Feature makes the game piss easy

>feature makes the game piss easy
>"don't like it? don't use it!"

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I say that, but unironically

K*ngdom Sharts 5 - 2

>stop using it
>the game becomes challenging and great

This.If its optional its the perfect argument.

Sekiro general?

sure any game is hard if you play it with your eyes closed and your hands tied behind your back

I'm sorry sweetie but hard games and exclusivity culture is offensive to the disabled.

But it never feels like the game is challenging you, only yourself.

>user punching himself in the face

If you can literally disable the feature, like instinct and HUD parts in Hitman, it's good.

>feature makes game really fun but also too easy

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>deliberately pick easiest difficulty

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Yes. What's the issue here, it's called an option for a reason you fucking mongoloid
DMCV has an easy mode, Ninja Gaiden Black has an Easy mode, everyone loves those games

Youre right and its the games fault but if i have to choose gimping myself and have fun with it instead of boring myself i choose the former.

It’s a flawless argument really, I think you’re just buttblasted that the only reason you shit on a game is something you willingly subject yourself to. You only have yourself to blame.

This. A game is at it's most fun and engaging when you are allowed to use all the options at your disposal to overcome a challenge. Self-imposed restrictions (and difficulty settings for that matter) are like trying to run a 100m dash on one leg. Sure, it's technically hard to do, but it's not really something you're supposed to be doing and in the end is just an autistic effort.

Depends on the situation, sometimes the shit you have to do to make a game enjoyable gets too arbitrary and stupid so it doesnt even feel like you are playing the same game, in those cases fuck that. Other times its as simple as not using a single mechanic that removes depth from every aspect of a game by its very existence. Like if you want an arcade game to be challenging you simply have to stop continuing when you get a game over, if you want an old school PC FPS to be challenging you just dont savescum and restart levels properly. But then you get into Dragons Dogma/BOTW territory where you have to go out of your way to switch up moves and weapons and set dumb restrictions on yourself just to make them fun and challenging and at that point its too arbitrary and stupid for me.

an overpowered ability gives you the option of abstaining from its use. A worthless ability doesn't give you a choice to begin with. Case in point: Igni in The Witcher 3. If you're an advocate of nerfing abilities in SINGLE PLAYER GAMES, you are a faggot. Case closed.

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So youre fine with an invincibility button that lets you one shot everything the use of which isnt acknowledged in the game? How about many different abilities like this of varying effectiveness from total godmode to slightly easier?

Igni is great though.

In most singleplayer games, what’s stopping you from opening the console and enabling god mode? Whoops, I guess every game is dogshit now!

1. When you get to be my age, you don't give one iota of a fuck about beating the game "the right way." You are less concerned with trying to prove something to someone (oddly) and just enjoying the damn game

2. I can just not use that invincibility button. Whereas if it was vice versa, even if I wanted to use the ability, I couldn't, because it's worthless and has no utility. Better to give the player agency rather than taking away all agency in the first place.

>games don't have to be balanced because cuh-razy lmaoo.

Where do you people come from? Do you honestly even enjoy playing games or is it just the rush from seeing flashy colors? A game is only as fun as the rules it sets.

just play easy mode then you shitter.or use cheat engine lmao

Completely wrong.

Too be fair this is a fair argument. If its a core mechanic then yeah i agree fuck them telling me not to use a basic fundamental of the game. But say for example sloth talismans even after nerfs trivialized NG in Nioh and even NG+ to a degree after that they barely matter but before hand yeah they're fucking stupid. But its one item just don't use it.

I think those arguments are usually for games like, say, twilight princess, which has one difficulty mode and I purposefully played with an order that tripled your damage from Fire and Ice attacks to ever die

Its not the 90s or early 00s anymore gramps theres no consoles or cheats in games now. But whats stopping me and others from using cheats is that theyre clearly cheats and not an intended part of the game rather than normal features that you feel like an idiot for not using since theyre so effective

>Game trivializes combat
>Developers admit this is to cater to casual audiences as well
>"Well, let's see you actually playing it with *Asinine Self-Imposed Limitation Here*, then tell me the game is easy."

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How old are you? Im 29 and my desire for tight structured games has only increased, I used to love sandboxy toy games when I was a kid but now it feels like a total waste of time since Ive got actual creative hobbies and want a tight fun challenge when I play vidya.

that's literally artificial difficulty

And what's stopping you from switching it to easy mode to get through a difficult area? Is that not a cheat since the developers put it in the game? The fact is by the very nature of pressing the play button you are submitting yourself to the limitations of the game in order to make it fun. These limitations don't matter a single bit whether it's imposed by the developer or yourself.

Almost every game ever that isn't super basic can be cheesed in some matter. Even games like NGB/NG2 on MNM have some cheese to them. Hell just learning a hard bosses 1-2 guarantee punish situations and running the whole time to get those is cheese. Stop caring. If its something real basic and core to the game yes but if some faggot or if im a faggot in situation and use some cheesy shit to scam a boss/area it doesn't mean shit I don't believe im better or equal to the person who did it the way it was intended or in a harder fashion stop letting normies who cheese upset you.

Here's a challenge for you

have sex

>feature makes the game piss easy
>game is balanced around this feature
>"don't like it? don't use it!"

I can guarantee almost every game you've played has this argument against it and you put artificial difficulty against yourself. If you want a get good or die game with no cheese besides if its a real specific version you can manipulate a pattern in play Tetris or some shit.

DOn't use the OP shields in Castlevania SOTN

Knowing that youre playing easy mode, which is such a strong barrier I bet most would rather just drop the game than switch to it. How often did you switch to easy mode for a part that gave you trouble and frustrated you for example? I doubt it happened often. The psychological aspects of a game matter, youre not just limiting yourself when you play a game you enter sort of a contract with the developers trusting that they will provide a fun experience, where they try to effectively communicate their intentions to you and you try to interpret them and abide them as long as they are reasonable.

If it’s a main feature of the game sure

But if it has nothing to do with the core mechanics than yeah, turn it off.

Turn off your fucking exp share when your playing a Pokémon game

>binding of isaac: the thread
>tfw repentance will blow the fuck out of people with a truly difficult hardmode

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Not everyones a single past their 30s like you gramps, stop projecting

>playing the game efficiently is boring as fuck
>but you can make your own fun with all those gimmicks

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Alright, I'll play DOOM and Deus Ex on the lowest difficulty and sh**post about how easy it is.

>using the fun mechanics gives you a bad ending

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Its the devs' job to make the game fun not mine. If i have to go out of my way to not do something to make it a good experience, they've failed at that and it would be nice if they fixed it.

Really though, Skyrim is balanced around never crafting.

>implying everyone dies or hates protagonist is objectively bad

This is the good shit right here, if you replace fun with OP.

>play the game on hard instead of easy

DMC5 gold orbs

>game has like 25 different difficulties and redditors still don't play it

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>Turn off your fucking exp share when your playing a Pokémon game
Oh yeah, grinding wild battles is SOOOO HARDCORE AND DIFFICULT

kill yourself, retard

You can apply that to any RPG

okay, go play a Persona game or SMT game where the benched members don't get exp

Congrats now it's a shit and tedious grindshit game.

Rabi Ribi is boring as fuck, though.

The RPG equivalent would be not going out of your way to grind actually, making the grind longer doesn't make the game harder.

Though I can see the point about Pokèmon's EXP share, even if you play only trainer battles you end up overlevelled.

>le creepy buzzword
opinion immediately discarded.