Is the combat really that bad, or is it just a meme?

Is the combat really that bad, or is it just a meme?

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It's dumber down souls combat, pretty boring

it wouldn't be a wrpg without terrible combat

It's very average, but I never really played the game for its combat anyway. It's just an idle game between story beats.

Bad but better than literally every other open world fantasy RPG

it's pretty awful. it's playable sure but it gets real dull real quick

It's not terrible, but it is boring and it never changes throughout the game, and there's far more of it than there were in the last two games.

is not bad. It's way better than Skyrim's or FFXV's combat.

>Skyrim has shit comba-

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The game is bad
Incels here just froth at the mouth over it because it has tits

anything is better than skyrim's combat

I played 8 hours of this fresh off the heels of TW2 and the combat felt really weird and unresponsive. Maybe I just didn't play far enough, TW2 combat really changed once you purchase some more talents.

Zoom zoom

You've clearly never played FFXV.

>strong attacks can be made completely useless as early as level five
>signs are either OP or useless
>bombs are completely useless or super situational
>hardly ever evolves, most everything is given to you at the start
>the only variations that arent available at the very start soak up your adrenaline/stamina/whateverthefuck super fast
>alchemy is broken beyond belief
>oils and tonics are so stupidly OP
>potions are either pretty good and versatile or super shitty
>the crossbow
>mounted combat

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i haven't.

You have no concept of bad gameplay if you think anything is better than Skyrim's combat.

post the webm

feels like I'm still looking at Morrowind combat (the only TES I played)

Each TES is the same game as the last one, but with less features and more bugs. You're not missing out on anything.

meme, its the cope mechanism of haters

activate quen and press one button, level up alchemy and bombs if you want to oneshot everything or just abuse broken oils.

It's a step up from Fable 2, but just barely

Get whirl and rend asap. Use medium armor for fast stamina so you can use them and signs as often as possible.
If you don't do that, I could see it being a lot more boring.

yeah it's horrible. the ''IT'S AN RPEEGEGE'' excuse doesn't work either because there are many RPGs with janky, but fun combat

plus witcher 3 is more of an action adventure game than an RPG, so now imagine an action game with bad combat. yeah you get my point


So Dark Souls.

Pretty sure the whining is from console players. Game is fine on pc to play

It's a meme, since it's very difficult to say bad things about that game, they attack its only aspect that isn't 100% perfect.
You'll not find any other open world fantasy RPG with a better combat system.

The only people who claim W3 fights are bad are those who are unaware of the parry and the sidestep button.

Case in point, this absolute dipshit:

The combat is meh. Is not bad, is simply not good. Let's call it functional.
>alchemy is broken beyond belief
>oils and tonics are so stupidly OP
>potions are either pretty good and versatile or super shitty
But that's the fun part, user.
Levelling up nothing but the alchemy tree. Kill your enemies using poison and bleeding, drinking potions and throwing bombs.
Honestly, fighting and killing 25 guys in Touissant, using nothing but signs and bombs was incredibly fun. Best part of the gameplay.

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>Troll Śnieżny
Polack detected.

Nobody uses those because rolling is way more effective, dumbass

If this game has “bad combat” then what is an example of a game with good combat?

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Absolutely not. Rolling in TW3 is slow and takes a while before it allows you strike again. Sidesteps lets you accomplish in half the time it takes for you to roll. You clearly know jackshit about the mechanics you're criticizing

no wrpgs has good combat, so you'll have to look at other genres


not that bad but wonky enough for maximum meme potential.
the main problem is that they tried to emphasize the witcher being so good at combat he "dances" through enemies stuff from the books, that the combat felt like you're just slicing through air.
slicing through air with sometimes an enemy accidentally standing where you're slicing .
it felt more like geralt doing his thing with enemies just being bystanders that somehow walked into his performance.
other than that, a meme.

I didn't play it too much but I remember it being alright. Really easy to die if you didn't know what you were doing, Geralt goes down fast which gave a sense of danger and it was cool to block arrows and stuff. I also remember that you could rip human enemies up pretty quickly once you got the timings down. Obviously it wasn't good enough to keep me playing the game though.

It's the other way round, you should never roll because the sidestep button is far, far more effective.

>No JRPG has good combat

God Hand

9 out of 10 times you're surrounded by at least 4 enemies, and sidestepping won't accomplish anything. Rolling behind their backs to attack them from behind is the only way to deal with them quickly.

The combat isnt all that bad, the enemy variety is:

Early game
> You mostly fight wolves, neckers, and ghouls

Late game:

>Same but with different colors

And all enemies have the same shitty, dumb predictable patterns

>you're surrounded by at least 4 enemies
That sounds more like your own tactical mistake than the game's fault, you fucking moron.
Why not place yourself in a position where you can face all 4 in front of you rather than having them encircle you?

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Zostaw go

Yeah, because trying to outmaneuver 4 enemies in an open field is much more effective than just rolling behind them for some quick slashes, mr master tactician.

it's a little slow, but not bad, just the hivemind opinion of vee

its fun but almost impossible to die or be challenged even taking quests above your level

Because its not necessary? Nobody is claiming to struggle with the game.

The point I was trying to make is that whatever damage you were trying to inflict, you could have doubled, tripled that with sidesteps rather than rolls.
And second, there would have been no need to outmaneuver anybody if you hadn't allowed enemies surround you in all 4 directions in the first place, you stupid nigger

The combat is only terrible when you’re playing easy mode, play on deathmarch and it’s pretty damn good. The issue is that the story is such a huge part of the game that it’s tempting to turn the difficulty down so you can progress and find out what happens next instead of getting your ass kicked over and over.

>not necessary to play the game correctly
>Hurr durr why is this so BAD?!?

It's fine, but it probably depends on what you do with the options given. I went full magic build for fast stamina regeneration which was pretty fun, aside from a couple of bosses with massive hp bars

Yes, it's pretty damn bad. Figures every journalist gave a game with bad gameplay a 90/100 though, because it's a NARRATIVE EXPERIENCE.

It's not
>the combat is bad
>the combat is not good enough to carry the hundreds of hours of content the game has, and gets dull quickly

people who say it's bad make me roll my eyes. the combat is obviously good and feels great in the game and i am a weaboo.

>if you hadn't allowed enemies surround you in all 4 directions
Literally impossible when you're facing them out in the open(= 90% of all cases)

It's basically a slightly faster version of dark souls combat, so yeah it's a meme.
The actual problem is the game doesn't have any good boss fights except imleryth or whatever his name was. And detlaf

Bloodborne, Nioh and Sekiro

no, literally assassin's Creed tier

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I actually never played Witcher 3 and was contemplating getting the GOTY version for the PS4 Pro, but I just can't see myself watching an hour of cut scene per hour of play time, and have that play time be fetch quests and boring combat.

any mods that improve combat?

>resident niohfag at it again
just give up
nioh is dogshit nobody but you likes it

Stay seething, fromcuck

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damn, didn't think of using snap seeds

>posts some unfortunate hitboxes
>nobody can be assed to save anything regarding nioh because it's all dogshit
feel free to flood the thread with your nioh webms too

it's good on harder levels.

I thought Olgierd was a really good boss fight.

It's a complete meme, and one that I've only seen on Yea Forums. Witcher 3 actually has better combat than the vast majority of RPGs.

>literally assassin's Creed tier

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No it is that bad you can stun lock every humanoid enemy to death. The I-frames on dodges are fucking insane. I beat two wyverns that were 20 levels above me by just dodging not even very well at that.

It's a meme. It's not Souls-tier but it's miles better than games with actual shit combat like Skyrim.

rolling gets you out of the area attacks from bigger enemies but other than that sidesteping is faster allows you to retaliate quickly and also doesn't pause your signs' cooldown

That being said the combat isn't great in itself, the shield sign is broken because it cancel every damage that you take as long as it's active and you can get it back on in about 3 seconds or instantly if it has already recharged, so as long as you sidestep and keep using it you're immortal. That plus the skill that makes every food item into a health regen for about an ingame day and you break the game difficulty
still fun tho

It's really that bad. Also the story is outclassed by any randomly selected YA fantasy novel from your local library.

It is average at best and pretty bad at worst. It feels clunky and rushed at times. But it is tolerable. When it comes to the Witcher trilogy as a whole the gameplay itself has always been sub-par. But what makes it all worth while is that everything else is top notch, especially in W3. The attention to detail, dialogue, music, story, all of it. If you wanna play the witcher. Just get them all, mod them all to fix certain issues, especially gameplay wise and then go to town with them starting from the first one.

I've played through the trilogy once and I plan on doing it again with mods this time...

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The combat is fun. It's just that the game is not hard enough even on Death March
Although, Witcher 3 is more about the story than the combat.

is not dark souls level of shit but is pretty bad

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It's acceptable, but the thing that makes it feel worse is the fact that it never changes, the way you fight from the first moment up until the very end is pretty much the same, and the game is like 100 hours long. It's going to feel repetitive and there isn't much they can do about without disregarding the lore of the series and making Geralt a mage all of a sudden and giving him access to more varied attacks and strategies so they could mix up the combat and enemies.

Honestly, that looks like some amateur Unity game compared to anything Souls.

The combat is not outright bad, it just ranges from 'meh' to 'pretty good' at best. It's a weird system where the enemy leveling system and difficulty slider makes certain skills useless after a while, and humans and monsters deal entirely different damage types and require different armor sets. If you attack an enemy from too far away, Geralt does a flippy spin that lunges him over to them that takes 2x longer and leaves you way more vulnerable than if you just walked up point blank to them and attacked. The most fun I had with it was probably this desperate struggle to kill a nest of toxic crab-spider monsters in some coastal cave in Skellige.
The combat music is great sometimes (especially in the DLC) and that enhances it a lot though

The game really doesn't behave anything like that. You should play it for yourself. Honestly 99% of webms on this site look nothing like the actual game when I play it.

The controls are bad and just feel clunky as if its an artificial difficulty they imposed on the player. I'm sure the story was great but man those controls made me walk away after an hour.

the combats good it's just the damage and health scaling that suck.

I did play it and it did feel that bad. Look how Geralt doesn't react to being hit and how floaty the combat looks, that's the precise sensation you get while playing it. To top it off the hitboxes are horrible.

CD Projekt is downright amateurish when it comes to crafting some nice gameplay, but after TW3 got so many good scores I thought they had stepped up their game. Nope.

That's been fixed for years
Same with the Leshen one that gets posted

>Witcher 3 combat is ba-

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Miles better than Outward.

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That's professional nice gameplay.

Hey, at least he's reacting to being damaged. But yeah, you can make for a very long thread showing the shittiest parts from Souls.

literally proof that combat being good or bad is wholly dependent on bossfights, if you don't have good bossfights to glorify your system then it will both look and feel awful

you want one where it DOESNT hit the guy, he doesnt react to the hit AND its a boss fight?

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Easy is a cake walk, normal is repetitive and devoloves into button mashing and using one or two signs, hard everyone else is a Witcher and you're a 4th grader.

desu lore wise the game should be played on easy, since Geralt is a meta human and all.

Also since the character progression is extremely linear, you can't grind and get gear early on and continue fucking up everyone's shit as you go through the game, you have to wait for the game to be kind enough to you to hand you levels and gear appropriate to your enemies, that is the biggest flaw, since you will encounter creatures that will fuck you up early on, and no amount of skill or patience will help you, you have to leave and do what the game wants you to do then come back later.

Seriously feels like you swapped the swords with tip-less toothpicks.

If Geralt's life was a cake walk, his body wouldn't be scared up. Death March is more canonically correct. He succeeds due to his skill out pacing his opponent and uses potions/signs to even the odds in tough fights. I mean the dude was killed by a normal faggot with a pitchfork after all.

It's not that bad, but it's also not good. It really falls apart when you try to play the game at higher difficulties, I made the mistake of playing on Broken bones or whatever. Bosses just become giant health bars. I've been waiting a while for a combat overhaul mod.

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It's not that they only become damage sponges, it's that you turn into a giant walking glass vase, and it's not DarkSouls where you can just chug Estus and carry on.

people seem to eat up 3rd person RPG like no other. I believe if this was 1st person it very likely would be received with neutral reviews, it has so many mediocre features

I'd actually appreciate it a lot more if it were first person.

Also the game has it's flaws, but it's in no way mediocre, music, world building, design and graphics alone are enough to push it over 7/10.

Never played it, but does this or Bamham have worse combat ?

bamham is simpler but more enjoyable and fun, but honestly you don't play The Witcher for it's combat, god knows CD Projekt tried 2 times and failed.


Really? I was playing fairly casually through the missions and never felt like stuff hurt me that bad. It just took a really long time to kill stuff. Dodge timing is really generous and for the most part you can stunlock anything you hit. I think the problem is the combat didn't have any depth. Instead of deeper mechanics, they just added enemies with obnoxious gimmicks. Like the shield guys and plant things that were easy but took forever to kill.

I don't think Bamham combat is fun, to be honest the constant slow motion made it boring and hard to sit through.

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Repetitiveness is a big part of the problem, but what I meant is you can't win through skill, some missions and monsters you can't push through, some will instakill you in one hit, some will eat half your health bar if you fuck up.

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I'll take vesperia, xenoblade 2, radiant historia, SMT combat over anything in wRPGs

this is real?

It's average. Not necessarily bad (outside of a few issues here and there) but it's not particularly noteworthy. The main issue is that the game is so long that simply average combat, which is something you'll spend 50% of the game doing, is a problem. Even worse, build variety still boils down to using your fast and heavy swings, chugging potions, and throwing magic out when appropriate. Doesn't matter if you go full alchemist, dive into signs, or focus entirely on swords. You're still going to be doing the same stuff for what is a 60+ hour game. So it's not bad, but not good enough to hold up for such a long period.

What is actually bad about it includes:

>Actually garbage crossbow, in which the only real use is knocking flying monsters down
>Way more powerful fast swings with most builds, making heavy swings iffy outside of reducing armor
>Potion builds require you to sift through menus every time you go into combat
>Sword build is brain dead, but broken with the whirlwind move
>When combat starts, you can't interact with the environment anymore. The activate button turns into a roll button, so if you're inside a building but the enemy is outside, good luck.
>Quen is near required, as it entirely blocks a single attack and can be recast within moments
>Mutagen system encourages doubling down on a single color, reducing the viability of mixing skills up
>90% of encounters can be beaten simply by using fast attack and dodging at the right time, somewhat reducing the whole point of preparing as a witcher (unless you go to the highest difficulty)

>turn-based combat

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it's VR

It does have pretty crap combat, and I love the game

What is wrong with that? Even though most of my favorite games are in real time, i think both are good.

You are comparing apples to oranges

For the longest time I thought the combat was as deep as it’s Story, and I just couldn’t quite figure out the intricacies of it... turns out that Slash-slash-dodge-repeat really was the optimal strategy

That's nice and all but it still does not change the fact you can beat the game even on death march by just spamming roll because the combat is that shitty

Combat is pretty cool, there's a big arsenal of stuff you can use. I don't know why Yea Forums gets so worked up o-.. oh thats right they hate anything that's popular


tępić polactwo

>you can beat the game even on death march by just spamming roll because the combat is that shitty
You're thinking of Dark Souls.

I've posted this before but I guess I have to post it again. The problem doesn't lie in the combat, it lies in the fact that the combat doesn't evolve from the very first second you're flailing away at ghouls near that dreaming tree. You see about 50% of what signs have to offer, but most of the alternate modes are so fucking worthless you'll never use them anyway. And considering CDPR was pants on head retarded when it came to nerfing the everloving fuck out of the more useful signs (Igni), this ruins any further desire to change builds across playthroughs.

Alchemy is just a boring OP tree filled with nothing but passives. You can steamroll the game even on Deathmarch just by specializing in Alchemy.

Combat has two interesting activating abilities, but at best they're situational, at worst they're window dressing. None of the facets of the combat within The Witcher 3 really evolves. Players experience most of what the combat has to offer within the first 10 minutes of the game. The combat isn't bad as a baseline starting point, but it needed to get more intricate, and needed to provide more incentive to level up other than just stupidly broken passives and damage modifiers.

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>yfw aracnomorphs

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Bamham combat is peak ludo.

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The pseudo auto lock is fucking frustrating though, while not as bad as bamham, its still annoying. Dragon's Dogma set the bar for combat really high in action rpg, it ruined my enjoyment of other games because the combat is not DD

One thing that annoyed the hell out of me is that enemies significantly above your level get hidden stat boosts just for being above your level

>Fight a wyvern that is like 10 levels above me
>deal no fucking damage to it
>Come back now 3 levels beneath the wyvern, damage output barely increased
>literally tear it apart

Forgot about that, yeah that actually pisses me off. Sometimes I just wanna keep running past monsters or ignore them and it forces me to face them.

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Nerfed Yrden pretty hard too.
You're right. You have to force variety on yourself to keep the game fresh and they don't encourage it at all and at some points seem like they are discouraging it.
They tried to fix this in both expansions with the Runewrite (mostly failed) and Mutagens (mostly succeeded) so the devs at least know.

the mutagens fucking pissed me off because the ONLY decent mutation that actually makes Signs viable is Conductors of Magic, so if you ever roll sign builds, you either have to mod the fuck out of your game or get Conductors of Magic. Everyone kept memeing on how Piercing Cold was actually the broken one, but people don't realize the game gets even more broken at high levels/NG+ and rarely get knocked down, even on Story and Sword.

Want to make Igni useful? Conductors of Magic
Want to make Quen last longer than a nanosecond? Conductors of Magic
Want to make Yrden actually do damage and slow down enemies to where it's fucking perceptible? Conductors of Magic.

A lot of the other mutations range from okay to worthless. Worthless including Metamorphosis and Second Life.

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