Reminder this is still a thing

Reminder this is still a thing.

I miss Higby and T-Ray

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>Never got to partake in a true Crown fight or anything from when the game was alive due to having a shitty pc at the time.

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They didn't kill it yet?

My computer was dogshit and still managed. fucking fighting on the biolabs

>they were gonna release it a week after apex surprised everyone
>they immediately delay the game after apex's success

I miss P2

>we swear we will remember to toss PS2 a bone if this succeeds,this totally isnt throwing any remaining fans under the bus

being a holding company im not surprised but it still sucks

>running over people that help and support your company
I thought the VS was the favorite faction not the NC.

What fucking arena? Isn't a MMO FPS enough already?

When is someone making a MMO FPS? I couldn't care less about Battle Royales.

I still blame reddit for the game going down the shitter.

>hurr hexes bad its not the spawn system thats the problem
>vehicles arent letting me play COD, nerf them
>i want the game to be gray please remove all the color and make it gritty
>make every faction the same, only make NS weapons
>optimize the game and spend a year doing fuckall
>fucking ruin the entire resource system

And thats not the worst of it, the beta had way better plans
>Certs were for character upgrades, auraxium was for weapon purchases
>the best way to get auraxium and resources was to actually capture territory
>implants were less p2w and acted as small resource boosts and vehicle cooldown reductions
>vehicles and maxes had cooldowns and their own resources
>the best way to travel was galaxys, with players ferrying others to the battle, then deploying and defending the galaxy
>bunch of other stuff i already forgot

MMO FPS's don't make enough money to justify the investment.
Battle Royale is the only furture

It was going to be a battle royale but that got canned because the community told them it would be dogshit. Now Ia think it's going to be a MAG clone.

Every games as a service turns to shit eventually. There is no way of not letting greed get the better of devs.

Will planetside ever be popular again?


>Battle Royale is the only furture
For me, it's just torture.

Never touching any of them.

It's not going to be Battle Royale anymore.

ill be laughing when zoomers complain about something even more braindead coming along

DBG will get some shill streamers to play it for a week or two, then the money will dry up and they'll drop it fast.

>ywn fight at the crown ever again

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get ninja i hear that fella is good for marketing risky games :^)

Honestly that 30 dollar pay wall will hit them hard

>back in the day
>every game was somewhat popular

>huge masses of people play a couple of games, everything else is doomed to fail

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oh shit are they charging for it?

Its 20-30$. Its a cash in for existing planetside 2 players

great logic DBG

I imagine they'll make it f2p because of apex. If not holy shit they are retarted

To be fair this is probably exactly what the remaining playerbase wants if it really is 250v250 BR. The hardcore Planetside 2 players have always been infantry tryhards who basically got the game reshaped over time to suit them better. They don't play directly on objectives, they just find good spots slightly off them to rack up lots of kills without dying. Sounds exactly like what this game will be.

I miss being a dick and going infil as TR in a NC vs Vanu fight and picking people off. I miss when infiltrators could use shotguns

i mean the smgs are basically the same thing these days

it probably isnt since there are a bunch of BR variants for them to flock too,if population is all they have then they will go bankrupt the moment someone else shits out a 250vs250

not every remaining player is a "infantry tryhard"

>I miss Higby and T-Ray
i miss fodderside, not battleside

How many other BRs have 250v250 as one of the main modes? Having lots of dumb, unaware people to shoot at is half the fun of Planetside 2

>Will planetside ever be popular again?
Was it ever? Both planetside games died swiftly after launch

whats stopping someone else from doing the same thing and leaving an husk flavor of the month?
>having lots of dumb, unaware people to shoot at is half the fun of Planetside 2

I'm glad tray's gone. Werl needs to be murdered though.

I miss the pacing of PS1. My outfit would sit on a base for fifteen minutes and prep for an assault. We'd discuss tactics, joke a bit, others were outside flying and providing recon back to command. That tension of waiting for the enemy made the fight more exciting. PS2 was just too fast--a Battlefield ripoff.