ITT: zoomer repellents in video games

ITT: zoomer repellents in video games

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limited lives and continues

Outdated graphics, even if a game is really amazing they won’t play it simply because the graphics look old. Or they’ll try to play it but quit 40 min in because muh graphics.

Based on this pic, are y'all Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?

I'm a based Zoomer (born 98).

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Fixed camera angles
Tank controls

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No violence

Gen Z starts 1995

Horrible controls
Terrible camera system
Arachic mechanics
Stiff and janky animations

Non-cinematic experiences so they don't actually have to put effort into their playing
Why do you think the PS4 is so popular?

It says "born late 90s-early 00s" in the early zoomer section.

>ITT shitty concepts and controls are anti-zoomer

Singleplayer games in general.

Boomers are so based

This meme sucks shit cos I have a friend who constantly talks about this boomer/zoomer shit and makes fun of me and a few others cos we're young.
>heh you guys weren't there for real games
>heh we didn't need to pay for dlc all the time
>heh zoomers suck at everything
But then this guy is absolute dogshit at EVERY single game I ever played with him. From fighting games to shooting games to action games. Complete ass at all of them.

20 year old here.
I would play a game with bad graphics.
I hate movie games.
I don't touch multiplayer other than Smash.

Early Zoomers are now posting nostalgia for the late 00s-early 10s, blissfully unaware it was once widely considered the downfall shit era

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It's a PC exclusive


You're a very late millennial.

>no quest markers or mini map

Core Millenial

Early 7th gen feels kind of nostalgic desu. It's just been so long. If you want some perspective think of the internet culture around that time.

Everything since youtube started in 2005 feels like one big era

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Faggots on this board are now unironically looking back fondly on Oblivion, Kill me. I'm old.

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Hello fellow zoomers. I just want to remind everyone that I was born in 2000 (yes TWO THOUSAND) and I can legally use this board. So what are my fellow based zoombois up to? Playing Fortnite rn while listening to Billie Eillish(or the industry plant of the month) and generic popular Rap. I just came home from my fortnite dance class and laddy am I tired.

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Based. I'm an old man from 1990 and I went to a dancing club as well!

Born 1999, and aside from all the internet culture stuff my memories reside in Late Millennial/Gen Y culture. I can distinctively remember more from Early Zoomer culture stuff though.

turn based combat

>t. literal boomer

You bought the horse armor, didn't you?

dice roll combat and % chances to hit

Games with straight romance in them.
Prove me wrong, zoombois.


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Game that aren't currently being streamed on twitch

pixel or low poly art generally

>and I can legally use this board
Legally, but not morally

Cinematic movie games

Core Millennial

Having actual super zoom brothers i can say anything that takes actual effort and doesn't handhold you, unironically. My little brother loves knack and watching twitch streamers that's pretty much it.

Turn-based combat

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Game is difficult

>feelsguy edit


any game with a high skill ceiling

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Text based

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core millenial but caught a lot of the early millenial stuff since poorfag

Late Gen X. If You aren't an 80s kid then get the FUCK off Yea Forums.

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Absolute kino

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Zoomer zoom zoom

Don't talk shit about cub penguin it's innocent

So you're like 40?

Any games in which you have to read a lot

No unlocks/progression


I was actually born in the year 2000 and I'd just like to remind you Fortnite's actual demographic is 10 year olds

I'm 23 and i can't have fun unless i'm progressing in some way, i play games for a sense of progression and it has always existed in rpgs/jrpgs so fuck off.

>He doesn’t recognize the pasta

mix of late X with early/mid millennial

Are you surprised? This happens every few years. Do you want to spend your time telling them that they eat shit, or do you want to spend your time telling us about them? Or do you just want to move on with your life?

Fixed Cameras


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an rts that doesn't have a camera that can show the entire map just by scrolling the mouse. like in supreme commander and spring

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I don't agree, I think that, from a US perspective at least, there's a solid divider around 2012 or so where smartphones started becoming common in all parts of life. Beyond teenage girls texting each other, people didn't spend all their time staring at their phones until around then, by my observation. 2014 was when American election shit started happening as well as gamergate IIRC, both of those were total shitshows that have (at least here) dramatically changed the lay of the land.

greatest generationers shit on boomers
boomers shit on xoomer
yoomers shit on millenials
millenials shit on zoomers
of course everybody shit on those below them

Zoom zoom!

I was playing games when you were in your dad's balls.

no you are probably a turd worlder from a country that dont allow free speech

Does anyone have the image of the boomer wojak in his underpants sitting on the chair at his desk?

The nip equivalent of this is to have dating sim girls who aren't virgins

A game being sold physical only is the ultimate zoomer repellent

This is legitimately one of my favorite songs.

you're also legally old enough for me to plow your tight little boi pucci

Well, I was born in 2001 (birthday was last January) and I too can post here legally.

>tank controls
>lives and continues
>no checkpoints
>limited saves
>developing skill is required to reach the ending

btw this list also applies to reviewers

Zoomer zoom zoom

Timers but it's completely viable that you can 100% things, like Dead Rising 1.

you're thinking of kids

why bother? This place is a shithole, you might as well start smoking too if you want to emulate old dumbasses

Iv'e noticed the surge of nostalgia fueled avatar threads but that gets a pass because it's barely zoom material and based with tons of masturbation potential. Korra trannies eat tide pods though.

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so what is a zoomer then, a retard?

Unlockable characters

I was born '99, but grew up with core/late millennial tech because of my older sister and late millennial/early zoomer shows when I was 10 onwards

There used to be a fifty year old autist on /vr/ who always bitched that progression systems were what ruined gaming. He'd like you.

underage b&

>every time i go on /gif/ i go to the rekt threads
What's the deal? Is it some primal gladiatorial shit, the need to see people get torn apart or what? am i dead inside?

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>Waaaah why can't everything be tetris and pacman
I'd rather pick of knitting desu

You should also be able to appreciate game where you progress by improving yourself, not your avatar. Evidently you're not interested in improving yourself, you just want to slowly manipulate save data files until it makes you feel good about yourself. Sounds pretty pathetic to me.

>throwing yourself at a wall designed to keep you playing requires more improving yourself then actually thinking about what you're doing

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Nice strawman with the "wall vs. thought" statement. The real difference in the two is that the work and effort you put into skill-based games stays with you, while in progress-based games your abilities and accomplishments disappear with a simple memory card wipe. I appreciate that you think that skill-based games require no thought and are merely "throw yourself at a wall until you win", it amuses me that you understand them so poorly. Mind you that I didn't say to only play one or the other either, I simply explained that you should be able to appreciate both types. Either way, have fun knowing that 40-year old dudes can still get millions of points on robotron, while the measure of your skill starts and ends at your character's stats.

>to appreciate game where you progress by improving yourself,
>improving yourself
>in virtual BING BING WAHOO toys
I bet you're one of those faggots who sperg out about their hand-eye coordination too.
Absolutely pathetic.

My gaming skills are as deep and varied as they are useless in practical matters. What does that make you then, who puts possibly even more time into games and doesn't even get that out of it?

being a 16 year old edgelord
nobody cares

Password saves

Niche mechanics, "clunky" gameplay

You cared enough to reply :^)

random encounters

Muscle memory =/ actual game knowledge and "skill" on the topic of this thread most zoomers don't know how to play rpgs like divinity for example, it carries over throughout different games as an actual skill. It even carries over to tabletop like dnd, creativity will always be more valuable than running through ghosts and goblins quickly.

>posting a literal instagram meme

Gen Z starts in 1997.

there's no actual basis to what a generation is so quit quoting years like you did the math yourself

Apparently I'm a late millennial, but all of the stuff I grew up on is gen x.

password saves suck no matter how old you are, that's one place where you are better off with save states

>blissfully unaware
I'm aware, I just don't give a shit tbqh

So instead of actually presenting a counter-argument, you just say "no" and proceed to go on a tangent about how RPGs teach "creativity"? While I can agree that this is true for tabletops, it's still a stupid thing to say about computer RPGs of any kind, and you're still just trying to get around the fact that you have no real argument to the contrary. Enjoy your hollow ideals, I'll prefer to leave this conversation than continue to humor you.

yea that's nostalgia works. like the bible. people just pick out the parts they like and forget all the rest of the awful shit

t. born in 1995

>No lootboxes
>Pay to play, no cash shop

early Y

You just said no while resorting to ad hominem what are doing doing nigger. Yes following a build guide offers zero creativity but that's what zoomers do, the actual act of building a character in a game that offers build diversity takes creativity and forethought. Then comes scenarios in most rpgs that can play out a hundred different ways and doing it the best way possible takes creativity. Try playing through fallout 2 without creativity and yes i'm asserting creativity is a more valuable skill than muscle memory and that just goes hand in hand with genres that usually involve some sort of progression.

Fuck off gramps, this isn't a retirement home

You're scared to say early millennial

Born 1997

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>if you don't remember 9/11 you're a zoomer
Says who? The fucking arbiter of who's a zoomer and who isn't? Why do you guys base this shit off of memories instead of something less fluctuating like a specific year?

t. Zeething Zoomer.


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Do you even global rules bro?

Not an argument, Broseph Stalin.

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The spiderman-elsa videos have ruined an entire generation.

Do you think people babies will remember what shitty youtube videos they watched on their ipads after 5 years? Babies don't remember anything.

>late 00s
I mean, if you based your media consumption off of what was on TV, rather than how the Internet was back then or the movies that came out, then sure you could argue the late '00s had a downside.
But luckily, we don't judge cultures of specific time periods by just one aspect, do we?

Babies/toddlers brains are primed to soak up as much information as possible. They will remember those youtube videos, even if unconciously.

I based my online handle off those flashes. It hurts when no one recognizes the reference

nigger do you remember a single tv show your mom put on for you to watch when you was one or two years old?


No, but it's not just babies that watch those videos. I've seen 4 year olds watching it on their parent's phones in public.

Anyone under 25 is too young for Yea Forums. Turn yourself into your truancy officer kiddo.


it's thue tho

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It's funny because if you're OVER 25 and you still use Yea Forums, then you probably have issues.

>unskippable cutscenes
>anything before 2010
>Not made by Nintendo or other shit triple A companies
>no attractive characters

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Lmao what kind of middle school has a fucking church sign in front of it?

I flipped my shit when they added the ability to copy other peoples clothes, mustve wasted hours doing that


Only redeemable stuff is icarly and selena gomez, good faps

apparently you don't experience culture until your 12

Who's 12?