Sekiro will be Yea Forums's game of the year just out of sheer elitism

Sekiro will be Yea Forums's game of the year just out of sheer elitism.

Shame, because it's actually great, but the "git gud" brigade will drown all its merits.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh fuck off. The git gud mob isnt even that present this time around. The game is hard as fuck and everyone can agree on that. The only shitters are the ones ree'ing over how its too hard and needs an assisted/easy mode

Imagine being mad because an anime subreddit expects you to excel

>The game is worse because of unrelated strangers on the internet

Dude, get over yourself

>Say the git gud crown isn't even present
>Then post a functional equivalent to git gud
Are you even aware of what you are writing?

Sekiro is tranny propoganda

Way to move the goalposts. Complaining about people who obnoxiously demand the integrity of a game be compromised is not the same as shutting down those looking for help in thr game by saying git gud.

I thought it was pretty easy desu, I beat it in three hours.

90% of complaints about most modern and difficult games are ones that can be fixed by reading what the game tells you. And if you're really bad just spam l1 and you'll parry everything enough to get a window to attack.
The game, in all honesty, isn't that hard, and is quite gracious in many regards like health and checkpoints.

>have a ton of healing
>rarely use it because die to 1 hit kill attacks
it is very generous indeed, you can just bypass almost anything with your grappling hook

>Imagine being mad because an anime subreddit expects you to excel
I beat ishinn

>And if you're really bad just spam l1 and you'll parry everything
You'll die

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I kinda gave up on the game after monkey #2
the whole parry slash slash gameplay isnt that great
the soulsborne gameplay isnt great and I feel sad for falling for it again

or you can just run around until you get your free poke

>the "git gud" brigade
These people are basically saying get good at the game or don't play. It's a response to the meaningless DSP-tier bitching and moaning about the difficulty.

>or you can just run around until you get your free poke
Somehow I have the feeling that's all you did

Use the beads.

It's true though, that's how I beat Isshin because fuck the timing of his spear combos.

Elitism? Fuck you retard. There have been constant sekiro help threads reaching 500+posts every hour since release

Yeah. Parrying is more like brute forcing a puzzle than actually solving it. To actually get gud you'll need to vary shit up.

>the whole parry slash slash gameplay isnt that great
Then mix it up with combat arts and prosthetics. Aggro more enemies at once so you need to dance more.

combats arts and prosthetics use consumables
we all know one shouldnt use consumables before the credits

Kuro is cute!

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>hold block to be invincible whilst the AI puts itself into a parry/backstab/visceral state for you
>dodge the simon says kanji
>game is hard

trust Soulsmongs to think this game is hard because their janky fad franchise is the only game they ever played apart from candy crush.

>actually great

its not that either but whatever you enjoy m8

Skindentation is for patrician eyes only

>hold block to be invincible
Your posture meter will fill
You'll die

Game's fine, fans are faggots as usual.

most bosses didnt actually take advantage of that
even genichiro gave you enough time to roll around from is floor stab

Where the hell do I find Sekiro art? Tumblr?

>Where the hell do I find Sekiro art? Tumblr?
Sankakucomplex :^)

I'm still not convinced that Kuro is actually a boy. Being a reverse trap for political reasons is incredibly common in jap shit and he mysteriously makes you close your eyes while showing his chest

However, the number 1 piece of evidence I have that Kuro is a girl is how much Miyazaki focuses on his fucking feet. The camera panning to show them is actually hilarious and since Miyazaki has only ever shoved his stupid fetish into his games via girls I'm convinced Kuro is one too.

Kuro loving to make sweets and crushing on Wolf makes even more sense in this light as well


>I'm still not convinced that Kuro is actually a boy
Feet are clearly boy size

>Decided it was time to fight that spirit barrage wizard dude in the cave
>Forgot where he was though
>Decided to check out your starting area
>Find a mini boss
>After beating him a short cut to the wizard opens and you can jump attack him for the first bar

Holy shit was a stroke of luck, I love this game.

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Are you so afraid of being gay, user?

I never thought there would be a From game with cute boys

He can't be a She because only boys become Divine Heirs

Reminder you didn't actually beat Sekiro until you do all the bosses without kuro's charm while holding the bell demon.

Gitting gud is precisely what any struggling player needs to do. Why they take it so personally baffles me.

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>>Decided to check out your starting area
>>Find a mini boss
>>After beating him a short cut to the wizard opens and you can jump attack him for the first bar
Wtf I thought that was the normal path

Based game

Wait, where's this shortcut? I must have missed it.

Emma and rice lol (who is feeding you her fucking blood what the fuck seriously) are perfectly fine, even if the latter is basically just painter design reused

>Gitting gud is precisely what any struggling player needs to do. Why they take it so personally baffles me.

what If I don't have 500 hours of free time to dump into a game yet I want to experience the world and th story
what now you retard?

This. I'm stuck on this boss and can't find the statue

>the "git gud" brigade will drown all its merits.
Call them what you want, but the """git gud brigade""" are the only people recognizing its merits in the first place. Journos who dropped the game after a few hours and casual players who are only hyper focused on the "unfair difficulty" are the ones who are drowning out all the game's merits.

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Where you first start the game, the little dungeon hole.

>The git gud mob isnt even that present this time around.
Holy fuck WHAT?

Nope, the normal path has you entering the room in front of him, causing him to attack you the very second you enter with a rain of skull face shits.

As an elitist, let me just say FUCK CASUALS and thank god for Sekiro

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Why? You'll just die in one hit. You're either at full hp or no hp. There's no middle ground.

nearly nothing one shots in this game
on the other hand, any attack from a boss usually does more than half to 80%

Make the time or play something else.

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hardest bosses take maybe 3 hours max if you refuse to play it safe or cheese in any way and also have old man reflexes

>JUST discovered there are hidden treasure rooms with shinobi walls

wow fuck me

I cant find a thread about Sekiro that isnt bait so I'll post here
How the fuck do I beat this guy? it feels like Im playing the game wrong, the fucker moves way too fast I cant seem to find any opennings, he does that long combo that ends on a charged kick and when I try to stab the fucker in the feet he fucking parries me, he also parries me in mid air, and even when jumping from the roof, wtf.

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Then don't play it. That's like complaining that you can't read a book because it isn't written in your native language. You aren't entitled to experience everything ever made, especially when you aren't willing to invest anything in it. The difficulty in these games is intentionally designed to enhance your experience of the world and the story and that is part of the reason why all of From's souls-like games have death mechanics that interact directly with the story.

It also doesn't take 500 hours to become competent enough to beat the game, unless you are literally mentally deficient. That is just stupidly hyperbolic. Pushing yourself to improve and overcome difficult odds is one of the biggest themes of the game, there is no point in trying to experience the game when you strip it of all of its primary themes. Just accept that the game isn't for you and move on, or quit being a little bitch and just play it.

Mikiri his kicks

This We even have help threads you dumb fuck.

How is a kick a stabbing attack?

Just parry him bro then Mikiri his last kick. You'll build up posture in no time.

>these are the kinds of retards that complain about the game being too hard

>You aren't entitled to experience everything ever made, especially when you aren't willing to invest anything in it.
Are you willing to admit the same applies to you and pussy?

>catboy kuro

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>How is a kick a stabbing attack?
It's straight

When he's using leg moves he can't block/deflect you, so hit him with a charged R1 then. What I do to defeat him easily is to pressure him. If you attack him a bunch, he'll block your swings and deflect you (you'll notice the deflect by the different sound plus the sparks that fly out) after he does that, he'll either do a fast sword attack that you can deflect to rack up posture damage or a kick combo. If he does the kick instead, just move away (jumping for example) and either hit him for HP damage or if you want to fill up his posture bar instead, wait for the combo to end in that big perilous attack (the one with the red kanji) and Mikiri his leg. If you keep up the pressure this way he won't have time to regain posture and you can fill his posture bar and kill him quickly without even doing that much damage to him. I find it way safer than endlessly waiting for openings and slowly whittling him down.

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thrusting attacks, not stabbing

Thank you my niggaijins, I knew I was doing something wrong.

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Honestly, try again after getting at least one health upgrade and 3 gourds. The very beginning of this game is the hardest portion by far because of insta-murders and no heals.

>I knew I was doing something wrong.
Yeah, not reading the goddamn game tooltips

>Honestly, try again after getting at least one health upgrade and 3 gourds
Dude, you can literally beat gihichieo in the tutorial

Is there a trick to him because I'm barely doing any damage to him when I hit him and he's flying in the air most of the time anyway.

Snap seeds

Yeah, and I did so in NG+, but that doesn't change the fact that the very beginning of your NG ride is the hardest portion of the game. I'm on NG+4 and nothing else came close to how bullshit it was to get two-shot by everything while only having one gourd usage.

Confetti lets you hurt ghosts

>it's actually great
not really lol

epic trole

Since the help thread died.

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Congrats. Interesting punish with the air ichimonji.

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>Owls are my favorite animal
>Look forward to comfy Owl sensei
>He's probably the most evil character in the game.

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>but the "git gud" brigade will drown all its merits.
The git gud brigade is only here because people are shitting on the game for reasons that are either genuinely incorrect or totally inconsequential.

the 'git gud' mob is only done as a response to salt, its like this in fighting game communities too because its both funny and a good way to motivate people. If you aren't salty, you won't be shitposted in response

If no one said gitgud, the limp wristed faggots posting on twitter would be the vocal minority from would listen to and we wouldn't get the same game.

You seem tonthink "gitgud" just popped up unprovoked, without cause. No. Its the reaction to your paragraph long bitching fits about "vido gam too hard :((((" when you just not only fucking suck, you seem to legitimately think your opinion on difficulty is objective

>500 hours
no the whole point is you get good and finish the game in less than 500 hours because you're not a pathetic faggot who cries and cries like a bitch when faced with even the slightest adversity. virgin.

You play a different game, casual.

>the git gud mob isnt even that present this time around
Were you not here at all last week?
Soulstards were literally responding with GIT GUD to complaints about music and poor customization.

>what If I don't have 500 hours of free time to dump into a game
Play a shorter game with no PvP and build diversity. You know, like Sekiro.

That air ichimonji was pretty clean

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God, you're such a sensitive little bitch, lol.

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I found two more beads from just exploring. There was one in a chest underwater in Mibu Village and another in a small graveyard area before the Gun Fort which I didn't know existed (from the Under-Shrine Valley Idol, turn around, jump and grapple, then look for edges you can grab and hang from on the wall). I can't believe shitposters say this game has bad exploration, I find new stuff every fucking day.

>everyone loves this game, but not for the reasons I want
kekka dake da

I actually had planned to set up High Monk after 50% health since it does more posture damage on sweeps but shit was too intense to just pause.

I think the OST is the only truly weak part about this game. I didn't really feel the lack of customization as something bad. Maybe it's just because of how I normally play Souls games. I don't find different weapons to be that enticing to make new playthroughs and I just find one I like on my first run, finish the game with it, make a second run looking everything up to truly complete what the PvE offered and all my subsequent runs are just for making characters for PvP. I can see why some people would be like "oh, I'll go through the game again except this time I'll use a claymore instead of a straight sword!" but for me the difference was always inconsequential and not big enough to make me redo everything again. I had already accepted Sekiro wouldn't have PvP and I was feeling quite burned out from Souls PvE so I wasn't even looking forward to Sekiro that much, but I got it anyways and lo and behold it was the most fun PvE experience I had with a From game since my first Souls game which was Dark Souls 1. I wasn't going to like it less because I could have used slightly different R1s from an odachi instead of a regular katana or whatever, and the prosthetic tools and skill tree progression were enough to spice things up a bit so that I didn't get bored of the basic moveset.

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t. seething tranny casual


>Shame, because it's actually great
Tell me why Sekiro is great without talking about the difficulty

Your posts are retardation propaganda.

Is it really special now that everyone does it?

>tfw first time playthrough got me to bad end boss and it took me 2 days on and off between fighting him and looking for some more beads/upgrades
Felt good finally beating him, tho.

real time clang combat

You can also just steal the item he is guarding and run away.

>Best gameplay From has ever produced. The posture system is great and it encourages fights that look and feel awesome like what
>Awesome level design
>Good nonlinear world design
>Good bosses
>Only two gimmick bosses and they're actually good too
>The game is consistent all the way through, no mid-game quality crisis.
>Excellent aesthetics

Attached: sekiro6.jpg (1800x1071, 262K)

Despite my disdain for fuedal Japan settings, I still love the level design for this game. The entirety of that water palace is probably one of my favorite levels in vidya as well as Mount Kong

>Unironically has a two monkey boss fight

Fuck you

>he doesn't know

the combat is just boring as hell. coming from other action games that have different weapons, different styles, bloodborne's trick weapons and transformations, SOMETHING to add a bit of variety. the prosthetic tools are all limited resources as well so you have to use them sparingly. I understand it's very classic in its design, but it's too simple and I don't like the combat to begin with.

>and he's flying in the air most of the time anyway.
get the anti air deathblow skill and you can kill him instantly when he's in the air

Firecracker the bride and beat her, then parry the headless monkey and use the umbrella if you want to avoid the terror scream without running= easy

That ending was smooth, good jobbu user-kun

I’ve been only helpful to others and have no doubt people are struggling. However, I personally found the game pretty average if not easy in difficulty. But it really just clicked with me early on. I don’t think people need to get good, they just need to experiment more.

not them but yeah

Yea Forums is dominated by teenagers and adults with no achievements in their life, what do you expect?

How can I fight him? Do i have to side with him and betray the master?

>Mikiri his kicks

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I'm fine with From game difficulty for the most part, they're usually not that bad once you know what you're doing and improve your character a bit (although I'm not sure of Sekiro as I've yet to play it), but I'd kinda like an easy mode in one of these games someday just to see the absolute, unfettered rage from the fans whose life worth is based on the difficulty of video games they play. Though it'd probably spell the end for them since their image relies on "super hard games".

I don't really find it harder, and that's not just contrarianism, it starts off much harder cause it's full of 'new' mechanics and new timings to learn. But once you get the hang of them there's not exactly a whole lot of variation in enemy setups, and even then you can ignore a lot of them with the gigantic fucking glowing kanji above your head notifying you of an unblockable.

>>Mikiri his kicks

>It's too late...
Damn, next time then.

As long as you haven't the boss of the Fountain Palace, you can still try it.

> It doesn't need an easy mode, just an overall damage adjustment, so that enemies won't have moves that eat up half of your health and take forever to kill even if you block, attack and dodge perfectly

Purple umbrella allows you to block everything he has easily and even return that damage back to him. If you hit him in the air it's an instant kill

> Yea Forums's game of the year just out of sheer elitism
Not really, because it's not an exclusive for a console or pc.
If you want a good example of that faggotory, look no further than Bloodborne

OP has actually never played Sekiro or is stuck at Chained Ogre.

Just git gud, scrub

lel this

It was also compounded by the fact that snoybois had no gaemz at the time.

>OP has actually never played Sekiro or is stuck at Chained Ogre.
>Just git gud, scrub
I love the game

I just think "it's hard" is not his biggest merit. But the only one people parrot

botw would be the better example

I have literally never seen a single person say they like the game because it’s hard. Even the people calling it their GOAT have literally never said that.

Again, you are a butthurt loser who has either never played it, or is stuck at the beginning like a retard fag.

>At the time

>but the "git gud" brigade will drown all its merits.
Where do you think we all are?

>botw would be the better example
Except I 100% botw on PC @ 4k 60fps

It’s okay. Story is pretty much rehashed dark souls and Bloodborne with immortality and infested false immortality garbage. mechanically it’s very boring. You can almost ignore the health bar on most bosses and just deflect every move and jump over every unblockable. It felt like another souls game and wasn’t very impressed.

watch a lets play

Mindless praise of botw did got less common when the emulator and mods became available

>mechanically it’s very boring.
t. Where are my iframes?

>multiple threads complaining about people saying the game is too hard or too easy
>no threads actually saying these things

and then you have those who will deflect any criticism because "git gud XD"

>Tfw just beat the Saint
Definitely going to be running through this game again soon to try a different ending. My exceptions were pretty minimal for this game but holy shit they were exceeded.

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Wouldn’t I frames be boring? I think they are. Mastering the combat is deflecting and attacking. It’s very simple after a few hours of gameplay and a few tries at bosses.

iirc you can cheese him with the anti-air deathblow you can buy from the infested dude's shrine at the dilapidated temple

>what If I don't have 500 hours of free time to dump into a game yet I want to experience the world and th story

You could have made that excuse 15 years ago, but now you can't.

You can go on youtube and watch a no commentary play through of the game right now or watch a play through on twitch. It's probably even better that you do since you won't complain about difficulty anymore

2 ape was such a shit idea for a boss. Why the hell would you have a boss be just both phases of the previous boss at once? That's just lazy.

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because the criticism is usually completely retarded
like people saying you cant break boss posture without dropping their health below 20% when you obviously can

It took me 40 hours to beat it. Try gitting gud.

They hinted at his wife multiple times. The scream after you beat the first one, the memory mentioning he would've been lonely, and the flower being cultivated for the wife. So next time you meet him, he's with his wife.

then watch it on youtube

>you were the sculptor all along
>literally recycling one of the endings from bloodborne
miyazaki is a fucking hack

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Of course but he shouldn't show up at all and his wife being a reskin doesn't get a pass because of obvious foreshadowing.

Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

Sword Saint is like the hardest boss I've fought since like blind DMC3 days as a little green lad. It was such a rewarding test of composure

you're a fucking retard

It's funny how half of the Sekiro threads on Yea Forums just exist to make fun of game journalists for saying that the game is hard, and the other half of the threads are "Sekiro help thread #275, no 'git gud' allowed". Yea Forums is full of shitters who like to pretend they're good at games.

>Both have no arm
>You time travel 15min into the game

I'd be insulted if it wasn't the case

this might be the first fromsoft title that doesn't plummit in quality halfway through or have some half assed level thats way worse than all the rest.

explain to me how reusing the tired EVERYTHING IS PART OF A CYCLE trope that shows up in every souls game isn't lazy writing at this point

>make amazing artwork
>slap ID all over it instead of in the corner or something like professional paintings
why do they do this?

Posts like this make me truly believe that the vast majority of people is completely unable to grasp even basic points of the story before Vaati makes a lore video for them to parrot. This isn't the first time I read this brainlet opinion.
The Sculptor was an actual character, the shinobi known as the "Bounding Monkey of the Sunken Valley" that is referenced in the Axe's description. He was called that because he trained with a shinobi waifu in the Sunken Valley amongst the monkeys that live there. He eventually joined forces with Isshin and killed so many that he started to turn into a Shura, just like Sekiro in the bad ending. Isshin cut his left arm when he was starting to turn. The Sculptor retreated to the temple in the Outskirts and began feverishly carving Buddha to quell his bloodlust and fight off the transformation. Sekiro in that ending kills Kuro so he starts to snap as well and ends up carving Buddha to stop him from becoming Shura as well. There's nothing more than a parallel with the Sculptor.
Also fuck you for using the picture I wanted to respond to your post with

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Holy shit, Great Shinobi Owl's theme is literally Onikage's theme from Tenchu.

The only 'cycle' ending in Sekiro is the ending of the Sengoku period in Japan with the country's reunification by the ministry. The game is about a one of the last clans of the time period getting overrun by the Tokugawa ministry. The Ashina clan and the ministry were real.

I've heard a lot about this game and read review but I'm not sure about buying it.
Sell this game to me Yea Forums. I've seen gameplay and how it's about balance and stuff so you don't have to explain everything to me. Is the gameplay itself fun?

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Yeah it's pretty consistent even though it reuses the main castle area. But it's a nice area.

>but I'm not sure about buying it.

If you enjoyed playing MGR then you'll probably enjoy playing this. The core gameplay loop is essentially identical.

It's an action game with cool combat that happens in levels which are masterfully handcrafted and are part of a cool interconnected nonlinear world with top aesthetics.

Thinking about tbqh
Haven't played it, I'll look it up

Yeah and I’m glad because I’m not that into this game dark souls remains the GOAT.

Isn't the VA for Kuro a girl?

The VA for young boys is always a grown ass woman, user.
Kids can't act, and fully grown men's voices are too deep.
You oughta know that by now.

Stop projecting.

What are all the secret interactions?
>Divine Abduction one shots monks
>Spear pulls out the Ape's centipede
>Bloodsmoke on a lizard generates poison smoke

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Snap seeds fuck up the fake Corrupted Monk
Lazulite flamethrower fucks up Demon of Hatred

>hold block and ur invincible :^)
Do you know how I know you didn't even beat Lady Butterfly?

You better know it. Bring back games with actual challenge.