioh Yea Forums?
Is this the perfected version of the Soulsborne series?
So whats the verdict on Nioh Yea Forums?
No. The separated levels are a step down from Dark souls and the excellent combat is marred by the constant need to manage your shitty diablo loot.
Hoping they learn from their mistakes and make a better sequel.
Boring, story was uninteresting, feudal japan setting fucking sucks, forced to play as an ugly guy who I couldn't give a fuck about.
>diablo loot
>perfected version of anything
No. Combat is better in what Bill can do offensively and simultaneously worse due to shitty enemies and bosses. Exploration, atmosphere, level design is shit.
If you want a Souls protag to have more offensive options at a cost of everything else, go for it.
>combat is literally shit bloodborne with added autimso press 1 button to do something cool
>loot is diablo but shit
>game has 5 unique enemies
>ps2 graphics
very good game
>the constant need to manage your shitty diablo loot
Literally disassemble everything you find without even checking it and have Tome forge a full set of weapon and armor of your choice compatible with your current level. Repeat this every 2-3 levels, probably even less frequently if necessary.
For talismans, just get one with kodama and I guess amrita sense.
Done, this is all that's required of you, in terms of item management, for your first full playthrough. Of course if you decide to go for NG+ the story changes, but by then you'll be more worried about crafting divine items and rolling stats rather than worrying about minmaxing loot.
It's not hard.
Name one thing Nioh did better than Sekiro. That's it, you can't.
Nioh is a great game. The crafting system is shit but its the only negative really. I dont care about graphics as long as it isnt dog shit.
Im playing through it now and just started way of the demon. Id say is better than souls/bloodborne.
>diablo loot
nu Yea Forums, everyone
The combat. The way you can manage the enemies' stamina and go for exhaustion is basically what Sekiro tried to do, only without having to build the entire game around it, leaving it as an options so that players can have their own preferred playstyle.
Nioh can he cheesed a dozen different ways that completely break any sense of challenge. The same cannot be said about Sekiro.
The combat in sekiro is such a fucking meme. Its like mgsr + nioh while also at the same time trying to be darksouls and it just kinda feels weird and wonky. Also why even have life bars if stability bar is the only thing that matters? That shit would be cool if they gave you good damage ,but not a full hp bar.
I dont know about perfected but its a hell of a lot more fun than any of the FROM games
Nioh shits all over DS, BB and Sekiro combat.
Game is not even intended to be another DS wannabe, more like Onimusha+ninja gaiden.
You've clearly never played Onimusha or Ninja Gaiden.
And? Whether or not a game can be cheesed is not that important
That has nothing to do with my post though. He asked what was better and to me it's the combat since I feel gives you far more options.
As for cheese, speedrunners are AI stunlocking sekiro's bosses like nothing so it's not like the point of comparison you bring is particularly effective.
I did?
Fantastic game honestly
I need to go back to finish the DLC and post-game content
Tonfa are the best
Combat is better desu and this is coming from soulsborne fanboy. However the level design in souls is on whole different level from nioh. Loot thing is fine but there drops too much of it overall.
>cheesed a dozen different ways
>different ways
>better combat.
>shit loot.
>shit enemies.
>shit bosses.
>shit levels.
>shit atmosphere.
>shit music.
>skinnerbox loot.
Truly, it is perfection... like a perfect opal.
>tons of garbage loot
>enemy variety is worse than all the other games, and the basic human enemies are a joke
>sub missions tend to be required so your not at a level and gear disadvantage just simply progressing through the main story
>needing to spend skill points for the similar if not the exact same skills for every weapon type rather than it be a universal thing to get ki from dodge while holding X weapon.
It's shit. This is a lazy bait post. Fuck off.
it's a great game but it has many issues
nioh 2 has potential to be amazing
DLC is the best part of the game and also the hardest.
>needing to spend skill points for the similar if not the exact same skills for every weapon type rather than it be a universal thing to get ki from dodge while holding X weapon
I won't comment on the rest since it's quite true, but this part here is a lie. Several skills are common between weapons, not to mention the fact samurai skill points are dished to you in such a great quantity it's not really that big of a problem. I mean, it's not like you have to necessarily unlock everything for every weapon in order for it to become effective.
>So whats the verdict on Nioh Yea Forums?
better version of nioh
just admit that you couldn't get past the first few bosses, loser.
>If someone does not like a game I enjoy it means that person is shit at it
Not him, but will never understand that logic, I finished to completion several games I ended up considering disappointing or even outright bad.
He's right. I finished the game and opened 80% of the skills and most of them are literally unusable because recovery animation is super slow and they all do piss poor damage to posture and most of enemies in the game can block with some exceptions. So all you do in the game is learn bosses and learn parry timings
No. You should plat a game before even considering voicing any criticism.
Gushing positive praise is ok even if you haven't played it though.
Posting chad while clearly being a beta bitch. Nice try ,but no one is falling for that shit. I will say this only 2 bosses were actually hard for me in this game. One being the angry fire demon and the old man that came out of bow fag. Everyone else was pretty easy because all you have to do is build their stability meter and they die. The only bosses I cant comment about as of right now are owl 2 and the girl that is totally not a shrine maiden. Lets explore this shit for a sec as well. IT REALLY FUCKING SUCKS that you can't fight all bosses in a single run because of your choice made with owl.
removing kuro's charm really makes game much harder because of cheap dmg on regular blocks. Try that
>boring and linear and repetitive levels
>no enemy variety
The bosses and visuals were okay but everything else stunk
How important are the DLC?
They haven't released a physical complete edition yet and buying a disk and the DLC separate is just dumb.
buy it on PC or pirate.
DLC is basically half of the game.
Nioh literally does nothing right. Why do fags even meme about the combat? It isn't good.
Once you acquire the muscle memory for the retarded control scheme along with a few techs you trivialize everything. It's just souls except you do more inputs to play at competant level or you just cheese everything with parry, knockdowns, ninjutsu, magic, and living weapon. Every encounter can be summed up into 2 categories; if they're human you parry or you spam them down through their block until they exhaust and if they're yokai you just dodge in low and hit them in the back until they die.
Its better in some great ways and worse in some kinda bad ones. Diablo loot is lame should've just had a few more weapons and unique variants of them same with armor. Atleast it brought back unique armor effects that were ditched post DaS2.
Normal enemy variety sucks when you reach about half way and I guess otherwise the worst issues have to do with story. But its a great game and a good experiment that on its own stands around a 8/10 to me. The DLCs are hit or miss the last one seemed fun I stopped and haven't went back but Grevious's Cannon Oni and the Chicken were all hype. DLC1 was good and DLC2 was kinda of ass especially using a repeat fight with a gank.
I prefer DaS1/BB to it but its better then the rest of Froms crap.
Play style variety.
Comically OST which Nioh is weak as fuck in
Graphically is stronger besides maybe Wolf who looks great magically.
Stances and stamina management are better then posture and parry MGR meme shit
Also boss design in Nioh is better. Id say Sekiros AI for bosses atleast is more consistent Niohs still do that whole stand there and think shit. But the Frog/Masamune are better then anything in Sekiro.
Why do faggots meme about Sekiro combat? Its just souls MGR which is a mediocre action game in itself that is better then Sekiro as well. Sekiro doesn't have the 101 ways to play/cheese shit from Souls games to fall back on and is just dodge/jump over a few things and learn when to wiggle the L1 and R1x2 on bosses until they fall over.
Im not going to pretend Nioh combat is perfect its varied and has a lot of stuff you can do but its still just a ARPG with its own bag of flaws. Sekiro though is a poor mans action game with quick deaths so every From nigger is memeing like its hot shit when its in reality shit.
No, but Nioh 2 will be.
What's wrong with the loot in Nioh? During your first run through the game, it's cool to pick up lots of items that might be better than what you have. Once you forge your own good shit at the end of the game, you can just select everything and disassemble it, sell it or trade it for glory. Where's the problem?
Most of these faggots just parrot shit of a game they didn't or barely played. That is the problem.
>Muh Diablo compersions
Not gonna lie, I don't like the looting very much either but people just take one thing out of hand and spam it to the point where even people who never actually played say it.
Whats the best weapon to use when playing as that qt in the blue dress?
>tfw too shitty at the game to beat it without slow talismans and kunai
Unnecessary, unfun busywork that only serves to slightly pad the gametime.
It makes a bit more sense when you enter ng+ but for the first playthouugh you will probably switch gear every other mission which is lame.
In Nioh you can sword catch, fling the blood off your sword and do a unsheath slash.
Truly the best samurai movie simulator.
you should go into it expecting ninja gaiden with diablo loot, the combat is way better than any souls shit but the environments are completely uninteresting and the game is mostly about grinding loot
>unsheath slash
You can do iai stance and attacks in Sekiro you idiot
>Mission based level structure
>Mission is just the same level with different enemy placements
>it's cool to pick up dozens of duplicate items with minor differences, managing your inventory after every few missions, and your gear becoming obsolete in 10 minutes of play, having to deal with low drop chance RNG bullshit to complete your item set
>it's cool that after getting green gear, only 2 out of every 100 items you pick up will have those good traits you are looking for and that forging is tedious, grindy, and game balance is a complete mess because of it
Yeah, maybe your idea of cool doesn't coincide with a lot of people's.
He didn't even mention Sekiro, you stupid fuck
If you're a low IQ packrat maybe and get your dopamine rush by picking up lots of trash just to watch your numbers grow bigger like a mmo chink grinder.
Normal people don't find it fun to sort through a menu for 5-15 mins after every mission which is especially the case in higher NG+ where you sort for sets, inheritances, and stars skills.
i hate that fucking lame "cutting air" shit From uses for those attacks since forever.
Also Sekiro is about shinobi, not samurai
>No. You should plat a game before even considering voicing any criticism.
>Plat the game
>Lol you wouldn't have platinumed it if you thought it was bad
I riked it
your post is even lazier.
Exactly, now you get it!
Why are people always comparing it to DS? The only thing they really have in common is the respawn system.
All I know is that I fucking loved Kelley and that every cutscene in which he manically ranted before tping away was kino
Because they never played any 3rd person action game before someone memed them into playing DS2 or 3 obviously.
I completely disagree with this. Nioh's combat is a deeper Dark Souls combat system (with imo too much bloat to it but let's leave that aside), but Sekiro is a fucking amazing sword fighting game. Nioh's combat doesn't even try to step on Sekiro's shoes. I don't think any other game even tries it.
>:deeper dark souls combat"
>literally skills for weapons and combos that actually matter instead of "lol R1 and charged R1"
>can switch weapons midfight that goes as combo too which makes it even more complex and fun
Sekiro has 1 weapon, prosthetics that only make game a bit easier in some cases but completely optional with limited uses and skills with half of them being absolute dogshit.
tldr: I like both titles, but Sekiro has nothing on Nioh combat complexity.
you probably replied to the wrong guy but i forgive you.
are you old enough to have actually played PS2 games to think this game actually looks like a ps2 game?
>that bug in the pc version on release where it'd crash on some systems right after Kelley gives his "this is the power of amrita" speech at the start of the game
The timing on that shit is so good it's crazy to think it wasn't an intentional thing. Fucking hilarious.
People are shit at sorting through it using the multiple options that bring it down to a minute at most, think they have to update their equipment far more often than they have, immediately check out before learning how simple it is to tell what's worth keeping or not and ignore all the parts that make it more interesting because of that. Then they make up something about it hurting exploration despite it giving constant tangible abd relevant reward on top of everything else you explore for already and sow all this among the people who barely or don't even play the game.
Just looking at first point its obvious he is retarded..
Why would you assume that? Sekiro sword fight solely relies on deflecting attacks. I opened most of the skills and they are fucking useless.
I'm on NG+ and I barely used prosthetics at all, since deflecting is just more efficient.
why the fuck does my dude in nioh flash white and leave a ghastly trail when i immediately dodge after attacking? what does it mean?
you're dispelling yokai stuff they leave on the ground which reduces stamina recovery.
My post wasn't about complexity, and I don't believe complexity necessarily makes a better combat system. My point was that Sekiro and Nioh aren't trying to do remotely the same thing in terms of combat, it's pointless to compare them. It's like comparing Dark Souls to Dragon's Dogma combat. The focus is entirely different.
no that's a Ki Pulse in a yokai circle. I know about that. I mean dodging right after attacking.
You bought the auto-ki pulse on dodge skill.
I don't remember buying such a thing.
It's just what happens. There's some guesses but the jury's still out on whether it has an actual effect like increased iframes or if it's just visual, and I'm bad at testing things like that.
This isn't related to Dodge Pulse.
what are you trying to say then?
Having same shit as any DS game plus deflect/mikiru makes it the best sword fighting game?
me no like
I'm trying to say that Sekiro's combat system has swordfighting clashes as the focus, not dodging like souls/nioh/most action games. That's what sets it apart. And for a first attempt, it's extremely good, in part because of functional mechanics that are easy to understand, in part because of excellent sound on deflects, very good visual effects. Sekiro's combat has a lot of room to grow in future installments, which are inevitable at this point unfortunately.
By contrast, in my opinion Nioh has too much bloat in combat mechanics. The stance system is redundant and clunky for example.
>Sekiro's combat system has swordfighting clashes as the focus
It got old pretty fast for me and last boss was a huge chore compared to hatred demon for instance.
> too much bloat in combat mechanics. The stance system
but you can use specific skills in those stances. They also have a speed difference, It's not a bloat and serve a purpose.
The boss themes for Nioh, what few there were, were pretty damn good. The action music (of which there is only one track for each locale) in Sekiro became grating while trying to stealth.
Literally better combat and more depth than Sekiro
There is a lot but absolutely none of it is bloat. I don't know how you could consider stances redundant or clunky when they are extremely different from each other and accessed so easily with such an elegant input both in line with your cancel button and what the stance is best at.
you know, that's some realization for me. Can't really say I remember a single song from Sekiro that I found interesting or memorable.
are you the retard who was calling gameplay depth "autism" because you suck & can only dodge block and mindlessly mash one button to attack like in sekiro.
The map themes were great too, though the best is still the first one on Kyushu. They fucked up moving the music in the Nue mission though.
This, games biggest claim to fame was the best souls like combat, but now sekiro took that spot, hoping nioh 2 can compete
you sound so stupid it hurts
yeah, my favorite is Ishida Mitsunari theme.