Autistically kills everyone in the castle even though he could have flipped a door with a little effort to get to Kuro

>autistically kills everyone in the castle even though he could have flipped a door with a little effort to get to Kuro
You were Shura from the very start.

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It's a game user. Don't comprise your peanut trying to poke out plot holes in a videogame.

I felt bad killing all the monks. They didn't do anything!

What about all those hundreds and hundreds of charred corpses with hands tied behind their back littered everywhere around the temple

the door was locked from the other side

They were degenerates drinking nasty cursed water so its fine

This is every From game. You are literally a retarded killing machine trespassing I to people's turf and killing them in their own lands often because some crazy person told you it was a good idea. Seldom do they have something you actually want or need and you are never defending a place. I normally hate that shit, but a horde section, tower defense section, or gauntlet section in a From game would be nice change.

>how could we possibly break down a wooden door, its impossible
>yup, lets go around through the castles main gate guarded by a thousand samurai and a bull on fire

was the dragon trying to take over the world?

How was he supposed to know a door in a cave led to the fucking roof of the castle?

>Dragon came from the West

They did dummy, the divine child tells you as soon as you enter senpou that they've stopped following buddha and are doing nefarious things.

>gaijin gigachad with western armor is completely immune to nippon steel

they literally killed a bunch of kids trying to recreate the dragon heritage, also they killed a bunch of people

I'm so confused as to why Isshin kidnaped Kuro from you even though he's a good guy supposedly and wants to help you both.

Also why all the Ashina Castle people want to kill you when again their leader is helping you.

What rings you got bitch?
Funny they decided the only way to deal damage was making him fall

You mean Genichiro? Isshin is retired and doesn't give a fuck about anything except fighting.

> he's a good guy supposedly and wants to help you both.
Assuming you meant Genichiro, it's because Kuro obviously doesn't intend to help him and know shtat Genichiro will stop at nothing to save Ashina

>become demon
>depopulate area for years
>gaijin firesticks can't hurt him that much either
>probably had to wait until the invention of machineguns in order to kill the prick
thanks japan

I have had a really hard time accepting the platforming rules. I drives me fucking nuts some ledges you can grab and others you cant, when the surfaces are identical, particularly walls and roofs, or that the grappling hook just makes it up as you go along. Like why can I hook to one building but not the one next to it? Why can I hook to the roof but not the middle floor 9r vise versa? Why does it not show me grappling points right next to me but showes me ones that I would never be able to get to?

It is fucking stupid and broken.

Is this the only joke in the game? It's precious

It's not like the nips are lacking in firepower

I felt bad killing the old lady in the Samurai dojo so I stopped doing it

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worst thing about the system is when you can get a prompt only looking at something at specific angle.
To all your points - you have to understand this is not an open world game. It might look stupid at times, but it's simply decided by game design.

>chained ogre is just a huge white guy

There's usually always a reason because there's an intended way to use most grappling points, so you really just have to look around and think what the developers were thinking. For example some grappling seem to make no sense from the perspective of your trajectory but is actually there for you to use when going through that area in reverse, which is common because of the open nature of routing in this game

As for ledges, if there is not white marks on it you're not supposed to ledge grab it its just that simple

So you are telling me that I am let loose in an open map with just the illusion of options to take out my enemies and really I just have to do it like the developers want with no cues as to what that is and in fact am encouraged to try other options but that was just a waist of my time?

Great game, From. That is the literal definition of artificial difficulty.

Pretty sure it means he's from China, Miyazaki knows how western dragons look like

Lady butterfly is basically an older less edgy Maria

I thought the same thing. They just tied up some tall white guy and hes the ogre. Its fucking hilarious.

>nightjar nippon banzai dive
>cute interactions between Kuro, loli and you
>the end of the jar mist noble quest where he turns into an angry forever cucked fishlet
>hired monk mumbling about the profit in a middle of Ministry assault
>cute gameplay interactions like an ability to spirit away the monks or make a monkey divert the snake's attention only to get wrecked

Is there anything bad that happens if you kill those old praying ladies (in Ashina Castle). They don't even fight back they just scream and hide, so I avoided killing even a single one. I want to know if I wasted my time and some sick fuck at FROM just decided helpless old women should be an enemy type for some reason.

>monkey divert the snake's attention only to get wrecked
i used mist raven to get that fruit, went into valley first out of all 3 locations.

they are not praying, they alert enemies around you when they see you.

They scream out of fear when they see you, that's what alerts the enemies. Then they clumsily try and run before dropping down on their knees to pray like they think you're gonna murder them. They behave exactly how an old religious woman would if they saw some guy murdering a bunch of people.

This only shows how open-minded the game about how you use your gameplay mechanics. I love it.

>some guy
bitch he's John Cena

>So you are telling me that I am let loose in an open map with just the illusion of options to take out my enemies and really I just have to do it like the developers want with no cues as to what that is and in fact am encouraged to try other options but that was just a waist of my time?

that is the literal definition of game design. Artificial difficulty is when you intentionally make shit unfair in order to make stuff harder, like sports games where the AI cheats

honestly I had no idea how to get fruit and it was a miracle it worked since it was first and last time I used that prosthetic.

Probably a viking they captured.

If Sekiro is just "DEX Build: The Game", I'd love to see what FROM could do with "STR Build: The Game"
Maybe a proper Berserk game for once?

Cant you take his armor off with the spear?

no you can't

>whole game of Artorias greatsword and breakdancing, wannabe- Artorias knights' sword moves

Or creating a game where everything stun locks you, kills you in 2 hits, and every attack is a homing missile. You know, because it is totally fair to dodge an attack mid swing only to have the enemy spin 180 degrees and hit you anyway. Really great game design and not artificial difficulty at all.

>Artificial difficulty is when you intentionally make shit unfair in order to make stuff harder, like sports games where the AI cheats
But this is something all FromSoft games do, Sekiro included

Well I just beat 2ape on my second try by spamming the firecrackers on the brown one until I could kill him, why did people have so much trouble with this fight?

nah, souls' enemies play by the rules
it's just the ref has it out for you

They didn't fight O&S

Ur mom is gay and so are you

>tfw wasted half my heals trying to spear his armor off thinking he was the one the guards from the eavesdrop were talking about

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If they didn't want me to dodge, then why did they give me a dodge button? It goes back to my other point that it is all just an illusion of choice and just a way to waist my time and pad the game out with, huh, artificial difficulty.

The only unfair part of the game is absolute shit camera that unlocks if enemy goes behind you or goes berserk and also unlocks near walls.

I got ptsd flashbacks to that shit the second the other monkey came out

Well i can probably name more dishonest shit yeah its gay as fuck. Even when Butterfly was directly in front of me and i was in the middle of the screen her lunge shit would on occasion go ape shit and push her off my lock on and make shit a scramble. Before hand the only boss that ever broke my lock on from movement was phase 2 orphan on occasion.


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I died several times to camera fuckery near walls, It's infuriating

Or the input lag, or the clipping. It is a good game but it has a lot of problems.

>Yo you wanna kill these ghost guys?
>Okay, use this consumable item
>Oh you died and you ran out of the consumable items? Guess you're gonna have to wait until the very end of the game and grind some more!

The one fucking thing that I can't stand is locking boss fights behind consumables.

Dodging is good to get away from grabs, to counter thrusts, and to evade attacks that will do a lot of posture damage/knockback so you can do a quick follow up attack.

I was getting divine confetti drops from the blue robed guys in Ashina Castle the first time I got there, dunno where you're getting end game from.

Fighting ghosts is never worth it.
Just go around them.

you can beat them without using the consumables you brainlet fuck

How about all the monkeys(black people)?

There is no morality system or anything. I was half expecting one based on Sekiros katana description talking about the importance of sparing lives or something similar, the player being able to stealthily avoid enemies and there being a bunch of animal enemies that are just minding their own business. Might have been neat if they implemented something like that for the shura ending but nah, morality systems in action games usually suck major dick since you're missing all the fun combat going pacifist.

The doors blocked until you rescue him though

>best prosthetic in the game, firecrackers, belonged to little Robert
What did they mean by this?

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>and to evade attacks
No, it really isn't. If someone's eating your stamina bar, pop that sugar, or use the crow.

I do agree it was stupid. But later you can buy them from any vendor for 300 buckaroos

you can and should dodge through certain attacks, and then follow up the the dodge-slice. i think the two most useful ones to dodge through are Genichiro and Owl's not-actually-sweeping attacks.

The double shark fight in Bloodborne DLC was so much harder for me than any gank boss fight. Only after beating them I learned that I could just use shaman bone blade

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I assume that katana description talks about deathblows.

Is there any point to the nun over by the Tengu guy?

Legends say that after 10 deathblows he'd start losing his armor. Not gonna try doing this, so I'd just wait for some autist to confirm this

I'd like to see them do an INT build game with a bunch of crazy magic

Yes it really is, even if you aren't worried about your posture, you should still make us of the opportunity to get a few hits in that you otherwise wouldn't.

>the chonky honky

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I think it's just the bell guy right next to that conversation? I don't know.

Dodging would be great except for the other part where enemies change their trajectory mid attack and pivot as fast as you dodge to always end up in front of you.

I guess it was just flavor text

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Are you talking about Genichiro's Flowing Water? After hours of fighting that asshole, I learned you could block the first two hits, and just slowly walk away from him as he does his thing. He'll never interrupt the move. Incidentally, the speedrun takes advantage of this as well. It's really just a gigantic opening. All the while, you can be guarding and regaining posture, instead of slowly losing more of it.

No, it plain doesn't work for most attacks. They have too much tracking, reach, and active frames for it to be useful until you know them inside out at which point who the fuck even cares anymore, you can't lose.
>you should still make us of the opportunity
Which you do by deflecting and counter-attacking, or using the crow(which sets you up for a unique high-damage attack). Which both work for more than a handful of specific attacks.

Only some grab attacks and some spear attacks have that kind of tracking, and you can still dodge those with the right timing.

>Which you do by deflecting and counter-attacking
As I said, there are a lot of attacks that don't give you that opportunity if you deflect/block them.
>No, it plain doesn't work for most attacks. They have too much tracking, reach, and active frames
I'm sorry user, you're just plain wrong.
I have to wonder how long it took you to get past Butterfly, Juzou, and Genichiro without making use of dodging.

>They didn't do anything!
Isn't seeking immortality the biggest no-no in Buddhism. Aren't you supposed to reincarnate until you leave the cycle or whatever altogether?

>comes to japan selling fireworks and trying to extend the life of his son
>ends up fighting travelers like you in the senpou temple with impenetrable armor and a giant fuck off sword
>robert nowhere to be found but dialogue implies he's still alive
what did they mean by this?

They performed a bunch of horrible experiments on kids and other people alike and got infested with aggressive bug creatures.

She kicked my ass six ways to Sunday until I stopped trying to dodge her shit.
What? He was no problem. At least Owl did some posture damage, had to use the crow for him.
I'll worry about him when I get there.

For the most part, yes, they abide by the same rule the player does, but that doesn't mean they don't read inputs or have janky bullshit attacks designed purely to throw off your defensive timing

Juzou the Drunkard is the miniboss before Butterfly, user.

>until I stopped trying to dodge her shit.
Right, you just tanked that big jumping grab she does, or the stomp I'm sure.
Both of those attacks were clear openings that you could use to dodge and punish.
Genichiro had a similar jump attack that you could dodge and punish.

That they do. They were very fair with their feints in DeS and DaS though. Like that stab from the soldier hollows, or the overhead from the rag wearing ones. Shit gives you all the time in the world to stagger them, block, or just slowly walk away.

Wasn't until they tried to build more on the combat system where 1 button solves any problem that they started throwing some real bullshit timings on you.
You can go through DeS and DaS and dodge nearly everything on reaction, the attack animations actually make some sort of sense.

The monks probably killed Roberts son

>crazy fucking monks that experiment on children with bugs
>still alive
cmon bruh

>you just tanked that big jumping grab she does
Do you seriously think acting like a fucking retard wins you points somehow? No, you imbecile, I didn't parry her un-parriable attacks.
>or the stomp
Are you talking about the axe kick? Yeah, I deflected that. That's her easiest combo to parry.
I seriously don't remember a thing besides the bow and the lightning.
Oh yeah, the drunk. Spear guy was worse if we're talking about minibosses. I really don't see how dodging would make him any easier. It's all sweeps, and with some range.

>That's her easiest combo to parry.
Yeah, but you deal more hp damage in addition to posture damage if you dodge and hit.
>No, you imbecile, I didn't parry her un-parriable attacks.
You're the moron who said that the dodge was useless.

Oh, I wasn't making a case for dodging. I was just telling you who Juzou is, since you said you had beat Butterfly.
A few of his attacks are marginally easier to dodge, especially considering his...unorthodox timing, but you can deflect all his shit (not counting the grab and sweep, obviously). He just does a bunch of posture damage, and you make more openings for yourself if you do dodge.

I'm not that other user, btw.

more or less, yeah

>You said that the dodge was useless
Do you seriously think acting like a fucking retard wins you points somehow?
>No, it plain doesn't work for most attacks. They have too much tracking, reach, and active frames for it to be useful until you know them inside out
See I even explained to your dumb ass for which attacks it does and does not work, and why.
Yeah, I didn't mean to address all of that to you. Don't worry, little chance of mixing you up.
>(not counting the grab and sweep, obviously)
See. I don't think it's possible.
Yeah, curved swords always had wonky timings. He's not too aggressive though so I didn't have to worry about posture much iirc.