That one friend that enjoys that one game too much

>That one friend that enjoys that one game too much

Who are they and what game is it for you guys? Lonely fags need not apply.

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Stop fucking playing overwatch Tony, I know youve spent like 3k hours in it and sunken cost yadda yadfmda just fucking stop.

I have no friends

No I'm not going to get into Warframe, no I don't care you can be a space ninja.

Best friend is obsesed with Monster Hunter. He has at least 100 hours in each one he owns (3, 4U, Generations and World)
He for some reason seems to really enjoy wasting hundreds of hours in these grindy ass games. I bought Generaions to play with him but i didn't get past the first 10 hours.

im not your friend but I would try and convince you to play warframe as well

>flavor of the month racing game
>world of tanks
that aside he's a chill guy, makes a pretty penny drawning musclegirl furry porn

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I'm not going to play For Honor, Mike. I don't care if you have 300+ hours in it REEEEE

Its me and vermintide 2, the boys are done but I'm 1100 hours and still playing daily.

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It's literally grinding simulator after you complete all story chapters

yeah, that's why its fun
I wouldnt have 3k hours on it otherwise

>that friend that plays too much WoW and wants you to join him in raids
No thanks bro I don’t do grindy awful games


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1 was wayyyyy better. Should've just made more expansions and given a graphics overhaul. Chaos warriors ruined my rat beating up sim

Dammit Hayden stop being a sperg about Destiny.

One of my friends keeps trying to get me to play Apex Legends, and another wants me to start playing Rainbow 6.
I wish my friends had better taste in games.

>start playing with roommate
>I try and experiment with stuff
>roommate spergs out when I'm not meta
Dammit Jon I want to have fun.

>dude it'll be so fun we can raid together
>We can pvp together
>We can explore Azeroth together
>We can play dead game together

Yeah I've got one of these

>t. couldn't finish low rank village
Just get good and play with him user. There's nothing more fun than hunting with a freind.

>League of Legends
it's all he plays now
tried to give him some other games to play instead, but he never plays them

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One friend keeps buying flop games and hyping them up, and he bends over backwards to defend shit devs. Right now it's Anthem, at one point it was Paladins, he unironically played Battleborn, and a bunch of other garbage games many of them free to play. Completely forgettable games half of them I've never heard of he loves for some reason.

>that year's fifa
>that year's asscreedo
It's pretty much the same game year after year but he never shuts ups about the subtle changes and tweeks to the formula that make this year's version the definitive one.
I buy him a physical copy of a weeb game so he feels guilty, plays it and then admits it wasn't that bad

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my closest friend got into the Undertale fandom quite late and is obsessed with everything Undertale
I've never been able to understand it. But I can keep my cool with him because he is a good friend and anger is something i don't need in my life.

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All they play is CSGO and Dota2 or one of the MMOs. Why cant you branch out famalam? Theres other games to experience and enjoy. Some of them dont even have that many huehues and third worlders to hate.
>"its fun"
>"its free"

Its a fucking bummer. Gotta respect friends and family liking the same games for 5+ years though I guess. Though the gambling with skins and stuff is a bit pathetic in my eyes.