ITT: We post kickass gaming tattoos
ITT: We post kickass gaming tattoos
Other urls found in this thread:
>Two right hands
Stop making the same thread. I just saw the last one 404
Looks like someone wanted the Monkey D Luffy tattoo but thought it wasn't original enough so he made a stupid tattoo that doesn't make sense.
Hopefully that's not his beatoff hand or it'll be weird to climax and thank Mario for it.
its in the mirror retard
>"I'm-a-gonna jerk you right-a-off! WAHOO!"
tattoo, more like tatt~ew that shit is ugly.
>two left hands
What gets me is that it looks like the artist was gonna draw gloves but stopped right at the cuff.
Every time one you retards out yourselves as a retard when this image gets posted.
why would someone get a tattoo of mario missing a hand?
people itt are really stupid
dumb 2 INT poster
bait, don't reply
epic bait
you guys know is gonna look horrible when you grow up right?
The original one with Luffy was slightly less horribly made and made a bit more sense. It's still absolutely shite jesus.
it's always the animeposters
Holy shit user, I cant breath thank you for that
put me in the screencap
Anyone on Reddit reading this is legally obligated to suck my dick.
fucking POGGERS dude!
don't reply to me
fucking hell
Wuh tssh
redpilled. mirrors reverse real things not drawings.
The stupid wrong-hand tattoo in OP made me facepalm, but your stupid ass comment made me laugh, so it all evens out.
It looks horrible even before they grow up
Is there a bigger sign of an NPC?
Good job now your never gonna get laid
You're right.
she's stupid and ugly
tattoos are the biggest form of attention seeking possible
nobody got a tattoo because 'its what i stand for' or whatever bullshit they put on their skin its because they want people to look at them
Posting a NPC """meme""".
lol shut up i never leave my house yet i have many tattoos and ive got them exclusively for me
rate my tattoo faggots
Not video game related but its a Youtuber/personality who help me find this website. I think it looks pretty cool on its own though
Underage b& incoming
Take a (you) for pity's sake.
If you have a pop culture tattoo you should be shot
Not vidya but too good not to post.
Keel yof emily
please tell me these aren't real tats
I'm 19 idiot
If I was ever getting a tattoo, which I have no desire to do, it'd be this on my right arm.
My tattoo isn't visible and is just my family crest.
Doesn't stand for anything other than honouring my heritage.
Thats some off positioning makes it look fooked up lol
My tattoo
>Dust Monica
Woah. These tattoos are just way too subtle and deep for me and my 175 IQ. I just don’t get it.
im fucking crying
your ancestors weep
I just want stuff that looks cool to me i dont really care what other people think of me
Imagine actually doing this
so get a picture for your wall dumbass
Oh yes you do
>two left hands
ayyy lmao
Rest in piecies
I don't know about that chief
Your family is weak, they will starve in the winter
>just fuck my arm up senpai
Whoever tatooes media on their body should die.