Yea Forums got BTFO in Super Smash Bros by an actual transgender weirdo

>Yea Forums got BTFO in Super Smash Bros by an actual transgender weirdo
>several posters have admitted they can't do a fucking Dragon Punch command
>indeed, fightan and other arcadey games are dismissed as "boomer shit"
>games like DMC, which basically play themselves unless you max out difficulty, are among Yea Forums's favorites
>turn-based JRPGs, a genre that is essentially chess for brainlets, appeal to Yea Forums
Why would anyone take you casuals seriously?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Have sex.

Gain height.

He can't anymore. Dr. (((Money))) turned his penis inside out because he has autogynephilcia. Show some sympathy.

>Brainlet thinks fighting games are anything but kiddie shit
Just drone out those combos again boyo, repetitive retardation is all you're good for.

>being this mad you can't do a dp

>Yea Forums is one person
and you call other people brainlets

Filthy casuals have taken over since mods allowed VNs to come back and Yea Forums secondaries came flooding in. They brought politics, Reddit, unjust elitism with high amounts of dodging any rebuttals or challenges, and massive anitranny faggotry.

Casuals need to be burned and ran off from Yea Forums. Only then can we have real discussions again

Yea, figured you'd have something weak as this as your attempt at a comeback. Laughable and childish.

The people who says this are using the ones that will get their asses kicked just from single hits alone

>whines about casuals
>plays children's party games like Smash

Can't do combos if you can't land a hit based retard. I guess that's why Yea Forums enjoys only fighters with the least amount of neutral

>Muh casuals
>Btw why don't you like one of the most casual genres out there????

>i could beat you up in a game
Even more pathetic than threatening irl violence on here lol

Where did I say I play Smash?
Which genre?

>Oh shit I got told
>Better make up some bullshit and attack him over my own imagination that'll show him!
Just proving my point more and more. Kiddies playing kiddie games.

Where did you say it? When you agreed with OP you dumb faggot

People struggle with dragon punch commands? I thought that was the easiest part of fighting games and the hard stuff was combos.

Fighting games, retard-kun. How are you so oblivious to context?

And where does milsim fall on your scale, civilian?

Attached: maxresdefault-3.jpg (1920x1080, 251K)

So you are all gossip and no action? Might as well throw your severed penis and never look back

>Be all gossip and no action
>Get called out
>"n-no you!"
Jesus dude, just stop posting, stop making yourself look even more retarded.

Fightcade is free if you want to show me how casual it is. You won't because we all know you're too stupid to understand even basic fighting game concepts like frametraps.

When was this

Wrong guy, but there is fightcade if you aren't a little gossip bitch

>doesn't deny any of the assertions
>calls me a transfreak outta nowhere
So not only are you a casual you're projecting your sick desires on normal people. Go dilate, you filthy lowlife

I can do a dp, am I cool now?

Yea Forums tried to epicly raid Narcissa when she was streaming Ultimate and high on shrooms and the level of skill was worse than the garbage you'd see on 2 million GSP.
Casuals get off Yea Forums

Is that worse than the time Yea Forums raided DSP in DaS2 and lost?

no u

You underestimate how casual Yea Forums is. There are people tbat probably can't do hadokens consistently.

don't do that. Yea Forums deserves scorn for that loss but don't bolster Cosmo's delusions.
I fucking hate ironic shitposters

Don't get too mad, you might pop like your hero Jazz :^)

Attached: vRcZMxv.gif (640x400, 38K)

>Gossip gossip gossip
Can you do anything? Can you play any game?

I think your hormone treatments are causing bipolar behavior or something, son
Talk with a real doctor, get your life right, and quit using smileys on an anonymous board like a woman

literally who?


Based retard

Anitranny who can't play games and just likes to gossip

uh fucking fire emblem 1 on famicom is good. playing through it now

>all of this text

Attached: 1553471752067.png (2560x1226, 2.37M)

>fire emblem
shit like that inspired all the slow, talky "adventure games" the industry slavers over today, like God of Bore 4. thanks for being part of the cancer killing video