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Dark Souls 2 is better than DaS and BB, in fact it’s the best Soulskiroborne game ever.

Fuck off with the A team garbage meme, have sex.


Ape Escape 4 when?



Bloodborne is small and simplified compared to any of their post-DeS games

>the makers of knack
>A anything
studio japan is the meme that keeps on giving
at this point im not sure if people are serious or joking when they they're responsible for the good parts of bloodborne

Attached: 1403414841668.jpg (151x233, 6K)

Japan team is definitely a big influence on from and it shows. Frankly I'm starting to doubt Miyazaki and his abilities. I'm genuinely wondering if demons souls and bloodborne were Japan team and dark souls was just a crazy fluke. The spark of creativity is completely dead with sekiro.


does NOT exist

Demon's Souls > Any of its """sequels"""

Go play Knack

Shut up, Harris.

That's wrong. The combat is a complete step up

There's an A and B team within Japan Studio's as well

A Team- Bloodborne and Gravity Rush 2
B Team- Knack 1 and 2

Japan Studio is made of different times, which is why their games are incredibly diverse.
Knack was mainly directed by a western dev and was probably a ploy by Sony to make them irrelevant, so ND gets their dick sucked over TLOU.

This, but only if you were fortunate enough to play Demon's Souls during the initial release. One of the best moments of the PS3 era.

How new are you on a scale of one to new?

Played Demon Souls at release and can easily say DaS1 and BB is better

This might actually be the truth

Played all them on release, and experiencing something new for the first time is a better experience than replying the formula. Especially when everyone else was starting with no experience and knowledge as well.

B Team is just Mark Cerny?

It's called sony bux


>experiencing something new for the first time is a better experience than replying the formula
Then DaS1 is the best considering it was the first to use the open world format instead of hub and DeS wasn't even the first of it's kind. Nevermind being the first doesn't matter when it has the most flaws.


Kat X Bloodborne Hunter OTP

It's crazy how no game since the first Dark Souls has been able to even slightly recreate its world design. It's still genius

you make it sound as if japan studio singlehandedly developed bloodborne when in reality, fromsoftware did most of the heavy lifting, check the credits, most of the staff is fromsoft, but from what i've heard, the concept is from studio japan, so credit where credit's due
if gravity rush is the best thing your A team can develop alone then its not very good, im sorry

We're just talking about opinions in the end, I guess. I thought that the atmosphere and themes of each world were captured best in Demon Souls. The Tower of Latria in particular had the best boss fight with it being a 1v1 duel, something they keep trying to capture in each Dark Souls game but never had that stand out 1v1 pvp boss fight like the monk fight. Really each level is well thought out in such a way that Dark Souls and everything else recycled a lot of the setting until BB.

>Not liking Gravity Rush
Acquire tastes

Attached: GRAVITY RUSH™ 2_20190222171749(2).webm (640x360, 2.97M)


Attached: Lady.Maria.of.the.Astral.Clocktower.full.2136660.jpg (1200x1000, 1.02M)


B Team:


A Team:

>Namco Bandai + FromSoftware

S Team:

>Japan Studio + FromSoftware

֎ Team:

>Activision + FromSoftware

this game is like the only console exclusive I'm mad about. It looks so fun

>can't blankpost
seething cope etc

I bought a PS4 pro for this game and it felt worth it to be desu

Attached: GRAVITY_RUSH_2_20180119102054(5).webm (320x180, 2.94M)

Just play Saints Row 4

You people do realize that Japan Studio does nothing more than teach 3rd party developers how to code for the system in exchange for ownership over the IP, right?

Please don't use "A team" and "B team" to mean "what I consider good" and "what I consider not good".

Japan Studio is multiple different teams and a publishing and third party development arm. Gravity Rush is developed by Team Gravity, formerly Team Siren. That team is entirely separate development team within Japan Studio and their previous games were, unsurprisingly, the Siren series. They had nothing to do with Bloodborne.

No. Their music is garbage.
This shit is so bad it almost ruins the whole fight, it's like an orchestrated version of the music in some crappy Doom WAD: