What’s up with boomers trying to get rid of their kids’ video games? They think because we are out of the house that we would just forget?
What’s up with boomers trying to get rid of their kids’ video games...
Get your own space. Problem solved zoomie.
Poor parents
I'd say kill yourself but that would make them sad, fix your life OP
You should take all your shit with you when you move out
Fuck off boomer. My video games are staying in your useless guest room whether you like it or not. And I MIGHT play them when I come to visit
This is why you're an ugly virgin
As soon as my kid moves out, anything that he doesn't take with him is going in the trash where it belongs.
Boomer cope. Throw you in a nursing home and spend your inheritance on sega saturn controllers
It's your own fault for leaving your shit at home. Either bring it with you, or get a storage unit and put your stuff into it.
so your family is just supposed to shelter your shit?
why don't you move it at your place, or will you not having some empty space really be that much of a problem?
Take the Sega and then throw them in a black staffed nursing home in a few years
how ironic that the copeposter is pointing at other people and telling them they're the ones doing it. do you know what projection is, kiddo?
Get yer own storage zoomer shithead
>implying the guy too poor to afford space for his junk can afford to send their parents to a nursing home
>yes move out asap
>yes get in debt, debt is good
>get tons of credit cards hehehe
>never use the family unit for support!
How did you let the jews convince you this is the way to live?
>You got something to replace it with?
available space? retard
There's plenty of low income nursing homes that treat the residents like shit.
Shouldn't be too hard
Do you know what blatant shitposting is?
If you don't you're not a real man
Time to fly from the coop little bird!
Storage is cheaper than that and he can't even afford it for his shitty saturn.
It's disgusting. The family system is completely broken here in America.
I mean, throwing your own kid out on the street at 18 is insane. Who would do that to your own child?
And the credit system is pure evil. I can't believe this usury runs so deep.
i..it's just shitposting bro
Storage is cheaper, yet less rewarding.
If he put his mind to it he could find a nursing home in Detroit and stick them in there for pennies a day
why should I work I want people to support ME
>get tons of credit cards hehehe
Wow, zoomers are truly a failed experiment. Even the fucking Mickey Mouse cartoons we watched growing up told us that credit cards are a scam. But you couldn't figure that out before it was too late, hahahahahaha
He can't even put his mind to having a place where he doesn't have to worry about dumbfuck parents throwing his saturn away.
>getting in debt is bad
>having a broken family system is bad
>"whoa there commie"
Imagine having such a slave mentality that you think any of this is good
Makes sense parents who let their kids play vidya raised a child like you
I don't know of anyone who was actually thrown into the streets at 18 that actually had a proper home. Even people I know that failed out of college just went back home. In fact, a common trend right now in America is more adults are living at home even after college while saving up.
If they have something they want to put here he should move it. I don't see the point in wasting even more space for a tv and a fucking console, just so the bitch in the picture "Julie" can have more empty space.
>still lives with parents
>why don't girls want to date me?
Why do Americans kick their kids out at 18? I mean if you guys are gonna do it at least copy german and throw them out at 14 or something.
You can be making 6 figures by 28 with the right job. Maybe instead of wasting your school years on vidya you learn skills and go get an actually useful degree. Enjoy living with your parents until you're 30. The hottest girls don't go home with guys who don't own their own place so get used to your hand too
Because all the people who are raising kids now are the ones who were thrown out by their literal Baby Boomer nigger tier parents. It's amazing that everyone who has experience with boomers wants to be nothing like them
Honestly if they don't the kid will never leave. Most parents don't want their 35 year old son still living with them, jobless and with no education, no prospects for a life beyond leaching off them until they're dead and then becoming another family member's problem. You have to kick them out at some point.
>wasting so much money on video games
the only way is to pirate vidya so you can use your money to travel the world and see new places
Weird projection here lad
Yeah they should do better with their degrees, now excuse me while I hire exclusively low wage third world era to do my tech jobs.
>muh hottest girls
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
>maybe instead of wasting your school years on vidya you learn skills and go get an actually useful degree
>useful degree
get a load of this boomer, thats not how the world works anymore, now it's about experience more than degrees trade schools are what matter now
uh I'm homosexual, bro
Women aren't shit. Just save money until you're 30 and bang girls fresh out of high school
Why do they need that? Their house, their rules. This "only get rid of the shit if you have stuff to put there" is stupid.
On average, they don't. It's just that when a kid wants to go out there, parents aren't going to stop them or bugger them to come back home and stay home.
>Yes goy, pay for my rent
>I am increasing rent 20% this year, but you know its worth it for those girls.
Bring your shit when you move out, retard.
>Their house, their rules.
Because a family is a community, not a state dictatorship.
>moving out, need to make a second trip
>tell parents that I'm going to be back in a few hours to get the rest
>empty truck and go back
>everything is gone
>"we didn't think you were coming back so we took it all to the dump."
Been 17 years and I haven't said anything to them.
Almost everyone I know moves out around 18/19 and honestly I couldn't imagine not doing it, the freedom it affords you is great. But then again, I wouldn't have been able to without the state study support you get here. Which is what decent nations do.
What's the point in not storing something in a presumably unused closet? If they want it for "empty space" then they're just throwing it out for no reason.
Retarded Boomers are used to thinking that a house is nice house is like $10k and education was $10 a class so they think clearly everything is still that price somehow and if you can't afford it you're a lazy shitter.
>going into debt to impress girls
my reply would be "I could rent storage for $35 but that's a lot of money to spend for some "empty space"
meh my kid will be smart enough to pirate and not hoard useless clutter and ancient abandonware
But if I don't pay for everything she wants and her rent, how will she like me?
>Because a family is a community
Nice fairy tale. Growing up you have parents telling you what to do or not do all the damn time.
Using your reasoning all the trash hires that Blizzard had shouldn't have been fired until Activision had something to replace them with, keeping pointless garbage floating around the offices and wasting space. That's stupid. It's the parents private property. If they want to make space it's more than within their right to do so.
Why weren't you just born rich? Why did you decide to be poor?
>Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
I don't even get this analogy. Are you saying you can get girl's breastmilk for free?
You joke but in the south mothers raise their daughters to look for and try to marry rich men as a way of being successful. That mindset is very common.
I was born poor, but I decided to stay poor.
just bee yourself bro
Some people don't like clutter.
My family has my shit until i can buy my own house. If they dont want it there, i will have to get a storage unit instead.
Comparing a family to a business is insane. It's not even related at all. There's no inborn bonds or familial love with a fucking corporation
>Nice fairy tale. Growing up you have parents telling you what to do or not do all the damn time.
There is a difference between educating a children and thinking you own him, his stuff and all the things in the house. My parents always gave me a corner for myself.
I didn't realize so many people had this problem. As much as my mom and I don't see eye to eye she's at least keeping my stuff in storage while I work and attend uni. Must suck to have a family that'll backstab you in the end, at least I've always been aware mine can and will at any moment.
>import millions of people to steal jobs from other people's kids
>make off like bandits from all of the savings
>"Why can't my kid find a job? I only imported workers to steal jobs from other people's kids!"
>I mean, throwing your own kid out on the street at 18 is insane
Is an extremely rare thing to happen, and even if it does, odds are you had shitty parents since birth.
I know bro. It's insane here in Texas. They're all cookie cutter and looking for their multi-millionaire Prince Charming.
What else are women good for?
this is the only thing on Yea Forums to ever actually make me mad congrats
There's no inborn bonds or familial connection between a parent and their son's videogame console either.
Parents get to dictate to children how to live their lives all the damn time until they can move out the house, but not the other way around. It's not an equivalent community like you think it is.
It's American culture though
>tfw you family loves and supports you no matter what
Your parents house isn't a free fucking storage shed. Have some respect for your parents and for yourself too, why would you want to be someone that treats people this way?
Sorry your parents were shitty.
>Been 17 years and I haven't said anything to them.
>tfw have opposite problem and mom keeps sending me random knick-knacks and furniture to my place when I really don't want it
Fuck, I want my shitty little studio apartment to be sparse so it's easier to move and I just really don't like having clutter.
what's going on itt
>families shouldn't treat each other as equals and cooperate
That's insane. You don't have children just to use them
But how do you get a girl's breastmilk for free tho? I don't understand????
>I just really don't like having clutter.
then give her something else to do
When I know they won't be home I bring shit back to their house. I've been given the same coffee table multiple times.
Sometimes I wish mine didn't
Thank you graph user. You're our truly greatest ally
What backstab? The parents asked, and rather than just answering with no, he chimped out and changed the name of their family group chat as a protest.
They aren't though. They're fucking great and everything they raised me with was with my best interests at heart. I didn't understand that at all growing up and even resented them for all the rules and the discipline, but have come to do so long after I moved out. I'm just outright telling you that your parents can dictate what time you get home, know where the fuck you're going, ground you if you fuck up, but you literally cannot do the same to them. How is that not a lopsided "community"?
It's not even about experience anymore.
It's about who you know and how much they like you.
wtf I don't want to get replaced by a robot
What does it taste like Yea Forums?
yeah those morons are too easy to manipulate
>You don't have children just to use them
>Royals arrange marriages for power
>Peasants utilize child labor
Because when a kid does the chores of the house it shouldnt be because the parents are making them do them (or worse, pay them for it) but because they want to help in the house, thats how a community works.
I'm just waiting for mom to die so I can kill myself and not feel bad about leaving her alone.
You forfeit the right to property when you officially change your address with the post office. If you don't take it with you, or put it into storage you pay for, the legal right to dispose of it belongs to the legal residents of the home unless a contract stating otherwise was drafted and signed.
>still living with parents
>don't have to pay rent so all the money I make is spending money
>no debt because didn't fall for the college meme
>got a trade job instead
If you aren't living life on easy mode in 2019 you ain't living.
>thats how a community works
Post the one.
3 4
You know the one.
are you white?
Most women don't care if you live at home these days because they themselves live at home
They know that living alone in a lot of places is almost impossible.
That said, be prepared to move out of your home in about 6 months, because that's what she'll want.
Would be nice but that's not how things work. At least not in this country.
My literal boomer father said kids don't move out until they get married. Probably meant 22-24 but jokes on him I'm 28 and not getting married anytime soon if ever.
The parent should have asked him when he was going to come get it, rather than if they could get rid of it, which could mean a lot of things, like throwing it in the dump or selling it, which is much worse. It shows they have little respect for their kids belongings.
This except I work where I live so I pay reduced pretax rent from my paycheck. I like my privacy.
Daily reminder that cuckservatives support this.
>park car in her garage
>have to hand over the keys
Careful it doesn't happen to you Anons
I had to buy cars three times because I kept forgetting this loophole
try to move out all your valuables now that this exchange happened because the lesson they learned wasn't to leave your stuff alone, it was to not ask before they throw it away
This is why I ran my dad off and am now the de facto man of the house even if I dont live there anymore.
You know how I can tell this is a woman?
Careful they don't bust out the tribalism and strawmen for that post
The point of globalism is muttify the western world so that the new improved race of dumbfuck mutts will gladly accept the many 15000$ a year jobs available after automation will have eaten all the good ones. Enjoy living in a state-owned trailer.
>the virgin parent respecter
>the chad usurper
>Because when a kid does the chores of the house it shouldnt be because the parents are making them do them (or worse, pay them for it) but because they want to help in the house
That's nice and all, but pretty much zero kids will want to mow the lawn or rake the leaves or do the dishes when they can sit on the couch or their room and play vidya. I don't begrudge them that. Kids will want to have fun and chores, while necessary, aren't fun.
That implies that the kid was coming to get it in the first place. You are correct though that throwing it out should not have been their first course of action, they should have asked him if he could come and get it.
Parents sold all my belongings for meth, smokes and booze when I moved out at 18. If I would I'd kill them but they blew up during a cook.
Numbers alone are enough to make me fucking mad
There he goes with his fucking cuckold fantasies again
>Move out
>Leave all the shit you apparently care about there
Thanks Yea Forums, my dad might be a piece of shit but you guys always remind me it could be worse
>it's insane to think that children are not equal to their parents
not him, but that's ridiculous. children are retarded and are completely reliant on the parent for literally everything. therefore, they are not equal to their parents. the parent has the right to discipline the child, revoke the privileges to his posessions (bought with the parents' money, by the way), decide what to buy with their own money, make up all the rules in their household, make the children do chores, and make all of the decisions for the family. the child does not have equal status or authority as the parent, not even close. a household is a benevolent dictatorship, not a democracy, and the parents are authority figures to obey and to learn from, not your friends
>did this in a matter of hours
Dumbfuck boomers can't do anything right.
I'm 23 and saving 70/80% of my pay while living with them, nice life atm
>not taking your videogames with you
honestly if you can't trust yourself to hold onto your belongings and you leave them at your parents house without expressly saying "can i store these here?" then yea you kinda had that coming for being an autist who cant communicate with big boy words and just expect them to mind read you
What's with all this "have sex" responses lately?
Did trannies try to meme some weak willed faggot to fuck them becaue staying a virgin instead of fucking ANYTHING is bad?
I respect you because I would've probably physically assaulted them.
>mom remarries
>sorry user your step dads house doesn't have room for our families belongings so I threw them away
>go visit their house
>house is just the step family belongings and memories with one single token picture of me on the side of the fridge
>anything that could be associated with my childhood home in family got the trash to make room for step family
And that is pretty much stopped considering any of those people family.
>what's going on?
>is it trannies?
>where are the trannies?
>trannies... in the walls... they're everywhere...
have sex
>do you know what projection is, kiddo?
Your entire post.
>oh god I literally can't stop thinking about trannies! >.
redpilled as fuck
>That YouTube video where the guy goes to a garage sale and gets all these good condition impossible to buy SNES game for $5 each.
My mom used to think this way when I first got into crypto.
>but it's under muh roof it's mine!
save hex
Based propane tank taking out the trash
are you me?
>dad remarries
>stepmother makes him throw everything he had from the previous marriage away or shove in the shed
>I am never allowed an impromptu visit and must phone in advance to see if she will allow it
>her daughters from her previous marriage have keys to the house and often go over to swim in their pool when they aren't even home
>they constantly help them out with money and they're allowed to live in one of the houses my dad owns for free while my siblings and I are not allowed to even rent them normally
>dad lets her talk shit on his children and never
says a word
>he recently tried to arrange me a filipina mail order arranged marriage thing because I'm a failure of a man that can't continue his name
the faggot wonders why I have no time for him too
whats fucking worse is that despite it replacing people the prices of everything will still be retardedly expensive. wasn't that the whole point of automation is bring costs down but at the cost of jobs
>>he recently tried to arrange me a filipina mail order arranged marriage thing because I'm a failure of a man that can't continue his name
fucking based
She's Kevin Baconally not wrong. You produced that crypto mining for it, right? Well, she produced you. That's like two degrees of separation of ownership.
The property would be held on constructive trust and you still have full ownership in equity unless you assigned your equitable rights to them in the appropriate form. Generally speaking, ownership can't be transferred without you manifesting an intention to transfer ownership. Unless you live in some shithole jurisdiction that doesn't consider equity.
Are there modern cartoons episodes that tell you how credit cards are (if you are bad at manage them)?
It's an american thing, luckily it's not like that beyond their borders.
>booked him not even with a slav or a gook, but a fucking brown gook
Why not just ship him to Africa.
>My literal boomer father said kids don't move out until they get married.
lol if that was the case I never would have to move out of my parent's house ;_;
>he recently tried to arrange me a filipina mail order arranged marriage thing
Your dad sounds great.
falseflag shitposting, the spiritual successor to 'um no sweetie'
maybe it was cute pinoy?
a lot of the time people are kept in the company and moved to other tasks and sometimes its just because the automation was implemented badly. place i work for was like "we'll get automated vehicles to move skids to shipping so we wont have to hire more forklift drivers to do it!" then realized quickly humans around automated machines don't mix and had to hire a team of people paid just as much as a forklift driver to babysit the machines and reset them when someone drives to close to one or there's skids in the way at the drop zones completely defeating the reason to have them
Maybe he wanted to set him up with a cute girl from Philadelphia and google "fixed" his search for cute Philly girls?
>he recently tried to arrange me a filipina mail order arranged marriage thing because I'm a failure of a man that can't continue his name
Better check the goods. Isn't the Philippines getting close to overtaking Thailand as the ladyboy country of the world?
boomers in aus are obsessed with going over to the Philippines and fucking every shit brown third world gook they can slide their dick into. my dad was harrassing one on skype for like 6 years and would just make a new account every time he blocked her. she added me on facebook through him and begged me to get her to stop. he's an absolute sex pest retard.
>he blocked her.
>begged me to get her to stop
There something about your dad you aren't telling us?
begged me to get him to stop that is. I don't see what's so great about your old man setting you up with a fucking dog faced mutant monkey anyway. especially since they just use you for citizenship to get out of their shithole and then divorcerape you.
>my dad was harrassing one on skype for like 6 years and would just make a new account every time he blocked her.
Why doesn't he just unblock her?
Isn't a sizeble population of philipines infants bastard happas offspring of literal prostitutes and anonymous aussie turists?
Based strokeposter
typing like a spastic this morning. she would block him over and over, he kept making new accounts and then she asked me to get him to stop. he denied it of course even though all the accounts had his naming style.
blessed thread
>also 21 and still living at home
How the hell do i get a job with zero driving skills?
Or regular skills for that matter?
>zero driving skills
How do you fags function without a car? Especially you weebs who grew up with Initial D how do you not like driving?
Not really. Most of them are descendants of bastard children of spaniards and japanese. I lived there for seventeen years and in all that time only one person I knew was anything close to part Australian, with his dad being from Tasmania.
use the power of vidya to train your skills
Recommend:truck sims
my 60+ year old dad drives me around
I only leave the house to play video games with people every few weeks
Whats up with white man coming to shitskin countries to fuck their woman and never coming back?
Are you just going to kill yourself when your dad dies? He's not going to be around to drive you places forever you know.
it's not good to rely on him forever, I did the same but my father passed away, now I'm in a spot where I don't know what to do.
I go on thousand mile road trips because I'm bored. Driving is the most relaxing thing in the world to me.
Prepare to get disowned
>How do you fags function without a car?
By living in a country with public transportation, people that own cars here are called cucks.
If you're single and don't spend much time with family, working the pipelines is very lucrative and you barely do shit. Mostly just walking or handing people shit. And you don't need experience.
>How do you fags function without a car?
By walking or using public transport?
>hehe i said it again
No, you saw it on some reddit post.
>The virgin bus, subway, and rideshare user
>The Chad car driver
>literally reliant on routes and schedules
>not a cuck
Not really fooling anyone with that my dude.
>Implying Chads don't run
Your house is probably filled to the brim. My house is so packed I have to sleep under boxes of junk.
Things NEED to be gotten rid of eventually. If you don't really want it (use it), find someone who will.
Hoarders are the worst scum in the universe.
If your house is filled to the brim then you're a fucking hoarder who can't differentiate between trash and worthwhile items.
yeah probably
t. never even went to the outskirts of a city in his entire life and probably calls people outside the city inbred hicks by virtue of not being in a city
Unless by your walking, you walk a mile through hood nigga territory drunk off your ass on the way back from a bar at 3am, walking is a basic human function, nothing to be proud of, and won't get you to work if you work in a different town.
What's the point of not being a virgin? Making baby zoomers like OP?
>My Shining Sons
the fuck?
>and won't get you to work if you work in a different town.
America is fucked jesus christ. If I wanna go to another city I just pay 10 bucks for the bus and I can take a nap.
Good god are boomers all psychos
not many of you will get it because you haven't crossed that threshold age wise to encounter paths you have to take down the road. you have to pay bills or be a neet all day and play vidya. unless you're making it big in esports or what have you where you're pulling at least 6 digits and can flaunt money everywhere, you really don't have anything worthy to write home about.
i am at that crossroads atm - career finally maturing to the point where i don't get the instant urge to rush to the pc when i get home, and i want to plan to raise a family eventually with a beautiful wife and both prepping for it mentally and financially. as you continue growing up you'll realize that time is limited, and what you do with it becomes more and more important. and that's when gaming takes a backseat. you won't forget or stop doing it altogether, but you've just found another way of maximizing your available resources.
for those who say fuck it all i just wanna video game, i take pity on you. you need to grow your network to a point where you aren't single-reliant on something to lean on. good luck.
thanks for reading my blog
It's a group chat named by the mom. The op's image does a really shitty job censoring it and we can see that her name is Julie.
Is your mom hot?
Boomers hate everyone that isn't part of their generation group.
You like video games, so they want to get rid of it.
Because they hate you.
She looks sorts mom hot in her pic.
you'd have to be a fucking superstar to be making 6 figures off a simple master's degree with no work experience fresh off the degree factories
stop larping you fucking nEET
Boomers literally and eternally BLOWN THE FUCK OUT.
>your inheritance
Only thing you are getting is ruined economy and millions of mexicans, zoomie.
Ok, grandpa.
Almost everyone in my social circle made six figures starting with just bachelors.
Learn to code.
You just need to go to the owner and shake his hand and say that you will be the greatest employee he will ever have.
Because they’re self centered cunts who hate everything that doesn’t directly cater to them. They’re unironically the women of generations.
New forced meme. As usual it's just one person spamming it in every thread.
if your parents forget you in their will, you can sue and get a massive part of the inheritance.
Doesn;t work if they mention you and give you 2 cents though
t. butthurt tranny
>zoomies game collection is destroyed
Nothing of value was lost
t. ranny tranny tranny
Or you could just drive.
Guys. How do you live with your parents? I'm only 19 and I'm fucking sick of them. Love them and all, but can't fucking stand them right now. They're going senile and getting old person grumpy.
My Grandfather gave me this model Star Wars collectable thing in the packaging way back in the mid-90s, my fucking parents threw it out the second I moved out and it's in the 5 digit range on price now.
Fuck you. My house is not a storage shed. I like wide open spaces with no unnecessary clutter. Because it's MY house. I can do that.
LOL you think so, huh? Well, if it's a gamble you're willing to take, feel free to leave them there. Or get a storage shed for $40/month like a big boy who can take care of himself and his things without needing daddy's help.
Not video games retard
>tfw I know how to code
>tfw I despise Java
>tfw salaries are shit
>tfw you need networking to find a job
>tfw unemployed
Skill is the least important part to get a job, some dumb people got better jobs because they knew people.
By not having shitty parents?
Also I have the house to myself every two weeks or so.
You seem to be upset my friend. You will never find a beautiful woman with nice feet if you are angry all the time. May many blessings of Shiva be upon you my friend!
>still in high school
>come home one day
>my mom raided my closet and sold my old super nintendo and about 15 games
I didn't even get a chance to reach an age where moving out was a viable option before my mom started selling my shit.
Then she started forging my name on cheques and contracts and I haven't spoken to her in 6 years now.
Is your mom addicted to something?
Depends on whether or not you did the mining under her roof, and whether or not you paid for the electricity to do it.
If she paid the bills while you made the bucks, you definitely owe her something
You're sharp
Its the one armed bandit.
the only time my parents used not under our roof was telling my sister to stop bringing in beer and yelling at games all night.
Drugs are the niggers of the chemical world
what does that mean
30yo boomer here and I can't stop buying games for myself let alone my kids. Only thing is tv's and computers are not allowed in bedrooms. Everyone plays in the living room
>bringing in beer and yelling at games all night.
She sounds fucking based
I wish it was drugs
If it was drugs she wouldn't have been able to hide it as well (she worked with the public, I think her job even had drug tests). Everyone outside the family figured she was a perfect person.
Insanely bad gambler.
She's just sitting in the bars at the VLTs all night. We kinda grew up in poverty even with her working a fairly middle class wage job.
Slot machine.
purchasing power
>prices falling with the cost
i've seen this shit plenty of times, prices never fucking go down unless the government forces them at gunpoint
god bless capitalism
The ass blistering in this thread
This mindset is why theyre tossing your collection fyi.
>b..b..but muh boomers!