Just came in the mail. What am I in for?
Just came in the mail. What am I in for?
A life simulation that you will never experience
Boredom probably, based on what ppl have said about the story. Never played it myself
good thread jerkoff
Great gameplay but shit story.
Leftist japs can't write a good story to save their lives.
before you start remember that Akechi is the traitor and Igor is a fake
>believing Yea Forums
You must be retarded, user
Just play it yourself and figure out what you think about it. Don’t let the retards here preemptively shape your opinion
You fuck your mail, user?
Why the fuck would you even bother posting? Are you retarded?
Based nips playing fag characters for laughs. You can fuck your (female, i know, gross) teacher after you hire her to become your night maid.
Don't read this, OP it's an actual spoiler. At least he tagged it?
You could apply that logic to 99% of posts on this shithole
>Make numerous SJW statements
>"but they made fun of fags once therefore BASED"
You could have waited for P5 the Royal
Its because of (You)s and you just gave him one
The Good
>Polished JRPG gameplay with lots of stuff to do
>Top-tier presentation with stylish art direction and good music
>Innovative and interesting concepts for a cool story
The Bad
>The story's execution is lacking, it starts very strong but falls quickly and takes a long time to pick up again
>Characters get left in the sidelines plot-wise not long after being introduced
>Game could be like 20hrs shorter and not much would be lost
Wow what an elaborate bait! Super clever!
>Hahaha isn't it funny to ruin plot twists for strangers on the internet I'll never ever hear, see, or meet? I'm such a cool elite troll, and definitely not a huge fucking loser!! What a sick prank!!!
Sorry. Did they hurt your feefees?
OP here. I know there's a limited amount of time/actions you have every day, so what am I supposed to prioritize?
Fuck off with your trannyshit
Prioritize in Akechi being the traitor and Igor being a fake
A heap of shit
Depends on if you're planning on doing ng+. First come to terms with the fact that you can't max out all social links on the first playthrough. Your social stats carry over to ng+, so try to max them all out if that's something you want to do. If not, then just balance social links and stat actions as you need them for requirements. Party members are usually more important than others, but there are some really useful links out there.
Also, the dude dropped another spoiler but was kind enough to tag it again? Chaotic neutral I guess
a heavily railroaded first half with zero fucking freedom.
Unless you follow a very strict and specific guide like KillScottKill'syou're bound to miss out on something since there's so much shit to do, and depending on the difficulty you choose you'll either be swimming in cash or barely making enough to afford a flower vase.
Either way focus early on getting the Doctor's confidant to level7 and save enough money to buy 4 of the items she unlocks
Pay attention to the weather. Some actions are extra effective in some weather conditions. For example, rain is usually a good day to build stats.
If you're a completionist, prioritize Social Links with Kawakami (the Teacher) and Tae (the Doctor). If you just want to get through the game quickly, prioritize your party members, especially Ryuji, and Hifumi (the Girl at the Temple).
Washing clothes is pretty much just a waste of time. You'll get a more efficient way of doing it not much later on.
Also, don't read spoilers in P5 threads.
kys nigger
I think you should just close this thread as soon as possible because people are sad losers so they're gonna try to spoil the game for you. Go in blind and enjoy something because they can't. And take this as lesson to never read or make threads on anything online ever because losers will go out of their ways to spoil things for you, even on other sites where they can pm you shit and you can't do anything about it.
Imagine being so pathetic and lonely that you do shit like this on an anonymous internet forum so you can see five characters of text (read: (You))
Looking cool
wishing you were as cool
>imagine being this assblasted
Do the following confidants in this order
I'm not even op and I've already played the game. I just think that faggots that spoil shit are fucking losers.
It's not a clever troll, it takes no effort, and all you do is permanently ruin an experience for someone. It's not like a prank that both people can laugh off afterwards, it's just a shitty thing to do to someone.
Not him but the OP could'ved easily avoided that if he just started the game and not posted a "what am I in for?" thread.
don't be autistic about grinding and fusing like i was. just enjoy the palaces and exploring or you'll end up over-leveled which makes bosses and palaces too easy depending on which difficulty you're playing on. it's not exactly that hard on merciless or hard, but you can be screwed over in palaces if you don't pay attention to the leveling of the enemies and the days left.
do you know how bad those spoilers actually are?
if it was something 2-3 hours into the game that's fine, but going into a thread and spoiling stuff like that is autistic.
To be fair the first spoiler is probably the most obvious plot "twist" to ever exist
Some people end up learning that the hard way the first time, that's why I told OP For real dude
You're kind of right, but It feels almost too obvious, and it plays out differently than you would think, since he's an actual bad guy and not a "bad guy" cop that just wants the thieves in jail. The second one was fucking wild and WAY crazier if you've played a persona game before and knew about Igor's jp VA dying. They for sure counted on everyone shrugging it off as paying respect to the guy by making him totally different, especially since that actually brought the velvet room into the story.