Sekiro is har-

>Sekiro is har-

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Well I guess Yea Forums is just a bunch of casuls.

>Dark souls is ha-

>(game) is har-
>link to some youtube video of flawless kills
but, user, you know you could do this for every single game?



no, the actual truth

coping even harder

Video game is har- [Insert youtube video]

your cope is outer-limits

everytime I tried to do that rush shit on LB she jumped away and threw needles at me

>video game is easy
>post proof

have sex

Theres literally a video of every video game being beaten easily.

How do I get back to that area you drop down to in Sunken Valley after killing the snake? I accidentally tell off the bridge and didn’t get the item there. Or can anyone at least tell me what I missed?

>ghosts n goblins is har-

I think you can drop there from the place in sunken valley passage where the bridge broke from the snake

First or second phase? Just deflect her needles and run up to her again and keep attacking/deflecting until her posture breaks.

Can someone tell me what is the point of having more hp if the mobs dmg is % based ?
I feel like I'm still getting killed by the first mobs in the same number of hits.

The prayer beads also increase your posture I think.

Cool. Now do it all in a row. Everyone can be a god gamer if they split into single segments.

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The God Run isn't fully uploaded yet? Trilogy is old news.

>if the mobs dmg is % based
Do you have a source on this? Because I'm pretty sure that's not true.

What difference does it make? Either you can kill each boss without getting hit or not.

Everyone can technically do it if they edit out all instances of them failing and only upload their successes. The difference is whether you can do it regularly enough to complete an entire run without taking damage. That's the difference between someone with enough time to cut a video and someone with actual skill and dedication.

>Everyone can technically do it if they edit out all instances of them failing
I don't know about that. I see a lot of people here on Yea Forums who can't even deal with the ogre and giving up after a few failures. Mastering each boss takes a lot of determination, if you have enough to do for each boss sure you have enough to do a full run.

I could start a full no hit run but in the end it would be the same thing. It would take a billion tries and I would edit out all of my failures just like all these people on youtube who have done full no hit runs in dark souls and other games. The difference is that I don't have that time and I'm not being paid for that like them.

>It would take a billion tries
That's the point. You can't say you're genuinely skilled at this game by making it seem like you're good by removing your failures. You can only claim you're genuinely skilled if you can reliably and consistently play the entire game without making mistakes. These one-off videos aren't impressive. I could literally do the same thing in a single afternoon by reloading saves over and over. You could too. Anybody could. It might take some people longer than others but they only need to succeed once.

>You can't say you're genuinely skilled at this game by making it seem like you're good by removing your failures.
That's some projection right there. I never said I was good because of some video.
>You can only claim you're genuinely skilled if you can reliably and consistently play the entire game without making mistakes.
That's a really high bar you have there buddy. I can reliably kill every boss in the game without any problems, now without taking hit is a little bit more complicated than that.
>These one-off videos aren't impressive.
Fair enough.
>I could literally do the same thing in a single afternoon by reloading saves over and over.
I'll believe it when I see it.
>Anybody could.
>It might take some people longer than others but they only need to succeed once.

>go to genichiro fight like 5 times
>finally manage to kill him
>genichiro pulls the classic japanese "this isn't even my final form" trope
>don't have enough revive juice for a second revive
>go farming mobs for it
>still die
>get frustrated at the thought of having to farm more revive juice
>"yeah ok maybe i'll just try not dying on the first two stages"
>don't die at all, several gourds and prosthetic usages left
It really is just a matter of getting good.

mfw he still gets up in the cutscene

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Stop acting like you're being attacked. I don't give a shit. I just told you it's not impressive, you then agreed, and then when I claim I could do it you state that you don't believe that. When you just admitted it's not impressive. Which is it? Is it worth proving, or is it not impressive? Make up your mind. You know what? Don't bother. I really don't give a shit. Your ego is obviously fucking bruised for some stupid ass reason. If you were the one who made these videos you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to portray yourself as good at this game. Trying to glean some sort of clout when you don't have the stones to broadcast your failures so people can judge for themselves what your actual skill level is.

You can take hits and still be skilled at the game.
No-hit runs are literally just autism.

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Uploading videos pretending like you're doing a no-hit run and then coming to Yea Forums and acting like the game is easy is scummy shit.

>pretending like you're doing a no-hit run
Who said that? The video is called "NO DAMAGE BOSS FIGHT"

And everybody can clearly see that the failures aren't included, so coming here acting like this is impressive is disingenuous.

I didn't come here acting like this is impressive. I literally said the game is easy precisely because this isn't impressive. Thanks for the salt though.

Nice logic twisting, retard. You wouldn't feel compelled to post your fucking youtube videos if you didn't want to try and brag about your worthless effort. You can go fuck yourself for thinking this place is reddit and people wouldn't see right through your pathetic bullshit.

I posted those videos because I knew someone would get salty. Let me guess, you got stuck on the chained ogre? lmao

The combat finally "clicked" for me during the final boss and everything because so much easier

This game isn't difficult and you know this. I called you out for not doing it all in a row because single segment is meaningless. Might as well try to claim your sum of best splits in a speedrun is relevant. You got shit on for being an attention whoring retard and now your only avenue for escape is to shitpost and pretend like you're not wounded right now.

>weeks later after you've had the time to memorize all the boss's moves
Not impressed.

I haven't seen you beat the chained ogre without getting hit yet, come back once you have proof. Until then stay mad.

>This post appears to be an automated spambot

Unlike you I don't seek validation from strangers on the fucking Internet, you sad sack pussy. You sit here and act like doing this isn't impressive, but then turn around and act like the only way to impress you is to do it. You're a faggot and you're contradicting yourself because you can't even think straight.

How dare this anonymous nobody question your gaming prowess. How dare he point out that I spent dozens of hours recording footage of continually failing at learning boss patterns and only uploaded the singular successes. Doesn't he know how much effort I put into this thing that I totally don't care about because it's easy?

You're not fooling anyone, retard. Go brag about your worthless effort elsewhere. I only respect people who actually put their reputation on the line and broadcast the truth; not edited lies.

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Mad enough to make a post ridiculing some retard? Absolutely.
Mad enough to try to make an entire youtube series and then trying to shill it on Yea Forums? I'll leave that up to you, faggot.

lobos is getting mega btfo on his no upgrades run

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It's hard for casuals. This happens with every Fromsoft game. They autistically spam about how difficult the game is for a while and then go silent because they gave up, while the skilled players just stop talking about it because they have nothing left to do in the game.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Is it not impressive to run a marathon if you don’t climb a mountain immediately afterwards? It’s still an accomplishment. Sure it would be impressive to do those challenges consecutively, but at the end of the day you can still take pride in the fact that you did it in the first place.

You can go fuck yourself too. Do you see marathon runners uploading videos of themselves sprinting and acting like they could run a marathon at that speed? That's what this prick is trying to do by bragging like this. Acting like the game is so easy that he felt compelled to prove it to everyone. Nobody goes through this kind of trouble unless the game got the better of them and they took it personally. It's extremely insecure and it doesn't belong here.

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you're a fucking retard
his point is you don't go 100 tries into something and then say "lol that was easy"


Is he right?

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I’m not defending OP saying the game is easy for perfecting some early bosses. I’m just saying it’s still an accomplishment, even if it took a lot of failure, and even if he’s being a faggot about it.

Imagine collecting all these youtube links just to post them out of butthurt

I disagree. I think it's a step in the right direction, but it's something anyone with a little bit of time can accomplish. A real no damage run of the entire game would be an accomplishment. My standards for what impresses me is high. Editing videos is not impressive.

literally who

>8/10 bosses are some minimob trash
Cool game, how long?

hard does not mean unbeatable please learn what words mean if you're going to use them, put the phone down and pay attention to your teacher

I think the game is less about getting gud, because sooner or later you're already good, it's more about every boss specific strategy that you have to learn.
You can die in 2 hits, and bosses have nearly every single advantage over you.

About 5 hours not worth it breh

People who say sekiro is too hard are the same people who think the Pokémon red and blue are good games. They’re fucking retarded but will seek validation from other retards attempting to fit in with a bunch of kissless virgins. End yourself as soon as possible.

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can someone tell me how to get this FUCKING item it's driving me insane. FUCK.

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I think sekiro is very fun and the challenge makes it feel more rewarding. I also very much enjoy pokemon red and blue. What does this mean?

Look for a way around. Every item is obtainable.

i cried playing this game i work 12 hours every day and i play games to have fun not this

what the actual fuck are is your reasoning here?

Yes, whoever he is.

Some people find challenge in video games fun.

most people find challenge in video games fun.
the ones that don't should consider movies

Why is this game so ugly and grey

But movies don't have arbitrary "you won" dopamine hits and the freedom to navigate the set between scenes.

Because grey is a color of stagnation and the theme of this game revolves around stagnation due to immortality.

Why does Miyazaki have such a hateboner for immortality?

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