Risk of Rain 2

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Chinese already getting mad

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Don't even try to bull shit us, brother.

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>tfw my oc is relevant again

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Anyone want to donate a second key?


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do people rate the tesla coil


but he's saying he likes the game a lot, he just wants a chink translation

has anyone made a mod to turn the teleporter bright red or something

any open lobbies?

>Murder a massive teleporter boss wave no sweat
>Die to ONE elite fire golem that spawned from a shrine of combat while I was scavenging the map afterwards

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Beetle Guard a cute

Would anyone be willing to trade tf2 stuff for a copy?

>get lava worm as engineer
>auto die

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>see lava worm for the first time

love this shit

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I'm considering quitting a run because I can't find the fucking teleporter

That's because it's only been 1 day.
If hopoo doesn't add a translation in a week, they'll swarm the reviews.


Anything cool or are we talking like 3 scrap and 2 hats?

i just got the game. why can't i disable bloom?

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sometimes i swear its just not fucking there

Never did play the first one, how is 2 shaping up?
Sounds like it has some occasional game breaking bugs but looks like it could be fun? Biggest issue is I'd generally be playing with random folks I'm guessing, so not sure how well that'd go.

>playing artificer
>shrine of order
>get 10 crit chance items
>get 3 crowbars later on
>100% crit with 250% damage on first hit of enemy
>1 shot fucking everything

it was fun while it lasted but i got hit once and died an hour in

>solo 2 imp lords as based robot in 4 player game
>about to finish the teleporter, under attack by like 10 elites
>overloading magma wurm spawns on my location and oneshots my ass

this game is great

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Please, hopoo
You know what to do
Put in the boy

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It's a bug where some buttons just don't work atm

it's just the first but in 3d, go through maps with procgen loot locations, kill shit, get stronger, keep going


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I'm enjoying it more than first one.

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>barely make it through round 3 with commando
>unlock robot
>get to round 4 with ease
Did I just get good or does commando suck?

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hour 11 on these threads, still searching, soon friends, soon

music from the first game mod when

robot is op as hell


Is there a lock on? I cannot for the life of me hit anything.

Commando is good. But Robot is very good

>mfw carrying 8x disposable missles as MUL-T
we mechwarrior now

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>use shit tactics
>on I'M COMING FOR YOU before we've barely started wave 4
>host dies
>host closes the server while the rest of us are still alive

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dumb bunny poster

MUL-T is by far the best character in the game

Anyone from the waiting for release thread here? How is it so far? I've seen mixed responses but i'm unsure if that's just bandwagoning normalfags. Also I watched the the gearbox conference and they had Hopoo on, poor guy looked nervous as hell the whole time. Need to save up muns still, and I dont want to be a filthy pirate.

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play as huntress she has lock on

Trading a copy for dota items

How casual can you get?

Huntress is the survivor for you

Why is it literally impossible for the game to give you a 4/4 room?

Why is Merc so STYLISHLY fun?

Attached: RiskMerc.png (1117x654, 534K)


>That feel when play Engie first time last night
>Group and I survived one hell of a boss wave easy mode thanks to my shield
>We teleport and the moment round starts i get destroyed by blue worm
>We lost that round, last surviving teammate nearly getting stuck forever making everyone sad
Was one hell of a 82 minutes long round, I shall never forget ya boys!

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Enforcer first, faggot

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Sent ;)

it's great, a perfect transition from 2d to 3d

hey any people wanna tell a real cool guy how to edit a save file to get more coins?


lets go

I guess I need to do fresh art

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>>host closes the server while the rest of us are still alive
how I thought that was steam

How often do you think they are going to update the game? I want muh huntress buff. She's so much more enjoyable to play compared to Commando and Mul-t but the abilities kind of suck.

Damn it, i hate being poor now.

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It's not dedicated servers, if the host leaves the game ends

I'm poor and I got this game for free

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I have to shoot things to get that far though. Is there a punching one or an Acrid type instead?

Very, I guess? I suck at shooters.

I'm about to make a huge mistake

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Engineer sucks in this game, the turrets are made of glass and can't withstand shit later in the match, and your grenades and mines basically force you to be close to bosses in order to hit them (the last place you want to be when all of them can instakill you at close range)

the game certainly has flaws - teleporters are sometimes glitched into geometry, you can skyrim up cliffs, but it's worth getting either if you're a massive fan of risk of rain, or you have friends to play with.


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Will draw Risky Rain OC for a key

Post steam


huntress is the goat literally my first time playing her, now i have the merc, also the rng helped

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Did you like the original Risky Rain? If yes, buy this game. If you are absolutely desperate for money, and can give a good excuse I will give you my free copy.

I won't play it with you though.

New code

Bosses have way too much HP, glass when? Also
>Vagrant spawns
>Drones die

>watching everyone play with all the wacky cool characters
>don't want to cheat but there's no reason not to cheat except for a sense of pride and accomplishment

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getting to level 3 aint that hard just play on drizzle or have some randoms or anons carry you there

why? Does the commando look too much like Winnie the Pooh?

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how do you guys deal with playing as slow classes in multiplayer as far as not getting any items?
everytime I play as one of the slower classes I end up really underequipped as time goes on, people playing the speedy classes zip around and open all the chests and I end up only getting 2-3 whites per map as a result while everyone else is stacked the fuck up. it's absurd, they don't relent at all, they'll see you slowly slogging your way towards 1 or 2 of the last chests on the map, see that you're almost there, and decide to zip right by you and grab them out from under you. fucking why, you already have 3-4x more items than I fucking do. not even gonna get started on how these people are usually shit at the game and die the moment they get into a hairy situation so their fuckton of items don't do jack shit for them. almost makes me not want to play multiplayer at all if I'm playing as something slower, because when you join a team of 3 out of 4 MUL-Ts as engineer or artificer or the like you ain't getting SHIT and are pretty much gonna stay as your stock build the rest of the game
tl;dr why can't normies split up items evenly so that everyone gets a fair amount instead of having 1 or 2 guys zoom around snapping up everything on the map (including boss items) without sharing?

That's why i just did it, it's easy as fuck too. Fuck the noise of unlocking shit, I'm way too bad at the game anyway.


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because hes the best user, hes my main


Just play on drizzle if you want the characters so badly


Hope you're not bullshitting user.
Man this is what i get for fapping during work, then getting caught and getting fired.

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What's the quick rundown on how to unlock Huntress or someone else? I feel like a basic bitch just playing as Commando.

i dont play on drizzle personally it was just a suggestion user

>playing drizzle

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thats just part of the game
jews gonna jew

beat three levels in a row, no deaths

if you cheat you're gonna get bored of the game even faster


Dammit, I loved the first one, but early access?
Is it worth it, how much game is there currently?

Is the door on the desert stage an actual door or is it just a prop?

>there's a 300% running speed achievement
I feel like all this speed is wasted on stationary turrets

Attached: ludicrous speed.png (1920x1080, 1.98M)

MUL-T is beat the first stage 5 times in separate runs
Huntress is beat the third stage in a run
Engineer is beat 30 stages total

Go to the logbook and check the survivor tab, all the challenges are there. One of the "secret" ones is spending ten lunar coins at the time bazaar, the other is i dunno

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ok user, you caught me

>Man this is what i get for fapping during work, then getting caught and getting fired.

>fapping during work

Attached: naotowat.png (215x232, 73K)

>buy RoR2 on Steam after seeing it announced at PAX
>get home
>pc won't boot
>SSD with Steam on it may be dead

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dude you bought at least re2, dmc5 and sekiro this year lmao

Fuck I forgot to remove my image, was gonna say I want this bad boy as a class

one of the two early access games i dont regret buying including subnautica

True Shazbots need not apply. Get Sanic fast.

there is no end boss so you just loop forever, Only five characters at the moment and some of the items haven't been added yet. Its 70% done and not a early access shit show.


Huntress is my favorite and best character


aw shit i just realized theres no neat statistics page for this one so i cant see how many runs ive done

>pulled the trigger
>instant regret
>attempted to uncheat

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Tempting, thanks for the info

Do you think he made it?

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>he put OS and Steam on the same SSD

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wtf does this do?

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I'm about to mcfucking kill myself if these enemies don't start dropping some lunar coins. I want to play the new girl, damnit.

>missiles on hit chance
>missile elite
>gunner drones with all the same upgrades
ah yes, the lag I remember from endgame RoR1

>Multiplayer game comes out on Steam
>Threads are filled with underage Discord beggars

btw whats up with these timed chest?

Attached: timerchest.png (1920x1080, 1.38M)

huntress is literally just get to wave 3 or 4 and dont die, play 5 first levels to get the robot, play 30 stages to get engineer, obliterate yourself in the door to get merc, and pay 10 lunar tokens in the bazaar to unlock artificer. shits honestly really easy, managed to do it all yesterday

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Is he the one you need 10 lunar coins for?

Literally my last paycheck, Im out of any spending money now.
I know i know i fucked up

it's specifically filled with beggars because there's a buy one get one free deal on and fags are trying to scrounge for seconds keys

make it to stage 3 and find chest before the 10 minute mark for new item.

>bought DMC5, Sekiro (which just came out) and RE2
Fuck you.

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>only 6 times

It happened to me like 8 times last night

>play my first game after a friend gave me his extra copy
>struggling to do any damage as commando while my friend as some robot zooms past at mach 10 dealing 5k dps with his chaingun
Am I playing this wrong?

I’m usually pretty good at games but I had to burn all my gold on something called the crowdfunder to not get left behind in damage

Just did it before. Need to get to the third stage in less than 10 minutes and open it, pretty easy to do on drizzle. It unlocks an amazing use item for future runs

I recognize you, you're a constant beggar in christmas gift threads. Fuck off.

>Never got too deep into RoR since I always played offline
>Always loved the concept and try to keep up with threads to see how much fun people have
Don't have the money for 2 so any tips on getting into RoR1? It feels like I'm missing something, more than just other people to play with.

once command drops atg stacking will be the dawn of a new lagging era


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Well, I'll just keep trying in any case. One more question if it's not too much trouble, how do you interact with "1 Lunar" or "1 item" spots?

I hope
But how the duck are they going to make him as fun as/more fun than Merc?

apparently they have a discord, lead dev was saying that they expect to fix a lot of bugs or help with requested features, so give them some feedback, they seem great so help them out.

I bought original risky twice, once on PC and once on PS4. my financial situation right now is kind of retarded.

that's the thing though, I feel like it was easier to not get jewed in ROR1 where everything was 2D. In a 3D plane movement is an even bigger deal and it's a lot easier for 3 people to split up and clean the whole map out while you only manage to grab the first few chests. It doesn't help that these niggers sometimes go as far as grabbing the items that dropped out of chests you opened by swooping in after you paid for it to grab it out from under you

opens the gate

get in nerds

hunting newt boy


That's a quickplay issue desu, you should be able to communicate with your buddies what loot you want and what they can have.

If you're not having fun it might just not be your kind of game, there really isn't anything to "miss" on the surface, what you see is exactly what you get. That being said the game does get exponentially more fun when you play with other people (especially in those 10 people lobbies)

>Charge dash
>Slow AOE attack like the first game
>Carpet bombing
gee user idk

Sniper please!

>everyone has models except Acrid
It's not fair bros

It's all about luck with item gains. Robot is just massively OP. With decent item stacks, everyone can be OP, but none can match the pace of Mul-T. Basically he just gets there quicker.

Whens funballs I want to play risk of 2 fps

>Double digit hooves, drinks, whips

Attached: transport mode activated.jpg (1024x1024, 166K)

>game makes people forget about the superior ror1
>game pushes the 3d style-over-substance LOOK ISNT THIS PRETTY KIDS rhetoric after the devs once stuck to their guns with a simple, functional, useful, good 2d game
>game makes the devs abandon the 2d game which still has annoying crash bugs that needs fixing
Don't give me this "LOL ROR2 DIDNT KILL THE ORIGINAL GAME STOP HATING IT" bullshit. 2 is cancer and an insult to gaming.

so is it more a 3d remake of the first game or an entirely new game?

I'm the kind of weirdo that only plays solo, even a game like Borderlands. But I'll give it another shot one of these days. Thanks.

>Roll either needs iframes back or a lower CD
>Piercing shot needs to be a lot thicker to account for it being naturally harder to line shots up in 3D

The only annoying character to unlock is Artificer because Lunar Coins are a tedious grind.
You're just gonna burn yourself out faster if you cheat.

how do you beat wandering vagrant. this nigga just blows me to high heavens in stage 1

Fuck this chest

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yeah looks like I'm going to end up having to find some people to play with, because I'm really struggling to have fun in quickplay 75% of the time as my favorite classes, I feel like shit in 3D is even more broken as far as movement gaps, once already fast classes start getting speed items you might as well get fucked trying to keep up with them to open chests in a 3D space

Am I missing something with RoR1?

No matter what by the 3rd level every enemy is insanely strong and has massive health. No matter what drops ive gotten I can't progress

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are you supposed to rush through teleporters as quick as possible or try to stack yourself with items from all the chests?
my friends keep spending >10 min per level trying to get every chest and by the time we're on level 4 the difficulty is impossible.

just stop

>tfw no real friends to play the game with
>tfw can't trade gift copy for 30 days
Does anyone feel like putting too much faith into a complete stranger and trade some Team Fortress 2 stuff for a gift copy?

2 more

ok poorfag

>drifting around 1-hitting any mobs that get in your path
How can other survivors even compete?

>he's not an engineer

dodge the blue spheres he shoots and you should be good

1 Lunar = Needs 1 Lunar coin, which is a random drop from monsters
1 item = Trade one item for another

Tempted to biy for that 1+1 copy but there's so much missing from the first one that I might not enjoy it. Are the items all there or some of them haven't been set yet?

>tfw can't trade gift copy for 30 days
Wait, why?

Retarded how? My countries financial situation is currently between "fucked" and "monumentally retarded"

Added to the list, faggot.

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Be faster
Get good

Man fuck playing with randoms, bunch of impatient retards

How's the game? Liked RoR but early access leaves my kinda cold because I end up playing incomplete games only to never finish them down the line even though they're great just cause I played them to death beforehand (Darkest Dungeon / Dead Cells)
On the other hand I'm bored as fuck.
How's the content? I know there's some missing characters, but if the game has as much content as the first RoR already I'd probably buy into it. How many levels? Final boss already in?
Thanks in advance for answers

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>81 minutes in
>2 overloading magma worms on the map
>activate teleport
>3 overloading magma worms more
i didn't make it

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uh, what? are you delusional? RoR1 has the same (if not slightly higher) playercount right now as it has had for the last few weeks. RoR2 did nothing as far as killing RoR1, it was already a dead game with only 200~ people playing it daily. not to mention it was never really a "big" game in the first place, RoR1 always had niche playercounts. as far as "game makes the devs abandon the 2d game", same shit, they abandoned it LONG AGO, we haven't gotten fixes for RoR1 in fucking ages. your anger is misdirected, find some real issues to be mad about. RoR2 is a great game and a welcome change of pace for rebooting a dead game
tell your friend he's a nigger for using the most broken, metafag character in the game. robot is confirmed to be getting nerfed to the ground very soon


Jump on in. Scotland host

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It's a sequel. But 3d. There's really nothing else to say, it's Risk of Rain TWO.

Why are people shitting on playing on drizzle? Until glass is implemented this is the most enjoyable way to play by far.


>boss gets stuck in roof and can't move or hit me
>still takes 5 minutes of shooting to kill it
enemies aren't bullet sponges hurrrr just git gud durrrr I didn't like glass anyway hurrrdurrr

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So for those asking "will x be in?," I've dug in the code a bit, and here is a list of potential characters:
Assassin (very incomplete dual knives nigga)
and possibly Acrid (there is something called Birdshark in the code, and i guess acrid kinda looks like a cross between a bird and a shark)

There is also a thing called Hauler that appears to be a truck-like vehicle. It is as incomplete as Assassin.

Good enough to buy and play now, even better that they'll be adding stuff just like RoR1

no, you need to get celestial orb on 8th stage to get him

I think i do not understand something, how the hell am i supposed to dodge (aside for terrain) Boss collosus laser?

>Why are people shitting on playing on drizzle? Until glass is implemented this is the most enjoyable way to play by far.
Maybe because it's almost impossible to die and games where it's almost impossible to die have no incentive or challenge that makes it interesting to keep playing beyond a few minutes of broken, OP fucking around?

Basically I lost my jobs, looking for new jobs but no one calls back for interviews. live with gf, our total income via her is too high for social assistance, and they wont give me EI or anything. So I have ZERO



>Vagrants bullshit explosion move totally unavoidable in certain areas won't be removed because of the game's autistic fanbase's obsession with pointless difficulty

Aside from terrain, you don't.

the only problem with huntress is targeting the magma worm unless you have the wings

For anyone that hasn't noticed, the teleporter emits faint glowing orange particles around it. Of course this doesn't really help on the fire stage but so far those have helped me find it more often than just seeing the thing itself.

~1h in you are in one shot territory by nearly everything already.

the only other way is engie shield or merc R

Really curious how enforcer will work in 3D
Hype as fuck for Han-D coming back

I need lewds of huntress god damn i didnt expect her to be so hot in 3d

>Ceremonial dagger
>Unstable tesla coil
>A fuckton of leech seeds
>Everything is being melted
>Can't fucking die
>Portal spawns 6 elder lemurians that instantly firebreaths me at the same time

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Why the FUCK are bosses such big bullet sponges in this game. My fucking finger hurts just holding down the fire button.

i had so many energy drinks stacked and still couldn't out pace it


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>No loader

Grappling hook in 3D could've been amazing

Attached: loader.png (1318x1000, 51K)

There's only 4 slots on the CSS but I feel like he's just gonna add more if he wants. Would be surprised if all the original survivors don't come back, but I'd also be surprised if no more RoR2 original characters get added before release

they made her ass way too fat

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Get yourself some armor piercing ammo user

Literally just press shift.
Its a shame they removed the glaive bouncing between worm segments too.
There is also something called "PotMobile" which is going to be amazing if its wait it sounds like.

Anyone else experiencing a glitch where only the host is able to see the teleporter and if there's any solution to fix the problem?

Get good fag.
>hide behind rock
>don't get hit by it
>run away as fast as possible to get out of range

1 slot

Sounds reasonable, send steamID to [email protected] if someone steals it, I'm sorry

I do think that's the elephant in the room for the bosses, no other boss can just nuke you like that. Gets really annoying in the later difficulties when he can just spam it as he approaches low health but still has a ton of health left

>too big
go back to ireland o'neil

What the fuck is a rusted key and what does it open?

are you playing solo? pick up more loot before fighting them you can get critical damage items and bleed, if your not solo then wtf is your team doing?

How many levels are there?? I was melting through everything, the hardest part was finding the teleporter.
If I didn't make the mistake ordering food in between levels I would still be playing through.
I got Indian food for those who are curious

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Yeah its fucking distracting and I can't focus on the game.

Thank goodness you don't have to aim with her.

no final level yet, it just repeats

i don't have the game yet, but they changed how Han-D plays ? or is it a different robot ? also a pic back when RoR 1 was released and i used to be in the threads, so much fun memories, jew anons stealing all the damn loot not included

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this happend to me once i got so angry at my friend at first then i felt bad when i realized he literally couldn't see it on his stream


steamcommunity.com/id/RedmarkFIN filthy beggar

different robot.

God I just realized how insane providence would be in this game

>see people try to join
>can't press ready
sasuga hopoo!

it has a chance to spawn a small rusted lunchbox-looking thing that contains a free item each level

first patch when? mul-t needs a -90% damage nerf and at least -50% max health already. fucking sick of stupid mult cheeseniggers making every game 3 hours long

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different robot. name is similar but he's more of a close range shooter than melee

yes and where do I follow you?

How do you get more items to spawn per map?

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do I play this with a controller or with mouse + keyboard

Han-D isn't in right now, but his brother Mul-T is there, and he is OP as fuck.

Mage is awful what the fuck
How do I play her

fuck you

>complaining about balance in a PvE game

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Different and better robit MUL-T is here to nail your shit in and drift while doing it

i hope they add a alternate fire mode for huntress like mul-t but instead you can aim her attacks because magmaworm is a bitch with her

you could play the last one with controller but you need to aim for this one

God I hate the flying enemies in 3d reee

Got a reference?


you can't put it into a trade offer, but you can send it to a friend.

RoR1 with controller. RoR2 with mouse and keyboard.


play the game

Quick shoutout to the absolute gods who are beating Mul-T in the prismatic trials as commando.

If you buy the game does the second free copy stays in your inventory indefinitely or does "spoils" after the 30th?

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Attached: kino.png (1920x1080, 2.82M)

I already liked keyboard better for the first one, just thought the 3d movement might be weird thanks boys

>have good, balanced mix of items that will make me last for a long time
>find 3d printer for fireworks
>mfw I open a few trash cans with my 16 stacks of fireworks and instantly die 30 sec later

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get huntress

Anyone got this problem?
I can't click on continue
I played fine a few hours ago

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

>2 vagrants
>both spamming the fuck-you explosion

If anything, everyone else needs a buff in damage to match MUL-T

>get 21 hoofs and 9 red whips
>die from running into a wall too fast

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Stays in inventory.

Can anyone say if the game runs with these specs? Not gonna use the highest settings, that's for sure.

Worried about whether or not the gtx 1050 can run it

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>[email protected]
lol, ill just post it here.


jesus, that UI reminds of of those meme WoW raid ui's

I think mul-T is the replacement for Han-D

they were talking about melee beign difficult to do in 3D. merc is their test-bed for melee characters, to see what does and doesn't work. we might see him later on but I doubt it

When it does fuck up there won't be any objectives listed. Exiting to main menu and starting up a new game like that fixed it, or just have the host complete the level and the next one should be fixed

>easy and medium are identical
>significant jump from medium to hard
>barely any difference after that until i see you
artificer is fun though

>Start game.
>10 minutes later.
>Still can't find it.
>Start trying to climb mountains to reach what looks like a walkable surface.
>Another 10 minutes later.
>Find an incredibly faint glowbug looking thing popping out behind a rock.
>Turns out I ran past it countless times.

Attached: Sabrina.gif (414x311, 835K)

have you tried buying the game :)

you kidding?

I'm pretty sure Hauler is gonna be Loader or Hauler might be a new version of Loader.



what did he mean by this

>a new flashy game to appeal to nugamer kids has a higher playercount than an old game

You're a moron.

You and the rest of the nugamer kids have killed gaming. I swear to fuck, the last two decades I've hoped someone would gain some semblance of sense and bring gaming back from the brink of death by realizing all this 3d bullshit and style over substance garbage with bad gameplay was a mistake.

Apparently not happening. Fuck you all.

Don't you fucking dare skip over best boy Miner

Attached: miner.png (339x373, 498K)

Is anyone else concerned about the fact that the hand crafted maps might make it a bit more repetitive than the first which was generated? Do you guys think randomization or more maps would be decent?

@ArtsMoser on twitter or boogwerks on tumblr

Chicken masala is honestly pretty good. What did you get?

Attached: file.png (574x273, 168K)


we had like 6 spawn in one of the runs last night

Any chance that guy that was ripping the 3d models got a better shot of her?

underrated post

>find a shrine of the mountain
>hit it
>it does nothing
>get to teleporter
Oh dear, that's concerning.

Attached: 20190329150309_1.jpg (1920x1080, 241K)

Huntress is so fucking great. Her skills perfectly combo into each other and with a couple feathers you're practically invincible

>wisps keep falling out of the sky and rolling on the floor

Could someone post the RoR1 item image?

the game is more fun the the first one

>just thought the 3d movement might be weird thanks boys
what the fuck

but people want the challenge to start as soon as possible, not one hour in. no one likes spending the first 20-40 minutes on drizzle just sitting on their thumbs and doing jack shit

>only hit one shrine

what is lunar and how do I get it
also can you kill the lizard friend in the portal?

how do I into engi?

someone make a gosh dang diddly lobby

>Is anyone else concerned about the fact that the hand crafted maps might make it a bit more repetitive than the first which was generated?
But the maps in the first game were hand crafted too, there was just two variations for each map
Plus, hand crafted >> generated

Attached: 1552193896696.png (244x216, 62K)

Is there a way to turn off the sensitivity change when sprinting? It's annoying.

have fun fighting 3 bosses nigga

I wish they would add an option to make all items share to all party members, but they're less effective.

What? The first game's maps were also the same, but with small variations at points. It was basically the same with a few variations, and the variation in 3D is that sometimes the doors to other locations are open, and sometimes they're not.

someone host yo

Attached: 1414133400344.jpg (610x406, 64K)

1 mountain shrine = 2 items after boss
2 mountain shrine = 3

which one, this?

Attached: ItemTier.png (2948x2628, 540K)

Despite Mul-T being OP and having a game-breaking glitch, it's still the most galaxy brain character in the game and requires at least 140 IQ to utilize properly

Attached: 1552910226634.jpg (1080x1331, 216K)

y-you can hit multiple shrines?


Dont starve others pls

I wonder what I should do with this extra gift copy that I have

I honestly have no idea. That's from 2014 so and I don't know what I would have been playing that's even multiplayer then. My alignment is neutral btw

how is the 3d holding up?

I felt like 2d really works well with the game and I quite enjoyed the first.
Did they make a good decision?

yes, easily

Have you tried to ride the jelly yet lads?

Attached: Risk of Rain 2 2019-03-29 19-14-16-53.jpg (1920x1080, 228K)

yikes, imagine being this upset over vidya games.
did you even bother reading my post? or are you so seething mad right now you can't see anything but red and just mash the keyboard with the first shit that comes to your mind?
ror1 did NOT lose any players because of ror2. ror1 has been at the same playercount for ages, and ror2 coming out didn't change that number in the slightest. it's been hovering at 200~ for the longest time now, because it's a dead game. ror2 has a lot of people in it because it's a new game. how hard is that to understand?

>no one likes spending the first 20-40 minutes on drizzle just sitting on their thumbs and doing jack shit
I do.

it feels just like ror in 3d
especially when you get a bunch of speed boosting items

>game drops to 40fps


nothing is a bullet sponge when you have 10 daggers and syringes

3D feels much better. Feels like it should've always been 3D.

We hit two shrines earlier and got four vagrants. Was a fun time.

Attached: 20190329115528_1.jpg (1920x1080, 445K)

>that golem

Attached: what in the goddamn.png (242x308, 127K)

I was thinking the one with the class-specific recommendations, but that works too. Thanks

>Suck with that "Early Access Disclaimer" bug and can't figure out how to fix it
>Steam FAQ made by the dev saying how to fix it doesn't do shit
Well fuck

Attached: 1544927310593.png (623x371, 22K)


Nul-T mains have a lot to think about. Utilizing the ramming attack at the right points. Using stun grenades at the right time. Switching to sniper mode to take out pesky wisps from afar then quickly switching back to nailgun for better close range DPS

not to mention use item juggling

>Why does a game in beta have bugs?
Report it to the devs, retard

The rock golems aren't as cute anymore...

Attached: Rock_Golem_Portrait.png (239x239, 3K)

>Playing engi-kun
>Bustling Fungus 3D Printer makes itself known

Attached: 1460642991629.png (634x476, 771K)

actually just realized, you're an even bigger retard than I first thought. just checked the ror1 steamcharts, the game's population actually nearly tripled because of the ror2 release. almost 3x more people are playing ror1 now than they were several weeks ago, and it's all thanks to ror2 coming out. if anything, ror2 saved ror1 by reminding people that the dead game still exists
tl;dr you smoke cock

>Game comes out yesterday
>Buy it and gift code to friend
>Lose track of several hours and go to sleep at 4 am
>Elbow hurts like a motherfucker today
Jesus christ it hurts just typing right now and I want to play some more.

Attached: just a little bit.jpg (439x550, 165K)

rock boys became stone men

Attached: 1553870325739.png (1008x777, 374K)


What's the cheat?

>having 40 fps
must be nice

>RoR1 5446 player peak
>RoR2 39063 player peak
I think you're just too dumb to realize his point

how do I unlock characters?also this game is pretty awesome, never played the original

fire elites are super overtuned, they fucking delete you in less than a second if you so much as go near them, even had 5 infusions and a ton of medkits and it still happened

>keep running into situations where I can't find the teleporter and end up spending like 10 minutes looking and then just killing myself
The game needs a teleporter finder if a certain amount of time passes and you haven't found it yet.

Attached: 1475380974354.jpg (368x396, 13K)

Setting corpses to 0 and immediate removal helps. Sobel and soft particles don't really have much of an impact. Setting shadows to low res/distance helps or completely off. AO has a reasonable impact on fps. If you're really desperate to keep the framerate up you can lower the LOD settings. But the biggest effect on framerate for me was corpses. Can easily keep 70+ on a Ryzen 2200g with an RX 570. Only drops to the 50s when there's glowy worms of death on screen with about 100 enemies.

>barely make it to round 3
>did i get good?
You didn't get good, MUL-T carried you. They're gonna nerf him soon.

4 stages, repeats forever currently. However, the first and second stages can be two different areas each

Fuck off, red particles float around the teleporter and can be spotted from across the map if your PC isn't shit.

reminder that hopoo is based

we should remake this

Engi specifically has some very specific needs now that his turrets gain item effects. The main one being bustling fungus, ABSOLUTELY required. it heals your turrets AND provides a healing aura around said turrets for you and your bros to go to when low on health.

>worm as merc
>worm as mage

fucking unkillable piece of shit, i miss the days of mercs instantly killing worms

What's the point of Artificer? Just big damages?

you are retarded

user delivered, Thank you so much again. I promise to collect all achievements and join up for lots of Yea Forums sessions as well as buy an extra copy for a friend when I can afford it.

Attached: 1.png (1920x1037, 520K)

you're a retard that needs to learn reading comprehension. look at peak players, not avg players. time zones are a thing.

his """point""" is that RoR2 killed RoR1, which it hasn't by any means. Just because RoR2 has a higher playercount than RoR1 doesn't mean it "killed" RoR1, the first game has had incredibly low player counts (compared to its all time peak) for months on end now, it's been a dead game for ages. how can the release of a second game kill a game that's already dead and already had non-existent playercounts?

are you retarded ?
the point is that risky1's playercount didn't drop during risky2's release you fucking idiot

If there's an engineer in your game and tesla coil drops you fucks better give it to him. Turrets proccing tesla coil lets engineer wipe the map constantly from the safety of a bubble

Attached: 1446537867870.jpg (500x375, 39K)

motherfucker popped up out of nowhere and killed me

Attached: Risk of Rain 2 2019-03-29 21-10-02-86.jpg (3840x2160, 1.13M)

Which survivors should get what item? I know there was a picture guide for RoR1 just wasn't sure if it was the same for this.

I never saw any.
Prehaps I need to change some settings.

I'm always confused by these images. Presumably they're photoshopped, but I feel like this is supposed to be pinnacle of masculinity or something, despite how disturbing it is overall.

How optimized is risk of rain 2?

>fucking unkillable piece of shit, i miss the days of mercs instantly killing worms
you cant miss the days that never existed
unless you mean just regular worms

is it bad I want little toys of these?

Attached: 0e8.png (923x713, 16K)

The last fix from the FAQ fixed it for me but it will erase your save

not at all because unity. the game doesnt even have exclusive fullscreen because unity.

Very nice

got ya covered on that one

Attached: itemguide.png (1000x2000, 330K)

how do you crit glitch with mul t

that is looking at peak player counts- with the release of ror2 peak player counts for ror1 didn't go down in the slightest, they stayed the same or double/tripled in certain time zones. ror2 can't have killed ror1 because it didn't touch ror1's playercount in the slightest, ror1 has been more or less dead for months now

His turrets benefit from (most?) items that you pick up. Notably, bustling fungus apply to them and are always active since they don't move, making them really useful heal stations and also they become basically invincible on their own. I'm pretty sure they benefit from syringes

This faggot needs a serious nerf, he is nearly unbeatable

Attached: 20190329210326_1.jpg (1440x900, 163K)

I only hope that you can do what I asked. Everything else is a bonus that proves you are a decent to good person.

Are people allowed to post here who never played RoR1 and just bought RoR2?

Attached: 1525818511449.png (570x443, 369K)

Imagine getting this rekt

Attached: 1445774231192.png (400x322, 223K)

Be in rapidfire mode, activate the Crit HUD item and then never let go of LMB. The 100% crit bonus will apply for as long as you hold LMB down even after the duration ends. Do take note that if you're holding LMB down before you use the item, you won't get the crit until you stop firing, conversely.

use ocular hud and never let go of the mouse button

Yeah, they're heavily photoshopped images of the artist's boyfriend (some people have said it's her dad, but that seems less likely.) Not sure what the point of it is, though.

depends, which one are you?

Is it better to do the teleporter asap then scavenge, or to scavenge and then start?

I want them now too. Fuck you frogposting faggot

someone host :)

>mfw dripping wet after fighting 3 magma worms and 4 golems for half an hour
this game is good

Attached: 1518074616472.gif (400x303, 1.94M)

he's almost invincible so you can just stay still and melt everything with his insane damage
it's a double digit IQ character

It's fun

It's okay. The way they update certain things causes the game to stutter though. Depending on your setup you could have heavy stuttering whenever picking up an item and such.

>red particles float around the teleporter
They're like half your character's height and not that evident visually.

It's not quite as set in stone as it was with RoR1, but most people like giving proc items to engineer and robot. Mushrooms are an absolute must on engineer and if tesla drops basically want to give it to engie right away.

Art, Merc, and Hunt all need CDR and charges so alien head,bando, and extra mags are great on them

Move speed is literally for everyone, you need it badly to survive, if you have a merc he should be priority though

I want here to crush my skull between her thighs

Attached: T H I C C.png (524x594, 323K)

I'm the user that had trouble gifting the game after receiving RoR2 as a gift myself. I got a reply from Paul at Hopoo, I'll share it here.

>Hey there,
>Thanks for reaching out and the kind words! Glad to hear players are enjoying the game so far!
>So, with the BOGO there are a couple rules. We have to make sure you can only buy the game once currently, to prevent people just selling the additional keys. And, you can only gift your additional key to someone in the same region that you bought the game in.
>All these things will be resolved once the BOGO ends tomorrow so hopefully that isn't causing too much of an issue!
>-Paul Morse
>Hopoo Games, LLC

I'll need to wait until tomorrow to gift the game it seems. Really enjoying it so far, though.

Attached: sdfsdf.png (480x480, 15K)

why kill yourself? keep looking

holy shit

Attached: 1318420062211.jpg (201x168, 15K)


>Get item that increases jump height
>3d printer for hopoo feathers, buy 5
>Jump up to the skybox and smite the world with righteous fury

Attached: 1521667679765.jpg (384x555, 40K)

Attached: 1367653846006.jpg (264x200, 15K)

Here's your translation faggot

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

depends on your economy. if you're very short on cash, scavenge first since that way you make extra dosh. otherwise fire up that teleporter
also nice quads

Bandit first nigger

now that's brutal

Attached: 1523282980989.jpg (440x440, 204K)

they are the only particle effects on the map, it's dead obvious where the teleport is. you should be able to spot it in this image instantly.

Attached: 20190329060329_1.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

Yeah but you get two bustling fungus and he's nearly immortal

I loved the first one and I'm loving this too... can't wait for more content, I should upgrade my shitty PC tho!

I found it by looking at the teleporter arches kek

and it will certainly get way better in the future, remember ror1, the updates were really good

No, fuck off bandwagoner

>Friends slowly die off one by one even though there doesn't seem to be any source of the damage they're taking
>Survived because I was quadruple jumping on the ceiling at the time
What in the fuck was that? none of them could see what was killing them and they weren't on fire, did I invoke some ancient curse by going out of bounds or something

I know people here are generally detached from reality, but still, this is muscle fetish on a man and not something to be aspired to.

Is there a public Yea Forums beggars list anywhere?

what level and what loop

were they glowing orange? they might've been hit by an attack that gives a burn DoT
alternatively the game started lagging and shitting itself, but usually it's obvious when that happens

those stupid crab fucks that lob bombs from way offscreen. the bombs explode overhead so you can't see them

Was it really him?

and how the fuck are you supposed to notice that in mid to lategame when there's explosions and enemies everywhere

this game is too hard for me. the teleporter is too inconspicuous and you end up literally wasting time looking for it when you ran right across it.

what the fuck does BOGO even mean

I experienced that once too

almost killed me, i have no idea what was causing it

i cant see it


does it matter?

Is there a final level?
I'm currently on a run that's been going on for more than 50 minutes and I'm almost getting bored.

>Friend is having some trouble
>run over to him
>Engineer is here to help, lemme just place my tu-
>random thing drops on top of me and instantly kills me from full health

That "man" seems genuinely offended. Good on you Hopoo

Reminder you can unlock all the characters through the files.


no just keep looping

I cant even understand what is being said here

buy one get one, referring the the extra gift copy of the game you get for purchasing it

OST isn't up to snuff compared toe the first game's.
The first one's OST has grit, with an extraterrestrial twinge of discovery to it. Truly remarkable.

Buy one get one free, you fool

no, but it's fun to pretend

Kinda, it'd be funnier if it was

buy one, get one

>can't gift to people in other regions
>was able to send my extra to a European friend

am I gonna get an error message later or something?

Fun game, i was skeptical at first but i have to admit the move to 3d was probably for the best.

golem get ye gone

Attached: golem get ye gone.png (183x66, 23K)

Thanks for carrying my shitty commando engibros

why dont they just say that instead of having an acronym no one understands

Yeah thats the most disappointing thing so far. Music isn't as unique

>cheating in a game this short that takes almost no time to unlock
no way fag lmao
I bet you play on drizzle

Can someone tell me if the game is lag depedent in coop. I live in JP and my friend in France. Does the game compute his shit client side so gameplay will be acceptable or is it gonna be a disaster?


>Being a shitter
none of the characters are even locked behind bullshit achievements user. the worst one is artificer, and even then that's just a grind for lunar coins. everyone else is a literal "play the game" achievement
look for A CELESTIAL ORB HAS APPEARED. it should show up once you get to the 7th stage aka looped ice base

is the game actually in proper "fullscreen" or just borderless window? cus I'm alt tabbing and it feels like borderless

Attached: Flanders.jpg (381x384, 74K)

You obviously don't know about ror modloader you fucking faggot, you sure do care about ror1

ok; this is epic

Attached: file.png (329x104, 53K)

user i'm not sure if you are retarded or haven't seen the light of day before but that acronym is used fucking everywhere


Lmao why the fuck was this deleted

Does anyone know why shift+tabbing to the Steam overlay fucking freezes my RoR2 until I alt+tab? It's super annoying.

i really like the menu track but fuck its too punchy to be a menu track

乇乂丅尺卂 丅卄工匚匚

>can never get to 2nd ice stage
>shitters always spawn all the bosse shrines during first or second loop and die to stupid shit
soembvody carry m,e

It's borderless

did you address it as Yea Forums?
did you ask if they wanted to pop back in for a QnA?

It's fucked that you're forced to start with the shittiest character in the game. Commando was really good in the original.

fucking adorable

Attached: I came here to shoot at you.png (534x500, 310K)


Attached: 1552655951337.jpg (925x842, 83K)

"Why yes, I laser my enemies, how did you know?"

just do it on drizzle lol
most of the playerbase is too bad to do it in multi so just do it in solo

>it actually works

as far as I can tell everything is computed client side, you may get some warping as enemies are updated from the host.

i3-3240 gtx 1050 having some lag in later levels with a lot of mobs, not the worst in unity but still meh

Bullshit. I just sent my extra copy to someone in Canada and I am Australian. Maybe it's something to do with other, shittier countries?

How do I even unlock more characters

Attached: 1474056403113.jpg (1170x780, 89K)

niggas need a fix to not target things out of line of sight and get stuck like that

Roll trully need iframes

considering hopoo was in northernlions stream among a few others the other day, I'm sure it was him

Why not unlock all the cheevos and item logs, just 100% it through file editing and be done with it

Place them better and back them up with bombs.

try playing the game

>If hopoo doesn't add a translation in a week, they'll swarm the reviews.

Like insects, am I right?

yep. dropped the ball hard on this one

who else /

Why is artificer so fucking shit? Huntress has mobility to make up for her low HP but this fucking whore needs to be close to hit her flamethrower and her wall is shit.

>Find some MASSIVE drone in level 3, grind out the money to repair it
>Awesome as fuck
>gets stuck in the terrain of level 4

Attached: 0248234.png (665x526, 369K)

I have 8 hours in and only missing one character
It's easy bro, keep at it


US West lobby, normal diff

Attached: 20181119_112350.jpg (388x354, 31K)

these wings are a pretty cool addition. The verticality of the levels now is really interesting. I tried to go as high as I could go. A lot of surfaces don't look like they'd be climbable, but even the slightest of incline lets you run straight up. Seems like there's a boundary that teleports you back though unfortunately. should still be fun to hole up on top of mountains when shit gets real though.

Attached: Wings.jpg (1920x1080, 220K)

RoR1 has a soulful hostile alien planet aesthetic to it, and the OST matches.
RoR2 feels nothing like that, sadly. All the levels feel detached

Attached: 1488478042262.jpg (640x555, 94K)

me too, user. I had to drop the window size to 1024xwhatever and turned all the settings down to low or off and I still can't get it to not be choppy, even from the get-go

thanks user.

yeah shes flashy but pretty weak and it feels like the items doesn't really help her much. Expected more from a new character that needs some effort put into to unlock

That thing gets fucking destroyed by the things in level 4 its not funny

Camp chest clusters as soon as you spawn, wait for the zoom zoom faggots to kill shit and give you money

Well shit.
I suppose this is the end for now, then?

make sure to draw some huntress booty my dude

I like him, desu. The idea of a gun toting confident soldier just surviving is more appealing than the, while objectively more powerful, robot Mult-T.
Indeed. Especially the bit about being extraterrestrial.
And grit
But I'd also put forth that the more hardcore tracks really emphasize being in a hell in a hand basket scenario. Now RoR2 is by no means campy, but I get no vibes of being on a hostile world that wants me dead from the OST of RoR2 like I do from RoR1. I really, really, really hope this changes by the time the full product is released.

Attached: Danger of Deluge Android Homescreen by TratosDM MyColorscreen.png (1920x1200, 26K)

>RoR2 feels nothing like that, sadly. All the levels feel detached

Honestly I don't think they're bad. The level designs just work and doable but I wish they add in more variety on how the levels are generated. Just a little bit, but not too much.

Thank you friend.

Imagine if Artificer is like an Antiquarian in DD. Shit alone, but broken if used properly

Chris knows that he'll never replicate the OST again.

[Citation needed]

its written in the logbook

>costs 3226
>I have 3100
>other nig has 3150
>we scour around for just a tiny bit more $$$
>I find a battle shrine
>kill the shit
>go up to 3300 or some shit
>other guy says "okay lets go"
>find some gamble shrine on the way back and use it
>get to robo
>it's still there
>ask other guy to res it
>he says he already spent his money
>i'm at 3150
truly never wanted to cry as much in my life as that moment

which one of you fags is this

Attached: SJWfqUw.png (869x102, 15K)

>liked ror1 but never got super into it
>2 being 3d seems much more up my alley being a fpsfag
>But I don't like buying things in early access because it's a dumb meme
>no point in pirating a game that's (hopefully) going to be updated often and the entire point is co-op
i'm conflicted.

Attached: 1495417701740.png (112x112, 7K)

did you get those from the things flying way off in the distance?

hey Yea Forums what's in legendary cases?
also how should drones be distributed? any characters synergize with them?

Attached: thinking 3.jpg (640x775, 67K)


>be merc
>find blackhole item
>find FIVE fuel cells and FOUR backup mags

juSS like my animes

What did they mean by this? Is there some /lore/ to discover? Please don't spoil I didn't finish the game yet

Attached: Untitled.png (476x261, 54K)

1 Shrine = 3 boss items
2 Shrine = 2 bosses + 1 for each player
3 Shrine = X2 that amount
t. had 3 mountain shrines in 1 map and had 12 bosses

The particles are really difficult to see, and are basically impossible to see if you have LoD turned down.

The platform itself is the most difficult-to-see shade of gray, they should brighten it a bit.

Remember guys it's Early Access
Just send feedback to them, hopoo pretty active in answering questions when it was in dev hell.
Any feedback to the dude to make the game better than it is would be great.

Its the good kind of early access, like Slay the Spire

guaranteed red item. And I don't think drones are picky because they persist even if the character dies.

I played with some person here before with Artificer that steamrolled enemies and bosses especially. Not sure what their strat was but they did the most damage by far

Nothing is a meme, don't let Yea Forumsirgins retards tell you otherwise
Hopoo has delivered two masterpieces already, they have no reason to fuck up their 3rd and most hyped game

Wait, which item is this for?

Attached: Mfw6.jpg (648x484, 53K)

>Caring about lore in a Risk of Rain game

I haven't played the first one. Is it alright to start with this one, bros?

Anyone found out what the buttons in the desert does?

>t. had 3 mountain shrines in 1 map and had 12 bosses
sounds hot dude

I expected a rough transition to 3D and was surprised, but suspicious, of an Early Access release.

Boy oh boy, was I blown away yesterday.



You're right that it's a downgrade, but that's because RoR 1's soundtrack is a fucking masterpiece.
This one is still really great and memorable.

The lore is super simple, but it does its job and the flavor text of logs for the enemies is entertaining enough. The real interest for me is the notion of a sequel, though. I really, really hope they follow up on the teleportation sound effect at the end of RoR1 when it pans over the ship. Providence is dead, so who teleported onto the ship? Why do the imps protect Lemuria?

Absolutely. It'll be just as great as exploring and learning RoR1. You're in for a treat.

Is there a file editing way to get more players in the lobby?
Please tell me, or someone find it. I want to do 8 play runs with friends.

Yes. As a person who only put in a few hours into the first one I feel like the sequel is a massive improvement. And the upgraded graphics to be a lot more enjoyable.

>not caring about the lore in a risk of rain game

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