Ghost of Tsushima will be a masterpi-

Ghost of Tsushima will be a masterpi-

Attached: GhostOfShitsima.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Holy shit what were they thinking

lmao imagine playing this shit and enjoying it non ironically when sekiro and nioh exist

It literally doesn't matter. Just like how Days Gone is literally the most generic game in the last 5 years, they'll both still get heaps of praise from reviewers. If it's a Sony game, it gets praise. The quality is irrelevant.

this is going to flop SO hard

They have to appeal to game reviewers to get that 95 on metacritic.

It wasn't even good when Batman and AC did it, much less in 2019 when GoT is doing it. Is there any way to make stealth good while in a game that appeals to the masses? In Deus Ex and Thief you had a device to knock out people, rather than a quick animation. In Deus Ex and Thief if you fucked up the spot to knock people out, you alerted him and likely a bunch of others.

So I wonder if the possibility for your "stealth takedown" failing is too much to go back to

Afaik, people praised the stealth in MGSV. So it shouldnt be that hard to make people happy about it.

Arkham Asylum combat is the shittiest melee combat system ever made, it completely removes the movement/positioning aspect from the equation, since your character will just magically slide in place. I have no idea why it's so well-received, even on Yea Forums a lot of people seem to like it.

They want the casual audience that wants to pretend they're playing Sekiro.

Not surprised at all, being a sony game.

It looks cool despite being extremely boring, which is all most people care about.

>Jap crap

Attached: fuck-outta-here-trap-card-activate-when-a-nigga-say-30915556.png (500x567, 137K)

I like it because I want to mindlessly fuck up goons as Batman. I don't want that combat in any other game though, especially one that doesn't have a setting as enjoyable as Gotham.


You know this would’ve looked fun had Sekiro not set the bar on the fucking moon last week.

>modern sony game
>good gameplay
Pick one and only one.

i didn't exactly hate bamham's combat but it was made up for with the detective shit and gadget puzzles, and i feel like that would be really out of place in feudal japan
i feel like ghosts got fucked over via conflicting launch schedules, this feels like it would do a lot better if they got it out before sekiro

The average gamer doesn't care about gameplay, they just want games that make them feel badass, they are major casuals, if a game doesn't let them just mash buttons with epic takedowns and win they get angry and blame the game instead of blaming themselves for being casuals.

This game will dab on all of Yea Forums AGAIN. When will you all learn your lesson not to doubt based Sony?

Where is the gameplay?

Looks fine and Batman is supposed to be a scary motherfucker that even Superman and most in the DC universe is wary of. It's also an action game based game and it's pretty much the same way Batman acts in the animated series. If you want hardcore stealth mechanics then go play Thief or Metal Gear.

I can't wait for Cyberpunk gameplay on the next E3 then you bitches can antagonize every excruciating detail about the game but then do a 180 and suck it off to no end when it releases and turns out good.

You did this prominently with Witcher 3 and you did it recently with Sekiro. Fuck, you morons are joyless fucks.

This. We get to enjoy games and laugh at you losers at the same time, it's a win-win unless you're one of the usual Yea Forums fucktards.

>caring about the loud minority
Just shitpost nigga

>*whistles for magical horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*bushido code activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a 河童®, gotta be"
>"行くぞ , Nobu"
>follows bushido code along road
>guys in 河童 ® suits appear
>"Iza, jinjou ni shobu!" YO HO HO YO HO YO HO HO YO HO
>dramatically slashes at attackers, lots of blood, katana durability at 5% cause you crossed blades countering more than three times
>"Mongols™ pretending to be 河童 ®... Better go tell the shogun"
>autoruns back to castle
>"Daijoubu da, mondai nai. Just some Mongols™ posing as 河童®" *holds up sara as proof*
>"Moshi moshi, samurai! Arigato desu!"
>"河童 ケイパー Complete" *taiko drums* YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>¥100 Received

Jesus fucking christ why even play the game??

Will games ever recover from cutscene takedowns?
I miss the good times.

Attached: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.webm (768x432, 2.6M)

It works because it's Batman. He's the fucking Batman. He's supposed to be ridiculously OP, knows where all the bad guys are, flips around like a ninja kicking the shit out of poor people and is only in trouble when it comes to his one weakness, guns. Now try apply that combat to a game where you are supposed to be an honorable samurai, skilled in mastering the blade, positioning and timing is key. And you just press triangle to counter kill someone before tapping square to slice while your swordsman just magnetically moves to the enemies and takes multiple swipes to defeat them. It's fucking pathetic.

This. For me Splinter Cell Chaos Theory still has the best controls and gameplay ever, and I don't know why no game is copying it.

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>Worse gameplay than the absolute Ludo it should have been taking inspiration from
You dabbed on yourself

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People praised the AI. The stealth is fairly similar. You have a ranged takedown in the form of a tranq, which is overpowered as fuck in MGS3, 4 and 5. You also get closer and can just do a takedown. The praise is the AI's reactions, and how Snake feels to control.

>It's ok if Japan does it

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Now post sekiro”stealth”


Attached: file.png (1280x720, 675K)

>uses a game-play mechanic that's worked for years
>bitches and complains when those features are left out

Probably not, since they are "epic" and cinematic.

>Jap crap
>wants to play a game about japan

it was cool in a batman game when it was still new and the game let you "feel like batman" then every fucking game started doing it and the flaws of it got obvious.

No, and if there's one company in particular that's too obsessed with kill animations, it's Ubisoft. It's like half the effort they put into their games

>Sekiro has multi-takedowns

>action game
>repeatedly press X to kill everyone

Bamham combat was alright if you played the game on hard and didn't have the attack indicators active. The challenge was more in maintaining a long combo and mixing in different moves. You're trying to feel like the goddamn Batman so that's one case where I'm okay with letting the character feel overpowered.

>oh you see its ok for cinematic takedown animations cause it doesn't get multiple people!!!!!
>health regeneration is ok cause japans do it, all is fine when they do it!!!!

>It works because it's Batman. He's the fucking Batman.
What do you mean "fucking Batman"? He's just a human with some gadgets. By video game game protagonist standards, he's incredibly ordinary, if anything.

And 'fucking Batman' can't even jump in his games, so how is that even an argument?

Do you think Hitman has cinematic takedown animations when 47 garrotes someone?

This isn't a Jap game

not him but what kind of bait is this

Are you dense or retarded or something? He's the goddamn Batman.

I bet you haven't got even a single one off on the first boss, assuming you actually played it

He's a black leather faggot.

Looks amazing


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t. seething mutt

The only way to get multiple kills in Sekiro is to use an ability, and it isn't free and can't be spammed infinitely. Health regen requires upgrades and also isn't free, it requires to stealth kill or to beat an enemy to begin with. I know you're shit baiting but I wanted to clarify in case your shitpost brainwashes some gen z kid browsing here so they won't parrot your shitbait.

Retarded weeaboo will die alone.

But Nioh is garbage.

Fuck you leather man

Attached: DgviBj7WkAAByJQ.jpg (660x466, 27K)

-ece of shit

I don't agree that its okay because its Batman. By the end of City, and through Knight, you realize the core of the combat just leaves them inable to create interesting goons to fight nor boss fights. We got Bane/Croc/Joker being very similar in that you dodge and let them hit walls and attack while they are stunned. You have Mr Freeze being a literal tutorial checklist of takedowns. Every new goon they could possible add is double tap A, B to stun, hold back and Y to dodge blades etc. Its very basic and tends to be formulaic.

>it completely removes the movement/positioning aspect from the equation, since your character will just magically slide in place
> I have no idea why it's so well-received
I think you know why user. I didn't mind bamham until every random ass game started mindlessly copying it and adding zero new ideas

Game actually looks fair unlike Shitteiro.

>Replying weaboo in weaboo site

Why did this make me laugh so much

this meme again


CT required an insane amount of thought into its level design and enemy placement. Sorry to inform you on this but game developers are not slaves who have to spend hundreds of hours a day making sure everything is perfect for you entitled little shitheads. Crazy idea I know but some of them do have a family they'd like to visit once in awhile.

good to see my webm keep getting posted on daily bases

Attached: 1402123509310.jpg (285x280, 15K)

Better than Sekiro


>unironically prefers western developers

Attached: 1553724204397.jpg (800x800, 136K)

>jap crap
>plays Ghost Of Tsukishima

>braindead baby tier auto play
That says a lot about you, don't you have some Seaseme Street counting and alphabet games to play?

Attached: Weenie_Hut_Juniors.png (1061x800, 1.05M)


Wasn't talking to you dude mind your own business.


Not an argument

>u cant cinematic takedown the bosss!!!!!
And thats true for batman

Sorry, wrong image, may apologies.

Attached: Stuck_in_the_Wringer_077.png (1152x864, 1.29M)

>And thats true for batman
wrong, you can use takedowns on several bosses.

Worst part is that this could easily pass as a R* game

I don't even play video games

have sex, incel

so what would you rather have 47 do when he garrotes someone?

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as opposed to casual sekiro players that want to pretend they are playing a soulsbourne game

But not multiple takedowns so its ok :)

They fall over, no animation required

You clearly have forgotten about Knack, The Order 1886, and several others. Stop trying to fanboy war so much, it makes you say dumb shit.

Im playing ASCII dwarf fortress rn btw.


Why are western devs so obsessed with this?


*plays DMC*

Sekiro isn't just "PRESS X TO CINEMATIC" though, you have to earn them unlike Batman

Onimusha revival when

It is, press A to fly to high ground then press A to cinematic takedown guy below you

Literally a movie

>I-it fits muh lore
This isn't even true with Batman, as long as we're talking about Animated Series Batman, by far the best work he's appeared in, where he gets regularly challenged by small groups of mooks.

Not to mention that using narrative to justify shit tier gameplay is retarded.

I like arkham games and I'll probably like Ghost of T.
I also like sekiro

Based current Capcom might deliver.

But it makes you FEEL like samurai!!

Is the problem multiple takedowns or takedowns on bosses?

Okay, you haven't played it, Thanks for letting me know

rent free

Im a massive sony fag and even i think this game looks generic as fuck. If it came out before sekiro it could of been something good but now its just a "realistic" slow version of sekiro without all the fun yokai and mythologies

>They fall over
too easy

Attached: jesus christ.jpg (860x1000, 98K)

>pressing buttons does actions
>this is a movie.
unless you think sekiro is piss easy, you are absolutely braindead

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This, a couple of the challenge rooms in City were actually pretty stimulating.

it hurts that people missed this

>press A
>half press A

Jesus Christ shut up you dumb nerd lmao

Why are incle vrigins always intimadted and scared of "western" developed games?

Your stupid niche anime games that no one plays will still exist, but they will never be put on the same pedestal as most western developed games.

Deal with it already.

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>half press A

Attached: An A press is an A press. you can’t say its only a half.png (1087x589, 372K)

Arkham literally revolutionized combat in gaming you fucking morons. Every game does it now for a reason.

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>dual wielding
I thought they wanted the game to be realistic

Stay in your singular universe, pleb.

>Arkham literally revolutionized combat in gaming

Attached: Vomit.jpg (680x680, 85K)

So you agree batman is great game and nothing wrong with cinematic takedowns

Not an argument

not really. it's just assassin's creed (released 2 years earlier) with a huge lunge move that effectively teleports you to enemies, making distance/spacing a non-factor. its main accomplishment were smooth animation transitions, in other words, graphics.

Problem is japan does it good, west bad

oh you cheeky fucker, lmao at drums and YOOOOOOO

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Based and immune-to-peer-pressurepilled

>Every game does it now for a reason.
yeah because it's so easy a vegetable could play it

despite shitty AI and highly exploitable stealth system people still fucking cry over it's difficulty. Just go look up negative reviews on steam.
Now imagine if Sekiro actually had decent AI and stealth.

Trying playing on the hardest mode without the prompts telling you when you can counter you stupid fucking idiot. Oh wait, you never touched the game in your entire life.

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no, but your taste is

Asylum combat is a fine and simple system, thought it actually became challenging when played on hard without indicators, the problem is every game saw that people were fine with that simple system and now they just want to copy and paste it in their games.

shouldn't you be saying the reverse?

>enemies still telegraph their attacks 5 seconds before
wow what a fucking change

Attached: 1508041633148.jpg (853x480, 32K)

are mutts this delusional?

Snoys love this type of combat


Dude its still easy as shit, I only ever played the games on hard and its cake. The mooks all do incredibly slow wind-ups for everything.

super appropriate gif of a retarded man looking retard to suit your chimp-brained "point"

my fucking sides

nice fallacy

It might have, if the people making, copying, and playing it didn't completely miss the point. The fights in the Arkham games were rhythm-based score attacks, not action segments. You can bumble your way through every fight in all four games using only punch, cape stun, and redirect, but there's another 30 options you're missing out on, and you need those for the actual objective of optimizing your score.

The Arkham devs blew it by not getting this point across strongly because they would rather the game be accessible to everyone, allowing each player to go as hard as they want and still move forward because they're the goddamn Batman, etc. This is a noble (or business-like, if you prefer) decision, but they should have known that players will almost always choose the path of least resistance, so stuffing the true potential of the game behind arbitrary and self-inflicted challenges wastes the clever design decisions they made. They also allowed you to upgrade everything easily even with horrifically bad scores, meaning you don't get rewarded for going out of your way, which you definitely should. This is noticeable in Asylum and gets worse in every game. As well, Knight was overloaded with a bunch of gimmicky shit that didn't fit into the system because it was to be the final one, and they thought it would be cool and content-packed.

The copycats use only the most basic parts of the system and don't tie them together with more advanced scoring mechanics, so you just have shit like strike/counter/roll and a combo counter, which is exceedingly dull and pointless.

The players... well, just look at this thread. Most people can't figure out what they're supposed to be doing, and I don't blame them because the games present it very poorly. It was a failure to communicate by the developers, and what a waste it resulted in.

Attached: dont ask questions.jpg (1024x504, 94K)

Witcher was good, CP is going to suck donkey balls. Gas yourself my man I mean it, you're a pathetic waste

I wasn't trying to make an argument, just wanted to share my impression of you based on your posts


I will play it because it's comfy on a rainy day to walk around in big cinematic open world japan and having some braindead instant gratification combat.
I don't want to play super hardcore brain turned on attention 100% games all the time.

Spiderman combat > Bamham combat

>The fights in the Arkham games were rhythm-based score attacks, not action segments. You can bumble your way through every fight in all four games using only punch, cape stun, and redirect, but there's another 30 options you're missing out on, and you need those for the actual objective of optimizing your score.
>The Arkham devs blew it by not getting this point across strongly because they would rather the game be accessible to everyone, allowing each player to go as hard as they want and still move forward because they're the goddamn Batman, etc. This is a noble (or business-like, if you prefer) decision, but they should have known that players will almost always choose the path of least resistance, so stuffing the true potential of the game behind arbitrary and self-inflicted challenges wastes the clever design decisions they made.
Doesn't literally all of this (except for the rhythm part) apply to DMC, Bayo, etc.?

Attached: 1552887517603.png (807x711, 1015K)

>*bushido code activates*
Holy shit

Nero might as well be a rhythm game

Thank you. I clicked this thread hoping to find this, it makes me laugh not matter how many times i see it.

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I don't know. I only played DMC 1 and 2, and that was many years ago, before I knew how to analyze game design. You'd have to look at it yourself with some critical questions. Can you coast through the game using only a few of your many options? How many mechanics are there that you don't (reasonably) need to use and are just sitting there taking up space? Do the basic mechanics build upon and combine with each other to form more advanced ones? Is there a point to getting high scores besides feeling good about yourself? Do you eventually get all the unlockables even if you play poorly?

Attached: critical thinking.jpg (725x1007, 156K)

As someone who finished DMC1 as his very first DMC game a month ago, you need to mix up your moveset to prevail.
I abused the shit out of Stinger and Air Hike, but still had to use everything to win. You simply can't smash triangle.



You did good user

I was kind of looking forward to this but it can fuck off into the trash now.

I haven't played DMC1 but every game of that genre that I played can be beat by spamming any variant of "mashing light attack a bunch followed by a couple of heavy attacks" as long as you master dodging/parrying/whatever defensive mechanic.

This. Nioh has 100x the design effort Sekiro does. Sekiro does a few things really well and is harder besides Nioh DLC bosses that are much more aggressive and well developed besides Sasuke gank fight.

They aren't fully comparable but I do find it funny ever since Sekiro people are name dropping Nioh because similar settings. Nioh did it 100x better a far better period to base it on with tons of actual historical references and its own spins on them. Nioh also has better content which is laughable because it has normal enemy issues with the lack of variety in them but Sekiro does too. For fuck sakes they reuse the fat fuck with a different weapon as every big normal enemy for the most part its fucking annoying. Atleast Oni's had different aesthetic outfits for each weapon they used. But no its the same ugly hills have eyes body and look besides maybe the club one having a shirt.

Oh so you don't even know anything about action games. You're just here to speak authoritatively about "analyzing game design."

Someone better fucking screenshot this

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Nope. Play above normal kiddo where you have to know how to execute the shit that matters , when exactly to pull back and how to dodge each attack or block if its available. Also you cannot mash in Ninja Gaiden Black or 2 even if you were chugging items you'll run out and never beat Genshin/I guess Alma 1 on normal? DMC/Bayo can be beaten by item chugging and mashing but like I said above on anything above normal it just won't cut it and any of them on the highest/second highest non gimmick difficulty require knowing how to execute shit well.

>This. Nioh has 100x the design effort Sekiro does

Holy fuck lol. I'm sorry but it literally does not. Nioh is a jumbled mess of systems with no balance whatsoever. They literally were changing core systems from alpha to beta to release, thinks that fundamentally altered the identity of the game. Nioh was in development hell for a decade and it shows.

Attached: What am i looking at.jpg (1920x1080, 457K)

Days gone will score in the high 70's/ low 80's bet.

I completely disagree; besides a few aspects (like the familiarity bar) Nioh's core gameplay design is coherent and consistent.

Spider man sucked ass tho

Funny thing is both of these games were way more unique than the current PS4 games. Knack was pretty fun and the order had unique aesthetic, something that can't be said about their current games.

go back

sekiro is shit though


Definitely the best Splinter Cell game


Not even sony

it was published and codeveloped by sony

No it's not. It's the best game of the year.

no it's shit

Keep seething westacuck.

good post

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Do we know if the sword fights are shit too or just the stealth?

these are always so fucking good

this man is correct. bamham games have the least interesting combat of any fighting game I've bothered to play.

why do retard newfags think calling Yea Forumsirgins virgins is supposed to be insulting?

literally lurk more you useless idiots

This. I only played Asylum and never bought any of the sequels, because of the boring combat. Every attack was done in slow motion and it felt like a chore to sit through.

nioh doesn't have a coherent world to explore and re-uses levels alot

this brings it down to sekiros level in my book

>NOOOOOOO, REEEEE shutup I have to fit in with my Yea Forums bROS, GHOST of sucky shitma will be the next EBIN TORtanic we can shit on and say "remember this bad game?" while posting frog

he's right you know

>47: Nothin' personnel, kiddo.
>47 does the fortnite dance as their corpse hits the ground

No, it "standardized" melee combat so the braindead casuals can enjoy it.

>Every game
Only shitty westacuck games such as Mad Max, Sleeping Dogs, Road to Hell Retribution, AssCreed, Shadow of Mordor, Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima etc.

In this month alone you got DMC5 and Sekiro. Two Japanese action games, both with vastly different approaches to melee combat that still absolutely obliterate the entire western action game catalog.

Attached: 1553798184668.jpg (1536x2048, 465K)

>Every game does it now for a reason.
Because casuals are fucking shit and don't like having to learn how to play games, they just want cool things to happen when they press buttons and they hate challenge.
Casuals are retards and the average gamer is a casual, trying to gauge the quality of something by how many retards like it is well, retarded.

>¥100 Received
文 not yen, this is ancient Japan after all.

Attached: Japanese Mon.jpg (440x220, 25K)

Same thing with Ass Creed, you vs a lot of enemies, it's going to be quite the blood pumping, tense battle right?
Hell no, they just wait their turn waving their hands around occasionally one might interject but will give you a long 1-3 seceond telegraph to easily avoid, so the player feels like a pro elite gamer despite requiring the proficiency of a 5 year old to play the game.

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God damn, I'd like to see another Bushido Blade.

I feel like the last two improved the combat greatly, but the first four or five had awful combat, especially the first one.


>batman flawlessly goes in between those 2 metal poles
Impressive desu. You'd normally think the animation wouldn't recognize them and his model would just fly right through the pole's model.

Attached: 1543620198471.png (490x802, 170K)

A fromsoft game.
It was published by Sony, that's all, they funded and probably provided some technical support since it was on a new console, but the game is a Fromsoft game through and through, Sony would never make a game that focuses on the gameplay in this day and age.

Literally "moviegames"

Honestly, seems like Sekiro accomplished everything Ghost of Tsushima could attempt to do much better than it ever will.
Tsushima will probably be more popular with a normalfag crowd due to difficulty though.

Will all the combat be like this, or just the stealth takedowns?

nigger hands selected this image and the same nigger hands made this post

It's a well put together game, regardless of your position on it.

Nioh is a slapdash mess of a game. What are you talking about? The only thing it got right was combat, and even that changed quite a bit from alpha. Enemy variety and design, level layout and design, and loot system were all very poor. A disconnected world with mission structure and reused levels and bosses are terrible. I'm hoping for a lot more out of Nioh 2.

real niggas out here waiting for nioh 2

>snoyfags will defend this

Attached: 1537382842989.jpg (586x580, 75K)

>i can ignore all criticism by calling people incel virgins

Too soon to say for sure, but I'm fully expecting a bamham/shadow of mordor type of combat system. I'd say it's 95% certain at this point.

Why the fuck does that nippon game look so static in it's animations?
At least Batman rolls around the fucking place and does some cool flip flops that make it all look smooth and flawless. That samurai just teleports around the place and really high speeds that don't fit the animation at all.

Attached: 1540157594166.png (112x112, 11K)

That would really suck. I love the setting so I want to like this game, but I'm not liking a lot of what I see. Guess I'll stick to Nioh and Sekiro.


>please don't criticize product manufactured by billion dollar corporation

Attached: bb9.jpg (242x250, 5K)

Uncharted, TLoU, GoW and Horizon suffer from the same ice skating problem, all of Sony's games do this, it's a copied mechanic that they clearly don't understand how to properly pull off.

Dmc5 is way better in every regard

What I see is:
>samurai game that just released which raised the bar
>samurai game which is only going by the numbers of AAA checkmarks

It's kinda crazy considering this company made inFamous, which while maybe it wasn't the most innovative game of all time, still looked unique right from the get go.
But it's ironically fitting, considering they also competed against another game with their exact same theme back then.

And, funny enough, Prototype was better than Infamous as well.

I really hate how it's become a common trend to have that magnetic tracking to make it look nice at a glance, but it just feels like you aren't really in control. it's the FPS equivalent of have really strong aim assist, the game does 50-75% of the work for you.

Yeah, I hope I'm wrong. I want all the good shinobi/samurai games we can get.

>press button to AWESOMESAUCE
