What the FUCK did they mean by this?
Risk of Rain 1 and/or 2
Other urls found in this thread:
Is there a discord?
They should've had Noby do the soundtrack.
Artificer best character
Engineer close second
MUL-Tards get out
Look up the official RoR2 Discord in google
how bad are your PCs? I'm playing on a 2010 medium-shelf PC and I average 80 fps on highest settings
>HAN-D has a gun now
Paragraph 1:
>Are you suffering from disassociation? If so, stop here.
Paragraph 2:
>Are you able to actualize this disassociation? If so, stop here.
Paragraph 3:
>Are you able to use this for enlightenment? If so, stop here.
Paragraph 4:
I will not explain step 4. I hope you understand.
Are these lobbycodes or something?
Boys where to change achievements or whatever to unlock in local files?
been looking for a gift for an entire day lads and none of the people i know want to splitbuy, i am tired, glad people are enjoying it though, did they fuck up my boy engie ?
fuck engineer
fuck mul-t
and FUCK Necrid
a 2011 low-end toaster that somehow is still kicking
Have anyone found a way to get more people in a lobby than the restricted 4?
So is it fun? I only kinda liked the first one, I always hated the tiny ass sprites though I can understand it for the types of enemies you're facing. Going 3D seemed like a perfect route for it to take.
Providence won in the end, our characters are stuck in a fake realm in a time loop
yes, exactly
Commando, Huntress, Mul-T, Engineer, Artificer and Mercenary
Mercenary most fun
Merc plays so much better in this game, it's fucking incredible how well he performs.
Never played risk of rain, seen 2 on steam
is it fun solo cause I got no friends
Yes. And the translation to 3D is better than anyone could've hoped. I had grim expectations for this game to eat shit
>found the bazaar environment log
>it isn't displayed in the logbook
The gameplay loop is perfectly identical, so if your only qualm with the first was small sprites and marginally unsatisfying combat then you'll probably like this one a lot more.
its not HAN-D
post your speccy
heres mine, playing 80 fps average
does the bazaar newt get mad if you keep hitting him, i only did it once
It's not Han-D, Han-D has an actual in game model in the files. That one is a new robot.
Risk of Rain is fun
Don't buy early access games
Spite when?
>tfw no HAN-D
>never played any character other than default in RoR1
>give Huntress a chance in 2
>die pathetically
back to default character forever, again
Where is he though I liked my combat medic playstyle and big dick hammer
what is this golden shrine
>3 people die a retarded death on the third stage
>decide to give you protips in death on how to play the game as you solo the thing in very late monsoon
fucking retards in quickmatch never ever talk to me again
he's the final boss
Oh shit, I hope this doesn't stop me from gifting my friends.
don't go there, it's a trap
Do bosses have weakspots? Hitting them in the eyes seem do be the same damage.
They've got footage of HAN-D on the blog, and people have datamined the model already. There's nothing for Acrid, though. ;_;
Is this one better than the first? First one felt too slow
what are the alters for?
Mul-T is better Han-D
the game suffers heavily from going 3d, but it's playable. it also uses steamworks now so thats good.
Is there my based boy sniper
Anyone found a way to mod the player limit higher yet?
Anybody else have an incredibly slow mouse in this game?
>four characters left
>chef, han-d, acrid, miner, sniper, and enforcer missing
So who's getting the axe, Yea Forums? Far as I know Sniper and Enforcer have alpha footage, so odds are only two slots remain.
My guess is they lose Miner and Chef.
>had a level where it was only stone golems
this game is fun
>the game suffers heavily from going 3d, but it's playable
nigger, how
the only major issue is finding the portal, and that can be fixed with a simple visual change
there are none
I hope this time Han-D is viable in glass whenever they add that stuff to the game
No. To crit you need an item
no and its lame that they don't
the game should reward you for eye fucking
Han-D was always viable
It was hard, but you could do it
no bully pls
Merc main on RoR, can confirm merc is fucking incredible in this one. I had doubts, but hoo boy...
I feel that if this gets popular enough it will birth a genre of its own.
I imagine Sniper for sure, at least he would be more fun in a 3D environment.
Duality of men
Miner is probably dead since his back-slam thing would be completely fucking impossible to be playable in 3D.
Sniper is probably staying since that's a no-brainer.
Chef could probably stay, too.
HAN-D is already confirmed.
As much as I hate to say it, Acrid's probably fucked since so much of his kit relied on the game being 2D.
This one feels slower until you get items that boost your speed, then it feels faster. It feels much more scaled to how long your run lasts, in other words. The first one's still felt kinda slow to explore even if you had a shitload of speed boosts, but this game has a built-in sprint button and a new item that boosts your sprint speed which stacks with the items that just passively increase speed.
As for the combat, it's a lot more fast paced and tense. Kiting is more difficult, as is lining up shots and shit.
replyd to wrong post fuck me
>My guess is they lose Miner
no, miner was pure fun they can't do that.
His rifle is not his main anymore?
>There's nothing for Acrid, though.
nvm found it
>no sniper on launch
Is that a fucking BFG shot?
every character was viable. I remember anons carrying the entire group as fucking enforcer
is the merc portal always on level 8, or is it random?
So there I was, like a fucking retard aiming like a xxxPr0g4meRxxx when I could just do whatever. Thanks.
retards only
S'alright. Not joining due to Aus internet and alcohol. If I had my beloved Enforcer I might give it a try though
bandit, sniper, han-d and a new character are in
rest are out, though, they may be added later on.
Personally I think 2D is much more fun, but maybe that's just me.
iirc there's gameplay footage of bandit, sniper, and enforcer. han-d was already confirmed, so they're nuking basically every melee character unless they're planning on adding more beyond those four slots.
All they really need to do is widen the range of his barf and overhaul his acid run
that's basically artificer's shock orb thing when you fully charge it
it's a lot harder to make atmospheric 3d than it is to do the same with 2d. the dev is obviously struggling with this in RoR2 and for obvious reasons. the worse OST doesn't help this either.
the enemies also need to be dumbed down so as to keep the game playable with enemies now being able to attack you from outside your FoV
utter newfag here, does the game gets progressively harder or something? I started on easy but the indicator in the upper right corner is almost on hard now. Should I be scared?
that's just an active item now, proton accumulator or something like that
nope, there is none
What could they even retool his acid run into?
I'm tempted to say caustic gas, but then my main would be nothing but fucking BRAPposting jokes.
yeah but way stronger
>that gfx
gets harder the more time you spend in order to counter the fact that you become godly later on
it will spawn elite bosses instead of normal enemies after some time
Yes, the difficulty ticks up over time. Part of what the three main difficulties (easy, normal, hard) determine is how quickly that timer ticks up.
Thank fuck, he would be boring in 3D.
Anyone know how to rebuild the beacons in the golden portal?
It's random. I got it on level 6 when I got it
Memetic bug is now in your brain.
If your PC is so bad why do you have Windows Aero turned on?
Did you do absolutely zero optimization work on your PC?
I literally have a bachelors in IT and I have never heard of this. where the fuck did you find that
>it's a lot harder to make atmospheric 3d than it is to do the same with 2d.
It's just as atmospheric as the first one was. The Roost opening level is fucking fantastic.
>the worse OST doesn't help this either.
Not related to it being 3D.
>the enemies also need to be dumbed down so as to keep the game playable with enemies now being able to attack you from outside your FoV
What the fuck? None of the enemies are dumbed down, though. Most of them even have new attacks.
>Keep Crush
>Keep Drill Charge
>Keep To the Stars
I don't know about keeping backblast or not. Would be useful for dodging but not so much hurting things I imagine since you can't really see far behind yourself.
you will face levels just full of big boys on fire and electric demons of death
NVM, figured it out. In case anyone else is wondering, you need to buy the dead tree things
Also, you really shouldnt have bought a 1080p monitor with that.
it's a laptop, they always use bottom of the barrel components from companies you've never heard of
So is this made by the same group of /vg/ autists or has the team left Yea Forums forever?
it's just a random occurrence, not anything I need to look for, right?
>the only major issue is finding the portal
Fuck this gay shit. Teleporter spawning half-way in a wall underwater in the marsh is literally cancer.
ROR1 = soul
ROR2= soulless
prove me wrong
is it hopoo's time, bros?
EU lobby where
Are the blighted elites in the game yet I wanna get buttfucked by a shadow golem
If you want that use item, get to the timed chest on the third level within 10 minutes
when I got it eight years ago I never intended for it to be used for games, but here we are.
because I'm already way too used to it
clearly not
office depot, pre-built
not yet
Same team, but unlike, say, Monolithdev they generally don't speak of Yea Forums much. They haven't disavowed the site or anything, either.
make one I only have 1mb upload
am i late to the party? all i get is a black screen and a boot to the main menu
How do you get out of the loop?
>It's just as atmospheric as the first one was
That's just not true. Dry Lake vs The Roost is night and day.
There's an air of mystery and hostility about it. We discussed this in the previous thread.
Hopoo has gone out to say they specifically play on Yea Forums servers even as they were developing 2
you die, some way or another
he's good
i wonder if that was actually hopoo
Here's an EU lobby for you.
Through death
I think people think the artificer wall is bad because they are trying to use it defensively instead of offensively.
you break the cycles of your guilt
>imagine actually wanting to use steamworks and networking with underage Yea Forums fags just to play a shittier remake of the original game
can you link me to the han-d blog?
Dry lake looked like shit, though. The fuck are you on about? And again, music has nothing to do with it being 3D.
What the heck happened
it's some laptop i got 3 years ago now. not meant for games. i usually run things in smaller windows to play them efficiently. that, or stick to indie titles. god it hurts
Does anyone know where the secret room in the aqueduct area is?
They actually still come to these threads and play secretly, and are apparently really proud and happy.
Look it up, it's on their dev log.
devs if you're reading this please add my nigga acrid
do you get the 2nd copy if you buy it from humble?
Does it involve gaining brouzouf, and backstabbing a helicopter?
EU Lobby need one more
that's how i got my copy of the game
hopoo if you post even the tiniest WIP of acrid model i will draw acrid buying 1000 copies of the game right now
based hopoo
didn't forget his roots
talk shit get fucked
>Look it up, it's on their dev log.
where exactly on their blog does it say that? genuinely curious
Activate two buttons on the map to open a gated tunnel near the edge of one of the sides.
Get in bros we going up.
friendly reminder that soundtrack is nowhere as good as the first one, and if you think otherwise you're delusional
>tfw have eye
>never found anyone to play it with
>seems like a hassle to play solo
feels fucking SHIT man
>Dry lake looked like shit, though
It did its job: Shows you that something has happened here and the aliens are pissed. The discovery and the notion of hostility is pervasive throughout RoR1.
>And again, music has nothing to do with it being 3D.
Oh right that's what the discussion was. I'm not that guy. I think RoR2 has a unique atmosphere to it, for sure. I just wish it were more in like with the first game's.
i dont get it
Hopoo, you know the drill. My boy Chef or bust.
rimanah you bastard
google you stupid nigger, I checked it out & found it in 10 seconds by googling "hopoo Yea Forums"
open wide here comes the airplane
If the devs are reading this I just want to say thanks for one of the most fun games I've played in a long time. Both RoR1 and RoR2 bring all of my friends together that I've had over the years.
Same. Post profile?
So is there no end level now?
watching some streamer with giveaway in their title. they gave away 3 copies. the trick is to linger in the smaller streams
how do rusty lockboxes look like? i have two keys
Has anyone found any Deadbolt references? There has to be or will be at least one...
>It's just as atmospheric as the first one was. The Roost opening level is fucking fantastic.
No.. no it isn't. You'd have to be blind to say that.
>Not related to it being 3D.
I never said it is. I said the OST "doesnt help this either" in relation to atmosphere.
>What the fuck? None of the enemies are dumbed down, though. Most of them even have new attacks.
all golem damage can be completely prevented just by holding the movement button. they will never hit you. fire sprites deal close to zero damage and can be ignored unless one of them gets a burning infusion. yaks practically can't damage you as long as you move similar to golems. the list goes on.
the game is very braindead right now. I haven't seen any multi game go less than 60 minutes. Nobody is having any difficulty.
when you unlock the artificer, does it work for your whole party?
Ehh EYE is better off played solo. The narrative and batshit dialogue is really intriguing and deserves a careful combing, a combing you don't get if you and your mate are having a goof, a gaff, a laugh.
You either die or Obliterate yourself at the Obelisk.
it's not in yet
Why would they give Artificer a jetpack if she never uses it properly. It upsets me.
What's a Shrine of Order there's two in this map? Costs 1 Lunar to activate but I'm trying to save 10 for the stuck dude
I really like these turret bros
Probably gonna be added in over the course of early access.
>decided to try mp
>join random lobby
>lags like crazy
Damn, guess matchmaking doesn't really care about connection quality. Guess I'm better wait until my friend will be free.
I only really die when I get spammed out by Elder Lemurians, bullshit related to Vagrant's fuck you attack, and sometimes getting disorientated with the worm.
>gameplay loop
The yaks are fucking hilariously unfinished. That better be the first thing they fix. They are one of the best enemies in the first game, and here they are fucking nothing.
Where's the stuck dude for the Lunar Coins?
How's the music?
>edgey the edgehog
>sanic blanco
>evil luigi
>evil mario?
>self insert?
Can you get into that room behind the grated door in the desert area?
Guys when is Miner? I love miner
1 more
while i do enjoy the music in RoR2 i can't help but agree that the music of the original is more memorable. it also seems to provoke a feeling of the unknown and sci fi-y
Yeah, You can.
Its just that you need friends.
Me on the left.
lurk moar
I can't
I'm sure I can get randos to do it. But how?
listens to mercenary hype, unlocks him, gets wrecked. what am i doing wrong bros?
Next to the newt
where that
merc needs good drops, without them he's not great but with him he's anime incarnate
Desuuuuuuu I'm with this guy. If Risk of Rain 1 had quickplay or server browser options, I'd probably be playing that, instead. I think other Risky veterans feel the same.
If you're on the ground you're doing it wrong
There are pressure plates strewn among the map, Get a full lobby to stand on em and you can open the door.
That Bazaar between realms or whatever. After using the blue portal.
Whats a "Lunar" and where/how do I get it?
I'd rather play both now, actually
>Huntress in 2 is teleport spam incarnate
risky veterans know how to host games so they don't care about how much simpler MP is to set up in RoR2.
Can someone tell me how to edit the files to get the dang Lunar Tokens
In the Time Bazaar, go through the blue portal that sometimes opens after completing a teleporter challenge. There you can trade in items for new ones, spend lunar on special items good until you die, or spend 10 lunar on the new character.
Lunar Coins have a small chance or dropping when you kill enemies.
Thanks, any cool things in there?
Struggled to find the tele for at least 30 minutes on level 1 getting used to the new perspective.
webm wont fit, so my.mixtape.moe
Also, any of you guys switching up your controls? I may bind sprint to a mouse button or dodge roll. I don't play a lot of FPS since TF2, and never used shift much.
Use your dash to stop any ching chang mother fucker from looking your way since it 100% stuns every time you hit with it. Use it to hit multiple enemies in a row. Eviscerate gives you i-frames, so use it whenever the vagrant is about to nuke you.
retards only
answer me you shits
I haven't done it.
Except for the fact that you have to wait on people's schedules to line up if you want to host for RoR1, whereas you can jump in and play for 2.
activate it and find out :^)
which character is that? never fully completed RoR1
I've spent 20 minson second level just looking for teleporter. Found it in a place i passed by like 3 times. Shit needs to glow or smth.
>Rebind movement ability to F
>Rebind sprit to shift
Didn't see any reason to rebind the other shit
Criticism is fine senpai. But Hopoo are good bros, they aren't some AAA developer. There's a big message saying "This is early access, and not finished, so please help us out by reporting what you do or dont like etc" They'll make it as good as they can.
It rearranges your items so all your whites will vanish but stack into one of the whites you already have, same with greens and reds. Tried it and got 15 goat hooves, 5 missile launchers, and 2 alien heads. Shit was cash but I had no sustain.
doesnt the switch port of ror1 have quickplay and lobbies?
what kind of teleport challenge? i was hunting for newt shrines and i couldn't find shit
also, does the unlock for artificer affect party members?
>two of the giant mega robots somehow both spawned on the same level
>we spend ages farming to repair them
>do it
>absolutely decimate the boss
>get to the next level
>they both get wedged in spawn
>4 magma worms
i dont see the appeal in this artificially difficult shitshow
>can't host 8 players
>can't have funballs
>everything looks like babby's 2nd day in blender
jesus christ and you even bought into the early access shit
How do I git gud with Artificer? I'm just not getting it.
el bandito is next on the agenda
>buy 1 get 1 free
yeah sure why not
When you activate a teleporter you start a teleporter challenge, ie killing the boss and charging it up
how do i find hte obelisk
i just need to unlock him one surviver
Are you retarded?
>If Risk of Rain 1 had quickplay or server browser options, I'd probably be playing that, instead.
How exactly does the 3d printer work? Can you choose what you put into it or does it just take a random item?
any idea of how to unlock him? or is it even in the game yet
reach 8th stage
finish tele
go through portal
>i am a brainlet who doesn't know how to enter IPs into a prompt and port forwarding
hahahaha such a faggot
Yeah but it only supports 2 players online
random. it'll prioritize the item you like the most and/or just got because fuck you
I got it just by completing a teleporter, it said "A celestial portal opens." Not sure if I did anything to trigger it, if I did it was an accident. Had about 6 hours of playtime and 12 or so games completed.
He's a character from the first game who hasn't been added yet
user...are you okay?
>Except for the fact that you have to wait on people's schedules to line up if you want to host for RoR1, whereas you can jump in and play for 2.
Found the glass player.
>want this game
>all my friends already passed out their codes
>3d difficulty is the same as 2d difficulty
We need a mod for 10 players.
>no matchmaking
>forced to play exclusively with autistic faggots from Yea Forums
so it's confined purely to rng?
also, still really need to know if artificer unlock is shared or not
portal shows up on the arctic level sometimes that can take you there
random item of its tier, so a green printer will always take green for example
Shiiiit I haven't had this stage yet
>3d printer with soldier's syringe
ops meant to qoute
What's the best way to get a free copy?
I'm living in poverty/monk mode and can't really afford games right now unfortunately.
worth convincing 3 friends to buy it?
WTF Yea Forums I thought you loved my game
this. aint never buying this trash that's 2
dumb bunny poster
you only need to convince one friend to buy it
it's off the cliff of the swamp place, look for a little cave
are there any more hidden areas like it?
>robots chain gun snapshots crit chance
>get the 100% crit active item and use it
>100% crit till you stop shooting
E.Y.E is really good solo.
Have friends
that was some good shit
new area
this game is cringe. also fuck niggers and kikes and fuck hopoo too
>not playing glass
are you one of those shitters who used to join and die within 10 seconds first round? you really should kill yourself
finding the teleporter is not fun
>want this game
>already spent too much money recently due to Sekiro and don't wanna be irresponsible with money
Sekiro was damn good and I don't regret a thing buying it, but the replayability really sin't there unless you're a speedrunner. Fuck it, I can wait I guess. Let my wallet recover before impulse buying this.
>tfw had a look into it & couldn't figure it out
the rabbit hole goes really fucking deep straight into the facepunch.steamworks api
you might be able to do it with a simple function call to set the max player count to a higher value, but there's likely still clientside checks that would have to be overwritten so they could join a server the client thinks is full regardless
There's a challenge for finding one in the desert level
I hope they don't fix this exploit or generally nerf the bot, they never fixed bandit's speed boost so why this? He's unbalanced as fuck but super fun
uh, how?
Risk of Rain is a western roguelite Phantasy Star Online 2.
Remember to hand all fungus to the Engineer. You never stand still anyway you autistic fuck, but the turrets do.
Who hurt you user?
>he bought sekiro
>activate crit item while shooting
>shots don't crit
>have to stop shooting and start again
yeah makes sense
>mfw I was too stupid to realize this until seeing this post
Gold orb and gold portal. It's a challenge area. Quite fun.
How do shrines work in this one? Like, I'm activating combat shrine, kill some mobs and what am I getting?
>those three shitposters who keep talking about how much they don't like something
Have a copy of the game if anyone wants to trade some dota items for it
this, I don't even play Engie but having the healstation set up with like 3 fungus is a wonder to behold
Cash. The shrines that look like hands will up the boss count when the teleporter is activated.
i managed to get to that area with the gold orb statue but i died because it spawned 3 titans and i barely had any place to hide
what special about it anyway?
Why do I always get invalid Lobby ID lads?
>Gold portal
>wtf is this
>Fucking Golem den
>Million laser sights on my ass
>Spend 30 minutes figuring out where the fuck the gold beacons are while dodging beams
>Try to dodge cheap laser
>Not even at 400 mph
>Can't stand near anything with that much chaos
>Invincible phase boss
Who would have thought the gold boss would be the cheapest one, nigger got me with a sliver of HP left. What does he reward?
in secret shop now lads
does anyone have cheat engine code for lunar coins, i don't have 10
i changed it in .ini but i guess it doesn't work while in game
They don't play smaller video games
Canada West
Get in here r*tards
What's on the island lads?
How does the game play with a controller? Sort of feel like sitting back but don't want to gimp myself.
Just use cheat engine faggot.
you're right hopoo wont update the game at all they're scum
I think invalid lobby id is a full lobby
try out this one, it's EU but I doubt we'll fill it so you can just leave after
Pretty sure it's Risk 1 is not shy about the notion that what the player is doing is not a noble act, merely survival. Risk 2 is really playing up the fact that it's a fun video game, and I'm 100% sure that's intentional. It won't be some Kojima-tier MGS2 stuff, but it'll be neat for us fucks who like the lore of Risk 1.
2 more
You think playing solo is a bad idea, let me tell you how wrong you are. Any Yea Forums lobby goes quick in missions but when you get back to temple there's ALWAYS that one guy who shoots rimanah in the face, ALWAYS.
Unfortunately, as evidenced by RoR2 already surpassing 800% of RoR1s peak players I think it's safe to assume RoR1 is doomed to irrelevancy as all the zoomers will automatically write off ror1 because 2d = bad
anime boipussies
Hold on, I'll join too
Is this DoD/Nier reference?
A death barrier. Don't try it.
well I wanted to play it with someone who's oblivious to it
turns out we might fill it, need one more
Cool thanks
sounds gay
>niggers already stealing money
Sick Cyberpunk ost
I made this because I just got done with the worst fucking game of my life with some faggots from this thread. For the love of god this is a team game if you want to play singleplayer, just play singleplayer.
Look at my boys. I'm so proud
The item effect itself sounds like a thing from Path of Exile
it warped me back when I jumped on the last container. I thought it was really inviting me across but no.
nevermind that went to hell real fucking fast lol
oh damn
Jesus Christ this image looks like shit.
that would be amazing if it was, but we'll never know because confirming in this day and age is PR nightmare.
holy BASED
Engineer is basically cheating, with a few mushrooms for turret healing and literally any AOE items he is unkillable
Yeah it does, but apparently its needed because niggers don't know how to play the fucking game.
fuck you bitch, that tele is activating instantly. you can buy shit after the boss is dead.
>when your outside it will flash
please user
why are all the trees 2d sprites that turn to face you?
Spacegame 2017
>Mushrooms and Stun Grenades
>God mode activated
Game's over. I carried my friends who kept dying every level for a while before a random fireball killed me
>miner when?
how can they launch the game without the best class?
I feel like a retard for asking but how the fuck do you unlock new biomes?
How do i repair radar towers?
>Find tele
>Activate it
>Everyone can only buy 1 chest out of the 15 that spawn in the level
Lol, rope as many normalfags as possible into buying the game even if they don't understand or know why we enjoy it. Help Hopoo pocket all the normiebux, then enjoy playing RoR2 for years while normies fuck off and play their walking sims and call of duty.
>don't fucking activate it until 3 more people say they are ready
get git you fuckers I'm hitting it when I see it. we have places to fucking be
4 part description is like weapon stories has.
And [observers] are Watchers.
I too like entering the third level with each player having 6 items
You're really saddening.
Is it me or do drones never die? Also some of the drones are big as fuck, but I guess it makes sense in a 3D space.
>reeee normies i'm really cool and underground
RoR1 was reviewed by TotalBiscuit and has 18,000 reviews, it's normie in the sphere of indie releases.
what kind of toaster are you playing on
depends on how it gets aggro
some bosses will definitely kill your drones
everything else aside from the wisps can barely hit it because it flies around too much
It looks like my time has come. It has been an honor shitposting with you gents.
fucking jojo spoilers even in ror threads fuck you motherfuckers
Wait wait
What are the gold orb statues and how do I find them
Thanks for making this user, jesus christ watching you idiots activate the teleporter while theres still chests left, then taking every fucking boss item from mountain shrines is the worst thing. No wonder you faggots played Glass and Funballs only in ROR1, nobody knows how to play the regular game without it.
>that Mult-D against the world
>goes to 5 HP 5 times
So close.
This, the only stage where stalling tele is acceptable is 1
>Find tele
>Kill everything
>Use your boss money to buy all the chests instead of wasting 10 minutes of level scaling for no reason
The third stage isn't difficult when you're only on hard scaling because you haven't been fucking around for half an hour
>got thumped by vagrant and died before i saw it
join up fellas
Can you up the player cap like in the first one?
Im playing on highest settings, but all the trees look like webm related
does nobody else have this?
theyre just random spawns like the other statues
i was 2 hours into the game yesterday and i activated it because it thought it was the gambling statue and im like 12 hours into the game and ive never seen it ever again
Make enemy models and collision more consistent and give mercenary enemy step from dmc and he becomes good.
What are some co-op rules/etiquettes? I don't wnat to join someone and fuck everything up
Write a 3 paragraph essay on why you deserve my spare copy along with your email so I don't actually have to be friends with trash like you and if I deem it acceptable I'll send it to you
Thats wrong though. If you activate the teleporter instantly, you dont have any money, then get fucked upon later levels when you have no items to combat bosses spawning as regular enemies, especially when you go back and repeat it again.
post region cucklord
>This, the only stage where stalling tele is acceptable is 1
how the fuck do you get good at this game?
I love the combat but there's so many enemies at once, the fire heads just close in and pound my ass
I've heard the starting character sucks, which might be why I've been having such a hard time
triple mountain first room lets go
Never noticed anything like this
Farm money, use money to activate these beacons or w/e. After some time some golden boss golem appears, but is invincible. When you activate all beacons, you can damage him, but only for a limited time, then you have to farm gold and activate beacons again. Only been there once, died in the second damage phase feels bad man
don't be a fucking nigger
I don't want games from someone that doesn't want to be my friend, fuck you
one literally just got posted, look up you dumbass
>Mercenary isn't good
He's incredible, especially when compared to 1.
Pretty much free to do whatever, but only take 1 of the items in the teleporter if no shrine mountain.
>magma worm spawns
>auto die
You're a faggot
And I hate you
Give me the game or I kill you
Exactly my thoughts. RoR 1 OST >>>> RoR 2 OST.
Was it a different composer/musician ? Or he just lost his magical touch when RoR left pixel heavens for 3D lands?
RoR2 is great game anyway.
>Dash, dash dash
Vice versa, repeat.
I think his base sword could do a little more damage, but yeah, he's fucking great.
Nigger, how? Just dash through worm 3 times then hit R.
does nobody read posts in Yea Forums, this seems like a recurring theme
I'd rather go without game and bored out of my mind than with your copy you cocky bitch. Fuck you.
>send my copy to a friend that never heard about RoR before
>after one day he's better than me in every endgame statistic
i want to be good at video games
Anyone figure out cheat engine yet, I've been playing for 8 fucking hours and have only found 2 lunar coins. Magic nigger is the only nigger I haven't unlocked yet.
instantly use the teleport as soon as you find it
items are shared so feel free to pick up whatever items your allies may have missed, theyll appreciate you!
good luck and have fun user!
How's about you eat shit and die you fuckin self-righteous prick
just give it out you cunt
>Get fungus
>Stand next to shrine
>Collect free money
>elder lemurian on any difficulty that isn't easy
>sneezes on you suddenly
>you're now fucked
he takes so long to kill a magma worm like this, though
Has anyone found any secrets apart from the 2 button gate in zone 2 and the blue portal?
>Or he just lost his magical touch when RoR left pixel heavens for 3D lands?
Oh my fucking god, are we really entering the "double reverse falseflag bait" stage of thread shitposting ON DAY 2?
I fucking hate this board these days.
>Works with an integrated Intel HD 3000 when you set your display resolution to 800x600 and the game to 400x300 :)
Heavily recommended!
So it is just me that thinks that he keeps getting better after every single game he composes the soundtrack for?
it looks just like ror1!
the risk of rain 1 experience
now that's what I call soul
good game boys
holy shit i just soloed 5 stone titans as artificer and lived, i've never had my heart pumping so fast
Say how do I go into the files and unlock all the characters?
do get unlocks if you play on easy? i want to grind out some shit
Is more than one Mountain Shrine guaranteed to spawn if one does?
anyone else's hand get really strained playing this?
When did this release?
no lol
It's literally just 1-3 autists trying to shit up the thread for some reason. Ignore them like you'd ignore Barry/ACfag/Barneyfag/tripfags/etc.
this is fucking SOUL
No. If theres 1 mountain shrine your not guarenteed to get another one after it. I've personally seen 4 mountain shrines in 1 level. Shit gets crazy
dude, my right hand is literally fucking broken and I'm still playing
don't be a bitch
as merc, what item is the item that lets me have multiple charges of whirlwind?
>it gives turrets a second life too
Poster count never goes up, they all type the same. It's just a handful of retards trying to spoil the fun. Ignore them.
i can't be fucked doing the requirements for my man engi, how do i unlock him by the game files?
Extra clips.
u mad
i rebound ping to mouse4 because middle mouse button broke
just my finger
i rebound my tilde key to use my m1 ability though my finger has already been sore from playing sekiro a few days ago
i can't the teleporter in the lava level!! I'm almost at impossible!!
>censoring names
hate this meme
just play the game you lazy retard
yeah man hand gets real tired, whats up with that
everything he said is correct though?
sorry it doesn't fit your opinion, but as an adult without autism you should learn to respect differences between people
This was fun but I couldn't find the last Halycon Beacon before we died.
Where the fuck are all the drawfriends? I need more ass damnit!
lets try again, EU
Engineer is F U N
this bad boy
its so fucking good with bandoleer
funnest game ive ever had with huntress
backup magazine
>i can't be fucked to play 30 levels
Reminder that there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW, that wants to fuck the beetle queen
North Amerika East
is there a way for to get more than a 4 player lobby?
Is there a possibility the tele might have spawned in a wall or something? I've been looking for 15 fucking minutes
Huntress is the only char I'm good at because I suck shit at aiming.
US: 109775240998603367
i'll try hosting i guess, just going to do one run though until we all die unless we die really fast
3/4 EU
This game you are discussing looks very cool how fun is it? The game reminds me off Slay The Spire
have you seen her chest?
>no criticism allowed
you guys might want to try out reddit or discord instead
I'd take one guy like who can help improve the game over both of you worthless bootlickers
Post yfw you get THAT item
>tfw you get 3 backup magazines as merc
There HAS to be an easier way to find the teleporters
god I love the gameboy color
>I suck shit at aiming
sure you are
and its totally not because you want to look at her booty
but we already have 3 people
i just want to be comfy with my turrets, i don't want to have to play commando for 30 levels
fo rme in RoR1 it was that icicle close-range aoe on enemy kill
sadly it doesn't have the same feel in 3d
no, post it
What the fuck do I get for finishing a combat shrine
seems like dick all
there are little reddish embers coming off of them, you can see them around if you look hard enough.
try not being blind
the sparkles are easy af to see even on the red map
It just summons enemies for you to kill
Holy shit, how do you unlock that? That seems broken as fuck. I'd literally have infinite i-frames and air time with Merc.
Do the stages ever stop looping?
Money and experience.
man that afterburner is so fucking good
But user, you can't paizuri that.
it's unlocked by default but it's a rare so getting it is a pain in the ass
>pick up that rocky formation looking red item
>steal power of elites
>anytime i kill a blue elite half my health bar disappears
nice epic
not with that attitude
>find 5x times an item that gives you additional equipment uses
>just go around and piss missiles at everyone
Command is gonna be super broke here
i picked it up off a chest on my first few runs when i just bought it
it seems to be unlocked by default, but its just rare i guess since its the same quality as the ceremonial dagger
Should I buy this game full price,wait for sale or beg a friend?
is this bait? you get shield that takes up half your hp bar, your hp stays the same
join if you're a good boy
I will fucking kick any Command begging niggers from my games. Command literally took the fun out of RoR1
i refuse to go slow
open up chests on your way to the tp
you have 30 seconds to loot after the boss dies
get fucked slowfags
The downsides of not being able to use any sort of continuous healing honestly seems to make this item nearly useless. Maybe it's just me though.
Pick 1st or 3rd options. The game deserves support.
What's over there?
>no command
oh boy lets see how far we can go
>with command
oh boy lets see HOW FAR we can go
This game trascends what my fucking cpu can handle thats for sure
how well does this run on toasters? would like to play
beat me to it, motherfucker
Reminder that we should not let the usual clique meme about glass mode like before and ruining the fun of the game.
user I know you thought this was really cool, but you cannot survive loops without being prudent about items. If that's fine with you, well more power to you I suppose.
that hook thing looks satisfying as fuck
>Dont get any items
>Everyone dies on the second level
We got stuck in our capsules twice in a row. The game earlier 3 of our guys started clipping through the floor.
also they should completely remove that stupid lock on chests and shrines while you activate the tele
>TPK because not enough items
where i'm from, faggots like you get the speeding ticket.
The hell is that hook item?
Turn off corpses
Reduce effects
I’m running this shit on a potato of a laptop so you can too user!!
an invisible wall that warps you back
I tried
guaranteed knurl
>one afterburner makes engi shields have 1 second downtime
>but you have 3 shields total so that's negligible
>face tank medusa explosions like it's going out of style
this has to be fixed
cant join
>No command
>Fun builds with a variety of shit, good and OP items where you have to adapt on the fly and can't steamroll using your nigger kike builds from RoR1
>found a 3D printer of Soldier's Syringe wiht MUL-T
So this is what power feels like
you can only reach the second box, when you try to go to the third you tp back to land
>Command literally took the fun out of RoR1
Sure if you played without glass.
Just play without glass, then? What is this middle school bullshit?
glass objectively makes the game more fun though. shooting bullet sponges sucks.
command can fuck off though
Sometimes the teleporters literally don't spawn in for some people. I was playing with some friends last night, and while me and two others could see the teleporter, the fourth couldn't see it at all. It just didn't show up for him. He was sitting right next to me so I could look over and sure enough, there was no teleporter.
Also had issues with falling through the levels over and over again.
>Game made by anons from /agdg/ is on the top of Steam top selling beating out even Sekiro
Can anyone really deny that we're better than other faggot web communities like Reddit, Tumblr, or SA?
This is my wife Huntress. Say something nice about her.
>Soldier's Syringe
>Change to laser
Does Syringe have a cap like in RoR1?
Need to know if any of the items have a cap.
how tf it fill up so quick
>falling through the levels over and over again
did you accidentally download ror1
busted is what it is
She has a FAT ASS
Imagine having ADHD
I want to plug her butt
Can confirm. It happened to my sess too. I, the host, was fine, but the other Yea Forumstards got clipped through the floor continously.
>That hair
>those eyes
user no
How in the fuck does Reddit or SA think that they're better than us when they're completely incapable of creating OC or anything of quality?
Also faggots on Yea Forums really need to stop being so self hating. We're shit but we're still better than everyone else.
considering RoR2 has 800% more players than RoR1, yes, I can deny that. RoR2 is obviously getting brigaded by discord and reddit
Oh, that user who was asking how to unlock "Back Up Mag," complete the challange called "Flawless." Complete the teleporter trial without taking any damage.
I can't believe tumblr is already poisoning /ourgame/
its easier to survive loops if it doesnt take you 1 hour to loop
Just finished a 2 hour run where i got 500k+ points and unlocked mage the only character i didn't have. Damn i'm really digging this game.
how 2 turn off bloom
option is broke atm. Bug Hopoo about it.
Its easier to survive loops if I have items because some retard keeps activating the teleporter and not letting me get any items
I was going to tell you that there's an option for it before I remembered that you can't actually turn it off. I tried too
Canada West again. Huntress only
That's why, if one wants to survive a loop with most ease, one needs a balance between pure speed and pure munchkinery.
does anyone know where i can find the pirated copy?
i just want to see if it runs on my laptop to give my friend the okay to buy
this. fuck people who start without even asking. it bars everyone from getting items.
>buy one copy and get another for free
What is this bullshit? Any place actively giving away copies of the game? I can just buy one if that's not the case
>Game is all about getting overwhelmed and trying to deal with that
>Glassfags want to remove this whole aspect and just one-shot anything that appears on the screen instantly.
goat hoof and Soldier's Syringe 3D printers are the nectar of the gods
fuck wurms desu
Somebody host, you fags
>dying on easy/medium
What the FUCK does the rusted key do?
I just got a run ruined because sequence gave me 15 of them.