Welcome to my burger shop Yea Forums! Would you like a juicy burger to aid your quest for $1?

Welcome to my burger shop Yea Forums! Would you like a juicy burger to aid your quest for $1?

Attached: Burgershop.png (1036x672, 20K)

No. I just harvested 487 burgers by killing the cows in that field.

Are the burgers traveling companions who will alongside me?

and i'm not going to eat a single one because i might need them later

If that is what you wish for then yes

No, but i'll sell you this literal trash i just picked up from outside your shop

I take one PC please


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I'll take 3, do you have some mayo? Perhaps a little sugar for my coffee?

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>Burger: consumable, restores 3 HP.
Nah you can keep that noob item, I have like a gorillion Superburgers and Megaburgers already.

*opens a shop right beside you selling them at 99 cents ea*

Looks like I'm out of burgers, I should sell my next item, give me one moment

Attached: burger2.png (1036x672, 15K)

There we go.

Attached: burger3.png (1036x672, 15K)

Well played.

The last time we had this thread, like, 20 years ago, was way more fun since it was actually well executed.


Son of a fucking bitch

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burgerfags btfo

Jokes on you. That trash i sold you has a bomb in it.

Jokes on you, you've doomed anyone who ate a burger

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I don't know what you're talking about, I just got done eating all my burgers and I feel perfectly fin-

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can i have uhhh pizza pls

nice cringe thread, op


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what kind of burger is it?

Can I trade you 255 diamonds for that antidote and 5 000 000 $ ?

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this op didn't get somebody to play along and still tried to execute the joke without the setup

shit rehash of an old thread shut it down

I never ate one, and i also got 5 gold pieces for trash
Looks like you lose, burgerseller